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man thank you for this song all right shall we all stand please and turn our Bibles in the book of James book of James chapter one book of James chapter one we'll begin reading from verse number one down to verse number five James chapter 1 verse number one down to verse number five are you with me now alright jump awesome on a sabaha I hope in the two-two-one then I hit upon a capital charge agra tala kazama litany screen you know and garden mare and insulin you corrected a pool and a major scape no but cha cha Kapoor Silla and really praise God for that you tell again packet and Pam upon an Impala tie up we do it Sabina Kiba guess I've been a giver or a truly pelipper into Yui kiting us yeah put Minister Liang salaamed live streaming agreed upon and a pallet on delay but I forgot go on Kaiama Covidien idea Cove in 1914 in LA and Kalama poor Petra Nemcova depature physical nothing not the spiritual [Applause] okay all right and when in Walla tyoma Christian another one to nothing and I think on an Italian company pilot Crito every service Muppet Edna moon the one about what is a una one in a mo booty one glass empanada ballot and Miren putas alright James chapter 1 verse number 1 James is servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad creeping did you notice that was new lapis any more potato no one in a team of buddha amitabha's on ahead since james not Paquita push a - actually a pitcher Pedro Sula twittery James announced Haggadah biblia James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ and then the Bible says to the 12 tribes so there is a particular target objective no addressing the to pose Suleiman attorney James supporting the new casino continually James in address your book of James to the twelve tribes well you are a queer Mahalo Ghana in Ottawa pooyan WAPA teddicus a homonym bills in India never seen yours all right verse number 2 my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience but let patience have her perfect work that she may be perfect and entire wanting nothing if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him now I want you to focus your attention in verse number two-nothing not many James count it all joy that's a title of this message count it all joy all right type isn't a liminal onion the healing joseline backbone are any Poonam in Asahi selamat popping into on the support cotton a bully Poonam a marina gang EU Selita ojos de pau I in new Selita not in genomic pool knee James open addressed the poor young twelve tribes but Oh God I believe we have something we can learn something from this and you have something for us from this Alamo popping it on Nissan para para Mary late Widow para maana one Polito nominee tow i Elega Poonam anonyme situation raha me PO is an Anna who Nino Nelly on i member poram in an angel New Testament body at neon I put upon a me Moranis on under anonymity renewed by the much a ban on gulping on but we are also in crisis right now so help us to get something from from from this message oh god is your message for us so please use me just make me your amplifier organ open amplify Koopas a pneumonic amana bargain Agusan even a para ping ponging on your mogan a sabahi pave on nasa satellite station spooning on humanik sheer panel link nato nong nueng site need to hang on please open their hearts their minds and let them focus their minds and their attention to the word i've got all gone and let them learn from this message this morning all I want Oh God is they'll be encouraged and knew you Oh God as their Lord and personal Savior save the unsaved Oh God and let them be faithful oh god into thy word I promise you I'll give you back the glory and honor in Jesus name Amen alright thank you did a poem oh poor you may now be seated the presence of our God now at the PE audience ooh let poor the needy James para por semana sir 12 tribes domina upon opinion but Gustavo mark even your young relationship now if this is a letter of James to the 12 tribes then pärnu Puna finitary relates our then okay now listen we must understand brethren to poor I behind a Christian or pinnacles upon a boy in the Christian own era I apply cabal at my Ahriman buiiding put not in neon markup attend amen now listen it's upon the horse and you test them and every everything mob then from from the Old Testament to the New Testament lahat Nomura and Nene Wallace a Jaa's in a muumuu a chiffon an Impala daya an opportunity Munna Juanito now and Sabini and suddenly James a verse number 2 marketed my brethren count it all joy count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations now or Noir in pune ting lat ito Mahadev now the word count means consider it means consider and if you are going to check it the opposite of the word consider capitate it means to disregard to avoid listen to avoid Yin PO and Malaga follow me carefully in Department Pune t-mobile detour para marquita Pune in un centro de mensaje all right so somebody James consider or count it all joy count it okay it means consider and the opposite of the word consider is is they to disregard or avoided so if you don't consider it you're avoiding it alright I hope you're following me now there are some things that if you avoid there is a possibility to hurt you let me say this again may moneybag a muppet it never got any worse and more hey lalu comas are done Saahil if a cow ie machina bun iike y mo Valen Saahil eat a cow I mop Impala in eco I Hindi martin Guptill Papa Paula if you avoid things there are things something smoked with it that if he avoided it will hurt you alright I hope you're getting that okay now see James little moppet else in the sabina count it how it it means do not avoid it count it don't avoid it so he's got something in this passage from over there in this context or in the country in the context that James don't want any of us don't want those address him over there specially the church at Jerusalem the huh now beam up behind me James now you count them instead of avoiding it alright what monkey avoid you have to consider it instead of avoiding it let me let me ask you a question over there cuz a moose Obama Romney was my shadow Muppet ed no get it on kalakeya but gamaheer up shocking inuyasha nothin but ganas a certain puta oh it was a nothing but gamma rappin puta oh it was nothin see but guy in deep wound up in gusto he was nothing but I own you come on Angela he was a new bug ii-i'm a bigot on I am a Papa reason I am Akira I anemic exercise come on L so you mahogany toe in avoid not mo booted pero why you are avoiding them you are hurting yourself see no more than a rapper mapa tell McGee ho you cosmic exercise said only rappin Ian McLagan images not stockings karela epitome you pass up once a comedy new Panama