If I'm Going Down, I'm Going Down Praying by Josh Herring

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[Music] hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn King peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled Daniel 6 verse 10 Daniel 6 verse 10 now in Daniel near that the writing was signed he went into his house and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did a four time I don't know how far get into this tonight but I want to preach if I'm going down I'm going down praying if I'm going down I'm going down praying someone get ready something Goods gonna happen tonight that's our shot I love mine I love you Jesus can you join me lift him up one more time loose to get the faith God in the atmosphere let there be miracles from tonight a la moune Hutta dilemma ha ha I worship you have your way in this place Lord anoint me and the people let us be in one mind and one Accord in Jesus name I pray you may be seated pressure the main tactic the enemy has used in the beginning of time on human beings to get them to cave or fall the pressure of temptation the pressure of condemnation all kind of pressure the enemy has put on mankind several historians say the reason why he was so eager to eat the fruit of the tree was because the surfer had pushed her into the tree she had said I cannot eat it or touch it and when she felt the tree and did not die there was a certain pressure then to eat the fruit because she knew she had heard something from Adam that we would not die or we would die if we touched it and ate at God just said don't eat it but when she touched the tree nothing happened so she ate the fruit through pressure and calls mankind to fall into sin and ever since that day mankind has constantly dealt with question I don't have to pass the mic around very far tonight for people to tell you what kind of pressure that they are under there's financial pressure marital pressure parenting pressure atmospheric pressure in the home all kind of things where people are under stress under attack trying to figure out how to deal with what they are dealing with pressure from without and pressure from within internal pressure can make one explode and yet external pressure can make one implode hell oftentimes brings so much pressure on the child of God to see how much they can handle that's what they did to job that day when they tried everything possible to see if he would crack or not we'll see how much pressure he can handle before he loses his mind and they killed his kids and they killed his servants and they made him sick and they made his wife attack him and they made everything he had go away and at the end of all that job said if I'm going down I'm going down trusting God because I came in this world naked and they can shall I depart and the Lord gave and he has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord and though he slay me yet shall I trust him I might be going down but I never let it be said that I went down not trusting God to make a way out of no way if I am going down I'm going down thanking God he's gonna do something for me they took Daniel and the Bible said they had a decree sign that if you prayed any other God besides the king for 30 days you would be killed by being thrown into a lion's den I've never seen this until last week when the Bible said that when Daniel heard that decree he went and opened his windows and prayed three times a day as he did a four time in other words he didn't just start praying three times a day because there was a decree signed and he was panicked he started praying three times a day well before there was ever an attack on his life there's something powerful about people that don't wait for Hell to show up to get a prayer life there's something powerful about people let's say no matter if it's cozy calm or the storms are raging I'm gonna be on the floor tomorrow morning calling on my god I know anyone can praise him but can you pray to him can you say no matter what comes my way if I'm going down I'm going down with a prayer life like I've never had before I didn't mean to kill the shout just now Daniel prayed three times a day and they threw him into a lion's you talk about pressure pressure to cave but the problem was he had prayed so much that when he got into that lion's den the angel was already there waiting on him what a prayer life that hell we even tried to come near someone and yet he sprayed so much that heaven is already in the atmosphere before the attack can come listen there's something powerful about understanding the enemy the enemy I they're going to attack me yes we're gonna come at you yes but if you have a prayer life you can wound the enemy before they get to your house David understood I'm not gonna fight a giant by wrestling him I'm gonna wound him with a rock before he ever gets close to me I know he's big and I know God's gonna give me the victory but I'm not dumb enough to think I can wrestle this massive pain I'm gonna wound him before it gets in my house anyone can wait till the devil is in their house to start praying but I love it when people do not wait for the enemy to attack their kid I'm not waiting on Hale to get my teenager at 18 but while he's 4 years old let me be on the floor saying God save my baby protect my don't shed sanrak you've got to bow down to the golden image when the music is playing and Shadrach said not gonna happen and everybody was starting to bow down I saw this a couple days ago and I'm sure it's been preached a thousand times but it never was about Shadrach had he attacked Shadrach because he didn't bow down it had been one thing I don't know if that would even come