Parkway Baptist REVIVAL March 1, 2021- Special Guest CT Townsend

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yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes i am yes i am i'm a child of the king yes i am you know i am i belong to the lord yes i do yes i do i'm a child of the king yes i am [Music] gonna sing and shout forever when i reach that happy shore i'm gonna praise his name forever i'll live on forever more there'll be no one there to stop me there'll be none to laugh in my face my journey will be over i'll have found my resting place i'm a child of the king yes i am yes i am i'm a child of the king yes i am you know i am i belong to the lord [Music] they're trying to change the bible to fit their modern day but i'll keep on following jesus in that good old-fashioned way i'm on my way to heaven yes sir heaven is my home someday i'll see my jesus he's the one that saved my soul i'm a child of the king yes i am yes i am i'm a child of the king yes i am you know i am i belong to the lord yes i do [Music] yes i am well i'm a child of a king yes i am yes i am i'm a child of the king yes i am you know i am i belong to the lord yes i do yes i do i'm a child of me yes i am oh yes i am but yes i am hallelujah amen well they were playing this song a second ago so we figured we'd go ahead and do it amen well to go tell somebody about jesus hallelujah [Music] tell somebody tell somebody about jesus how he set you free and gave you the victory you got to tell somebody tell somebody about jesus or tell somebody about the goodness of the somebody lord jesus how he set you free and gave you the victory you got to tell somebody tell somebody about jesus tell somebody about the goodness of the lord [Music] like the woman in the bible days who met jesus at the well she thought she was meeting a stranger all about her life he did tell she ran back through town talking about the joy she found and when the lord does something for you you gotta tell how it brought you through you got to tell somebody tell somebody about jesus how he set you free and gave you the victory you got to tell somebody tell somebody about jesus tell somebody about the goodness of the lord let others see jesus in you let others see jesus in you [Music] keep telling the story telling the story oh tell us about it tell somebody about jesus how he set you free and gave you the victory but you got to tell somebody tell somebody about jesus tell somebody about the goodness of the lord [Music] tell somebody about the goodness of the lord how many believes that's what we ought to be doing amen letting this world know thank god but jesus still saves amen put your hands together here we so yes go gave [Applause] you gotta me somebody about jesus how he sets you free the goodness of the lord [Music] yeah i don't know about you but i'm glad that on a thursday night at an old-fashioned revival somebody took time to tell me about jesus and since that night i have been like the songwriter said i have been set free stand with me tonight let's sing an old hymn together says once like a bird in prison i dwelt but glory to god he set me free sing with me once like a bird in prison i dwell no freedom from my sorrow hide well but jesus came and listened to me and glory to god he set me free for he set me free yes he set me free he wrote the bonds of prison for me i glory found my jesus to seek for glory to god he set me free now i am climbing higher each day darkness of night has drifted away my feet are planted on higher ground and glory to god i'm bound for he set me free yes he set me free he broke the bonds of prison for me i'm glorified my jesus to seek for glory to god he set me free and good and sin and things that confound not on [Music] [Applause] he set me free [Applause] glory to god he set [Music] [Applause] for glory to god he set me free [Music] would you make our pastor welcome tonight brother david all right let's give the lord a big handclap of praise amen wow wonderful singing you can be seated it's great to be in the lord's house we are so excited about having revival tonight uh we've been praying about this for quite some time last year almost a year ago we planned our revival with ct and billy and uh stephen was to be here and we had to cancel due to the coronavirus breakout now one year later i am so thankful that we can be here tonight worshiping the lord in spirit and in truth let's let the lord know about it tonight let me hear you amen amen but we are excited because we've been invited and we can be delighted that we are in the lord's house today and so i'm glad that you're here it's going to be a great week tomorrow night 6 45 wednesday night 6 45. uh we have our child evangelist stephen burkeen stephen would you stand up where you at this is stephen come on up here stephen everybody make them stephen welcome [Music] all right stephen you look good tonight let me get him a microphone grabbing a mic lance and since lance is coming down here he can be any of your illustrations that you want him to be is that working man all right let's grab them another microphone here we go you're looking awfully uh awfully gulliver i guess right is that what it is or gilligan gilligan that said so sorry i hope he remembers his bible verses better than his tv shows well you look great well thank you wait lance come here you're not getting out of this no way bro come on over bud you can hold the mic here and boy we're excited tonight we'll be preaching from romans chapter number eight and i will be talking about an island experience you know no man lives or dies unto himself no man is an island unto himself and the truth is this that every one of us have an impact and we're going to learn tonight with our children about the impact that children make on their home you know we hear a lot about how dads make an impact on their home or mothers but tonight we're going to have a great opportunity to fellowship with our children and talk about the impact a child has on a home so lance you're going to help me we're going to take this you stay right there that'll be good and we're going to take this okay right here he said that's as much as he's been flirted with in days look how he's smiling and blushing all right now lance we took that we're going to put that right there and i'm going to put that in your hand over here good you got that you got it you got yeah good all right take one of these there you go put one right up there all right that's good and what i want you to do is you're just going to take that i want you to flap it around in front of your face just like that okay yeah just like that i want you to take it just like this rub it just around like this i don't know you feeling frisky good i want you to take it tear one piece off like that right there one more piece off like that right there good one piece off like that right there one piece off just like that and then i want you to wad it up just stick it in your mouth how's that true i hope they haven't been used that's really gross oh my goodness i think the lining just came out of your pants [Laughter] or somewhere else even worse amen hey you know what we're going to talk about the inner working of the holy spirit in a child's life and how it brings joy and