"Drought, Fire, Rain!" | Pastor Samuel Rodriguez

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today on new season fact there were days the night before you told God I can't continue to push this plow I can't continue to break the ground or so Christine I'm giving up but somehow the next morning even though the night before you said I can't push the plow somehow the next one you got right up and you continue to push the plow break the ground and so obama what you got up because the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead it's the same spirit that lives inside of you I want to get right into the word right into the word it's it stems from first Kings 1919 it'll be accelerated on occasion here I just want to illustrate this George come up here quickly that's Georgie's my travel assistant he's great and I pay him well come up here George wiggling and so we're gonna illustrate this first Kings 1919 I bring you greetings from our new season family in Sacramento California we passed her a multi-ethnic church likewise different campuses God is doing a mighty thing first Kings 19 19 here it is this is God's word for you today so Elijah went and found Elisha plowing a field there were twelve teams of oxen in the field and Elisha was plowing the twelve team Elijah went over to him threw his cloak his mantel across his shoulders and then walked away let me repeat that I want you to visualize this for a second so Elisha win and found Elisha son of shabak plowing a field there were 12 teams of oxen in the field and Elisha was plowing with a 12 team Elisha went over to him through his mantle around his shoulders and then walked away first Kings 19 19 here's what God spared placed in my heart for you today for you and every campus every single person watching online the plow of perseverance and the mantle of promotion if you push the plow you can carry the mantle subtext would be this what heaven starts in hell cannot stop it what happens just what we do a little polity in our church just cater to me for a second here look it's a California thing well look at your neighbor the one you like and tell them what heaven starts it hell cannot stop it now tell the other neighbor the one you barely tolerate he tell that neighbor what heaven starts it hell cannot stop it there's a fine line between the prophetic and the pathetic um I am convinced and convicted at first Kings eighteen and nineteen speaks to this very hour for that matter I believe that and we are living in today spiritually speaking just like the days that they have in Jezebel a hab was a horrible King a mucho Malo hombre Jezebel was his wife and she was nasty on steroids she hated the prophets persecuted to preachers and rejected truth Elijah on the other hand was God's chosen prophet a man of a mantle a man of a message a man of omission that'll I just saw a man named Elijah pushing a plow breaking the ground and sowing seeds when as instructed by God he places his mantle upon him a mantle that changed his life and the history of a nation one that was subsequently embody the notion of a greater portion here it is God always provides a prophetic antidote to pathetic times spiritually speaking a half represents forces of access and authority attempting to prompt as a sacrifice truth on the altar of expediency just about represents America senator Brenda it represents the manipulative sexually coercive perverse corrupt cultural spirit intent to kill the prophetic voices silence truth and construct Asherah poles in order to marginalize the Oracles of righteousness injustice simply stated in the 21st century in Georgia all across America and the for that matter we cannot deny the following the spirit of Jezebel is alive and well that spirit is persecuting prosecuting and decapitating the children of the cross the spirit of Ahab is alive and well robbing love killing joy and destroying peace the spirit of bale is alive and well demanding that truth be sacrificed on the altar of the false but here's the good news let me digress here's the great news it's not over I said it's not over it's not over how can I be sure here's what I want you to do regardless of what you had for breakfast or early lunch I want you to find the biggest smile you've had this week put it on right now I want to see the team dentures teeth fake implants whatever maybe we don't judge you just put out your gun and put that smile on your face and with this awkward smile look at your neighbor I I kid you not look at your neighbors a reason for that because the church can't drink the kool-aid we're not the sad news people were the good news people and I'm tired of going across America and the world and seeing Krishna's sort of melancholic and sort of corporately depressed and going like all always mean this thing is going to hell in a handbasket the ship already sailed regardless of what we do there's no good news oh stop it so put that smile on real good you put it and ask your neighbor ask him why are you smiling we gotta do it like this girl are you smiling now answer your neighbor tell them because of the power of still STI ll tell them still now ask your neighbor what's Phil tell him God is still on the throne God is still on the phone I said God is still on the throne his blood still works his spirit is still moving his promises are still yes and amen and it's mercies still endure forever so don't drink the kool-aid man because in spite of what