through but there's a little hidden part there that I never saw before Nebuchadnezzar when he was building that image when he was making everyone bow down saying who is that God that can deliver out of my hands he didn't call out Shadrach he called out Shadrach god big mistake when Hale goes after your God and not you if they come at me I might go down but if they come out the name that's above every name I have a right to stand up that's why Shadrach knew I'm not going down the fire you can do what you want to me but you just called out my god and I know one thing if I stand for him when the pressure is on he will stand for me I might go down but I'm going down standing for what's right and everyone thought you talk about peer pressure everyone around him bowed down bowed the knee they were bowing down before his friends were people that live for God were his his elders were and yet here Shadrach Meshach and Abednego Hananiah Mishael and Azariah their true names and they're standing before this King and they looked at Nebuchadnezzar and said our God whom we serve is able to deliver us but if not if I'm going down I'm not going down caving to your false doctrine you hear me teenager hear me college student if you go down don't let he'll ever get a victory in your life in the doctrine make up your mind and if I'm going down it's not because of what I believe because I'm gonna believe the oneness of God I wish that more than seven of you I'm gonna believe the oneness of God more than anything in my life let the enemy here Oh Israel the Lord our God if I'm going down I'm going down standing for the truth Esther this has been a decree everyone's gonna die and the Bible said Esther called a fast you talk about a real fast three days no food no water and Esther said we're all gonna fast and I'm gonna go before the presence of the king it's against the law Esther you're gonna die no you don't understand if I perish if I'm going down I'm going down in the King's presence I'm not waiting for a soldier to invade my bedroom to bring the sword to my throne and say your life is over if I'm going down I'm going down in the presence of the king that's why you can't make me skip Sunday night Church because if he comes if he comes back tonight I wanted to be said that I was in the last service with the King and Esther went out into the court of the path she wasn't even in the Kings royal house she was if you could just picture it he's inside this house and there's this doorway that leads out into the court and that's where she was he saw her out into the court he wasn't ten feet in front of him she was out in the court a different room but when she approached him after three days of knees shaking and legs were weak no food he tried anyone can walk until you try it just go one day without water and food see how you feel but three days Esther staggers in to the courtroom and she's there before the king and even though it's against the law for anyone to her getting near that courtroom she comes as far as she can go she's not allowed in the Royal house at all she's not even allowed in the courtroom but yet here she comes and she goes as far as she can go here's me somebody she had fasted as far as she could fast she had walked as far as she could walk and when she could go no further the I saw her and he grabbed this scepter someone's gonna make it hard for God to say no to them if they keep fasting and they keep praying and they keep going as far as they can for God if I go down I'm going down consecrating like never before one more with issue of blood said if I'm going down I'm going down reaching for a garment that no one else is reaching for here's one that will help somebody jesus said if I'm going down I'm going down forgiving everybody around me that would didn't get much shouting right there because we like to shout and hold grudges we love to shout and hate someone across the church but jesus said while I was on the cross Father forgive them they know not in other words I'm got to leave this place but I'm gonna forgive everybody - that's powerful when you understand Billy Cole's salt what people say around a million people get the holy goes to eight weeks before he died the Lord spoke to the coal on his recliner and said you are as great success at being like my apostles you've seen more people get the Holy Ghost - all of my apostles combined his wife told me this his grandson told me this also he was smiling saying thank the Lord thank you Lord and the Lord said but you're a miserable failure at being like me and the Lord named eight preachers that Billy Coe had a problem with and said if you died to pay you would be lost because you have a problem is all eight of these men and Billy Cole had to call all eight men even though they had done him wrong had to call all eight men and forgive them when he called the last one and forgave him he went into a coma or two or three days later and never came out of it but he went to heaven let me tell you something something powerful about knowing the power of forgiveness is so real and even though your flesh doesn't want to do it you'll be more like Jesus when you forgive someone well I killed a Shaolin here right there come on you can't conquer bitterness with unforgiveness you can't conquer your grudge holding with unforgiveness you can't conquer jealousy with unforgiveness you've got to forgive everyone oh here's one Paul and Silas beat half to death in the dungeon gonna get killed they're never coming out and Paul said hey hey Sai why don't we sing now Silas is probably going I'm not really feel like singing the pulse it were if we're gonna go down let's go down celebrating oh you talk