Elevate Revival | Bishop T.D. Jakes

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what [Music] what come on give God some praise again would you Wow look at you you look like you came to have some church tonight before you sit down just grab ahold of somebody squeeze them till they turn blue [Music] you maybe see that I thank you pastor for inviting me to this amazing church it's just a great privilege to be here I honor you and salute you to your lovely wife my wife says her love my daughter's coming in tonight from out of town miss well she didn't miss the flight they cancelled when the flight got her on another flight sober waiting for her to come home from LA but she sends her love to you tonight I'm delighted to be here pastor was talking a while ago about the senior statesman and the prolific speaker and all of that and I waited a while because I wasn't sure he was talking about be here and I wouldn't be embarrassed to get up wave and they went talks about you so I'm just glad that he said all of that maybe someday it'll be true thank you for your kindness toward me clap your hands that thank God for the leadership of this church that's right it's a great thing I'm gonna not spend a whole lot of time fooling around I'm gonna jump right into my assignment tonight I believe that I've heard from the Lord Amen yeah I'm going to work that's my phrase let's go to work I'll invite your consideration to passing by all these announcements they got on here further to make but our Leadership Conference in Charlotte and this event another yeah y'all should come up here and help me turn Charlotte out yeah it's gonna be absolutely amazing I want you to go to the book of Genesis chapter number 37 verse 19 through 25 grateful to see so many familiar faces as well as new faces all family amen I'm going to Genesis 37 I'm gonna be ringing reading out of the King James Version there's no particular reason to read it out of the King James Version other than it's old and I'm old we've been hanging out so long I didn't feel like we should break up now but I'm gonna be talking to you tonight about prophetic gestation prophetic gestation and I want you to discuss a man say there's a prophesy over your life yeah there's a prophesy over your life 37 verse 19 if you want me to feel really at home stand for the reading of the word then I'll think I'm really at the potter's house will you do that for me cool I started doing that years ago when I first started doing it was to keep people from falling asleep while you then it just kind of became a thing and they said one to another behold this dreamer cometh come now therefore and let us slay him and cast him into some pit and we will say some evil beasts have devoured him and we shall see what will become of his dreams Reuben heard it and he delivered him out of the hands and out of their hands and said let us not kill him Reuben said unto them shed no blood but cast him into this pit into this pit that is in the wilderness and lay no hand upon him that he might rid him out of their hands to deliver him to his father again and it came to pass when Joseph was come unto his brethren that they stripped Joseph out of his coat his coat of many colors that was on him and they took him and cast him into a pit and the pit was empty there was no water in it and they sat down to eat bread and they lifted up their eyes and looked and behold a company of Ishmaelites came from Gilead and their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh going to carry it down to Egypt can you say man let's pray while we're standing Lord there's so much in this word tonight squeeze it reveal it let it fall like Dew in this house let the word so minister to mind that even when the preacher has ceased to speak the message continues to radiate in the hearts of the believer behind every spirit that pretended word from having preeminence in this house tonight ah thank you in advance I go ahead and thank you now you can do it later your credit is good with me I praise you for stuff I haven't even seen yet I praise you for things that haven't even happened yet I praise you for doors that are about to swing open I praise you for words that are about to come to pass I thank you for mountains that are about to move thank you since that shall be revealed in Jesus name every believer shouted at the top of their voice God my God my God you may be seated the whole rest of the night glory to God God is good and all the time you better believe it there's so much that I want to share our hardly know where to begin I don't think that I will back into the text dealing with Joseph's though I ultimately will deal with Joseph because Joseph II is in fact a shadow of Jesus he is a shadow you understand what a shadow is I was looking for mine yeah yeah there it is right there a shadow is always existing from an object standing in light so wherever there is light and our object interrupts it it cast a shadow so then when you look at Joseph Jesus is standing in the light and Joseph is his shadow and when we think about him tonight when we think about him tonight we must understand that the the schoolmaster of the Old Testament is dropping clues about Jesus it has not yet been revealed who he is but little hints and glimpses and previews of a coming attraction are in this text and I thought before we get into all of that let's talk a little bit y'all good y'all good let's talk a little bit about how God introduces himself to Moses in the book of Genesis chapter 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep and the