Watoto Church Evening Of Worship

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[Music] and the glory of the lord is upon your [Music] eyes [Music] oh [Music] hello a total family you are very very welcome to our evening of worship and prayer i tell you what the presence of god is here the spirit is moving and we are going to have a great time psalm 122 says i was glad when they said let us go into the house of the lord and there is a wonderful time that we are going to have together as we lift up the name of jesus great things happen when god is people pray and we are to here today to lift up the name of jesus wherever you are why don't you invite somebody share a watch party on your facebook and share the link with somebody we want to celebrate the king of kings together the bible says that as moses lifted up a serpent in the wilderness so must the name of the son of man be lifted up this evening we are lifting up the name of jesus because jesus has the power to heal the sick he has the power to deliver he has the power to revive us so no matter what we are going through this evening we are believing for the impossibilities to be possibilities in our lives so why don't we pray together before we start father we lift up your name this evening we give you honor we give you thanks we give you praise so lord we know that as we gather the impossibilities in our lives become possibilities so lord may you do what you can only do in our lives receive all the honor and all the glory in jesus name we pray so are we ready to worship come on let's rise up wherever we might be and worship the kingdom of kings are you ready like this come on [Music] we will not be shaken we will not be moved we are holding on to you jesus forever [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] he never sees [Music] [Music] [Music] we will not be rude [Music] jesus oh come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music] oh [Music] be jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah yeah like this come on [Music] come on again come on one more time come on [Music] are you ready to sing it out here [Music] stronger that's right and the anxiousness inside no you won't give up the fight you are stronger [Music] cause nothing's broken [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] louder come on [Music] you cannot move that's right there's no chaos you can't see through cause nothing's broken you are great [Music] together like this are you happy to be in god's presence yeah come on are you happy to be in the presence of god [Music] you [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] that's right oh yes lord lord jesus yes [Music] come on just sleep your hands and give him worship [Music] jesus [Music] i give you glory for all you've brought me through and now i'm ready for whatever you wanna do i'm moving forward and now i'm ready for whatever you want to do sing your praises your jesus is an open door [Music] we want you lord like never before your presence your presence is an open door so come now lord like never before in every season your grace has been enough and i believe [Music] is [Music] your presence is [Music] is [Music] jesus breakthrough is [Music] maybe [Music] maybe [Music] [Music] we want you lord like never before your prayers lord your presence is an open door so come now lord like never before hallelujah in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy amen and we say rejoice we speak to our souls and say rejoice in the lord almighty he's a good god every heart lifted say rejoice on my soul rejoice on my soul our god is a good god let him fill your life with joy right now hallelujah worthy jesus you're worthy jesus we will rejoice in your presence [Music] hallelujah rejoice on my soul he is good he is always good rejoice on my soul he is good he is always good to us lift your eyes don't worry about tomorrow peace will come [Music] [Music] [Applause] he is always good rejoice [Music] he is always good [Music] easy [Music] is [Music] is [Music] unshakeable god [Music] unshakeable god [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is comes from [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus we rejoice in you we rejoice in you because you are good and your mercy and your swear of a child of god lift up your hand right where you are come on just rejoice in the lord declare what he has done he has healed you protected him covered him sheltered you come and rejoice in the lord and again i say rejoice testify testify open up your mouth and say god you have been my father lord you've been my provider you've been my sustainer you've given me victory in every battle come on you can lift up your hands right where you are as a family as an individual praise god right now praise him for his goodness for his faithfulness oh come on he is good he is good and his mercy endures forever i want you to get into that church right now that comment section begin to type out your testimony even if it is just two words just say provision for me he's been provided some of you just need to say he healed me he healed your mother he healed your father some of you you lost a loved one and he has been the strength that has kept you together he has been your peace when the storms were raging on the inside of your heart you were about to lose your mind but look how far the lord has brought you the bible said if it hadn't been for the lord on my side if it hadn't been for the lord children of god come on right now get into that chat section and begin to type type it out say the lord protected me he sheltered me testify come and let us give praise to god right now through our words yes you can sing out a song of praise right now a new song of worship call him provider call him sustainer