honor to a home and so i look forward to being with you all this week thank you so much for having me and we're excited about being with our children tonight all right let's make him welcome stephen does a great job he is a liberty university grad he's working uh on his masters of divinity finishing up that uh this week as a matter of fact and we're glad that he is here with us so right after the choir singing we'll be dismissing the kids uh our children's pastor lance will be right over here we'll dismiss the kids out here your children will be in the fellowship hall our security team will make sure that they're safely out there and they'll have a good time tonight learning from him and worshiping so invite your friends bring your kids kids you know bring them out your your kids friends rather bring bring them out here each and every night and we'd love to have i said kids kids i know i caught that but bring them every night we'd love to have them all right i'm going to ask our ushers to get in place we're going to take up the offering for tonight for our evangelist and if you'll notice on the screens you can actually text to give if you will use the number there and you will text the word guest and your giving to that number our deacons will make sure that that money gets to those tonight we are so thankful for their ministry we want to help fund that and be a blessing to them they billy travels all over the country ct pastors and travels all over the country and it gets expensive from time to time to do this and so this is your opportunity you can give in the plate if you don't have the give and the plate you can always text to give and so you'll have it'll give you some instructions as you go through that dial up that number put your amount in and then and the word guest and it will go right to our evangelist tonight and we are so thankful for your giving let's go the lord in prayer trey you come down here i'm going to ask you to pray for us you come on up here trey is our college pastor you pray for us and i know this young man has been praying for revival he's been leading his group towards revival he's fired up and ready for this brother you come pray for us and then we'll sing [Music] i'm thankful for what you're doing in the life of our church and god we're excited about this we're excited to be able to come back and and gather within one body with one goal with one mind and that's to lift you up and so god i pray that you help us do that tonight i pray that you would help us as as the preacher preaches and the songs are sung help us to lift you up and god if somebody doesn't know you i pray today would be the day that they come to know the name of the lord help us now in jesus name amen well would you worship with us tonight as we begin to sing tonight a song that says lord just let your kingdom come pray for brother casey as he comes tonight [Music] a voice from heaven saying who would go who would he's go us to share the gospel [Applause] so the world would know the world would know and fill us with your holy and fill spirit with [Applause] reach out to the [Applause] oh there's a voice a voice from heaven [Applause] he's saying who would go who would go he's calling us to share the gospel [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] take all of us and fill this with your holy spirit and fill us with [Applause] reach out to the nation you will be down let your kingdom [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your will be done use us to change [Applause] your will be done [Applause] your will be done let your kingdom come your will be done [Music] oh would you pray for miss heather as she comes and sings the song for us tonight that simply says we can call on him we can pray to him and he'll hear us amen in times of sorrow seasons of pain when all seems hopeless one thing remains in our god he is faithful and his word is true he said call on his name and he will answer you [Music] when oh jesus he will answer when you pray your heart is broken filled with despair [Music] just know that jesus he still hears and answers prayers and he's ever waiting waiting on you just call on his name and he will see you through when you we promised jesus he will is you'll have jesus jesus he will and i'm a witness to jesus jesus [Applause] psalmist said surely goodness and mercy shall follow all [Applause] lord is my shepherd i shall not walk in green pastures he makes me lie down he restores my soul and leads me on for his name for his great name surely goodness surely mercy right beside me your house forever and bless your holy [Music] pull the air [Music] [Applause] i'll trust you right beside me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign could you sing there with us tonight [Applause] and i will your house forever [Applause] oh i will [Applause] oh even more even though even more of oh shadow of days even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of days [Music] i'm surely mercy [Applause] right beside me all my days your house forever and bless your holy name [Music] oh lord [Music] can we sing a little more than tonight sing it with us if you would surely goodness [Music] right beside me all right [Music] [Music] [Music] right beside me your house forever can we give him praise like this [Applause] boy any good i love him tonight and tonight as i come in here you know we've been bathing this place in prayer the songwriter said it like this as i walked through the door i sensed his presence and i knew this was a place where his love abound [Music] for this is the temple jehovah god he abides we are standing [Music] in his presence on hold [Music] [Applause] [Music] cry and i know that there are angels all around oh let us praise let us [Music] praise [Applause] for we are standing in his presence on holy crap can we sing it again and i know and we're praising tonight [Applause] well at this time we're gonna dismiss brother steve and our kids tonight y'all go have a good time meet him right over here if you would turn around wave at your neighbor tell him it's good to see him here tonight at the first night of revival i don't know about you but i'm looking forward to hearing brother ct tonight we're gonna have a great night [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well if you're saved you know it say amen wow the music was powerful i'm ready for the preaching and the singing of god's word i want you to make ct and becky welcome as they're here at our revival this year let's make them welcome [Applause] what's good to be saved tonight good to be in church how many is thankful that we serve a savior that's alive and well living inside of our heart he's living listen [Music] [Applause] it was the first day of his death since he had taken his last breath sorrow filled the air the birds stopped singing everywhere nothing seemed the same the clouds began to weep the rain it was the second day in the tomb where he lay satan smiled with glee he said i have the victory you said you'd come to save oh but now you're in the grave [Music] [Applause] but very early that third morning before the dawn had come demons danced around chanting satan you have won but god in all of his greatness stood up from the throne nodded to the angel to roll