we see on CNN MSNBC Fox News ABC NBC CBS and even Univision I'm contractually obligated to say Univision regardless of what we see on the cover of The New York Times or Wall Street Journal or Washington Post regardless of what we read and see regardless don't drink the kool-aid there is a spirit more powerful that Jezebel a hat and bail combined I must say that one more time that the devil gets a migraine the spirit most powerful in Georgia the most powerful spirit in America the most powerful spirit in Latin America in Africa in Asia I had the audacity to say this the most powerful spirit in Iraq in Iran Afghanistan Syria flip how about this the most powerful spirit in North Korea the most powerful spirit all over the world it's not the spirit of Jezebel it's not the spirit of pale it's not the spirit of they have the most powerful spirit alive today is still the holy spirit of Almighty God it is the Spirit of God indeed and it is not by might nor by power but by my SAS the Lord and with that spirit is present there is power Acts chapter 1 verse 8 there is freedoms that can Corinthians 3:17 it is desperate indeed other any questions so with that understanding let's look at this context we know via the conduit of historical contextualization with a firm commitment to biblical orthodoxy if we execute the scripture we know very well in its historical context that Elijah and Elijah come from two different social economic wombs Elijah more impoverished Elijah had money we know this and we know again via the rubric of historical contextualization we know that as a son in the family Elijah would have to wake up every single morning and he would have to push the plow break the ground and silver seed every single morning on sunny days he would wake up and he would push the plow break the ground and sow the seed on rainy days he still have to get up and push the plow break the ground and so deceive on deeds on days where he was in a good mood he would have to push the plow break the ground and sow the seed on days when he was in a bad mood he would still have to push the plow break the ground and so to sleep when people liked him he would push the plow break the ground sow the seed when people hated on him on Facebook he will still have to push the plow break the ground and sow the seed there were days that he made me may have had all the strength of the world all the wherewithal the acumen afforded to the impetus and there are days where he lacked everything he regardless he would have to wake up and push the plow break the ground and so to see do you think it's a coinkidink that this man was pushing the plow he wasn't at home watching Netflix stranger things he was pushing the plow breaking the ground and sowing the seed and one day a lie Jacques comes over places his mantle upon him walks away changes history so here it is this is for every single this message is for every single person here it serves as a prophetic metaphor the proverbial plow if you've been pushing the plow breaking the ground and sowing the seed this message is for you if you've been pushing the plow breaking the ground and sowing the seed in your family in your home in your marriage in your relationship in your faith in your integrity in your career and your calling if you've been doing it in this journey on good days and bad days if you've been pushing the plow on days when everyone loved you in days when everyone hated you if you continued to push the plow on sunny days and rainy days there are days you've been pushing the plow when heaven was in your favor and there were days you continued to push the plow when hell was unleashed to stop you and there were days that you have all the strength and you got up in the morning with a smile on your face and you were pushing the plow breaking the ground and sowing the seed and then we're Daisy do you want to get up matter of fact there were days the night before you told God I can't continue to push this plow I can't continue to break the ground or soldier see I'm getting up but somehow the next morning even though the night before you said I can't push the plow somehow the next one you got right up and you continue to push the plow break the ground and so oh by the way the reason you got up you didn't get up because you're black white yellow or brown you get up because you're Hispanic charismatic or automatic you didn't get up because you're Republican or Democrat you got up because greater is He that is in you you got up because the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same spirit that lives inside of you you got right up and you continue to push the plow break the ground and sow the seed so if you've never pushed the proverbial plow if you don't know what it is to break the ground is soda seed this message is not for you but for every single person here who has been pushing to plow breaking the ground and sowing to see here's what God's Spirit place in me almost saying with with fear and trembling in the name of Jesus and again we're gonna bridle commitment to biblical the dog see the centrality of Christ and not out of the womb of emotional exuberance but driven by the Spirit of Almighty God let me share with you what God told me to share with you if you've been pushing the plow on good days and bad days rainy days in sunny days a days will smile on your face and days with tears rolling down your cheeks on days where the windows of heaven shined on