Faith and Circumstances (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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that gravitational battle opah rang empty I felt like dirt impressively attack with champagne is he from Pune made you anticipate Thomas a octopus au pair it to Peter about my own behind I was a little girl I separated with my wife that was the lowest point in my life there no no Google no a lot a single Google a toasted article didn't go by I learned that it's not just a religion but it's more fun relationship with guys and I started really getting more into the word there were none booming I better not get encouragement long shot and I have to be strong because God is with me you know what that I value what you like that everything is possible I mean I myself sobre Telugu Mia are using line them do I know that I'm Metallica a good I think he's got a whole list already of never-ending surprises lined up for us if we choose to continue our devotion to the world Nina Pinta and me lemon or mijita morning Gina goiânia they long ago we need to trust him to have faith in him [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a tendency for us I read an article one time that also resiliency can actually lead to complacency some people I am NOT saying all Filipino there's a tendency for us to just accept that it's the norm right it's the number my bahasa Pilipinas is the number basically a meal and sometimes we hide on the cloak non resiliency but we just make it and it made it an excuse atamora Nathan isn't it right for example resilient the mantle hi naughty so militant Baha they don't we just keep on dumping garbage sell the best on bhai not then not knowing that or lemma game time at multiple ambassadors a resilient among Khmer so there's a downside to being resilient we'll just accept it as the norm will just be mediocre people hiding in the cloak of resiliency so there's a downside on using the word resilient we can be surviving but never advancing the haka survived I'll pick me Bihar now survived coming up or a survive coming we call it adaptability there's a Harvard study that says ok you adaptability for a certain level ah there will come a point in time Meganium agreeing that you have this coping mechanism and what happened is you tolerate things you're no longer resilient that actually you're tolerating things and and of course it's a principle what you tolerate you can never change in team gonna be the bad what I say done kupuna or helium banaba hot io or in a couple dine ambassador organ indeed I suppose alone best economy Babu McGill you see what's the problem with tolerance tolerance causes acceptance and allowing them and more deeper story more like butter than Jerry you are availa young you see what you tolerate eventually you will accept what you thought what you're tolerating now you catamaran enough more eventually you you'll have to accept that did not tolerate William that regard jet you on the kimono and Legarda come on get a guardian what you tolerate now eventually you'll just accept me because what we tolerate we will never ever change so here's the thing about resiliency and I'm I'm all for resiliency but sometimes we can actually use it as an excuse not to be excellent we can sometimes go to the downside of being resilient but actually the reality well we're tolerating things and we become complacent and here's the saddest part about complacency that what we're going to learn about today in our complacency we can miss out on our god-given destiny we can be complacent in pursuing what God has in store for us we can be complacent when we tolerated what's already in front of us prevalent Oh what among Christian II do not get equally of with unbeliever bah Eiland I love you Managua prema Romney but John King dealing the Paquita now sent more single detour right of a buckling single nothing a lot less the way way look appear clear penny-liam bass taller we become complacent in pursuing the purposes in we love God you've said that for what's in your hand unless we continue with the story of Abraham remember last week last week nothing about last week or the needle Orissa so look at the Palatine last week or they take it doctora for reminding me okay I was here last weekend and we can see the story remember see Hagar Vinny Gainey Sarah see Hagar NASA substitute right and it's a cultural norm that time they're Artemis II say it's the way of the world that time soap in an annex II see Ashima l so you last seen at the chimerical Yoko Mori Lee Byung happening sinless last week we can see Abram the Nanak see Hagar at London shot excited salon that law see Sarah see Hegel okay mocha coffee commercial the limo bus Ishmael pin and Allan and miss Abrams Ishmael so Union really conn-young alright so made you do me live you know you allow me in a bubble now mogul now 13 years oh yeah so the thing that will toner you Lumi pass right during these 13 years because that's the the valuing first 13 years in a valley pass so no maki negotiation morel to be a fine gentleman fine man I could just imagine banana Guapo my people know there's no record their communication abram we've got it in didn't only Abram and Oh God okay about the