"Failure, Survive, Thrive" | Pastor Samuel Rodriguez

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there is a word and it was confirmed I came out of the airport and on one of the billboards there was a ginormous sign that said Australia get ready to thrive so I want to share with you what God's fearing place in my heart and it stems out of Judges chapter 6 because one generation had an encounter with God that changed the world one generation in one biblical narrative a man named you're privy to the story a man named Gideon he went from both the facto and de jure failure he was hiding in the threshing floor because he was afraid of the Midianite Marauders to surviving he came out of the pit and accepted his calling to thriving he builded Alta defeated the Midianites and changed his world we are not in spite of the naysayers who believe otherwise the generation that will fail and we are not the people that will just survive we are the generation for the glory of Jesus we have an overflow that will rise up and do nothing less than thrive here's the word of the Lord from Judges chapter 6 verses 12 and 14 the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said mighty hero the Lord is with you then the Lord turned to him and said go with the strength you have and rescue Israel from the Midianites I am sending you I want to share with you two very expedited fast accelerated Hispanic anointed manner overflown to thrive when the angel of the Lord confronts Gideon judges 6 11 he finds the people of Israel hiding in the threshing floor and accepting failure I need to put this in context today's day and age here's Gideon he would work for the harvest but because he was afraid of the Midianite Marauders again the people of God had swayed away from the precepts and the mandates of God as a result the Midianite Marauders the Midianites were able to subjugate the people of God they would build pastor Neal here comes they would build Asherah poles they would construct a physical element that would serve as a visual reminder of their subjugation so the tallest structure in the villages of Israel every morning they would wake up and see this Asherah pole they would see this construct that reminded them that the promises of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in their the Midianites review were no longer applicable for the people of God there's a new king in town Asherah poles were constructed and then the Israelites Gideon being one of them they would weren't arduously for the harvest the Midianites and the Marauders would come along and take away the things they worked hard for and they would tolerate it they worked they would work hard only to see the enemy take away their harvest they were if the Bible says they were afraid to confront they were afraid to thrive here it is today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity I'll say that one more time for the hearing-impaired today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity you are what you tolerate you are what you tolerate and if we are doing dangerous biblical narrative as a prophetic rubric it behooves us to understand the following truth there are three types of people in this audience there are three types of people watching us right now all over the world via taste are three types of people there are those that embrace failure there are those that are surviving and then there are those that are thriving every single person in this arena today every single person here today is either failing surviving or thriving every person watching right now via television in the various different platforms you're either living in failure or you're surviving or you are thriving repeat after me state failure survive thrive in other words via the conduit of a biblical metaphor you are either in Egypt or you're in the desert or you're in the Promised Land here's the word here's the word I'm gonna try to restrain myself here here's the word G this is for everyone here and everyone watching right now Jesus was not born to a virgin baptized in the Jordan crucified on the cross resurrected from the dead ascended and send us the Holy Ghost so you and I would just fail or just survive Jesus Christ the Messiah the Conqueror the Son of Man the Son of God the way the truth and the life the resurrection and the life now being better than a dog whimpers God not bloodless betcha enough weight that I don't doubt it Jesus did it all for you and I to do nothing less then somebody shall thrive say thrive say thrive say thrive say thrive so let me prophesy we are not the generation that will fail or just survive Australia get ready Africa get ready hey get America Latin America Europe get ready because we are not the generation that will fail or just survive with an overflow we will thrive for the glory of Jesus oh okay we got about the gun by the heaven because this is simplistic right like this she could easily like contextualize and repudiate the vestiges of failure understand what this means but even these two are a bit tough stay right there failure don't go too far for me yeah you're the best failure ever had by the way in a good way survive thrive come up here these two requires some sort of theological and biblically contextualized distinctiveness or we need to distinguish between them because to survive it's not the same thing as to thrive there's a difference between the desert in the promised land there's a list there's a difference between life and a blessed life between I am okay and I'm more than a conqueror between enough and more than enough between full and overflow between making it and conquering it between existing and shining between rhetoric and action