Factorio 2021/2022 Guide / Tips / How to! Episode 1!

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hello youtube my name is yamacar and i'll be your master pastor chef for this series this series dubbed from zero to pasta we will be aiming to launch a rocket and achieve a steady 500 science packs per minute which is arguably an entry to a megabase so turn your stoves on put a pot of water on the stove and let's get ready to make some epic pasta this series we will be going over the basics and then going into building a mega base so we'll start with the very basics so if you're a first time factorial player this guide series will be for you so first thing you want to do when you start playing factorio is obviously start the game but then you're going to want to choose one of these settings here i'm gonna choose single player because i'm playing single player we're also gonna go new game because we're not loading a game a couple options right here tutorial free play uh and then some game scenarios we will be doing a free play for this uh tutorial is arguably very good so if you're looking at your first time ever ever ever playing you could do the tutorial or you could follow along with me so we're gonna click free play and go on from there next we have a few options with our map generator uh you have a couple different settings here you got default rich resources marathon death world death world marathon rail world riven world in ireland we'll be doing my favorite map setting which is real world and i'll explain that in a second so we're gonna click preview on this map and this is the seed that we are going to be playing the seed i will have written in the comments which you can copy and paste right into the top right here and you can go from there so real world default rich resources marathon what are the difference default it's the same map you can see the water is still in the same location nothing changed there the water is still same same same what does change though is the settings here so resources the richness frequency and size changes so frequency is how often is found on the map size is how big of a deposit it is and richness is how much is in that deposit so all important settings terrain adds water the amount of water on the map the amount of trees the amount of cliffs moisture changes other settings like how green or not green the map is we're going to leave all of these settings on default enemy we're also going to leave on default but you'll notice by jumping through the different settings it plays around the sliders for you we are going to be doing real world why real world is one of my favorite settings is first off trains trains and factory are awesome second it has enemy expansion as default turned off what that means is once you kill some of these bad guys or maybe they're the good guys i don't know uh once you kill them they will never evolve and build another base elsewhere so they'll stay here we kill that they'll never come back they might attack me from here instead or from here but once this colony is dead they will never come back so beautiful beautiful setting uh resources the frequency is lowered the size is cranked up and the richness is the same terrain pretty much stays the same as default enemy we already went over enemy the frequency of enemy bases you change that slider there's just more bases everywhere so we're going to leave that as default as well advanced settings this is where your marathon settings come into play it changes your resources recipes uh recipes to expensive which means that instead of using one iron gear wheel it'll use two for example or instead of one copper cable it'll use five those are just examples they're not actually what it does but something similar to that uh very balanced play though if you're looking for something different to do uh technology expensive just means you get a multiplier on the cost for it so we're not gonna touch any of that we're gonna leave this as default we're gonna go back to real world default real world settings so nothing change in the settings again the seed and the map exchange seed will be in the comments below uh so this is our map right here we got a little bit of iron together copper stone and coal they're all right grouped on top of each other which is fantastic for building your starter base the next thing i do look for on my first ever map is oil oil needs to be somewhere on this map if you don't see oil because sometimes it spawns way up in the middle of nowhere uh i would suggest probably re-rolling your map but if you're playing the same map as me know why i chose this map was because of the oil right here and because of this grouped resource right there so we'll build our kind of starter factory here and then move off from there so without further ado let's get into it ah the good cut scene the enjoyable enjoyable cutscene this was added with 1.0 and it is uh very very beautiful very beautiful the rocket ship it does have some supplies inside of it so if you're looking to uh kind of get started a little bit faster you can grab some stuff from right in there so the first thing we are going to do is we are going to start mining so we place down our burner mining drill which is going to extract the iron from the ground and its going to put it into our furnace so the burner mining drill goes into the furnace we create resources we just press alt there which toggles what's inside of the building so we can see what's inside of the building you'll also notice that i didn't actually drag the wood into the indicator or into the fuel slot i control left click and it grabbed everything i had and put it into my furnace so nice helpful key there you can also have the wood in your hand or the coal or whatever fuel you have and press z on top of the building and hold it and you can drop the resource off like that as well now we're gonna go a little bit of a scouting mission we're gonna look for rocks quickly so we're gonna grab our deconstruction planner which is right down here and we're gonna kind of toggle across here and see what we see this