Factorio 1.0 #01 LETS START AUTOMATING | New Player Experience

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welcome to factorio release my name is nidhaus and this is a brand new let's play series here on my youtube channel look at this amazing intro and we've landed on this forsaken planet and now we just need to survive here we are welcome to factorial free play so before we dive in i would like to talk about what this let's play will be because maybe maybe you've been following my channel for maybe months maybe years maybe weeks maybe this is the first time you find your way here let's start with the first important thing and that's changing our color i need to have my purple color otherwise i just cannot associate myself with this character so we are on this channel i am making let's play factorios and i'm making factorial masterclass videos and all sorts of other goodies now this is because we have just a release of factorio then i'm gonna start a brand new series and this one will be focused on the new player experience so the series is called let's start automating so we will be starting to automate that means if you watched a number of my other let's plays maybe you will find this a bit slower and in that case i also have another let's play on the channel running that's death world and it's sort of in the late game so you can follow that that also means that i mean anyone is allowed to follow both of those but there will be a significantly different experience in the death world late game i'll be focusing on building and scaling up and not so much explaining while here i want to explain things very thoroughly because i expect a lot of new people to come in so if you are the key audience for this let's play that new player maybe you just picked up factorio maybe you've been watching a bit maybe you've been playing a bit but you would like to sort of improve as you uh as you progress then i'm going to record these episodes and then i'm going to watch all the comment sections so be sure to let me know in the comment section if i'm explaining something too fast if i am not going into enough detail or if there's something specific you want to see me go into more detail about so this is by no means a rush and anyway we have landed on this beautiful planet it looks very nice we look at the map view just to get a sense of where we are and some iron some copper some coal and some stones that's what we need in some water currently we do not have access to oil in here but i think we have that somewhere around the corner there's a couple of other things there is only one mod that i've added and i'm adding this mod for the sake of making this youtube tutorial youtube let's play visible watchable and that's called afraid of the dark it doesn't really add anything but it makes the night a bit lighter and makes the yeah basically makes lights in the game bit stronger so otherwise things have a tendency especially on youtube videos to be very gloomy and dark but it doesn't change any functionality of the game so let's get started this is definitely new so on the spaceship we apparently have some items um i should say that i should also be able to yeah i can also harvest these but if i do then i don't get anything out of it okay so it's a bit of iron and a bit of everything there yeah so maybe already i'm holding shift and left clicking to transfer everything in one go you can also just look at that one i can also do it without it i can just go control and left click and then i'll pick up whatever's in there it's actually kind of funny that never really thought of it like if i'm not inside this it's control left click to pick up everything but if i'm in here it's shift left click to pick up everything it's just one of those things you get used to that gives us our eight iron plates that's the same at what we have normally i'm gonna put these in five farms good we are ready to get started what are we gonna do well the first thing i'd like to do is actually take a look and see if there are any big stones around here i don't think there are nope that's too bad sometimes it's just really nice if you have some big stones because they can they will contain some coal and they'll get started on our very first smelting so let's chop down some trees because trees are the true enemy in factorio and also they are pretty good for fueling now if you are wondering about how this map was created so that the parameters and any of those kind of things then i have a master class video it's called the best map generation best map settings something like that and it's a pretty good one and at the end of that one we've generated based on a number of different criteria we generated this map which is also the map that i'm going to be using now to build with so the first thing we do is we take our burner mining drill i'm going to put it on my hotkey and a stone furnace also so let's just walk through what this means the burner mining that this toolbars here they are they are only references so you don't actually store them here you just have a reference to how many you have in your inventory so when i pick something up here actually why would i even go up to the call we don't even know to go to the coal wow what a uh what a blunders to start with well we're running running we're gonna go over and get the iron part started because we have eight iron plates so we need nine iron plates to make another one of these and we also do not have any stone so i take this and then i go hit the z key or z key one two three four five five times there gonna put that one in here oops there and also i'm just going to make that here so and hit the alt key so that we can see what's going on and as soon as that one makes a single one we are going to get ah you know this is actually really annoying that we don't have any stones so if you have stones in the beginning you really mind the big stones out first that's so much easier but now we have to just chop a bit on the stone because we want to our main first objective is get more iron we want more irons smelting than because that's what we need to