Factorio QOL Mods You Can't Live Without In 2024!

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I’ll show you the best factorio mods in Quality of Life category and at the end I’ll tell you how you can choose the best mods to fit your very own gameplay style, so stay tuned. We need to start with the question, what are quality of life mods? As the name suggests, they are small mods that makes your life better. They don’t add any new content to the game and instead, they improve the already existing mechanics. You know it’s like installing a better fork for your already existing spaghetti. Some QoL mods may seem like a slight cheat, but if you for example don’t enjoy a slow early game than there is really nothing wrong with speeding it up with simple mods. The interesting thing about factorio is that many old Quality of Life mods got implemented into factorio core in some way. The best example of this is of course the upgrade planer which wasn’t in vanilla version for a very long time. And now let’s go to the best Quality of Life mods. First on our list is “Helmod: assistant for planning your base”. You can open your planning window by pressing “U” and there is a place, where your dream factory starts. Press this button and choose what recipe you want to craft, then set the output quantity and look at this amazing data. It counts everything for you, like how many assembler you need and how many resources are required to run this setup. If this data is still not enough, you can click on input materials and add their recipe to your planner. This mod is very well made, so you can customize everything. Choose what assembler you want to use, what furnaces or how many modules should boost your production. As that wasn’t enough this mod is fully working on multiplayer and it’s compatible with recipes from all mods! There is still a lot to talk about, but developers made a great help window so you can find everything on your own. Next on our list is “Even distribution”, that allows you to toss your items more gently. You can just press “ctr” and left mouse button to split all of your resources equally. It’s the most useful in early game when most of your assemblers are hand fed or when you want to setup a quick defenses. This mod also offers you an effortless way to get rid of all your trash by pressing “shift” and “C” copper ore will go to copper smelters and iron to iron it’s smart modification. You can also adjust everything using the blue menu from your inventory Change want and enjoy sorting items with this mod. In addition to all of this, you can use “Even distribution” with other mods and easily cleanup your inventory from for example Bobs or Krastorio items. This is one of the simples mod on our list. “Auto deconstruct” simply marks your mining drills for deconstruction when they run out of resources to mine. It’s one of those mods that don’t make a big impact of your gameplay, but combined with other simple modifications can make your life just easier. “FNEI” stands for I don’t know and their GitHub page also doesn’t want to give me any understandable information. However it’s a great mod and in my opinion a must have for heavy modded lets plays. With this mod you can check every single recipe in the game. This is why the power of this modification shines with other big mods because now you can just press “ctrl”, “E” and type for any item that you want to craft. “FNEI” also gives you information on what can you craft with a selected item after pressing the right mouse button, also shows what research is requited to craft that item and in what machine it can be crafted. If you are a Minecraft player then this mod it’s just a factorio version of “Just Enough Items”. Next mod is “YARM – Resource Monitor”, which allows you to monitor your resource patches. The name of those mods are very self-explanatory, this is why I’ll also use self-explaining iron deposit. Use this button or press “alt” and “Y” to open a special device that will allow you to mark area of your outposts. Than the mod will track how much ore is left and estimate the time required to mine a whole patch. Another interesting feature is that, you can also look at your deposits from map view and simply read how much ore is left. “Tree Collision” mod, makes hitboxes of trees very tiny. It allows you to run through condensed forest without any problems, but keep in mind that biters also run as easily as you. Those are hitboxes with this mod It’s worth to mention that this mod makes your shotgun bullets less effective when you clearing a forest, so use your grenades or green rockets for that. Another great mod is “Afraid Of The Dark”, which is very useful for every factorio players and in my opinion must have for content creators. With this mod you don’t need to worry about scary darkness anymore, because your personal light will be expanded to make working during night easier. You will also get access to new lamps that reveals way bigger area. And the icing on the cake in this mod there are “Perfect night glasses” which makes your night as bright as day. BTW what is your favorite Quality of Life mod, share it in the comments section. “Todo List” as you can guess adds a HUGE monster that could tear down your whole base in few seconds! It allows you to create new task for yourself or for other people in a multiplayer game. You can just write a title for your task and add a simple description, than choose who should do this job and you can feel even more like you are working in your real life engineer job. I think it’s a good mod to write down all of your factorio plans, especially before going to sleep (XD). Also by pressing this button you can look at a list of all your tasks. Like you can see I’ve made some simple tasks for myself and... WAIT?! *Did you know that ~25% of people who watch my content use subtitles?