Faith For Unfinished" // Pastor John F. Hannah [ SERMON ]

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[Applause] come on even as you worship your faith is becoming stronger [Music] faith coming by hearing hearing by the word of god build up your most holy faith doing what praying worshiping in the holy ghost how does your faith increase this i recall to my mind therefore have a hope it is of the lord's mercy every time i remember what he's already done my faith gets stronger come on here y'all i need you to listen then after you listen i need you to pray and after you pray i need you to remember and as you remember your faith is getting stronger hallelujah give god a hand clap by faith knowing that all things are gonna work together for your good wow amen you can be seated come on let's get these bibles out on man y'all better end the song my god that was an amazing ending there was some earth winning fire stuff up in that corner that was amazing you know like a good ending wow i want to just speak and i want to pray that i can follow the timeline and move on because 9 30 is coming but everybody hear me i need you to hear me clearly um you cannot live this life without faith everybody has to hear me clearly you must believe that he is and regardless of how it turns out he is still god can everybody just say he is still god on the first week we talked to you about um the unseen how noah built something that had never been seen how he prepared for something that had never been seen and how many of you are you are going after something that has not been seen in your circle in your village and in order for you to get it you're gonna have to build it by faith last week we talked about to those of you that are unordinary unordinary and the bible says then moses parents looked at him and saw that he was no ordinary child which means that he was marked from birth for many of you all i need you to understand something your steps have already been ordered by god and you've been marked from birth for greatness pay attention but mark means more warfare and the only way you gonna make it is by faith let's go today today we want to talk to you all that faith is for you to finish some unfinished business um i need you to open your mouth and say i'm about to finish something come on here i need you to say this come on i need you to say i'm the answer to this come on you all when i tell you to say something i don't need you to say it like you know punk i need you to speak this thing with authority because your words are powerful i need you to open your mouth and say i'm about to finish some unfinished business come on here let's say in hebrews 11 and we call that the hall of faith if you go in the book in the 11th chapter of hebrews you'll read different names that are mentioned in the bible for us to zone in on them to pay attention to what their faith we have taught you this month that your faith is your currency your faith is your currency he that cometh to god must believe that he is i don't care what's going on around you you cannot lose your faith the bible brings up enoch he was and then he was not how did he get that by faith he brought up noah he brought up abraham isaac jacob joseph and moses listen to me by faith the bible says before we mention their name we say two words by faith noah by faith abraham can you do me a favor can you open your mouth and say your name by faith john hannah has made it into today by faith john hannah is still alive by faith everything i have i got it by faith by faith my name came up by faith how i'm moved by faith i live by faith i walk by faith i'm promoted by faith the enemy is bound god i wish i could get you to open your mouth and say it by faith and put your name behind it come on here this is not for your credit score this is not for your resume this is not for your background this is for your fate and i need you to open your mouth and put your name right behind faith by faith john's latter is gonna be greater by faith 2021 is gonna be amazing by faith 2022 is gonna be off the chain how can you speak about 22 and you haven't even made it out of 21 cause i speak by and here in one chapter which means that you have to pay attention you have to pay attention by faith is mentioned 22 times listen to this what is it about god that he wants to make sure you get it he keeps repeating he just keeps repeating you know the scripture in the old testament and i will overturn overturn overturn it why does he have to say overturned three times to make sure you get it he has to repeat himself to make sure it gets into your memory bank to make sure that that thing get down in your soul and here in hebrews 11 pay attention the word faith alone is mentioned 26 times to make sure that when you leave this 11th chapter you don't get it twisted you better hear me today saints of the living god we are a people that live not by what we see not by what we feel not about what is going on around us we live by faith god i wish i was in the building with a full of faith people because whenever you're surrounded with people that don't have faith he can't move like he want to move the bible says when he went to his own hometown parents he could not perform that many miracles because of their lack of faith it wasn't that he wasn't qualified he wasn't ready but he couldn't move because they didn't have the faith that's why i tell you better be careful who you hook up with come on here because he said well there be two or three gather together in my name come on here i do it for them those in the building can you make sure you sitting on the face with you those don't zoom can you make sure that you find another person on zoom that you i pray that your spirit can connect those on on youtube on facebook can you just mention somebody's name say hey i'm riding on your