away the stone as the sun began to rise he opened up his ass [Music] [Applause] the demons cried as my king he walked out my [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well if you love the lord tonight say amen grab your bibles and turn with me to the book of second kings chapter number four second kings chapter number four and what a joy and a thrill it is to be in god's house what a thrill it is to be back at this great church i love uh brother samson and i'm thankful for the team thankful for the staff what having the music been great tonight hasn't it been i go some places where the music is so terrible that you just want to shoot everybody before you preach i ain't gonna lie come on some of y'all know i'm telling her right y'all be in some of them places uh and uh when you come to a place like this where you can tell they've been practicing and working and going through it jerry pumpkins what i call him what do y'all call him around here punkin you're doing a tremendous job music is better than i've ever heard it in this building can we give god praise for the music right here uh and i'm thankful for it even the sound men back there you know we only pick on them when things ain't right and i love to yell at sound men just because it they're usually the most prideful people in the whole building but uh we love them didn't they do a good job tonight everything's been great mr sound man you're doing great thank god for you and good to see friends i look around the room and uh i think and feel many times to be the luckiest man in the whole wide world to get to do what i do and get to come i'll be honest uh i'm not an isolated style of person only time i like isolation is when i'm in a tree stand somebody say amen right there i like being by myself in a tree stand other than that i got to be around people i get depressed and jump off a bridge if i got to be by myself all the time i don't like myself i don't like just being by myself uh and so part of the joys that becky and i have is we feel like we got family all across the country and once a year or more we go to those parts of the country and see and so it's been hard for us to be cooped up uh but it's an absolute joy to get to come to this place i know there's many different churches represented i seen brother bill broome and his precious wife over there one of my favorite preachers in the whole world and i hope when i get as old as him i can have that preacher voice like he's god i love he and and the one thing that he and i have in common is our wives both write our sermon outlines amen and i love him i see brandon cruz back there good to see him and many different people and friends from all over and uh isn't it an absolute joy to be saved and a part of the family of god i see another one of my friends over here my pa my baby costal brother amen and uh the devil did everything he could to kill him this past year since we've been out and your wife called me and said pray pray pray and had to go in the hospital and go through all of that and not to be honest we didn't know if he's going to come out a couple times but she's too mean for the devil to kill you amen and good to have you back and glad to know god still has something for you god's not done with you and it's been a long year can i get an amen um but god has been faithful to us and uh god has been good to us and we're very careful to give god all the glory and all the praise for what he's doing as you turn your bibles with me tonight to the book of second kings chapter number four i have preached out of this chapter many times it's one of my favorite texts in the entire word of god but before we went to the new year i began to pray about uh for the church that i am privileged to pastor now uh about what a good word would be for us as a church family as we walk into 2021. and very quickly in staff meeting one day we started battling around the idea of the word hope because the truth is in 2020 a lot of people lost hope the way the election went uh you know some people would say they lost hope the way finances went i have pastor friends that have all but folded things up you say well he talked about uh politics listen i ain't a preacher that you got by the tale that you could tell me what to say and what not to say say amen right there uh yeah and uh i'll just tell the truth i'll tell it like it is i but i know pastors and preachers that uh have all but had to fold the doors because things are so bad but i'm thankful in this day and hour as long as god is on the throne that you and i can still have hope in these hopeless days the bible says we do not sorrow as those that have no hope because god is on the throne right and as long as god is on the throne you and i as the people of god can live in hope we can dwell in hope we can rejoice and hope have you ever wondered why i ain't even got to read my text yet but i feel like preaching already you ever wondered why when a saint gets cancer or heartaches or something go through they can still come to the house of god and raise a hand in worship and the world don't have that kind of joy the world don't have that kind of peace but we as the people of god tonight we have a joy and a hope that was given to us by the hand of god the world didn't make it and the world didn't give it to us and the world can't take it away i need somebody to help me praise god we have hope in this day and hour [Applause] tonight i want to dive into a story in the book of second kings chapter number four about a little widow that it looks like at the beginning who has lost hope everything is so bad but it looks like there is no hope but it ain't over until god says it's over [Applause] look with me in second second kings chapter number four the bible said now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying thy servant my husband is dead now for some ladies that might be a blessing to you but for this lady here she she was sad about it becky i want you to be sad if i die my life insurance says if she remarries she don't get no money say amen right there i i want pe i want people to cry for me if i die billy you better cry if i die i want people to be sad about it but but she said thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen elisha said unto her what shall i do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house and she said thine handmaid hath not anything in the house save a pot of oil that he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbors even empty vessels borrow not a few and when thou art come in thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons and shalt pour out into all those vessels thou shalt set aside that which is full so she went from him and shut the door upon her and upon her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were full that she said unto her son bring me yet a vessel and he said unto her there is not a vessel more and the oil stayed and she came and told the man of god and he said go sell the oil and pay thy debt and live thou and thy children of the rest father in jesus name as humbly as i know how i do call upon your name and i ask you god to help me to preach your word as you'd see fit i'm very aware that i'm flesh and bone i'm a nobody and a nothing and