you and on days where the powers of Hell were unleashed to stop you here's the word for you this is for you this is for you you you you you plow push are you here's the word here's the word here's the word there is a mantle which means there put a smile on your face there is a fresh touch from heaven coming your way let me say it again there is a mantle which means there's a heavenly deposit coming your way there is a mantle which means there's a shift in your atmosphere coming your way there is a mantle which means there are resources and harvests coming your way there is a mantle which means you will not be defined by what you push you will be defined by what you carry if that's you give God your best shot of praise you've given him dishy [Applause] but this it's not just any man so when you break this down for you it is the mantle it is the mantle of drought fire and rain repeat up to me say droughts fire and rain - if you're taking any notes number one it is the mantle drought fire rain what does this mean it's the mantle on their live jaw during the drought when he prayed down fire and unleashed terrain its essence is captive its held captive in first Kings 18:21 elijah went before the people and said how long were you waver between two opinions if the Lord is God follow him but if bale was God follow him here comes the Lance the line the iconic line there but the people of God said nothing Elijah that this is the mantle of drought fire and rain it is the mantle of prophetic confrontation let me explain so man the people said nothing by the way the people said nothing the people get is God's children said nothing today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity I'll say that again for the hearing impaired today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity number two you are what you tolerate there are things that we've tolerated in our generation that we have the anointing to rebuke in the name of Jesus [Applause] number three there is no such thing as comfortable Christianity number four truth must never be sacrificed on the altar of political culture or sexual expediency and number five while the church is waiting for Jesus to come down and I believe he's coming amen praise the Lord and pass the ammunition I know he's coming I believe but why the church is waiting for Jesus to come down Jesus is waiting for his church to stand up [Applause] Ephesians 527 now let me me a glorious church a thriving church let me explain something drought fire and rain if you've been through at least one drought in your life one drought financial relational in your journey and your faith walk if you've been through at least one drought in your life one drought one mucho Grande drought rays one here if you've been through a couple of droughts nothing was growing things were hard raise both hands oh wow if you've been through so many droughts in your life you lost count raise both hands and a foot if you be honest if you've been through so many droughts that if right now I googled the word drought your Instagram account pops up but it's drought fire ramp repeat after me droughts fire rain this is important here's the drought but people want to jump from drought to rain about going through the fire and that's the chronological order of first Kings 18 this mantle enables you to survive the drought to go through the fire and experience the fullness of God's abundant rain what does that mean we have to go from drought to fire fire is the season in your life where God purchase where God cleanses where God removes things in you and around you and even possibly people around you that would have hindered your destiny the fulfillment of his purpose in your life so so if things have been removed this year or in the past season if you bent through your drought and you've been through your fire by the way the fire doesn't make you go like don't glory to God does it the fire is uncomfortable it's it's a bit it's painful it's not like the nicest thing but man when you come out of the fire if you've been through your drought and you've survived your fire if I were you I put a smile on my face because it only means the next thing coming your way it's nothing less than the sound of a pump in rain there's rain coming your way there's rain coming your way Ezekiel 34 26 and in the proper season I will send the showers they need and they will be showers of blessing in with this generation with a christ-centered grace tailored mantle will survive the drought prey down fire and thrive in the rain and those that prayed with you in the drought deserve to dance with you in the rain those that abandon you and you were going through what you went through but those that break hashtag them but those that prayed with you in the drought deserve to dance with you in the rain number two it is demand to have only God somebody say only God I want to put this in perspective this man too is not some sort of self affirming perpetual validating component and some sort of gospel modus operandi that elevates you above the glory of Christ let me explain this mantle is about you becoming the greatest blessing to everyone you know this mantle is about you becoming the answer to someone else's prayer the deposit of this mantle is not for you just to put a smile on your face and go like isn't that special it's for you to reveal the fullness of the grace filled work of Christ it is the mantle of only God first Kings 