Sundry Times and Divers Manners = Dispensations

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all right welcome back I'm Robert breaker and turn with me if you will in your Bible it's a Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 I want to talk to you today about what I believe is a super important subject and that being the subject of dispensations when we talk about dispensations today this is April of 2018 on April 4th of this year of this month I received a phone call from someone who was working with a church in well I won't even say the church or the state a church out west is what I'll say and they called to it for me this church that they were working on a new documentary in which they were going to disprove the theory or the teaching of dispensations in the Bible they claimed that this was a man-made doctrine and I from what I gathered as I listened to the person speaking it sounded like they wanted to say that Darby was the one who invented this teaching of dispensations now this this group I'm very well aware of I know who they are I know where they come from and they have made other documentaries they made a documentary in which they are very much against a pre-tribulation rapture and in their documentary they attack the doctrine of the rapture taking place before the tribulation and they say that Christians have to go halfway through the tribulation and they call that a pre-wrath rapture and they say that Christians go halfway through the tribulation the first three and a half years then they're raptured out and then the last three and a half years would be the wrath of God so their documentary on that is an attack on the pre-tribulation rapture and I do not agree I do not agree I do believe in a pre-tribulation rapture I've got some videos on YouTube about that and should the Lord allow soon I'll probably make another video about it soon about the importance of a pre-tribulational rapture and why the Bible clearly teaches and this all goes together which is so interesting because if you don't believe in dispensations that's why you wouldn't believe in the pre-tribulation Pratt another documentary that these people made was one in which they said that God is completely done with the Jews in fact they don't even believe that there's any such thing as Jews anymore and they've made a video about that something about Zion is what it's called and it's basically what's called replacement theology and that God is completely finished with Israel and I don't agree with that either again if they would study and understand dispensations they would probably wouldn't come to that conclusion but now these same people want to make a video against dispensations claiming that they are not in the Bible and they are just made-up teachings by men like men like Darby and other people and I think that's so interesting because they asked me to be in their film and I said no thanks I don't want to be a part of your your film you know I'll be the little Patsy I'd be the one that they say what do you believe and I'd say well I believe in dispensations and then their whole film is against dispensations so their whole film would be to make me look like some crazy guy and it's so interesting how usually you can twist something to make anybody look crazy so why would I want to be a part of their film but they called on the phone and said we want you to be in our film and I said well who is this and what is this film about and what is this and that they and they talked to me and I say well I the Bible says this and I said turn with me to this chapter in the Bible Hebrews 1:1 and 2 I said you really don't believe in dispensations let me show you dispensations in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 and 2 and I've asked you to turn there and we'll read that here in a minute and you know what the guy said to me on the phone he said Oh we'll listen I'm not interested in in contentment intentions I just called to see if you want to be in our film or not I don't want to be contentious that's it neither do I buddy so why are you making your film your other two films are contentious they are to cause controversy they are causing confusion in the body of Christ and making people take sides and argue with one another and fight one another and yet you don't want to be contentious yeah right well the Bible tells us to earnestly contend for the faith so what I'm going to do today is I to contend for the teaching of what the Bible teaches I'm gonna contend for what the Bible speaks of and in fact the Bible does indeed speak of dispensation as a matter of fact the word is found in the Bible four times on four occasions these people they people like this and I'm not certain that these people when they make that in this movie if they even make it will say that dispensationalism started with Darby but if they do say that there's a great book that's already been printed already to put out this positional ism before Darby and I've been reading a little bit about this book and there's all these different people that believed in dispensations way before this guy Darby in the 1800s taught his system of dispensationalism now what is dispensationalism well I looked on online at some different places to try to find the best different this definition of dispensation and basically the best definition I could come up with was this one here in Christianity dispensations is the meaning of the term dispensation as a distinct argument or period in history that forms the framework through which God relates to mankind so it's a dispensation is a different time period that's one of differences dispensation is different periods of time in which God worked with me and we're even in this thing online that I found the concept of a dispensation or the arrangement of divisions in biblical history dates back to Iranians in the second century hmm interesting other Christian writers and leaders since then such as Augustine of Hippo and joy akin a fee or a witch well that's 1100s that's way later have also offered their dispensational arrangements of history many Protestant riders including Herman whit's yes and Francis tortora 10 and Isaac Watts who lived in the 16th 1700s also preached and taught dispensation schemes and divisions you see what is dispensationalism it's rightly dividing the word of truth it's putting the Bible and different divisions of historical period it's because you understand that there's some division that needs to be made in the Bible the Bible tells us and in that second 7215 rightly dividing the word of truth so if you don't believe in this possessions then you were not going to be rightly dividing the word of truth it says here even the Westminster Confession of faith noted various dispensations in 1646 within dispensationalism dispensations are a series of chronologically successive dispensations