Spirit of the Lord that were moved in the in the original language is to brood or to gestate or to hover God who said let there be and it became whatever he said starts out not speaking but just just stating over the earth birthing it's sitting on it watching it like a hand would and hey there are some things that are so significant that when God is ready to do them he kind of broods over it so that it can just state he he kind of broods over now he's he's gonna say let there be light but there is a work that is done in the dark there is a work that is done in the dark that proceeds to light the church always likes to talk about the light but they don't tell you about the dark and if I preach about the light all the time and I don't tell you about the dark when you get into the dark place you'll think God has left you but God you know y'all don't hear what I'm saying God does his best work in the dark whenever God gets ready to do a big deal he doesn't do it in the light where people can see it he does it in the dark and before there was a star twinkling in the sky war Sun to light up the morning air or a moon to beam in the evening light God worked in the dark he hovered over the earth and just hated it that it might bring it forth and out of its chaos he birthed it good God Almighty God would hover over hatch something that was in chaos is the first hint of redemption because when he found me I was in chaos and I was in darkness and still he sat over me and through process he brought me to where I am one guy was trying to give me the rays in my hand when the pastor was talking about what you'd be doing on a Friday night but I held my hand real cuz I didn't want y'all to know that I had a for my life you know yeah I want you to think I was born with a Bible in my hand but in reality that is not so nobody is born where they end up [Applause] nobody's born where they end up and I think life is a lot like Six Flags and I go to Six Flags but I don't ride anymore cuz it used to be fun but it's not fun anymore when I was little I was laughing and when I got older I was kind of like gritting my teeth and I decided why am i spending all of this money the grit my dude I'd do about like this so I way that my children and say tell me about it when you come back down I don't want to pay all of that money to ride a ride that I ride all the time anyway I knew it when it stood a minute because life is one big roller coaster ride the moment you get used to it going up and goes down and just with your screaming and Gordon here Charles of flapping like sails in the wind then it flips around and it goes back up again but God is with you with the up and the down and they in between and the sideways he is there all the time he's not like people people will be with you when you're going up everybody wants to be with you when you're going up you remember when Jesus rose from the dead and Mary wanted to touch him and Jesus said touch me not for I have not yet ascended under my father and everybody wants to touch you when you're on your way up but your friends are the ones who will touch you when you're down and when I started praying about this texture day I thought lord have mercy this is a rollercoaster ride because this is this is an amazing moment for Joseph the beloved son of Jacob he is he is he is the son of Jacob's older years that's special see when a young man has a baby it's the bill but when old man has a baby it's a bragger that's my boy [Applause] he is the love child of an old man who worked 14 years to get the woman he really wanted footnote to all the single woman if he's not willing to work 14 years he's not the one he were 14 years to get an opportunity to love this woman and out of this love is born this love child this amazing love child with all in his favour and all of this tenders wonder in the basing his hand of his father on his life to the point that he got on his brother's nerves you'll never know that you're really favored until your enemies tell you [Applause] as long as everybody screaming in your face you don't have too much favor but when you really get favored enough to get on somebody's nerves my god you're doing something you're really going somewhere hey man that kind of has anybody ever walked in that kind of favor where you didn't do anything to hurt anybody you didn't do anything to bother to pay just don't love you they don't like you because God loves you Joseph his beloved son of his father asked Jesus is the beloved son of the Father this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and God has placed on him a coat of many colors and God has laid on Christ a coat of many colors to the gathering of all nations and ethnicities and cultures and kinds and tongues and languages our God is not a coat of one color he is a coat of many colors in cakes you see Joseph strutting around like a peacock with his coat alone of many colors and his brothers rolling their eyes at him because they knew there was something about him how many of you know that there's something about you you know that there's something about you I thought this recently this terrible tragedy with Kobe Bryant touch my heart and all of our hearts his daughter his life extinguished in the flames of bodies consumed in the fire and all the other people that we pray for them we were heartbroken to hear all of that and I noticed every channel every station every television show every newspaper every magazine was talking about it and I wondered I thought I wish she was here to see wonder did he know because most of the time you