Limitless Uranium-235 with KOVAREX Enrichment Process | Factorio Tutorial/Guide/How-to

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welcome to factorio masterclass my name is nilos this is the series of tutorials and guides here on youtube covering all aspects of the game and aims to provide insights and resources to help you improve as an engineer in factorio in today's episode we're going to talk about the coverage enrichment process and each of these episodes starts as a workshop session streamed live on my twitch channel this is over at twitch tv slash nilos and you're well very welcome to drop by this usually happens on mondays at 8 pm central european time so feel free to drop by and help design decide decide and discuss upcoming guides if you like this video and want to see more of it hit the like button and subscribe to the channel for more content like this if you have ideas comments or feedback you're welcome to use the comment section below or join the discord server or the live stream the weird thing about the coverage enrichment process is that it actually takes something that was used to be a very scarce resource and makes it into a super abundant resource that you'll never have to worry about so that's a bit weird so let's dive in i'm going to demonstrate two different builds with two different pros and cons let's dive in so here we are in the game let's start by taking a look at the actual process this is here coverage enrichment process and we are also going to look at the research cover x that is here is named after the lead developer of factorio kind of weird in in my opinion but you know it is what it is 1500 so it's kind of pricey but it's one of those uh production signs you would like to get up and running because uh as i showed in my nuclear power tutorial you can easily start running like a small nuclear power plant off without using corex enrichment but before you start making 10 20 30 nuclear power plants you probably want this one this one operational so you can take the uranium 235 and just not worry about it anymore let's have a look at what the process actually does don't mind all the crap in the inventory that's just always how it is and now everyone's looking so this is one of the two weird recipes where the inputs and outputs are the same the other one is oil liquefaction so you can see here it takes 40 uranium-235 this is the rare material that only spawns on a 0.7 chance and five of the very very abundant uranium-238 and it gives us 41 uranium-235 and to uranium-238 so at a net rate it basically gives us takes three uranium-238 and gives us one uranium-235 that's a pretty good deal and was something we'd always want to do not always underwent until we run out of one of those but we definitely want to do this and the the shortcoming is that you need 40 uranium-235 just get started that has a long crafting time and so those are kind of the things that we have to work around i think the intention was that you build this and then just like slowly over time you will build up a stockpile of a few more but that's just not how factorial players work is it we are going to smash the hell out of this with beacons and modules and just get get this just get enough of this so we don't have to worry about it and i'm going to demonstrate two builds because one of the issues here is since this one has 40 inputs this is going to be really rare so you've probably been stockpiling or you should have been stuck finding this while you are you're starting your uranium mining you want to stockpile these and put 40 aside so you can start this process up the issue is that when you build a design in the normal way that assemblers work and also centrifuge is that it will fill up to twice what is needed so it'll have one that is working on the process bar plus it'll fill up two times a month so this one can actually hold 120 something items in here which is not super beneficial and that's going to be the difference between our simple build which is not so efficient and our more complex build which is super efficient in that regard but requires some search circuit magic let's start with sort of the base design of how we want to operate this thing the first thing i want to talk about is modules you absolutely want productivity modules into this because it is a slow working time and going from one uranium every 60 second to 1.2 uranium every 60 seconds is a pretty good deal it's you guessed it 20 improved productivity great work the one thing that you should be in mind keep in mind is that with recipes like this with both input and output it is only the net difference the net positive difference that will be applied the productivity bonus so it's not all the 41 uranium that you get productivity bonus from it's only the difference between the 41 and the 40 so that's only one likewise or not likewise but contrary to that you will not get negative three uranium 238 and get that applied because that's basically just counted as an input so this one this works exactly as you maybe would expect that you get this applied to one extra so you'll spawn one extra uranium at 20 ratio the other thing to keep in mind is that once you build this and you put your first 40 uranium 235 in you can see the progress bob and you might go like ah you know what i actually actually want this one maybe over there then you have destroyed the content of the centrifuge and your first 40 uranium are gone so keep that in mind once you start it don't pick it up you want to make sure that it ends the productivity or ends the production of the single recipe and then take it and move it otherwise you lose the content which is really important since it is very expensive now let's dive into the actual build i want to build here some inputs and some outputs and this doesn't need to be blue belts but at this rate of the game i'm just making a blue belt but if you take my blueprints that i'm providing link in the description below and you don't have blue belts then you just stamp it down and then replace them with yet red belts pretty simple nothing magical about that so what i want to do is i want to have i can kind