of biblical history the number of dispensations held are typically three four seven or eight the three in four dispensation schemes are often referred to as minimalists and they recognize the commonly held major breaks within biblical history in the seventh and eighth dispensational schemes are often closely associated with the announcement or inauguration of certain biblical covenants now I haven't preached on the covenants yet and I want to do that I have it on my list I can't wait to get to that I'm excited about looking at the different Bible covenants and then it closes here the variance in number relates to the extent of detail being emphasized by the author or speaker below is the table comparing some of the various dispensational schemes so there's different dispensational ways or ways that you can teach the bible dispensational ii there's no one set way that this is dispensationalism and this is how it has to be taught it's people coming to the Bible and looking at it and realizing wow there are divisions in the in this in this book and we must rightly divide by the very first division in the Bible is Old Testament New Testament they're not the same they're different dispensations different times so let's go to Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 1 first and I'm going to show you in the Bible that there is dispensations and it is ludicrous it is ridiculous it is horrendous it is sad that someone could be a Christian and say there's no such thing as dispensations and even make a movie about it that's really sad that's basically a confession of we don't know how to read our Bibles or understand it or rightly divide it who would follow a person like that I really it's really sad that a person is like that now I know some that are like that and they preach the true gospel of salvation 9 send us brothers and say I love you brother but I do want them to see dispensations I do want it I've studied I've preached it a lot of churches I met a lot of men and uh every time I get a chance I love to get to dispensations and I can't tell you how many times people have come up to me and said brother breaker you have opened up unto me the Bible and have helped me to understand you can't really get ahold or grasp the scriptures without the teaching of dispensations I've had several other men say well you shouldn't teach dispensations all that does is confuse people not once ever not once in my entire ministry has anyone ever contacted me and said Robert breaker I hate that you write on the board you know that time line it confuses me no the opposite is true you have taken away all confusing you've helped me to understand and the teaching of dispensations helped me understand the Bible like nothing else but people say but it's made up by man we shouldn't teach it no it's not it's men coming to the Bible and trying to to discern trying to learn it and they're putting things in a proper place and they're putting him in dispensations so hebrews chapter 1 in verse 1 I clearly see in Hebrews 1:1 and 1:2 dispensations in the Bible there's no doubt about it what a dispensation is basically is God dealing with man in different time periods in different ways that's what a dispensation is and it clearly tells us here in Hebrews chapter 1 in verse 1 God who at sundry times in a divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets have been these days these last days spoken to us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world's so the King James Bible says God at sundry times and in divers manners did something the people today you know we don't usually use these words some people say oh there's archaic words the King James Bible no there's not as long as there exists exists a thing called a dictionary there will be no such thing as an archaic word but the King James Bible uses the word sundry son means different all right that's just a synonym I'm not correcting the Bible I'm giving a synonym diverse diverse manners divers divers means different so when you look at this what is God's saying in Hebrews chapter 100 I write it up here in Hebrews 1:1 for a to God says that he in different times and in different ways that's what a manner is worked with people you know what that is that's different that's dispensations different times in different ways God dealt with me so in different dispensations a dispensation is a time period now these people that if they do end up making their video they will tell you a dispensation is not a time a dispensation means just dispense to dispense something exactly right God dispenses to men certain things in certain times but it's connected with the time let me show you that four times in the Bible do we find a word dispensation so four times we come up with this word dispensation in the Bible I'm going to turn to every one of them and read them to you so if you get a chance to look these up with me first Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 17 Ephesians 1:10 Ephesians three two and Colossians 1:25 these are the four times that the word dispensation appears in our Bible let's look at each one of them because I think it's so interesting and so revealing what they say first Corinthians 9 17 notice that each one of them is in Paul isn't that interesting you know what when you leave out dispensations well you leave out Paul a lot of folks on the internet people have been sending me emails lately of people that don't believe in this positions and they're against Paul because they don't know what to do with Paul because he doesn't seem to fit the rest of the Bible the only way Paul fits in the Bible is if you understand the church age it's called the dispensation of the grace of God and you understand that he's there for a reason because the Jews rejected their Messiah now God's going to Gentiles and God's winning Gentiles to the Lord and that's all going to end at the rapture I think God knows but goes back to dealing with Israel so you got to understand so it's about Paul the importance of the Apostle Paul so 1st Corinthians chapter 9 or 17 says we read for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward if against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me notice what he says he says there's going to be a dispensation of the gospel I'm gonna have to brief in here dispensation of the gospel so God dispensed the gospel to Paul now let's go to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 10 you said well the the gospel is in its own dispensation oh well I don't have time to go into that but I'm gonna go into a little bit about what God told the Apostle Paul to preach and it's not what God told the old prophets to preach now in type and some prophecy there is of this but they didn't there's even a verse in the Bible that says oftentimes the Prophet said thanks the Old Testament I didn't even know what they were