FIRST Time Starting A Factory ! Factorio Episode 1 | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what is going on everybody's here and welcome to a little game you may have heard of it you may not have that game is factorial so I have literally never played this game once in my life we're gonna go ahead we're gonna start a new guest our campaigns new game what what is the difference I have no idea let's just click new game um let's just leave everything yes I like it so I've never played factorio if you guys have tips tricks anything like that leave in the comments down below now I know this game has mods like it has has a pretty decent amount of mods from the from what I've seen so if there's like key mods that you think I should be playing comment down comment them down below absolutely ok tips of tricks + left alt to toggle the detail info overlaid known as alt mode ok two sides of belts so belts have a left side and a right side I mean that makes sense we got some boiler connection stuff got flow through boiler water can flow through boilers water connections allowing compact and simplified power setups oh very nice ok oh my god what is this so we have some power situational stuff ok that's that's fine oh my gosh how many how many of these things do we have here alright I got through all the things I think this is factorio free play your task is to launch a rocket into space you will need to research advanced technologies in order to unlock the rocket silo start small work your way up with automation and don't forget to protect yourself from the natives alright so we apparently have some natives Wow this uh this is a little bit different than satisfactory I gotta say but I think we're going to be good what do I even do where do I start uh I feel like I need some kind of resource pocket okay so I have a map over here so do I need to go to one of these resource Pape probably probably need to go to a resource pocket somewhere hold on what is this uh coal okay do I just pick it up oh alright wait can I like click and drag an area nope alright I don't have any inventory stuff wait so where did all that coal go then I just picked up where's the where's the rocks is this plus one coal I have six tab inventory this no no no no that must be hot bar stuff armor weapons what is happening i inventory no oh okay we have coal oh we have a we have a stone furnace and we have a burner mining drill consumes a burnable fuel I feel like that'd be very counterproductive to put on a coal mine I don't know but what is this this stuff shiny oh this is iron it looks like it looks like glass it looks like somebody like broke their window right here oh look at all these ores right next to us oh we've hit the mother lode people and we have water right here I think we're gonna need water for stuff anyways wonderful all right so now there are hostiles so I don't know how to deal with this uh yeah it's one thing at a time can I put this in like a hot bar and then can I place this okay so we have we have this this stone furnace now we don't wanna be super close to that right oh what's that stuff oh it's nighttime I'm scared let's place that down and then a burner mining Joel I feel like we're gonna need where I need iron right like irons like it's gotta be the first resource that we need let's pull that there and then let's put some coal in it maybe coal oh it's doing this stuff does it say it like okay if I click this does it say what it has wait what oh is it already full is that the deal is it already like completely full of something iron chest I don't have oh I do have eight okay so what do I do with that Matt can I build this can I attach it maybe oh oh wait a second oh it totally does he totally automatically puts it in there that's amazing okay so we can leave that guy run and doing its thing do I need this do I need like weaponry for stuff I you know I have no idea uh and I'm gonna need some fuel as well okay so where's the crafting of crafting logistics production oh it's all right here oh my god okay so it looks like we need some iron plates in order or iron gears or something and then iron plates okay so I can I grab that over there oh I didn't see if shift-click works I don't know I don't know that's the thing let's go in our crafting can i craft these iron plates no okay so do I have any more fuel I don't any more fuel let's go grab some more coal I guess alright we got more coal I'm gonna throw this into my furnace and turn it in to steal stuff baby alright so we'll turn this into there and put this in here is that gonna make plates maybe yeah okay cool hey you know I got this I got this I've played satisfactory people I know how to handle this game I'm just joking please do not destroy me the comments I know there's oh man that guy ran out of fuel already shift-click shift-click works that's good let's put this into here maybe okay so we have eight plates let's see crafting wise I need these guys okay so four of those uh and then I really want another burner drill deal but I need a stone France where do I get stone from is this stone is this stone over here maybe this has got to be stone it is stone okay good we have lots of stone here alright we got a little bit sooner so I think ideally I don't know I'm just going on a limb here I'm thinking that it would be good to put her burner drill on the coal and hopefully it would gather the coal faster than it would burn it I could be completely wrong but let's try it we'll try our hand at okay so what am I missing now iron plates we should have iron plates in here oh oh we do indeed okay crafting one and two absolutes make both of them fantastic so we definitely want one down here I do want a storage container too though as well where's though it's over here okay now I don't know if this will like well this collects forever or like do I have to do something or oh oh no oh no oh no stop stop I know I don't I don't want okay all right we did it okay can I select an area no it doesn't look like it alright we put we got one coal let's put one coal in here and let's see what happens it's get it's getting more cold and then it's not that's I mean that's good what about storage storage this I need that bring that down here on the hotbar nevermind put that right there and then we should be getting coal hey yeah if only it would fill itself that would be like super ID let's put another one in there Oh wonderful okay so that's doing its thing we got some cool automated already my gosh we've already got automation people it's amazing I know I know it's it's absolutely the best thing ever and then you know what I think