Watoto Church Evening Of Worship

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[Music] and the glory of the lord is [Music] is [Music] of worship and prayer wherever you're tuning in from facebook youtube we're so glad that you chose to join us this evening to pray and seek god's face and you know what i want us to just do something very simple together we're going to share the link with our friends and tell them the evening of worship and prayers starts now and for the rest of us [Music] if there's one [Music] a moment that's passing it's not what i'm seeking [Music] me [Music] go [Music] come on [Music] i don't need a reason to keep chasing who you are [Music] i can't get it [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] one more time [Music] oh [Music] i can't get enough of your praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] my heart is overcome [Music] you make me [Music] changes [Music] everybody [Music] we will never stop singing [Music] my heart [Music] you make me [Music] i praise you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on in [Music] [Music] you are my breakthrough i praise you [Music] everybody [Music] you i'm good a good lord amen wow god loves you my friend never doubt his love for you come on put your hands together like this wow you ready to lift up your voice let's sing together here we go [Music] when faith is [Music] is [Music] echo with my soul [Music] [Music] until it is [Music] is [Music] let go [Music] i'm not good enough god you're enough for me thank you lord i've decided [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] thank [Music] hallelujah thank you lord for your love thank you for loving us god thank you for reminding us that you are concerned with every detail of our lives and because of that we know we can trust you we know that we can place everything in your care because you care for us [Music] they say this mountain can be moved they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power [Music] change they haven't seen what you can do there is so much [Music] god we believe god we believe foreign [Music] hope is foreign lost there is power [Music] we're gonna see [Music] foreign [Music] and we trust in [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] can we believe [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] true [Music] raise your feet [Music] you know friends when we sing about the power that there is in the name of jesus when we think about the things that we can do the only confidence that we have when we sing about this thing is because we trust in the person who says these things we know that our god is faithful we know that our god is the he's not a man to lie every word that he says he fulfills every promise that he gives us it comes to pass and i don't know what you might be believing him for today but i want us to take a step of faith and say father you know what you said that you would heal me so i'm believing you for healing father you promised in your word that you would provide someone believing you for provision and i might not say exactly what it is you need but you have a mouth open up your mouth and speak to him tell him he wants to hear from you your father wants to hear from you so i'm going to give us a couple of moments let's just pour out our hearts to him thank him if you're thankful if he's done something amazing for you tell him thank you if you're believing him for something pour out your heart before him he wants to hear from you [Music] yes [Music] now father we thank you we thank you because you're a good good father we thank you because you said in your word ask anything anything in your name and you will do it so for all the needs that have been raised to you father where there is provision needed father may you provide because you want your overall provider father where there is healing needed may you stretch both your healing hand and heal your children father we were praying for direction i pray that you will give your children direction father where we just long to experience more of your presence you said you are with us always father we thank you because you were the god who turns impossible situations into possibilities you are the god who makes the way where there seems to be no way you were the god whom of mountains you were the god who turned things that had turned around your uprights because there is nothing that is too hard for you so father we place all our hope in you we place all our trust in you we know that those who look to you and they will never be disappointed so we fix our eyes on you god you who is the author and perspective of our faith you with whom there is nothing too hard you who keep every promise in your word and we thank you because we know that every single need that we have got before you you will fulfill because god you not only hear us you answer us and so we have prayed all of this in the name of jesus and everybody says i believe you said it is done [Music] [Music] [Music] every [Music] you're [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] god there's nothing to happen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on why don't you just thank god right there come on open up your mouth and just say thank you jesus for your goodness for your faithfulness that is who he is he is the one that cares about you he's the one that loves you he's the one that will never forsake you he will never leave you come on one more time let's clap our hands and let's celebrate this great god jesus the king of kings and the lord of lords wow really having a great time in god's presence the presence of god is so real i know it's so real where you are i'm so excited about what god has in store for us today and today as we gather to pray our theme for this evening is the great commission yes the great commission jesus before he left left us with this great work that we were to carry on he began it and then he called you and i and every single one of us gathered to continue this great work that he was calling us to and the great commission is found in matthew 28 jesus said these words listen is what jesus said really really critical words and jesus