talking about and they're still looking at it trying to figure it out Bible says even the Angels looked into it and couldn't figure it out there was some things that God gave to men in different times that were for different time periods different dispensations and no one understood it till a different dispensation now Ephesians 1:10 that in the fullness that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him so this is a dispensation of the fullness of times isn't that interesting the fullness of what you see these people will tell you well the word dispensations in the Bible but it never talks about in time period here's the word dispensation and the word dispensation is talking about the fullness of times so you got to watch out for people that are anti dispensations they're exposing themselves for not rightly dividing the word of truth efficient chef in 3 verse 2 this is the third occurrence of the word dispensation if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you word this is the dispensation of God God dispenses something he gave something to Paul to go out and preach what was it you're about to find out Colossians chapter 1 and verse 26 Colossians chapter 1 in verse 26 and in Colossians 1:26 we read let's make sure 125 is what I want I said 26 let's do 25 where of I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the Word of God where am I made a minister according to the dispensation of God so Paul is saying God dispensed something to me what was it what was it that God dispensed to the Apostle Paul let's go back to Ephesians 3 to there yeah write that down the gospel the dispensation of the grace of God so back in the feech is 3 - let me make sure I put that down right the dispensation of the grace of God so I want to make sure I I got that right now so look at what we have after we've looked at these four verses the Bible says God dispensed something to the Apostle Paul he dispensed the gospel later Paul says God dispensed unto me some grace it's the grace of God and then later Paul says God did the dispensing when you start looking at Paul you what you find out is God gave to Paul in a certain time and tell that fullness of time be over a gospel and the Bible calls that the gospel of the grace of God and it's connected with dispensations the gospel of the grace of God and it was something that God dispensed to the Apostle Paul so you got to make sure you understand this do you know this gospel was not in the entire Bible this gospel didn't show up until Jesus and Paul if Paul was the one that God told it to and God told Paul this is what I want you to preach I want you to preach the gospel of the grace of God and it was something that God dispensed unto him so God dispensed something to Paul what was it it was the gospel of the grace of God let's go to Acts chapter 20 verse 24 you got understand dispensations because dispensations point to Paul if you go around so there's no dispensation or no such negative position man made up dispensations then you you have to take the words out of the Bible when you take the words dispensation out of the Bible then you take out verses that point to God giving something to call and what was it it's what saves us today the gospel of the grace of God I would be very leery if I was a preacher to preach against and make videos against dispensation I just might be turning people from the gospel of salvation if they misunderstand Acts chapter 28 verse 24 the Apostle Paul was speaking and look what he says acts 20:24 but none of these things move me neither can i my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with jolie in the ministry which I received of the Lord Jesus okay Paul had a ministry what was the Ministry of the Apostle Paul to testify the gospel of the grace of God so Paul says there's something that God told me to do and that is to testify what is to testify go tell other people about it go preach it go teach it he's supposed to testify of the gospel of the grace of God so the gospel that God dispensed or gave to Paul is the plan of salvation for us today we're not saved by any other part of the Bible different sensations or time periods the thing that we need today to be saved because God in different times in different ways speaks to different people the way that God speaks to us today is through what he dispensed to the Apostle Paul and that's what Paul testified to the world it's the gospel of God it's the gospel of the grace of God God's gospel that's when Romans 1:16 Paul says for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ where is the power of God and the salvation to the Jew first and also to the Greek it is the power of God and salvation how do we get salvation today in this period in which we live the church age by grace through faith faith in what faith in the gospel Romans chapter 15 verse 16 look at Paul Romans 15:16 that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles ministering the gospel of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable being sanctified by the Holy Ghost why God is interested in Gentiles today but you know the Old Testament he's only interested in the Jews in the Israel they're his chosen people so we've got two different time periods two different dispensations go to first Thessalonians chapter 2 Paul was all about preaching the gospel you gotta watch out for someone that claims to be a preacher and they're not preaching the gospel of Paul a lot of these people that don't believe in dispensations all they do is spend their time in Matthew Mark Luke and John they never go to Paul they don't rightly divide not that it's wrong to read Matthew Mark Luke and John there's some great stuff in those books but salvation is found in the epistles of Paul he is the one that God dispensed and if you want the dispensation of the grace of God then you must go to the gospel that God gave to poll so that you can have that grace dispensed upon you and receive salvation by faith here we have 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 2 but even after we had suffered before and were shamefully entreated as you know at Philippi we were bold in our God to speak unto you what the gospel of God with much contention today there's a lot of contention when people purchase the gospel verse 4 but as we are allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing man but God which try our hearts he said God told me to testify God put in trust me with this gospel to preach let's go to first Timothy chapter 1 in verse 11 first Timothy 1:11 says according to the glorious gospel of the Blessed God which was committed to my trust as well just write the word trust down here somehow God committed to Paul and said Paul I trust you I'm going to dispense to you what it is to be preached to the world for salvation I trust that you will go do that you know the Bible tells us that he