don't really know what you're living that you have that kind of impact you know it's only afterwards and you don't get to see one day me to get to know most people really don't know the impact of who they are till they're gone I don't know why we don't tell them and celebrate it while they're here you know I want my flowers now give me my flower with now whatever you got to say nice about me say it right now tonight stream it to me kicks it to me follow me hit me up on Instagram I want my stuff right now love me right now hug me right now bless me right now is there anybody else they'd be here feeling like they should have they shut up love Joseph if they had any idea that Joseph's blessing wasn't even for him God had blessed him for them the whole blessing of Joseph is for the very people who hated him it was never for him God will give it to you if he can get it through you it is never about you it's always about somebody else but they took him out and and and they hated him because he had a dream he had a dream that all of his brothers were bound before him and it wasn't so much about them going down it was about him coming up he was a prince without a crown he was a prince without a country he was a prince without a stage he was a prince without being recognized with the title he was a prince you know titles don't make you anything you either are you are not I'm always amazed at the Bible said whosoever found at the wife findeth the good thing I think wait a minute if I found her a wife then she was single and I found her he said yeah but she was a wife before you marry them that means you can be something before your situation ever catches up with what you really are no y'all don't hear what I'm saying to you some of you are something right now that your situation doesn't even reflect it but when you get to ride this roller coaster ride your life is gonna catch up with your prophecy and you're gonna step into something that you already designed for I don't know who I'm talking to but I feel like I'm talking to somebody already Oh slap your neighbor and tell them there's a prophecy over my life yeah see it's something about the way he was loved that made the roller coaster go up so high he's loved by his father he's father made a coat of many colors fur but he was loved by his mother too because his mother said give me a child lest I die that kind of love that kind of insatiable love she wanted this baby born out of barrenness out of her Barren womb he comes our death life comes out of emptiness comes fulfillment out of the dark cavernous of a cavernous operation of an empty womb comes from birthing of a prince a prince in a hole well you know it's a funny thing he was a prince in her womb in the dark place and now he's a prince in a pit and it funny how things go in cycles and circles and back and forth and he's back in the pit again I can relate to the love that Joseph had see I was born my mother had five children three of them lived I'm the baby of the family I'm the baby by default because she actually had a baby before me and a baby after me that didn't make it which means I was born in between dead babies and I was raised by a dying father and because I was born in between two dead babies you could imagine how spoiled I was cuz I got all the love that all God the kids didn't get she gave me everything spoiling me like crazy I'm so glad my wife couldn't be here tonight because I will never don't tell her I am NOT fool [Applause] when you have that kind of are out of that emptiness comes in affection and enough attachment and a compassion it makes you appreciate and hold more tightly what you have because you have been through something and you paid him price to get what you got and he is nurtured in a loving environment he comes when you have when you have been nurtured in a loving environment you expect everybody to love you you just walk around grinning at people and here this dummy comes down here grinning like an idiot down there to hang out with his brothers and eat some chicken wings and maybe some potato salad and just kind of chill out some hot wings and stuff and this isn't perkins pine MacKinnon it's nice to have a prophesy over your life but it's also nice to have protection over your life because when God has a prophecy over your life he will protect you even in your naivety I bet you there's some people in this room that are only here tonight because they have been divinely protected you were just whistling and walking around trusted people who hated you confiding in people who betrayed you opening up the people who wanted to curse you but God protected you and that's why you praise him like you praise it because you know if it had not been for the Lord that was on your side you would've rinse [Applause] everybody that's been protected you've got to breathe look at some buns have been protected I'm like one of those houses has got the sign in front of this protected though don't come in here don't break it here I'm protected that's what the holy spirit is over my life as security and protection and an alarm system and I'm here because I'm protected not only its people but disease and agony and depression and suicide and fear and demonic influence the only reason I'm here I'm not here because I'm strong or I'm tough oh I'm holy or righteous I'm here because I'm protected the Holy Ghost has got me surrounded because I'm protected oh I feel like I'm so protected protected he's all around back there they shot you are you crazy you can't kill Joseph you cannot kill Joseph because Joseph has