said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit and teaching them to obey everything i have commanded you and surely i am with you always to the very end of the age wow jesus not only commissioned us to reach the world with the greatest message of all the fact that he loves them and that he can save them from their sin but then he promised us his presence that he would be with us that holy spirit would be with us and so in acts chapter one he reminded the disciples do not go before i fill you with the holy spirit and in acts chapter 2 my friend the holy spirit came down on the day of pentecost and those 12 men changed the world and that same power of holy spirit is available to you and to me we can go out and reach the world with the gospel of our lord jesus listen my friend first of all if we're gonna go about this work of reaching the nations with the gospel of the lord jesus christ we need to be touched by that gospel we need to believe it then we need to go and tell everybody about it this is the most critical message of our day there's so much stuff that is being pushed on social media on tv on the news there's a lot of messages out there but i tell you there is one message that stands above all this is what paul said in the book of romans says for i am not ashamed of the gospel of the lord for it is the power of god and to the salvation of men and i want to let you know friends never be ashamed of the gospel we have been trusted with a message that will transform not only our lives but transform our families transform our friends transform our communities it is going gonna take courage it's gonna take boldness and i wanna encourage you this year let us arise and shine and reach our world with the gospel of the lord jesus christ listen it is urgent can i help you understand it is urgent that we're going to all the world and i don't know what all the world means for you you might be watching from right here in uganda maybe jupa south sudan maybe numbarara somewhere in uganda or maybe you're watching from north america south america asia you might be watching from a different part of the world australia new zealand canada it doesn't matter where you are you have been called by jesus to reach people with the gospel of the lord that's the most important message and listen let's give everything that we have let's give everything that we have i was 14 years old someone shared the gospel with me and my life completely changed and i was never ever the same again today i'm 37 years old 23 years later and boy the best decision i ever made was to follow jesus with my life you know what friends let's give ourselves fully to the work of god i don't know what that looks like for you but it just means maybe your passion needs to come back maybe it had gone for a while and for a season this message of the gospel isn't the beating sound of your life maybe it isn't the loudest message that you scream every day can i encourage you friends let us engage let us give ourselves fully to this work of reaching people with the love of jesus and right here what other church that is god to our vision each one reaching one touching those around us with the love of jesus so that what we can bring healing and transformation to the cities and to the nations for the glory of god i'm here to remind you our theme tonight is the great commission may we give everything we have to reach our families our friends and our world with the greatest message of all the message of the love of jesus for a whole world so jesus we thank you today today right here right now today that we will give ourselves fully to this message help us lord to scream from the rooftops so that the world may hear that you love them above the news above the noise above the discouragement in our day may be the fact that you love people that changes them but we come against anything that stands in the way of the preaching of the gospel today we ask hear our prayer and answer our prayer so that this message of the gospel will be preached in jesus name let everybody say amen amen amen amen and amen fantastic let's continue to worship let's continue to commit ourselves to the lord thank you jesus here i lay my burdens down lose my worries in your love every care on you i have carried them enough always [Music] um [Music] when the world becomes [Music] until every fear is dead at the mention of your name [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] mercy is falling falling lift up your hands receive it now here in the presence of the lord mercy mercy is falling falling off lift up your hands receive it now here in the presence of the lord i know your past [Music] here in the presence [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] don't be afraid [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] presence there is hope don't give up on jesus he loves you he's committed to you all welcome him in your life right now come on [Music] every trophy [Music] is [Music] [Music] mercy mercy is falling falling thank you lord leave your hands received [Music] there's nothing like the mercy of the lord you know god loves you so much god loves us all so much he has such a beautiful plan for each and every one of us and listen my friend doesn't matter what has happened i know your past may be broken but jesus has a beautiful future for you you see pastor brown reminded us earlier that god gave us a great commission and that we need to go out and make disciples of the nations we need to go out and preach the gospel the best message that we all can give to anybody but maybe you're sitting there today or wherever it is you and you're thinking i'm not good enough i have seen that have fallen short i have messed up i'm not good enough for god i want to let you know that jesus loves you and he is ready to forgive you right now when we get all this out of the way you are going to be able to go ahead and preach this gospel to another person so i want to pray with you right now i want you to go ahead and give your heart to jesus forget what has happened look to the future and let him lead you let's pray together father in the name of jesus i thank you so much for your child