went over the known world in his day and preached to everyone he came across this gospel of salvation what is this gospel why I'm glad you asked this gospel of salvation is found in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1 through 4 and in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 through 4 we read moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you received and where do you stand by which also ye are saved if you keep in memory what I preached to you unless you believed in vain for I deliver you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures first Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1 through 4 this is the gospel that God dispensed to our age to our dispensation to Paul for us it says there in verse 1 this is what you stand in it says there in verse 1 this is what you must receive it says there in verse 2 this is how you are saved it's by believing you must believe unless you believed in vain if you believed in vain means you didn't trust you must trust now Romans chapter 2 and verse 16 look at what the Apostle Paul says Romans chapter 2 verse 16 in Romans 2:16 the apostle paul says this in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ 1/4 to my gospel Paul calls all of this his gospel Paul says it's my gospel let's let's call it what it is Paul's gospel it's the gospel that God revealed to Paul and it's the gospel of salvation for us today do you have that gospel do you believe that gospel are you trusting in that gospel that's how you're saved you see a lot of people don't rightly divide they don't understand that Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles Romans 11 13 and God told Paul what to preach to the Gentiles go to Galatians chapter 1 verse 11 and 12 collations 1:11 says and this is Paul speaking but I certify you brothers in the gospel which was preached of me is not after man he says I didn't make this up this is what God told me to say verse 12 neither I received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ so God dispensed to Paul the gospel he taught Paul Paul this is the gospel that you go tell people and tell them this is how they're gonna get saved and you tell them that I'm gonna judge all people on whether or not they trusted in this gospel Romans 2:16 and it's the gospel for our dispensation so Paul says he was revealed it by God taught it by God let's go to say Corinthians chapter 4 so god dispensed it to Paul in our current dispensation or time period in which we live this is how we're safe today people say there's no such things as this possessions okay how are people saved before Paul how could they believe in something that hadn't been revealed yet clearly God worked with people in different ways in different times different ways different times it's not the same gospel through the entire Bible God dealt with people differently in different time periods and you've got to see that I have a video on YouTube entitled Bible dispensations and I talk about that I go through and give you the dispensations 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verses 1 through six so the gospel is the gospel that God dispensed to the world through Paul and it's our gospel of salvation for today 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 1 through 6 therefore seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy we think not but it pronounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the Word of God deceitfully like these people do who say there's no such thing as dispensations not handling the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God 3 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost for and whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them for we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake look in verse 6 for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ so Paul was saying here look the gospel is light we must preach the light of the gospel because the world is in darkness and so it's our job today now let me write up here what I usually do and I haven't really planned this out and put it over here we are here the Old Testament law was here we're no longer under this law and I'll talk about that here in a minute we are today in the church age we are at a time of what we call grace where God dispensed grace this is where we are we're right here really because we're very close to what I believe is the rapture the pre-tribulation rapture and in this time it's all about the gospel but it wasn't about the gospel way back under the law under the law it was about you follow the law and when you said you have a blood sacrifice now what you say and you trust the blood of Christ because the gospel is all around about the blood of Jesus so there are dispensations in the Bible there are different ways God dispensed to Israel the law many years ago and told them this will be my covenant with you this how you live and that Jesus showed up and they rejected him so now god had to change some things to dispense something else that he dispensed it to call let's go to Paul's words in Acts chapter 26 about what God said to him in Acts chapter 9 Paul so Paul gets saved in Acts chapter 9 later in his life later in the book of Acts Acts chapter 26 Paul begins to tell the story of what happened to him when he got saved and he's talking here to a man named Agrippa a Gentile he says the Grimpen here's my testimony here's how I got saved and this is what happened to me and then he says something that he didn't say back in Acts chapter 9 or 10 or look this is information that that he didn't tell anybody else until later and he's now telling us that this is what happened when Paul got saved Acts chapter 26 and let's begin there in verse 15 and I said who art thou Lord and he said I am Jesus whom now persecuted persecutest but rise and stand upon my feet for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make the administer and a witness both of these things which thou have seen of those things in which I will appear unto thee so he's to testify he's to be a witness he's to minister of something verse 17 delivering me from the people and from the Gentiles into whom now I send thee to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light what is the light the gospel the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me whose that faith in Jesus faith in Christ faith in actually the blood of Jesus so this is our present dispensation this is the dispensation wherein is the dispensation of grace the dispensation in which the gospel is what saves us we call this the church age because God is working to call out himself a people and it's going to be the church or the body of Christ so this is the dispensation in which we are in let's go to acts 13 real quick I'm going to show you something else Paul preached Acts chapter 13 Paul after he got