fish man trade in a paw I mean if you can see here the verse after a long poem be NASA not in last week is this look at verse 7 chapter 17 verse 1 when Abram was ninety nine major went under happiness away by an Abbott likes it was a auto 75 diba it's been 24 years since God called him than the land of mesopotamia or and now when Abram was 99 years old so that makes our I 19 years old me so the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him look up here they were as good as dead okay reproductive system me lad as good as dead okay kombucha 99 all hopes are gone in having a baby so a capita you're in again complaints and we can falter the complacency in a Abram now what's in your hand see Ishmael L where did not know so the question now how can we stay focused on the promises of God and not settled and not settle for what the world is offering us most specially Cotulla billah okay reproductive system the last for us it's concerned they're good as dead that's what the Bible says they kind of the baby anymore as far as humanly speaking in Venezuela McConnell because remember his wife is barren ninety years old during this time in his ninety nine and his body is as good as dead sorry getting the picture now secret terminally lignum and gloom Abbas a picture in Telugu Allah canal and aza impanel feeling more ending now at the next verse when Abram was 99 years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him I am God Almighty so my my point for you this afternoon is how can we stay away from complacency in pursuing God's will most specially Camaro something in front of us 'no reading at all how can we pursue God's real shopping marriages come feeling with a man please look at me some below me is anything I mean my eye or sparrow at least think I'm gonna give you a lie at least make one thing intimacy thing anniversary hello under Papa goose tomodea edition Dina give alaikum ay how can you still pursue God's will in your parenting in your life as a single person how can we still pursue sexual purity a master Nyonya millenarianism not even XA excluding pattern on a on can we still pursue god's purposes in our lives compile MacPhail not just like Abram and and Sarah who trusted in the world's ways through Hagar at me on mimicking substitute or alternative in the life of Ishmael remember the promise came Abram I'll make you a numerous as the sand as the the stars in 99999 tapas niw you albany sana na medina imagine you talk you've all been a patina look it gets neva to my protection o be a patina doctora mathematica now my hint I say you Sarah you go mad Ronin and on the part of Samana slaves no matter in the rain so even you mean picture what will keep us from being complacent and dostala' rate you holida pimp retina and end up missing out what is for really glad God's destiny for us three things up a Google sample nothing Leon based on the story of Abram number one there should be a revelation everybody say revelation there was a revelation given to him the Massena bear and God spoke to him I am God Almighty that revelation was given to him he introduces a new name okay the name is El Shaddai first I never mentioned the word el shaddai listen up you know there's something about names okay God is slowly been introducing himself to Abram el Allah now let's give them and the bellyfit naman did okay Abram they're so used growing up for 75 years worshiping this tiny little God among a man-made and they called it Nana or they call the corner table this much God's Neela so they're so used to it and it's been walking for 24 years little to this crowd you know to just think that I am your shield introduce Tonya and your shield your provider your protector great but then another name was introduced to him I am not like your gods back in or I'm not those kind of gods now Kalon among the meat on Kalon moon is Eliza well it Mikasa Locati Natalie Goodman I'm not a god I am an all-mighty God and this is one of the names that God will keep and introducing consider the many names of ground in the scripture provides additional revelation of his character force innovation Jehovah Adonis or Berringer El Shaddai sufficiency or all-powerful personally living gob chelonian peace and damning tinaroo Selenia and the name of God gives us tremendous comfort because they rebuild the aspect of his nature and character Ksenia new my name's Malik Machado water Don Olympia is an animal less there you go Jeff go Jay but before when the name it's a touch of destiny it's attached to something far better than just making distinctions in your macaca pattern in fact in Proverbs it says there the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous man runs into it and is safe look up here the person taya who understand God's name better will have a greater understanding of his character and therefore will have a tremendous source of strength and protection in times of trial care mahalik up oh you name so when you look at El Shaddai God is going 'god is introducing to abram it's it's like a long abram you've run out of choices I know sin abuse a Europe about me in time it will be a father multitude you're gonna be Nations will be birthed through you but then again your old you have a