god nothing has ever came good from my life at all if you didn't do it lord i pray in the name of jesus as we yield ourselves to you for just a few moments i'm very aware that there are people under the sound of my voice tonight that are discouraged that are depressed that wonder when they're going to find some relief and i pray god tonight that you would let us sit in the heavenlies for a moment and let us bathe and rejoice in the fact that we have hope in you lord we do love you and we thank you for what you're going to do oh holy ghost of god preach me tonight for it is in jesus name we pray and all god's people said amen as we study our text tonight in the book of second kings chapter number four i love this text where we find that there was the bible the bible doesn't call her by name says she was a certain woman uh of the wives or the sons of the prophets i i kind of picture this as if elisha's the man of god and he's got some preacher boys he's got some staff he's got some young men that are around him and those are the men that help him in the service of the ministry and in this this widow this woman comes to him and said uh my husband thy servant is dead and thou knowest that he did fear the lord and that the creditor has come and she talks about this situation where not only is her husband dead but her husband is dead and he has left her in a position and in a place of debt obviously he didn't know who dave ramsey was somebody say amen he left her in a place of debt and not only has he left her in a place of debt but she's a widow woman and she has no way to provide a living she has no way to provide for her family nevertheless have the ability to pay off the sum of money that she is owed unto the debtors and she's about to lose it all and things are bad things are terrible and then she gets a notice on the door one day that says that the the bank is coming and the creditors are coming and they are going to take all that she has left which is her sons and that these sons would be taken and would become slaves to pay off the debt that has been left behind by her husband have you ever noticed when things start getting bad that they get worse before they get better have you ever noticed that when it rains it pours and that's what's happening in the life of this lady it just one after another one after another and i don't know about you but 2020 has kind of felt just like that one blow after another if it can't get worse then this happens and if it can't get worse this happens and little by little by little it just seemed like everything we loved and everything we loved and everything we stood for it was being ripped out from under us and that's what this lady was going through as she felt like everything's being taken away and so number one concerning this text on the subject of hope i want us to see that there is a real genuine struggle with hope now i wish that i was a giant of the faith but i am a lot better and probably you are as well and the rest of the preachers in the room would justify with this that we find that it's a whole lot easier to preach about faith than it is to live by faith uh it's a whole lot easier if you're having a problem for me to speak faith into your life than it was for me to live by faith you know they talk about major surgery and minor surgery minor surgery is if billy is having surgery major surgery is if i'm having surgery can i get a witness in the house of god it is just that way and faith is not easy i have a hard time with faith because i've always been a thinker i've always been a realist i've i've always this this you know this pulpit the top of it's brown and it's painted with white trim i know that because that's the facts and sometimes people that are thinkers and realists have a hard time with faith because faith sometimes uh we we we think well that just means uh that i have to believe in something that doesn't even exist but it doesn't really go that i want to talk about this this word hope first of all we're going to we got to define what the word hope is the word hope and the word faith are two different words they're on the same track they're in the same building but they're two different words the definition of the word hope is commonly used to mean a wish you know we go to the mall or at least we used to uh go to the mall and they would have a a thing in the middle there a big pond looking thing and somebody was so smart to convince everybody that ever walks by to throw some money in it so that you know i'm gonna go put me some wells up all over the place and get y'all to put your money i think we ought to make one right here and just everybody you know we can't get them tithes anymore so we'll just throw it in there you know what i'm talking about and so so so we call it a wish some people equate the word hope as the same word as a wish the only problem with that is is that the strength of the per the strength of this word is the strength of a person's desire the strength of a wish is a person's desire that means i can wish all day long you know that's where this name and claimant mess has come in you know the false gospel you know there ain't no such thing well i claim it in jesus name well you can claim a million dollars in jesus name all you want to but at the end of the day that's a wish yeah a matter of fact let's just say this that god never promised you when you got saved that everything was going to be easy did he god never promised you and i that when we got saved and we sold our lives out to god that was going to have health and wealth and everything would be wonderful i have found it to be the opposite that most people that go against the grain to serve god have fought hell by the acre and so a hope is not the same as faith a hope hope in the world's context today simply means a wish but there's a difference in the worldly definition of the word hope and the biblical definition of hope you see in the world hope is just a wish but the bible hope is different bible hope here's two words if you take your notes write these down bible hope says this it is a confident expectation it is a confident expectation not of what i'm wishing not of my desire but real bible hope is a confident expectation i feel like preaching tonight of what not what i wish but of what god has promised how many of y'all know if god says it it's going to come to pass amen and hear me you can wish all day long and you can think all day long you can name it claim it all day long and believe it's going to happen and it'll never happen but biblical hope is i believe i know god said it and if god said it i'm putting my hope in what god said and i've got a confident expectation i don't know how god's gonna do it i don't know when god's gonna do it i don't know where god's gonna do it but i got me a little bit of faith lives inside me and it stirs my hope to the point that i know beyond the shadow of a doubt it don't matter what i see it don't matter what i feel it don't matter what i think i've got me some bible hope that will carry me through bible hope help me bible hope is the confident expectation of what god has promised and honey if god has promised it you can cling on to it you can hold on to it i somebody said well it looks like the church is