will tell the bots what they're gonna take apart we don't have bots obviously yet but we can see that right now there's only wood on that indicator there's no stone what we're looking for is big big rocks it looks like we don't have any rocks to mine as long as you'll see these big jumbo rocks they'll have 20 stone end or something um kind of helps to kick start your factory if you're into that so again we're just hovering over we see there is a rock there somewhere so we moved in we see there's a bit of stone not sure where it is could be down here that's over here i'm not sure where you're hiding where are you hiding where are you it's like right on the edge here somewhere at this point it's not really worth me looking for anymore it's just 20 stone and it's kind of in the middle of nowhere so we could've just been manually mining stone but it does worth the check so if you see a big rock on the map go hit it some of them have coal in it as well and coal is early game fuel so good stuff to have wrap them up right off the hop so we're gonna go in our crafting menu we're gonna get another mining drill and with our first mining drill we're gonna place it down right there well actually technically our second mining drill i guess i'm gonna grab some of this wood pick it up drop it in there i'm gonna keep chopping some trees down try and bootstrap our factory okay beautiful beautiful beautiful so we're going to build a chest to offload this stone into and i'm going to actually place it in the right location good so now we have a bit of stone coming in and the stone means i can make more furnaces and we can go from there so these burning mining drills need gears so we're gonna handcraft some gears quickly and we're gonna keep mining some stone just to try and get some more burner money drills so we need iron copper and coal we have the stone automated right now it's kind of slowly coming in we're going to shift actually we're going to control left click to take the resource out of the building so it's in the building control left click we'll pull it out works on storage as well control left click pulls all the resources out immediately we actually need our furnace so we can do this as well kind of make all the burner mining drills work into each other like that beautiful we want one more one more come on you got one more there you go that gives me two and two and now we need more fuel so you can press q on top of a building the burner mining drill or actually on the iron as well and we'll pick up the burner mining drill and then right click and drop some more trees down chop chop chop we need the fuel we're gonna go back over here and we're gonna press z on the buildings and distribute our wood we still need more fuel though so for the first few minutes don't be surprised if you're chopping trees you need to power this factory this factory will not power itself okay so we have 56 wood that's uh that's a good amount so again we're just holding zed and dumping it all in the buildings right there easy easy we're gonna go back to our stone and we've 30 stone there for us that's beautiful now we move up to our coal so now we don't want to chop trees anymore as exciting as chopping trees is we don't want to do that so we are going to place these kind of a daisy chain so you see i actually just placed a ghost building there we're going to go to settings here for a second and show you what setting we have for that so we go into other there's nothing there just auto save stuff uh you go to interface and you have a whole bunch of different interface options here show mini map minimap tips and tricks notifications it should be on by default i turned it off i don't really need tips and tricks at 6 000 hours played i guess you maybe do i don't know probably learn something new every day but uh we'll keep it like that the item that i have picked here where i can see the ghost building is this so i click that if you have that selected you can place your building if you don't have it just to kind of make a mental note of what you're trying to do it doesn't actually place the building and it's just a mental note okay we're going to control left click and see this building has no fuel in it but it's still working because it's burning the initial fuel right here you can see it burning it the system works by feeding the coal into the other buildings and i just pull out of the mining drills it doesn't matter if it's running out because as long as one has fuel it works so now we have 23 coal so go back over here and dump our coal in there but now we want more iron not enough iron insufficient iron we'll run back over to our iron setup and place a couple more of these guys down something like that we'll grab a little bit of wood here we do need some power lines eventually right now we uh can only make power lines with wood so pretty much can't have too much wood not in the early game anyways let's dump that back in there and then we're going to go pick up a coal in a second so 24 more stones that's decent and we're just going to keep expanding this little operation here control left click again and now we have 48 coal so 48 fuel put a furnace there which i don't have any of go back over there grab some more stone it's your first time playing i am playing moderately fast so if it's your first time you're probably not playing as fast as me and that's okay slow and steady wins the race it is not a sprint factory is a marathon again i've been around 6 000 hours played so if you can keep up with me it's your first time playing you are doing fantastic okay so we kind of moved the chest there that way i could put another mining drill in there control left click pull the items out again uh now we actually need some of this this being copper dump a bit of coal right there grab some more of that build a few more furnaces okay so now we have copper iron stone and coal automated well kind of automated kind of automated just dump that back in there grab some of that we are going to make just a few more now just so i have enough to keep working at all times if you pick up the