bad and wife and now you have an alternative Ishmael and then I'm needing the will uni glad but then again when I didn't at all but God was declaring to Abram through his name El Shaddai I'm about to do something impossible I'm about to demonstrate my power in a supernatural way come again let Camp Allen silly non-magic aquiline lon they only lesson gentlemanly go that's one thing in Dakota experience because I've only got one degree so well Assyria open bar shall illegal sockin alleged Rimba well actually I wanted legal sonya visa but opposite do another mama yeah so the Imam when you learn something new clinically go you mother cool you mana you learned something new today about the guy you're about the girl Palin there's something in Yuna loo Mabel appeal trust more respect more fruits come on the good things in a lemon MA so it's like this gladly seem to do see something to him and when God says I am el shaddai am all-powerful and his own deeper than is there's nothing he can he cannot do can undo see Jesus and being grabbed himself of course new photo lucious on my couch number Bangka and if this made me me of course Mase form and sell except the tweet about a baby I was about you mama disciple yeah I mean we were gonna die set up the to look with that that he's not boom boom you Celine Dion stop get along table yeah simply Sevilla he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea Indiana cynical money submitting a peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm that's that's that's El Shaddai yeah that's the goddess serving come on let's give him praise and I don't know what storm you're going is true there may be storms in your life Nibbana feeling mobile and I don't Picasa Jeff if we just imagine Jeff in stone add another no husband Gordon wife oh no not now mean okay no William air and a dragon you could just imagine Jeff you stormed up into an upper because of this cancer gets imagine Jeff you scorn them pride and and unforgiveness you we just imagine Jeff you storm again one of office made call the unjust treatment and I really simcha yeah I kept that but I believe our God is greater than your storm isn't it ki Mahalo chronic Eli Lema you named Mia because who killed animal option ah our God is to provide that yeah that provide money money money blessing Angela Merkel my god and what if you have all the money and there's something in you now hindi movie villain impera tell your mother you will have disciple yes happy what sort of man is this lela lela pala so there was a revelation of his omnipotence you know the words of me but this means a man if he is a campus or a co all-powerful iam glad no but Sbisa Bible marry some indication Gawain do you know me cry a lot it's a piece of Bible no he cannot lie uh uh in the OPA are in the Morgana or is everybody that he cannot seen he cannot deny himself or in the powerful you got more people on a higher glory very good motive an American on I didn't hang under nagging on even a fighter bomber at Alena tum tana mark and he make a rock so big that he can at least it economy not America I think in being a high and Gomorrah or indicia boggling decline good morning Rockland Enoch I am wat a new English amiable lady Polly no naka Catania Mallika seeing definition of omnipotence nila omnipotence simply means it's God's ability to do all his holy will according to Wayne Grudem it is not absolutely everything that God is able to do but everything that is consistent with this character that's why he can apply he cannot sin he cannot deny himself he cannot exist to become God he will always be God there are some things that God will not do or cannot do and that's that's just against his character comes in here's Abram allow again but Pina Bausch eleven we've been going through the life of Abram for the past six weeks there have been amethyst Abraham father of faith number lambda me Palestra blind Peter McGee I saw was a jib being a tulip to see Hagar it's been be not be my seasick I said this is a journey of his faith and now God II seem to do see something Selena and this is the first time it was mentioned I am God Almighty all right impacting minami-san kotake Peter never surrender we don't have the time to do this so I thought that I will make you see really fruitful I'm making donation Kings shall come from you King shall come from me oh she's my lion so he was thinking like that and I will stop and damn I really I will give to you and your offspring after you the land of your sojournings all the land of canaan for an everlasting possession I will be there get under me endow me about this almighty guy look up here what if this revelation is true how will it change your prayer life listen up next time you pray imagine absolutely in the embrace but on our god is almighty really change the way you pray because some of us may be just like me sometimes when I pray me Plan B now focus on Abba or anybody hear my prayer cut for this business must never get me planned because know just in case in deke the machina Yagoda we bless you Lord - Lord uncle happen billion lord mallanna who nimona to haunt omean and Lord oh Lord Capital and Lord you'll know to plan B anybody here you prayed but you question God's