Dan Mohler - Avoiding Hyperspiritualization

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getting a job you don't need led by the spirit to work you see well have been working with God's told me not to work and now everybody else's paid your bills I don't know what you know you have a yes an Amen gospel in Christ Jesus so here's what identify my whole Christian life I haven't yes unless I hear no and rarely do you hear not a lot of things except for maybe principle but what I'm saying do I want to go pray for this person it's up to me you know could I go here and we go here on vacation man God knows we're talking about it in my heart I'm looking to gone and there's no no I hope yes and what's that you know a lot of us are looking for a yes and were confused and we're trying to find a yes identity should I work here should I work there I heard Bill Johnson say once it's really good that scripture that you guys got on the wall 96 33 he said then I think we make the will of God - he said so you station of the adopter checking a lawyer to be an attorney then just pick one or whatever one you seek first the kingdom of governors right - just a manifest call you know should I live in Michigan which I live in Louisiana or should I go all the way up to Texas well pick one and thoughts not saying specifically and when you go look like Jesus that's how simple I seen the gospel does God telling you where to do sometimes absolutely I can tell you my personal life he doesn't give me specific instructions you every live my life I used to be a very regretful person to look back on things that didn't work out right my life thing without god I missed God I should have done in that business choice I shouldn't have moved there I shouldn't have whatever and seen the mistakes that I piled up as if I took myself off the path I had for me to get steered around and my in in this of me feeling like oh it actually actually God will use you wherever you are you didn't mess up God's embryo because God's plan for you was to walk forward and to just go scope and do what he says as you're going not like it matter it didn't matter to him if I okay fine there there if you thought too long ago to Rayna you were just explaining it produces nothing good it's all regret it's all what was neat or dumb or why did I do that uh and there's no life than that so there has to be a place to see your life in a way that even if you did make a mistake he's so reductive even if you look back and say man I probably shoulda went in this direction but you did what it's like over now all well gonna reap what I sow do God is so redemptive you keep your heart on the corner I'm going to show you one place in the Bible where specifically says to this you were called because everybody wants to know their calling how many times you ask with people to the other caller I preached on this a lot less I'm going to show you every Christian who's calling in the Bible because because whether you were called to be a certain job occupation or less and to answer the poll question real simple for my own heart your relationship with Jesus the reason it's important to be and fellowship with God and have a vital relationship with Jesus you just know those things in the relationship you you are aware of those things if you're just reading your Bible for knowledge and listening to sermons because it feels like a Christian thing but you're not community with God and and in prayer and giving him times with your heart or you might be looking for answers this way but I've learned that when I'm in this place I've been in this place now since I could say you just know he just has this way to lead you see what I'm saying sometimes we meet ask this way what do you think what do you think can you print with me about this and sometimes it's just driving to the cars for the waffles they just hear your heart and you might not get a specific answer immediately but you sit on it until your heart goes boom and you see you don't need but a lot of attention in community but I think this is amazing it says the first pointing at first Peter to exist what credit is it now here's how important is this abundant life Nicole is talking about is I believe the fullness of God in our hearts is the expression of Christ the abundant life is knowing the love of Christ which passes knowledge being filled with all these books that's the abundant life the above the life is being complete in him and not letting any human factor or circumstantial factor define who you are outside of him and that's rare that people walk in that most of the time were needs driven and most of the time we're fashioned by circumstances that's some level I mean I see the prayer requests that come in with pastor over the years and a lot of it is we're struggling until this works out and we don't have peace until this is settled and for months that thing is like that and I'm thinking man the whole time you can be productive and manifesting Christ and walking in love and that's the sign of your faith would that be a better sign of faith that God is working this out if you're just go on if you're just sitting waiting that can change through your okay then that's that's kind of cool do you see what I'm saying so watch this when you what credit issues when you are beaten for your faults and you take it patiently but when you do good and suffer we're kind of good and take it patiently this is commendable to God why customer to this you were called so let me just tell him here call it your calling is to live and do good and sometimes self-report not let's do it again so you've produced it but to overcome evil with good never repay evil for evil but overcome evil so you're called to live just like Jesus because watch what it says for to this year we're called so there's the pastor Oh Angela what's my poly you're calling and suffering for your good I've seen people pursue the abundant life have attitude in the meantime pride towards other believers jealous towards other people's blessings I've seen all that weird stuff and the whole time they're rah rah quote faith and claiming all kind of promises and their heart semester the expression coming out of them doesn't look anything like thanks scary to me men don't do that stuff you're missing the whole point of life so watch this for the dish you were called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example and you should follow this [Music] suffering for doing good amen why because the goodness of God leads man that's why he said earlier about love you say love your neighbor and hate your enemy but I say love your enemy did you hear me said you say but I said that whole chapter you say I said you say I said what's he saying he said you might say what I'm saying why because we're not thinking like he's thinking he's thinking love we're thinking rights we would if we were homeschooling the wrong home man we were training them through the world and we must be born again if he knew Jesus his own people were made in His image that nothing was named it wasn't made through him and yet they knew encounter received him not why was he was on the whole nother paper and he came and said you say but I love for those in the church [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dan Mohler - Power and Identity
Views: 29,059
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd white, Lifestyle christianity, power and love, Power and Identity
Id: Z5u0GCrba1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sat May 17 2014
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