a prophecy that God is protecting you so Rueben comes up and says well don't kill him just just throw him down in the pit and be careful with him but don't in my blood God will always raise him somebody to speak up for you because he's getting ready to do something so amazing in your life and whoever I'm talking to just because it's not that you're not there you actually are there but God is moving around situations and circumstances so that by the time the ride is over you're gonna step into your destiny and purpose he is just-just baby and sitting over top of the situations in your life until everything is right you can't do nothing with this not none of your witches it none of your warlocks it none of your spell's another you did my to get fluid and none of your diseases I don't care where they come from China Hong Kong anywhere you can't touch this you can't guys [Music] what God is bless I want to speak to every person who's been nervous and been worried and frustrated and wristlets and concerned by all kinds of stuff stop tonight you go get some sleep because you're protected you're covered by the blood of the Lamb I don't know who I'm talking to but every nervous condition is getting ready to go away skin rashes are coming off for your body anxiety is leaving out of your digestive tract while I preach it this word your body is big I'm not finished with Joseph yet and I'm not finished with you so stay on the ride you may get bumpy stay on the ride you are allowed to scream [Applause] you don't have to look cute on the ride but you gotta stay on the ride my wife had five children and all of them were natural childbirth and she refused epidural sewn all of them down little of my last one who was 23 22 inches long and 11 pounds and 3 ounces in weight and by the time she decided to get an epidural it was too late so you are allowed to scream because when a big thing is coming it's gonna be uncomfortable but you gotta go through with it because you're in too deep to get out now oh my god somebody's tearing a big thing glory to God if you know you got a big thing that's kind of how she sounded he cannot counter like that I imagine Joseph went from being treated like a prince to a pitfall and they threw him down into the pit down not just from the ground but down from the princely history of his early experiences he went down from the coat of many colors in being nurtured by his mother and his father he went down into a dark place into a pit but not before they'd stripped it and there he goes naked into the pit and it's almost as if this moment mirrors him being in his mother's womb because he is naked in the bottom of the pit which by the way used to be a well that's why the mouse said we're no water was the place that used to have water has now dried up and Joseph is now naked in the bottom of a pit it was a pitfall and there are seasons in your life that you go through a pitfall but it doesn't mean that you're not a prince it's just just just a moment in your life that all of your conditions have not lined up with your prophecy and you find yourself in a pitfall ain't no time for your coat of many colors right now take Kokoda of this is a this is a moment a pitch fall no time for nurturing and bragging this is a pitfall you got to go through this the best way you can you got to go through this like my wife my wife's name is Sarita when in the labor she went and the labor let me tell you something y'all don't look good in labor [Applause] she didn't have on no makeup nothing no eyeshadow nothing nothing nothing no curlers no no wave in her hair nothing I would look at me I was looking for my wife after who is this atmosphere she turned into this you not streaming are you honey she turned into some scam here comes another one contractions you know and have a good time it's free she squeezed my hand and said ID no no you don't understand it was this like the mommy presence they came another I know and I'm gonna shut up and Joseph is thrown into a pit by his brothers like Jesus who came unto his own and his own received him not and they cast him away and Joseph is down independent and the pit the prince is in the pit the prince is in the pit but he's still a prince in the pit where no water was in a dry place anybody ever been in a dry place where no water was one of the problems that we're seeing in traditional churches right now is that they are in a place where there used to be water [Applause] I can't understand for the life of me why people would want to go where water he used to be they threw him down into the pit heard my water was and there he is cold and naked and shivering in a hole forsaken by his brothers as they ride off to Dothan to watch from afar and Joseph the prince is in a pit he's in the pit but God has not forgotten God has not forgotten you God has not forgotten [Applause] and he sent the Midianites yes you know to come get him out of the pit and that's when I realized that the pitfall wasn't really a bit fall it was a pit stop you know it's the difference between a pitfall and a pit stop they're all in the pit but it's not the same kind of paint the prince I thought the prince was in a pitfall but the prince wasn't in a pitfall the Prince was in a pit stop now good fall could be damaging it could be destructive it could kill you it can brace you they bruise you can limit you it can stop you it could snuff out your dream and your life but not a pit stop they sound similar but they're not at all the same a pitfall has a negative connotation but a pit stall a pit stop is just a layover