hop alligator in his stockings Mulligan images Kanaka lreland uma pakka youkai say you mocha you Parma a boutonniere necessary bucket in he wasn't in your and exercise cinema you know me problema sir after one human eye oh c'mon Angola yokomen amount of fibrous navaja he understand somebody attenuated but me mama baaga is a boy not in a Pagani wasa not in lalu puta muscle certain so this is James who saying here count instead of avoiding it alright so you've got to count them instead of avoiding it never miss a question here but do my thing is an bagga in the key na hoona I own I owe Munna now a coke in Dimona me it was on your eye on Iona at Whataburger I no longer go in more only thing go only think about button what do you do when there is nothing you can do what do you do when there's nothing you can do if you don't like what's happening right now and you have nothing to do with it then what are you going to do Camero my living heirs of oh my mother hidden d Munna hindi bogus store up in a look I do in whoa huh can you see their mother by an initiative am i bugging and pero nunca SE give nama but there is a situation i Yuna I owe me money re don't bargain Ito better not do Kapoor in circuit not a situation you better will happen I don't wanna give in more come on think about it think about it you see will you just sit down if you are in a situation just like this yu-er in the midst of a crisis right now look al elahh bus they were like on quarantine pious walking Leyla bus no a lock on that keeps Mohan you know empirical masahito Patel I got you maja muy welcome my auras of baklavas my distance is that but kukkala bhaskar my distance the department observe coumarin can be believed in the Han back in taken and pilla let me ask you a question how do you like it you don't like it well let me goose opinion Mohabbatein see don't make mr. Wayne I'm gonna tell Adama sabaha in a Boomer coupon well I knew tysonis needs this many some salmonella market is determinative neguin Tate - Morgana ban alabaster barbaric tyonna Kapila unbelief nothing to be able to look the lemon and then blah personable awakened abortion indeed it is a nice agony tone but listen Paran and the digitized situation Hatala ditto at gusu in Manhattan Lou Bava for their goose a marauding Pelican got him up with it and away you go he did nothing me babbling come gusto infirmary Ballack aunt and uncle I own a new gagawin MO I hope this will you just sit down and wait for things to get back to normal we just sit down set back Bucky intake an alarm on the integral of about political like a policy in a sunbeam open a packet oppose dampener holy Noah aha in viña neighbor lick your daddy Thanks the world's the world's getting worst guess optical Napa's and your Endicott mobility prayer no never seen this article send you you better get ready for the next worse than this --see Cayetana town eternal agoos exact and voila who silica idea idea Hanuman GRE after this comes upon Hanukkah to learn Italian fella man who sue Michigan am agin mana Vista loop Hasan doctor to meeting Alana salami at Medina Adam president in a indeed any new polymer Patel sus imbalances as as a sense of sadness cyclic dancin in relationship you could say no per on Sabrina let's pray together to meeting Alana committee learn and seduce what will be your situation after this because things will come another thing will come another virus will come worse than this you think concealment a good move on a virus Lady Gaga sharing the same virus or mass mob opposite virus little now alumni lon it open allah ma petite indeed a malama or no class in vaccine and Eva back since I attend an ill allah gave us our ten hindi na hoona lemon lemon at Wagner on Omaha disco brain in the Papa Latika bah I got no power you know a new classic vaccine in a man did you read it from the news necie Ankara senator Organa abou Ballack he was again diagnosed positive sykov in nineteen see that the other said dag Alicia Cara Mia Mia Murali it means bhajami Gina mission commode in detail again the patella green virus column Minami Amada doctors indeed Lily Wallace recurrence in the renewal Azhari infection permanent how do you call it it's just a play playing words you know just rule among the Limone words Wahpeton Catholic net lung perihelion you like nut Napua pod ie whatsoever but what I'm trying to tell you brother right now is this kappa du medine spoon toe no well academic ago a new gagawin MO he ain't a column on the boom elixir normally some bad guy now he was changed more potent the brother of Jesus Christ here is James the brother of Jesus advised the Jewish brethren to count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations all right okay oh no one in Poona innama bu'ithtu tomorrow but then now hold it James Muppet ed is keeping the Jews and advise now party poor ganador and advise me James don't call someone a town at all - coveted non-crisis pero basically Indian alarm EE James underarms demanding an advice oh yeah I love corn mihari mihari merica unit and ananda marga he sang the things Alton and Christ buffeted parable is such and making a fire here I'm done now you better put that in your mind map with it but listen to me now he came and advice before the trials he gave an advice before the trials now in some of them uh put that ina and the dollar in trials actually James I nag be beginning trials param oppa did that but put a team on the one in the book if you're familiar with the book of Matthew chapter 6 and verse number 34 take no thought of for tomorrow something you know in other words what Caillou Mugu worry okay Paris I wrote a book a small but then I let me about that most of the time the God I pass on a bogus cusine Depot naughty no on an alum numero number ones I'm goo Tsunade Maryam over there that Martina Pune then you go on America's Nikita Pune to meet oh I am a gorilla did you get that let me say this again most of the time goose rapping boots and kombuchas attic nothing under you mean some of my marabou cos back in the Napa quadrant Alain Delon buca's don't die Emmanuel and Hindi Ikaruga Lila Baron Samedi James arrived in hippo Connecticut a book us or something imagine the opponent he died in Bocas I've been upon all his book of Matthew in the open era gdu book us but don't worry welcome back LLL take no thought you say what Caillou Miguel a Paris are on the book us Henderson no Miren putas among em up entanglement over there now in our day right now subpoena who not nao gunas and puta away on so horas NATO's upon a whole NATO Alba dead now ec film upon Lucy James Muhammad Sansa be certain but announced at an Omega by - nan subpoena count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations when James has no idea what is happening to us down can yomo Ferdinand I got advice