fake today your faith in my faith we're about to shut some stuff down our faith together bodies are about to be healed and miracles and signs and wonders are about to take place how's it gonna happen it's not gonna happen cause you got a car that's not gonna happen because you have a title i'm so sick of title people but but people that don't have faith i need you to make sure you're around some fake people look at somebody and tell them and it shall come to pass nothing nothing nothing that we do in this life can be done without faith this is why some people have all the degrees but they don't have a job how can you have it all on paper but don't have faith which lets us know watch me question me you can have money but you can be rich and miserable somebody could be poor but got faith to believe that it's about to get better i gotta calm down my faith kicking in let's talk let's talk in hebrews 11 33-40 please pay attention the results of faith are mentioned more than names if you look at the earlier part of hebrews 11 you keep reading these names but when you get down in the meat of 11 you basically hear about the results more than you hear about the names look at me you don't have to know my name just watch my walk and as i walk it out you gonna know that i'm a man of faith seeing so many people that won't you need to know my name i don't need to know your name i need to know your faith score not your credit score your faith score cause i need to know if i need to waste my time with you come on here because i don't have time to be hooking up with somebody who ain't got just a little faith you really don't even need that much if you have the faith of the size of a grain of a mustard seed which means you need is a little faith he doesn't require a lot you ain't got to have a full tank just have a little and you'll make it to your destination paycheck faith check faith check i could tell if you got faith based on your praise because people that don't have any faith watch me you submit to the surrounding which means that you can sit up here and look the rest but face people when we go through you never even know it you will never know i'm sweating unless i tell you faith check faith check faith check faith check um faith change some people need an oil change you need a fake change come on here pull in pull in we got you today this is jiffy lube faith department we bout to hook you up i need you to make sure you got somebody that got faith on your facebook somebody that got faith on your zoom somebody that has faith in the building can you i could tell based upon your praise god to me i want you to praise god for what you already have i want you to praise god for what you got coming it's called a fake check that's all it's just called a fake check i want to see if you really are in the building i want to see if you're really on zone hey look at zom zoom zoom zoom zoom come on and zoom zoom zoom zoom hey zoom if you ain't got no praise log off because i don't have time for you to discourage anybody but if you believe that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or even think on the count of three i need you to release a faith praise one two three go [Music] it's already looking better it's already looking better it's already looking better we've been made endure for a night it's my morning time come on we out here now [Music] yay [Applause] i gotta finish some unfinished business i gotta finish some unfinished business i gotta answer a few questions i gotta settle a few spirits come on y'all come on type it on the screen say it out loud i'm about to finish some unfinished business have a seat results results results results results results results where there is faith there are results where there is faith there are results and in hebrews 11 verses 33 and 34 the results of it is that faith allows us to pay attention to conquer to do some stuff pay attention please that is bigger than us come on here faith allows us pay attention to conquer to conquer we face goliaths and we kill them with our words before we touch them with a stone [Music] come on open your mouth and say i'm a conqueror god please obey me y'all open your mouth and speak this thing with authority because faith allah has allowed us to conquer some stuff if you read this in 33 it says this it says by faith these people and you are one of these by faith these people what they do was they they overthrew kingdoms which means that there were some people that were in seats but when you walked in they had to get up what they do come on here watch me watch me they ruled with justice what that mean you settle wars come on here that's why people in your family come to you to deal with the conflict because you rule with justice [Music] come on y'all that's why when you walk in the room demons start backing up because authority has walked in the room come on y'all let's talk for a minute the bible says by faith they shut the mouths of lions which means that watch me some of y'all in the spirit there were some lions that wanted to devour you but you had already stated no weapon formed against me is gonna be able to prosper so when you walked in the lions in the spirit back down how did you not get devoured and everybody else did because you walk by faith and not by sight can you open your mouth and say i'm more than a conqueror come on here the bible says by faith they quenched fires they quench fires pay attention the heat is still in the furnace but it just don't burn you come on here he never took the heat at the furnace he just didn't let it burn you and some of y'all should be excited about the fact it's been a heated pandemic year but it didn't burn you some of y'all were around infected people but he didn't let it get on you and even when some of y'all got it you quenched it what ain't nobody got time to