Tuesday - Faith For Healing: #13 The Healing Of The Lunatic Boy Pt.II

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[Music] [Music] this ain't no time to turn [Music] good morning class hi i'm keith moore and we welcome you to faith school faith school is the place where my spirit is fed where my faith grows stronger and i learn how to be an overcomer when you're born again overcoming is in your spiritual dna but you're born a baby and if your feed on the right thing you'll grow up and so there's always more to learn about who you are what you are because you can be something in christ and not act like it at all you can yield to something else you can let your outer man dominate you instead of the inner man and a key to changing that is doing that which causes the inner man to become stronger stronger and stronger the stronger your spirit is the more aware you are of what's going on inside you so uh even if you got born again yesterday you can be led by the spirit every day of your life and you don't have to just lose lose lose and just subsist in life you can thrive you can overcome you can win win win in him he always causes us to triumph get your bible something to make some notes with because the lord's going to speak to you and reason i say something to make some notes with is you can you can get more in the spirit at times like this than you are aware and what that means doesn't mean you fall into a trance or that kind of thing you just are more aware of spiritual things than natural things and there are times like that the lord will speak something to your heart you'll see something you'll realize something and it is so clear to you so real to you and you would think well man i'll i'll never forget this and then that very afternoon you'll think now what was that what was that well how can that be because you were more in the spirit than you realized you were and then later on you got more in the flesh and so it got away from you which is why it's good to write some things down make some notes that help help bring it back to you father all of us agree together as touching this asking for the anointing asking for the utterance asking for ears and eyes and heart that can see hear and receive exactly what you would say to us and show us and give us today we ask for it in jesus name amen amen look please in luke 9 uh continuing in our study of the healing of the what the bible calls the lunatic son or boy and we see it in matthew 17 we see it in mark 9 we see it in luke 9. and did i say mark just now or yeah mark 9 is where i want you to go anyway mark 9 is where we'll begin reading right now verse 14. when jesus came to his disciples he saw a great multitude about them and the scribes questioning with them don't be surprised when religious people want to argue with you about what should be clear and plain in the word of god and don't be don't get all hurt and withdrawn if people say unkind things about you because did did they always treat jesus well did they always treat paul well no well why would you be in a category different from them the scripture says you're not and jesus even said that if they if they refused what i said they won't hear you either and the servant's not above his master and if everybody even the ungodly like you and what you say and do you got problems you are not doing well because we're supposed to be different not weird not weird but different different what do you mean different from the ungodly we're supposed to be different like jesus was different is different like paul is different and so they're questioning with them and arguing with them and straightway all the people when they beheld jesus they were greatly amazed and running to him he saluted or greeted him and he asked the scribes what are you questioning with them about and one of the multitude answered and said master i brought to you my son which has a dumb spirit and whoever he takes him he tears him and he foams and gnashes with his teeth and pines away i spoke to your disciples that they should cast him out and they could not now i want you to notice what's going on with this boy let me read this to you from another translation and also from luke's account as well uh the scripture says in the amplified verse 18 mark 9 when wherever it lays hold of him this spirit would would get a hold of the boy and seize on him it dashes him down convulses him he foams at the mouth grinds his teeth and falls into a motionless stupor and is wasting away this is torment this is this word vex did you hear that it vexes him you'll see that in more than one of these accounts and the word vex means to harass and also the word torture is appropriate you you know just from this that this can't be god right it cannot be god that has done this to this boy and his father and his family it cannot be god's will because of the nature of what it is anybody remember john 10 10. john 10 10 and class watching if you don't know it it's a good one to know just just turn there and look at it because i know there's a first time for for everybody on these things john 10 10 jesus made this amazing statement he said the thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy so there's a thief jesus referred to who is this thief well it's not god is it god's not the thief the father is not the thief come on say it out loud the father is not the thief so who's the thief well there's another there's another being there's an evil being the devil and he has those that work with him that he's over and they're called demons and evil spirits and unclean spirits and they work to steal their work is to kill they're murderous and their work is to destroy not heal not build not give life everybody say steal steal kill and destroy and destroy if something does that who's behind it this is not difficult the enemy is the one who tries to make it so convoluted and complicated and people say well now you know there's just so much we don't know of course that's true but what god tells you you should know and you should be clear on what he says and people are trying to tell us well uh um you know god sends some of these destructive things and he has these divine purposes that we don't understand no no we can't accept that that's contrary to the bible and we see jesus rebuked that spirit that's a strong word this word translated rebuke it he uh he gave it an order