of see that one of those assemblers have our inserts have not been put there so i'm just gonna put it here i just want one of these to pick up just slowly it's it's a so slow running time that you're just gonna pick up and i'm gonna set i do i have one of these magical here this is a magical inserter we use for test purposes just so that you can see this one on the outside i want the dark uranium and on the inside i want the light uranium there right so that's how i want things to work and this one is always already chucking along and yes perfect it did not start so what i actually do i wanted to start and then what i want to do is i want to make sure that everything that goes in goes out on this belt that means it goes out on the outside belt only so i hear i'm constrained by the speed of the outside belt oops sorry uh then i'm taking this but this one will only it could take both of them but i don't want that i only want this one to pick up the uranium because this one's outputting 41 and i want this one to pick up the 41 so we should see when this one completes now you can see how slow it is this is working at 0.7 speed and the crafting time is 60 seconds so that's gonna be quite a while so this is the obvious location for us to add more beacons and that's um yeah that one you can add four beacons on either side for this build there there and now the crafting speed is four point seven much nicer look how fast it goes and i will watch as it goes out first it sets out these which will just go on and then it goes in and you can see it now has one additional crafted alright so what is it we want to do afterwards well at some point this one will be full as i mentioned and if we look at this it'll only fill up boom to 85 to 80 something depending on the stack uh flow back and forth and the rest will just be stuck out here on the belt so i want these two items to go in here but i want them filtered correctly so i want to make sure that that one i'm just going to remove the stuff on the belt and that means right so now let's see it works and that one goes on in here so what i want to do is i just want to grab this and then if i put it here then it goes on the inside belt perfect and the thing is there will be a surplus of the light light green so i want to put it into a storage box a filtered storage box so that when the this belt here there now it'll start filling up here and this means this part is what available to the network and you can now see that it takes quite a while before this one makes anything available because we have now it's actually stuck yeah one of those gets dark oh it got stuck because this one couldn't output ah that was why yeah see that's that's the second thing we want to deal with well the thing is it can be easily dealt with like this and now we are missing the other one so we'll put those down here because that's the thing this one will actually consume consume more than it has available and we need to supplement that supplementing that is also pretty easy you can just do it like this so it goes on the other side i'm going to set this yeah like that the reason why this is important is when you see this one cycle cycle through then these two will block the inserter and the inserter will only top up this case might even be better just to just for illustration purposes just take a small inserter here because it never will be so this is a small compact little place if you want power balls here i could do it like that i will cover everything and that's basically it's now the one thing that you should keep in mind about this one and that's how much is actually wasted before anything goes into this one so we could harvest five out of this but in the network we have all of this we have the 40 being currently being crafted plus we have in this case 90 being stored here so those 90 could be out there and make three nuclear power nuclear bombs for us and help out purge the natives from the from our planet and the good thing about this one is if i just stem that that one down we don't even need this and we can put some lights in here as well and obviously i'd want that here and we'd want at least one more so this should pretty much be a module that we can just stamp down like that so now we have four of those and to be honest i don't think you're gonna need more than this this one each of these is supporting when it's running at full speed it will it will support 263 nuclear reactors i mean type this this will support a thousand nuclear reactors but as you can see here this is also one of the shortcomings of it this one has 80 in here that's not being used you know those 80 could actually be used for up here starting this one and starting that one so i'm going to take this and put those in just there we go so this is the very simple build i think that this is the one that i would normally use and then just start them because look at when they start they will actually only the dark uranium will flow past and the rest will pick up whatever it has inside that was 60 before that was 61. this one was eight now it's nine and so on when we see another iteration this was 61 so we should go let's see it at 62. it is 62. so this one you now have built a coverex process that can support 100 nuclear reactors and it will automatically give you the surplus here the one thing you should keep in mind is that at some point the belts cannot transport things fast enough so you cannot extend this infinitely but if you put it up to four you're using quite a bit of power but you will also just have a lot of this and if you really push comes to shove you can always just go in and pick up something manually here that's uh the other side of things you can always pick it up here but it does take a while before it actually by itself starts out putting something into this box that requires all this to be done and this belt to fill up and only then do you get something new in here so while this is running we and before we dive into the second which is a way more advanced but also i think a bit cooler way of doing it which does uh prevent this issue of having a lot of internal storage and then i just take like