before the race continuous you know a pit stop when they pull you over on the side and change your tires and change your wall and gas you up and get you ready to get back on the road again I don't know who this is for I declare I have never preached this message this way in my life but the Lord told me to come up and tell you that your pit fall it's just a pit stop and God is getting ready to do something amazing in your life I don't know who that's for but I want you to praise God like you lost your mind yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah it's a pit stop it's a pit stop it's a pit stop he's go chase some tires and change some trends and change some circumstances and change some situations and change your oil and change your outlook and change your perspective it change your disposition but you are not out of the race get back in your seat and start Aryan Jets ladies and gentlemen you're about to take off where you have never gone before let the redeemed of the Lord say so I wonder did he know like oh we wonder did he know that the pitfall was a pit stop wonder wonder when he was falling in the pit did he think he was gonna die because sometimes I've had moments in my life I thought I was gonna die have you ever had that moments in your life where you thought you wasn't gonna come out of it I mean you might talk good but when two o'clock in the morning when nobody's around and tears are running across the bridge of your nose you think I don't think I'm gonna get out of this one this time and you're laying down there like a baby because even though he's a grown man every grown man has a little boy who curls up sometime when he's in a pit and the pit Falls turned into a pit stop and they sold him for 20 pieces of silver and they had to sell him because he was a shadow and that they're trying to tell us that Jesus destiny is going to be executed through being sold into his next dimension the only difference is the price has changed Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver and Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver but it's just a shadow and shadows don't give details is just a caricature of a reality is just a glimpse of what shall be the glimpse he is you are coming out of this and they sold even and it occurs to me the weird thing occurred to me so weird because all of this was God moving him into his prophecy see the problem the problem with a prophecy over your life whether God speaks to your God speaks through someone or you get a word from the Lord you get so excited cuz you think it's gonna happen in the morning glory that God the tail is gonna be the head let's go the last shall be first thank you see no weapon formed against me shall probable that my cup is gonna overflow abundance is coming into my house right now money come to me it didn't happen like he thought he was happening but but God is hovering over him moving him into position moving him like he's on a chess board from place to place and from situation to situation getting him ready for what he's about to do in his life and I don't know why I am commissioned to share this tonight but everything that's good or bad that ever happened into your life is still pushing you closer and closer into your destiny I'm not guessing I'm not joking I don't think it I know it for we know that all things work together for the good of him that love the Lord who are the called according to the is Peppa's it's working for you good glory to God hallelujah it's working for your good somebody it's working for you good lost your job good bit forsaken good husband good good go up to the crisis good it's gonna work for your good because God has not forgotten the word that's rich spoken over your life it will it shall it must come to pass God is not a man that he should lie or the son of man that he should repent if he's sad it it's going to happen let's praise the boat credit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we we are looking at the gestation of a prophecy that's why we see it in trimesters because pregnancies come in trimesters nine months every three months trimester trimester the prophecy when they got ready from conception to delivery is always in thirds the pit was the first trimester Potiphar's house was the second trimester the prison was third promised in the life of Joseph because he's delivering something in your life that shall come to pass he's delivering something in your life that shall come to pass and every trimester he was a little bit more developed than he was before when he was down in the pit he was still a little boy but when he was part of his house he was run in Potiphar's house he had enough leadership ability to run a house it was in Potiphar's house and God developed leadership ability in him he had never experienced being a leader until he got the Potiphar's house and got upset from what I'm getting ready to do in your life I'm gonna let you practice in this situation preparing to develop the skills of leadership because I'm getting ready to take you somewhere that doesn't fit resume it doesn't fit your background and then go along with your experience but I will let you see it so you can be in so in the second trimester he develops his his managerial ability he's in charge of Potiphar's house he's running everything in the house controlling budgets and expenses y'all hear this he came to part of his house was slain who makes the slave an accountant he came to the house a slave and he ends up not al in accounting handling all the Potiphar's money he was handling all the