Faith On Display - Brian Abaho

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[Music] your love [Music] is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it welcome to church as we take a moment to celebrate jesus together as a family right here at ototo if you're joining us for the very first time you're glad and excited that you could spare your time to celebrate jesus with us today write to us connect with the and we will be sure to get in touch with you now the bible tells us in psalm 100 that enter into his gate with thanksgiving and into his court with praise so get up on your feet every one of you wherever you are and let's praise jesus together [Music] [Music] so many things they fight for my attention that's right so i shift my gaze in your direction i look to you oh [Music] kissing i choose you [Music] now everyone everybody [Music] but overall i choose to follow jesus i look to you god to you god even when the plot [Music] no matter where are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] we there's so many things fighting for our attention but we're gonna declare we choose jesus over everything are you ready sing i choose you are you ready come on say i choose now i need you to jump come on come on no matter together come on give him a shot of praise hallelujah hallelujah come on yeah [Music] can't [Music] can't explain [Music] you [Music] [Music] you called us [Music] [Music] say [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] ruler of everything [Music] you are the most hungry put your hands together for the king of majesty the lord god almighty who deserves our worship we live our hands and we say we love you god and we worship your name sing no word come on is [Music] is is praise we love you jesus oh yours is the name that is above every other name the name of the lord is a strong tower the bible says the righteous run and they are saved and you and i are not righteous of our own accord we are righteous in jesus when we run to him we are safe thank you jesus thank you jesus yes [Music] come on just lift up your hands where you are and just steady your heart in his presence [Music] there is one who's greater [Music] hard-pressed on each side we will not lose sight of the one who's greater [Music] that silence says the enemy one king who reigns for all eternity [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] walls are falling down [Music] every victory [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] in psalm 27 david would have been right to say lord is our light and our salvation but i love that he personalizes it and he says the lord is my light and my salvation and my defense of whom shall i be afraid i want you to make that your prayer the lord is my light my salvation and i want to remind you that every victory is yours in his name let's sing everything [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] holds every victory one day [Music] one voice [Music] [Music] wow what a profound reminder that indeed the name of jesus is above every other name at the mention of his name every knee will bow and every tongue confess indeed the battle is the lord's and the victory is the lord friends as we gather this morning we gather to worship this victorious god not from a standpoint of defeat but from a standpoint of victory listen to what the scripture tells us john chapter 16 verse 33 i have told you all this so that you may have peace in me here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows but take heart because i have overcome the world the victory belongs to jesus and so i want to encourage you today let faith arise over fear let hope arise over despair and let us grow in the confidence that indeed victory belongs to jesus and this morning we have the privilege of coming before him with our burdens with our troubles with our situations and just trust him to intervene would you right now take a moment and just start to pray talk with god lay your burden before him knowing that the battle is the lord's and the victory is the lord go ahead and lift your voice up in prayer [Music] people in jesus mighty name we pray and everybody says amen amen amen wow what a great privilege for us to gather together and worship jesus and just enjoy the presence of god you are welcome right where you are watching from we are so happy to have you joining us for service and yes we are thankful that you would allow us to join you in your space just so we can celebrate jesus and then get inspired to care for the community well we are at the point in the service where we get to listen to the word of god the powerful word of god that changes our lives that transforms us and it's my privilege to welcome a friend a brother one who loves god with all his heart he's passionate about the things of god but also cares about people genuinely will you join me and together let's welcome pastor brian avaho as he brings the word of god to us today [Music] thank you so much pastor daniel you always look so smart and so sharp and you're such an awesome lead as well i love you and your family and what god is doing through you as you give leadership at wato it's been such a joy doing life together with you for the last 20 years and we're told the church what an awesome service we had last weekend as we got to celebrate what god has been doing through our community care ministries were total child care ministries for the last 27 years it's literally been amazing seeing the children sing and lead us in worship and tell their stories and seeing what the cells are doing as we care for community absolutely amazing and i want to encourage you a total church let's continue to get involved in all that god is doing god has done some great things in the past god wants to do something new something incredible even in the days that lie ahead and i want to invite you to continue