play with y'all come on here by faith they they they they they they they they they did what they escaped death which means that i was in a death situation but i slid out come on here how did you get out by faith everybody else died but i survived it how did you get out i slipped out come on i'm greasy oil is on me i can't explain it there were a lot of javelins being thrown but i was able to what dodge every last one how did you dodge that by faith i want you faith people you conquerors open your mouth and say i'm a conqueror and i survived it those of you that know that there were some things that were supposed to kill you i need you to open your mouth i need to hear what the worship of a faith survivor sounds like you are a conqueror you conquered it lift your hands and open your mouths and worship god by faith by faith by faith listen to this by faith pass this into this by faith passage pisses into this they became strong passes and they became strong how did they become strong in the battle some of y'all want to be put out of the battle but you don't get strong out of the battle you get strong in the battle ah come on here aren't you glad that you don't think the way you used to think aren't you glad that you don't respond the way you used to respond how did you remain so calm i've been fighting this demon a long time i've been going through this for years i used to i used to second-guess myself but by faith come on here i ain't got time watch me watch me come on y'all please please how did you get this way i got strong in the battle pay attention some of y'all just want to be evicted from the battle but we can't bring you out until you get stronger we can't bring you out until you get stronger we can't bring you out until they words roll on like water on a duck's back because you're taking everything so personal and we can't bring you out and so when you walk in the room they can say what they want to say but they can't do nothing with you how did you get this strong in the battle because this ain't the first room i walked in there were some other rooms before i got to this room okay let's go further let's go by faith they conquered by faith they conquered how did they conquer what should we position they made armies flee what does that mean jessica watch me by faith they made armies flee with your passage you are the common denominator for some people the only reason that they gotten together is to get together to hate you if you were not in the picture they wouldn't even be friends but you didn't fight them you made them scatter they start tricking on one another come over here ah how did you do this come on i need you to open your mouth and think about every area in your life that you have conquered that you have conquered ah romans 8 and 36 he says for your sake we face death all day long we are considered as sheep by slaughter no no no my brothers and my sisters for things we he said these things we are more than conquerors you're not just a conqueror please please you're more than a conqueror oh my god oh my god oh my god i just want to celebrate those of you that have conquered those of you that are literally standing on top of what used to hold you down i just want to i just want to celebrate you i just want to celebrate the conquerors right now i just want to celebrate the conquerors right now i just want to celebrate what you've conquered i just want to listen i want to pay attention to what you're waiting on i want to celebrate what you've already conquered i just wanna i wanna i wanna celebrate what you've already graduated from i wanna celebrate what you've already come over i wanna celebrate every test that you made it through i want to already celebrate every every trial that you made it out of i want to celebrate every fire that didn't kill you i want to celebrate every army that you already dismantled i want to celebrate the fire that you were in the furnace but it didn't take you out those of you that know that you the only way that you've made it into 2021 into the second quarter of the year is that it had to be by faith can i tell you you have already arrived oh my god and i need your praise to reflect that you're conquering do me a favor again lift your hands open your mouth and worship god pay attention worship god worship god worship god for what you have conquered by faith worship god for what you have conquered by faith worship god for what you have conquered by faith [Music] faith has results faith has results faith has results faith has results faith has results faith has results be not weary in well-doing for in due season you shall have results if you faint not faith has results faith has results faith has results let's go further faith faith allows you has allowed you to receive pay attention to receive everything you got oh my god you didn't have to make it you didn't even have to create it you just had to receive it it was that the front door and it had your name on it and all you had to do was sign your name to receive your package is there anybody besides me ah i am amazed at what i have received oh my god man didn't give it to me god gave it to me come on here the bible says and my blessing in verse 13 by faith they receive what they had been promised what they had been promised look at me look at me look at me look at me by faith there were some things by faith there were some things that i didn't think that i was going to get because it took so darn long and i had basically even given up on it i had basically walked away from it i was like the woman who had given up on having a child until elisha showed up and i was able to receive what i had even moved off my list let's talk you live in nature you have keys how did you receive that by faith those of you that know that the house you living in come i need you to do a faith move i need