almighty nice how will it look like in our prayer time tonight when you know that our God is El Shaddai the D is mighty how will it change the way you pray for your children before moving them they on how will it change the way you view your life no matter uncle recently and sometimes you see nothing can replace this is will God can God really comfort me how will it change the way you look at your processor comes and says today knowing that God you are an all might be God I hope this will change the way you view your presence it comes as it is it bigger than our God because oftentimes you cuz you problemas Monica got me because it's always on our face can you blame us you got it now so the question is how can we keep ourselves from being a complacent missing out on God given a bill destiny number one revelation we need a revelation from God in this case I am God all my but then again after revelation there's another part they're reserved responsibility everybody say responsibility maraming taro kill Ellis I got right there are a lot of people now kill another man see God they know him as an all-knowing all pirate so question about it but then again the way we respond to it is very important remember subpoena and revelation yeah I am God Almighty now our responsibility is this if you really consider me as the God Almighty two things are needed walk before me and be blameless India see nothing I am Almighty I wanna buy halogen Abram say telehealth yeah no no no there's a responsibility attached to it I don't know back on demand Parimal ah Monica do you really believe that I'm God Almighty and then Samina walk before me and be blameless you know what look up here on the screen very Filipino make you believe that door with the way Philippine of use it they say I'm picking at them in detail painting my work before grad on that by Omega Solana that's what you often think Kayla and blameless car Caleb I eat car before a Kabul you Muppet Gaylord in fact agenda Cheng and Yan be blameless and now you can approach God Bali Todd because oftentimes we have this Filipino mentality you have to work for your salvation you have to work hard for God's love and approval some of your thinking because we're so wide that when you come as he say no because the moment you're born you're geared towards a work hard there's a reward I'm a karateka Naima boo to him black belt mugs Malika McGee King whatever Kannamma number one's a ballet okay ballet number one okay Alina so you work hard but other than my boot is my honor car and there's nothing wrong with that you work hard to gain something fááá it up or this is how God's equation look like before me and I'm gonna make sure if that is your foundation how dirty you eyes doesn't matter just walk before me not the other way around and I'll make a blameless look up on the screen what happened and indeed only God so that Abram can walk before him and eventually be blameless number one sabaneta penal opinion Pangolin Abram God will get on Pilipino cool like a sage okay just happy your name will no longer be called Abram but your name shall be Abraham okay for I have made you the father of the multitude certain age of the word Abram simply means it solved that one or exalted father very distinct for him a colony on but God changed it to Abraham but were you Abram is two words of and around which means the father is exalted now Rita penal even Abraham which means the father of multitude no longer he called laughs but you're gonna be the father of multitude will allow walking pattern of second yeah so I think this imaginations happy talk Abram oh my gosh my laptop fish my dog but then God is changing his identity because the way you view yourself determine how you're gonna behave so we wouldn't be liable 7 yeah let's change your name Misawa more see sorry ok and God said to Abram as for Sally your wife got wind originally FINA well as just age as for Sarai which means princely or related to a prince since Kings will come out of her womb we're gonna change her name look appear to Sarah which means princess Ohio alum Nina console and galaxy princess Sarah hey Rafa did you see okay see Becky Miss Minchin okay Paula clear LaNasa school again okay so see princess al obviously in Ewing I'm Elena's logo telugu limbo and your kimono 90s okay Princess Anna look up here because I do believe at this time listen up this very important I do believe at this time Sarna has accepted the fact she Ishmael datalogger well in a world's waste during that time it's their law your slave bore a son for you that Sun is you yours say you yawn you asleep will be free Pagliacci looking Anna so technically in a world sways in the world's wisdom I do believe that sir I accept that Ishmael Abram Banasik guru at all but then again when her name was changed to Saleh you're gonna you're a princess Kings will come out of your rooms Wow they will change your first appeal absolutely Lord identity identity walk before me I'll give you a new identity the oldest gun the new has come you cannot be blameless apart from walking before me like it gets nuba kaya enough of your a Cohiba lon no beggar Kahlan I'm about indie comic eating about it cool access a behind crystal come you're not