going to sink because of coven no no no because god said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the well it looks like god's going to get distant no no no because he said i will never leave thee oh i will never leave thee nor forsake that you see when i put my hope in his word it changes things i have a bible hope psalm 42 and 5 said why art thou cast down o my soul why art thou disquiet in me here's what the psalmist said hope thou in god for i shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance no matter what you see no matter what you feel and no matter what you think if you got you a bible amen you can put your hope in god's word and it is like an anchor in the middle of the storm it's like a boat that is unsinkable in the midst of stormy waters and while everybody else is drowning and sinking i can keep my head up high not live my life anxiety and fear not because of who i am not because of an amount of money i got in my pocket no no no all that stuff is fleeting but i've got me a hope that lives down inside my soul and as long as god's on the throne hey we can have hope there is a struggle with genuine hope if you live long at all you're going to know what that struggle is all about directly after covid started last year i was on a trip and i had went to west virginia for a couple days um and i got a phone call from becky i got back to my cell phone i didn't have signal where i was and when i got to my phone in a place where i had signal it was literally lit up i think 20 different phone calls only to find out that there was a young couple in our church that have a precious 13 14 year old girl named kennedy healthy gets up on our stage and sings he never gave up and i mean the power of god will fall with that little youngin singing been feeling bad went to the emergency room within hours they found out that she was diagnosed with leukemia and i've watched that mom and dad trade off every sunday since may as the little girl stays home watches online i've watched her hair fall out i've watched this little family struggle back and forth with this real struggle with hope i know god can but will god you know what my job is as a preacher to build their faith to get up and let them know that god can and god is the great physician and he is able now i don't know god's smarter than we are but we must build our lives and rest upon the rock of hope i've ministered to moms and dads who's got prodigal sons and prodigal daughters who come to me weeping saying preacher i did everything i could i've prayed i've fasted oh i pray that god will get their attention many of you in this room you've got a prodigal out there somewhere and the devil's telling you that god's gave up on you and god's gave up on them but hear me we've got hope we've got hope and there is a struggle with this hope but being a christian and being a person of faith and being a person of hope does not mean that you got to check your brain at the door people say about us people of faith well they're weak-minded people you ever heard them say that they're weak-minded people that need religion and they use religion as a crutch i'll take it a step further i can't even walk without him holding my hand but hear this being a person of faith does not mean that i have to check my mind at the door facts are real the truth is truth but when it comes to the people of faith the facts do not get the final say god gets the final say i know what america looks like i know what's going on but hear me now the facts don't get the final say i know it looks like the church is in a steady decline i know all that going on i know what everybody's saying but hear me the facts don't get the final say i know what the doctors say i know what the bankers say i hear all the talks that's going around america all the dooms they talk and well things will never be like they used to be i hear all that but hear me now the facts don't get the final say why because god can do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it he's god all by himself he's not taking a vote to see who likes it or don't he's god and he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants if you believe that give god praise in this place and thank him that he's god there is the struggle with hope if you're here tonight and you're struggling with hope that doesn't mean you're a bad person doesn't mean you're less than everybody else i believe it was one man in the bible and i didn't study this part enough to know but you you're preaching smarter to me he'll tell you later he said i believe but touch mine unbelief right and all of us have been there and done that you ever had things get so bad well i won't ask you because y'all so spiritual you won't admit it things ever got so bad that you ever looked up in the sky and says is any of this even real god are you really out there god don't you see what we're going through don't you see how wickedness is crossing our land tearing out the fiber of our nation god where are you god won't you do something there is a struggle with hope if you live long it's a struggle you'll have to deal with not only do we see the struggle with hope that this woman dealt with she comes to him and all she talks about is everything that's bad all she talks about is her hopeless condition she is struggling with the subject of hope i believe god a couple of many reasons god so sovereign i can't even begin to talk all the levels of this but i'm so thankful that god put stories like this in the bible of people that had problems with hope and faith but yet people who god still stepped in on their behalf that encourages me because it lets me know that if god can help her even though she struggled with faith god can still help me when i struggle with faith so i don't know the struggle of faith but we see second of all there was the significance of hope the struggle with hope and the significance of hope the man of god comes into this conversation into this dialogue after she tells him that his her husband is dead the debt is due and that not only that but now the creditors are coming to take her sons she tells him all of it everything's negative everything's down everything's expressing how bad things are but verse number two and elisha said unto her what shall i do for thee tell me watch this now what hast thou in the house you say what's that got to do with anything well the man of god understands that there's a problem that is bigger than the husband being dead and there's a problem that's bigger than the debt being due and there's a problem that's bigger than the sun's about to be taken and that the problem is that this woman is losing her faith and this woman is losing her hope remember when peter was going through what he was going he's about to go through his biggest trial and jesus said i have prayed for thee remember that and what did jesus pray you know we'd all wish that jesus would i've prayed for thee that you won't have to go through the valley no that's not what he prayed i pray for thee that you won't have to go through any harm no jesus said i have prayed for thee that thy faith fell not it is important if we're going to make it through the valley that our hope and our faith remains so the man of god does not dive into