Faith For The Unordinary" // Pastor John F. Hannah [ SERMON ]

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you you you you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] happy sunday welcome to new life online i'm keisha reed and i'm crystal and we are so happy that you decided to meet us here this sunday as you come in be sure to share this stream and also let us know where you're streaming from we want to know we're a global church so we want to know what country you're in what state you're in what city you're in let us know in the meantime we got some announcements for you we had a few announcements for you so this wednesday at 7 pm via zoom calling all men 18 and up to tune in to iron sharpens iron it's a men's huddle this is the perfect way to fellowship with other men in the church also parents parents calling all parents children and identity teen services online every sunday at 9 30 a.m and at 12 30 p.m you can visit our website to connect to that or our app okay also aim creative art school is now enrolling for fall 2021 so you can join pastor hannah and aim director cara may this wednesday at 12 p.m for a facebook live discussion to talk about the school if you're interested in enrolling you can go to and this is so exciting just pray is now it's going to be out this tuesday april 20th okay you can still pre-order today and tomorrow pre-order the book okay or um you can pre-order um you can go on amazon and get that because you're on amazon anyway you might as well get the book while you buying other stuff right so or you can also go to to get that and those are your reflections for this week all right so let's check in let's see who we have in the building who's who's streaming with us always california you know i always shout you out because it's so early and we appreciate you for joining us um people on the east coast okay in the south i see some new yorkers some people in jersey chicago y'all better be here okay we happy to see you too um see some folks in mississippi uh give us some cities i want to see some cities we see some dallas folks okay i see some san antonio people where else where are we this morning okay san diego i see you as well great make sure you share this stream okay be sure to send it invite your friends invite your co-workers tell your family if y'all not watching today make sure you text people blow them up okay blow the people up make sure they are tapped in and ready for service today this morning pass the glenn okay check our entire lives all right entire lives yeah look i was i was in the back like trying to keep myself together so you already know coming up 9 30 with pasa hannah it's it's going to go crazy so make sure you share this we want you to be in this with us make sure you interact with us online we miss everybody being in the building so this is what we have right now so let's engage let's fellowship in the way that we can um and let's go up let's go up this morning yes yes let's continue to go up and we're also going up with our volunteers because this month is volunteer month okay so we're celebrating our family division who is our family division it's our children and identity teams it's our men's ministry it's our women's ministry it's our singles ministry it's our marriage ministry our salt ministry those are for our seasoned folks and for v12 okay um our dedicated volunteers we will be nothing without our dedicated volunteers um they give us our monthly meetings even events fellowship and more and if you are a part of any of those ministries shout it out tell us which ministry you are part of okay too too put that on the screen yeah a couple of cities a couple other cities came up but yeah let us know what ministry you serve in and you see that as well yes and guess what if you want to be a part of demio's ministry that anything i said sounded good to you you could also be a part of those ministries so you can join us go online to our website site or to our app and be a part of that and again new life will not be new life without our volunteers so thank you thank you thank you so so much yeah that's amazing okay so i don't see any i don't see any ministries yet so shout your mini ministry out we want to see where you serve and then also invite your friends to serve as well it's a great opportunity for us to stay connected if we are working together in service together for the lord it's all good right so let's make sure we invite some friends to do that as well um i think i saw columbia georgia um i have no i've never even heard of columbia georgia so hey welcome um let's see where else are we from where are we serving um okay the bronx is the bronx okay boogie down i love new york i do too all right where else are we what about some florida folks do we have some western people okay boston dc the west side i'm on the south side of myself so that's okay all right that's okay the lord's still living i love this outside okay we're gonna go into that you know we'll do here uncle remus oh sweet sauce okay let's not now not today we don't have enough time is that right we're gonna keep our sweets right so we can tap in okay still let us know where y'all from because i'm still looking for you we see some hay crystals hey they said hey hey y'all okay i'm keisha i'm keisha she here too hey keisha thank you i appreciate it no problem okay but no we appreciate you for streaming with us this morning enjoy the word today make sure you share it because you still have a couple minutes and the nlc inside is starting now [Music] our life group has people from everywhere we got people from wisconsin from california we have um like ohio like all all coming to the same life michigan yeah michigan all right so it's just been amazing because although we're in different places everybody's connecting to what's happening on sundays yeah yeah and being able to be fed but then be able to kind of just talk about it yeah and so it's like you know the message is resonating with everybody no matter where you are yeah you're an excellent life group leader man you hear it right here people connect with people all over the world you don't have to do life alone it's not just a tagline that we say when we're saying it when we're saying join a life group it's really an opportunity to get your life all right it's the church church that's right that's the church it's not just what happened on sunday no it's beyond the building it's beyond sunday if the word on the part of your life then it ain't the word the word works for your life that's right keep it up man happy sunday and welcome to new life online we are so happy you're joining us today wherever you're watching from help us spread today's message by sharing this stream on your social media service is about to begin but first let's take a look at a couple things coming up husband and wives one flesh marriage ministry is back for their monthly marriage builder session join them online saturday at 11 am as they discuss a variety of topics to help you and your spouse maintain and grow fellas this next huddle is not to be missed join iron sharpens iron men's ministry online this wednesday night at 7 p.m log on at or from your new life app new life covenant church southeast introduces the pastoral care team taking the place of pastor of the month the pastoral care team is made of trained and experienced men and women ordained and lay ministers charged to attend to the spiritual needs of members and staff at new life services they offer include prayer requests pastoral care on all new life locations communion bereavement support facilitation of funeral services and memorials and lastly hospital visits for more information and support call 773-272-1750 what's happening everybody this is pastor john hannah and i'm excited about april 28th which is a wednesday night at 8pm i'm calling all college students to meet me on a live zoom if you are in college going to college going for your first year or your last year i want to talk to you about school days what is it like doing college in this day and time all college students april 28th wednesday night what 8 p.m central standard time look at me tell your mama don't get on here cause we about to have some real conversation i'm just saying see you then parents small groups was designed to offer strategies encouragement and community to parents with children of any age join us online next saturday at 11 a.m hey this is professor hannah and i'm standing right here in our new facility the temple and i'm right here near the flow if you look closely these are the names of over 2 500 people that sold a thousand dollars or more to make sure that we built this amazing facility to the glory of god 2500 names many of you all have been asking how can i sow into this come on let me show you over here is another flow another fountain if you notice there are no names here your name can be added here your family name can be added here your company name can be added here whatever name you want it can be added if you sow a thousand dollars or more now that the facility is built what's next paying it off how can you be a part of it go to our app go to our website look for the to give how to give go in there and look for the flow so a thousand dollars or more in your name can be added to the next fountain we need 2500 people that will sell a thousand dollars or more come on let's flow together [Music] art in motion is reimagining education for students our overarching objective is to provide every student regardless of their zip code and opportunity to achieve their fullest academic and artistic potential between our personalized learning model and our social emotional learning and then the parallel tracks of our arts and our academics it's revisioning everything that school has done for students i felt a desire to have a school in the community to give young people an opportunity to express themselves and so if the church is built around the arts and the school is built around the arts that's a that's a net that can grab that generation and pull them in and make sure that their future is secure hey this is professor john hanna and i want to take this time