your son your daughter who is feeling like they have really messed up that they have so much seen and that they're not good enough now god we throw our hearts to you we surrender to you right now and we believe that you are able to wash us clean of all sin you are able to make us as white as snow you are able by the blood of jesus to make us right before you you call us justified you call us sinless when we are washed by your blood jesus and lord we know that when we are washed by your blood we can go out and do whatever you ask us to do in the name of jesus in the name of jesus friend jesus loves you and he has cleansed you right now with his blood forget your past leave it behind you start to move forward start to move forward now jesus reminds us of the bible reminds us in the book of acts in chapter 1 and verse 4 jesus was talking to his disciples and this is what he said to them this is before he went to be with the father he told them not to leave jerusalem until they had been filled with a power the promise that god had given them and that is the power of the holy spirit friends we are not able to do anything on our own we all need the power of the holy spirit to go out and preach the gospel to go out and tell someone about jesus we cannot do this on our own if we try to do it on our own we will not be able to do it now that we have laid our sins before jesus we need to receive the power of the holy spirit we need to ask him to reign down on us and so wherever you are i'd like you to take a moment and start to receive him start to receive him right now receive him see holy spirit does not force himself on anyone we have to want to receive him we have to want to receive him call on him right now call on him right now call on him right now holy spirit holy spirit we need you we need your holy spirit from the top of our heads down to the souls of our feet we need you holy spirit we need you we need you we can't we don't want to go if we don't have you we cannot go if we don't have your holy spirit we are nothing without you holy spirit we have no power on our own holy spirit we can't preach this gospel and tell people about you if we don't have your holy spirit so receive him right now friends let him rain down on you let him rain down on you right now he is feeling you right now yes he is feeling you right now don't be afraid don't be afraid thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit holy spirit thank you thank you [Music] when we have the holy spirit in our hearts and in our lives then he will give us a heart for the lost [Music] you see we've been talking about this great commission [Music] if you don't have a heart to reach out to those that are lost you are not going to want to speak to them about jesus start to ask him right now to break your heart for those around you that don't know jesus as lord and savior that conductor in the taxi the pump attendant at the petrol station or the person behind the counter the supermarket wherever it is that you are the nurse in the hospital or your mom your dad your brother your sister that friend on facebook or instagram or or whatever that whatsapp group go ahead and tell them about jesus let jesus break your heart for those that don't know him as lord and savior ask him right now to feel you with a desire to preach the gospel to the lost now jesus break our hearts with what breaks your heart soften our hearts of god so we can reach out to those that need to know you as lord and savior use us get us ready prepare us o lord by the power of your holy spirit to open our eyes and see those that need to know you as lord and savior everybody around us in our communities of god in our blessings of work of god in our families our lord our children our daughters our sons of god break our hearts so we can reach out to them with the most beautiful message of our lord and our savior jesus christ we need you lord we need you lord we need you lord we can't do this on our own we need you we need you god to soften our hearts we need you god to oh fill us afresh every day every morning every night before we go to bed when we get up in the morning we need you lord we need you we need you we are nothing without you god we're nothing without you lord so we thank you because we know that everything we ask for in your name we shall receive in jesus name amen amen i'd like us to go ahead and continue to worship jesus together [Music] nation have mercy jesus please forgive our sins take the heart of stone away [Music] teach your hearts to bow before your name [Music] break the chains that find [Music] again for the glory of your name [Music] amen amen let your kingdom come let your will be done amen amen in this nation [Music] a thing together standing on your [Music] promises [Music] amen [Music] is [Music] as it is [Music] and now we're your people called by your name humble ourselves and return to seek your faith lord hear from heaven joy [Music] [Music] is [Music] from heaven amen let your kingdom come let your will be done hey [Music] amen let your kingdom come let your will be done amen as it is [Music] indeed that's the prayer of our hearts this evening that god will come and have his will in our nation because the will of god for mankind is good it is for their good jesus said in john chapter 10 verse 10 the bible says that for the thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy and when we see all around us in our nation uganda the nations of the world we see that indeed the work of the enemy is at work he's at play we see that there's destruction hopelessness brokenness all around us but jesus said that i have come that you may have life and life in its fullness it is god's will for there to be restoration in every family in every community in every workplace in every nation god desires to bring healing and restoration that is the heart of god for humanity and you see at the heart of all the brokenness around and about us it is an issue of the hearts of men the broken hearts of men wickedness at the core of the hearts of men talk about greed talk about selfishness talk about pain and anger all these things drive men to do things that cause all the