between speaking faith and bearing fruit between having a dream and living out a vision between surviving and thriving God did not create you to occupy space there's a difference between existing and living and maybe all these years all you've been doing is existing just like a Styrofoam cup but that's not why Jesus came down he came down John 10:10 and to give you life and life abundant 1st Corinthians 2:9 no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has yet to imagine the wonderful things God has in store for those who love them so why are you here and why are you watching right now and you're saying why is that latino man yelling right now at my screen could question ask myself that question for many years now but you're here by divine appointment to hear from heaven via the Word of God the very same thing Gideon heard in this passage heaven showed up and the angel the Lord parenthetically tells Gideon your failure season is over matter of fact as you read through your biblical due diligence as you read the rest of the passage the angel the Lord not only tells them the days of hiding and the threshing-floor the days of captivity and failure over but he assures Gideon he will never go back to failure again so God placed you here God placed you now to hear this word because just like Gideon you just like getting some of you have been hiding in the proverbial threshing floor of life you've been hiding from the Midianite Marauders the Midianites of this day and age have stolen your joy your Shalom your children your marriage your peace your health your finances your integrity you're here today because you're tired of living a life where things are stolen ripped off and you have yet to see the fruit of the harvest I'm speaking to everyone who has suffered I'm speaking to everyone who has ever been to the threshing floor I'm speaking to everyone who has yet to see your your promise is fulfilled I have news for you today is not like any other day today is officially the last day your harvest your joy your best your future and your destiny will be hell bad alright let's do something here's what we're gonna do right now whatever time you have around the world that's germane and tangential to your reality here geographical location right now in here it's about 12:20 9:00 p.m. so here it is this is going to be a little bit Craig Craig 1229 somebody tells me tell me here when we're here to Australia Melbourne time when he gets it 12:30 here it is beautiful with fear and trembling in the name of Jesus not out of the womb of emotional exuberance with an unbridled commitment to biblical orthodoxy biblical truth in the name of Jesus I'm here to declare to you from this moment on the Midianite Marauders will never touch your harvest again I want you to come up here because I want you to do something crazy when I say now here's what I saw prophetically what I say now I want you to take this failure I want you to rip it rip it apart and break it the moment you break it in the name of Jesus your season of failed dreams failed integrity failed finances failed ministry failed relationships failed aspirations fail that your season of failure maybe I even dare to believe and I'll give you the biblical Exodus to prove it from this moment on and then this is crazy you could you could either take it or leave it in the name of Jesus from this put a smile on your face because from this moment on you will never live in failure again are you ready for this are you ready for this are you ready for this so if you experience failure in your life if you experience failure in your home or with your children your finances your integrity your future your dream your aspirations your destiny get ready because Jesus Christ through this Spirit in his word it's here to tell you your failure season is over how do we know about does that mean I won't be perfect new it doesn't mean you all be perfect it doesn't mean you're never gonna make mistakes but it means this Jude 1:24 unto Him who is able to keep you from falling people go exigent from failing and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy all right let's do this at the count of three now I'm not gonna tell you how to rip it break it which again you're the best failure I've ever had but you are not just this is for everyone watching right now who has ever experienced failure Gideon was in a threshing floor Gideon was in the threshing floor of life they were accepting and tolerating failure then you are what you tolerate all of a sudden heaven shows up and gets some out of failure I say a 43:13 no one can undo what I have done are you ready to do this all right stop fooling around you're ready to do this when I count to three before we do this touch your neighbor the one you like and tell them neighbor this is it tell them your season of failure is about to end for every more tell your neighbor neighbor no more failed dreams no more failed integrity no more failed relationships no more failed endeavors it's coming to an end right here right now this hour this place all over it's about to finish in the name of Jesus Australia America Asia Africa get ready are you ready are you sure I get this is not like it's not it's not a cute illustrated sermon it's a prophetic act failure will be broken forever more the Gideons are coming out of the threshing floor they're about to change the world the world around you is about to change because your failure season is coming to an end and by the way in the Old Covenant it was about the things you have to do we're living in grace and the New Covenant you're coming out of failure not because of what you do for God but because of God God already did for you because of the