to welcome you to you how excited i am that in this year of the pandemic god is still moving so many have come to the lord so many have joined our church and guess what you my brothers and my sisters are one of those that did and i'm excited about the fact that only are you connected but you are covered let's do this thing called life together and let's enjoy it welcome so what do you do when you personally are going through something and it looks as if it's not going to turn then we need you to be like king hezekiah just pray the bible said that the prophet came to him and told him get your house in order you're going to die what did he do the bible says he turned his face to the wall and begin to do what just pray the bible says that god told the prophet turn around until king hezekiah i have heard your prayers and i've seen your tears and as a result of that i just turned your situation around give me my brothers and my sisters just pray thanks again for worshipping with us today don't forget to meet us back here online this tuesday night for the afterglow with pastor jermon glenn at 8pm and on thursday for bible study with pastor john hanna at 7 pm if you missed anything you can find these announcements and more by downloading the official new life southeast mobile app have an awesome week [Music] bye [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah good morning everyone good morning good morning can we get those in the building can you stand let's get our hearts ready get our minds ready those that at home can you begin to share whatever form of social media that you're on can we get i'm telling them i'm out of breath it's a everybody share everybody connect everybody get your hearts and your spirits ready we're gonna we're gonna learn how to walk it out today pastor hannah's getting ready to preach i need you to wake somebody up and get them ready for the word of the lord so many of you i see have come back for your second round and i'm great you right i'm good all right man father we bless you we honor you we thank you for faith the gift of faith the ability to use it oh god in the earth we thank you for teaching us how to walk it out in this season in this series because you have great things in store for us say today he'll today deliver today stir up our faith god and let your presence and your power go all throughout the world and touch every home and every household in jesus name we pray amen amen amen good morning good morning new life all over the world listen i want to give you a quick a few quick announcements all of this is on our app everything that i'm about to say is on the app if you have not downloaded the app please do so turn on your notifications to make sure that you get the important information iron shopkins iron men's ministry the huddle all the men this wednesday our virtual fellowship for men 18 and up on zoom at 7 00 pm make sure that all the men connect listen children and identity team services online every sunday 9 30 right now and 12 30. so if your children are there you can wake them up tell them to connect on our website on our app identity and children's team service all right i want to make sure that you know we are in a partnership with this school uh art in motion aim now is enrolling for fall 2021 parents have been great teachers at home with your children but i know that you're ready hallelujah to send them to their class praise god so we want to make sure that you connect those of you in the chicago area it's a creative art school for you to recognize something unique in your children because hannah and the aim director are going to have a live facebook 12 o'clock giving you information about the school to discuss it you can learn more and enroll at aim listen i need you to look at what's in my hand that i'm holding hot hot hot off the press the new book just pray is available for pre-order we need everybody that logged in and locked it right now get this book on amazon in the pre-order it's already number one y'all we gonna push it push it push it push it push it push it push it this man of god carries a mantle of prayer for this earth and for this generation and he's put some very important things in here on how to pray the call to prayer and we just believe the favor of god that's on his life is on this book and we're going to make sure that we affirm him by buying one two three or four copies and pass them out and read it to make sure listen it's coming out this tuesday april 20th it's the official day mines is already on its way in the pre-order but i got one hot off the president look at that huh you excited man i'm very excited it's amazing what god has done go is so good all right so everybody order when you get off a church but right now get ready for worship the praise team is coming right now turn your tvs up and get ready to worship the lord all right come on here we go let's go [Music] uh [Music] [Music] god [Music] you're a holy ghost [Music] absolutely [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] [Applause] and god absolutely nothing you can do is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the one that calls me [Music] joshua [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're the one god [Music] is [Music] god you are my sunshine [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes we worship you for who you are god come on wherever you are new life all over the world new life in the room would you just begin to worship the lord come on lift your sound up before him we give you the glory for who you are yep we give you the glory for who you are yep and because we know who you are we owe you all our worship because we know who you are we owe you all our worship because we know you we owe you all our worship because we know you we owe you all our worship because we know you come on we owe you we owe you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] because we know who we owe you [Music] we owe you our lives we owe you a hallelujah yeah we owe you our thank you jesus yes god thank you lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah church would you just lift your hands and begin to speak well of the lord in the room hallelujah god we give you glory thank you for being my refuge my strength my shield thank you for being a strong tower thank you that your name is a strong tower and we can run into it and we are safe we give you glory and we want to sing of your love forever hallelujah yeah yes lord thank you jesus hallelujah come here i want to sing of your love i want to tell the whole world of the greatness of who you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] yes that's the reason [Music] [Applause] jesus we lift up your knees and swing yes lord jesus all the glory belongs to you [Music] so we release our worship to the king of kings to the one who sits high upon the throne yay we give you praise as we lift you up we declare in the room your name is higher than the heavens greater than the nations we call the name of jesus come and sing yes [Music] your name is [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] your name is [Applause] [Music] lord we come [Music] upon you your name is higher come on call this night [Music] in the good times greater than the nations [Music] your name is [Music] can we say your name is your name is [Music] greater than the nations [Music] your name is depression is your great strong name [Music] all [Music] i wanna sing of your love your [Music] of the greatness come on everybody you say that come on you say that that's how we have the words on the screen [Music] come on take it personal you say it [Music] that what [Music] come on that's how we have the words on the screen we need you to see it make it personal i will sing come on let's go come on he needs to hear your voice who you want to talk about [Music] yeah come on y'all make it personal [Music] how many y'all know he love you with your crazy self [Music] now lift your hands of love on them lift your hands and love on i love them i love you i love you lord today because you care for me [Music] praise you i lift you up and i magnify your [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on i need you to fall in love again everybody say i love i love you [Music] come on tell them why do you love them come on those are all on zone tell the lord you love them facebook youtube [Music] if your hands are loving god i'm in love with jesus and he's in love with me come on everybody say and he's what [Music] [Applause] i'm in love and he's what [Music] i just started out y'all take it [Music] anybody in love today [Applause] come on love on them [Music] come on [Music] he all the lovers say i'm in love come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and he's in love with me those of you that know that god been taking care of you [Music] now lift your hands and live on the god that you're in love with come on have a moment everybody have a moment have a moment have a moment yay yay come on he's the lover of my soul come on don't be ashamed open up your alabaster box [Music] i'm in love today i'm in love today i'm in love today i've been in love in a long time [Music] [Music] i'm special anybody know you gotta be special come on [Music] [Music] those of you all that know that you are one of his favorite favorite ain't fair i need you to release a praise for the love of god come on release the praise right there he crazy about me he's in love with me you ain't got to like me he loves me anybody know what i'm talking about you don't have to like me he loved me yay come on need you to type it on the screen i'm in love with jesus on your way take a seat just say i'm in love with jesus i want to go on record that i'm in love today i want to go on record that i'm in love today i want to go on record that i'm in love today i'm head over heels i got some crazy love going on come on here i got some crazy head over heel love going on it's a love affair come on here and i love him openly come on here i'm not ashamed i'm not embarrassed i'm not holding back i'm crazy in love with god those of you that know that you are crazy in love with god and he loves