the fact he never says anything about the husband being dead it's irrelevant it's over it's done nothing we can do will turn that around the debt is due it happened bank america going to get their money the sons are about to be taken honey y'all signed the paper when you got the debt all that's done and yes it's terrible yes it's bad but that's the facts that's real there's nothing we can do about that but let's talk about what we can do let's talk about what we can do and he says if we're going to get to what we can do the first questions got to start we got to quit talking about what we've lost we got to quit talking about this category over here about everything that's bad and everything that you've lost and everything that's went bad in your life you see most of us want to live in this lane we want to talk about everything that's negative i'm going to preach to some negative baptist people tonight you're going to get it tonight because all we like to do is we like to talk about every how bad things are well i i i get it from preachers all the time they call me up on the phone oh preacher i got 150 people that ain't been back in church since march here's my question who cares if they do come back god's still going to be on the throne i went preacher i i don't know if i ah you know and let me just say this while i'm at it right there about all the people you know it's funny that they won't come to church but they'll go to walmart and they'll go to target and they'll go everywhere else but they can't come up inside the house of god and let me say this honey if you can go everywhere else and live a full year without having a preacher preaching to you and the choir is singing to you honey something bad wrong i need to go to church i need to hear some preaching i need to be with the people of god and in this day and hour god help us but i hear it all well brother ct everything's so bad everything's so terrible you know it's as if it's a comfort blanket for us there's a lot of people i don't ask them how they're doing because they'll tell you yeah and then three hours later i've got men in the church assigned for that purpose right there and i said i can't lie but you can and they'll come up pastor the men need you in the back yes sir thank you i'll be right there amen and i get away from on negative nancy real quick [Applause] you know opinions and worries like armpits everybody's got them and they all stink because we all get into molly grubs and covet has created the perfect opportunity for everybody to talk how bad things are they want to talk how bad the election he is how bad america is and how bad the home how bad all this stuff 95 of every family that walks in my office they want to talk about everything that's bad ought to get a big dead end sign and put it on that road and say you ain't getting nowhere because all you do is focus on everything that's bad and everything that can't change uh how you say preacher i messed up last year i did some stuff i shouldn't have done i went places i shouldn't win i said things i should have said well so what so did everybody else get it under the blood seek forgiveness quit living in that lane and go get over there and operate in the lane of freedom and move forward instead of standing still and die why sit here till we die they said we can sit over here and die and not have any joy or have any peace then men said we could die right here i feel a preaching story coming up on here listen they could have died right there leprosy but they made up their mind and said why sit here till we die we're going to die right here but i'm at least going to do something i'm going to say something i'm going to go find jesus i refuse to die in the street of negativity you know it's true you are who you run with i said that a while back somebody called me said well preacher pray for me everybody around me is negative and i said here's your sign if everybody around you is negative it might be a good indicator of who you are yeah i don't want to hang i love everybody i i'm called to love everybody that don't mean i got to like you [Applause] but hell's going to attack us there's going to be real days to be discouraged i don't need to be surrounded by people that's going to make it worse i need people that's operating in hope i need people operating in faith i need somebody to look me in my eyeballs and say if god be for us who can be against us i need somebody look in the eyes and say there's no weapon formed against thee shall prosper why because there is a lane there are things to cry about there are things to be sad about there are regrets and shame that we wish we never had but you ain't gonna get nowhere focusing on what you've lost so the man of god said this tell me what you got left in your house still negative nancy she said thine handmade hath not anything in the house save a pot of oil it's as if the man of god went let's talk about that pot of oil because you told me you didn't have nothing and all you've been talking about what you've lost but your miracle does not live and does not happen in the lane of what you've lost your miracle is defined and lives in the lane of what you've got left [Applause] get out of that lane and let's talk about this subject of what you've got left tell me about this pot of oil well it's small in size it there ain't a whole lot in it there's not enough to make i ain't got no flour to put with it it's insignificant it's small how many like that old song little as much when god is in it it may be small in size it may be insignificant but the bible's very clear about how if we have the faith the size of a mustard seed then we could speak to the mountain and the mountain would have to move it doesn't matter if it's small or big if you've got something left then god has given you everything that you need to make it through the valley and he said let's talk about that pot of oil this is just a small pot of oil but not only its size but the supply of it there's a little bit of oil left inside that pot the significance of hope hope resides not in what you've lost hope resides and what you've got left oh that we would do inventory of our lives tonight and look at what we've got left oh if i could just get preachers to understand and look at what they've got left and not what they've lost isn't it funny i'm a pastor now i fight demons every week i look out my front window of my church every sunday and i think ain't nobody going to come i preached the devil out of it yesterday it'll be a miracle if anybody comes back next week listen to me uh and i i mean i think ain't nobody gonna come and then when i get there i'll preach my little sermon and i'll go home thinking boy i missed it today i didn't do no good today and then instead of enjoying the fact that the choir did great and the place was full of people and everything went great instead of looking at the 900 people that was at victory yesterday you know what i think about where was so-and-so where was them two people at why weren't they here i wonder if they're mad at me i need to go make a house visit and go politick and hold their hand you know that's because i guess that's what you all expect us to do you know well i guess i you know and instead of enjoying what i got we