scale up so let's get as much iron as we can as fast as possible and we need some other things to support that right so we have now enough for one more of these and so one more burner miner i'm going to break that so this is the best hotkey ever cue button just hover over and press q then you pick up whatever you have in that location so i'm going to pick up and now we have 14 great 14 is enough for one more of these except isn't i'm gonna make a little box here because we probably need to get something here because they don't really want to start sit here and chop these forever and ever so we're just gonna chop five i guess yeah five so the objective of the very first episode here is going to be getting some kind of automation going so we have a bit better also you can actually hold over a mining field and press q then you'll get a minor as well there let me just chop a few more trees because we're kind of running out and hopefully by the time we get those trees we have five maybe hopefully 10 more stone bricks because that's what we need we need 10 more stone bricks so we can start mining some coal and that's probably enough to get going how much we got six seven eight nine ten there we need now more iron so we can make two more burner miners those brand of miners will go up to our coal facility i'll take whatever i can again just running past and holding control one two i'm gonna make two of these run all the way up to our cold this coal is actually pretty far away and it's quite small i guess that's gonna be a bit of a challenge on this map so let's build some of this and here we do a little cute little trick where we make them mine into each other so this one will mine and it'll push it into the other one into the cold storage of the other one and they'll just keep going like this i can steal it and then i also now have a tiny bit of coal available and this will be where we smelt where we get cold front that we will need to as you can see we are already running out our wood burners don't really last very long very long there so we have actually way too much iron but the constraint here is actually stone bricks so yeah how much we got 15 that's excellent i can make at least one more of these up so now i've made it into a ghost there and 10. 10 and 15 more one two one now i'm gonna need one more as well one more yeah that one so now it's time for us to get more of this the iron smelting going up that's not a good one and yeah you can also see quite easily that we do not have enough [Music] so i guess it's going to be more stone actually at this point this doesn't make any sense to to do that i can instead going up here to make more stone or sorry more coal furnaces getting all the way up here so that more of these little double ones and i'm gonna there there and just get it off the ground i'm gonna take whatever is in these two and i just want to make absolutely sure that they do not run out so these will now start working and i have now call the way i link things on the hot key bar is using oh it does actually says middle click to clear shortcut but also if you wanted this one in middle kick to get it this one i think we'll want to leave it it looks pretty so let's get 10 into each of these they do consume a bit faster so let's get that one running there we've got lots of iron plates but not enough stone to actually make it this is why things are usually working much better if you have some stone bricks in the beginning boom 45 that's nice so now we can make and these are almost running out then i'm going to take us to control right click no shift right what oh yeah i can't do that because i have this in here nevermind ctrl right click to put in half ctrl left click to put in all and that's a good way to just split half in in each you can always make more furnaces because we just need more of those and how many do we want we could make that's kind of not really good enough is it there i'm going to take four additional ones up to our call the code is far away so we want to make sure that every time we go up to the coal we're actually going to get a nice big batch of call back so as you can see here at the beginning is all about just getting a bit more coal so we can get a bit more iron so we can get a bit more mining so we can get a bit more stones we can a few more furnaces you know all of this is just aimed at and now i probably shouldn't be doing that with a stone anymore the wood anymore because we're gonna save a few of these for making powerful soon-ish and up like that so we got a bit of wood as well this is just to keep an eye on it to see how much we have of each of those not that it's really going to do much for us and we have 88 coal so let's fill it in we can fill it in many ways but i'm still going to do this with the set key just to chop up to 10 in each of these well if i could count to 10 that is there and we're going to pick up all the iron so the question now is how many should i make of these before starting to go into the next one that's much more of a sort of a temperament thing some people like one thing some people like other things that should keep it going for four and four there okay so now we're starting to actually get sufficient amount of these i'm gonna build a few more because iron is just used for everything in the beginning so let's make sure we have it there two one two and that one and that one right unfortunately we just don't have enough stone so doing this is kind of irrelevant right now one two three four i can take another four out here these burner miners are polluting a lot so we have to keep an eye on our pollution this is not particularly relevant right here in this series because i've set dividers to be pretty far away from us to begin with but in general it's definitely something you want to be mindful of that even if you build as you build more of these there none of this is running out great so now we have 237 calls so you can see that every time we do each of these cycles i have 12 here i have 10 here i want 12 as well unfortunately there's not really room for 12 right where we're building it can only