call him father other father come and worship him worship him tell him lord you are high and lifted up you are my joy you are my reward you are the lord my redeemer my savior my king my god in whom i put my trust hallelujah come on right now let's clap our hands and let's celebrate this god let's celebrate him friends oh you can't do better than that clap your hands and celebrate this god amen amen rejoice and again i say rejoice you know in a season like this it can be difficult to rejoice it can be difficult to rejoice we are more aware sometimes of what is not going right than what the lord is actually doing but we are people of faith we fix our eyes on the lord and one of the ways to keep our eyes set on the lord is by rejoicing one person put it this way count your blessings name them one by one praise is so powerful it helps you to lift up your eyes above the storms and like the sun is to lift up your eyes to the heels where does your help come from the lord the maker of heaven and earth rejoicing the lord and again i say rejoice what an awesome time of worship what an awesome time of worship i know that you're already feeling encouraged there is hope right now and i just came to encourage you from god's word and set your heart concerning what we're going to pray about today and our theme for tonight is revival revival and friends there is no better time than now for there to be revival and when i'm talking about revival i'm talking about when god breathes life upon something that is dead when god resuscitates when god brings back life and joy and peace where dead things come back to life that's our attitude today we are coming before god with an expectation that dead things are coming back to life in jesus name hallelujah tonight is a night of revival for you tonight is a night of revival for your family tonight is a night of revival for your plans your hopes your ambitions your plans today god is going to breathe revival into your relationship with him today life is coming hope is coming in jesus name yes i want to turn your attention to ezekiel chapter 37 and in this portion of scripture from verse 1 to 14 we see that the lord takes a circle on a journey it is a vision and he takes him to a valley with dry bones and in verse 1 to 2 of ezekiel 37 this is what is recorded he said the lord took hold of me and i was carried away by the spirit of the lord to a valley filled with dry bones he led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor they were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out he's taken to a valley of dry bones he stood right in the valley of death they were completely dry they had been out of the body for long you know sometimes it's easy to believe that revival is able to come to a body that is well put together there is that the flesh is still around and it's easy to breathe life into that today we're talking about a god who will breathe revival even to that which has been long dead that is the kind of god that he is in verse three to six we read here ezekiel says then he asked me after god has taken him to this place he asked him son of man can these bones become living again wow also friend lord i replied you alone know the answer to that then he said to me speak a prophetic message to these bones and say dry bones listen to the word of the lord this is what the sovereign lord says look i am going to put breath into you and make you live again i will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin i will put breath into you and you will come to life then you will know that i am the lord wow what a question god asks can these dry bones come back to life again he didn't presume on god god gave him a word of prophecy said say this to the bones muscle flesh life breath you will live again and i love the fact that ezekiel believed the word of god because sometimes it looks foolish to believe god's word when there is death all around you you're losing loved ones your jobs are falling apart your children are going wayward you seem to be stuck in life and when the word of god comes to you pray that these things will live again pray that your business will arise that your marriage will be fine that your children will be okay sometimes there's no evidence for that but i love the fact that ezekiel believed god's word and he spoke it so in verse 78 he says so i spoke this message just as he told me suddenly as i spoke there was a rattling noise all across the valley the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons because when god begins to bring things back to life he doesn't do a shady job he does a complete job everything finds its rightful place hallelujah verse 8 then as i watched muscles and flesh formed all over the bones then skin formed to cover their bodies but they still had no breath in them so it is a process friends revival is a process certain things have to be in place things have to get in line what in your life do you need to get okay you need to get your life right with god is it sin get seen out of your life is it a wrong attitude towards god get that out of your life you need to begin to position yourself for revival get yourself in like get connected to god today may faith and hope arise god is bringing dead things back to life today may faith arise in your heart verse 9 to 10 then he say to me speak a prophetic message to the wind son of man speak a prophetic message and say this is what the sovereign lord says come up breath from the four winds breathe into this dead body so that they may leave again so i spoke the message as he commanded me and breath came into their bodies they all all not some of them but they all came to life hallelujah things in your life are going to come back to life today let us pray in jesus name let's