you it's unexplainable god i wish i had some lovers yay i blow him kisses i bow in his presence i lay prostrate in front of him i tell him daily that i'm in love with him i give him words of affirmation come on yay come on we gonna move yay stop it lisa hey i'm in love with jesus he's in love with me yay he's the lover of my soul he's the lover of my soul he's concerned about my eternity he's not a temporary lover he's not a drive-by he came to stay even when i act like i don't love him he loves me anyway come on y'all yes he's unfailing love [Music] i failed he's consistent i'm in love with jesus come on y'all we gonna move i'm in love with jesus hand over heels he gets me hot he also get me drunk he take me places i've never been before i'm in love with jesus come on y'all we out here now it's a love affair i don't like them i love them i don't like them i love them i don't like them i love them come on here we pass the probation part this is forever everybody come here to say i'm in love with jesus [Music] come on lying in the building come in to say i'm in love with jesus he found me polluted in my own blood he didn't ask me to get myself together but he accepted me just as i am and then he fixed me up i better go on off this come on type that on the screen sitting in the building on your way to your seat i'm in love with jesus if you be ashamed to own me before me i'll be ashamed i'm not embarrassed i don't care what nobody think i don't care what nobody say you don't understand our relationship man your own relationship but i want to go on record i'm in love with jesus it's a love affair and every round go higher he's keep showing me a side of him that i've never seen before i can't get bored with him i can't get tired of them let me end again they say i'm in love with jesus we love you today we love you today we love you today god we love you today hey we love you today i need you to make that thing personal on my move come on say i love you today yeah i want to stop what i'm doing i want to put a pause of what i'm going through but i want to go on record by letting you know i love you today [Applause] you're my everything you're the center of my joy you're the apple of my eye you're the beat of my heart you're the skip in my step you're the twinkle [Applause] [Music] i didn't went somewhere i need to come up out of this have your hands and say i'm in love with jesus and it's unconditional i said it's unconditional if he don't do another thing he's not enough to get my love i'm not no spoiled entitled brat go ahead and have a seat let's go done so much for me i can't even tell at all [Music] i'm in love i'm in love every time i think about him i reach for him come on y'all let's go stop danny stop have a seat come on say he's in love with me [Music] come on have a seat tell them he's in love with me i don't even deserve it anybody know you can pay for this you ain't cute enough he saw what nobody else could see he chose what everybody else stepped over came straight for me [Music] danny we gotta stop yeah come on type that on the screen i'm in love ah we'll be going you want to dance with them [Music] anybody want to dance with them anybody want to take them to the dance floor anybody want to dance with your deliverer anybody want to dance with your savior pull them close [Music] put them close [Applause] dancehall [Music] i don't dance for man i dance for the lord hey come on i'm in love with jesus i'm in love with jesus put them close we got to get in this bible [Music] you go to the place and say i just the last round this is the last record we're gonna have to move on take you 60 seconds and give god a dance of appreciation [Music] [Applause] can i thank you for never giving up on me can i thank you for always being there can i thank you for being the very present help in the time of trouble can i thank you for your unfailing love can i thank you for being consistent can i thank you for not backing up can i thank you for pulling me close can i thank you [Music] come on type it on the screen say it out loud i'm in love with jesus have a seat sit down let's go get your bibles can i get you to go to hebrews 11 [Music] put that tamborina stop i don't know who the miriam is but put that tamarina that's too much something about pentecost people when we hit good times and tambourines oh don't do that and i know [Music] and i know that all these work together for my good and i know that all things work only lovers can say that and i know [Music] only lovers can sing this song cause even when you get into something you know he's up to something i'm just saying something have a seat jesus what was that it was a wave god can you please touch the disobedient man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and i know that'll make the devil get out of your situation [Applause] [Music] let's go come on get your powers can you go to hebrews the 11th chapter this is crazy [Music] it's a love affair sweet love come out here come on lift your hands and just live on god for a few seconds come on just for a few seconds i'll give you a couple of seconds to open up your alabaster box and just put your love on the lord for a few seconds because that's some word today there's a word from the lord he loves you that every good and perfect gift that he's put in you came straight from him those of you all that know that you are not the norm can you thank god for your uniqueness can you thank god he love you enough to make you different come on here those of you that know you stand out come on here hallelujah wow so i want to push every parent to go back and to watch the 9 30 i'm sorry the 7 30 service every parent i need you to go back and i need you to really watch that nine that's 7 30 service um god has blessed you with something that you have to protect it is your assignment especially those of you all that can look at your child and identify there's something different about watch me this one and that is the one that you're going to have to be harder on that is the one that you're going to have to protect they'll be mad at you now but they'll thank you later how many all know that your parent was harder on you you couldn't get away with nothing even when you tried to be sneaky he exposed you and some of y'all tried to get into it he wouldn't even let you get into it because there was something different about you and you zoned into that 7 30 service he really zoned into that and what i love about the fact that we get to preach the same things but we are free to go in the direction um today i come to tell you you're going to have to parent what he put in you you're going to have to parent the gift that god put inside of you you have to hear me last week when we spoke we spoke in regards to by faith noah what did he do he built what was unseen for some of you all you are working on what has never been seen come on here so you have no points of reference nobody has ever built an ark nobody has ever seen rain nobody has ever experienced a flood but god got you working on what has never been seen to every musician every single every writer god has you working on what has never been heard and you need to be comfortable with hearing your uniqueness today we want to focus on those of you or should i say us that are not the ordinary you are not the ordinary can those of you that can identify what i'm saying can you open your mouth and just admit that i am not the ordinary i am i am not your norm that's why i get on normal people last nerve because i come to shake you out of your comfort zone come on who am i that's why your family don't like you because you're not like them can i get you to open your mouth and identify i am not the ordinary the question is when did you realize that what was in you was different when did it stand out what age did you realize that you are not hood although you were born in the hood at what age did you realize that you were not religious although you were born and raised in church you don't want religion you want relationship question question question question so when you saw it when you realize it what did you do with that what did you do with that unfortunately pay attention some people kill it some people smother it some people deny it some people even suppress it but today i came to speak on how by faith you're going to accept it and you're going to walk it out everybody that know that you are not the ordinary lift your hands and worship god for your uniqueness come on for your uniqueness watch me before anybody can celebrate it you have to celebrate it i'll say that again before anybody can applaud it i need you to applaud it come on here you are not the norm can i talk for a minute please listen to me i think in my early 20s i realized that i was not the norm kind of preacher i figured it out even before i was called to preach i remember teaching sunday school at st james we knew nothing about illustrative sermons there was nothing like that around right now people everywhere doing illustrator sermons when we grew up there was no such thing as an illustrative sermon but i could literally read a scripture and see a vision while i'm reading it i could literally read something and then i can see it different than everybody even the way that i interpret the scriptures i could see something i remember going to sunday school and teaching something and i brought in all kind of medical i mean medicine bottles and i shook them up and i talked about i can't even remember the sunday school listen and god bless her heart it was just different it was new so she wasn't used to it the church mother mother agnes camera who i love love love love she walked through me saying why you just can't teach just the bible what is all of this mess you got up in here and you got to be careful that when you are different that you don't submit to people who come to break your wings there's some people who come to pluck the dead feathers but not to break your wing and god's going to put you around people watch me that the moment they try to break you you fly off come on who am i talking to i am not the norm can you say that i am not the norm i i am not your ordinary kind