saved and was sent out as a missionary he stood up and he said these words now why would Paul have to say this you see we're no longer under the law that was a different dispensation now we're under grace the church age Acts chapter 13 verse 38 and 39 Paul says and he's preaching the Jews here but he even God raised again saw no corruption verse 37 38 but be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man who's that Jesus is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe and are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses so Paul preaches this message of hey you can't get justification through this dispensation through the law the only way to be justified today is by faith clearly Paul is telling us there's a difference but I hear people claim to be Christians that say salvation is the Bible is same in the Old Testament the New Testament they're all saved the same way in the Bible now I just showed you verse after verse after verse in which the Bible tells us that God dispensed something to Paul that had not been dispensed yet God in different times this is a different time remember in Hebrews let's go back to Ebers let me show you this remember Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 says God who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in times past under whom under the prophets so that was clearly in old times God spoke to people in different ways but look what he says here in verse 2 hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son it's a different time and there's the son Jesus and the Jews rejected Jesus so God said okay Paul I'm gonna tell you and Jesus speaks to us today through Paul and that's why Paul is so important Paul wrote the books of Romans through Philemon I also wrote the book of Hebrews I believe that applies more to them in the early church age and I believe Hebrews will also apply to the tribulation period here but Paul is writing his books it gaan revealed some things to Paul and Paul is our Minister today go to Romans chapter 6 there are people out there that say there's no such thing as dispensations well if that's the case then we're still under the law of Moses and if we're still under the law of Moses then wouldn't you get circumcised we're still in the law of Moses when did you sacrifice an animal if we're still under the law Moses why are you eating bacon you see there people that that throw out dispensational teaching completely and they get mixed up and they try to force all the Bible together and it doesn't work because there are dispensations and the way to understand the way to learn the Bible is to rightly divide the word of truth so you go to Romans chapter 6 in verse 14 Paul tells us something that we don't get anywhere else unless we go to Paul Romans chapter 6 and verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace we are not under the Old Testament law you see this is what started the New Testament the death of Christ everything before the death of Christ is Old Testament everything after Jesus died is New Testament we are no longer under the Old Testament law we are in a different dispensation we're in a different time period we are in a different spencey from God of a teaching for us we are not saved by the law we are saved by what God told Paul and we must come through that let's go to Galatians chapter 3 so this is why this sensation is so important it shows you the divisions it shows you how God changes things you see a lot of people like to say well no there's no such thing as dispensations because that would be and God changed and the Bible says in Hebrews 13:8 God is the same yesterday today and forever that means God doesn't change yeah and I would agree with that God himself doesn't ever change he's the same as he always was but you know what does change the way in which God talks to people in different times the way in which God deals with people in different ways you don't have to change to have an agreement in one way with one person in a different agreement in a different way with another person that doesn't mean you changed you can talk to someone and make an agreement with them for one thing and talk to someone else in agreement with what God has done he's the same but the way that he's dealt with men over time has been different and that doesn't mean he changed he hasn't changed but he's changed how men come to him and deal with him and that's clear in the Bible Galatians chapter 3 verse 22 like what it says in Galatians 3 22 but the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that belief 23 but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed so before faith came what does he talk about he's talking about this faith that saves before we were saved by the faith in the gospel faith in the gospel which of course is faith in the blood but before we were saved by this faith we were shut up under the law waiting for this faith which was to be what it just said it revealed so the Jews were in a different dispensation waiting for the new dispensation when God dispensed the new marching orders to Paul and said now this is the way it's gonna be and now we are saved through what God said to Paul let me continue reading their verse 23 but before faith came we were kept under law shut up unto the faith which should be afterwards to be revealed and I put in parenthesis in my Bible to Paul because it was revealed to Paul I showed you those verses verse 24 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by faith or 25 but after that faith has come we are no longer under the schoolmaster schoolmaster is the law so once we're saved by Paul's message we're no longer under that message of the law so we're in a completely diff say it with me dispensation verse 26 for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus so there are dispensations in the Bible and people must see this people must understand this you are not saved by what you do you're not saved by keeping the law you're not saved by this that or the other thing you must come to the Bible you must rightly divide the word of truth that entails reading the Bible saying now who what when where why and how who is this passage written to when was it written what is it about it is it for me today or was God talking to someone back then is it Old Testament is it New Testament is it church age or is it millennium is it before the law in an age of conscience or is it in the tribulation when is this back to Hebrews chapter 1 verse 132 God would sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets happened these last days spoken to us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom he also made the world's so there are dispensations in the Bible I don't have time to go into all of them I thought I'd go ahead and draw them up here quickly I've done this in my other video on Bible dispensations now I usually