put our hope in jesus name dead things are coming back to life i don't know about you but i'm so full of faith they all came to life and stood up to their feet a great army he spoke the word of god and life began began to come into those pawns and they all came to life and assembled into a great army see the thing is this god wants to revive you not just for your good but for his glory he wants to use you as a testimony of revival he wants to use you as a conduit of revival may revival come into your life today so that you may touch those around you and may they experience the same revival a joy of your salvation may your dreams come back to life and may you inspire those who are giving up on life again in jesus name because god revives us so that he can use us i love 11 to 14 and this is where we're going to stop today then he said to me son of man these bonds represent the people of israel they are saying we have become old dry bones all hope is gone our nation is finished but i'm so glad friends that as long as god is in it it's not over there are for prophecy to them and to prophesy to them and say this is what the sovereign lord says oh my people i will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again then i'll bring you back to the land of israel when this happens all my people you will know that i am the lord i will put my spirit in you and you will live again and return home to your own land then you will know that i i the lord have spoken and i have done what i said yes the lord has spoken i'm so grateful that the spirit of god who is alive and very well in this day in your home right now in your living room wherever you're watching this from the spirit of god is gonna come upon you life is gonna come today the spirit of god is gonna bring the joy of your salvation you're going to fall in love with jesus again fall in love with his word fall in love with his presence you're going to experience revival holy spirit we pray right now may the work of revival begin go forth like a mighty wind revive your people revive them in their passion revive them in their love revive them in their desires in your god and i pray that you oh god the work that you're going to do today will go beyond every household it will go to the cities it will go to the nations it will pour out into the churches for the glory and honor of your name so today we declare revival starts now in jesus name in jesus name and look to your cheese the mountains where does my help come from my help is from the lord the maker of the heavens and when fear surrounds me my faith abounds in here cause the one who fights my battles will never be defeated [Music] i will see the goodness of the lord and this hope will never fail it will hold my soul within the tribe [Music] together [Music] foreign [Music] will [Music] if [Music] this home will never fail [Music] in your promises [Music] [Applause] [Music] in your love i won't be shaken give me faith to see your work stand tall within the promise for your world will never fail me [Music] take me for [Music] give me [Music] [Music] me thank you [Music] i will see the goodness of the lord and this hope will never fail [Music] it will hold my soul within the tribe [Music] i don't know about your friend but i believe with everything that is within me that there has never been a time to be confident in our god than this time even as maybe you're watching this from wherever you are you are going through a situation and you are wondering where is god when all this is happening to me you are asking if god has forsaken you you are asking where can i go from here there seem to be no light at the end of the tunnel but let me tell you something friend the reason why we are confident in our god is because god is able to come through for us no matter the circumstance no matter the situation and let me tell you even what we are going through right now god has already gone ahead of us that's right reminded of a scripture in in first kings chapter 17 [Music] the bible says the word of god came to prophet elijah from verse 2 it says then the word of the lord came to elijah live here god said turn eastward and hide in the kerith raven east of jordan you will drink from the brook and i have ordered the ravens to feed you there so he did what the lord told him he went to the carries raven east of jordan and stayed there verse 6 says the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening and he drunk from the brook the first verse elijah had had declared a drought all over the northern kingdom of israel and this was not a popular decision that he did in the eyes of many including king ahab and so perhaps this put his life in danger and god aware of this instructs elijah to move away to his place of safety but here is what happens friends in this place where elijah is told to go it would only be between him and god elijah had to put his confidence in god for his survival for what to eat and maybe even as you watch this you are at a place where it's only you and your god perhaps the people that you have trusted in have disappointed you maybe your skill has let you down i want to encourage you my friend that this god that we are worshiping this evening is more than able to meet your need the very god that made elijah's name was able to provide for elijah as he provided for the children of israel in the wilderness with manna the same way he gave elijah bread and meat in the morning and in the evening is more than able to come through for you child of god i want you to write ahead even as we continue in this session of prayer and worship type that prayer request that you may be having what is that need that you want god to come through for you is it a is it a job issue is it something to eat what is it that you