walking before God as filthy and sinful as you are come to him and he will change it from the inside out I remember my friend may orphanage chillin kaibigan you orphanage spoon again we come there years ago I Pelican with him in a baton I put bullet somnolence and even on Manama gülen's a box laughs and a Mahna Mahna rude the leg up at London a guy going up a kind people my friend okay say they grew up the street no Alan banker and so silly like that are gonna mop against a who Sansa Angela police because of a poverty mentality now it's a Christian organization and their goal is to find a Christian abroad number I'm a goddess among a bad man now unlike other people in Agra adapt that anything immoral nobody and no no no it's a - Christian at all they're so short gigantic on Rudy and Kai grand Herbert gizumon about Anya when they come into our homes walk before us will see us they're gonna change their life their lives will be changed because they were gonna we're gonna this demonstrate before them available Emma go get stuck on my back oh c'mon I don't belong mom oh okay like I belong Maxine and thank you okay like a pile of muck share so but it'll need a sabihin I mean there's no way for them not to be like us and it's the same thing with God walk before me and you will be blameless so the identity were changed and also the mindset and girly to do says something to Abram that's a common practice during the time it's a practice of circumcision okay Sabina gather all the man and and between you and me and your offering after you every male among you shall be circumcised circumcised is simply casting off the flesh it's hormone practice back then there are some other mature and then after Abram everyone was a circumcised at the age of eight days so casting of the flesh meant to say no longer will you trust on your own understanding no longer will your trust in flesh because Abram sunniness a naked John professor Egypt this custom we are building a new home is a smoker a sip a painter discard a minyan poo mario cafe Hagar discard me and for the longest time Abram you're so used to these tiny guards marijuana so so not I'd be like that we come to church very in discarding our that means an anise also not and we just ask God to bless us and God is teaching Abram from now on Abram knowing that I am el shaddai leave yourself less less ha ha remember the left leg for the sacrum delawanna Indian I have Mignone time now on four weeks ago lack like I mean simply means leave your country leave your family leave leave yourself you wanna know you old Abram them suppor because where I'm gonna bring you in diga gonna Hindi Pepe the old ways of doing things and sometimes you became Christian we only love the Salvation but we don't want the sanctification part isn't it and sometimes I don't know maybe just me we want to go to heaven but we don't want God involved in our daily lives we want him as a savior but never us Lord it cannot be like means live your old ways of doing things because then all this gone the new has come so technically that's sick obsession is simply a casting off the flesh it's a sign and a seal that you are mine so there's a responsibility attached to him and and it's not that easy and you put them a delay and again as I told you on the first week palomito you can review our first week we see the first 74 years of Abram he's nothing and then we want to see the latter part of his life 50 years before he died he is a big shot the father of faith that long a major religion Telugu say I'm gonna consider the patriarch but in the middle you can see you up and down at home town at the journey of faith of this valley is really amazing and we can all relate to him right so Pertamina not electorate or not encounter see God el shaddai and all give me this Abram Savin it though I will bless her and moreover I will give you a son by her talking about Sarah and this is the first time that was clearly mention you enough momoka golly que sera cuz they for the longest time she decided on I will make it the great nation to your offspring so the waste won't pay the domestic guru by Hagar so but this is the first time Nessie not be specifically God in the case Allah so in lesson in see Abram okay I will bless her and moreover I will give you a son by her I will bless her and she shall become nations king of peoples and shall come from her her life will be a movie princess are again y'know he saw union okay Alamo respond and working his plans niolani Abram OB near so ornery no madrone so how you baby bad beginning one Delano 24 years ago my bed Marin rattling baby well hey I talking one Abramson a bit Acadian then April fell on his face and love princess Sarah okay Hanuman telega I say shall a child be born to a man who is hundred years old she'll Sarah who is 90 years old bear a child anybody here you've trusted in your own ability and capability instead of God's ability and always like that paranormal researcher Lord of intuition Italian para the salsa get nada para para un de salón de la Hilda miracle talaga Deema but I don't know behind sis me no answer comes and says here we do the math already I God mm God in are you scopa oh god it or not pan among Garrett Oh God just