building you don't lose anything so there's no punishment for building too much at the beginning other than just being slow and letting the biters evolve on you so biters being these bad guys up there [Music] so there we go now we got eight of those and they're all daisy chained into each other that's beautiful a little bit more stone put those there and we have our last furnaces and we're going to offload this now we have 12. there's no perfectly set amount of how much you want to build at the beginning just enough now we're going to make power so we're going to make some steam engines but we also need a boiler a science lab a few power lines uh we're gonna do a couple pipes because i don't like building my power on the water source i like to kind of push it out and then we also need an offshore pump so grab that grab that offshore pump so you can see our crafting list right here in the bottom just crafting a few more of those and then we're going to need some science facts so right now we currently have none and we're going to have to choose what science we want so i'm going to go with automation first because i do not want to have to handcraft everything so we'll have the buildings build items for us there's a game about making a factory so kind of makes sense to do that first so while that's happening we're gonna keep making these work keep it going can't stop one stop grab some more coal put a lab right over here and we will put our power right here obviously not working yet so it does not have a water input i'm just going to kind of chop our way through the forest here trees trees and trains the real enemy in factorio doesn't have to be clear all the way through but uh just kind of makes your life easier if it is clear all the way through because i can't see anything back here so we should have our water pump already built put you right there put the water pump right there and now you can see there's water in this pipe evenly can't see the pipe you can see the water symbol so we can tell that there is water in that pipe you can go all the way down and see if there's still fluid in the system so this is good to go so now you have fuel so note how this is connected water goes in here steam goes up here and it powers one boiler powers two steam engines so this works as is we're not actually pulling any power yet because there's nothing really to feed but now we're making science so we got our two red science packs we crafted in our back pocket you can single click you can shift left click and build all of it but the issue with single left clicking is it crafts the items in order so it's going to make 17 gears and then it's going to make the science packs so we don't actually want to do that so we're going to cancel those so they're canceled then you can right-click and make five at a time so you can either make a lot of time or five at a time or a single click or do whatever you want lots of different ways of skinning that cat i guess you could say and dump that there put those science packs in here let's see i want it as i get them to be able to drop them into the lab not have them all build at once so at least we can start this party so you go there i'm actually gonna give it that not the wood see this is all ran out of fuel we put it all back in there good to go and then we'll power copper so now that we have power we want to make some automated mining drills so right now as we currently speak we have uh burner mining drills which i need to manually add coal to you could automate them by kind of having them on a belt and having inserters and feeding it that way but the easiest way typically in the way you kind of want to play is by making electric mining drills they will use the power and they will generate and they will generate their resources that way instead of me having to manually feed them manual is fine for the first half an hour but after that you want to start moving on with your life we're gonna cancel that and we want these burner mining drills now so automation is now finished next thing i'm gonna do is logistics which gives me underground belts which means i can start building pasta we want the pasta so the first building i can build is this assembler we're actually gonna kind of cancel everything i want this first building built make a few assemblers and then we're gonna make a couple mining drills i'll make a few chests a few inserters it's the first building right here you can pick it up doesn't matter if you place in the wrong spot it's gonna make us some red science so in order to make the red science i need copper but i also need gears so you're gonna make gears for me so right now this is making gears this needs copper and gears to make my red science so kind of started but not really because it's kind of kind of half automated right now you are going to make me some stone furnaces i should probably move it over here because i need stone furnaces and my crafting queue is full so make me some stone furnaces again a temporary set down doesn't really matter because you can pick it up and move it around later on so no problem um okay you're good there the first thing i typically want to do is automate science but i also want to automate belts so we're going to build transport belts in this building obviously not automated in any way shape or form and this building here is going to make gears but where to kind of make gears right here so you can actually shift right click and shift left click and it copies the recipe so if you have two buildings building the same item shift right click and shift left click you can see it's green on the bottom left one there and yellow on the top it's copying the recipe to that building so i'm gonna dump all my iron into this it's gonna start making gears for me and you're still missing gears so now we automate so now this is making belts for me has nowhere to put them though so we leave it like that now it's half automated right now because this doesn't have any iron plates in it so there have an iron plate it's going to put the iron plates in here this is going to get the gears but it's