to get involved our dream this year is to raise 800 sponsors for child care and we've done so far 156 sponsors so there's a bit of work that needs to happen now i encourage you to get involved my wife and i do sponsor a little girl and it's such a joy you know what for 70 000 shillings a month you can sponsor our total child you can do it as an individual as a group of friends as a family or as an organization and you'll be making a difference as we raise those children to be godly transformational leaders so i encourage you to get involved as well donations of any amount of donations in kind are very very welcome all of them provide everything that is necessary for the medical care the education the homeware everything that's necessary for mothers to raise our children to be those godly transformational leaders i want to say thank you in advance so do get in touch with us write to us uganda that email address is on your screen right now or call the number that's appearing on your screen right now together let's write some history let's come alongside society's most vulnerable children and let's raise them to be godly transformational leaders and i know that god will richly bless you well we're diving into a brand new someone series that we're calling faith on display and for the next five weeks we're going to study the new testament book of james and i'm really looking forward to all that god has in store for us so i have a challenge for you i have a challenge for you now listen carefully every day for the next 30 days in one sitting i want you to read through the entire book of james yes in one sitting the entire book of james get god's word into your heart and whenever we gather like this to study god's word together i know that he's going to bless you so i'm really looking forward to that now let's pray as we dive into god's word together heavenly father we thank you for this opportunity to study your word together lord i just pray that you'll anoint your word anoint me as i share it challenge us inspire us to be the people that you want us to be through your word in jesus name and everybody says amen and amen fantastic so let's dive into it so what do we know about the book of james james was written by james the brother of jesus james didn't believe in jesus before his resurrection but in 1st corinthians chapter 15 verse 7 paul tells us that jesus appeared to james after the resurrection and it is at that point that he comes to faith in the lord jesus and he writes to us this is what he says in james chapter one verse one he says james a servant of god and of the lord jesus christ beautiful really beautiful to see james coming to faith in the lord jesus now he writes as a leader of the church of jerusalem because he wasn't one of the original 12 apostles but he rose to leadership in the church and so he had authority to write this letter to the believers and he tells us a bit about who he was writing to at the time in james chapter 1 he tells us to the 12 tribes scattered among the nations the 12 tribes of israel he was writing to jews now jewish believers there were jews that had put their faith in jesus as lord and savior and it is to them that he writes this letter now he writes for two purposes number one to encourage believing jews that were facing many difficulties rejected by their fellow jews for turning to faith in jesus suffering persecution at the hands of the romans and living under a very heavy system of taxation that the roman government run it was difficult days and some were becoming shaky in their faith and so james writes to encourage them to put their faith in jesus on display even as they experience difficulties of many kinds and then he also writes to instruct them on how they are to put their faith in jesus on display even as they lived in the midst of a godless roman culture james noticed it was beginning to influence their thinking their behavior some of their attitudes and so he writes to instruct them listen this is the way we ought to live as believers in jesus so he's instructing them on how to put their faith in jesus on display and my prayer is that over the next five weeks you and i are going to find encouragement that's going to help us learn to put our faith in jesus on display even as we go through the difficulties of life but also my prayer is that you and i are going to find instruction we're going to be taught by god's word on how we can put our faith in jesus on display in a practical way even as we live in an increasingly godless world and so today we're going to look at james chapter 1 from verse 2 to 18 so let us read it together james chapter 1 verse 2 to 18 is about trials and temptations consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask god who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you but when you ask you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind that person should not expect to receive anything from the lord such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position but the rich should take pride in their humiliation since they will pass away like a wild flower for the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed in the same way the rich will fade away even while they go about their business blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the lord has promised to those who love him when tempted no one should say god is tempting me for god cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone but each person is tempted when they are drugged away by their own evil desire and enticed then after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death don't be deceived my dear brothers and sisters every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows he chose to give us birth through the word of truth that we might be a kind of fast fruit of all he created beautiful