something but i ain't got my keys yet do a faith move just stick your hand on that like you unlocking a dog come on let's go on the fake drive just stick your foot out like you're already driving what you've been waiting on come on oh my god ah come on say i got to do a faith move whatever you waiting on i need your body to act like you already got it dude you don't mind i need you to receive it in the spirit realm before you get it in the natural realm okay calm down john come down hey my faith by faith by faith they received back from the dead in other words there were some things that appeared to be dead but god brought it back to life for you some of y'all your career as it seemed to be dead even your marriage seemed to be dead even your hope seem to be dead but he resurrected oh that i might know him in the power of this of his suffering and in the film i'm sorry all the time i know him in the power of his resurrection and in the fellowship and in the fellowship of his suffering i know i'm in power and i know i'm in fellowship come on those of y'all that know that you've received because faith has results faith has results your waiting is not in vain those of you know that you've received some amazing things can you just open your mouth and testify oh i got it oh i got it watch me watch you watch me watch me watch me i need a question you've conquered you received you've conquered you received you've conquered you received you've conquered you received you conquered you received you conquered you received you conquered you received you conquered you received you conquered you i won and then i got it i won and then i got it i won and then i got it i want and then i got it i won and then i got it i want i had to win before i get it i had to win before i get it i had to win before i get it i had to win in my mind before i got it in the natural i had to win in my prayer life before i got it in the spirit i win and then i got it i conquered and then i received it i conquered and then i received it some of y'all haven't received it because you have to conquer and the moment you conquer then you can receive i'm out here pay attention because we don't want us we don't want to preach you into uh untruth please listen please listen please listen we are guilty as the church of making you think that faith is only going to let you conquer and receive conquer and receive but faith also allows you to go through no no no no no no no no no no no no no no see watch me see any anybody can praise of you cochran and receive me but a faith person when you haven't gotten what you want and the hell keep intensifying oh i need your pit bull to come this one you call the pit bull at the you don't bring no poodle out here you get a pit bull spirit i need watch me some of y'all to move to the suburbs and lost all your hood i need you to keep at least a teaspoon of hood i need you to keep a rubber band in your purse and some vaseline in your bag i need you to be ready to throw some if you got to throw something i need you to be ready to fight if you have to fight ah come on here come on here open myself i'm about to finish some unfinished business i need you to open your mouth those of you that happen to be going through anything right now i need you to open your mouth because you have to get some major revelation you about to get some major revelation and i need you by faith to worship god for the answer he's about to give you before you even leave the building before you get out of this 7 30 service can you lift your hands and say i'm about to finish some unfinished business satan you should have took me out when you had a chance but you messed up and let me make it into this service and now that i'm here i'm about to finish some unfinished business yay i feel the anointing real strong i'm about to finish those of you that are still in the fight those of you that still believe that god can do anything and if he don't do it he's still going to be your god can he not be your santa claus can he be your god i open your mouth and say i'm about to finish [Music] some unfinished business have a seat you comfort and you receive you conquered and you receive because faith has results you've conquered and you receive you've conquered and you receive because faith has results you've conquered and you receive you've conquered and you receive because faith has results you've conquered and you recede you've conquered and you receive because faith has results pay attention and faith allows you faith allows us to finish to finish some unfinished business i'm a businessman i'm a businessman and i'm about to finish someone i'm about to be your answer i'm about to be your example i'm about to show you not by what i say but about how i handle this let's talk so let me burst this bubble you look at us and think that we don't go through certain things it's not that we don't go through we just don't show it well that's pride that ain't pride that's a faith walk let's go let's go let's go bible allow me to flip to the message bible just allow me to flip it just for a minute on the message bible we're doing good with time in hebrews 11 let's go to 32. and we're still talking about faith people we're not talking about the ungodly we're still talking about faith people we're still talking about the ones that conquered and those that received so it's on my faith people not talking about the devil we're talking about the godly we talk about those that have been washing the blood of the lamb which those of y'all that have trusted god what's this mr bible there were those there were those there were you should put your name in those because this is a part of your book there were those pay attention who under torture refused to give in i'm not talking about sinners this torture that is going on he has allowed it to go on there