like Abram he's as good as dead when it comes to his body and more saw his wife ninety Balan old Amira panel can't get on the abram just like the rest of us just like me offer the solution took I got in the lungs a valiant if only Ishmael might live under your blessing how many times we do that we have a plan in often I think I got Gotti bless muñeca Zito anybody here what's your issue Morrell what's your alternative alimony the Williger therapy no push popper in your agenda Lord my injuries a man doing a bagua pollutant or gondola he crippled or decreased China young salud Christian to think of Canada by English juiciness a beard Christian but now buying bless you you never live in a Christian anymore being cannot Christian do it but Canada does Mario says okay so he Sue's Maria Jose complained the Lord there you limp a passion when a Christian anybody here what's your issue Morelle what is an alternative that you're offering before God not waiting at our peril I'm gonna hit deep lady and in the inci swim across sunayana Ala Moana Indian pass hope so Willie God but here you are pushing your own agenda and you're praying to God hoist me be blissful Hamiltonian at they were a kind of signal although well I was talking to older everybody happy multiply Tahoe that was negotiable STL and real or no so not calm about it ok Somali no lab animal in Allah so Allah Valentino forget God now even alternative you see cuts or social anger deep so Allah okay I'm talking to myself Lundy there's a fight that though Jeff stop offering your Ishmael ok sorry not damaged Lanka okay sorry sorry sorry I don't call that KO yung Wilma gutsy no sooner than your praise God for you I wish I was I'm like you you meet mr. Castelo another man you call you know you know who d etat a look up here and then another instance I don't know maybe same way with automatic visitor I know this this is one of them is God and then don't attempt any Abraham and the main news today they said to him very sorry your wife's on the palate and never say sorry not in Solana where is princess Hana your wife's Eddie okay say they like that long device ADAC she Peter of England Miss Minchin thank you get a life okay all right where is Sally your wife and he said she's in the temp and the Lord said let me work she got Dora the almighty El Shaddai speaking in a body form someday I will surely return to you about this time next year and Sally your wife shall have a son and Sarah the princess was listening at the tent door behind him la Capilla you're 19 all hopes are dead dead Oh Millie big muna impact us an American aha Sarah Lehman woman they've tried for many years and now you heard from God himself this time next year you'll be holding a baby that came from your womb what's your first concern for one Papa may you all be more stock up a check of all a trauma you the complexity of having a baby at the age of 19 do unconcern yeah um possibly on in fact just like her husband Abram and Sarah were already very old and Sarah was fast the age of childbearing so Sarah ha ha ha I mean - my mother said to herself as she thought anti-power Jana what was her face smoking yeah after I am worn out and my lord talking about Abraham is old will I now have this flesh Samina Lee Baca we began at don't bless your lap a towel Alanna ho ho no mignon right and rightly so I mean the oldest mom's no mama not recently see and a great Raunak at the age of 65 she gave birth to four more kids actually I think thongs 17 and yes like 13 children already through IV epi and 65 in Germany three years ago okay another guy another woman 70 at Halawa speed Amanda um Carrie pan wall she gave birth to twins last 2008 lamb of June Wow in India but all this woman who gave birth it along recently Lyme another girl mr. Schwab Tina Massey oh yeah okay at the age of 72 gave birth okay 2016 2 years ago county origin India age of 72 gave birth to a child it's the oldest mom but Sarah is 90 but an old worn-out you know the you know how God responded to her laughs tell me separately God and some of you're gonna laugh because some of us are like Sarah we're laughing at the thought so dr. bunion here's what God had to say about Sarah's life is anything too hard for the Lord is anything too hard for me uh no problem I created the whole universe with words I didn't even lift a finger it's anything - huh how do you view your God is this is there anything hard for your God because I'm telling you if there's something hard for your garden is not glad at all if there's anything we think if there's anything hard for your God then your God is no God at all because if your God is limit there then he's not a God because our God is also favorite all-powerful Almighty Omni for ten El Shaddai is there anything too hard for the Lord Wow in this summing up part of the Catalina Oaxaca me noon Sun on a hand I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son have we ever thought Jesus God raised word I mean when you're reading your Bible have we ever really you take that seriously a little Lord you said that in your word panini Allah anguila-- or are we just reading the Bible as if it's just a novel written by some you know cinnamon actual opinion or are we really taking