brokenness around us i received the hope for the healing and restoration of nations of families of communities it is god at work through the hearts of men it is when the spirit of god touches the hearts of men and draws them to himself it is when the truth of god's word is preached into the hearing of men and that truth settles in their hearts and quotes them to desire for god that we will see healing in our nation there was healing in our families only by the hand of god but right now i want to pray for our nation our nation uganda i don't want to start our prayer by acknowledging that we we ought to give thanks to god as a nation we still enjoy religious freedom we still have the environment where we can preach the word of god without any limitation yeah we ought to give thanks to god for that i also pray that indeed god will maintain that religious freedom constitutionally that we shall not have some of the hindrances that we hear in places around the world want us to pray and that's the thing we shall pray about that god will continue to give us an environment through our laws and through our leaders that allows us to go and preach the good news that all men will hear and be saved the second thing i want us to pray for is you see god uses you and i his church to be the vehicles and the vessels through whom others will hear about his good news i believe like pastor bryan said earlier that you and i that are children of god we are because someone spoke to us someone spoke god spoke through someone to us and god is looking for men and women who will rise up and say god here i am send me here i am use me that i will be a vessel to reach the farthest ends of this nation and the world that the people will come to know who you are i like what the bible says in the book of isaiah chapter 6 verse 8 then i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send who will go for us then i say here i am send me we want to pray and ask god to raise men and women who will be missionaries in this country who will give up their lives that every single family and every part of this nation will receive the truth of god's word we want to pray that god will we will raise even among us you that are watching right now you can sense that god is saying that that is you let's respond the call of god and that thing that we're going to pray for even as we leave this nation to the lord in prayer is that we the church whatever god has blessed you we shall take our place we shall arise and let the light of god shine through us and we shall be vehicles through whom god will touch those environments wherever we are beginning from our very own families our communities ezekiel chapter 22 verse 29 30 says this the people of the land have practiced oppression and extortion and have committed robbery they have wronged the poor and the needy and they have oppressed a stranger without justice i searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the sake of the land i would not destroy it but i found no one i believe that god has found you i believe that god has laid his hand upon you and said you are that man that woman in that family in that community in that workplace in that tribe in that area that i want to use to reveal the walls that are broken right now let's just raise our voices in prayer commit those three things in prayer right now even as we believe god for his grace upon this land for god to heal our land for god to restore allah let's just pray together as we lift them up to the lord in prayer and believe that indeed god's solution to bringing healing to this nation and land is through you and i let's just pray together right now father in the name of jesus we stand together as your children lord we are saying that here we are lord if you are looking for a man and a woman to send forth send us king of glory lord empower us that we shall be effective in living out your truth and declaring your truth every day of our lives all around and about us king of glory lord our desire is that indeed we shall give our lives to you king of glory and lord for your purposes in extending your kingdom whatever you've called us to because only your truth will set men free only your truth will bring healing to this nation king of glory so lord we pray that amongst us raise up men and women burdened by you king of glory who will give their lives to going out and reaching out to the father's tribes and father's people to be able to hear the truth of your word king of glory lord is our prayer that this nation will be healed that you will bring justice in this nation and you bring healing where is disease and sickness and you will bring reconciliation oh god and you will bring oh lord my god deliverance from every form of wickedness child sacrifice immorality king of glory our lord we know that it's only by the truth of your will so lord use us as your vessels it begins with us king of glory cause the hearts of men to be turned over to you king of glory lord this nation will experience your peace your joy and your restoration so lord we give thanks and praise to you because we know that you alone are the hope of our nation you alone are the hope of our tribes and families king of glory so lord come take control we honor you and we give thanks and we give praise to you in the mighty and awesome name of jesus we all pray amen and amen let's continue together in worship as we carry on in our evening [Music] [Music] no other foundation can we build upon not philosophy nor the wisdom of man [Music] upon this rock [Music] when we bind and in jesus name we will not face never [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is [Music] [Applause] will not breathe and in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] we know [Music] up [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] will not breathe [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] christ is [Music] you know friends jesus said in matthew 16 and verse 18 i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against the church and that gives me such great hope and assurance and confidence that this work of reaching the world with the greatest message of all the gospel we