portion of scripture so let's dive right in now in those 17 verses that we've read james is encouraging the believers to put their faith in jesus on display as they face trials and temptations and that's the message you're looking at today how do we put our faith in jesus on display as we face trials and temptations trials are those difficult things that we go through in life in verse 2 james says that whenever you face trials in other words james is saying to us that trials difficult situations tough situations are going to come none of us is exempt from it some people believe that when you come to faith in jesus you'll stop going through difficulty it is a lie jesus promised in john chapter 16 and verse 33 that in this world we will face many difficulties none of us is exempt from it and over the last 17 months my friend right here in uganda and i know for any nation across the world we've gone through difficulties of many kinds when the coveted pandemic broke out some people have lost loved ones some people have endured prolonged suffering from family members strained family relationships marriages ending in divorce sibling issues people have lost jobs some plans have just completely fallen apart mental health challenges we were seeing nations crumble economically there's been lots of but the truth that james is helping us see here is that there is a purpose to the trials that we face yes there is a purpose to the trials that we face god allows us to face these trials because he is up to something and so we read in james chapter one verse three to four as james tells them that you know consider it pure joy when you go through trials or difficulties of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything so there is purpose to the trials that we face and the trials are a test of our faith well this is what james is trying to say any one of us can claim to have faith in jesus but when trials come they are a true test a true measure of how genuine our faith in jesus is think about the silversmith who is getting ready to produce some excellent silver you know what he does he exposes it to fire and when he hits that silver the impurities the dross rises to the top and he scoops it off every time he repeats that process time and time again until there comes a point when he hits the silver and then no impurities rising to the top at that point he can literally see his reflection in the silver in the same way god allows us to be exposed to the fire to the trials so that he can bring about well-formed maturity in us a faith that is mature that is complete that is not lacking anything and in the process he's dealing with us he's removing attitudes mindsets habits that are not right because god has a purpose for the trials he's letting you go through it is not a coincidence that you're facing the things that you're facing at the end of the day god wants us to be more like christ he wants his nature his goodness his species to be reflected in us god wants to look at our lives and literally see himself so he's taking us through the fire god is up to something he wants us to be more like christ you know what it is easy for us to begin to pray all our trials away because we believe that god wants us to be happy and rightly so god wants you to be happy but he is the good news my friend god wants us to be holy god wants us to be holy and he's going to allow us to face the fire the trials of life so that he can make us more like christ and what is that quality of christ that god is trying to you know bring out of us it is called perseverance jim says that so that god can produce perseverance in us and perseverance is about being able to stay on a course to stay on a journey to continue down the road even in the face of the difficulties that we face i think about someone that's trying to get physically fit they'll begin to jog you know maybe twice a week and there'll be aches and pains in the muscles and in the joints but if that person continues to get up and continue running as they persevere through that pain you know what's going to happen over time they're going to begin to run at a steady pace they'll get stronger and they'll be able to cover more ground that's what god wants for you my friend god wants to make you stronger god wants to make you wiser god wants to make you more able to endure the trials to persevere through the trials that life throws at us so the question is how do we persevere we know that god is at work in us to produce perseverance god wants us to be able to endure to persevere through the trials of life so that he can produce in us that quality that is christ-like so how do we persevere under trial four things real quickly number one we persevere with joy james chapter one and verse two james says consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance consider it pure joy now i know that sounds strange how can one joyfully persevere when they're going through trial notice james doesn't say be happy because you see happiness depends on the circumstance that you're going through if things are good you're happy if things are not good you're not happy but james is not calling us to happiness he's calling us to joy joy on the other hand transcends the circumstance that you are going through joy comes from the understanding that god is at work to produce something beautiful through this experience joy begins with the end in mind that is god's way of doing things we see this in the life of jesus hebrews chapter 12 jesus for the joy of accomplishing the goal set before him endured the cross what was the joy that was before jesus it is seeing you and i saved healed delivered enjoying the life that god wants you and i to experience that was the joy that was set ahead of him and for that joy for your salvation for your healing for your deliverance jesus endured the cross it was painful