of person i am creative i am different the way i see life is not like everybody else see life the way i walk the way i dress the way i carry myself the way i think the way i even praise god is different from everybody else it's something about me that i know that god put a different kind of dna on me those of you that know that you are different come on i need you not to deny it let this be the day that you accept it let this be the day that you celebrate it let this be the day that you thank god that you don't fit in with everybody else let this be the day that you celebrate that you were rejected by them because you were accepted by god let this be the day that they don't like you let this be the day that you are okay with everything that they tried to do to shut you down but god didn't let it shut you down it just made you stronger and better can i get at least 50 of you all on the zoom can i get at least 50 of you all in the building can i get at least 50 of you all on youtube on facebook to give god watch me this ain't for no house this ain't for no car this ain't for no stuff this is for my unique dna this is for what you put in me that my parents could not give me this is what you put in me that i can't trace it to nobody but you can i get you to lift your hands and release the loudness praise of appreciation wow wow wow [Music] wow and today we're going to zone in on your unordinary part we're coming for that part today everybody look at me like secretary we coming from what makes you different so what like what me you ain't no you ain't just no musician be careful with people who try to box you in it's so much in me that it hasn't even all been revealed yet come over here some of y'all are pregnant with triplets you have multiple kicks in your spirit come on here y'all we are here now we are here now i need you to open your mouth and i need you to keep saying i am not the norm and i'm okay with it that is a powerful statement i am not the norm and i'm okay with it if you're looking for norm don't come down my street if you're looking for regular don't play with me i am not the norm i demand excellence you settle for good but i know i deserve great and good is the enemy of great come on let's go let's go i am not the norm and i'm okay with it and the bible says so what do you do with that which is not ordinary let's go bible in hebrews 11 and 23 let's go by faith by faith which is so weird to me moses parents sometimes we so busy focusing on the mother we didn't realize that there were two we always read about the mother but we don't pay attention to the father but here he literally had if you go to on exodus 2 you find out that his his father was a levite and his mother was a levite levites praisers so for those of you all that consistently have a praise i need you to protect your levite you ready the bible says by faith moses parents hid him for how long for three months stop anytime you read months you need to stop and pay attention why is god releasing certain things right now you are now into the second quarter of a new year so which means these next three months are gonna be pivotal these next three months are gonna be important and you need to mark your calendar for what's about to happen in april may and june cause it's about to go down ah come on let's talk let's talk so they hid him for three months why did they hide him please read your bible because some of y'all this will explain why he hasn't brought you all the way out yet this is revelation why he has you behind the scene for certain long so long this explains why you're not the norm the bible said they hit him for three months after he was born why because they saw he was no ordinary child how do you look at a baby and see this ain't like every other baby watch me and you've already had several but this stand out you cannot be afraid of what god has put in you i need you to hear me you have to accept the fact that god trusted you with something that is not ordinary pleasing me i remember trying to fit in and trying to be like other preachers i literally practiced hoping i was at home with a hairbrush in my hand looking in the mirror trying to see if i i could do it like everybody else oh lord i tried that was pretty good [Applause] i kept on trying how long cause when you don't know what to say you just say hold on i tried this i was even but every time i would try it i would choke my throat began to burn because i was trying to be who i wasn't and i'm so glad that he didn't make me comfortable being fake that he made me accept my not ordinary y'all not gonna say nothing to me so he put me in hiding he said anybody else watch me when he put you and i i remember one time the lord said to me i need you not to watch christian television i need you not to watch preachers because if you watch somebody so much you're going to take on them and if i if you want me to create you and make you and who i want you to be i need you to cut off all influence and lock into me and let me make you who i want you to be because the power of influence is strong now and i said that's why you have some people we we might as well listen to the record when we listen to you because you're singing it just like them but you have not added your own sauce come over here come on y'all come on when you hear it you don't hear it like they sing it come on here when you see it you don't see it like they made it you have the ability to dissect what god let them make and you make it fit you i want again oh come on i need i need to stop and i need to think i need to take a minute for you to thank god for your difference come on here everybody's so busy trying to make you like them i want to celebrate this is crazy but i'ma repeat it like i hear it i want to celebrate your stubbornness i'm going to celebrate that you don't be in and that you don't break and that you stand your ground and you be confident that he which has begun to get work in you but i might not be famous but i know i feel greatness can i get you to lift your hands open your mouth and worship god for 10 seconds for you not being ordinary for you not being ordinary i tried i tried i tried i literally tried god blocked it he wouldn't let it be so you tried to be like your family he tried to be like everybody else you tried to be like the religious community it didn't work it didn't work you tried to work what they told you that you had to work you you you went and studied what they told you to study you graduated with a degree in it you tried to do it like they say but what you feel is bigger than what you have in your hands come on some of y'all is it's even bigger than where you're working right now which means that you were not able to abort it even when you didn't want to feel it it kept kicking and because it's almost like when mary and elizabeth may when you come in contact with other creative people that things start driving your spirit crazy because the bible says that the moment that elizabeth heard mary's voice her baby leaped and for some of y'all me preaching right now you like come on here your creativity is leaping your uniqueness is leaping come on here this is a labor room today and it's a lot of pregnancies around here i'm so glad that you had a real uh i'm so glad that he loved you and you love him because when you all were in worship worship is intimacy so you got the positive with something great in your intimacy yeah you got impregnated with a gift in your intimacy that's why you can't let nobody take your worship away because the more you love on him and he love on you he keeps stirring up what's in you so what do you do with that what do you do with that not ordinary what do you cause watch me stop you gonna parent this i'm about to make you responsible for what he put in you you gonna parent this you're not gonna wait on nobody to parent it you gonna parent your own gift you gonna parent your own assignment you gonna cut the biblical court you gonna deal with the labor pains with no medication come on oprah you want to say we out here now we out here now we out here we out here we out here now so what do you do with that what do you do with that what do you do with that you ready the first thing that they did was they perceive it what does that mean they literally see it they see this baby when they look at it they perceive this is not the norm and for some of you all i need you to literally to look at it and know that your bowl is not tied like everybody else you gotta hear me your bow is not top watch me and sometimes just because they got a big box don't mean they heavy some of y'all are a smaller box but you got more in your small box and i need you to see it i need you to proceed this ain't normal this is not normal can i let let's back it up with scripture like um when um when um when when when david stepped out towards the light so i said no you can't go out like that he said you're only a child they said but i see greatness i see i'm going up against a champion but i'm a child but you don't know what's in my box i see what you cannot see because i have testimonies that you only know if i tell you i've already killed a lion and a bear stop i've slain some things that you don't even know about and some of y'all i need you to literally look in yourself and admit that victory is already in you watch me people have no idea what you you will only know what i've been through if i tell you but i can look at me and tell that i am not like everybody else i perceive it those of you watch me and i don't need you to come up and tell me what i have i already know what i got stop stop some of you all have already given birth but you keep questioning do you have a child some of y'all have already given birth but you keep questioning is that your baby and you got to be careful because you keep asking people who don't have a child if that is yours so if you're not careful they'll abort yours or kill yours or smother yours because they don't want to see your baby live because theirs didn't live so you got to see it you have to see it you have to see it you have to accept it and once you see it pay attention once you see it you can mark it you mark