about giving hell a headache right here it we already a pet we're already beat half to death they've already got us bloody war on he's locked up we can't do anything we - oh praise God but they're gonna kill it well then we'll get to heaven faster ornament alley that would be fit got ahold of some of us we get upset losing the Holy Ghost over her car cutting us off forget the clothes in the washer almost lose our minds and wash him again Paul said I'm about to die tomorrow let's go let's sing praises under his name oh I wish that would get loose right here if it's Elaine this is my last Sunday night let me celebrate it down well I got all hell breaking loose I'm gonna shout anyway well I've got all kind of crazy attacks in my family he's still worthy he's the king of glory I'm gonna lift up my head and magnify when my flesh doesn't want to someone praise him right now like it's your last check I tell you to praise him right now like it'd be the last hand clap you gave him the last time you opened your mouth I love you Jesus if I'm going down I'm going down shouting I'm going down prophesy I'm going down to Clary that God is good he's still away maker he's still a healer he's still a provider [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on Elijah look at that barrel of ale and prophesy if you keep doing it there'll be more barrels they'll be more mail they'll be more move in the spirit if I'm going down I'm going down declaring that God is gonna come through [Music] [Applause] and something's trying to get loose in this church tonight Lord if it's you bid me to come to you on the water that's what Peter said you talk about pressure he's got peer pressure staring at him no one else is getting out of the boat he's got atmospheric pressure above him from the storm clouds he's got an invisible pressure from the wind he can't see he's got spiritual pressure not to fail God and let him down he's got an internal pressure to stay focused and Jesus says come and we read that verse and we just think well it was his moment but if you read what it actually says in the Greek come means plural of persons he didn't say come Peter he said come Peter come Matthew come Judas come John come James come Bartholomew come all of you but eleven of them said if we're going down we're going down doubting we trust the storm to destroy us more than the Savior to deliver us yes he's walking on the waters but have you seen how big that cloud is he told all of them come on if you're going down go down stepping out of the boat but 11 out of 12 said we're good right here welcome to the North American church he says come on step out come to me and Peter said I'm going after it-- and the pressure was intense and it before long he failed he failed to one of the pressures of staying focused and he started to sink and we picture this you know gradual going down he sank a medial it's water people he sank immediately and his little hand was reaching out of the water and he was screaming Jesus help me and Jesus reached down with one hand and pulled him up watch this and the Bible says they both went back to the boat the pressure and either caused panic or create peace when he was in the flesh pressure costs panic when he was holding the hand of Jesus in the same storm there was peace it all depends on what you're holding on to how you're feeling right now about the pressure you're under if the pressure is making you panic I dare say it your prayer life is not where it needs to be no one got there I will say it again if the pressure is causing panic then the prayer life needs to be elevated until you leave the prayer closet with peace that passes all understanding if I get in the place of prayer long enough it doesn't matter what you bring at me I'll feel the peace speaker in the room that's why Paul stare the wicked King whose father had killed James and grandpa had killed John the Baptist and great-grand Paul had killed all the babies when Jesus was born his King Agrippa and he stares at Agrippa and he said you can do what you want to me outwardly but I can fake myself happy in other words you can attack this physical body all you want to but I've got you pinned right here in my head I've been praying I've been talking to God the Bible said Paul wasn't fastings often he was in watchings often that means sleeplessness or all-night prayer me Paul was always praying and hits me sometimes lately if the pressure is causing panic my prayer life is it where it needs to be and if I'm going down panicking I cannot be truthful and say I'm going down praying but if I can say no matter what the pressure is doing I'm gonna pray like I've never prayed before I'm gonna get so many hours of prayer in it's gonna drive my flesh crazy I'm gonna say something here because I feel like I'm coming up I can say this here but I wouldn't preach about this most place but most say it here right now but a few months ago I was praying for a deeper prayer life and a deeper walk with God I was praying for her to help me pray more and a friend of mine Viktor Jackson called me and we were talking about some things on prayer and he told me something about a month ago I called him back how he did this he told me if a couple years ago he started logging his prayer life now this is critical if you're legalistic you can't act me one too but he said start logging my prayer life I started keeping a grass every day of how many hours that I pray he said I noticed a couple things number one I started getting hungry to pray more than just in the morning I wanted to pray throughout the day I wanted to be able to pray as much as I possibly could I started reading my Bible more like crazy before