he was beaten he was bartered he was bruised jesus died but he had his mind set on that joy that was ahead of him in the same way god wants us to persevere with joy knowing that god is at work and that something beautiful is going to happen god is up to something you know i'm thinking about the olympic athletes who practiced for many many months ahead of the olympics but they endured all the pain and all the hardship and the diet changes and the gym work and all of that stuff why to stand on that podium and see their national flag going up hearing their national anthem that pride and the joy of their nation they endured the difficulty for the joy that was ahead of them god wants to produce a perseverance in us with joy knowing that god is up to something yes you might have lost your job god is up to something your plants seem to be falling apart god is up to something you might not see it you might not understand it but there is a joy that comes from knowing i am going through this but there is something beautiful god has ahead of me secondly we are to persevere with patience james chapter 1 verse 4 let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything james here is asking us to let perseverance finish its work now you and i both know when we see a well-finished work a complete work we know that it hasn't been rushed through if you look at a beautiful building if you listen to a beautiful song if you look at a beautiful painting it was never rushed through your best work as a student you know was done when you put in the time and james is saying that we must allow perseverance to finish its work we shouldn't rush through this james is teaching us to be patient under trial yes i know we must pray and we must pray these things away but we must do it with patience so i want to draw your attention to james chapter 5 from verse 7 to 11 where james talks about patience in suffering he says be patient then brothers and sisters until the lord's coming so he starts by encouraging them listen one day jesus is going to come back and he will bring an end to all of the case to all of the suffering he starts with that and then he helps them understand what patience looks like he says see how the farmer waits for the land to yield its very valuable crop patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains he gives the picture of a farmer because a farmer plants his seed and then in expectation he patiently waits through every season of the rain and the drought he continues to walk the land he continues to prune he continues to weed he continues to water he does everything while the seed is in the ground because he anticipates there's going to be a harvest he doesn't rush through it he doesn't go pick the seed out of the ground and say is it growing today he doesn't do that but he patiently waits doing the right kind of things so what are the right kind of things we have to do as we patiently wait on the lord jim says you to be patient and stand firm because the lord's coming is near don't grumble against one another brothers and sisters or you will be judged the judge is standing at the door in other words jesus is watching the condition of our hearts you see patience is not just about waiting it is about how you wait he says don't grumble against one another in other words don't lose your cool with each other don't lose your cool with god can i say that to you even as you and you even as you persevere through the trial don't lose your cool with god don't begin to say god why are you letting me go through this so he helps them understand he gives them an example he says brothers and sisters as an example of patience in the face of suffering take the prophets who spoke in the name of the lord and for the prophets my friends it wasn't easy they came with a word from god and many times they were rejected by their people they were laughed at they were ridiculed they were mocked but they spoke a word and then they waited on god to fulfill that word some of them weren't alive to see the fulfillment of that word but they were patient waiting for god to fulfill his word which he eventually did and so patience is also about time patience is about time it's going to take time some of the things that you're going through right now are going to take time they will not come to an end tomorrow but the lord is teaching us to be patient even as we go through this and then he points to the example of job he says you have heard of job's perseverance and have seen what the lord finally brought about the lord is full of compassion and mercy in job's case he lost everything children property everything his wife came to him and said cast god and die but he refused he patiently waited on the lord he poured out his heart to the lord he had conversations with the lord but he waited on god and the bible tells us that god brought him out eventually and the second half of job's life was even better than the first half when you wait patiently on the lord trust his timing trust his purpose for your life god is up to something you will testify god will bring about something beautiful not just for you but something beautiful in you as it produces perseverance and patience and those who are patient will always see the very best that god has in store for them so be patient and the trial thirdly we must persevere by asking god for wisdom he says in verse 5 to 8 if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask god who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you but when you ask you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind that person should not expect to receive anything from the lord such a person is double-minded and unstable in all that they do listen friends persevering when you're going through a difficult situation requires wisdom we never know how much wisdom we need until we face a