it like like you literally mark it like this right here is gonna be my exit this right here is my ticket out you gotta predestinate market watch me market market like mark it much please listen um market so so so i have marked my communication skills i have marked it like god has given me the ability to speak but the difference between me and a normal speaker is he put some oil on it i don't just speak i'm greasy when i speak when i speak austin start dripping you have to like like you have to mark it you have to mark it and say this this right here this one belonged to me this right here this is different this right here this going somewhere this right here this is a part of god's will this right here this gonna make my money this right here this is gonna be my ticket out this right here this is my gift this is my calling this is my assignment this is me so she will stop stop stop stop stop stop so so so so my mother when i was i could never i still can remember this my mother took me one time to somebody's wedding reception and i was like maybe about four or five years old it's crazy i can remember this and she said you know my boy can dance don't you my boy can dance my boy can dance my mother took me put me on the stage at somebody's wedding reception and looked at me and said go for it i started dancing i started the whole the whole reception what's she doing she's getting me used to crowds she's teaching me how to stand in front of an audience come on here and some of y'all you need to look at the small details that you got to mark to see that that was being marked to get you where you going who am i who am i talking to who am i talking to who am i talking to so at one point i thought i was an amazing speaker i thought i was pretty good and i go to school down south at alabama state university and they talk with a little with a little draw you know they're like that little southern game and i go down there thinking i'm talking good and a teacher look at me and say john we need to send you to the speech lab we literally have to send you to the speech lab so that you can learn how to pronounce your words because sometimes you can become lazy with your tongue because although you have the baby is still you still need to be taught how to address it so they literally made me go to a speech lab three days out of the week and taught me watch me how to speak watch me they would even put you in front of your notes and teach you that you just can't sit here and look at your notes like this and forget your audience so they teach you how to step back how to glance and look to pull your audience in come on here and you have to market that you have to literally market that this was a part of me making it to my destiny and for some of you all please listen to me right now i need you not to take it as a criticism but a setup come on let's back this up with scripture let's make this a scripture look at look at the screen in ephesians 1 and 11 in him in him in him we were also chosen having been haven't been having been marked haven't been marked according to the plan of him who works out who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will so all things are going to work together for my good once i see it once i mark it i acknowledge it once i mark it i acknowledge it i own it i own it i own it watch me and some people watch me i didn't understand what they were doing but what they were really doing they were tightening my bowls to make sure i didn't lose what was on the inside i need some of y'all what's this watch me piss at you anything that's marked automatically attract warfare anything that's marked you become a target for the enemy the enemy doesn't need to um waste his energy on unmarked people the moment that you see it the moment that you acknowledge it you are on the enemy's hit list this is why the bible says pay attention that pharaoh had issued a decree that all the boys were to be thrown into the nile what he's doing is that he's causing chaos in his environment to make him think that it's going to get to you but god got a way of protecting you regardless of what goes on around you oh y'all are not saying nothing to me y'all you got to get the revelation you have to get the revelation although babies are being thrown i'm not being thrown anywhere although people are depressed i am not depressed he has literally put me in a secret place he has literally hidden me out of the hand and the trap of the enemy so regardless of what goes on in chicago certain things would never hit my doorpost y'all ain't saying enough for me i only want to talk to those of you all that can see it i only want to talk to you those of you all that have marked it and you believe that it's going to make it to its destination this is where you have to literally walk by faith and not by sight this is what you have to believe that he which has begun a good work in you he gonna continue what he started and he watched me he is not going to let you die until everything has been unfolded in your life those of you that believe that you can see it i perceive it and i mark it and i predestine it i need to hear the gifted people release a worship i need to see the gifted people release or worship those of you that can identify with anything that i have just said i need to identify you by your worship if you are ordinary put your hands down if you are ordinary just sit there but if you know you are not different if you know that you are bigger than your present i need you to worship god for 10 seconds right here 10 9 8 seven six five four on a few more minutes a few more minutes hold the music i need the world to hear what an ordinary room sound like open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth even your sound is different even your sound is different i see it i mark it i see it god i see it and i mark it it has been marked for greatness it has been marked for greatness it has been marked for greatness this is my assignment this is the reason i am here this is my purpose this is my destiny those of you that have gotten a glimpse of your purpose i need to hear your worship please open your mouth the world needs to hear it those of you that know that you're bigger than your job those of you that know that you're bigger than where you work those of you that know that you're bigger than your city those of you that believe that you have an international anointing market market market market market market is predestined pre-destiny give it purpose give it give give it room to grow give it a room to make it to the destination give it room to fulfill itself come on market market market it does not yet appear what this thing is going to be it does not yet appear how big this thing is going to blow up it does not yet appear where this thing might move me where this thing might land me it does not yet appear how my circle might even shift every night and then it does not yet appear how i'm going to be in the room with greatness and i don't feel that great why because it has been marked oh god help me today help me help me god help me i feel the anointing i feel the anointing god say right now your gift is kicking those of you that can feel a push those of you that can feel a kick in the spirit i need you to begin to open your mouth some of y'all this is your first time literally identifying it i need you to be okay with what the holy ghost is revealing to you you have never been like everybody else robin you have always been different i need you to celebrate that side of you market market market mark that mark that mark that market market ready you're gonna parent this one you're gonna own it you're gonna own it you're going to own it you ready you gonna own it i know what it is and i've already marked it i've already acknowledged it i acknowledge it i acknowledge it i acknowledge i'm not i'm not like everybody else i acknowledge i'm not like everybody like every other preacher i'm not i'm not and i get on the religious community nerve good i'm excited to be your nerve wrecker god sent me to make sure you know your nerves work come on here come on here the moment can i tell you something your gifts show up before you show up when before you even get to a room the spirit of the living god go announce you on your way greatness is coming in the room that's why when you walk in the room everybody start turning around looking at you why because you come to make uncomfortable every demonic spirit can i tell you something mother david told me she said john are you gonna have an anointing on you that when you before you even pull up to a church god come on here the holy ghost is gonna go in and warn every demon that a demon chaser is on his way so i need you to be okay when you walk in people gonna start turning around why because you come to disrupt and to tear up some things that could never be torn up before and some of you all i need you to hear me i need you to accept your greatness when you what you watching me when you birth it when you see it when you point it now it can be announced it can be a noun how can i announce what you don't acknowledge let's go everybody open your mouth and say your name one two three john hannah he's on his way repeat after me say your name and then say it's on his way john hannah is on his way i'm headed into 20 24 2025 and i want to serve notice on every demonic spirit that john hannah is on his way as a matter of fact i ain't even got to go that far i need to let september know that i'm about to come forth with strong might and power i need you to announce your arrival hear ye hear ye john hannah is [Music] you can't say that until you see it you can't say that until you mark it it cannot take off until you accept it i need those of you that know that greatness is attached to you i need you on the count of three to say your name watch me and then put a praise of what it shall become one two three john hannah hearing it own it let's go come on say i see it i see it i see it come on come on say i see it i see it come on come on face say that i see it i see it come on say and i acknowledge that i got it i acknowledge that i got it i acknowled i would not