long I was so hungry I was putting hours and hours in the presence of God every day and he said that I weighed a graph and each month I could tell how many hours I pray and what month I was closer to God and what months I wasn't as close to God I said I'm on trying and this last month my prayer life has been to places it's never been I can't stop reading his word I can't stop pray I'm not brown I'm just telling you the truth I'm telling what the man told me that if you will make yourself accountable to prayer I know I'm gonna hit someone right now well I don't I don't pray more than thirty minutes but I don't go 30 minutes without poori that's a bunch of garbage that's usually people say oh I Love You Jesus and they get out of the car bless this food but a prayer life is saying if I've got five minutes in the car until a next stop I'm gonna give God the best five minutes that he's ever felt from my life if I'm sure my fellow maja if I've got 20 minutes at the house before everyone wakes up I'm gonna get on the floor and I'm gonna say Lord I'm all yours the next 20 minutes everything about me is yours nonetheless about to happen I feel like in the Holy Ghost right now God is about to impart a deeper prayer life to people in this world you're about to pray longer more desperate prayers than you've ever prayed in your lifetime reason why I did it pastor was because I was I normally get my our prayer in the morning and I was seeing I was noticing how I always write down what time I start and I write down when I'm praying about and I was noticing myself tapping out at 45 minutes 55 minutes and I thought man Jesus said you don't think it's about and he'll think Jesus cares about this even Jesus said could you not just watch and pray with me an hour is it really that hard for you to pray an hour I thought to myself okay and then boy the enemy really helped me my phone updated and it started telling me how many hours of screen time I had a day you can act all holy your phone needs to update to homey I started pulling out excuses like well my kids watch my phone you know I watched preaching so it's pretty much on and the Lord said to me but you're not praying he said Daniel opened his windows three times a day how many windows are open on your phone right now oh I'm gonna get with you y'all get on comfortable all you want to and all of a sudden I was like wait a second how in the world can I call myself a preacher and spend more screen time than I have prayer time is how can I get up there four people inside heard from God no you heard from your phone if you're gonna hear from God you can just one thing I know about prayer oh that you can't rush it you can't say well here you go there's 24 hours and today I'm gonna give you seven minutes all day long and you better you better speak Lord no you gotta be try to find time as much time as possible and if he doesn't speak the first 10 days who cares I'm proving to him that I'm slowing my life down because I want more time in his presence now I'm off my nose but I'm in the Holy Ghost right now I feel it if you prayed 3 hours a day you still wouldn't pray 24 hours a week you have to pray 3 point 4 2 hours a day to pray one day a week 20 that's and this being honest and personal I wouldn't pretty smile but that's a goal of mine right now I want to get to the place where every week I can say I given I gave God a day of my week you pray 3 hours a day you've prayed 90 hours in a month you've pray almost 4 days of an tithe your month in prayer I know this is four and people are staring at me like I'm crazy but wonder why we get so stressed and have so much anxiety and so much fear it's because we plug in for a couple minutes on Monday and they'll pray till Wednesday and then Friday we're trying to get a breakthrough and we wonder why we're tired so we need to be in the presence of God that no matter what comes at me I'm gonna be praying soon we got ready to go on this last trip and I was starting to give God my excuses now God you know we have three kids you know the first two nights of this 17 day trip or in a hotel you know the next 12 nights are at my wife's family's house there'll be 12 people in that house you know the last four nights are in a tiny little hotel room two and a conference is going on and he said it's so clear to stop with your excuses you will find time for me if you make it a higher priority so you know I started praying when I was at the hotel and at the in-laws house God give me windows of time throughout the day where people either leave the house or they're all asleep or something's going on where there's not distractions let me find a quiet spot in whether it's five minutes or five hours I don't care but god I probably where I tell them I promise you this Lord if you'll give me those windows I will not waste them I will not be carnal in those moments I promise you God if you give me 10 minutes show mother I'm trying to help someone right now if you give me 10 minutes God I'll give you the best 10 minutes of prayer I'll cry tears I wasn't gonna cry I'll repent of things I wasn't gonna repent up I'll confess anything I'll be broken before you and I tell you right now the Holy Ghost if you make up your mind to give God the windows Daniel your angels will show up his angels will be near you you can stand now for the Holy Ghost show them better they cut time I don't know why I'm going down this road to that but I feel it so strong it's time to stop blaming everybody time to stop walking in the flesh and it's time to have real prayer life if sister Kol could take me to the spot on the floor in her house where she told me for six days she prayed on that spot in the