1824 call upon the name of your God I will call upon the name of the Lord the God who answers by fires of the wood is the true and only God somebody say only God this mantle is coming your way not just for you to survive the drought and go through the fire and experience the fullness of God's abundant rain but it gives you the ability to power the wherewithal the fortitude to declare only God there are things that only God can do only God can make something out of nothing Genesis 1:1 only God can make a way where there is no way I say a 43:19 only God can restore the things like the damage never happened Luke 22 51 somebody say only God coincidentally right about this time two years ago on my Facebook page my public Facebook page I did something so inappropriate so politically incorrect so myopic how dare I oh woe is me on my Facebook page I wanted it was Thanksgiving season so I wanted to be thankful if that's what we do so on my facebook page I I posted something that I never in my life to this moment received a backlash like I did when I posted the following it was so wrong so wrong so wrong I posted the following Jesus is the only way because of what we do horizontally vertically you get what we do but horizontally by the grace of God we've had the privilege of advising three presidents and doing things across in different arenas we'll have an eclectic following different people but the purpose of it was not to speak disparagingly your condescending in any way form or shape any lady anyone he was just speaking truth with love Jesus is the only way and the pushback I got was significant I mean the pushback was serious one of the push backs was you know you and your people are destroying the world and I went I can't believe they hate Puerto Ricans like that what do they do they just play great baseball good people I mean but obviously it wasn't about the puerto rican thing so then somebody was embedded in the narrative was this sort of prophetic utterance believe it or not I wish you and those that believe like you would one day disappear [Applause] that'll be an answered prayer and then it got personal he got really really nasty and then they got into like a lot of words that we can't share here and then or anywhere for that matter and and they're really bad and yeah we would die and then I got into like the family stuff and did you attack my family and my kids and then they'd somebody posted the name of one of it so I were like whoa like my wife went like it was funny he's no longer funny should we call the FBI or something this is pretty crazy and then embedded in there was the ideal of this by the way where our drink is if you put this if you stop saying that if you stop saying that we will stop harassing you yeah but the thing is that that I have I have a mantle and it's a mantle that that compels me with lung to say only God I mean I have a mantle that compels me drives me that obligates me biblically you can't sacrifice biblical truth so I got I got the vector given you know the given take the deal was if you take care of this and stop saying this will stop coming after you and cameraman give me a close-up Wow then I got a big head all right you got this well respectfully are we streaming lovely here it is just in case I stuttered with love there are not five ways to heaven there are not four ways to heaven there are not three ways to have it there are not two ways to heaven there's only one way to be saved one way to be saved one way to be saved one way to be saved one way to be saved one way for eternal life one way to avoid eternal condemnation there's only one way to be delivered and to be healed one way to be set free and it's not just any way it is it's not just any way it is the way the truth and the life john 14:6 oh and by the way that way has a name it's not just any name it is the name above every other name it is the name to which every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess no other name given unto man through my word salvation has come unto all mankind what is that name it is the name of Jesus Christ and there is no other way they love a name but the name of Jesus if you believe it give God give God a shout of praise [Applause] high-five your neighbor tell him is the only way he is the only way no other way for Jesus no other way for Jesus there is an attempt for us to sacrifice that truth there is an attempt by Jezebel for us to stop declaring and he is the only way don't bring the kool-aid man don't do it he is the only way that mantle empowers you with love not in some sort of confrontational manifestation but with love truth and love huh to declare only Jesus only Jesus let me let me wrap up here it is are there any questions it is the mantle of when heaven starts at Hell cannot stop it what does that mean it is demand to not only about fire rain it is not just a mantle of only God enabling you to say only Jesus it is the mantle of what heaven starts in Hell cannot stop it oh you know this Elijah had the mantle on him when there was and the blue so you know the story you got to look because it's you a hab goes and he's a gossiper and and he talks to his wife and says jessabelle this is first Kings 19 one and two Jezebel was speaking parenthetically now for the purpose of contextualization I'll digress in a second I'll go back to the verbatim application in a second but he just about what's going on just if I came down from the mount