were those under torture refused to give in and go free preferring preferring preferring something better you should go back and listen to my saturday night devotion as i preached that thing i thought that thing on preferring something better which means that i might be in something but i prefer to see it better i prefer it to see it as a stepping stone i prefer to see it as a lesson learned i prefer to see it as a season that i have to go through to get what he has for me come on can you just say i prefer let's go resurrection watch me question others others we are still talking about those that walk by faith we're still talking about those about others others braved abuse and it'll blow your mind who in the body of christ has had to go through some abuse physical sexual mental pay attention even spiritual abuse wishes and whips oh my god somewhere some of y'all you were hit with a whip in the spirit realm and your inner man is bleeding come on y'all come on let's talk and yes chains and dungeons which means that some believers had to go through a dungeon a dark place stop let's take our mask off can we not be fake for one minute have you ever had a dungeon encounter some some of y'all you were in the dungeon but we just didn't know come on here because you never let us let us know that your address was 251 east dungeon street come on here and it's where you lived oh my god it's where you lived those of you that have had or are in a dungeon place question do you still believe god oh my god see anybody can praise god if your address is 259 highway but it take a special person to believe if you live on dungeon avenue come on y'all come on i need you to open yourself i've been to the dungeon i've been ah come on here even when i leave here i gotta go back to my dungeon who am i talking to we have stories we have stories we have stories we have stories of those who were stoned we even have stories of those who were sold into some of you ought to allow people to cut you in half you have a split personality one minute you say the next minute you not because you've been sold in two you've been cut sliced and diced and who was behind the sewing is what messed you up because you never knew they had a saw in behind and you trusted them and they cut you come over here can we talk for a minute we have stories of those who have been stoned sold into pay attention murdered we're talking about believers murdered in cold blood in other words just seeing you made them murder you let's talk let's talk let's talk cold blood trying to murder your name trying to murder your reputation trying to murder your future oh my god because you didn't take them with you cold blood because you woke up and realized we're not a good couple we this ain't going this ain't gonna end right and rather than let you go they murdered you in cold blood and you never knew you were sleeping with the enemy can we talk come on here stories of vagrants wandering the earth in animal skin pay attention we're talking about the believers homeless homeless we're talking about people that walk by faith friendless everybody that ride with you ain't your friend you better hear me everybody don't you base your friends on your likes cause some people only liking just so that they can stay in your business come on y'all just because we sing together don't make you my friend wait wait i go further just cause you saved don't mean you my friend come on here just because we related don't mean you like me come on here come on and i'm talking about people of faith and i'm talking about people of faith homeless friendless powerless powerless have you ever felt powerless see take your mask off don't be fake have you ever felt powerless have you ever felt like your hands are tied and that the devil is just running away what i don't like about this is that when i feel powerless i can pray for somebody and they get what they want but then i don't have the power to get without here's the line that messed me up in this whole scripture the world didn't deserve them y'all better mess me up you gotta get this the world don't even deserve you because they don't see your greatness there's some people that don't even deserve your conversation there's some people that don't even deserve your company because the moment that you go in they gonna try to dismantle you who am i talking to a bit you better realize everybody don't deserve your presence everybody don't deserve your conversation pay attention everybody don't even deserve your opinion because they're not gonna take it if you give it to them and why waste your oil on people that don't deserve it who am i talking to and i'm talking to the believers because faith has results faith has results making their way as best they could on the cruel edges of the world you guys you guys hear me you live here on this cruel world you are in a cruel world you've been abused you've been whipped you've been chained you've been in the dungeon you've been stoned you've been sowed into you've been murdered you've been homeless you've been friendless and you've been powerless that doesn't sound like the resume of a believer because i thought that we were you know everything was gonna be good no you've been abused you've been whipped you've been chained you've been dungeon you've been stoned you've been sold into you've been murdered you've been homeless you've been friendless have you been powerless question but do you still have faith stop stop stop stop stop stop why would god allow you to be abused whipped chained put in a dungeon stoned sought into murdered homeless friendless or powerless why would god do that why would god i mean you holding on to your faith you never let go people they never let go they never watch me what's your name how does moses get to lead everybody to kingdom but he don't get to go