grace filled work of Jesus in your life Jesus defeated failure forevermore all right let's do it something I raised do it create space look at your neighbor tell her give me some space when I count the three you'll break this you that are watching by television via the conduit of television the various platforms you need to believe with me this is the hour that failure comes to an end no more failed relationships pastor sama my children are failing by the time this is over they will be thriving for the glory of Jesus are you ready so let's come up here front and center this is for an entire generation I mean there's no pressure do you realize this do you know how many Asherah poles exist right now the Asherah pole of moral relativism of cultural decadence of spiritual apathy of ecclesiastical lukewarmness there are so many astra posts constructed around us attempting to marginalize the Christian faith the Christian journey the lab and the Grace and the truth and the hope embedded in the person and life crucifixion resurrection of Jesus Christ there are so many Asherah poles constructed and one day heaven shows up and says hey get out of failure not because of who you think you are but because of who I know you are and you need to read it it doesn't say because one day 40 weeks from now you will be a mighty warrior because if you follow the following 13 steps you will be the heavens showed up and said Gideon not one day you will be pleased to the appropriate biblical exigent not one day you will be not ten years from now heaven showed up looked at a man that came out of a pit who was hiding how they showed up and said hey Gideon I'm here to tell you you are a mighty warrior are you ready to break this all right the moment this is broken stop fooling around already man the moment this breaks we are believing prophetically that an entire generation will come out of the proverbial threshing floor that the Gideon's will rise up with an overflow not to fail or just survive but to thrive ah this generation would inevitably end up breaking the pitchers releasing the fire and seeing the glory of God's here it is one I'm believing every addiction will be broken every bit of captivity oh man I sent such an anointing because we are not the generation that will die in the threshing floor of failure we are the generation that will thrive in the name of Jesus Christ are you ready one two are you ready one two three break a failure in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I dare you to tell your neighbor my family will not fail my faith will not fail my destiny will not fail my future will not fail my purpose will not fail the matter-of-fact huh not only will the Midianite Marauders never again touch your harvest but in the name of Jesus they will not touch your children and your children's children or your children's children's children or your children's children's children's children's children's children if you believe this if you believe that your season of failure it means you'll never live failure again if you believe that open up your mouth and give God the best o raise your hands and repeat out to me saying it's over again I want to make sure we're biblically mature and understanding it doesn't mean we're never going to go through anything new it isn't even gonna be perfect no it just means that Christ John 10:10 he paid the price we understand the complete context of that verse the enemy came to rob kill and destroy but Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly and if you do propria greek exigent and abundantly what that means flourish prosper thrive man I need you to understand something God did not make you to live in failure you know we're gonna fight some things along the way we're gonna confront some things we we may even like trip a little bit along the way but you will never live in failure again you will never live if you believe that raise your hands and say never again never again will I live in failure and never again will failure live in me how do you know that first of Salone ins 5:20 for he who called you is faithful to do it because of Philippians 1:6 he who started the good work in you he will finish the work he has started because of Galatians 6:9 do not grow weary of doing what is right in your appointed time you will reap a harvest of blessings if you do not give one more time lasting I suggest reaching here it's like it's over I will never live in failure again and failure will never again live in me in the name of Jesus give God your best praise right now we're gonna wrap up we're gonna organize land this plane here in a second okay I really mean it latest a few minutes okay you see this right here we can't rip this we can't break this because at times we need this failure we can break surviving hmm that's a different story judges 614 sir Gideon replied if the Lord is with us and now that I came out of failure you mind telling me why all this happened to us Gideon comes out of failure and the first thing he does is he enters a survival mode and he focuses on his pass he he couldn't get over what he just went through so he gets into a survival mode here we go from failure to survive to thrive here it is judges six and we all survive something Matt back let me ask you a question if you've been through a major storm hurricane spiritually speaking we're speaking metaphorically spiritually prophetically if you've been through something major I don't mean a migraine headache a pimple grew out of place I don't mean that stuff I mean like you've been through a mucho Grande storm something you should not have even survived if not further if you've been through something ginormous that's a california term