difficult situation the bible encourages us here that we must ask god for wisdom because he gives freely without finding any fault you need wisdom on what to do decisions you're trying to make what is the next step for me what are we going to do as a family how do we navigate this as a business what is the organization going to do in what direction is our nation going in the menace of difficulty we look up to god and we ask for wisdom wisdom as a parent as a leader as a business owner as a student you need wisdom and my prayer is that god will grant you wisdom in this season for you to make the right kind of decisions to navigate the challenges that you are going through and that you come out on the other end with the testimony saying the lord gave me wisdom and i was able to come through this situation joseph and mary you know jesus had just been born and king herod wanted to slaughter all the babies god gave them wisdom they were able to go to egypt and jesus was safe i think about solomon he became king at the age of 12 and he wondered how he would lead the people of israel he asked god for wisdom god gave him wisdom you get down on your knees every night and ask god for wisdom we need wisdom wisdom beyond what the internet and the books can give us wisdom that comes from god he's the god of all wisdom he knows the end from the beginning he already knows what he has marked out for you so ask him for wisdom so that you're able to go through the trial james chapter 1 verse 12 blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the lord has promised to those who love him so god is going to reward your perseverance under trial so don't give up be patient do it with joy ask god for wisdom and finally resist temptation now you might be wondering brian what does resisting temptation have to do with trial you know the difficulties we go through push us into a corner and many times we can turn our backs on god trying to figure things out our own way and we can end up in sin and so james in chapter 1 verse 13 to 18 says when tempted no one should say god is tempting me for god cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone but each one is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed then after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death it says don't be deceived my dear brothers and sisters every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly likes who does not change like shifting shadows he chose to give us back through the word of truth that we might be a kind of fast fruits all he created you know james is acknowledging here that we're all going to face temptation when we are going through trial because we all want things to work out i think about a family that is struggling financially and while you're at the workplace you know there is money that you have access to and you face the temptation of taking that money so that things at home can begin to work out or maybe someone that's desperate for a job and you do anything to get a job in this season maybe by giving a bribe maybe by sleeping around maybe by falsifying documents because you just want to get out of the difficulty of not being able to provide for your family or to meet your basic needs and you attempted under trial to do that which does not please the lord james starts by saying listen do not say that the lord is tempting me because the lord cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone because you see evil comes from our own selfish desires to make things work out to have our way and not to let god have his way you know after genesis chapter 3 when adam and eve fell into sin man was born into sin and there is something on the inside of us that naturally tends to sin to rebel against god the bible says each of us have turned to our own way many times when we are pushed to the corner by life we end up doing some things that do not please the lord just because we want to make things happen jim says do not be deceived because listen friends for that moment you may be able to take that money and make life work you may be able to pay that bribe and get that job you might be able to make false documents and and get that door open for you and it might seem like in that moment you have made it that you've opened that door that you're cracking the cord and making your way through life but listen my friend it is a lie do not be received the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy john chapter 10 verse 10 it is the vanity of sin you think there is pleasure but at the end of that pleasure and at the end of what looks like success is death and that's why jim says listen my friends he says after that desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death the end of sin will always be death your family will fall apart your marriage will fall apart your career will fall apart everything that god has in store for you will fall apart because you wanted to make things work on your own instead resist temptation how do we resist temptation by obeying the word of truth we have no better example than jesus we in matthew chapter 4 so satan come to him tempting him with kingdoms and all of this on jesus three times in matthew 4 verse 4 7 and 10 saying it is written it is written it is written standing on the truth of god's word knowing what god desires of him he rejected satan and satan run away from him we must learn to stand on god's word and say listen it is the lord that will open a door it is the lord that brings about promotion it is the lord that is my provider i will not give into temptation and fail my god so stand on god's word and resist the devil you know what james says in james chapter 4 and verse 7 he says submit yourselves then to god resist the devil and he'll flee from you when we choose to obey god's word we submit ourselves to god and then we're able to resist