floor while he Theo Pierre was having the crusade or 65,000 people got the Holy Ghost she only got to use the restaurant you showed me the spot in her room before she died were three hours at night from 9:00 to midnight after her daughter only child her daughter was dead and Billy Cole her husband was dead the last several years of sister Cole's life three hours a night she prayed seven days a week three hours in her late 70s you ready Daniel was 13 years old when he went ten days with pulse and did not eat the Kings meat and we call on a Daniel fast it was just not really fasting he was just saying I'm not eating food offered to idols but undal 2010 when 21 days when he didn't eat anything didn't eat the flesh if you worried that he didn't anything at all 21 Daniel was 82 he was 13 when he gave God 10 days he was 82 when he said I'm gonna give him 21 most people when they live for God are on fire when they start both preachers pray and fast when they're young and the older they get and the raw seasoned Saints get we just exist convincing ourselves we've arrived at some dimension that doesn't require consecration [Applause] but Jesus said this time cometh not out but by prayer and fasting and he's praying and Gethsemane right before he goes through a cross I've got no excuses if Anna's 84 years old and the temple giving God fastings and prayers and that he read that word prayers it was supplications for everybody he was praying for everybody else's needs but hers she was a grandma that day a mother in Zion and everybody would bring their needs to church and Anna would start praying over all of it eighty-four years old I've got no excuse to leave this service tonight or leave 2018 when the same prayer life that I've had you want the favor of God find a deeper balanc with God you want the peace of God find his hand start walking with him in the storms I feel that the Lord's gonna let me do this tonight I feel like tonight in the altar call that I'm gonna be able to pray with you and when I pray for you I feel the Holy Ghost if you're if you'll receive and you'll be hungry the Lord's gonna take your prayer life to another level if you'll make yourself accountable you know it's so sad pastor Myers when I started writing down that graph I started realizing oh my goodness I am wasting so much time oh I say I'm so busy I got three kids under five years old and travel on the road with my family nine times out of ten yeah I'm stressed and yes I'm tired but when I realized how many minutes were actually free that I wasn't talking to him you don't have to pray three hours at one time but you could pray 15 minutes 12 times and at the end of the when you lay your head in the pillow at night ohoho it's not about the hours it's just no wool I've been the puppet in your presence three hours today giving my best I was in your presence so many times David said evening ended morning and I seek thee I really feel like if we want more of God we've got to have more than one meeting a day with him some of you need to start with one meeting a day and others would have one may need to go to Toulon and some of them with to need to go to three and start telling the Lord I'm going to do something in and I and I was including my Bible as part of prayer some people may not do that but I'm teaching for a second I always include reading my Bible because prayers are dialogue and the reading the word is God talking to me I can talk and run out of words to say and when I get tired I think well the permitting is over it's not over the rivers just slowing down but they're saying this this exams the exact same amount of water in the river when the current is slow when the current is fast when you're breaking through weeping and speaking in tongues like this it's powerful when it slows down and you want to get out of it while I prayed and I broke through and I'm done crying so God must be done no no I'm gonna grab my Bible I'm gonna do slow in the spirit I'm gonna listen for his voice let me tell you something now give you this before I close I noticed one and this has been going on I'm in paralyzed been going on for years but this intensity is gone for a month and I know one thing without a shadow of a doubt and that is this my sensitivity to his voice has turned up like never before when the guys that we that we mentor in our groupís he's a he text our group about six weeks ago that his grandma was dying of cancer and he touched the group and three or four weeks went by and when this purse that was throwing all the couple weeks ago I was driving on the road and the Lord spoke to him and said pray for TJ his grandma just died and 30 seconds later TJ text our group can you guys pray for me my grandma just died two minutes all I know was I was in the Lord's presence so many times that morning I could hear his voice maybe I'm a weirdo but I am sick of not hearing his voice I want to hear him I want to know I want to feel him I am not satisfied this carnal world it makes me sick I want to feel God if angels are near I want to see them if its glory isn't there I want to feel that if its presence isn't there I wanted to consume me if his words gonna speak to me I want to read until I find the verse if you're hungry for more if you're under some pressure but you want your prayer life to go to another level I dare you to get out of the pew and get to the altar as fast as you can and say Lord I'm hungry you can have every free minute of my day if I've got to write a graph down I know it sounds so so easy but I'm telling you I'm if I'm gonna make myself accountable I'm gonna pray more I don't want to write down a half an hour I don't want to write down 12 minutes