for super big if you've been through something big mucho Grande raise one hand if you've been already throughout your trajectory your journey your personal life narrative if you've been through a process where hell already has shown up to try to stop your destiny and you know it raise both hands if you've been through so many storms you've lost count raise both hands and a foot if you've been through so many storms and if I google your name if I'm about this if I google your name the National Weather Center shows up or if I google the word storm your Facebook account shows up raise both hands and both feet and if you are only here today because the grace of God and the purpose of God is greater than the brokenness of man and the storms you've been through if you're a survivor raise both hands I got to do this like I said we all survived we've all been through a process if you tell me pastor Samuel Rodriguez I've never been through anything really then get ready we all go through a process perfect the greater your destiny the greater God's purpose in your life the greater the level of adversity in storms and challenges that come your way but I found out that's the reason why I praise the way that I praise that's the reason I worship the way that I worship and it is I I used to believe that worship and praise was culturally contextualized I used to believe that people would praise and worship based on the color of their skin their pigmentation their ethnic cultural background their social economic status I used to believe that people that bow just yeah yeah I used to I'm a Trekkie so anyone ever seen the old-school Star Trek I used to believe there were two types of people in church those that were more like Spock and those that were more like Captain Kirk meaning the logical reasonable people that would never ever be it makes you explicit in their praise and and it really fully engaged but those are the oh I mean I used to think it was cultural until I found out traveling around the world that praise has nothing to do with the color of your skin or if your geographical background your social economic status I found out that praise is an equation I found out that the size of your praise is directly proportional to the magnitude of the hell that God takes you out of I'll say that one more time the size and the radical nature of your praise it's directly proportional to the magnitude of the hell that God takes you out of if God took you out of the middle hell then you give him a little praise but if he saved you if he delivered you any he'll do a baby turn you around and place your feet on solid ground other any survivors in the house are there any survivors in the house stand with me you are all ready those that are not standing stand with me by the way this is all the preload we're gonna do a verse by verse in the next couple days this is just I want you to hear me the reason why you're still standing the reason why you're here pursuing righteousness simply stated is because the purpose of God is greater than the brokenness of man you made it this far not because you perfectly held on to God but because God perfectly held on to you you made it not because your faith was efficient but because His grace is sufficient you made it not due to your sweat and tears but because of his blood and his spirits you made it because ii corinthians 489 we are pressed on every side of our troubles but we are not crushed we are perplexed but not driven to despair we are hunted down but never abandoned by God we get knocked down but we will never be destroyed you made it because when heaven starts it hell cannot stop it huh and sometimes here comes Gideon first thing he comes out pops out he gets out of the threshing floor he's no longer failing and he wants to get it and I need you to read the narrative again do your biblical due diligence there's no reason to engage in hyperbole or making things up that are not there it's wonderful because God the angel the Lord basically ignores Gideon's question oh no I did go through what I went through and heaven shows up and says after spent in essence now I'm speaking parenthetically heaven shows up and starts directing him towards the future and tells him what he's gonna do next so heaven shows up and says basically I'm from California so please forgive me hey dude we could either spend this time talking about what you went through or we can start talking about where you're going to in other words we could get into the whole thing of look what the devil did or you can start shouting look what the Lord has done ah your hands race fails survive and thrive we're gonna get to thrive in the next couple days here your failure season is over and you've been through what you've been through what you've been through has nothing to do with the foolish things you did in your past what you've been through has everything to do with the glorious things you're about to see in your future you're about to see what you've never seen before and that's why you've been through your journey you come out of the threshing-floor they were taken away they were robbing your joy and killing your dream destroying your destiny heaven shows up and says you you let me tell you who you are huh you are a mighty warrior [Music] go with the strength you have okay that's tomorrow to feed the Midianites heaven shows up and tells you who you are what you have on what you will do in that chronological order who you are he reveals identity Jesus always reveals your true identity Christ always reveals who you truly are your true definition a repudiation of identity moratorium God defines you he tells you what you have the absurd notion of that is he doesn't