to take a moment to thank all the patrons who are helping make this channel a reality it is because the patrons who are supporting the channel that i am able to make these videos makes let's play the streaming all that so thank you very much to all the patrons who are helping support me and the channel and if you want to support there's of course no application but if you want to there is a link to to patreon maybe somewhere on the screen and otherwise in the link in the description below thank you very much now as you can see this one takes quite a while before we even start getting anything outbound even though there's honestly quite a lot that we could have taken out isn't there a way to solve that through circuit magic well thank you for asking because that's exactly what we're going to do now we're going to start from the same place and we're going to do something different we are going to say we are only going to have one because they produce so damn fast that one should actually easily be able to fulfill all of our needs and if we need more we can always just scale up so we'll build this one this is a 12 beacon module this is the fastest you can make one of these machines it is 6.7 speed and we're going to build basically like a small example of this of the same thing except we're going to do some i think so we're going to take that one actually we're going to take the whole thing including the constraint we're going to put it here and that yes so what we're seeing here is now we're topping up with that and we want to be able to put it in and we want to be able to get this one out down so we make sure that we control that only the dark uranium that goes on this side obviously we want to do the light uranium on the other side and that needs to get in so the choice and color of the ssm assemblers are inserters is actually important this one must be a fast inserter the reason why it must be a fast inserter is that if it's a stack inserter it will pick up more than you can see one two three four five six seven eight and then we'll start drawing in from this one which means this one will actually backlog and cannot output anymore so this one has to be taking smaller swings inside here that's really important so this one must be blue these ones must be this is kind of relevant but this will not be white and this one's the green all right so at this point we want to do that but also prioritize that anything that goes out stays here and goes back in and only when there's already something stuck at this side then the inserter will start filling it to the side path and that side path is where we then take things out into our storage now if we look at this one and start feeding things in i actually want to do it with this one because i think that's going to be easier that one so this one is just a testing just to get it off the ground you can see this one is okay now the problem here is that this one will actually as i put in more it'll do exactly the same and start putting them in here that's not great so what we want to do and let me just do that one let's just see how that works now when it goes one iteration out everything that comes out can be picked up great and is now has plus one so what uh what we want here is we want to have this one to count to forty so that it only picks up forty and then when it reaches forty that just stop in order to do that we're gonna have to do some circuit magic let's do this one [Music] if we're gonna take this condition if this is greater than zero then output the input this is basically how you build a counter i'm going to take a green wire inbound yeah now this one's actually stuck here oh no it's it's not picking up at all and then all of it goes out there that's that's okay i'm gonna empty all of this out so that we are sure that we don't have any residuals anywhere all right so i'm i'm gonna need this one not to enable disable but to read the content and pulse signal sent for one tick when the item is picked up now if you are not familiar with circuit networks in general maybe this build is not for you you can always copy paste it and put it in and it's gonna work but there will be another master class covering circuits which i haven't done yet but it will come so don't worry it's uh it's in the scripting phase scripting and testing phase right so let's uh see this now this it is enabled always because there's no enable condition so it's always enabled and it will pulse so we want to see what this one is getting inbound output i want to do that we are going to feed it some materials here it just keeps counting perfect perfect perfect perfect now we can do it better we can actually change things there we can now set this one give it a condition that says you are only allowed to pick up when you are less than 40. so as soon as it reaches 40 it's not going to pick up anymore and now i want this one to go away i want this to be empty and actually i really wanted it to all right this needs to be completely empty so this value is 16154. the way that you reset this one generally you can just pick it up and undo then it is reset and the wires will reconnect so what we'd like to do is actually this is not a great way to do it um i'd much rather have us actually put we want half a stack here 50. i want to put 50 in there as output now let's see what happens counting boom close to 41. 