it seriously the God you said in your word never will I leave you nor forsake you I'm gonna embrace that I'm gonna accept that I'm good I'm not gonna be complacent laureate and settle for what's in my in my hand but I'm gonna constantly pursue you I will never ever be all around of the world's ways and keep on pursuing it you know what how Abraham responded to this here's our respond to this when he had finished talking with him talking about God with Abram God went up from Abram Oh Melissa see God in verse 23 then Abraham took Ishmael his son and all those born in his house because it ought oceans young to circumcise and and and he circumcised the flesh of their foreskin that very day as God has said to him you know what is enough Abram Abraham obeyed God Sarah actually o bryd Caliphate though Marcia but you can see in Hebrews 11 she believed in God but I was in entomology Lamech asawa but then all of a sudden oh my gosh this is a new revelation for us that he is true to his word he is an all-mighty God what they needed was a revelation they responded to it properly you can see in Hebrews 11 they both believe in God nah là-bas see I oftentimes what we need is not a reason but a revelation I got the purpose of Paulo he said that most of the time we want reason you want to reason our we want some justification and in some times we want to make things Munna and become a compute it doesn't make sense we want really to justify everything like an atheist now how many while oh my god prove to me but sometimes most of the times faith is all winning and that faith is anchored to a revelation from God you see faith alone faith alone is not enough because your faith is dependent on whose faith is it anchored Dada mama because Allah config at faith like a devotion laugh those people look those people who commanded the 9/11 airplane I mean they have so much faith in their God they really know how uncle your faith Mira now when they do that thing they're gonna go to heaven and welcome by this how many virgins so faith and then my faith sila but who can even her uncle your faith was very important and that's why we need revelation from God are we reading the Word of God consequently can the purpose an award it's a combination to see in its abs-cbn and GMA unproven check up a whole of Revelation the promise acronym Bible more but the renewing of your mind you'll be able to know the good pleasing and perfect will of God so we have a responsibility and eventually as I am we have a reward and oftentimes we just want the reward we don't care about the revelation we don't care about the responsibility and we just want the reward here's the reward of this and a couple you know what happened about the same time a year after princess Sarah was holding a baby and look at the words the Lord visited Sara as he had said look up at those worlds powerful and the Lord did to Sara as he had promised and Sara conceived and bore Abram a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken as he had said as he had promised as he had said come Kalyn in his appointed time Abram called the name of his son who was born to him whom Sara bore him Isaac it's been six weeks that we've been opening to see this Isaac to power and shame oxymoron Ampang Rocko and now I present to you I said next week will be the ending of the series parallelity paradoxically honor right so today let me just challenge you let's all stand let me just challenge you today look look at those words hey do you believe that God is almighty yeah there's no question about it right but believing is one thing and really going down to our hearts they were really in faith when we pray do we really believe that he is an El Shaddai he is almighty omnipotent God true to his word as he had said as he had promised and his appointed time that is the God we're serving today amen and whatever we're going through right now I don't know maybe you're believing God for salvation of loved ones are you even praying about it or may I look about Revelation he got about it even reading this word and claiming it what you said in your world if you believe you in your household it'd be same pin the rain Munna mignon vinegar on the cell phone by Mohammed and the moon hang on I don't know whatever we're believing God for it takes God's revelation of who he is if you're sick is he god the healer do you really believe that he can heal you embrace the revelation respond to him by walking before him and being blameless before him obey Him because that's that's the that's a proof that you really believe him your obedience and eventually receive that reward as he had said he had promised that is appointed time this is bother my hands if if you're here today in your having a hard time accepting that he is Almighty God I know with counsel people in the panel feeling ill I see God after listening see sinhala my mapa eternal ers a boo-hiney lion and in some of you are blaming God nos ankle or Dulhaniya rito and maybe some of you feeling was a saint and another at that incident but Vallecano Anghiari on thank allah neukölln kita maybe some of you here you're doubting God's omnipotence or you power Nia I don't know maybe you've resorted to a lot of option and alternatives