want god to do for you god is more than able to do it even as we continue in this session are you sick in your body this god not can not only give you what to eat but is more than able to restore you as you continue reading in that portion of scripture elijah brings to life the son of the widow who was dead let me tell you in the same way god is more than able to bring you to life god is more than able to restore you wholeheartedly he's more than able to get rid of that pain in your body right now just continue to believe him in healing for healing are you on that hospital bed cry out to god he'll be able to heal you heal your people god heal the sick oh god we trust and hope in you [Music] and friends those moments where we are just us and god sometimes can be lonely moments and in such moments we need the spirit of god to carry us through yes at that moment when elijah was just by himself he depended on the spirit of god he relied on god so even as to go through these tough times that we are in we need the spirit of god we need the spirit of god to come in our lives to revive us to recharge us to re-energize us once more so i want you to take a moment right now ask for the spirit of god to feel you once more ask for the spirit of god to direct your feet as for the spirit of god to come into your life to take charge of every area of your life to take control of your business to take control of your family to take control of your relationship to take control of everything in your life spirit of god we believe in you right now take over take over our god glorify yourself in our lives [Music] holy spirit of god we ask of you to move move in our situations move in our circumstances give us confidence oh god revive us revive us of god cause us to trust and believe in you once more where our faith is going down may we look up to you the author and the finish of our faith may we rely on you for courage may we rely on you god for confidence in your god [Music] let's agree together and father we we give you thanks lord we know that your greatness your ability to perform miracles is not limited by what we are going through god but we know that even when we are faithless lord remain faithful and lord because we know that you are faithful that's why we turn to you we turn to you at our weakest point knowing that you're more than able to come through for us knowing that you're more than able god to come through in our situations in our circumstances and right now god we believe you for provision we believe you god for miracles oh god we believe you for breakthrough we believe you too to act as supernatural in our lives we ask all god that break the chains in our lives break the chains that are abiding us to god oh god may you launch us ahead you may launch yourself fresh oh god may you revive us of god to do the things which are even greater not even in this circumstance oh god can we be limited by what you can do through us we ask for healing you know what you say that by my stripes we are healed lord by your stripes we are healed lord we believe you o god for the supernatural god move among your people who are believing you for healing right now because we know that you are more than able to heal them lord even as we trust in you for healing we know that it's your holy spirit that is going to carry us through this is the spirit of god that is going to make us to face tomorrow it is the spirit of god that is going to give us confidence and the courage to face tough situations and circumstances in our lives lord may you recharge us may you renew us with your street holy spirit may you re-baptize us once more oh god may you power out your spirit to us once again you have to say that you have said it in your world that in the last two days i will pour out my spirit i will power out on my spirit and my people will prophesy and they will see vision oh lord we are so god that we prophesy that was the vision for tomorrow that lord will be able to face all circumstances and situations in our lives god so we thank you god we thank you that right now you are causing a revival in our lives you are causing a revival in our situations god oh god receive all the honor receive all the worship receive all the adoration oh god let's continue let's continue to worship hallelujah thank you jesus you thank you jesus [Music] yes we've seen what you can do oh god of wonders your power has no end that's jesus [Music] no reason why you can't break through no mountain you can't move all things are possible there's no power [Music] the darkest night you can light it up [Music] come on [Music] my what you've defeated [Music] is things are [Music] you possible light it up [Music] are you ready to this one hey come on you clear this one's over the city come on together come awaken your people come awake come on [Music] [Music] you got [Music] we got everybody [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you gotta provide [Music] god everybody [Music] [Music] lord you are the god of revival you are the god of refreshment you are the god of real awakening so we turn to you we humble before you to ask our god rest to us praise ours to the place of worship to the place of loving yes to the place of care to the place of prosperity yoga that's how we come we come fully fully fully surrendered to you lord glory your name come on friends child of god give some praise to god give some praise to god you know god does not only care about you the individual [Music] when he cares about you he has the whole nation in mind and so we want to take some time and focus on this god who is ready to revive you but also revive the whole nation this is how habakkuk 3 says lord i have heard of your friend i stand in all of your deeds lord repeat them in our days