still missing iron plates as well not automated so we're going to grab the iron plates from down here and put them in a chest there i believe they call that bootstrapping in the speed running community it's kind of a faster way of playing not everybody plays that way but it is a way of playing so we have a bit of copper not a lot of copper i definitely need more copper copper's a little bit sad but i do have a bunch of belts right now so we're gonna grab the belts run the belts down here and the first thing we want to automate is our power everyone has kind of a preference of what they want to automate first i personally prefer automating my power first so now you're going to get an inserter and this whole setup is powering itself and it's kind of making belts for me kind of sort of works um but one thing i definitely do not have enough of anymore is copper so let's now automate her copper it's the next resource i'm kind of lacking so let's do it i think i'm going to relocate these i don't really like that position so press q on here now and now it automatically goes to a mining drill as opposed to a burner why i think because the last building i placed was a last building i placed was a mining drill so kind of defaults to that this is making science and it's automated in good good good you could bootstrap this better than i have done but this works for all intents and purposes grab you grab the power i'm gonna bring a belt down this way and a belt to there i still need a few more belts if we want to properly automate this this is why it's nice to have the belts automated right at the beginning because you need a lot of them so 35 more belts uh we need a bit more copper still do not have enough copper 51 copper so i'm going to do a little more of an advanced strategy right here so we're going to put items on both sides of the belt so factory is a belt mechanic in the game where items can be on either the left side or the right side of the belt or top or bottom here we're going to put both items on this belt so we know that in order to craft copper plates we need fuel for furnaces and we also need copper this setup is going to give the furnaces both the items they need on one belt so you could have this item automatic like on a belt below it as well or you could just put them together so by the belt loading on top like this it's forcing the item to be on the top and this one on the bottom so a little bit of belt manipulation there we do all sorts of interesting things but for now this is how we'll do it so now we have our copper automated uh next item i'm going to move towards is uh maybe some gun tours i want to get attacked by the biters they're pretty close to us and uh i'd rather not lose my factory in front of the entire world it would be very embarrassing so we're gonna fuel these back on grab our iron lots and lots iron that's beautiful that is what you want to see you can control click to drop an entire stack into the building that's what we just did there so this is doing its thing this is actually probably more copper than i can handle right now that's good okay so there we go now we place some ghost belts down just so we remember what we're trying to do kind of sort of obvious what we're trying to do next but uh just in case you never know so this is still crafting this had enough gears to make this work for a while so that is nice now we kind of want to automate our science it's kind of the next big step so the power automated it's kind of feeding itself with power and we have a secondary line fueling these beautiful drills right here now we want to automate our science so science needs a couple things needs copper and also needs iron don't need something like this but it also needs an item on the other side so what we could do here is oops press q pick up the building put it like that so we have one item we need right here that perfectly didn't work so the copper is going to get pushed off this smelter and go right there our science is finished we press t and we go back in here we're going to go uh a little military too let's kind of make sure we're nice and well defended next we need some more mining drills because now we need to do the exact same thing with the iron i'm gonna grab this for a second actually i can't even build that right now so we need to do the exact same thing with our iron gonna grab some more coal and kind of fuel all that back up so we have one minor drill right now i typically don't pick up my rocket on the ground why ah it's just a personal thing it was not a thing early game factorio we played factorio back in the day spaceship wasn't here so it's kind of like a nice legacy item to keep on the ground i think you'll see a lot of more factorial veterans leave it on the ground because we think it looks beautiful so this is okay there you might need a little bit more iron so you're okay there as well so we got 15 signs backed up which is nice now you may have noticed i queued up this splitter building next so we have a few mining drills ready to go here in a minute i also need to decide where i want to smelt this not really a not really a good spot for smelting it right now i want to give it a lot of space it's a pretty uh you need a lot of iron later on even our current setup we probably don't have enough iron with a few more furnaces so we're going to grab the splitter and we're going to do exactly what the name implies split the belts and then we're gonna do the exact same thing right down here with this now our belts kind of criss-cross from each other so remember we researched our first research ever we scroll down or second i guess was logistics because it's underground belts so now i can actually belt it underneath this other belt which is super awesome and then we kind of copy the same thing now if you build something really intricate and you're not really sure how to rebuild it actually ctrl c ctrl v and copy it and it places a ghost now of your entire setup which is super nice for later on when you make some really really complicated things super super super nice you can tell we do not have enough