deny what you put in me i acknowledge that i am different i acknowledge that this is not the norm i see it and i acknowledge it past it so now i must protect it so now i have to protect it i need everybody to pay attention now you have to now protect it so once you see it once you acknowledge it it it's up to you to protect it you got to parent it sean you have to parent it which means that when you have something especially the bible says that they did what the bible said when when how they protected was they hid him watch me whenever you can't reveal everything to everybody come on here you got to be careful who you even lay your box in front of y'all ain't got to say nothing to me you you have to protect it you got to watch me when you protect it you got to um you got to nurture it you got to feed it come on let's stop for a minute so every now and then god will literally give you things to feed what is in you sometimes he'll even bring you in front of greatness and greatness is feeding what's in you come on here even as i'm preaching right now i am feeding by faith what god has already put in you that you have seen and that you have marked i am feeding this thing watch me why because you are protecting it when you protect it everybody can preach to you come on you can't watch everything online you can't listen to every clubhouse cause some clubhouses are full of spit spirits of witchcraft come on here you got to be careful you got to be literally be careful of who you let feed your box come on y'all ain't got to say nothing to me i have to protect it see i grew up old school we couldn't even go to everybody's church they even told us you got to be careful that you don't let everybody and anybody lay hands on you because spirits carry y'all ain't gonna be come on here no you can't lay hands on me no i don't need you to pray for me pray for yourself come on here you already wrestling with enough demons on you why would i need you to share your demons with me i got my own warfare i wish i had somebody that was protecting their box watch me i even have to be protective who i let speak over my box y'all ain't got to say that to me you got to be careful who you put your box in front of can i talk to some of y'all some of y'all watch me watch me look at me you even for those of you that are single you cannot open the box ah cause once jack come out the box you ain't gonna be able to put him back in i wish i had somebody that could be careful and no watch me i cannot date you i can't even go watch me watch me watch me you you don't even excite my spirit y'all ain't saying that to me my holy ghost didn't leave when you came in my prison which means that you might be a part of an abortion or a murder but i'm only being around those that have life come on say i got to protect my box i have to protect my blocks i gotta protect my box i have to literally protect it and i gotta hide it unfortunately when i come around some of y'all i normally walk with it like this but when i get around some people i gotta put it behind my back i gotta hide it and make you think i'm stupid when i know i ain't stupid i gotta make you think i'm dumb i gotta make you think that i'm not spiritual i gotta make you think that i'm a beginner when i even know more than you i'm not dumbing down i'm just not exposing everything that god has in me i need some of y'all watch me if you notice i'm still holding on and i need some of y'all to get a better grip because there's somebody that's trying to kill what god has put in you but i need you to protect it with your prayer life i need you to protect it with your worship i need you to protect it in the word of god i need you also to find other people that got a box like you got a boxer i need you to find somebody who believed that now is not our permanent but we have something greater that is on the inside of us i need to see if you still have the protection those of you that have a warranty come on y'all i need you to lift your hands again and open your mouth for your protection for your protection for your protection for your protection for your protection i can't post this on facebook i can't post this on facebook because the moment i post it on facebook is gonna intensify my warfare i cannot i can't i can't take a picture with it because if i take a picture with it somebody gonna say i shouldn't have it and every time i expose it it only intensifies my warfare and i need some of y'all to be okay with your hidden treasures come on y'all protect your praise protect it protect it protect the anointing that is on your life protect it protect it how watch me iron sharpens iron the worst thing that you could do is be around dull people protected ah protected i mean protected with everything you have even watched me i have learned to protect my praise in church because i have been in church with people to turn around looking to me i just don't think that it take all of that you don't even know what i went through to get what i have so how dare you judge my praise i wish i had a church full right now because i need to see the radical the radical the radical unordinary individuals i need to see those that got a little hood still left up in them i need to hear and see those that are grateful for how god has kept you way down through the years and some of y'all you doing everything you can to protect what god has put in you the pandemic has been a trial for what god has put in you but some of y'all been holding on with it just barely holding on but at least you still got a grip i i need to calm down come on come on y'all come on say god say i see it i see it i see it i acknowledge it i acknowledge it i protect it i see it i see it i see it i see it i acknowledge it it is predestined for greatness and i protect it i hide it i hide it i hide it i hide it it can't come out now it can't come out now it can't come out now but while i'm walking i'm hiding my box i'm walking it out i'm walking it out see i got to keep it moving because the moment i stop the enemy cannot hit a moving target and for some of you all come on here you still got it but you're still walking and you walk in by faith cause i keep believing that what god got in me it might not be time now oh but wait till later cause what you think you see you really have no idea you cannot tell me that his parents saw that he would be the leader to bring out all of israel you cannot tell me that they saw that what am i trying to tell you god only allows you to see bits in pieces because if he showed you everything you would destroy it but i get the lord telling me to ask you have i not shown you enough have i not shown you enough to let you know that goodness and greatness is on the inside of you i see it i know it and i'm protecting it i see it oh can i go here can i go here god can i go here can i go here god can i go here yep you can i'm released touch me i see it i know it and i'm protecting it hear me clearly holy ghost has been waking me up lately and say i need you to prepare for even greater so watch me anybody that don't want greater can't go with you oh my god who am i talking to because some of you all you trying to drag people into territories that they don't want to go oh my god watch me pay attention watch me and greatness is not intimidated when greatness come in the room so i don't have to be intimidated if somebody can come in who can do it a little better than me because they've been sent to help me come on who am i talking to and that's when i need you to make sure that you're sitting next to a celebrator if you made it in the building i need you to make sure that you are not sitting in the abortion section i need you to make sure that you're not sitting in the murder section but i need you to ban i need you to look around in your section praise team members i need y'all to look at each other and i don't need you to celebrate you i need you to celebrate those that are next to you ah watch me pay attention those of you online i need you to be getting to call somebody else's name that's online and i need you to begin to celebrate them all i need you to do is put their name on the screen if you sit next to somebody actually hey hey hey we might not be able to hug but what is your name because i'm about to celebrate your name i am a part of your protection squad i am a part of those that have been allowed to see what is in you and i celebrate what has not even been fully exposed yet do me a favor won't you can you celebrate somebody else come on y'all celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate protect it come on keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up hey hey hey hey hey sword don't stop don't stop don't stop kick danny danny danny daddy you've been with me over 20 years we going higher bro hey larry larry larry he's already proven that he got your back whoever put a barbershop in walmart if you don't open your mouth come on here hey hey hey rick rick rick rick your artwork is going to go further than you could ever imagine i need those of you to begin to celebrate somebody else i need you hey trey trey trey god has given you a gift and i cover your gift i cover your talent i cover your skill set those of you that haven't have a child and you know that there's something different on your child i need you to begin to celebrate that one those of you that have a friend hey angela martin hey angela martin greatness is in store hey geraldine god kept you alive who would have ever thought you would have lived this long when you were going through chemotherapy but god hey john hill i celebrate you man of god yay pastor jamon thursday your birthday but we about to release a birthday praise for you come on here this is a safe place for your box this is a safe space for everything that is in you to be revealed to the world those of you that know that god is going to begin to unwrap the hidden treasure give me 10 seconds of you worshiping god rodney [Music] everybody stand open your mouth close your eyes and lift your hands hey chris stand to your feet chris stand to your feet lift your hands get out of the production seat for one minute close your eyes and tell god i