in our time make them known in what remember mass so god in his mask he wants to revive uganda he wants to revive the nations of the world so that's how big he is he does it by his grace but you know what like pastor brown mentioned earlier revival happens not spontaneously but by intentionally as humbling as us to god and we ask god [Music] to take away our iniquity to take away the things that do not glorify him in our lives so that he will be glorified you know i want to just read for us this psalm psalms 85 this is what it says in verse 1 you lord showed favor to your land you restored the fortunes of jacob you forgive the iniquity of your people and covered all their sins in verse 6 says will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you show us your unfailing love lord and grant us your salvation no god i will listen to what god the lord says he promises peace to his people his faithful servants but let them not turn to foley surely his salvation is near those who fear him his salvation is near to those who bear him that his glory may dwell in our land love of love and faithfulness meet together righteousness and peace kiss each other faithfulness springfield from the earth and righteousness looks down from heaven the lord will indeed give what is good our land will yield its harvest righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps that's what god is going to do so the first area we are going to ask god for our nation is this that he will revive worship through worship of god when the people of god worship him then all the other things will fall in place then the second thing i'm going to ask you to pray for is this that god will revive unity and peace in our land and you know unit and peace cannot happen when leadership is not godly so we are going to pray for godly leadership in uganda and in the nations of the world you see the troubles in europe you see the troubles in the americas you see the troubles in asia on a god but starting with worship we are also going to ask god that he will restore the education sector yes the copy situation has messed up the education sector let's pray that education sector will be revived we are also going to ask that god will revive knowledge and understanding in the science and the health of our nation so that new invasions new discoveries will happen the scientists will really do in the glory of god come out with the solutions over this conversation this is nothing like we worshiped earlier on this mountain will be swept away yes that's how i want to come to this god so you know what wherever you are this evening wherever you are whether in your home or you're driving along the street or you are in the hospital come on let's begin to worship god begin to mention those things to god lord we come to you we ask of god that revival worship through worship may the church worship you oh god through worship of god worship based on your promises lord we also ask you a king of glory may you revive the kind of unity that brings you glory that communities will be united then citizens of the nation will love each other there will be peace in our land oh god oh god oh god lord we ask our god that may you revive the education sector lord may the schools be revived may the teachers be revived may the students be revived in their understanding that lord the education will glorify your name give wisdom to the leadership of every every institution of god that's how we come to you this day that's how we come to you this day lord we thank you that you are able to revive the economy of uganda you are able to revive the economy of the nations of the world lord people promising trouble in the economy but your promise does not promise there's trouble you promised us revive oh god thank you so much yes oh my god oh my god that in this season in this season people will come with the new inventions in the medical sector give wisdom to researchers to come up with solutions to kobe yes lord give researchers wisdom to come up with solutions may problems be matched with solutions that come from the people of god that are anointed of god lord we thank you so much so we ask our god may your name be praised may there be a testimony like harper could testify that also do it in our time oh god do it in our time so lord we thank you we continue to ask you to every man who's working faithfully every woman who's working faithfully honestly lord bless the work of their hand may the land of uganda and the land of the nations begin to spring forth huge harvest huge fruit so god that you will be glorified so uganda and the nations we speak to you now may you continue to be to the glory of god in the economy in the education sector in the leadership in the in the health sector in every area that people will worship god in the truth and in his spirit in jesus name we pray amen let's continue in worship holy spirit you're welcome here we honor your name [Music] spirit sound rushing with fire of god [Music] as we repent turn from sin revival [Music] the fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out pour your spirit out [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] out pour your spirit out [Music] the power of your presence pour your spirit out [Music] pour your [Music] eyes [Music] before your spirits [Music] see [Music] we can hear the wind [Music] upon our praise [Music] we [Music] a holy [Music] and we [Music] out [Music] out [Music] thank you holy spirit for your presence in our midst right now friends wherever you are spirit of god is moving right now just open up your head and receive him in the name of jesus in the name of jesus pour out your spirit of god pour out your spirit in the name of jesus our hearts are hungry our hearts are yearning we are thirsty for