Potiphar's affairs look back on your life if you've lived long enough like me to look back on your life you can look back and see oh my god it was good for me that I went through that situation if I hadn't have gone through that I wouldn't have been ready for this and why in the world did God put me in this situation I was exposed to things I never would have been exposed to and he stayed in power of his house he stayed in Potiphar's house but not too long cuz you don't want to stay stuck at a stage too long when you get ready to go to the next stage there will always be turbulence there will always be turbulence so Potiphar's wife needed to lie on him bless you thank you because if you had not lied on me I would have settled for Less in my destiny anytime God gets ready he'll your honor in in corporate America there's a common term right now called disruption any time God gets ready to take you to the next level there will always be disruption so stop crying about the disruption the disruption is a promotion any time God gets ready to promote you it will always be through disruption Potiphar's wife created disruption see graded disruption so he wouldn't get stuck every door that closed in your face was supposed to close everything that went wrong was supposed to go wrong every line that was told you was supposed to be told on you God that wants you to get stuck in a lower blessing than what he has for you that's why he shut the door because the same God who said the door is about to open the door with your life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when the stage was set and everything was ready God pushed him into Egypt here's what blows my mind about Egypt Joseph has left Canaan to get into Egypt because Egypt at this point will become a Promised Land for his people later what is a promised land at this stage becomes a prison at another stage and all of a sudden what was a blessing becomes a curse and Moses comes along and says let my people go so that they could go back to the place where the problem used to be that's why God wants us to practice forgiveness because if you stay angry at somebody somebody who was a curse at one stage in your life can be a blessing at another stage of your life and you gotta have the flexibility to shift in the moment I need 30 seconds of Wow radical crazy Christians yeah yeah give me about 15 seconds or good old holy those craves yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah give me about slapping boss suckers take the roof off of this place come on elevate hell of a hell of a [Applause] you cannot stay angry with your enemies because you need your enemies they were enemies at this stage but they're going to be footstools at the next stage and you gotta be ready for the change to come touch three people the total get ready for the shift get ready get ready get ready for the shift and ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready drop the shell get ready get ready get ready from the step get ready for the chef get ready from the chef [Applause] [Music] I feel a change in the atmosphere I feel a change of atmosphere contractions are disruptions and disruptions are contractions and whenever God is ready to push you closer you'll know that you're getting close by the disruptions and the distraction anybody has some disruptions you're having contractions baby you're having contractions God's getting ready to take you into your box [Applause] my god my god when Joseph comes out of the prison brushes his teeth flosses coughs his hair gives him a real nice life [Music] and he comes out of the present to go to Egypt as a prince he became this Hebrew boy becomes the Prince of Egypt the prince Aveda he's not even an Egyptian and he becomes a prince I mean that's why you can never be prejudiced because sometimes gonna make you prince with the people that don't look like you or speak like you are act like you a dress like you or talk like you but what God has for you is for you am I talking to anybody in the house tonight he became the Prince of Egypt he became what he already was all you can ever do is become what you already are see don't don't don't think that the Pharaoh made him the Prince he was a prince in the pit he was a prince in Potiphar's house he was a prince in the prison do you not know that they threw him in the prison and he ran the prison what kind of stuff is this he's an inmate and face don't run no prison I got a prison ministry I know what I'm over when you are in me you don't run the prison you're not the warden when have you heard of an inmate become an award but the prophecy was so strong that the situation couldn't stop it when God has a strong prophesy over your life your situation cannot stop it from coming to pass whatever they put you in you will rise to the top of it because the hand at the Lord is all you I prophesied to you tonight in the name of Jesus a hand that the Lord is of your life and wherever they put to you will rise to the top because I had that the Lord is about you if you receive that shout when you leave tonight Nancy when I pre say he preach some of the men don't even know what that sound is the kids are totally confused but every woman in here that had a baby no I guess I still make this sound they might have something you follow now I'm not gonna have no more kids to find out I told my kids we didn't want you anyway we just had you so we could get to the grandkids we got to the good part you was the process so I love my kids I've Jesus you're thinking about it a chi the Lord said that your water is to