even say these are the things that are coming your way the things I'm gonna give you he tells them let me tell you what you have go with the strength you have let me reveal to you what you have that you did not even know you had and defeat the Midianites here's your mission statement here's your destiny so you've been through a process you've been through process if you've never been through anything sit down honestly just sit down go on Facebook sports highlights whatever it takes this is not for you this is for every single person here at Planet shakers and watching right now on Daystar where you've been through a process and you're like Gideon asking you spending more time asking God why did I have to go through that why did I have to go through that because sometimes we have to go through to get to we do Joseph had to go through the pit to get to the palace the Israelites went through the desert to get to the promised land even Paul he had to go through a storm acts 20:7 to get to Rome Jesus went to the cross and the tomb for you and I to get here right now but here's the great news one more thing and then I'm gonna land is one more thing just touch your neighbor tell the neighbor I have some questions for you but really get into it nah scam I have some questions for you ask him neighbor did Joseph stay in the pit did the Israelites stay in the desert did Daniel stay in the lion's den the Jonah stay in the whale that Jesus stay in the tomb well I'm not staying either I'm coming out in the name of Jesus that I will see everything thank God has promised me raise your hands we have a limited space I sent such an anointing fail survive or thrive you will never live in failure and failure will never live in you only only when you embrace the fullness of the work of Christ in your life through Christ in Christ in him we live in him we move in him we have our being in him we are crucified with Christ in Romans Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians and ruling with him in the book of Revelation when I count to three if this message has been for you and you're saying pastor Sam I received this word this is not an inspirational word it's not a sermon add it's not something to trigger some sort of emotional exuberance on your end it's for you to prophetically embrace the fact that right now as I speak corporately there are extra polls constructed it seems like the Midianite Marauders are winning and right now to a great degree many are living subjugated intimidated by the altars of bail and the Asherah poles constructed by the Midianites this generation will rise up we will rise up I can assure you before Friday night midnight the Asherah poles are coming down you so when I count the three if this word was for you maybe and I'm not going to what's the reason behind it if you want to step out and just physically demonstrate I am coming out of failure and failure it's not just a physical location it is a spiritual reality it is a state of mind it is an attitude it is a language your language that exacerbates failure your attitude it could be even your giving that's actually perpetuating the concept of failure or the lack thereof there are so many things but today you're coming out of it so when I count to three if this message has truly been for you and you're saying I want to demonstrate I'm coming out of failure forevermore I didn't have a poster board to break but my physical shift is a demonstration out coming out of it never again will I live in failure never again will failure live in me I've been through something and I'm showing today that I'm ready to thrive at the count of three of that you come out of your seat go to the aisle go somewhere just show you're no longer in that state one two three do it now go go go go my god yeah yeah your family's coming out of failure right now your children and your children's children are coming out of failure not because of what you do not because of what Jesus did for ya put your hands raised I sense it's in the morning God's presence Spirit of God spoke to me about a generation arising that will come out of the threshing floor defined by Christ defined by truth and grace and loved by biblical truth not religious hyperbole not religious constructs of man but the reality of the grace filled work of Christ the vicarious atoning work of Jesus a generation would come out of the threshing floor that would change this world God spoke to me and said I'm defining them I will define them I will give them their purpose I will tell them what they have I will equip them with this overflow not to fail or just survive but they will thrive they will drive and change the world around them so they start right now there's a number on your screen there's information your failure season is over right now it is done it is done from this moment on I am speaking right out to everyone here and everyone watching all of our day start yours in the name of Jesus Christ your season of failures over raise your hands it is over by the authority in the name of Jesus with a commitment to God's Word you will never live in failure and failure will never live in you again no more failed dreams no more failed relationships no more failed integrity no more failed righteousness no more failed aspirations for more failed endeavors from now on you will never live in failure and failure will never live and occupy your space again in the name of Jesus
Channel: Samuel Rodriguez
Views: 20,233
Rating: 4.903904 out of 5
Keywords: pastor samuel rodriguez, planet shakers, awakening, new season worship center
Id: NnOdDdiLRrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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