I don't want to write down I was only in your presence if y'all no no no no at the end of the day let me know I did my best to be in your presence come on Daniel as he did a four time you can't take a Daniel out with lions he's got too strong of a prayer life would you lift as I pray with you right now when I'm done for him would you shout the name of Jesus and would you go into prayer by the authority of the word of God and the power of the name of Jesus I am part of deeper prayer life upon this and this congregation corporately and lives individually I pray you would convict us for carnality and you would help us to reach you like we never have when I have wasted moments when I go to grab my phone let me not grab it but let me grab my Bible start talking to me that you want to hear me on the floor reaching for you in the name of Jesus let this spread like a fire right now in this audience what somebody shout the name of cheese now once you start to pray right now would you reach for him right now would you learn for him right now [Applause] [Music] I'm going down I'm going down fasting if I'm going down I'm going down praying if I'm going down I'm going down reading my Bible not reading the internet if I'm going down I'm hearing God's voice not my enemy's voice if I'm going down I'm going down trusting him if I'm going down I'm going down standing for holiness where are you Shadrach where are you Esther where are you Daniel where are you Paul the windows are open we're lawyers B birth right now I feel the Holy Ghost Pastor Myers in the month of December this church corporately will pray more hours than any month it's ever pray to the history of his church in the name of Jesus so let it be done and 10 December let this church pray more hours than any other month in the church's history let more chapters of the Bible be read in the next 30 days and in this in any time of your life in a thirty day period I pray you and find him seek me and find me when you search for me with all of your heart he's gonna reward the diligent seeker no matter what I've got to do I'm gonna find him come on mom you can pray prayers over your babies you never thought you'd pray you can get to it you can find a place in prayer where you're fighting things that are ten years away before they even get near your child you see them because you're walking with God and you block it and you say that's not going to happen that is gonna happen I relate you can pray let the intercessors be unleashed right now let some men get it pick going right now in prayer with some working men become praying men right now let some working men honest working men good men become praying men of God right now let some elders frighten the demons of Hell with an increased prayer life even beyond what they've gone to before let some ladies start going into effect we don't even need music we don't need music tonight it's an altar call for prayer because of my solemn aha let everyone find a place to pray that everyone find a place to pray either you're going to be a prayerful person or a prayer less person either you're going to be a man of prayer or a man that doesn't pray a woman of prayer or woman of prayerlessness I've got to go to another level I've got to go to the level I can't be satisfied with yesterday's breakthrough last year's anointing ten years ago sprayer life oh it's consistent but can I get hungrier can I give him more if he was always climbing mountains in the night time and praying all night long there's no excuse for me the altar is open for increased prayer the old timers used to preach that I've read several books that a preacher who couldn't even go to heaven if he didn't pray three hours a day oh how convicting he that's how they believed it back then you had to walk with God and your day to really say you walked with God how can we say we walk with God when we don't talk with God he knows my heart that's the problem Kalamata my heart is wicked that's what David said please create in me a clean heart renew a right spirit in me you can pray now or a day if you want to if you have to break it up for different times find different times ten different that you can pray now or tomorrow if you want to watch and pray they enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak we say the flesh is strong its weak the flesh has to be subdued it can be your servant but stay a week you have to lead it you have to make it you have to force it it doesn't want to pray it wants to be lazy it wants to be entertained it doesn't want to read it wants to watch I'm not attacking any of that I'm just saying help us God if we were watching and being entertained but we're not praying and we're not reading we're being led by our flesh and not the Spirit that's where temptation comes watch and pray watch and pray watch and pray Oh God let it be said I was a man of Prayer Lord let me die knowing I was a man of prayer let me not go another day without dropping tears don't give my eyelid sleep if I've not dropped any tears trouble me in the night if I if you're not satisfied with the amount of time I've been your presence trouble me go wake me up Lord don't let me be in charge of the prayer meeting any longer take over Jesus pray through me long been an old always to faint always to pray and not to faint they'll never let us faint we're always need to play we're always fainting because we're never playing we're always panicked because we're not playing cancer leave this room in the name of Jesus right now Otacon another boy a little soda a little shunned I yo-yo motor acontece acutally shut eye calling he wants more time with you none of this was in my notes at all the Lord