teach eight different dispensations because well I just because I do but I want you to see this let's go one two three four five six seven and eight okay one two three four five six seven eight alright so the first dispensation as I go through the Bible and I read the Bible I try to divide the Bible you know the Bible says rightly dividing the word of truth I need to rightly divide otherwise I'm going to get my Bible wrong so in order to be right I have to look at it dispensational II I need to understand alright what are the different ways in which God deals with people the first one was God dealt with Adam and Eve and I like to call that the indemic dispensation and I don't have time to go into the verses on all this I'm just gonna mention these to you and I would suggest that you go to my old video on Bible dispensations so God dealt with Adam and Eve and it was a time of innocence in which man wasn't even a sinner yet and that innocence was lost you know since this would be the first dispensation what did God say in that dispensation don't eat that was basically the entire command of God to mankind don't eat that tree is that the gospel for us today is that our teaching do we have to be saved or not based upon whether or not we eat something if so what we're in trouble but no there's not even the tree of life around that we can eat there's not even the tree of knowledge of good and evil how God told Adam and Eve one thing in sundry times and diverse manners different time periods in different ways God dealt with man and the first way that God melt with man was you said hey don't eat this one thing that's all I asking you that is not the gospel for today don't eat this one thing that was the way God dealt with them then in that time then we come to what some people call the anti delusional of diluvial dispensation diluvial the delue or the dead au deluge would be the flood of noah so here and what i'm doing i'm laying out the bible like a timeline and looking at the different ways that god dealt with man that's called dispensations there's nothing wrong with that this is what we call the time of conscience hey God basically would come down and talk to me one on one it would appeal to their conscience to do right unfortunately the entire world turned against God and so what did God do Bible says Noah found grace in the eyes of God well thank God for that thank God for grace it hasn't always been by grace under the law it wasn't by grace although there was some grace in the law itself because when you sinned there were some sins the law says there was no salvation you had to be so immediately there was other sins that if you did the grace was God allowing you to have a sacrifice to forgive so you have the law of conscience then we have the postal of you after the flood of Noah you know what they did they went out and they built the old Tower of Babel now I call it Babel because Babylon Babel when someone goes but a little bit a little out there saying nothing there babbling I just I can't stand it when people say the Tower of Babel no it's not Babel it's Babel learn your Bible but anyway this is what people call the post alluvial dispensation a lot of people call this the dispensation of human government when you had the first rising up of a king in the world who governed over others and you know it ended in judgment they both almost all of these ended judgment don't have time to go over there but what was God's judgment well man built a Tower of Babel and what did they do they wanted to take over and go up to - to God and take over his throne and some God had to judge them and he changed their languages shortly thereafter God called a man named Abraham and so as we go through the Bible read the Bible week we call this the patriarchal dispensation because some people call it dispensation of promise but this is when God dealt with a man named Israel he said it's gonna be all about your family and your seed from here on and I'm gonna make a covenant with your seed and guess what that dispensation ended with judgment they all end in judgment it's so interesting what happened well they turned against God and ended up in Egypt and what had to happen well God called Moses out of Egypt to lead the people out of Egypt and an exodus with Moses started what we call the legal dispensation this would be of course the dispensation of the law it was all about cursings and blessings and if you did this then God would bless you and if you did do it God would curse you and vice versa and so if you didn't do what God said to do you'd be Kirsten if you did do but God said you'd be blessed and this was the law and what happened well you know and went into apostasy Jesus Christ shows up when he did the Pharisees were in charge and they were apostate and they wouldn't even accept Jesus Christ they weren't following the law so Jesus comes starts up a new dispensation and this is what we call the ecclesiastical dispensation now you say but all this brother breaker is all made up by men well maybe they made up these terms but they made up these terms based upon the right divisions of Scripture what they saw in the Bible as they looked at it historically they said well well well this was different than that and that is different than this and then God dealt with these people this way and what they're doing is they're writing out the Bible this is the best way in the world to teach the Bible dispensational truth so the ecclesiastical period we call today the church age and the church age would be the age of grace the body of Christ and of course this is Jesus he came he came born on the under the law but he came to end the law and of course the the Jews rejected their Messiah so God called Paul so this is the church age now a lot of people they only have as I said a teaching of seven dispensations and here we are all ready to number six and so a lot of people say I only believe in seven dispensation so they omit the next one and they go straight to the last one this is what's called the messianic the Messianic dispensation which of course would be the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and the millennial kingdom of Christ is when Jesus Christ rules and reigns for 1,000 years you could call this the kingdom or anything I mean whatever you want to call it and you can make up the names but you're not making up the way that God deals with men during that time period that's what's taught in the Bible so this would be number seven to some people I call this one number eight because I can't dismiss the tribulation period I like to make the dispensation period time in which the Antichrist rules on earth I can't leave that out so I have a set up of eight different dispensations and eight is the number of a new beginning so you really got seven dispensations in the eight when it's God's starting over in which