but today let me just encourage you if that's you but on your hands and close your eyes if that's who you want to recalibrate the way you view God as Almighty God you want to repent before God maybe Nikita Moosa enough cooling sha or you doubted his capacity or ability maybe I don't know if that's you today you've doubted God's el-shaddai can just raise your hand and just walk before him and be blameless praise God Lord you see these hands Indian army mercy Lord sorry Alan Alan because at times the problems are overwhelming the result land onion doctor's report land genuine bills piling up then then you problem and a bullet issue enough land any problem hindi movie yonezawa so not sometimes we doubt your goodness and your power but today Lord God we want to renew our commitment with you these people raising their hands they're saying Lord El Shaddai all powerful all multi god you're gonna be true to your word as you said it you're gonna be true to your word that you have promised me as your son and daughter and at your appointed time you're gonna make it happen Lord renew this people vodka their way the way they look at you before right now Lord refresh them of who you really are in Jesus name is on your hands I'm gonna pray for another group of people if you believe in God for the impossible things this is the time to believe this is the time to believe the Lord is impossible but Lord nothing is impossible with you if in fact the Bible says Kalina binisaya registers is there anything too hard for me so right now if you're believing God for breakthrough if you're believing God for something beyond your capability if you've been trusting in yourself and a golem or Kaiama but right now you're saying Lord Rama Teague Chaya I think this is - for you - switchgear Lord right now I'm just gonna focus my attention to you Parrish I'm a glorified but mitigating breaks or whatever it is I don't know what it is ecological I'm not a dial alamou impossibly toe at Alamosa garland open glass akuto so right now raise your hand if you're believing God for something whatever it is relational breakthrough emotional financial physical healing whatever it is by faith Lord nothing is too hard for you right now Lord God we're raising our hands believing you Lord God that nothing is really too hard for you salvation of loved ones we belonging Samaha monogramming massif and sometimes we've tolerated nice eager Indiana cinema be born again kasi cerrado han da da da monitor and something about Camille Oregon we rebuke any doubt Laurie God because you said in your word if you believe you and your household will be same you said in your word your patient not wanting anyone to perish but everyone come to repentance so right now we believe our loved ones will be saved in the name of Jesus Christ we believe by faith Gorga one day Muraki semana mozilla little Oregon we declare that Lori God that one day they will glorify you Lord God chuckling good lord your buggy king complacent Nami the muck Sheridan glaspell mm ooh Lord you need the toilet and I mean Lord well Hannah become a born-again yet Lavanya but right now we repent because we doubted you we repair because been a moon economy whatever breaks through Lord God your people are believing you for financial breakthrough Lord we declare that this year they will be debt-free we declare Lord God and establish in am immortal because they're in this cycle boot and an author Nicky Belafonte water in the resident hawala soda right now Laura verdict Larry that's free you're gonna keep the wisdom on how to use money wisely in the name of Jesus Christ release these people are guard from financial difficulty impossible as it may seem but thank God because nothing is impossible with you nobody pray for physically healing those people believe in you for healing it stays for Stage three whatever glory God diabeetus in the words in the name of Jesus Christ by your stripes we are healed as you have said it as you have promised a green O Lord God we're gonna be healed at your time your perfect time because at the end you'll de qualified relationships longer than asilah because of adultery relationship than a serum because of pornography father restore those marriages Lord God we're believing you for restoration of marriages right now those people Nacala impossibility Gnaeus than your life fifteen use them he will like they're necessary Liam boy but right now we're gonna believe you for relationship being with store in seven restoring it right now forgiveness in the name of Jesus release your grace father we just want to honor you that we're worshiping a car does not weak a goddess not slumbering know you're always awake and always caring for us the El Shaddai they Almighty God in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen and come on let's keep him praise I believe God deserves some praise today come on let's glorify Him he worship your Lord in Jesus name Amen amen and amen amen [Applause] you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 42,316
Rating: 4.8004336 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: E5bUx49LLI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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