you holy spirit pour your spirit out of god pour your spirit out of god and fill us in the name of jesus the name that is above all names oh god oh god oh god yes lord pour your spirit out in our midst in our midst fresh fire fresh fire pour out right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the name that is above all names oh god oh god oh god oh god our hearts are open our hearts are yearning pour your spirit out of god pour your spirit out of god we want more of you jesus more of you lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the name that is above all names hallelujah hallelujah friends jesus is the hope of the world jesus is my hope jesus is your hope in these troubled times jesus is our hope in the name of jesus allow me read for us a portion of scripture in colossians chapter 1 from verse 15 this is what the bible says jesus is the image of the invisible god for by him i beg your pardon jesus is the image of the invisible god the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created for in him all things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible thrones of powers rulers or authorities all things were created by him in the name of jesus verse 18 says and he is the head of the body the church he is the beginning and the firstborn among the dead so that in in everything he might have the supremacy in the name of jesus friends jesus is supreme he is all-powerful and he wants to express all that power all that love all that mercy in you and through you and through his church in the name of jesus so we are going to take some time right now and pray for the church of jesus christ here on earth that he will express his power his love his grace his mercy in us and through us and we are going to pray for three things first of all we are going to pray for you and me we are the church of jesus christ that jesus will move in us that jesus will move through us in the name of jesus we're also going to pray for the universal church of god all around the world there are churches that are being persecuted there are churches that are struggling to to to thrive in this time we are going to pray for them that jesus will arise in the name of jesus and then we are going to pray for our torah church our church our family for the last 37 years god has been absolutely amazing he has done great and mighty things in us and through us so we are going to pray that he will move more that we will have more of him in our midst here at one of the church in the name of jesus so come on friends wherever you are right now open up your heart for jesus for holy spirit to move in you in the name of jesus yes lord yes mary yes my god our hearts are open yes or lord where we have had your voice and we have disobeyed we ask for your mercy we ask for your forgiveness we are opening our hearts to your god that you will move in us in the name of jesus that we will be your church we will arise and shine in the name of jesus in our homes in our workplaces in our neighborhoods that we will express your generosity we will express your love we will express your forgiveness in the name of jesus the name that is above all names come on friends go ahead in prayer in the name of jesus allow holy spirit to revive you in the name of jesus maybe you had walked away from ministry god is reviving you right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the name that is above all names maybe you are tired the holy spirit is empowering you he's refreshing you with strength with power in the name of jesus the name that is a bible name oh god oh god pour your spirit out pour your spirit out upon your people upon your church pour your spirit out of god holy spirit move in the name of jesus the name that is above all names oh yes lord in the universal church we are praying for the body of christ all around the world where there is persecution lord we are praying for strength for emboldenment in the name of jesus we are lord there is strategy of resources may you provide resources in the name of jesus where are the leaders that quit lord we are praying may you call them up where they had run away to in the name of jesus the name that is above all names we give you praise holy spirit pour your spirit out oh god for your spirit out of god in our midst in your church we need revival we want more of your god in the name of jesus like paul of god we consider the former things fast and we strive for more we ask for more we ask for more god in the name of jesus we continue to commit whatever church into your hands we thank you for the 14 celebration points of that we pray for kampala give us compiler of god for your spirit out in our leaders in the name of jesus we pray for wisdom we pray for anointing in the name of jesus for more resources in the name of jesus for favor in the name of jesus may your light shine in us may your life shine through us revive our god revive ogre revive us jesus revive us mary god revive us precious lord in the name of jesus the name that is the bible names we give you praise of god have your way in us holy spirit we want more of you here to church we want more of you we want to see more of god yes lord yes lord yes lord baptize us with fire in the name of jesus in ourselves of god we are praying for revival in the name of jesus in our community care we are praying for revive or god more of you jesus more of you jesus more of you jesus in our worship more of your god hallelujah more of you jesus more of you in our generosity more of you jesus more of you jesus the advertising church that we will see your name lifted up we will see your name being praised we will see the lost found we will see children rescued and rebuild okay to become leaders in the name of jesus we give you praise lord more of