he's gonna reign and he takes the curse off the earth why the whole earth is gonna be almost like the Garden of Eden Way back here we're out of an eve were so these are the dispensations in the Bible if you want to know more about the verses and everything then please go to my YouTube video viv bible dispensations I believe it's called but there are different dispensations in the Bible go to Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1 and this last one is the Millennial Kingdom and throughout these different dispensations the way to find salvation was different I have a youtube video entitled dispensational salvation I'll show you you're not always saved the same in every dispensation in that one it wasn't trust the blood of Jesus Christ to be safe nope it was just don't eat of the tree and they did under this one the conscience you followed your conscience and you did what God said and you went down the abraham's bosom when you died if you didn't you went to hell over here we have the post alluvial this was after Noah people did right they came to God and they would do sacrifices they had to rebel against the government set up I forgot to write the name Nimrod who was the evil one who was in charge and they had to do right a very few people did right the majority of people did wrong and God destroyed everything with a flood and then it started anew and then Abraham was born and Abraham had to believe God but you know what abraham believed God and it was counted on him for righteousness that's faith that's believing did you know what it says he wasn't justified without works I don't have time to go to the book of James but it says he was justified by his works we aren't justified by works in the church age we're saved by grace through faith alone so it's a little bit different under the law you had to do works I will split wrote it in Spanish open us you had to do works of the law sure there was some faith but the faith was in the sacrifice that they did the faith was in God and his promises but the works were all what the law was about you do these things to get the blessing you don't do them you get cursed church age comes along it's by grace through faith without works I'm gonna misspell through come through faith now watch this with out works we are not saved by works today in no way shape or form the tribulation you got to faith plus works gospel what do you mean there's faith most works in the way of tribulation the mark of the beast is given in the tribulation if you miss this rapture right here and the rapture will be here I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture God says the only thing I ask of you is do not take the mark that almost sounds like do not eat up the tree don't take that mark well that sounds like a work don't do something now what about over here the Messianic Kingdom what over here in the Millennium why it's pure works in the Millennium there's no faith people say what do you mean there's no food go to Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen here is the definition of what faith is faith is believing it's something that you can't see well guess what Jesus Christ comes back sits down on the throne of David and he's sitting here and he's ruling on the earth for a thousand years and everybody will see him how can you have faith if you can see him faith is evidence of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen substance and things up you see Jesus in the Millennium so if you're in the Millennium in your natural body you have to do what you're told or else where's the faith in the blame so as we look at the Bible we study the scriptures we clearly see that rightly dividing the word of truth of way to do that is through dispensations looking at the different ways and the different times that God dealt with man now I'm gonna close here shortly with a couple more verses go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 and this is why I believe it's just so important to study dispensations and how crazy it is to me I just can't believe that someone would want to make a video and say dispensations is a lion it's a man-made doctrine and there's no such thing as dispensations and I look at the Bible go know there's different ways in different times they got dealt with people maybe these titles for each one is made up by man but certainly not the Bible doctrine it's in the Bible the different way that God dealt with different people same Greg is 3 6 through 13 the Apostle Paul is talking to us and he tells us this who also have made us able ministers of the New Testament we were alive today that are preachers we're supposed to be preachers of the New Testament not the old we don't tell people if you want to get saved get back onto the Old Testament no that was a different time in a different way different dispensation it's not ours for today God made us able ministers of the New Testament not of the letter not of the Spirit but of the spirit for the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life verse 7 but if the ministration of death written and engraved and stones was glorious to the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance which glory was done away you know there was some glory in the Old Testament law that glories done away now it's the glorious gospel of Paul it saves verse 8 how shall not the ministration of the Spirit be rather glorious 9 for if the ministration of condemnation be glory much more than administration of righteousness exceed in glory for even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that Excel a--the and it continues there from that for if that which is done away was glorious much more of that which remaineth is glorious what was done away the law he's talking about the law you say we're no longer under the law we're in a different dispensation the law was glorious for Israel how much more glorious is the gospel of the grace of God in which you're saved by grace and not of works how glorious is that 13 seeing then that we have such hope we use great plainness of speech I probably I tried to be as plain as I could today to show you that the best way to teach and preach the Bible is through dispensations so people will see that different ways God deals with men over time in different time periods different dispensations verse 13 and not as Moses which put a veil over space that the children Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished what is abolished the law read Ephesians 2:15 sometime we're not under that dispensation the law has been done away God abolished that we're under salvation by grace through faith let's finish this with Ephesians chapter 1 you know there's people out there and it's just amazing to me I don't want to call names I don't want to put people down but you can't help but look at this and say some people are just dumb on purpose they