* *And you are also in this 25% :)* Next mod is called “fill4me” and makes fighting easier than ever before because now you can just build a turret and ammunition will be automatically inserted into it after placing. Look how easy you can serve bullets to your nearby friends. But this mod is also useful when you’re building a factory because furnaces are automatically filled with fuel after placing them. What’s more this mod can even fills your car with fuel after placing it or fills your tank with destructive weapons. “Quality of Life research” adds 5 new researches, that will improve your life in every aspect. Now you can increase the size of your backpack to even bigger sizes. Hand crafting speed will be faster than ever before. The speed of walking will also be faster. There is even research for mining speed that might sounds silly because you are not mining in this game after first 10 minutes of the game but this mining speed also makes picking up building faster, so it’s really worth to research. Last thing on our research tree is longer reach, that allows you to interact with buildings placed further away or to just place new building even further. Another very simple mod that gives you the ability to place water just like you can place landfill. First you have to research cheap technology and then you can start crafting waterfill, but in at least tier 2 assembling machine, because tier 1 doesn’t support fluids as a input. The only disadvantage of this mod is that you can very easy abuse your power and build impassable wall for biters by putting 1 tile of water. However it’s a great mod for building huge nuclear power plants without access to giant lakes. In addition to that, remember to never put waterfill under your feet it’s not the best idea. “Factory Planner” as the name already spoilered, gives you a tools to plan all of your production in advance. This mod is very similar to already mentioned “Helmod”, so it’s up to you which mod you want to use because there is no sense to install both of them at the same time. So like before you can choose what product you want to make and this mod will calculate how much resources are required to achieve your goal. I remember there was a very upvoted post on reddit, explaining why this mod is better, because of the matrix solver, but I still have no clue how this solver works so choose for yourself how you want to plan your factory. “FasterStart” is nothing more than a starter kit that contains small modular armor, small fusion reactor, night vision, exoskeleton and roboport with 25 fusion construction bots. This mod definitely speed up your boring start. Some people might call this mod a cheat, but if you are a fan of megabases than I don’t see any reason to why you shouldn’t use it. Funny thing about this mod is that you can turn off intro and crash site for your new games if you want to save even more seconds. Now is time for “Informatron”. Mod that allows other mod makers to setup up their little wiki inside factorio. It’s pointless to install this modification alone, but other complicated mods might use it so I just wanted to show you what it is. “Auto Research” is a mod that choose researches for you. Of course they are not gonna be perfect, so it’s still better to customize what you want to research on your own, but if you constantly forgot about picking the next thing to research then this mod is for you. Not so long ago, we didn’t have a queue for our researches, so it was a must have mod for late game’s infinite researches. Now it’s not that useful, but you still might find it helpful. BTW “Shift” and “T” combo will open your special menu to customize this mod. “Module Inserter” adds a new upgrade planner that lets you set up with modules should go to with machines. The best part of this mod is that you can put modules to machines which didn’t have any modules before what is impossible in the vanilla version. This feature will be added to factorio core someday, but for now we need to use this mod for easy modules insertion. “Concreep” and “Belt Upgrader” are two very similar mods that automatically set tasks for your idle construction bots. The first mod uses concrete or any other tiling material to brick all of your factory also construction bots will harvest all trees, rocks and destroy cliffs to make your job of expanding your factory easier because FACTORY MUST GROW! The second mod will upgrade your lower tier belts, splitters and other entities to their higher tiers. Are those mods UPS friendly? I don’t know but they are cool, so it’s worth to try them in our factory. Like you can see from our list, all Quality of Life mods are very different. So to choose the best mods for yourself you have to first ask the question what type of player you are and which category will be suitable for you. In my opinion there are 3 types of QoL mods: first information/hud upgrades that are for everybody a second category that makes task easier like “Faster Start” and the last category are slightly cheat mods that for example expand your inventory or makes your reach range infinite. So now you have to choose if you want very fast progress with a bit of shame by using the third category or if you want to just building a simple factory without too much counting than pick the first or second category. If this video was useful to you consider subscribing with a bell, it means a lot <3 and if you want more awesome content there is my tips and trick video how to deal with biters. *I usually put some easter eggs at the end of my videos* *but I had no idea this time* *So I hope you'll have a great 2021 :D*
Channel: Trupen
Views: 453,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, trupen factorio, факторио, Factorio mods, factorio mods 1.1, factorio mods 1.0, factorio quality of life mods, factorio quality of life mods 1.1, factorio quality of life mods 2021, factorio best mods, factorio mod tutorial, factorio mods top 10, best factorio mods, factorio mod review, factorio mod 1.0, factorio mod 1.1, factorio 1.1, factorio 1.0, factorio tutorial, video games, factorio modding, factorio modded, #factorio, trupen, top 10 factorio mods
Id: xRaw5kQp6HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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