opinions it was you nothing they say power within you is an advice over there ladies a good nap well lucky boost could not improve gelatin angandjen a very big moon alarm the man walking around I'm the man in people I love one hookah pi you on going on now poop way to bani adama' for dead but span in the scripture smoke over there but garage lord my booty and Ursula tonic juice before we turn down James advice okay well good not be speech James Malia James if I'm known about James No let us first study the scripture before we turned down James advice now listen first of all you must understand the James NATO number one he is the brother of Jesus nylon anubian James the brother of Jesus the leader of Jerusalem church during the first century now listen he believes that his brother was his Lord and Savior MA that bucket sepecat Nikita name is Warren eNOS crystal nappy-nap goes across now hidden yummy small panels restore nationally being marketed now hidden uranium producer crystal no opinion emissaries or in a boy in a modulated alum me James not half-brother nyan nyan upon you know me so Christopher babe I have after the resurrection see James I kneel it is supporting leader then church sports in Jerusalem orbited for about 30 years now Papa seen you over there now simple in an e-coat a new double tempo election polls in Jerusalem voila no even leaders not the principal Mele burka James you read chapter 12 to chapter 15 you will find out quantify young beginner go up when he James and so Maggie the puna 10 in other words he ministered primarily to the Jews and those Jews who follow the Lord were called heretics said up oh I Bonanza gan nan motherhood you know al capone el humo putin nestle oppo i heretics sell for a blasphemous lot know the animal followers cake nene cristobal de las casas de cristo be numbers again pune litter at our poornima blasphemers and because of that syllabi in people Sina support Ahana gobierno Filipina ostracize xalapa I know Alana supporter Milazzo templum over there they are not supported by the temple and these are the people that James the brother of Jesus was ministering in fact Kumar popolino missionary journey Nepal Cipollini echoed so minute Iranian Marvin Nagiko Pusha and most of the visit of the Apostle Paul were routed to the Church of the churches or a simplest of the Gentiles and upon Kanagawa Nepal pneumonia Busha new collection capitán now offering a been a malignancy Jerusalem open Pulu and am a christian Agito nominee minister lee james because they they were ostracized in the facility no support on hindi pol apostle and evangelist a goober know a couple Filipina dimple up a sloppy kelana jaya telecom cannot eleven poodle supporter and just imagine even a gentile in a real reject now who do you support the possible who do are you at me guru points in to assure them allah tala those dearest to a son number christian ito so for 30 years james was in that very deep situation you see James is surrounded by and was responsible for a community in crisis the UM the summer talking about the underside wanna class in town many Minister Lee James maybe you have no idea what is in my heart right now I'm ministering a church that is in crisis right now [Applause] at the appointed purpose elements upon you know on my bday saga bingum a second bigger Bay now who pointed an alliance upon your own naina attend upon you know an anathema Hypatia an attendee Lama booyah couldn't apical obe a walk block pain to lutheran poly non non ah team na kappa tyrion i macaronis ahead or manila macaroni infection main sex Allah not covet 19-8 amalgamiamo girl and the doors of front-line super burly like a pure NASA NASA hope is equipped an e-coat you know a boutique sallekhana kebab bird luncheon salud oficina no only equal pressure Samoa checkpoints I mean you could pressure summer front liners but listen like go see the service upon your own Pawnee known in a tiny Porsche in not a more human and Illumina buzzlog a lagging you know because we are in crisis right now not only that main monatomic uppity remote I only on they in this Sebastian Bonita kupuna gobierno in the in de Coulomb because hindi possible so I have to think I do I do I have to to beg some people parallel my macaron embody positive don't cayenne pepper salami to us among a leader spoon attend naga apostle of bubonic doors Erlang area at the mimic a pasilla nerdy distribute two cylinder relief goods I salute them I salute them so James just like that and see James I knock Minister Mohammed ed second tone classic situations a son say son son community the church Jerusalem that is in crisis and I learned from James May reporters will turn and eat them up with their then that serves and let's learn something about being a passive employee tomorrow dad's not be called boy I want to share this to you and I want everybody to learn something from James this morning now here is what he said looking first number two suddenly James my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations diverse means meaning temptations means trials in verse number 3 mana wine you pocono Ibiza behind occupations knowing this that the trying of your faith let's go back to verse number two under sub D James when ye fall all right now understand carefully what is that when he falls not if he fall Miren putas legal issues little over the native money array they are wrapping up their opinion time will come that she will fall into the doesn't mean more but that in the same across our land and no no but pupunta Palama pal share dose of trials coveted you see now James was teaching us what are you going to do when you fall into trials not just a trial but many trials happen the boy potassium up a loop a little more betrayed value poor America Lana's new book more button now I'm back super NATO mihari Iowa Pune then never got away in a whirlpool out there is having any James build it and don't avoid it alright so it's there is an assurance that better than that temptations or trials will fall Tim patience and trial will come into your way the patient's trial will come into your life though Mesa Indian capital what was a Sabean ie wasn't will open because India come up and told them no no no you will be tried one day and this time of attorneys and trials radio is worldwide but mere no kanako-sama vegan I'm gonna preach miss Moffat it all over most of them is from America now hello Ann Dunham politics : oh no Jenna sobbing I don't want to listen to them but listen whatever this human be digitized into us your NATO no I owe nothing more pathetic moody toe box ooh book I don't have a marito crisis and our garite oh well after I'm gonna go up welcome back I go on you see market a new form of potato mana ducting I assume not so good beer no mayo nickname Rebelde peninsula