just want to be ignorant I mean when the first time I saw this I said why didn't someone teach me this before now I understand the Bible so much better before I was looking at that but why no know even where to start this is a big book it's thick weird uh and now I look at the Bible say oh all right I want under Paul's ministry so that's what most applies to me today so I'll read that more than anything but I'm gonna read the whole Bible because the whole Bible is given for my admonition in my learning but when I read it I'm going to rightly divide it and I do but I hear people still to this day they say we're brother breaker you are such a liar you're such a deceiver you're such a evil wicked you have no idea we're under the law today we're I'm in the law today they say dogmatically and I say ok go to Exodus 31 I preached on this several weeks ago the Sabbath one of the Ten Commandments is keep the Sabbath and Exodus 31 says if you do any work on the Sabbath you are to be put to death kill anybody lately hmm you got a father or a mother or a brother or a sister and I'm learning it they work on Saturday do they what did you go kill him when did you stone into death I hope to god you never do you see ignorant skills if you don't know how to rightly divide you might go back to exodus 31 to think oh man I gotta go kill somebody because I saw them working on Saturday but you got to understand that was to Israel that was under the law Paul says we're no longer in the law Shu thank God I don't have to go kill anybody for working on a Saturday Sabbath no but that's what the law demanded no work on Saturday and if you work you're to be put to death fake god that's a different dispensation thank god that's not today well let's go ahead and go to Ephesians chapter one and I'm gonna read here one down a little bit these in chapter one and I guess I'll start here in verse seven I was gonna start in verse nine I hope this message has been a blessing to you I hope you understand the importance of understanding dispensations because if you don't get that you just might go kill somebody and say well the Bible told me to the Bible said that guy went to work on Saturday and he ought to die no it didn't it said to Israel that was the law years ago but now we're under this dispensation of grace where's your grace supposed to have grace on people not go kill people so it says here in ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 and whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace we're saved by the blood of Christ redeemed through his blood verse 8 wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence yeah if you understand dispensations you have all wisdom and understanding prudence verse 9 having made known unto us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself that in the dispensation of the fullness of time why dispensation is connected with the time period isn't that interesting he might gathered together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the all of his own we'll see God does it his way and the way God's done it over time is different ways he's worked with different people in different time periods and God said he can do that because that's his business we just need to understand how he did it verse 12 says that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ 13 to whom in whom ye also trusted after that she heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that she believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory have you trusted the gospel that's what salvation is today coming through this gospel of Paul see a lot of people they don't believe in dispensation they come to the Bible say well it's all written to us so every bit of it applies to us so we take it all and you say yeah what about Paul well I don't know what to do with him so I leave him out no when you understand dispensations you understand we're under Paul's ministry today we're in the church age Jesus Christ Himself told Paul the gospel that saves and I just read you a verse that when you believe that gospel you're sealed with all spirit promise now verse 15 therefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love to all the Saints and that interesting we're supposed to be saved by faith so when our faith is in Christ and his blood then we love others why if a guy says he's a Christian and he doesn't love other Christians you got a wonder for you but has the faith of Christ hmm they're connected in this verse hello whump whump whump is this thing on anyway it says here in verse 16 cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers verse 17 that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him are you wise do you understand the Bible the best way to help someone understand the Bible is through dispensational truth dispensational teaching verse 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints he says here you need to have your eyes of understanding opened or enlightened I hope your eyes are opened I hope you're saved if you're not saved well I hope you get saved and the way to get saved is to understand God told many different people in many different time periods this is how I want you to do it that day but today the only way to get saved is this way the gospel of 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 Romans 3:25 trusting and the blood atonement of Christ you're either saved or you're lost if you're saved the Bible says the Holy Spirit is supposed to lead you into all truth alright I'm giving you the truth today about dispensation so if you're saved would you please get on the dispensation bandwagon and start talking about rightly dividing instead of making documentaries against dispensations would you go out and tell people the way of truth the way of salvation for us today I hope this has been a blessing to you I've tried to present this and in a manner of edifying and not attacking or putting down but just explaining the importance of rightly dividing in the right way to I divided the Word of God is through a dispensational understanding that hey it's different in different time periods because God in sundry times different times and diverse manners different ways has dealt with different people and the way he deals with us today in the dispensation of the grace of God the dispensation of the church age His grace through faith without works and whether or not we've trusted the gospel that he gave to Paul thanks for watching this I look forward to seeing you next week god bless you bye-bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 9,986
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Keywords: Dispensations, Bible Dispensations, Dispensations are in the bible, sundry times and divers manners
Id: eW7G-11dV9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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