be 11 so we're going to have to make you with 11 here um one more and now i can do something else i'll do control right click to put half a stack in i don't want to put half stacks into the other ones because the furnaces are not really using very much you can also just hold it down and just go back and forth here so your heart's content i'm going to leave some so we can put it together okay so it's there and can we build one of these yeah we can't but we can't going down to the stone bricks and at some point soon i'm going to also get some coal up oh there let's get the last of these in here and don't like that and let's get the copper as well now it's time for us to build copper how many one two i just need three copper three copper seems to be just fine to start with we really don't need a lot of copper to begin with stone i only need a lot of but that's not really and i know i said i shouldn't be using wood but i did okay now we can start making some things in order for making to make power one two three four steam engines that's where we get the power from one two boilers and we also need some pipes there we go and when we get some copper we cannot start making offshore pump we're not gonna need more coal up here so it's just a matter of going up there to do a supply run once in a while and we have the power here and this one should now be good we can take out this part because we now have proper one two three so put 25 into each i kind of also want to take these out just just because 10 and 10 in that one and we can now use this one to make an offshore pump what else do we need we need some power poles for sure and we pick up more iron here and now it's just a matter of doing a lot of supply runs should i make one more i don't know maybe maybe i should but i don't so this is a very big difference from a lot of people some people like to go really quickly on uh on electric power i don't particularly want that let's cover how the electric power works i'm gonna take some inserters and we can take some hmm iron chests i don't really like the iron chest right now stone gesture just fine there so we are going to make an offshore pump this is how you start with the power very very simple without an offshore pump that needs to that gives us water i'm going to bring the water in this isn't really necessary i just like to have some space between it so it doesn't get too cramped then it goes water goes into boilers let me think i don't think about this i'm going to put two boilers each boiler is consuming 60 water per second and producing 60 steam per second each of the steam turbines you can see the steam comes out here the steam here is consuming 30 steam so i can take two of these for each one and that gives us exactly the consumption of all the steam that's produced here and here and i'm also going to take these two just this is kind of the way i do things because we're going to do some copy pasting and we get our first two inserters i'm going to take that one and that one they are not powered yet get a few belts because that's probably a good idea we'll just get the belts here so it's gonna start somewhere up here and we're gonna start with a little box didn't we get a box we did get one box and i'm gonna start kickstart this by getting okay that was not enough come on give me the box here yes please the box that one and of course needs to pick some more of these inserters here there's nothing magical about this way of doing it but what i'm doing here is basically just saying put it in the box the box will feed these and this one will be happy and start producing electricity now we're going to the electricity meter it's funny how well how much it spikes the only electricity we consume is a tiny bit for the inserters the way this works is that they will consume they will grab in this case 20. that will be stored in here and however the production or the consumption of coal is dependent on the output so it only consumes coal when it can produce steam it can only produce steam when the steam engines are consuming you can look at the consumption that says 0.1 0.0 how little power is actually being produced or being consumed from this which is good because we want that now i'm going to drag my power poles to starting control oh my god who built that who built that right in the middle of my base ah that's like so typical all right i'm just gonna break this drag this up here because that will be sort of our first little automation thing so what we want to do now is press t to open our our science the first thing you always want to get is automation just takes 10 of these bulbs so what we need to do is make a lab and make 10 bulbs i don't know why i've called bulbs i never do that science things we can make eight of those and that's just something we need to handcraft our way through and you can see while i was away all of the cold ran out can i make i make two more that's good and then i can make one of these i don't need more than that and also makes a few chests because why not and a few powerfuls i think i want the power balls to be into that location that's just where see this is idle because all of the internal buffers are full there oops somehow we just made that one bad yeah they're almost empty so now we have tons of this that's perfect let's build the first part and what i can also do is i can also start making some gears some electronic circuits i right click to create five at times and some inserters because why not and when we get the first one we can start our first automation which will be sort of what we want to achieve we want to just get started on the very first automation explaining how the power works and making the first part of the science we can unlock some fancy new tech in the first episode and we have a science lab i can't remember where i place it you should place it somewhere and i just control these in that means this is starting and it's going to be happy automation is following up here that's good so we are closing in on what we wanted to achieve in this episode so let me just talk a bit about what this is going to be happening