see it i see it i see it i see it come on say i see it i see it please please please hear me open your mouth and say i see it i see it jessica i need you to see it i need you to see it i need you to acknowledge your baby come on here come here janelle i need you to see it come over here marcel i need you to see it if you see it you'll shift into survival mode [Music] tamar i need you to see it how are you in boston but your name keep coming up in chicago lord messiah and when we call you you answer the phone and say my next is now oh my god i need those of you that have been pulled out of your comfort zone and now it appears to be uncomfortable i need you to see that god is behind this thing open your mouth and say oh god i see it i see it i see it come on say and i acknowledge it i acknowledge it come on i acknowledge it i mark it i mark it i label it i label it i label it i label it i mark it and i know me marking increases my warfare but i can see your hand in this area come on i mark it i see it now i know why the enemy is coming after me because i have literally marked what the enemy wants to stop please obey me please i want you to obey me lift your hands tell the lord i see it i see it i see it i see it i acknowledge it i mark it if you mark it now now you'll understand what the enemy is out to shut down if you mark it now you'll see what the devil is coming after he's coming after your personality he's coming after your gift he's coming after your talent he's coming after the thing their dream he's coming after your generational curses that the thing your curse breaker he's coming after that right there he's coming after your business i see it i mark it now do me a favor lift your hands and vow to this and i vow and i vow to protect it to protect it to protect it to protect it i won't let the warfare get the best of me i won't let the warfare stop me from doing what you call me to do i won't let the warfare change me i won't let the warfare change me i won't let the warfare change me i won't let the warfare change me please do what i tell you to do please do what i tell you to do you're gonna have to parent this you're gonna have to parent this i won't let the warfare change me i take full responsibility for what you gave me you want truth you want truth i had a trying week i had a train week because what god gave me began to trouble me i know what he gave me but this thing began to get the best of me and i kept saying i got to protect me i got to protect me i got to protect my smile i gotta protect my personality i gotta protect i gotta protect how i carry myself i gotta protect how i feel i gotta protect how i feel ready ready and there were some things that he gave me that he was telling me now it's time to let them out the box because you're gonna lay aside some of this is dead weight it was a blessing for a season but now when it begins to strain you that means that something your load needs to be made lighter did you imagine and he says i need you to be okay with opening the box and removing some things because it only served for a purpose to get you here but while you're removing allow me to replace because i couldn't show you everything because i showed you everything you would have opened the box too soon but i made i made warfare demand an opening so that i can get an exchange so all things work together for your good come on tell the lord i see it i acknowledge it and i protect it and now i preserve it and i wait by faith for it to be exceedingly abundantly above oh please listen please listen wait i say on the lord but while you wait be of good courage shown wait i say on the lord oh my god but while you wait oh my god don't you let that box go it's too many backless boxless people so you got to find another carrier and that's all i'm looking for right now is carriers hear me clearly it's about to be big it's huge look at me look at me you couldn't even think it up your mind could not contain it it's bigger than your thought pattern that's why it's god he only trusts you with a little because he knew you didn't have the strength to carry a lot hey robert is huge is huge if i could tell you if i could just tell you look at me if i close my eyes for a second i can see what god want to do in here if i close my eyes for a minute and i go a certain place in the spirit i can literally see where he want to take us i can see it my fear that some of y'all have dropped your box my fear is that you've become comfortable with the box he's beginning to weigh you down so not for you to lose the box just take some stuff out so he can make it easier for you you have to hear me stop stop i'm here god talking real loud now okay the lord say do you not see how i use the pandemic to remove some things so that you could make it to where i am designed for you to be while others are crying you should be celebrating because you are not the ordinary the ordinary people are fearful the ordinary people are crying the ordinary people are depressed but you you see me in this you see me working in the midst of a pandemic everybody can't see this but you see it you acknowledge it you mark it and you protect it now wait and see what's about to come out of this listen to me the earth is about to open soon and boxes are gonna be open who you least expect cause they were hidden treasures is about to be revealed fake it's about to be revealed he's about to bring you from the back to the front he's about to sit you at the table not on the side at the head of it he's about to bring your name up i only want those of you that walk by faith and not by sight those of you that have a box in your hand i need you to give god on the count of three i need you to release watch me the biggest praise you have if you believe that great things await you and it does not yet appear and it does not yet appear and it does not yet appear what i will become oh but i know one thing it's bigger than my now oh i'mma give you an opportunity i'm only talking to you faith people on the count of three it is on you on the count of three if you're a teenager and you know that greatness is inside of you trey greatness is inside of you trey greatness is inside of you trade greatness is inside of you hey hey hey hey david davion greatness is inside of you davey our greatness is inside of you i rebuke your age for some of you all it is not too late for you it is not over for you god did not bring moses out until he was 80. the whole package was not revealed until he was 80. on the count of three i want you to give god a faith praise it has to be bigger than what you have right now one two three go go [Music] go go [Music] the church is your runway he's shopping at birthday gift in the church but you're going into the world i need you to open your mouth go we can't hold you back your box is bigger than a building [Music] yo [Music] few more seconds few more seconds come on glenda come on robin come on lane [Music] come on randy come on marcel you got this you got this hey janelle greatness is inside of you i need you to know who you are in the spirit i see it i know it and i protect it i see it i know it and i protect it i see it i know it and i protect it i see it i know it come on zoom i see it [Applause] i see it come on come on jimmy you saw your organization before anybody else can see it i see it i know it i protect it every business owner every business owner i need you to get ready to release the praise a contract is on the way you ready for it [Music] every business owner release a praise every person is gifted creative pastor jamon don't you lose your creativity i cover your box i cover your box you were brought here because you have a box full you are brought here so that the world can see your box [Music] come on come on come on i see it i acknowledge it i protect it i need somebody ought to get in pit bull move [Music] i see it come on jeremy i see it i see it some of your god has sent me into your life to begin to shake your box i see it come on jeremy i see it every person that's art that's into the arts every perk every singer every musician every dancer every actor every writer every prayer anybody that's into the arts there's another level of creativity that heaven is about to open he's about to shift some things i'm ready [Music] i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready come on give me minutes yay [Applause] every preacher every teacher every evangelist every minister every pastor every prophet every apostle wherever you are [Music] i need you to release the praise right here go go go [Music] i sin [Music] [Applause] i acknowledge it i protect it and i wait on my turn and i wait on my turn and i wait on my turn and my turn is soon i hear the lord i hear the lord you're only going to be hidden three months i hear the lord july july july you have outgrown where you've been hidden for three months exodus two and three says but when she could hide him no longer but when she could hide him no longer but when she could hide him no longer but when she could hide him no longer i get the lord say your hiding days are about to be over [Music] y'all know i don't pray play when they come to the prophetic but i feel the prophetic anointing in this building those of you that believe that july just may be your turn that july just may be your turn faith people praise god in april for july now that's crazy fake people stand in april and praise god for july because you will not be hidden any longer he's about to reveal your status your income your increase your promotion your ministry your book your name your assignment your name is about to be brought up in july [Music] you would not be hidden any longer you would not be hitting any longer on the count of three release a praise only if you believe it might be you in july one 2 3 go go get up and walk around your house [Music] you're moving in july get up and walk around your house if you feel like walking in the building put your mask on and walk [Music] get up and begin to enlarge your territory [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] it's gonna be in the mail in july [Music] it's gonna be in the mail in july [Music] you're