satan and he will flee we must resist temptation the psalmist put it this way in psalm 119 verse 11 i have hidden your word in my heart that i may not sin against you friends trials are going to come but we must persevere under trial we do it with joy we do it with patience we do it with the wisdom of the lord and we do it by resisting temptation jesus we thank you for your word teach us to persevere in the trial we have this promise in james 1 12 that you will bless us for our perseverance we believe that you bring something good for us for our families for our businesses for this nation lord i pray that as your children persevere in the trial may your purpose for their lives come to pass may each of them have a testimony saying look what the lord has done we give you the praise in jesus name listen my friend you may be attending this service today and you're not born again you don't have a personal relationship with god there is sin in your life jesus is not your lord and savior the bible says that unless you are born again you'll not enter the kingdom of heaven would you give your heart to jesus today if that's you pray this prayer after me dear jesus thank you for loving me i recognize that i'm a sinner i need a savior jesus you are the only savior forgive me of my sin wash me clean in your precious blood give me a brand new heart i receive you now as my lord and my savior and i believe that i'm born again that i'm a child of god i will live for you and follow you for the rest of my life in jesus name amen and amen will god bless you thank you for making that commitment to jesus was so excited what god has in store for you do write to us connect with the let us know would like to help you grow in your relationship with jesus otherwise god bless you be a blessing i'd like to hand the service over to my friend and brother pastor james pastor brian thank you so much for anchoring us in god's word especially in a season like this and family i pray that you will take that word and may change the way you think and subsequently the way you live god richly bless you pastor brian now family of coming to the point of our service where we get the privilege to be generous you see the bible tells us in second corinthians chapter eight all the way to verse four about the macedonian church in particular verse 2 it says this and in their extreme poverty in their severe trial with overflowing joy they welled up in rich generosity nothing could stop them from being generous in verse 4 paul says they pleaded with us to share in this privilege of giving in the lord's service so i want you to know this giving is actually a privilege that we have as believers because when we give we partner with the lord to extend the gospel of the kingdom of god so give cheerfully give hilariously and give joyfully and now here are the giving options you can give using mobile money direct bank transfer or any banking agent within your community but also if you live close to any of our celebration points you can simply walk over and slip your cash offering into one of the gift boxes now for those using mobile money let me walk you through the steps you would take for mtn dial star 165 star 3 hash and the merchant code is 1487 seven five that is one four eight seven seven five and for airtel you dial star one eight five star four star nine hash and the business number is seven hundred thousand that is seven followed by five zeros for more giving options check out our website forward slash give but you can also use your phone to scan the qr code which will take you straight to the different giving options and for your watoto child sponsorship dial star 165 star four star for hash then enter the merchant code wccm in capital letters the merchant code is wccm in capital letters now as a reference type the sponsor's full name only fill in the amount to be paid and finally fill in your mtn mobile money pin thank you for your generosity [Music] i'm pulling on joy from heaven's reason [Music] i have is my inheritance strong joy this is the joy of the lord the simple chorus that says this the joy the joy the joy of the lord is my strength the joy the joy the joy of the lord is my strength [Music] the joy the joy of the lord is my strength [Music] [Music] got this is the joy of the lord [Music] the joy of the lord [Music] the lord is [Music] [Music] there will be glory after [Music] there will be glory after [Music] there's gonna be glory there will be glory after that [Music] [Music] the is [Music] my [Music] this is this is the choice [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] team thank you so much for leading us at such an amazing time to celebrate jesus right here at watoda church god richly bless you and for every one of you who has joined in thank you so much for celebrating jesus with us right here at what total church now in case you gave your life to christ we would like to get in touch with you and help you on this journey of growing to know jesus more so write to us connect with or if you're out there and you'd like prayer or counseling write to us connect over to or call the numbers on your screen if you want to keep up to date with what's happening at butter church be sure to follow us on our different social media platforms sign up or follow us or subscribe or like on youtube on facebook twitter or instagram now as you step out into the rest of your week may the lord go before you may the lord keep you may the lord watch over you and may his presence abound each and every moment in jesus name and every one of you say amen amen [Music] the joy of the lord [Music] he is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Watoto Church
Views: 4,161
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zez8Ou9vCPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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