focus on what we've lost but your miracle is not in what you've lost your miracles in what you got left parkway baptist church you like every church in america you've lost some things in the last year it's not the same church not the same people some things have changed in the last year and you can look and moan and whine and complain but let's let this meeting just be a a clean break let's let's let this meeting be a clean break from the old church versus the new church listen y'all uh let's let this meet to be a clean break and say well it don't matter who's here who's not if god before us who can begin let's let this meet to be a clean break that says we refuse to look back we're looking forward because here's what we believe america's dying and going to hell is it not america needs the gospel more today than ever before america needs a moving church america needs an exciting church america needs a church that will stand upon the truths and the precepts of the word of god and listen to me if we've ever needed a rock solid bible-believing church that preaches the truth of the word of god and not some watered-down little sermon that makes everybody feel good about themselves it's the day and hour in which we live god give us some leather lung men of god that'll stand up and preach the word of god just as god wrote it why because this area needs the gospel this area needs jesus there's drug heads up and down the road that needs set free there's marriages falling apart there's teenagers that need jesus and if you keep looking back you're never going to reach them but god help us to say god we won't look back we're looking forward for the cause of christ the significance of hope the significance of hope let me ask you a question what do you got left i've lost some things i've had some good friends go to heaven this year it's things i've lost i'll never get back the other day when the lord was putting this in my heart i sat down that little chair in my living room and i was thinking about what i've lost i just let my mind wander on things i've lost about that time that five-year-old little baby girl of mine named everly she's the princess of all princesses i can spank tucker and not flinch i enjoy giving cider a good whooping every now and then but that little girl ain't never done a thing wrong a day in her life i'm talking about melt your heart out with just staring at you and that little thing i was sitting over thinking well this and that and think about all these things as a leader it's never been harder to lead forward when can we move forward when can we sing the choir when are we going to be able to do this when are we going to do that and my mind runs all day and all night thinking about how we're going to make it through i was sitting in that chair and here come little everly jumped on my lap hugged me real big i didn't ask for it i didn't deserve it she hugged me kissed me on the cheek she said daddy i sure missed you today she said daddy i love you and the holy ghost look at what you got left i looked over and there was my little boy tucker and i looked over there there's my little boy tyler i looked over there and there's the wife the wife that i prayed for my entire life somebody that would serve god with me and raise a christian home and serve god together and the holy ghost began to speak to my heart boy i know things ain't everything you want it to be but get your eyes off of what you've lost and look at what you got left you got a roof over your head you got shoes on your feet you got clothes on your back you got you got health in your body you got breath in your lungs there are people that are praying for the very thing you're taking for granted tonight but here we are inside the house of god and some of you didn't think he's gonna make it you didn't know if he was gonna make it but some of y'all ought to shout tonight look at your honey you're still in your right mind you're still in the house of god when you thought if you're ever going to make it at the hospital but look where you are tonight man of god why because god said you still got something left on the inside and even if i do lose everything material in this world that oil is a type of the holy ghost of god that lives and dwells down on the inside of me and if i lose everything in this world i can be like that songwriter who out on the bow of that ship where his wife died and the babies died and be able to sing whatever and by a lot thou has taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul somebody ought to thank god tonight that you got the holy ghost live it on the inside of your heart the significance of hope don't matter how small it is because the supply of it your miracle resides and what you've got left and i promise you god has not left you on empty oh he's letting me get low he's letting me get low but ain't never left me on empty becky's left me on empty on the card you know i get mad about that you husbands get mad it's as if they can't put gas in the car i'd be glad to do it i'll be the night shining armor but you can't put gas in the car every now and then becky's left me on empty jesus ain't never left me on empty amen t.r you've been doing this a long time how many years you've been serving god mr pr 112 how many years how long 86 years old been preaching since he's 19 years old been had a rough year health and all the stuff in his life and miss betty been loving on him and taking care of him and helping him and i know it's been a hard year on this couple but i promise you if i gave that man of god a microphone he would tell you that for all these years he served god and it ain't always been easy and there's been times that it's hard but brother t.r you know bear witness with this that he's never left you on empty and he's never left you nor forsaken you and when nobody understood where you were and when you sit in that little old house and feel like nobody cares there's the god of heaven that knows you by name and he knows what you're going through and he sees our tears hey i'm glad i've got a god that said i'll never leave thee nor forsake thee and somebody ought to thank god tonight that no matter what you go through he will walk with you through the valley of life there is the significance the significance of hope look you got something left i dare you i feel heaven i dare you go to thinking about what you got left i don't know about you i seen your girlfriend singing and i thought lord if there's ever a day when little everly stands up there and sings ain't no way i'd be able to be a very composed like you on that guitar i'd be running laps all around this room you know why because the devil wanted that girl yeah it's she beat the statistics beat the odds both your girls the devil wanted them there's nothing the devil there's nothing the devil would have wanted any more than to rob your girls and rob your boy and get him out of church and raise up bitter mad at god mad at church but hey i see a boy i see a girl the other girl must be running up another boy somewhere i don't know where she's at but i'm telling you the truth is the devil could have got them and now every now and then we're going to get discouraged but sometimes you got to look and say i still got my family i