pero caribbean vanilla lion its elusiveness and supernova La Silla minagawa now the other said now so chain said here's what we can learn from from him when you fall put this in your mind when you fall but doumitt in Cass's it was sure never to leave it oh it's not the condition there is no choice more than the word F has a choice but the word win don't have a choice are you at me it's gonna come it's gonna come in your way dad I think I'm directing booyah so Lucas's Cebu move over then now if these things when you fall into temptation what are you going to do again but doom attain kindness i amo go in at io more situation capital a googol a Kananga minagawa godwin one so James said count it all joy count it all joy possibly James count it all joy what does it mean consider it consider it adjust rethink reframe every frame we are us joy reframe it us joy alright I know it's not joy because it is the trials in a subtraction but listen you can review it again Tecna Molly Fignon Massif of sight that moves even Angulo Dignan mood way the Lord Jesus sees it didn't have it reframed by the name of that kid knocking Ilana do nothing Dignan my booty I know I wish it was shampoo my own getting some pickled apples and your autumn autumn in Asahi kupono arrow hindi support PETA Widow condesa bhai come in you ponder that and honor patella poor column in science a new more Patel non-stop because in your Wakayama panic naka Tula nominative one and dose you see what can you what can you mug panic negative allah azza chaos in the prop anekantavada more dead people die Marisol do sloppily not interrogative there is no reason a parable dynamic panic what we have to do is terrific how will you enjoy this may even lead to a situation 800k Sabina persona I hear a bit okay not a hero I don't know so I don't got go anymore Indy go home ain't India when you Alabama Goa I know that but given my own rocket Indy car mechanic a James marketing demos of organs in the somebody James rethink adjust adjust in the in Cotulla there nothing Colwyn and more India khutulun that in my own time Melania tired Mara lava tire anytime a fella bus Columbia more negotiable or Assam Bangla bars are more ask you some of women whole weaker it's not the same it where we are in a crisis situation that you have nothing to do but if you don't have nothing to do then what are you going to do refrain refrain rethink adjust consider it that's joy consider it as joy and oh mama you ego consider as joy verse 3 no wing this no wing this the Bible says that the trying of your faith work how will you count it all all all joy band weaker Cochin a person in deep puddle imagine all my partner Mandi to my Suriname hot wok haha again he simply humanity Liga Sabbagh hi Alan you can Canon cryonova Levin trabajo knock at door in effort - I own huh I see you book almost like a little panic in Impala here now eat anyway encourage any power had done much Emily 8 April lucky lucky man you may die Lackey and Wacha potato episode a unique a hand a boy pyramid Amara thing see some of you are working at home Oh Killiney recovery ko sabaha that upon me but what a trabajo peso piscina Maha you GG sigma haka merrily go ahead and cut away new and polluting the pagoda open boom on purple it in boom alone merrily go KO / panetta trabajo bosina could you imagine system 11 trabajan deeper into toothbrush Jana say any new but the Bible says it's just a part but here is James said counted which one the crisis the earth all that is in it [Applause] there is in it coming all joy Josefina yamuna Yosef on Iona in the wind in the onions of banana gusta el suavo reframing us joy knowing this bucket knowing this in verse number three marketed that the trying testing testing you can pursue knowing this that the trying of your faith work at one patient's marrow Papa boule de Haan kabhi a human until it is nothing else uh by human it is not a sponsored human abilities nervous of a guy and you goo synaptic my friend in anatomy Obama hi Templeton representing Adam Apple Don Knapp it is vote IO Yokozuna dingo Indira McGraw not it is Buddha Oh Papa Daniel the Bible says it work patience now here is the think about their night in deep wound up in gusto but God is teaching us something to learn God wants us to learn something now please don't under the doctor misters get this testing is the process used to determine the authenticity of something that is in general I'm giving you the general meaning of it alright visitors again testing it's the process used to determine the authenticity of something called uzumaki today's embody authentic alright in the utmost testing kuku stories and sing sing muhammad ali important goal John Sabrina ba Ito book Moses adore or Etobicoke Suzuka but Bhagwan Singh sang fakie Asuka yeah Sabina gusano subbu can win or poor lung contusion based MOOC asuka cheeky Tabuk Asuka he no books Asuka knock-back we uncool let him sing sing Sabrina Oh back in the background : and sing sing a fixie picking suka young soo config inducing sing now the understand the authenticity capital amman more authentic a nice of a guy but Katina and muscle testing but cutting and muscle testing at the back we interpreted fakin now this trial right now that we are facing is testing the authenticity of her faith - a crazy sport i-i'm abuddin a topo I I pass pink up dead come on oka to toe and a pink banana papaya something's really her now listen we're trying to find the X and lean UX you joy piranhas are so many gems count it all joy that's the action joy that Nikita and itõs a testing NATO computed in do medallion testing guy in the whole school superior onin test capital Chandigarh unum depression and marami message and a una estrella message a day where is joy [Music] the Samba caucus a new Canada mama dead what new tequila Mouton may you test I process pooyan now authenticity Parimal am Munna authentic mr. Boddy already done most of testing all right now listen trials exposed at NTC of our fate testing exposes the one with anticipate our faith and what is our faith brother our pages are of God in his world kunkka anti- Allah seduce a conga line negative Araceli talent juice yet pool hopping pann and Hippolyta remember this they just shall live by faith faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Hindi means separation young confidence mr. Jose if you are confident in the Word of God you are confident in God if you're confident in his word if you are confident you cannot say I cannot trust the Word of God but I am confident with my god no no no no no you cannot do that hidden deep witness ability while I was a Jews very well I want to Allah sent an and yours no way no way cool maybe while acquisition town at a billion more w11 since often encounter they didn't move now listen and serve any Church