but he's still held on to his faith how does question hopless peter the one who was handed the church right after jesus how does he end up being crucified upside down but even while they turning them upside down but i still believe god what if you don't get what you want what what if you don't exit the way you planned do you still have your faith pay attention because faith bring results letting your faith go i need everybody's attention please please please please hear me now here's the full revelation this thing missed me and passed the jimon up as we were reading this and i need you to get in because sometimes we're so busy shouting over of what we conquer we receive we conquer we receive but i have been murdered you conquered you received you but i but i'm being abused you conquered you were saying i am being beat down pay attention 39 not one of these people even though their lives of faith were exemplary amazing your life was amazing got their hands on what was promised in other words you they believed god but they never got their hands on what was promised so watch me wasn't but they kept holding on but they kept holding on like i still believe god for my marriage but it ends up getting divorced i prayed that god would heal them they'd die i prayed for my child they crazy i prayed that he would help me save my house i lost it what do you do when you pray for something but you don't get it do you lose your faith in between do you lose what did you lose why did you lose it because you told us that he would be god if he didn't or he didn't do it you told god come over here to stay low until i die you're dying boo but do you still believe god stop some of y'all the ending hasn't been determined yet allow me to give you a minute to reassure your faith because faith has the results slip your hands up and close your eyes wherever you are and i don't care what it feels like somebody i feel the chains send something i feel the beating something i feel like you're being cut somebody i feel powerless i need you to lift your hands i need you to close your eyes and some of your tears are in your eyes let them fall and tell god i can't explain it but i trust you come on i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god hold on hold on good soldier hold on good soldier pass the doors you come too far to let go now ayah say hey michael you've come to far to doubt god now those of you that have had to bury a loved one in the midst of a pandemic you have experienced death i need you to lift your hands is there anybody that know what it is to lose what you prayed for is there anybody that know what it is to be beat down to the point that you can't hurt any worse of what you're already hurting me do me a favor in the building can you stand can you lift your hands how can you begin to release uh i still believe god worship come on here come on here yeah how about you about to finish some unfinished business but you can't finish it unless you have faith you're about to finish some unfinished business but you cannot finish it if you don't have faith i need to see if you still trust the lord with all thy heart and you're not leaning to your own understanding those things that are going through in your home those of you that are going through in your body those of you that are going through in your spirit man your spirit man has taken a hit those of you that are going through in your finances those of you that are going through in your mind i need your spirit man to begin to worship god i need the holy ghost to begin to say out of you i still believe god please please do what i tell you please do what i tell you please do what i tell you hey tony do you believe that you still might be 100 percent better i have somebody that is listening that has been diagnosed with cancer do you believe that he is able but you went from a stage one to a stage three question your body got worse with it your faith gets stronger please lift your hands and i need you to answer the question do you still believe do you still believe because you are about to finish some unfinished business you are about to finish some unfinished business you are about to finish some unfinished business you are about to finish some unfinished business you are about to finish some unfinished businesses you ready not one of these people pay attention not one of these people even though their lives of faith were exemplary got their hands on what was promised god god god had a better plan for us stop neither one of them neither one of them neither one of them got their hands on what they would promise because god had a better plan for us so how is god going to use them to bless us how is god going to use them what's the plan of god that he would let them go through that to bless us i need you to hear me because you are about to finish some unfinished business please hear me god before i go any further can you open the ears of your people so that we can get the full revelation of what you are saying and so that many can begin to to recapture their faith again let faith arise let faith arise let faith arise let faith arise god god god god can this fall on good ground can this fall on good ground and produce good fruit for the rest of this year come on y'all by faith lift your hands as worse and as bad as it is i need you to open your mouth and say but i still believe god [Music] god had a better plan for us god had a better plan for us god had a better plan for us that their faith and our present faith would come together to make one complete whole shut up so the scriptures their faith in my faith is gonna bring some unfinished business together watch me because not only do you read the scripture you look at me so watch me i'm the walking word when you finish reading their faith in mine it's a whole picture that you have no i need