is doing something right now he wants more time with me stall his mom and dad were prayer warriors they pastored Houston area but the Kilgore said that when they got there they didn't have revival in their church for a while so his mom and dad for 30 days prayed 24 hours a day between the two of them Warren would pray and then when the one would get tired the other would start and when there was an hour or 16 hours they would pray until they were worn out and the other one would start but at the end of that 30 days revival broke loose that was never stopped hundreds and hundreds and hundreds were baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost because two people said if we're going down we're going down bringing we're going down praying I can hear Nona frame in the back of my head saying light in that room with five kids and her husband and Africa in one little bedroom and but it's from wall to wall with no food but every morning she would get up and pray and worship God every morning for food and every day for 30 days a bag of groceries was left outside the door purple bean himself in a church for 29 days one time without food when he came out the church gassed for air because they saw a light glow all around his body he W Barnes walked around the woods every day for 60 something years around a stump and prayed hours and hours every day but he was a prophet of God all I'm saying is it's available if you wanted I'm gonna say Netflix doesn't satisfy my hunger the game doesn't satisfy my hunger something in my spirit is yearning for something only Jesus can satisfy help me God get to a place where my heart is clean before you where my heart is pure in your sight I forgive everyone who has a problem with me everyone talking bad about me I forgive them Lord I repent of anything I've said Lord I'm going down I'm going down pray the Lord is whispering in the ears of people right now some of you he's telling you certain times some of you he's telling you a certain amount of minutes some of he's just saying start tonight start tomorrow make yourself accountable don't assume you prayed that long if you're not praying that loan don't say you prayed an hour when you pray 24 minutes spend an hour your flesh might hate it but oh you're you're putting it under subjection you're taking authority my worst adversary is not the devil it's my flesh a it must be subdued it will only be subdued to prayer and then more prayer every head bowed every eye closed holder goes take over right now I pray for visions of the night dreams and the night from God to start coming I pray for encounters with your presence or that they never dreamed they'd have Oh Cup I pray for answered prayers for people individually right now in this room that have made up their mind that if you answer me or you don't I'm still going to pray tomorrow if you come through or you ignore me it you're gonna find me in your presence the next day sometimes God says no to test my loyalty sometimes God will say no to see if I'm gonna be back in his presence the next day or if I'm just there to get my list done or shut down Emma Dakota yet I must let there be a committed spirit of Prayer in me God that no matter what the result or the outcome is I just want to be in your presence I just want to be in your presence I'm sure to get to a place and I'm nowhere near but he told me yesterday on the floors that there is a place in prayer where you don't even want to ask me for anything you're so thankful you're so consumed you're so happy just being in my presence I haven't arrived of that dimension where I consistently pray without asking for something I will get there i want my greatest player each days i've got to have you i'm gonna have more of you but my greatest need be for more time with you god my greatest desire for more prayer if i'm going down going down pray you know why Jesus went to Calvary two reasons first he was persuaded that his dying would shed blood that was powerful enough to forgive the worst person you ready and then he was persuaded that death wasn't powerful enough to hold it destroy this temple and in three days I'm going to raise it back up you know why we got a church and I'm persuaded I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it your God is persuaded why don't you get persuaded yeah good let's say again ready the three of the three greatest words in life [Applause] thank you it's not God is love it's I am persuaded God loves me it's not God is able to heal its I appreciated God will heal me we've had such moves of the Holy Ghost here and yet somehow God is said to my heart tell these people the greatest thing they'll get out of this whole conference is to walk out of here with an innate persuasion so I got a word for you some of you got prayed for some of you got anointed some of you got spit all over somebody slapped you around and you didn't get your healing the Lord told me to tell you tell my people sometimes my healing comes as a seed and they want a full harvest that's a miracle but miracles are not always given to people but healing comes as a seed what does that be you better be persuaded the seed can be stolen you better water it you better protect it you better nurture it you better pray over it you better bless it you better encourage it you better talk to it you better be persuaded that the miracle is in the sea [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 8,958
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: Josh Herring, God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice)
Id: Yt-Yd0SBu-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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