still got my home the devil didn't get it all and somebody ought to thank god tonight for the significance of hope 2020 was hard the devil didn't get it all i know it was rough but the devil didn't get it all i know it was hard and there was times we didn't know how we didn't know when we didn't know where but look at us again tonight honey we in revival again the devil didn't get it all i got to go i'm hungry i got to go thirdly lastly the strength of hope is my confident expectation curtis come play that piano help me land this plane confident is he smoking where's he confident expectation she went god said send the boys y'all go get all the vessels send boys started getting stuff y'all buy stuff at walmart ain't no good they start they start [Music] they go all over town [Music] sorry they getting these vessels putting them out everywhere there's something over here [Music] whoever the decoration committee is i'm sorry hey there's a real one right there [Music] they're getting vessels and they bring them in the house [Music] and the mama did what the man of god said to do and they got those vessels on the inside of the house and she goes up in that cupboard and gets that little pot of oil it's all she's got left maybe she could have took this pot of oil and sold what she had and made a little bit but she had to do what the man god said to do it's little small it's insignificant but it's what she's got left many times god just wants you to give him what you got left i'm gonna put you on staff ma'am i like preaching to you and they get these vessels and the bible says she took what she had left [Music] now the bible doesn't say billy how long it took i don't know if there's a minute five minutes 30 minutes i see the boys looking out the window mama did them creditors say what time they coming mama we don't want to leave we don't want them we don't want to be slaves mama maybe the mama says shh i got a word from god boys but man of god showed me i got something left and now we've done with what we have left what the man of god said to do [Music] and now i have a confident expectation i'm not naming it claiming it you see that i'm not i'm not wishing for this i'm doing what the man of god said and i have a confident expectation that god's going to take care of this and while they're talking the boy says mama how much do you put in that thing mama [Music] mommy's three quarters full i think it's moving mama all child be still look and mama goes and looks and quicker than she can deal with it the oil begins to grow and grow and grow she takes it out pours it into another one and the same thing happens all over she pours it into another and before you it's all over the room oil's growing all over the room vessel by vessel by vessel by vessel the oil keeps growing and growing and growing and then boys are moving stuff around saying mama this one's almost full this one's almost full they're bringing her other vessels and she's pouring out and everybody they keep getting full and the mama said in chattanooga tennessee vernacular she would have said give me another one [Music] and the boys said in tennessee they ain't narrow one left mama you all know i'm telling it right and when every vessel was full your bible says that the oil stained [Music] stopped she runs to the man of god it says you ain't gonna believe it and he said try me and she said all those vessels are full of oil he said go take the oil sell the oil and you live off the rest the rest of your life and the suns live off the rest i'm not talking about a miracle that just carried her through her life i'm talking about a miracle that was so big that it carried her and them the rest of their life [Music] that's the god i serve hope hope she goes and sells the oil isn't it interesting how god turns things around where she went from being the in-depth consumer that was in trouble to now she's the merchant woman going into town with all of her oil saying give me my money baby give me my money i'm here to tell you god can turn things around god can turn your marriage around god can turn your teenagers around god can turn your finances around god can turn your health around god can turn your church around if you just find what you got left and be obedient enough to save god what i've got left i surrender it to you i give it to you it's a new year 2020 is over thank god some resemblance of 2020 is carrying over into 2021 but in your mind tonight may your hope be renewed to say god i refuse to walk in 2020 one more day evaluate me tonight and show me what i've got left and then whatever it is i got left i'm gonna give it to you and watch god take what i've got left and turn it into a miracle god's able bo i know you're going through a rough season but god's able present i know right now that's saying god i give you what i got left it's you and i believe in god with a confident expectation that god's going to provide i have a confident expectation at parkway baptist church if you all will get behind that man of god and say god whatever we got left as a church we re-surrender it we surrender the pulpit we surrender the sound equipment we surrender our choir we surrender our property we god we ain't got a lot left but god whatever we got left we re-surrender it all to your glory and see if the best is not yet ahead of you instead of behind you a confident expectation in what god said every head bowed every eye closed nobody's looking around [Music] y'all been living with this for a year now you know what to do and what not to do whether you use your chair as an altar or whether you come find a place around an altar i wonder how many people you say preacher i don't ever move i don't get out of my seat i don't go to an altar change [Music] why sit here until we die find you a place and say god everything i have tonight i recommit to you god thank you for showing me what i got left and now tonight that i know i got something left i resurrender it all to you as we stand to our feet all over the church we're about to sing a song of invitation i wonder how many people get out of their seat right now come find a place around an altar and say god i re-surrender what i've got left and i put it in your hands people are coming that's wonderful you come on you don't have to worry and dawn to be afraid joy comes in the morning troubles they don't last always for there's a friend named jesus who will wipe your tears away and if your heart is broken just lift your hands and say oh i know that i can make it i know that i can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your head [Music] you don't have to worry and don't you be afraid [Applause] joy comes in the morning troubles they don't last always for there's a friend named jesus who will wipe your tears away [Applause] and if your heart is broken just lift your hands and say oh i know that i can make it i know that i can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your head [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Parkway Baptist
Views: 3,356
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: HCD9Aj-8M1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 5sec (6485 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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