fuel so we kind of spike this up a little bit there so now you should be okay with the fuel this is not powered yet okay [Music] i'm actually gonna relocate that belt and go exact opposite way with it so you're there and we probably need a few more mining drills looks like this needs a little bit more military is finished so we are going to handcraft ourselves a submachine gun and make a little bit of ammo we're also going to place on a turret quickly i'm gonna grab some more iron from my little bootstrap factory over here and we are going to upgrade uh it doesn't really matter what you do next you're going to need it all later so i really don't have a huge preference after this current point once this starts pulling more power if you click on the power line shows your power usage it's going to start eating the coal faster and faster and faster so something to also consider okay so iron is now automated which is awesome we got this right there and we are going to run it right next to the other line so this needs gears ah that's actually not what i want to steal i want to steal it from down here but we're going to grab some fuel before we steal it grab me some fuel and we just kind of hovers that over top of it and fill them all back up grab that grab that good to go do you have a turret a turret has a little green radius circle on the bottom that shows where it's going to shoot i'm going to place all of my ammo from there into my turret i'm also going to craft a bit more ammo and you'll notice that the ammo is a mod i'm automatically going towards a pistol you don't want to use your pistol beginning you want to use your submachine gun if you build one because it a shoots faster and b is more of a range so click the ammo into the other inventory actually click and click and hold and drop and you push tab tab changes your weapon tab changes your weapon and now we need more belts okay so now we have 195 belts that's awesome so we need right here gears i think we're just going to kind of keep with this trend here of having items on both sides of the belt so we're going to make our gears right here and then offload over there keeping up with the trend so it's going to load from the side i'm actually going to s yeah we'll space it copy like that we're going to drop on the other side so we just need a bit more copper if you hover over the building it has a little indicator of what resources you need and it's showing that we need 22 iron plates and 4.5 copper so we're going to snag some copper from there make a few more of those make a few more of these make a few more of those put those right there you right there this building will now be able to automate red science missing a few inserters still that's okay get those in a minute kind of kind of half set up right now half and half just the way i like my coffee half and half speaking of coffee i got a delicious and nutritious tea right here i should probably consider drinking some of it before it gets totally cold on me and now we have the second tier of inserters in this game so you notice they are red and they also look a little bit longer that's because they are longer so now we could technically run a belt in front of here as well if we wanted to so you can now dump items farther and closer means more possibilities so doubling up the item you could actually pull the copper from the side and the gears from there but for the scenario we're gonna stick with this way this building is actually a little bit too far over so we're gonna control c which doesn't do anything yet if you had bots they would pick it up for you ctrl c ctrl v those familiar with the computer should know about that and then we bring our science right over here run it up there and we will relocate our lab and we have automated red science so i can rip all this up we do not need this anymore this is a era of a bygone a relic of a bygone era an era of a relic by gun yup talking and words so i got a nice little personal stash of resources right there which is kind of nice why i keep the burners on at first in my iron is backlogging on me there now you want it on both sides of the belt so put a splitter and force it to go on both sides 50 goes one way and 50 goes the other way next i want to automate my belts so science is automated we can build a few more labs if we want science to go a little bit faster we have our protection against that little group right there probably build a radar next and i'm going to assume my power is uh it's holding it's holding it's close but it's holding put you here grab a couple undergrounds and we're going to make our belts here now so you there you're gonna make belts this is gonna kind of bypass there in a second right now obviously not quite working those are all wrong just waiting for underground to come in a minute [Music] so that goes like that and continue placing it nice and neatly like this if you wanted to remember there's no punishment for dropping a building and picking it back up no punishment you can also daisy chain them put a power line right in the middle there beautiful beautiful i'm gonna make a gun turret here uh we're missing gears so i can just push f on the belt and pick up the item which works nicely and i'll make a few more gun turrets for myself dump my science back in the lab and we are rocking and rolling i got a radar you see on the mini map on the top right there this little blue outline that's what you can see permanently in that area where the radar is the game's broken up into chunks and you can kind of see that how big a chunk is you can see where the radar so the radar is here it covers up that top little area goes down here covers that so it does matter where you place your radar but now i can see up over here perfectly raiders will periodically explore a side chunk as well so you'll see a little area eventually get explored and we'll temporarily have vision there but they do use a lot of power to 300 kilowatts so also be kind of mindful of that and we'll research the next tier science so you go there and now we are making belts we have automated belts i'm gonna