so right now that factorio 1.0 is new i'm going to be releasing these episodes on a daily basis as time progresses just a bit i'm probably going to change to a sort of every other day cycle so i don't get this so it doesn't get too overwhelming for me or for you to keep up if you're also keeping up with the other series as well and yeah this will be releasing on my youtube channel there will also be on top of that there will be regular masterclass videos there will be over on twitch if you want to drop by there then i'm streaming live it's another series it's uh it's it's more kind of more more advanced but also a bit more quirky in terms of sort of what we're trying to do in that base i don't have that one anymore on the map and i think i can take these out and take that one cool so at this point i just want to make sure that i'm crafting things all the time because as soon as i get this automation then i have a lot of things that i want to craft so let's be ready for that at this point just it's basically a bit of whack-a-mole with this that one has run out yep this one is almost out yeah and the automation i'm ready for it and then we need to start working on ah get to that there we go and i'm going to take some of the next thing oh logistics look that's a new icon exciting i think we'll take logistics there and now we can make some assembling machines a lot of those and some inserters and some boxes i'm gonna put the box here i'm going to put the that one here so one of the things that we want to make as part of the last bit of this this episode well there are some a few things that are super easy to make or super important to make and for example this one makes gears and this one makes belts if i put some iron in here they will start working gears and make beds and i think i'd actually want to do it in a different way [Music] there so i also can put some extra ones in there if needed i am going to use this limit up onto here so i don't create more than one stack and if i want to remove this limit i press here let's just make sure that i don't overdo this now i want to make something else that could be even a bit simpler and that's going to be green circuits i'm just going to make these things that i think we're going to be needing oops no ah that was definitely not what i wanted that's okay this will be wire and green so now it put some one and a half and one that's the ratio you need if you look at it it takes one iron and one and a half copper so if i put one stack of iron and one and a half stack of copper then they'll run out at the same time uh if we're planting on any kind of spiders around here then i think it's prudent to also built [Applause] uh i guess we lost our ability to make wooden chests at this point we can make some ammo that's probably a good idea and put some iron in here there so now we make some ammo if we want to make something more fancy we can also do something like this and this one will be making automation because that consists of gears and copper plates so i just grabbed that one in here and that one in here and then put some copper plates in here um unfortunately we are probably not going to get enough in this one i'll just put some of these in here let's see if it works now however our power is increasing so the next thing we want to do is make sure that we do not run out of power which is something that kind of always happens for me oh i've made a mistake ah no wonder that one shouldn't be there and up here we can get some code that's gonna be the last thing we want to do because i just don't want to run out of power on this uh the very end of the very first episode one thing that i think we want to do is make and take that one and then we can make a radar making a radar is super important let's put it right there in the middle so that will start exploring the area around our base and we go back down here and get some put some more coal in this box how much is there 69 i'm going to put hat evident so control right click to insert half of everything in there there we go we have actually a tiny little base that's ready to go as you can see we're running out of the call here there i'm also going to do this one for coal so we have some basic iron smelting basic copper smelting basic stone mining basic automation here and very basic science that's actually going and also getting some coal all of it there's not much automation but we have the very first automation and that's gonna be a great place to end our first episode of this let's play so as always this is a youtube let's play well surprise surprise that means uh the very first episode is the most important one in terms of just getting the visibility and for the series so if you like this episode be sure to hit the like button if you want to keep up with all the awesome factorial content on my channel hit the subscribe let me know in the comment section below if there's something you really want me to go into detail maybe i've been glossing over some things and that i i'm trying to put my mind in this place of a beginner and explain things as much as i can however it's very easy for me to skip things uh on essentially so let me let me know if there's anything and then i'll take that input and put it into the recording of the next episode so the comment section is even more important than usual thank you very much for watching i hope to see you in the next episodes or and or on my twitch stream so happy launch event and i'll see you guys next time until then take care and stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 255,512
Rating: 4.9384894 out of 5
Keywords: factorio, lets, play, 1.0, patreon, death, world, deathworld, train, megabase, achivement, achievements, unmodded, mod, modded, vanilla, city, block, cityblock, drone, mining, transport, logistics, logistic, construction, tutorial, tutorials, guide, explanation, how, to, challenge, mega, supporter, daily, network, nauvis, spidertron, release, new, player, experience, PL-FACTORIO-S44
Id: 78XKGNmBmHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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