yeah I came down from the mountain boom boom boom and there was over there we had a confrontation of the man of the mantel what happened well remember your team your praise and worship team and your dance team yep you need to find another team what happened let's just say they weren't we caught up I mean they were stumped and then where are we we pray the real garden that we did our thing and we danced we did everything we did the name that we did so many things that we were not support there was a lot of stuff we did and with him what happened nothing and what happened the man in the mantle prayed three go wait go BBQ chop chop chop everybody ran ran ran Boom Boom Boom God all day so so this is Jessica's response verbatim now you could do your biblical due diligence she says this she goes I swear by my gods in the next 24 hours Elijah that made of the mantle he will be dead she proper lied she's a proper liar it sounds like a prophecy but it's actually a lie I swear by my god 24 hours from now that man will be dead let me tell you what happened in full disclosure 24 hours came the lines I did not die 48 hours pass Elijah did not die 72 hours passed Elijah did not die 96 hours pass Elijah did not die and full disclosure or we pass they're larger than not died a month past the larger did not die a year pass Elijah a decade pass Elijah did not 100 years pass Eliza did not die a thousand years pass and larger did not die it's been two thousand eight hundred years since Jezebel the prophet Elijah said that Elijah was going to die and believe it or not Elijah has yet to die second Kings chapter 2 verse 11 says that Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind and he never died he's one of the few people on earth that never died I'm here to tell you it doesn't matter what hell has declared upon you or your family or your home or your marriage or your ministry or your children or your children's children when heaven starts in Hell cannot stop it when heaven sergeant pal cannot stop it when heaven blesses it how cannot hurt it [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of us are not even supposed to be here right now oh you're not hearing me some of you are not supposed to be here right now some of us according to jessabelle plans according to Satan's plans if you ask the devil according to your agenda where should we be today the enemy will tell you according to my plan some of you should be right now in a hospital room some of you should be in jail some of you should be in a mental asylum some of you should be in an alley somewhere getting stoned getting high some of you should be waking up from a massive hangover and some of you pick it up that bottle right now some of you should be six feet under right now but guess what it's the month of November the year of our Lord 2017 guess where we're at today we're not in a hospital room we're not in jail we're not getting drunk we're not getting high we are you're here you're here you're here because the Philippians 1:6 the good Lord who sorted the good work in you go finish the work you get started you're here because the 1st Thessalonians 5 24 he who called you is painful to do it you are here you are here you are here because the 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 all of God's promises are yes and amen [Applause] you're here if you're here raise your hand if you're here in spite of everything Jezebel has attempted in your life raise both hands if your hair is white of what you've been through and you've been through a lot now that you know you're not supposed to be here but you're here by the grace of God raise both hands really high because I want you to know something it's just the reason I praise the way I praise look up here for a second listen you may sound that God no listen I'm a Trekkie I'm a Pennsylvania native I went to Penn State graduated from Lehigh University I'm a mathematically inclined individual I am linear sequential I believe calculus is the language of God it really is so I am that nerdy of a guy I'm a die-hard Trekkie I am that nerdy of a guy but the reason I praise the way I praise it's not emotional exuberance it's because I found out that praise was a mathematical equation I found out I found out that the size of your praise is directly proportional to the magnitude of the hell that God took you out I'll say that one more time the size of your brain is directly proportional to the magnitude of the hell that God took you out of if God took you out of a middle hell and you give up a little praise but if he saved you maybe delivered you may be healed you may be turned you around his place your feet on solid ground that you give out to higher raise both your hands and say up here you have no idea what that means this mantle enables you in the face of Jezebel's threats to declare I'm here still here when heaven starts at Hell cannot stop it do you know why you're here you're here everybody stand with you are standing still revered us do you know why you're here you're here not because you perfectly held on to God you're here because God perfectly held on to you you're here not because your faith is so efficient you are here because it's grace there's always sufficient you are here because God does great things with broken pieces you are here because you discovered long ago the secret that when life throws you rocks you built an altar tell your neighbor I'm here tell your other