forcibly James Mohammed ed alright clinically knowing this that the trials the trying of your faith worketh patience again Samir Poppleton sign young patients all right what is patience patience capital is submission that is due to the divine will that is paid out that that is patience that is perseverance that is consistency all right though the message no Mason Verger a little booty parlor for nothing you enjoy my appetite okay now during this trial of the during trials you will discover what you believe now listen without trial more but then but the Leela was having melanin planetary Pavo net purpose I wouldn't be renewal I was a little juice all right now will Apple application Yin I let me pop open and I'm attending both bhaga bhaga Cebu in a Christiano you here play more unsanitary Joe's superga cotton hindi Bop Inagaki : [Music] you know we're in cancer elognate Nick Amaro Illumina he promises a book and going away matures you Pangolin PT Nika certainly a tuna lemon opera and Parma ha ha kalambaka doors along huh casa con danke say look Monica and Dannie parandham up with him against a new sauna sauna xanga bucket obey me Kaka get the boy you do nee nee nee casaya SAS Etobicoke begin tomorrow lavoy Melaleuca the only way i in do man cast ali competent will you trust Mukti to allow a buhdeuce a talent I hope you getting the point here capitaine confidence in the Word of God that is we can we can weaken your confidence in the will of God confidence in the divine will cover that is very important so you say during trials you will discover what you believe you will discover what you really believe Kuala of a delegate of course a bargain Ito pin a new alarm over Telugu put the put iodine value on Papa Delhi Buddhist a church but any Buddhist forgot about it but by one huh alum jnana producing Polamalu my own you can put the church they are team Baja Dara Tina I'm poppin Mahadev function are bingo Lanham Bible well Arabic Bubba Sanabria leontina Tawana Munna tenure professor Hualapai para echar una caja Lamar Patel na halimbawa Liang Shan iboga kala now Hindi papa yaghan and gatherings religious gatherings sign up in Luganda Hui to a pier Aloha gonna pero muling be now II the secretary is rocking something up in a bow echo Hindi Pamela puede Maga Durand religious gathering in the pub where they Kalyan halimbawa by a gunman Wahpeton at pan cocina be alright you sighs dancing behind your granny to land a patent ow what will you do I reply the Pooh nothin see a Kamala Ptolemaic system began atolan colada patent poopin Hannah knew what will you do now talking about mop attend this trial during trial masseuse awoken Sousou Buchan come on Owen para Nuala and more at diploma did his Cobra mummy small and plump in renewal on mo now listen to me now are you excited for this Nandhini why Allah Allah hardsub Biblia lahat masala talent your sixties books peril in you alarm Oh Perry during trials capitán you will discover none to topple impunity new villain burrito a compiler you will also discover what you are pretending to believe pretend a listen we're not playing church here Palala bussines Ibiza something an Athenian Wahpeton in Demon's limo bus uncle it's a boy in a temper my paribus uncle with Sabrina then in Dean that manifests a buoy not else after one Athenian covet nineteen pero me Pina manifest uncovered 19's a boy nothing now listen to me now here here's the thing here what you are pretending to believe will come out you will discover it not only that mallamma uncle and a panini wala item but apollomon mr. mantle an adult scanner supposedly now listen you will discover that situation during trials I hope you are you getting the point now the genuineness of your faith is being tested in this area during the crisis the genuineness you can buy and you can do an interpretive you bringing genuine genuine Telegraph in Panama retire Misuzu bookends upon a crisis more dead now listen to me now when things circumstances deteriorates kappa gonna deteriorate nepal Muhammad Allah Hanuman oh bugger Nepal Nepali get started aku's and puta you involved the hardener artificial Lahontan counterfeit Lahontan Gaia Gaia faith will also deteriorate with the circumstances or things that deteriorates case a picklepuss and you can in a cap a gun and cattle and lemons an antenna table and Kobe nineteen Alamo Patel naankhatai were not in a flash it wake it up women poke it away corruptible but listen our faith should not be corruptible and our faith should not is immovable hindi chaya you see hindi chaya a movement repeated it should be that way you see melissa koppikhar circumstances Amana body say Bobbo de mundo increase NATO patty-pan an Impala tyre Pune today Maya anything kappa guy in a guy a guy on a pallet aiyah aiyah aiyah Nguyen MIDI deteriorating pooyan mobile Olympian and before you know it you're out of control now now in the mids James is telling us that there is joy in discovering how real our faith really is there is joy you my lament over there - compliment one on cars in Panama Latin America nyan so sappy James count it all joy NASA you enjoy pandan edema and a pink joy magnet is Cobra Napolitan kono classroom panel applet almirante oh oh man but Nikita Puna technocracy para la pelota emeritus of Nevada increases don't Puna timolol a man named Aaron panacea Tala grito masa ippolito Cepeda hooligan ito hoppin human etomidate another type of cement illimitable and taupo in a gala ha ha permit a little pop on it yo Mikey Tabata prenup Latoya mo AI Nando's hey Seung Jo's named Emily Kiba named in the Baba go Ned of shopping I will never leave you nor forsake you remember this now listen to me now understand the Bible Jesus said I will never never never leave you if you understand a word never it means more than whatever happens never whatever happens I am there whatever happens I'll be with you I will not forsake you whatever happens I'm always with you put it in your mind if there is something that needs to remain in your mind in your heart put it there Jesus head whatever happens I will never never sometimes in deeper nothing / lejana biblia yes optical not pull saying over there do my thing I'm fine honey hindi when i'm only one alumni bono gog of it I don't gotta win more listen Sabini James there is joy notice what the Bible says here knowing this that the trying of your faith one work at patience consistency let me ask a question they still have the joy like when you first got saved they still trust the Lord Jesus Christ in his world like the first time you trust his word let your body discovery moving happen to Metallica along your capitaine comeback at dinner along oh no why not in a moody though because life is getting complicated life is not getting easy it's getting complicated if I don't know LaRon Papa Papa didn't