have victory we will not lose jesus is building his church and no demon in hell no scheme of man no scheme of satan will stop the preaching of the gospel hallelujah and so we can be full of confidence we want to pray for our total church our local church that god will build us up to be a church that is preaching the gospel from our pulpits we'll preach the gospel through our acts of kindness and our compassion we will take the gospel of the love of the lord jesus we're going to pray for the greater body of christ all around the world to arise and shine by preaching the message of the gospel we're going to ask god to fill us with this spirit we're going to ask god to give us boldness we're going to ask god to give us ideas we're going to ask god to come and empower us and literally set us up to be a church that is preaching the gospel so right now will you just begin to lift up your voices pray for the pastors that were told to church pray for the elders that were to the church pray for the deacons that were to to church pray for the celebrate for yourself come and begin to pray lift up your voice right now don't be silent open up your mouth and pray right now child of god pray that god will fill them with the holy spirit pray that god will give us a boldness come on to declare the message of god's word that it won't be a funny gospel but the true gospel come and lift up your voice lift up your voice yes god help us jesus not to be caught up in funny doctrine but to preach the word of god to preach the gospel and to be unashamed in the name of jesus give us a boldness from our pulpits in jesus name father we pray that our to the church our cell leaders our ministry leaders pastors elders deacons will be men and women who preach the gospel yes lord will be unashamed we will tell the world that a lost and dying world is on its way to hell but when they put their faith in jesus they will go to heaven they will be within one day either we can experience the blessing of that life right now here on the earth oh god we pray anoint us with boldness with courage to declare the gospel in every city in every nation juba south [Applause] for the sudan of your name for the glory of your name i want us to continue in prayer we're going to pray that god god himself will empower the things that we do here at whatever church since 1992 we have been involved in community care looking after the most vulnerable women and the most vulnerable children we've been involved through our small groups in community projects by which we take the love of jesus by practically solving communities needs we call it aiming at the pain friends i want us to pray that as what other church we will never be a judge that stops caring for the community we'll continue looking after the orphan and the widow and will continue through ourselves to reach our community with the love of jesus come and pray will you pray that god will resource us give us finances bring partners to help us continue looking after the orphan and the widow come and let's lift up our voice and pray jesus we thank you for calling us to look after the orphans and the widow throughout to the child care ministries we pray god may you or god resource us in the name of jesus with finances with partners yes lord we property so we can look after the vulnerable in the name of jesus lord i pray that you o god will guard that which you have given to us there are enemies that come in our way the enemies that are against us but if you be for us who can be against us you fight our battles and you give us victory watch over every single one of our children may each of them grow to become a godly transformational leader yes not a responsible christian a productive citizen in the name of jesus influencing their community for christ in jesus name father we pray we pray as lord for babies home that in that place lord god yes those little babies will be nurtured to know that they are loved by that they're not rejected that you are the father to the fatherless lord we pray for every neighborhood woman and her child lord god that they will receive hope again that they'll be dignified once again and that they will live the life that you want them to live that will live a life of meaning and purpose and each of them my god will grow up to be a testimony of your amazing grace and of your amazing love come on friends really clap our hands and thank god for not only hearing our prayer but answering our prayer in jesus minded in jesus mighty name now we're gonna pray we're gonna pray for the church of the lord jesus all across the world there's believers in every nation around the world it doesn't matter which nation you go to you're gonna find christians right now i'm gonna lead us in a prayer of agreement we are gonna pray that the lord will just build his church all across the world listen i want you to lift up your hands wherever you are we're going to lift up our hands and we're going to pray come and lift up those hands we're going to pray father in the name of jesus i want to thank you so much for your church your people all around the world a movement of people passionate about you who have given their lives to you father i pray even now strengthen your church in the name of jesus by the power of your holy spirit to stand in the name of jesus yes in this difficult days to stand and be bold for the gospel i pray lord that we will not love our lives even unto death that will be willing to pay every price that will be willing to sacrifice yes lord for the sake of him we pray let us help us to teach our children raise up the next generation in the fear and of the lord i pray god i will teach them the scriptures we'll show them how to pray we'll teach them how to put their faith in you so that lord you will move in there in their midst lord god i pray in jesus name for the church around the world lord though we may go through persecution father i pray for the grace of the lord that causes us to stand and after we have stood we shall continue standing for the glory of your name father i break on you to raise church leaders pastors apostles evangelists teachers yes lord bishops lord god to raise and look after your