neighbor I'm here I'm here I'm here I am here if this word is for you raise one hand I need you to understand something whatever whatever jessabelle has articulated regarding you and your destiny what God has placed on you is greater than anything hell can place in front of you this is for somebody here man you're here because of Jesus you're here for Jesus better raise both hands and say I am here recently someone here the enemy has been attacking you not because of the foolish things you did in your past but because of the glorious things are about to see in your future it's all a distraction if that's for you I want you to praise like the devil has been defeated I want you to shout like nothing can stand in your way I want you to jump like Satan is underneath your feet I went to the dance like nothing can take away your joy I want you to rejoice like no weapon formed against you shall prosper somebody shout I have a man we're done we're done we're done here we're done here we're done the mope in the mantel fell upon him so it's the mantel drown fire and rain is demand to of only God it is a mantle when heaven starts at Hell cannot stop it number four it as a man told let her go when the mantel fell upon a lie shot immediately read it read it read it he let go of the plow you have to let go of this there's a season to push the plow and then comes the season to carry the mantle and you two objects cannot occupy the same space and don't settle for the perpetual plow don't don't settle for the perpetual flat don't settle for manna in the desert when there's milk and honey waiting for you in the promised land [Music] don't settle for I am okay when you were more than a conquered through crisis now he had to let it go watch this he gotta let it go there's so every time God deposits something fresh upon you it requires you let's go of something else you have to let go let go of constructs idea vocabulary unbelief and unforgiveness let go of the things that are hindering or obstructing the fulfillment of God's purpose in your life turn your back on everything that keeps you away from God and not only will God bless you he will make you the greatest blessing to everyone you know [Music] let go look at you never tell it let it go tell her ready go Ephesians 4:31 let go get rid of anger harsh words slander any at all baits that obstruct let go let go let go let go in the final final point number five it is the mantle of tuck it in what does that mean when Ahab Britney didn't know the story after Elijah did go with the band to the whole drought fire rain ruin why go poopoo when the rain was coming it lives up with the mantle tells a half the king let's get in your car man get out of here great rain is coming Oh Ahab got on his chariot of horses and lied to put on his adidas I'm kidding you know there were Nikes and he raced the profit down the mouth I kid you not you know who got there first the man of the mantle righteousness always wins always wins la santé nada yo siempre gana siempre run so we got and the Bible says that before he started running he tucked in the mantle now the mayor was a raincoat that goes to the bottom why would he tell you did anybody know this is practical it's not like deep prophetic in world no he's practical why would he tuck it in it goes all the way down he's about to run he would tuck it in that's it the man you used the right word to in order not to trip that's it that's it don't trip we've seen too many good people trip over the mantle we've seen too many wonderful beautiful people that have not managed well the deposit from heaven and they've tripped by the way anyone who trips is worthy of being restored [Music] [Applause] after church unfortunately we do a terrible job in restoring our fallen even those that are in the generals in the kingdom where there's legitimate repentance we need to do whatever it takes we can't leave the wounded behind we can't leave the fallout behind we have to pick them up in the name of Jesus but the message here is simple don't trip don't trip over the mantle manage God's blessings manage the favor of God man is a deposit from heaven learn to manage it widen wide tuck it in not for your sake because your but because your children and your children's children they need what you're carrying today this legacy of our Christ centered faith this Bible based spirit empowered Christ centered faith needs to be transferred over to the next generation so you can't trip look at your neighbor tell them don't don't trip don't trip don't tremble raise your right here with me right now I am believing this that with this mantle that's coming upon you of course the mantle is a metaphor for a heavenly deposit and what we have something greater than any double portion we have an unlimited portion because we have the mantle maker but I'm believing right now right where we hands right here in the campus is on line with this man tall man speak prophetically right now and to you you will not tolerate failure you will not surrender truth you will not be silent you will not listen to Ahab you will not bow before bail you will not hide in caves and you will not permit Jezebel to define your life you will not be known for the plow you push you will be known for the mantle you carry if that's you somebody shout a man shouting man look up your first leg good let me have your undivided attention if this message is for you if you've been pushing the plow