put in there but super put it in there I'm boy poor nothing about that it's not getting easy but James said the trying of your faith you count it all joy because knowing this that the trying of your faith work at the patience you see now in the maze of trial we are confronted by the authenticity or lack of authenticity of our faith makuhita Newmont with it but not Gina young trials and cannot confront I in the transcript a dead all right total bumper on a pallet IMO indeed do you still hold on to what God Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you Peter hi welcome to prepare the halwa come upon you for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain our response to God demonstrates the authenticity of our faith whatever happens capitate our response during crisis our response to God demonstrates the authenticity of our faith Garnica - on youporn apart ayah but the thing this is a crisis Neto I know response time of response adjust I know if in a pocket and up in the Joseph polizzotto Ladino capitate listen to me now I'm not judging anybody here I'm not judging anyone that Janka also say no mana behind there kickin Puma a cinnamon and a hick enix or NATO Hindi Kapoor he knows gun upon zombies are apparent Jos a new nepali EP Nikita Santos supporter Chanukah to learn it oh am i pretending to believe the Bible says what the Bible says am i pretending that I am believer of the Word of God whatever it is a no one responds that is upon you Norma but that you and I did demonstrate you know Papa Hayek's our opponent yours kunkka a note I oka to toe nananana more palatable Oppidan it produces the Bible says that's why there is joy because our faith the trials Wahpeton during trials our faith produces patience patience oh by the way don't mess this a joke Omaha Utah widow hindi Pattaya boy Philly no no test unjust unpolitical aus the past for us we are not the ones choosing the test the trials see Caillou Pompey pilly pilly not in your mobile people attend your mother live in debug super cares about that not eaten a poop of an examination during the examination okay mom and upon test night and oh please not there on tests nothing I own Bangu sumo no Indian teacher ma you do is a gentle manipulate you teacher of repealing the test I'm just for appealing and sham lagana NAPLAN test Paris Arvind an Apogee note he did why he began impressed lady or a Bob's new trainin and here is James he was saying enjoy it enjoy it do you trust God in times of pest or testing do you trust them the attracts his word that his word is still true then God said getting Jamison enjoy enjoy enjoy Mia oh by the way my Vita Pune team up attend happen happen Thai you put you know you person you need to let go work out I'm a sinner will grab you know come up with a preliminary but listen sit aside because Rania bread he work Mindy Tomo you work Mindy tomorrow ok Suparna horn startling Laura's capital in this young misuzu not pass on young at the one okay sabi ko gammoudi not in Canyon more grab your towel Rafi no but listen I know Angus amoun begun and numbers in bicep tricep abs chest upper chest lower I didn't go someone began a person all right so you know you were caught nothing in here of shocking but the least I can do sit-ups Mitali barium push-up generally happen then Oh wonderful mini wrap your mama put it Logano surrender like a lolly seven yeah listen to me now there is a saying if you are if you are working out if you're fun of the gym working out make us a Bien Phu Yen orbital don't leave the gym early don't leave the gym early bucket and a pony be Sabine young don't leave the gym and finish what goong-bok will work out the Hindi tapas tapas and more and up at multiples in let me tell you something don't walk out in the middle of the process Libba series again okay Capitan you testing if testing is the process to understand or to know that in digiti of your faith then don't walk out in the middle of the process finish it because they're being that God wants you to finish up a dead make Osuna personifying or sublime or hey you by using one more you pay on gusu a lot in spending on you pay with Louisa go I know what I'm opening on it on now listen to me now the Bible is very clear knowing this that the trying of your faith walk work it patience but live in verse number four patients have here what perfect work what is the word perfect means finish complete let the work of patience complete complete or him or what about in games indeed not that pulls in we uncover dead shepherd god I'm gonna poop on you know supremo tamanho da moneh poop on your own time and up opening on now listen to me now maybe God is working on your arms maybe God is working on your tricep or bicep or your chest better go Songo someone demonically you just move yeah I'm gonna push up i o muhammad abu he knew her push some more macaroni my goddamn muscle bicep tricep dito I am with him I'm gonna push up I am gonna be God ooh la la cuchara Charlton adora I don't worry bill girl capitate and Marcel IND my antenna torture each other in the monopod bill general pretendin bicep and tricep imma be billion I massively to sobieski he understand about mommy Magilla mommy mommy I hope we supported mama Dilip will die you sumo over there but the Bible is telling us let your answer sighs complete so so that the Bible says tyranny Puma Buddha let patience have her perfect that she may be one perfect and entire one thing nothing it is being your complete to settle gah okay uh topic are you saying Kappa Ted patina propaganda Pune Tintin APIs and opportunity to Busan in the Putin Messiah Sarkozy a new arena do not walk out in the middle of the process but here's the thing all right I'm gonna meet in the hood sauce so so hold apropos Indian attire now when things the bodies of women ain't even my bindiya matter girl na hoona clarified perova lapa for market and poontang go side by side wa llahu marquita knock knock on boo Malika's in degree mark in the hummus on Evelyn gallon now separa Chanukah to legend the Bible says when you cannot understand and see what God sees capitain looking first number five you need wisdom you need wisdom verse number five if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him I like the word abraded you know what my mother Tao aiyo humming he said just no wisdom supported and pagane vanilla india Jose Miguel de Unamuno Allah said you say Mitaka home that bc o matic allah ameen dinner and along in metal na hoona paulo was appalling on panel in a wisdom ship on your own no subpoena biblia humming occurs upon you no wisdom Hindi curses on button and Jose that's a word right there hindi can about Pelican and joe.southin Pegula mu because upon a hula hula one horrible kindness I realize Casa Loma computer salonen here's the thing you need the