41 that's still close enough it always there's always like a tick of a calculation here so what we've done now is work it brilliant for one time so this one can now count how many it has picked up and it can stop when it reaches 40. so the other thing we need is a reset condition something that makes it go back to zero and go on the important thing is that this one is 41 but that put 40 in but there is one so it's still counting correctly it just has one tick where it counts that i can still accidentally put one extra in that is the way it is it uh it that the right tick is one 60 of a second and that's the time it takes for one of these to calculate it so it gets an input calculates it puts it back that takes 1 60th of a second during that 160 of a second one additional one is put in sometimes so what we can do for a reset condition we can actually use this one because we are always without exception outputting two here every time so if i take the amount of materials output will use the red wire just to distinguish it this one will again not be enabled it's always going to work but it's going to read what its outputs pulse so it sends in here and says whatever you get in i'm going to multiply it's always going to get 2 in i'm going to multiply by minus 20 that means i get the value 2 in because it outputs 2 of these uranium multiplied by minus 20 then i get -40 and i'm going to output it as a uranium-235 signal and i'm going to wire it in on the red wire back in here so what does that mean well it means that i am when this swings with two i have to do that so i'm sure that it can swing uh i'm gonna do this one two and i'm gonna take these two so when i put this in here this is 41 we will see that this one's when i put it here this will swing out send a signal of two dark uranium will be multiplied by minus 20 that will send a signal of minus 40 this one will go down to plus one and then it'll start working again of course it won't work very much because it'll only pick up what's on the belt let's see yes so of course we can see it is so fast but it send the signal this one reset to one and it picked up the seven that were remaining on the belt excellent so now we think we have all of the wire conditions up and running this is good and the only thing we need is to do the start condition i want to have the start condition as exactly 40 because that's the whole benefit of this one is that it works with 40 and then any time we produce more than one that will be output that is actually not true because uh it actually doesn't work with 40 it works with 40 plus this part has to be full so let's see this one is this one needs to be reset there we go it's reset there's this has no zero value this one is zero it's very important that we make sure that things are conditioned correctly and here that's 50. and i'm going to just manually set them in here and we should see that it stopped working in excess okay don't do that ah all right let's see here 41 yeah one outbound one in here that was because of the productivity we actually got two and then what's let's watch it 25 37 40. this counts to 40 and this one is empty and now another two are outbound here so this this way here is using a lot less in here in this area to uh to operate so every time there is another cycle it will actually put out something that you can use in the remainder of your base and that means you can you don't have to wait until this one stockpiles i mean this one hasn't even stopped started outputting anything yet of course you can say well it doesn't matter if it takes an hour or something i can always just take these out here all right but it's starting to stockpile here just slowly slowly starting to stockpile well that's stuck right up here but this one will immediately start outputting into your network and with this one if this is working all the time well by the way we should also just get a powerball i'll just place the powerball up here there's room for it and it covers everything so one of two things about this is it tileable well obviously it is you just put it like this and you can share beacons boom you just have to seat it yourself manually but that's uh that's just a a one time thing so until it starts flowing the other way there and now it's uh it's operational this one so easily tidable this one if it's running a hundred percent which it isn't running hundred percent but because uh you see here there's a small dot but if it was 100 it would it would be able to support 375 nuclear reactors that's a lot so i don't think you need to scale this up to multiple of these but if you want to you can do that if you uh if you feel so inclined but let's say it's probably around 300 nuclear reactors this alone can serve so there you have it the two different builds that are sort of have a different flavor to it this one is easy to set up doesn't require any circuit logic or anything to that matter but on the other hand it it has a much longer lead time until it actually starts outputting things and this one on the other hand is outputting easily but you have to be quite proficient with circuits in order to design this correctly so that's uh that's going to be sort of the factorial master class on coverage enrichment i hope you are enjoying this and if you are then be sure to hit the like button that means a lot for the visibility of the videos and also for me to see that these videos are actually relevant and interesting and if you haven't already then maybe it's time to hit the subscribe button and subscribe to the channel there's tons of factorial content and other content as well coming your way and of course if you want to be part of the design process or have good ideas about future masterclass videos then i encourage you to drop by on my twitch channel i'm streaming this these type of workshops on monday evenings over at twitch tv slash nilas and it's 8 pm central european time always always my streaming time mondays it's workshops tuesday thursdays and sundays it's a let's play over on twitch also really cool i want you to check it out and of course come hang out now at discord and yeah i'll see you guys around until next time take care and stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 228,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, nilaus, nilhaus, speedrun, tutorial, guide, 0.18, 0.17, 0.16, 1.0, megabase, howto, how-to, master, class, masterclass, PL-FACTORIO-S41, main, bus, mainbus, science, lab, layout, design, oil, processing, refinery, beacon, module, speed, refining, hub, mall, red, green, circuit, coal, liquefaction, liquifaction, petroleum, plastic, city, block, blueprint, grid, map, settings, generation, rocket, control, fuel, unit, low, density, structure, silo, space, train, rail, signal, chain, schedule, kovarex, uranium, u235, u238, enrichment
Id: ankt9ex0JLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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