gonna get an email in july he's about to turn your no into a yes in july [Music] who am i talking to your situation is about to flip in july and you cannot be hitting any longer and you cannot be hidden any longer and you cannot be hit any longer you cannot be hidden any longer it's your turn it's your turn [Music] you have to receive the word of the lord this whole sermon was prophetic i see it [Music] i acknowledge it and i'm protected but the time is now i see it [Applause] i acknowledge it fresh wind fresh win [Music] push you in come on y'all you need to you need a second win to make it to july you'd win come on you need a second win to make it first win come on mount up fresh wind fresh wind come on a fresh wind is in the spirit fresh wind to get you to your destination come on fresh wind come on open your mouth and say fresh wind you need a second wind to make it fresh [Applause] [Music] in your direction via the sound fresh wind of an abundance of rain fresh wind come on open your mouth [Music] inhale exhale fresh wind inhale exhale fresh wind inhale exhale fresh squeeze catch your breath fresh wind you've made it too far fresh inhale exhale fresh wind inhale exhale fresh wind i come against the spirit of being exhausted i come against the spirit of being drained god is giving you a fresh win let's win you ready lift your hands open your mouth everybody worship god while the music plays inhale exhale [Music] inhale exhale inhale breathe feel your lungs back up you're a carrier [Applause] you're a carrier you've made it too far hear the word of the lord you would not be able to be hidden any longer in july the earth is about to open the earth is about to open and you my brothers and my sisters are ready to go [Music] go [Music] do me a favor push your worship to another level go up higher go up push it i need you to parent your worship i need you to parent your worship go higher [Music] go in [Applause] [Music] go in come on bracey go go go [Music] every worker every volunteer every person in your home i need you to parent your worship push to go up just a little bit higher go [Music] [Applause] i see it [Music] i acknowledge it i'm protected and i'm ready to go [Music] i see it [Applause] your business is about to take off [Applause] your name is about to be brought up hey dr latisse your name is about to be brought up [Music] hey [Music] come on we're leaving i see it i acknowledge it [Music] i protect it [Music] i preserved it for such a time as now [Music] i preserved it for such a time as now [Music] there's more who am i talking to there's more who am i talking to hear the word of the lord there is more what you had was good but what you have coming is great everybody release the praise right there go yay wow [Music] [Applause] my box is safe i'm in a safe space [Music] lift your hands and worship god for 10 seconds just give me 10 seconds of you worshiping that you see it that you know it that you protect it and that you preserve it and you wait some of y'all have been anxious to open your box you're not ready yet july is going to be somebody's turn july the bible says and she could not hide him any longer and she could not hide him any longer something i've been holding that thing for so long that thing is growing so big so that you won't be able to hide it any longer do you hear the word of the lord can you worship god for growth for increase and it is beyond your imagine as a matter of fact you gotta make something she made a basket to put this huge blessing in you're gonna have to create what can hold your gift you got to create it you'll never read what something like this had been created and another translation it says and she made an ark and some of y'all it's only for one thing your gift your assignment give me 10 seconds of worship right there come on please obey me please obey me i see it i acknowledge it i protect it and now i'm ready i wait i wait can i allow you just to be prophetic for one minute i don't know who it's for but it's quite a few of you all can you just prophetically say july is about to be my turn that is crazy that is crazy that is crazy come on y'all i need you to i need you to say that by faith that's a faith statement come on say july is about to be my turn there's someone that's watching me right now and i need you to listen to me carefully you cannot do this without god you cannot you feel it but you can't birth without god he has to be lord of your life if you listen to me and you need to accept christ as your savior somebody you had put your box down you are now trying to do your own thing i hear the lord telling me to tell you your box is still intact return to him and he'll give you back what you left if you know that i am talking to you i need you to look at the bottom of the screen you're going to see a prayer you're going to pray that prayer and then you go text words new life to 313-131 you're going to pray that prayer out loud and then you're going to text the words to do left to 3-1-3-1-1 look at me look at me and some of you all you live in another state but i have been called to be your pastor stop playing join today online yep online you'll fly in every now and then but virtually we together text the words through life to 313-131 and i have some people that's going to call you back and pray with you and make sure that we put you in the right category do me a favor everybody the fans worship god for five seconds five seconds only five seconds five seconds only five i see it i acknowledge it i protect it and i've waited i preserved it i want us for those of us that god has called into the financial realm into the financial realm we know that god channels finances through us pastor jerome said something at 7 30 to bless me he said your 10 protect your 90. your 10 protect your 90. when you give god the 10 it protect your 90. those of us that are tithers we know that we made it this far through our tithes he could trust us financially those of us that are titles i want you to get your tithes in your hand for the rest of you all listen to me i gotta teach you to be a sower some of y'all you have outgrown your dollar seed you were given that in children's church and it is an insult to god that you keep giving him your sunday school seed i want every adult i'll give you four seeds 25 50 75 100. i want you to sew that on top of your ties or just give that offering whatever you feel lit whatever you feel like i want you to give it today i want you to sew it i want you to sew it i see it i see it i know it i protect it and i preserve it but you lie i see it i acknowledge it i protect it and i preserve it for somebody but you lie come on get your seat in your hand everyone you should be able to give something you don't have the 25 you can give something if everyone sold something it'll blow your mind what the church can do and what we can do and we're doing great things summer's coming some of us i have to do outreaches every month we are outreach church if we don't do outreach we can close the door we got to do outreach believe it or not i'm still fighting to get our food truck ain't that a mess still fighting come on get your seat ready lift up to the lord repeat after me i'm gonna tie them together oh wait how do you give look at the screen you gotta text the words nlcse to 77977 you to text the words nlc se to 77977 if you have our app if you have our website it's easy to give but everybody get a cd make it your business if you want to mail or check in you can see the address of the church on the screen come on lift your seat up to the lower repair to be able to tell them to give up and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow come on say this i am living in ephesians 3 20. how long are you living it for the rest of my life come on give your seeds right now give your seeds right now hey hallelujah hallelujah glory come on get your seats sewn right now those in the building if you wrote a check whatever there's a safe in the back we don't collect it there's a safe in the back on your way out that you can sew it somebody said i want to get in the building you have to go online and log in how to get in it's it's going to always be like this we can back up in this church the moment that they open up these theaters we come back up in here lift your hands and begin to worship god i see it i see it i see it i see it i see it i acknowledge it i acknowledge it i acknowledge it i acknowledge i acknowledge that i am not the norm and i protect it and i protect it protect your excellence listen to me protect your expectation protect it don't make people don't let people make you lower your bar protect your expectations you can't hand me a hamburger and i ordered a steak so don't accept everything that people give you when you place your order don't move until you get what you ask for who am i talking to you ready come on in the building you can stand tuesday pastor jamon parents go back and listen to the 7 30 service as a matter of fact it's coming back up at 12 30. you have to listen to that sermon parents you have to listen to that and then i come back up at 7 30 tonight right 7 30 tonight but everybody if you enjoyed the word send it to somebody tell them watch this watch this come on um tuesday pastor jamon will be doing the glow at 8 00 pm 8 p.m and then i'll be back in the building at thursday at 7 00 and thursday i want to show you um how god will put your gift in the hands of three different types of people three different types of people and you gotta make sure that you don't hand it to your pharaoh don't forget to join a small group if you're not a part of a small group you get to study this thing even deeper all right we love you online we'll see you um make sure you go back to our announcements and you can see everything that's going on god bless you we love you those in the building can you stand you you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 22,035
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: fYmCBq0c4lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 49sec (8809 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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