and breaking ground and sowing seed and some of the days you actually push the plow with tears coming down your cheeks and you were asking God when when when when I'm here to tell you in the name of Jesus there is a mantle coming your way there is a heavenly deposit there's a shift in your atmosphere now if this message is 170 5.3% for you and it's all you when I counted three I want you to come out of your seat go into the aisle come up here and do whatever just show God I'm stepping into the fullness of this world I'm not gonna stay this is all me if it's you if it's not you we're cool if it's you you know who you are back back one two three do your thing come right now Hey [Music] come on what [Music] [Music] is Norman [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] raise your hand ooh repeat after me I receive this word this word is for me in my house I've been pushing the plow breaking ground and so we see today by faith in the name of Jesus I receive my mantle my heavenly deposits the prophetic seal upon my destiny and my calling to shine the light of Christ I receive the mantle of proud fire and rain I receive the mantle of only God of only Jesus I receive the Manito of when heaven starts its hell cannot stop it I receive the mantle of let it go I receive the Manto I've never permit Jezebel bail for a have to define my life visa the fine sweet in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] don't leave for a second I'm gonna speak this word over you I must speak pathetically at walk away this is for you if you wanted raise both hands right now I'm gonna release this with fear and trembling in the Holy Ghost with this mantle by the way the contaminated waters of Terrigal Elijah with the mantle the waters of Jericho were redeemed and clean and where there was Baroness all of a sudden fertility came out I am believing that whenever there was something buried in your life you're gonna see things grow like you've never seen them grow before in the name of Jesus with this mantle the axe head floated and floated if it went down and it floated get ready you're about to see the things restored in Jesus name all over your life all over your family with this mantle the shooter might woman the boy that was dead came back to life are you ready you no longer need to worry about your children or your children's children they will not spiritually die so rip dismantle you will walk like Enoch you won't believe like Abraham you will dress like Joseph you will stretch like Moses you go shout like Joshua dance like David fight like idiots leave like Deborah bright like Daniel feel like Nehemiah breathe like Peter survive even with this mantle you will love unless like Jesus and change the world because when heaven starts it hell cannot stop it if this word is completely for you I want you to give God the best praise you've given him this year [Applause] high-five your neighbor tell him I have a man too and I'm not afraid to use it tell your other neighbor I have a mantle and I'm not afraid to use it I love you I bless you if I don't see you soon I'm all seen doing the biggest dance party of them all of god bless peace stand up pick up your mat and walk the words of Jesus John chapter 5 - the man who was paralyzed your days of paralysis are officially over if you've been blessed by this program have you've heard from heaven if God has spoken to you to your family to your dreaming your destiny now I'm going to encourage you right now to generously sow a seed into this ministry this ministry for the glory of God not rhetorically for the glory of God we are seeing the world changed we are literally reaching millions around the world through God's transformative word through his power through his spirit we're committed to the centrality of Christ to the word of Almighty God and through a free flow of his spirit I want you to help me change the world I don't want to talk about changing the world I want to really change the world but it requires your help you're a financial investment you're generous love offering the information on the screen follow me on pastor Sam comm on Facebook Reverend Samuel Rodriguez Twitter and Instagram Pastor Samuel Rodriguez I want you to follow me right now but I want you to visit our website and I want you to give right now so with generous seed I assure you your life will be blessed because you and I will be the greatest blessing as we touch the world we are not talking about changing the world you and I we're changing the world in Jesus name God bless you God keep you if this message is ministered to you please consider sowing to this outreach ministry make your cheque payable to new season Pio box two four six zero nine zero Sacramento California nine five eight two four additionally you may make a secure donation by visiting our websites give page at new season worshiped org if you are in the Sacramento area we invite you to join us at new season Christian Worship Center Sunday worship services are held at 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. we look forward to seeing you there thank you for watching join us next time on new season with Pastor Sam Rodriguez you
Channel: Samuel Rodriguez
Views: 17,235
Rating: 4.9008265 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor samuel rodriguez free chapel new season
Id: ifaEqxcO-l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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