people so that your church will be strong and mighty in this last day father i pray that your people will go out and affect the community as through business through sports through politics through entertainment that your church will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world and father i pray position us to influence governments position us to influence the world lord god with the greatest message of all the gospel of the lord jesus that heals broken hearts that heals broken communities that heals broken cities and nations and continents for the glory of your name in africa may the church arise may the church arise may the church arise in this season to bring healing to bring transformation for the glory and for the owner of your name in asia north america south africa in the middle east in australia i call out the church i rise i rise arise father we know that if you are for us who can be against us for the gates of heaven shall not prevail in jesus name [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] come on will you clap your hands and just thank god today come on clap your hands and celebrate in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah listen friends every moment we spend in prayer is never wasted i believe god hears prayer and the answers prayer so receive your answer to prayer by faith in jesus name let everybody shout amen amen amen build your church lord listen friends [Music] the church of the lord jesus is not a building the church of the lord jesus is people just like you and i see everybody in this place we are part of the church of the lord jesus the family of god god's people god's sons and daughters you know what it's not just for a few it is for everybody you can be a part of the family of god you can be a part of the church and all you have to do is this my friend recognize that you're a sinner that your life is not right with god you don't have to to pretend and play nice and cool on the outside when on the inside things are not right with god recognize that you're in sin but recognize my friend that you need a savior and there is a savior his name is jesus his name is jesus and he loves you he died for you and i want to invite you to give your heart to jesus right now are you not born again jesus said you'll not enter the kingdom of heaven unless you were born again but he wants you born again turn to him in faith today receive him as your lord and savior you shall be saved and maybe you're doing it for the first time but i sense there's also people who are doing it probably for the second on the third time you're recommitting your life to jesus recently you've allowed sin to come into your heart and you've walked away from jesus but today you're saying bran i'm coming back to jesus no more playing games 100 for jesus we want to pray together with you we want to pray together with you you pray despair after me repeat these words after me because you're making a huge commitment to jesus right now everyone praying dear jesus thank you for loving me i recognize that i am a sinner and i need a savior jesus you are the only savior today i'm asking you to forgive me of my sin wash me clean in your precious blood give me a brand new life jesus i now receive you as my lord and my savior and from today i believe that i am born again that i am a child of god i will live for you and i will follow you for the rest of my life in jesus name and everybody says amen and amen and amen wow welcome to the family of god you prayed that prayer your sins have been forgiven you're now a child of god full of the holy spirit come on friends let's celebrate amen amen so listen friends there is a link that has just appeared on the screen right now i want you to click that link and i want you to also write to us connect with otherchurch.com when you click that link your information is going to be captured but we always love hearing from you so do write to us connect with totalchurch.com there's stuff that we want to share with you that's going to help you grow in your walk with the lord we're so excited for you your best days are not behind you your best days are ahead of you in jesus name amen and amen hey really looking forward to this weekend at church is going to be absolutely amazing it's a communion weekend so make sure that you come we're going to have a great time worship and prayer and in the word i also want to remind you you don't have to book for the church service you don't have to book you can just come bring your friend but it's first come first stop so come early so that you grab for yourself a seat hey we're gonna close in worship right now but i want to pray a blessing go for you are you ready are you ready come on let's pray together father in the name of jesus i thank you for your people now i ask that you bless them cause your face to shine on them give them peace be gracious to them i pray in the name of jesus that you bless the work of their hands i pray that you give them a great month of june that they will prosper in everything that they do i pray that you watch over them guide them from the hand of the enemy i pray in jesus mighty name that you fill them in your spirit that as they live for you god they will experience the full blessing the measure of your grace that what that's available to those that are children of the most high god we thank you in advance for the supernatural miraculous things that you're gonna do in our lives thank you for a fruitful month in jesus name and everybody says [Music] [Music] is it from the ground [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] will not standing prevail your [Music] store up [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] feel [Music] feel your touch [Applause] come on come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] from let your children [Music] is [Music] on is on [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Watoto Church
Views: 5,621
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Id: Qawp-k4g2Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 46sec (5146 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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