wisdom of God only the wisdom of God can determine the kind of life that you're living in today without the wisdom of God you cannot determine it you cannot recognize even the very thing that you are doing right now Hindi recognition kiona possible biblia be new laconic job loan analogies ability poles Corinth Corinthians see Kai antic pan and Chaplin oompah renown on a opening in now listen to me now here is the thing here okay if you need wisdom if you need if you cannot see what God sees you need then get wisdom honestly moppet K long and Pune that we need the wisdom of God to understand this crisis right now we cannot understand what's going on right now without the wisdom of God replicas and even canina administering the people of God in crisis voila googling welcome master degree human master degree in their food and a mr. Harper comes on mama and then squelen like masters para la Hmong tribe k1 classing Kwan class in Ghana Uganda Vanessa Marano Chris Laurita but listen I only need the wisdom of God because the only person who knows what's going on right now this crisis I mean well happily back on the onions he knows everything he knows everything yes we were worshipping an omniscient God brethren nepeta god kaien go in English ah listen that's why we need wisdom Kalai no soprano in the moment Indian the cha-cha casino suger Munna alright that it is Capri Munna come Sinha Nell Arman Munna an Ocala guy in Moomin a la una Casa prana palette I America Peru Mahan gun entire main gun and I am a lucky Puna me Peter goes up and watch Sesame sabaha Saba apparently some potential customer a town next to subbu certain veto Barak Allah and Allah Hindi Tyler Lara missin missin do markings are put on a balcony to a lock on Mason / Harun aluminum barrel colony - hindi aruna monkey pox on to Van Aleta so Bhagwan agin pastor came to Massacre Papa no say some tangu son Tommy and Amanda Chang hai karate pyramid Patel Patna second sign you buckle illogical the bearing inner harmony oh sorry cool Kali moot and an Athenian go I know Pauline own pocket op was Neto Vinnie belong belong Korean carpeted 5758 whole kulonga ho 70 people Alya in a home 12 years DTS Casa lumen 12 years no 11 past or my opening parabola live-streamed o manasa lumen para la laaa interval in 70 at the age of 70 panicky combat ETA square maja take coolant to town it Oh Magnus a circus an epochal illogical but that time sabi KO phangan own give me wisdom [Applause] give me wisdom I'll tell you what sir become okay mommy egg a bit don't miss the message marry and happen psychical banging on this is just the place to worship and praise you cuz a Mario nachiketa laminate engine dominant on the poop on Torito Meccano a lottery to rabbinical um Goethe nothing no way mama when you pull him off a dead but what I'm trying to tell you right now come indeed the hill and so wisdom dampening on Sakina non covet 1992 myopathy mine Amata parable on a hyper storm when detail has a wisdom the jaws so James said if you need if you lack wisdom veto get this don't miss this come on answer behind don't miss this okay but Kumar Toluca osei-san Takanawa said you're not going out then it means you lack wisdom let me say this again alright you missed this okay alright go gain your luxury living you are a magazine KO kappa kappa mato look a on someone at our own Hindi naraka alam ii iguana then it means you lack wisdom [Music] kappa guy a cow i pomato sakip Apeiron na alamo a matured you lack wisdom therefore ask God to keep you wisdom and the Bible says under one console Aaron mo hindi no zumbathon jana banging on bucket kala on the wisdom perilous journey something a baby came back on and wisdom guide bus right there fo you know kale out and move it back slightly long you know wisdom the jaws wisdom than yours para mockito you can't afford you know i was a church wisdom to choose what they're doing random what they have right now is the wisdom of the world the only thing well the only the only thing I'm a beep nutmeg in the hell and para que yo I Calipari Negev and up on your own particle abandon governor pond on Ibiza being a in your mind I Poonam who know the wisdom Langston le bouton because that is the way the world fights us Daniel Angelo I ain't in hemoglobin and pathes only God can fight face to face all right now listen to survive and to get over with this crisis we need the wisdom of God do not reverse your faith let me say let me say this again don't let your faith reverse the circumstances in life if if James could say alright sorry James count it all joy joy the Harmony consider will happen young Ned Julian therefore what our computing will have a double e reverse the circumstances no second mula hat no circumstances than Kapahulu general repeted embrace all these circumstances and from there suddenly James it will forth patience consistency capitain all right now the only way to count it all joy is to allow patients to work and work and work and work and work and finish Casa people in a potion now the packing doing allowing patients not a Nia and Canyon tribal capital in be completely compatible he picks up infinite aluminium process that's why well I enjoy now here is the thing the Bible says in verse number 12 Taurus for the Bible says capita tapas layin it on behalf on tan moon alright verse number 12 blessed are you with me now blessed is the man that what endureth temptation why it was blessed for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord had promised to them that love him now listen they were not working for the crown but God prepared a crown oh man don't miss it in the protonic de trabajo Appetit Hindi poet I know cha-cha guy in the proton or CCF nama over component in crisis because we want a crown no we're working for a crown know him people Putin to go work Paris a crown pero unjust like and underground now bucket PO get little moppet ed now park afternoon your purse or an upon giving Sabine the crown of life and you in Sudan and crown of life competent to be honest with you well our Emporium he Tottenham Pune finicky Soriano going debunk Akiba Louie now listen well along pond in crown of life well up well I'm going to class him over that I know it sir interrupted hello Marilyn my poor who is an alum one thing I know about the crown of life that God values and honor and uses consistent rate he values an honor consistent fate en la palabra que abhi became Buddha and crown dumping on Japan cut in honor Pina pahala gallo poem a Christian on Nocona suspend certain young para Napoletana du matin mom por and para horn up a goose egg do on the Ottoman poem para horn increases the producers are being a God is still with us remember this whatever happens a new man among Gary he will never forsake us he will never leave us don't miss it capitán but he cannot