he commanded it to leave well jesus rebuked other things in his life and walked he rebuked you remember in that storm that time the wind and the waves and commanded them to to cease and be still that tells you right there storms like that can't be from god no with me or not class you know i know that you got people and you got whole institutions that call tornadoes hurricanes floods earthquakes they call them acts of god and we'll try to imply that even though there were lives lost and and millions of dollars of destruction and all this kind of thing we just don't understand it but god must have some purpose in it no no no no jesus would never rebuke something that's from the father would he never never he said i didn't come down from heaven to do my own will but the will of him that sent me he said i always do the things that please him so jesus rebuking death jesus rebuking evil spirits jesus rebuking fevers and storms was all pleasing the father it's what the father wanted done and he never changes if he wanted it done then he wants it done now if he could just find somebody if he could find somebody that would act like jesus and quit being scared and quit being faithless and quit being confused by man's religious traditions if he could find somebody that would stand up and speak against it right and rebuke these things we would see the same results today and we are seeing them and we will see them i said we will see them things are happening in this class and when i say in this class i mean worldwide i mean where you are in your bedroom in your living room in your office the spirit of god is not limited by time zones or distances if you hear this and you believe this and you'll act on this amazing things will happen right where you are right where you are right where you are but you got to be bold you can't be mealy-mouthed about it you can't be wish was you about it you got to make up your mind and get settled and get bold get fully persuaded about it you might say well what if i'm not brother keith stay tuned come back right here one after the other that's why we keep doing this after the other after the other it has a a building effect when you just keep hearing the word it has a cumulative effect and a displacing effect when you get full of faith it's pushing out doubt and you can get full enough of faith until there's no doubt left hallelujah whoo that's something to shout about you can get full of faith to the point that there's no wavering anymore there's no doubt anymore you just are like abraham fully persuade it hallelujah somebody say i receive it i receive it i receive the word i receive the faith i receive the anointing i receive the revelation i receive to be full of faith and have no doubt glory to god you did the right thing by coming to this class today hallelujah oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus said o faithless generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i suffer you he said that in response to the father's description of what was happening to the boy let me read to you some other verses that go right along with this you see what the scripture calls vexation vexation in in matthew 4 you don't have to turn to these you can just listen matthew 4 23 and 24 jesus went about all galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people and his fame went through all syria and they brought to him all sick people and they that were taken with divers diseases and torments and those that were possessed with demons and those that were lunatic and those that had the palsy and he healed them and the implication is all he healed them all all those that had all those problems were healed but did you notice he mentioned specifically others that were in a similar case to this boy and lunatic they used that word again but then also the word torments we've already studied the the deliverance and healing of the syrophoenician woman's daughter and we saw in matthew 15 22 that the woman of canaan came out of those coasts and cried to jesus and said have mercy on me o lord son of david my daughter is grievously vexed with a demon did you hear that terminology grievously vexed luke 6 says a similar thing it says that multitudes of people came and there were those that were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed and the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went virtue or power out of him and healed them all you see this torturous activity going on that should let us know immediately it's the devil whether it's a specific spirit that needs to be dealt with or not it's still the work of the enemy right jesus said the john 10 10 we were saying the thief doesn't come unless he's coming to do these kind of things to steal something to kill something to destroy something well was that happening in this boy's life and in his family's life were they being stolen from yeah their peace was being stolen and all kind of things and his health and his well-being and and was their destruction said it oftentimes tried to throw him in the fire throw him well that's trying to destroy him literally said to destroy him what am i saying we should never for a moment entertain that it might be god's will for a person to be in such a situation never never for a moment should we entertain the idea why do i need to say that because millions of church-going people believe that these evil things are somehow the mysterious will of god well see if you believe that lie i said lie you will not get rid of it you're not going to boldly resist something you think is god right you're not going to boldly you know rebuke something that you think might be god you're just not going to do it and so there is mass confusion among church-going people about these things and as long as you are saying well i just you know i think sometimes you know god sends these they look bad to us but we just don't understand and he has a purpose and he has a reason to do well then it's impossible for you to have faith to get free as long as you believe that you are stuck and the enemy will have a spiritual heyday in your life he'll just do whatever he wants to do and you won't stop him you won't resist him and this is happening all over the place but if it's torturous if it's vexing if it's robbing from us help me class where's it coming from it's coming from the thief it's jesus said so it's coming