break in this revival and you are going to birth what you already are and always have been but it's been hidden in the anals of glory before such a time as this some of you have overcome disease and afflictions been in and out of the hospital car wrecks and adversity and God would not let anything hurt you because he's not finished and something is about to happen in your life that will nullify everything that you went through before Tina you know what gets me most about this story this didn't last long all this stuff that we talked about they spent the biggest part of the time talking about Joseph's process nobody talks about that was Joseph got out he never went back again the rest of his life he rode in chariots behind the Pharaoh he ruled in Egypt the rest of his life and did not ever have to repeat what he's been through now if you haven't been through anything that's not good news but if you have been through some things that you don't ever want to see again it is good to know that there is a place in God where everything levels off and you can rest in the fact that what God has for you is for you and he lived the rest of his life in the favour that was he is all the time reach out to join hands with somebody there is nothing like stability when we start talking about the gestation of prophecy when we start talking about the process that you have to go through when we start talking about the moments that you were in a pitfall only to discover it was a pit stop all God is saying to you is keep moving don't stop here I will do a new thing in you and the former things will be passing away squeeze that hand you're holding now you can never say again that you have not touched a miracle [Applause] because you are holding a miracle in your hands right now you are touching somebody who survived pitfalls and problems and prisons and Potiphar's house squeezin have that's a prophetic squeeze the promise of God is in this place right now anything could happen anything could happen ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord whenever you feel wherever you sense the glory tonight wherever hands are joined and hearts are joined and minds are connected I command a blessing in this place tonight I command a blessing in this place tonight I command yokes to be broken and bondages to be destroyed I thank you Lord for your hand being over this place to do mighty acts amongst this people and doors are about to fly opening companies in business in writing and ministry in technology I thank you for increased squeeze that hand is coming in the flow of his Spirit is coming in the flow of his spear is coming in the flow like water breaking is coming in the floor it's coming in the floor you're about the birth that thing now is your blessing khalsa it has ever been before [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it sees us name great mousical for yourself and give it all the crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can't hear you the bounce of invention [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now word is it word if you don't apply it truth isn't truth if you don't tell it a song isn't a song if you don't sing it a prayer isn't a prayer if you don't pray it we must learn to act on God's Word so I want you to understand something in a moment I'm gonna challenge you to act on your faith I want you to envision in your own personal mind everybody's vision is gonna be different of something that God has promised or spoken over you or whispered in your ear sometimes you don't even have a name for it it's not a prince it may not be a job but it's just a sense of drawing the wooing of pushing a pulley of the Holy Spirit as if he's taking you somewhere I believe that this is your year for your water to break and for you to manifest the things that God has for you I know you thought you were ready in 2019 and maybe you were ready but the situation when ready they'sa lining up now I want you to get in your heart in your mind that thing in your life start preparing for it getting ready for it moving things around for it open up your spirit to it because God is going to bring it to pass and nothing that happened in your pit can stop you from being the Prince that you were meant to be can you see it can you sense it every vision in this room is as different as our fingerprint as different as our DNA as different as our voice pattern even though you might be sitting beside your spouse you still have different visions and goals there could be twins in the room identical twins with different prophecies what God has for you is for you I want you to receive in a moment I'm gonna challenge you to give a water breaking seed tonight and all I want to do you were gonna receive an offering anyway I just want to pray over your seed tonight and I want this to be the seed that causes the water to gush it causes a breakthrough to happen that causes the door to be open the causes some mountain to be rose that causes our faith to be acted on don't go for it yet don't go for it yet because I want you and God to have a talk about what you see do you really believe this your time that's three people I'm gonna try you again do you really believe this your time can I join my faith with you then what God has for you is for you I was in the back I was explaining to them that being raised by a dying father changes the way you live I don't waste time I don't play games I don't fool around cuz my old man taught me that tomorrow is not promised to you what you have is right now live it to the fullest to the face and