hear my bug Anita count it all joy I don't Miren putas ya Yin I know I know I don't class in from a move I'm Erin put on a zabaione increases nato joy you pull back on us and you enjoy lettuce copying you poop on my own dick nobuta guess I'll go sign him up for dead walk time you became passive never to leave lamington time al1 no nothing passive basset ISIL anthem bugger Paris if I don't get it or did he say same or under you burn the wall well a socket and the you bumaba sake I knew Tomas Akkad I'm gonna go walk away apparently nothing in Teague Kanagawa nexor soul-winning kanae on nanana token I use a cell phone number not a number on mo pero también se yo Parian I began in choice a parasail a la la cocina services that has been abandoned - Eurasia in endorse Yuna K brother Rudy da da Cunha attention pocket op was non quarantine Calliope yeah that's another experience capitaine that's that's that's joy why because testing is the process to determine the authenticity of our faith gonzo under none kaligati apart on the Palatine a nurse and a put on a on the check moon Abajo on the impede an Impala type in a penny Nuala and move the check would Abajo eileen.tan a gap in another palette iron and more nacho Botanica not pretend kilometer in Douala frozen bag a neon or da ki tamanna bar Nyko santa paula I matured nur pair only you peony new Allah and a bomba tapa in that sad brethren independent Hakata wa nani son button de la cárcel bata together now sohcahtoa pukka pukka button de la salle bata Parros Arameans a boy christian oniton maraming Nastasha not too lenient I hope the message clear this morning brethren Santo Putin Aronian it's time to check at itapua to talk I had to sit assembly James gangs of the James count it all joy Munakata new pitaya pitaya enjoy it alright case a because I knew Bob panic put I do santanico canina Cunha situation carnival on demagoguery a new gagawin MO no Papa tulleken only Ahmed Papa - leha the hollows do Moana in dilemma tomorrow you know her condi Hume bottom is MOBAs sorry support wala Kanagawa or su salud cos advised me James count it all joy reframe review signal more compatibility grand opening on and allow patients to finish her work I mean in you but not could you imagine on submarines abilities pugna tapas on trabajan impatient subway mo you will want nothing will happen in Hana people did you believe that do you believe that God knows your condition right now and God knows the situation that we are in right now but how's your condition how is your condition in that situation God knows shall we all stand please father thank you for your words bless your words to the hearts of your people o God please continue to challenge your people I've done my best don't know West I would encourage your people or I want you ogre to talk to your people through your message this morning that's a process puka me and then trials the damper Toonami mark it up on your own young authenticity come to to all the gene winners all got the chain witness now I'm in pump and a pair Italia bless your people this morning let's come to the Lord [Music] the killing Jose Barajas a llama to give animals I'm Nicola get none Pillai and you poor Joe Sumbawa tonic Yong Yong I did look toward the LA market Hussein USA but even lugar upon him on and impose Eli's from a kilometer hana and do Luxor land area upon you all on you before I know cha-cha goong-bok deep when putting on somebody it little got a chilli paneer and I charge a guy makini magma magma c'mon old somebody in this screen on you know on ojos suparna on Akane don't get on class in testing at least knock Akita you poop on you know on on GU hai at Panamera talion animo enough now our poor ambough what young Christian nagging on poor on arming the rocky tank on a guy on a lahar na na na kita Poonam Callaghan a catalan ito we will count it all joy Oh God because our tests in times of testing Nikita Puna mean cuando arming response a testing nato salamat po chose purple I knew on board an economy on separa dampeners on there amen amen back to your seats please and I hope you got something this morning amen can you pull 9 John Simon uh area that's a by putting your you can shout Amen not really Cooper you okay alright so we'll keep Oh golly muttered mom here four o'clock and to literally pull you up in parinibbana Patel amen amen amen alright so type with Leila huh and after the closing prayer then you can hold a meeting yeah amen Messiah puta is a part of it to be honest with you vomited mommy Malala upamana one mama yeah I'm gonna bag and I put nothing on Hawaiian Sagawa in the pocket and I'm you mee-mah mee-mah no bagging sabe de Pury toper like him passing boo tomorrow in the garden a temperance in Cozumel one a mile on Chi Yong Yong Masaryk boules pulling a Eunice Ellie Tannen chose admin Sian and yours layers upon ahuna get it at i/o amen alright I payment along in the healing Jo salamat PO Sarah tapas Poonam in Hawaiian salamat PO pong in oil samoan acne on my own I never connect then you say Rita makini on poom - Aaron Poonam in and Link on you know on sign up poop on you know I knew Selita I am a Pakistani sipping Pinilla at macaroon pusillanimous the Panguna was a new Selita at ojos Marquis Lala pnina pnina Cristobal and silent air pollutants ona a meaning Piniella number his salmon come here I'm a salon and I did a dual Anupa to go same piano so ballad pond you know on scammony purpose alone are you I know Matt I in living and Melinda boy Allen Allen Sami Morris Alana can lay on the hot the Monica bikini go just began you know pocket on the sill a Marxist unicursal on a tank a pimp on the new Cristo villain cerillion takapa Lita's Salama poop on you know on sorry vibe on Salam watts opportunity encouragement he pulls a boy poon oven but Allah in your poor I'm Petula in the gowanni to hunger mommy and happen Interpol and IMing the longing at the engine as a Buddha me senior and I'm in Prague why he will I eat up and you poop on you know on a ting poo c'mere sorry mother Hannon I don't impo macaron coming in my eyes in a lunch company known Mariah a cooler you know Ilana now hit and upon cooling on and supply owner I mean compare know her hanging on Salameh the in the new pop-up into Luton amun-ra put in your amok rebellious goober no sir pocket Capone just nom in academics apply soprano han and shortage spanning on and supply salamat po P no puta kupuna mean soprano Lampoon answers amen alright thank you god bless you enjoy your lunch [Music]
Channel: Christian Bible Baptist Church Fort Bonifacio
Views: 2,406
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: rHqO9ccAcKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 47sec (5147 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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