you to get your faith because it cannot be made whole until you show up with your faith watch me i can't just read about job i got to see one i can't i can't i can't just hear about the woman who was here with the issue of blood i gotta see a woman who's suffering in her body right now i just can't read about a parent whose child was demonically possessed i got to see a present-day parent whose child has given them hell and i need to read it and then i need to see it and then it'll be made whole hold on my shot and you my brothers and my sisters uh the answer to some unfinished business to someone your family need to see you answer by faith give me one minute give me one minute give me one minute give me lift your hands close your eyes close your eyes and worship and worship and worship can i hand it to you when i stop can i pass it to you when i stop listen you want to hear truth you want to hear truth do you want to hear truth i am already praying for who my successor is going to be i am already in prayer nope i'm not retiring this year nope i'm not retiring but i have already been in prayer who has the faith that i can hang you the baton so when i'm gone the puzzle is not broken but it's completed hold on wait wait wait wait wait some of y'all want to leave without a success some of y'all want to leave and just drop your baton and walk away too much too much has been put in you and too many came before you for the race to stop with you but he's ready to make sure that you finish some unfinished business lift your hands in this building lift your hands in this building lift your but i'm going through hell but do you still have the baton you cannot run the race and drop the baton your team cannot win and or even be registered until you cross the finish line not just cross it but you gotta have the baton oh my god get your face back get your face back get your faith back get your faith back tragedies commonplace all kinds of diseases people are slipping away but can you still say thank you can you still say thank you can you still say thank you oh you're gonna drop the baton can you steal say thank you all kinds of diseases people are slipping away economies down people cannot even get enough pain but as for me all i can say lift your hands in this building [Laughter] the race is still going pick up your baton of faith [Music] people are slipping always [Music] but thank you lord for all lift your hands wherever you are and open your mouth yes yes god [Music] come on come on [Music] by faith open your mouth and say thank you everybody say thank you thank you everybody say thank you to your name jesus thank you lift your hands right here open your mouth yay go go go get your faith up go come on you all that have been whipped go you have to finish some unfinished business we walk by pain and not by sight go go go go those of you that have experienced death i need you to open your mouth you have to finish some unfinished business we have to see a praise on top of grief those of you that are sick in your body we have to see a praise while you are afflicted those of you that don't have a dime in the bank we have to see a praise when you are in the negative those of you that don't have a job we have to see what a praise look like yay [Laughter] and for this come on you faith people [Applause] come on you faith people somebody's looking at you you have to finish this you gotta finish strong you have to finish strong you have to end it right come on you fake people we re faith has results faith has results faith has results even when it looked like our loss i want faith has results even if it looked like i died i lived y'all better open your mouths in here those of you online i need you to finish strong yay i give you glory i give you praise i give you glory i give you praise i give you glory and i give you praise i shout i dance i run i pray i speak in tongues i wave my hand i lay on the floor i roll on the floor [Music] i have a praise that is cannot be explained i gotta do it to keep my faith by any means necessary i gotta dance i have to see i have to come to worship i have to play my instrument i gotta preach even in the midst of the hell i'm going through i get to live it when i preach [Music] you better get your baton the devil want to tell you to sit down but the devil can't get a moving target put your body into it [Music] come on we're leaving i don't know the ending but i know that this too shall come to pass i really can't explain how he gonna do it but i know that this too shall come to pass i'm finishing some unfinished business i want my praise to represent those that have had to wait for years i want my praise to represent those that got up with a question mark i want my praise to represent those that saw everybody else go forward while you stood still i want my praise to finish some unfinished business those in the building i need the world to hear what victory sound like those old zoom i need those on zoom to see what victories sound like i need you to release the best praise you have and i need you to finish i said i need you to finish i need you to send a report back to hell that we won i need you to let every depressed demon know that it did not work i need every [Applause] i need you to send a report back to every to hell that we still have the victory i need you to finish strong on that count of three i need you to release victory in this building i need you to release victory on zoom i need you to release victory on youtube i need you to release victory on facebook i need you to release victory on that alpha i need you to release victory on the website i need to cover every gate i need to cover every gate and god wherever they hear or wherever they see that faith arise on the count of three is on you one two three go let it sound like victory come on y'all