I don't know what your protocol is whether you give with the text to give or you got them Apple glasses you know I don't know what they're gonna come up with mix I'm trying my best to keep up I'm trying so hard to keep up I was in a car the other day I had to call my son I asked him how to cut it off it was a Tesla and I got it home but I couldn't get it off and I called him and I said he's still running and he said daddy if you get out of it it's go closed I said child give me them old cars where you had to kick the side and pray over the car and they get up that's what I'm talking about I want you to let this C be a down payment on your dream they got envelopes oh good y'all got some envelopes like old-people low-rated God thank you Jesus get your envelope I want to pray over your seed I drove all the way from Fort Worth to come up here to touch and agree with you the Lord says something's gonna happen in here tonight if you are blessed to be streaming online right now and you know so in this moment something's wrong with you something is wrong with you if you believe that the prison is not your home nor the pit nor Potiphar's house if you've got the palace in your view you need to sew into this moment right now we're gonna come into agreement together and we're gonna stand on the promises poor thing you don't know standing on the promise you can he he come up Church of God Christ oh look at you glory in the highest stab him oh yeah yeah yeah don't play it cheap yeah standing on the promises of Christ Mikey do eternally just let his praises read glory in the highest I will shout at see I'm standing over the pro you do it yeah they don't say that kind of stuff about standing standing standing on the promises of Christ my Savior [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you sit down now that you standing on the promises you can sit on the premises so you can write can i stay long enough to pray for pastor I just want steak yeah yeah don't fool with me because I will I'm old school yes the Hallelujah the more I talk about the word the more I want to talk about the word the poor I feel the word the more the word comes alive in me the more the word stands up in me I'm standing on the prophesy yes Lori glory to God glory are we screaming tonight Pastor Chris dreamer you watching on television on your phone on your iPad on your laptop on your computer you get in on this don't let the devil rob you or cheat you out of this moment this is a divine Kairos moment in your life maybe you've been in a pit for a while and you didn't know why you were going through what you were going through but the Lord said the word to you tonight this is not a pitfall it's a pit stop you're about to rise up out of the ashes of your circumstances and emerge again oh I feel some shouders in the house I did not know y'all was gonna have church like this I didn't know it's some Oh Holy Ghost revival devil chasing folks up here at elevation make some noise in this play [Applause] [Music] Porat it soon see get you see ready stand up I just want to come into agreement with you issue so denied because we're gonna burst of things yes even to man we're gonna burst some things tonight we've gone through too much not to see the fulfillment of the promise for somebody it's not about you it's about your son it's about your daughter it's about your successor it's about that next dimension you've got everything going good on the surface but beneath it all you want in Who am I gonna hand it to and who's gonna be ready to continue whatever that issue is on your heart tonight God's already got it worked out I know it looks so far off for God's already got it worked out they're princes and they don't even know it if your seat up or your phone up or whatever you're given device is as a testament of your faith that God I hear you talking to me and I believe you and I take you at your word hardly move this is personal this is between you and God I take you at your word father I joined my faith with the faith in this room with the people of this beautiful amazing church with the man and woman of God who is ahead of this church I come into alignment with your word that none of the process and none of the pitfalls and none of the problems that have preceded will stop the birth that's about to come forth in our lives I thank you for the manifestation of those things that you have been hovering over they were once afar off but now they have been brought nigh they were in a dark place but now you're about to say let there be light we are coming into manifestation of every promise and I pray God it would manifest this year I pray that this revival would be the impetus of the manifestation of the promise of God in the lives of your people and let it be recorded in the annals of heaven and written down and the Chronicles of glory that through this revival yokes were broken and bondages were destroyed and doors were open and mountains were moved and promotions were granted I thank you now for the increase in every area of our lives in our families and our marriages with our children with our ministries I called it God for that is the kingdom and the power and the hello let the church say a man
Channel: Elevate Life Church Frisco
Views: 190,653
Rating: 4.8460703 out of 5
Keywords: elevate, life, church, keith, craft, sheila, sermon, speaking, Jesus, God, jeremy, baker, josh
Id: hfdNUv7wgcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 39sec (4119 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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