you holy spirit hallelujah have your way in us jesus [Music] for your hallelujah jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] from heaven you [Music] i'm held within your love [Music] in my [Music] you will speak [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] indeed god is in control my friends nothing you're going through catches him by surprise he knows the end from the beginning so he's already marked it out for you you will live to see the goodness of god in the land of the living he will heal your disease he will establish the walk of your hands he will open doors for you he will protect you he will be your shield my friend our god will lift you up you will lack no good thing because like the psalmist said david kodi said i was young and i was old and i've never seen the righteous forsaken god will provide for you he will be with you look to the mountains your help is not there it is above the mountains from the lord the maker of heaven enough he is your help he is in complete control put your faith and your trust in him the thing i love about our god is that he's in charge of the destiny of our lives and not only because he will provide that god has a destiny for every single one of us my friend and his heart's desire is that we will spend the rest of our lives knowing him and serving him he will that's what he wants for you my friend and listen the scripture we read in ezekiel 37 it tells us that that prophecy was about the children of israel that one day he will take them back to their land we've seen god do that but there is coming a day when the nation of israel is going to experience a revival a spiritual revival they will come to the realization that jesus is the lord that he is yeshua the messiah and they will bow down their knees and worship him as king they will be saved and he will fill them with the holy spirit because friends that's where revival begins when you come to the knowledge that jesus is the lord and savior of your life and you offer yourself to him revival begins because then he will save you and fill you with his spirit this is how god put it to the children of israel in ezekiel chapter 36 he said to them in verse 24 for i will take you out of the nations and i'll gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land i will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean i will cleanse you from all your iniquities and from all your idols in others you're saying i will forgive you of your sin then he said i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i'll remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh and i'll put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees hallelujah god will not only forgive you when you cry out to him he will fill you with the holy spirit and i sense these people today that are saying brian will you pray with me i want to give my heart to jesus i want to be saved i want to be born again and i i see some of you saying brian i want to recommit my life to jesus i want to come back i walked away from jesus but i mean business now i'm in business with jesus i'm coming back right now i'll be so glad to pray with you will you help me and break this prayer after me and make that commitment to jesus come and let's pray together everyone praying dear jesus thank you for loving me i recognize that i'm a sinner and i need a savior jesus you are the only savior this evening i'm asking you to forgive me of my sin wash me clean in your precious blood give me a brand new heart jesus i now receive you as my lord and my savior and from this day i believe that i have been saying that i have been forgiven that i am a child of god i will live for you and i will follow you for the rest of my life in jesus name come on clap your hands say amen amen amen well welcome to the family of god there is a party going on in heaven we're here at waterloo church celebrate what god has done in your life this is what i would like you to do right now there is a link that has appeared on your screen go ahead and click that link you're going to share your information with us your name and your number why we want to know who you are the decision you have just made and then we want to come alongside you and then we want to share information with you and walk with you as you grow in your relationship with jesus wow we're so excited for you one more time can we celebrate all our friends have given their hearts to jesus absolutely amazing we know with jesus in your life your best days are not behind you your best days are ahead of you in jesus name well we're not done with prayer we still have five hours of prayer ahead of us so though we may be transitioning from this setting where we are right now we're going live to our power fm studios our pastors are there online and on air will be right here on facebook and on youtube all the way to 2 am we want to pray with you we want to continue believing god that this wind of revival will go forth tonight that you will be transformed your family will be transformed this nation will be transformed so come on invite your friends and family we're going to go into a moment of worship and then we're going to be back to continue in prayer look out god wants to revive you and do something new in your life god bless you be a blessing we'll see you in just a few minutes see you soon [Music] you're the beginning and [Music] is [Music] you're the beginning [Music] is [Music] love them [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] you were [Music] foreign
Channel: Watoto Church
Views: 5,014
Rating: 4.9581151 out of 5
Id: e5pQAorXfXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 59sec (5279 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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