i need to see victory on you i need to see victory on you i need to see what victory look like on every single parent i need to see what victory looks like on every divorcee i need to see what victory look like pay attention to anybody that's struggling whatever your weakness is i need to see if you still got the ability to praise god in spite of your weakness [Music] it didn't work come on we're leaving i need you to feel strong [Music] i need you to finish strong the race that has been set before you you didn't ask for this race it was set before you he knew that he could trust you come on y'all we're done [Music] i can't explain it [Music] but out of all the things i've been through i can't explain it but i still got joy [Music] out of all the things i'm going through [Applause] i need to finish some unfinished business [Music] come on we got to go don't we [Music] but i need to put this phrase on record [Music] everybody praise god the best way you can right here come on tony i need you to praise god you had two brain surgeries [Music] give me a minute come on i gotta go yeah i need you to finish some unfinished business i need you to respond accordingly pick up your baton and give him glory come on everybody listen to me i need you to give god a praise right here go go yay i need you to finish some unfinished business you the answer it didn't end the way that i wanted it to end but guess what i still believe god lift your hands and worship god wherever you are come on open your mouth and finish some unfinished business yep i read the word but i'm looking at you and i need yay [Music] i need you to be a living testament yay hey come on i'm trying to let this go yeah i need you to vow that you're not gonna quit yeah my mama shot all folks say he might not come when you want him and he might not come how you want him but he's still going to be god everybody release the best praise you got for the next 20 seconds go [Music] i got five minutes [Music] lift your hands and let your joy respond lift your hands and let your joy be your answer because you need to finish some unfinished business you can't stop until they see your god oh my god you can't stop until they see your god you can't stop until somebody's faith is increased because you are the answer to some unfinished business there's someone that you're looking at me right now you can't do this without god look at me you cannot do this i'm not talking about dawn religion i'm talking about relationship he wants to be lord of your life he wants to be your savior if somebody's listening to me you dropped your baton you literally are in a backslidden state i say to you like paul said to the galatians you did run well who hindered you surely this persuasion did not come from god and i came to get you back in the fold i came to literally bring you back in your seat is still available then there's someone to say i'm already saying but i you've been whipped and cut into a church look at me you live in another state but i've been assigned to be your pastor if you know that i'm talking to you you're going to look on the screen you'll see a prayer i want you to pray that prayer and then i want you to text the words new life to 313131 you're going to text the words do left to 313131 this bible has messed me up i conquer i receive and then i finish some unfinished business come on i need you to text the words new life to 313-131 and i need you to make it happen i need you to make it happen is this the last sunday of the month this is the last sunday i want everyone that is listening if you're a regular tither i want you to give your tithes pastor jermon said something last week he says the 10 covers the 90. that bless me your 10 covers your 90. i need you to be faithful in that there are four seats imma mention in wherever you fall you can do it for the last sunday of the month 25 50 75 or 800 whichever one that you feel let to give i want you to sew that on top of your ties on top of your regular offering i want you to release that seed i want you to really i called this i hold it last night this is my survivor seat this is my survivor seat i don't have what i keep giving my god i'm waiting but i keep sewing while i wait come on this is the answer to some unfinished business come on get your seed ready everyone that is listening come on can you sold 25 50 75 100 but i need you to sew what are you gonna put in the comment part my survivor seed this is my survival seed because i am finishing some unfinished business come on here you're the answer y'all you can't stop you better get your baton you walk by faith get your smile back get your get your groove back get your swag back get your mind back hey look at me get you back because some of y'all lost you in the middle of the process get you back come on get your seat lift it up to the lord reap it up to me i'm gonna tell them to give her and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow confesses i am living in ephesians 3 20. how long we gonna live with y'all for the rest of my life come on sow your seed right there see your seat right there come on say your seat right there i'm about to pass through the baton the president jamon he's gonna be doing the 9 30 service some of y'all need a double dose you all know we preach the same thing but the way that god give it to us to deliver it can be different and i want you to log back in some of y'all need to send this word to somebody you need to send this to somebody let them preach i'm a shirt lord help me today i'm looking like i'm
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 16,700
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Id: 3RbeJrcm9m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 24sec (4344 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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