pick you up put you there you are gonna make ammo for this guy [Music] you can do the same thing with these you can daisy chain them together so you have ammo and then you have ammo then you have ammo so now everybody has ammo you get a car and you get a car and you get a car just be careful if you do it too too much that your chain's too long and it's really hard to supply everybody so that does work like that you go there build a few more these guys kind of always need inserters but you can see everyone has power and it's kind of protecting my general area of the factory so hopefully they attack that and not this [Music] so now we got a bit more power uh one thing i do need in order to make more power i really should make more assemblers really automate the assembler production in a minute i put a space here just easier for placing whole big blocks of boilers down together um there is a ratio for boilers and it's one i will give you because it's one that i find is uh kind of useful so one water pump will supply 20 boilers which will supply 40 steam engines don't try to do more than that that's just kind of one of the few ratios that i follow in this game i believe everything else should be past it but that is kind of a tried and tested ratio and it kind of kind of is what it is so set it up however you would but it's uh 1 to 20 that way um i knew another inserter for something i don't remember what what did we need another inserter for looks like our science is flying off the shelves right now which is great our resources are kind of backed up and we need more assemblers uh we wanted a pipe so we can make sure this is all kind of working it's not making 3.6 megawatts of power beautiful this doesn't do anything anymore so we'll kind of pick that up and we'll look at our factory and be wow we're doing good things here um not enough gears can kind of pick these up uh we could make our uh science go faster if we really wanted to but do we really want to i don't know you decide next thing we need to craft is we need to make green chips green chips are kind of an item that you need a lot of kind of a lot of it's actually one of the main factorial achievements getting uh a lot of them so we are going to do a setup like this this is another direct insertion setup so the wire is going to get its copper from the top you're supposed to go there these guys are going to grab their iron from the bottom and offload the green chips in the very very very bottom like that pretty simple design if you played factory a little bit you're probably familiar with green chip designs sort of like this or a little bit different we actually killed some biters already we knew they were coming but uh yeah it's pretty pretty simple but your first time playing definitely experiment with different setups i totally honest i don't use the setup very much this is kind of a new one for me but uh yeah there's a million different ways of doing it this is the one that i'm choosing to do for this current episode uh so we need a bit more iron to make this work we're gonna go to our personal stash of iron over down here and we need some actually just was grabbing the coal there i don't want the cool i want the iron we need a couple undergrounds a couple splitters and some fasteners wouldn't be bad not against the fast inserter you're gonna go like this we're gonna saturate that belt and we're gonna pull the line out right here actually we're not gonna do that we're gonna pull the line out right here it's gonna go there you're gonna go here and we're going to run it across so again if this is your first time playing factory i'm playing a little bit fast but just trying to kind of get through some of the beginning material so feel free to pause the video whenever you want to kind of go back none of what i'm doing is exactly how you should be doing it it's just one of 500 000 different methods of what you can do so copper comes in to this building here iron comes in from the bottom into this building here and then it offloads the green chips long so now we're using the long inserters and the other inserters we're kind of uh doing one of the big factorial mistakes right now and a lot of veteran players know exactly what i'm talking about is we're kind of walling ourselves in you have the entire map to play with which is infinite it's not actually infinite but it's might as well be infinite um most people will never ever including myself experience the edge of the map so we'll just say it's infinite it's not but it might as well be um so don't block yourself in like i'm doing right now i enjoy a nice tight pasta base i enjoy making a bit of a mess everywhere kind of kind of my ammo i guess you might say um but if you're a newer player give yourself lots of space that's probably my biggest tip to you you always need space and you can pick up buildings and move them around as much as you want so don't feel constrained by where you place it because it can always be moved but always remember to keep progressing your science if possible don't stop don't stop your science so right now we're automating inserters because we know we need inserters to build everything that's secret you also need it for science later on so let's build a ton of them right now but hopefully enjoyed this 2021 2022 factorio pasta zero to pasta megabase guide series session but until next we meet this is diamond car check out for now
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 62,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Begginer Guide, Basics, Tips, How To, Beginner Guide, Help, Starter Guide, Beginner, Lets Play, How to Play, Factorio for beginners, Newb guide, Newbie Guide, Starting Factorio, Beginner Tips, Factorio Tips, Factorio New, Basic Factorio, Tip Factorio, Help Factorio, Factorio Tip, Factorio Guide, Let's Play, Factorio Beginner Guide, Factorio Help, Factorio How to, Factorio Learn, Learning Factorio, Starter Factorio, How to Smelt, Power factorio, power factorio
Id: BW0YB_-mihM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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