from the enemy if it's destroying something in our life it is to be resisted not received not accommodated right resisted resist you don't have to know all the scriptures and the hebrew definitions in greek to resist what you know is wrong right you just start standing up against it and even when you don't know or you feel like you're still maybe you're not as settled as you should be you don't have to wait a moment longer to start resisting and you can start saying no i'm not accepting this amen no not now not ever not now not ever and i know there's a lot you know even the jesus own disciples they failed to accomplish some things that was obviously the will of god and even though if i come short here or there i'm okay but i'm not quitting and if the lord bought it and the lord paid for it and he gave it to me i'm going to have it amen i'm going to enjoy it i'm going to experience if he went to that length to get it for me then i'm staying hooked until whatever it takes right whatever it takes i'm staying hooked until and if you have that kind of heart and determination you'll make the lord smile he will see to it that whatever you need you will get hallelujah and we do need some things but still our mind has to get more renewal and sometimes we have still been thinking wrong about something and and he'll give you the missing pieces and it'll come together and you'll go okay now i got it and then the enemy's in trouble oh somebody say thank you lord for the truth the truth that makes me free and this this is one of the great truths that makes you free is that god's not my problem god is not the source of these evil torturous things in life this darkness this death this curse god's not the source of it it didn't come from him it's not his will every good gift comes from him every perfect complete gift comes from him hallelujah hallelujah and he never changes you know what the rest of the verse says with him there's no shadow of turn he never changes not even a tiny amount perfection doesn't need to change and that's what he is and he and he never changes what does that mean he only that's what he is he's good good comes out of good. right yes evil doesn't come out of good evil comes out of evil so good can't come out of the devil nothing but evil can come out of him because that's what he is in fact you know jesus said this he said when the devil speaks a lie he speaks of his own and there's no truth in him because he is he's a murderer from the beginning and he is the father of lies now that paints a picture for a lot of these other things doesn't it the enemy you know sometimes people talk about i've heard some bizarre things about you know the devil bless you if you'd serve him he he might if he had any where is he going to get it borrow it from god no no the devil is not blessed in anybody he is lying he is deceiving he is killing he is robbing he is destroying he is evil evil comes out of evil and god never has a mean day where he decides to get evil never does god say hey devil let you and i swap places today now you're laughing but some goofy theology amounts to some of this stuff yeah but they're working together if they are we might as well quit now right if god and our enemy are working together ain't not even getting out of bed brother i mean right lies don't you believe those lies don't you believe those lies this torment is the same word where it says where this boy was vexed by this spirit and and the sour phoenician woman's daughter listen to luke 16 luke 16 28 it talked about the rich man that died and went to hell and he he said i have five brothers he's talking about letting lazarus go and warn them about hell lest they come to this place of torment that word torment that's the same word that that's translated vexed uh it's the same word in revelation talking about hell where in revelation 2010 that the devil and this is one of my favorite verses in the bible the devil was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet are and they'll be tormented day and night forever and ever that's the same word as translated that these people were vexed with these wrong bad spirits and these evil diseases so the same word is used for hell as is to describe what you experience in hell as is used in some of the things these people were experiencing on the earth it literally is a taste of hell on earth that's not an exaggeration the very same words are used to describe what's going on and this we understand this we have seen people suffer right we have seen people go through torturous things and torments well is is it god's will for us to experience hell on earth certainly not somebody say no no absolutely not he even told his old covenant people that if they would follow him completely and hold on to what he said and do his commands they would experience some days of heaven on the earth well that didn't mean all of this is heaven all the time but you'll get some tastes of heaven now that's the will of god right heaven is god's highest and best that's his will and he wants us to have some tastes of heaven a little heaven to go to heaven in amen the devil wants to take everybody he can to hell with him through deception and lies and he wants to cause everybody to experience hell on earth what am i saying if it's hurting if it's vexing if it's torturing it's not god if it's stealing if it's killing and robbing and destroying help me out it's not god and if it's not god don't you receive it don't you ever receive it if it's not god you resist it and having done all to stand you stand against it and you never give in and you resist it and what the bible say when you resist it in faith like that it'll have to flee from you it'll have to go from here and there are times up again today but as you can see we are not done with this come back tomorrow let's find out how to get free and stay free and it'll have something to do with faith right here in faith school thank you for joining us at faith school classes dismissed for today but you can watch this and other episodes of faith school free of charge at faithschool.org for more information visit our website or call us at 941-702-7390 [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 829
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vGffLOQPTn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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