we're gonna need a lot of stone - can we not have these three of these in the same slot I don't know why I did that all right we'll put that there uh and then Oh hold on any another one of these can I make another one yes fantastic and then you right there fantastic oh my gosh we've done it let's go grab some cold uh so we have twelve Cole I'm gonna put the twelve Cole back in here slowly this can get even more coarse Cole so wait hold on we went from - Cole to twelve Cole so that's a good turnaround rate I like it I like it let that guy do its thing now is this going to expect a resources 5.2 K I love it all right so we're gonna let that do its thing I feel like we need to start looking into some belts and pow what is okay so power generation right like what do we need for that okay there's the boiler so a pipe the stone furnace a steam engine so the boiler burns what burns fuel to turn water into steam consumes water okay consumes burnable fuel generates steam sixty per second and then a steam engine consumes steam to create electric energy consumptions 30 per second so we can have two of those output max output is 900 kilowatts okay so I need two of those but we need water so we gotta get the boiler set up first is there like a water pump deal offshore pop electronic circuit pumps fluid from a body of water wait try make electronics iron plate and copper cable that must be a basic thing that we can maybe okay cool it is all right sweet I like it so I'm gonna say that we're gonna need probably this research lab in order unlock anything else because I'm not saying any kind of crafters or anything right now and burner inserter or maybe what sowhat's does the inserter put things into things because I'm just thinking that the I'm thinking that these guys it doesn't look like they have an input on them so I don't know if I can automate it so that the coal will automatically input into their like I'd like to get some automation set up but we also have to make a ton of bills a lot of belts so we'll probably not get to that I don't know I have no idea but I do need to get these in here so we get more plates because we need place we need all the plates for all the things so I know for certain that we do need another burner mining drill iron plate iron gear will so that's yellow does that mean that I have this stuff to make it I think that's what it means well now will it automatically make it for me from having the raw resources I don't know let's grab the stone and let's try it okay let's say I want oh oh it does it automatically makes that oh my gosh as long as you have the raw resources it'll automatically make it for you oh that's amazing that is absent that is phenomenal oh my gosh that is absolutely insane I love it so much can I make another can I make another deal another another one of these no but cannot boom baby we got another one oh yes indeed we did okay so uh let's grab you put you right there and then we need some fuel let's go down to our handy dandy fuel guy oh gosh our fuel guy is out of fuel oh oh there's a full stack Oh should we just put the full stack in here now let's let's do this let's let's split that stack all right well let that do its thing let it get some more goodies oh oh now one thing I am a little bit worried about and I don't know if it's something that I should actually be worried about is I've noticed that these are all like there's a certain amount of stuff here these look like pretty big deposits but um it is a little worrisome that there's actually like finite amounts where as satisfactory there's infinite amounts of stuff and I prefer I kind of prefer the infinite amounts of stuff honestly because then you can eat ought to worry about like resetting up removing stuff like that but you know what it is what it is it's a different game different things so I'm not gonna lie I'm a little scared cuz I see these red things over here and I think those are enemies and I'm really hoping that they don't come and attack me cuz that is something that I am not ready for ah we need this lab deal transport belts electronic circuit and iron wheels we should be able to make a lot of that stuff hopefully I think we're actually ready to have another furnace I think we need to get another one in here we're just gonna set it right next to this guy and we're gonna throw some fuel in it we're gonna do some copper stuff yeah oh well I guess that one finished just as the other ones start all right so there's those because I need we need to make this lab thing so I have this stuff that I need this is gonna make iron copper plates so what do I need for the copper wire stuff one plate per wire okay that's not terrible I think we have everything we need now electronic circuit wait what do I need for that oh oh I need more all right how about now hey we can do it okay we built the thing oh it takes like it takes a few seconds oh it's gonna make all the stuff first okay oh my gosh I really love that oh man I wish satisfactory did that okay and I'm gonna tell you right now I'm sorry there's gonna be a lot of compare incidents between this and satisfaction because I played satisfactory first I know a lot people compared it the other way but I've played it first so it is what it is okay I'm sorry alright so now we need to place this guy down somewhere well just place it well it's gonna be like a mining area let's place right there okay oh god it needs power Automation science pack the logistic science pack military science pack chemical I feel like is there like a oh space utility production module modules are okay so we got it we got to get power on here hmm you know what let's craft a boiler and then let's craft some pipes maybe what you hold on where our pipe set pipes Thank You Feist well I want to let me build this iron we oh are we out of iron we don't enough iron I love all this dude run okay let's stop making fun of the man let's stop making fun of the poor man let's put that right back in there so we gets more cold we'll get these things power back up I need to go throw more things in the smelters I'm gonna get some automation going on that's what I want I want automation we need it in our lives right so let's put this in here to start with and then we'll put the full stack in there can I put more than one stack in there No all right that's fine that's fine it's fine it's fine oh gosh the emergency it ran out of power we're good we're fine put those in there is this guy good on power no all right put that in there I bet you the stone thing ran out of power - heyyo suggested tutorial inventory transfers click here to open listeners tutorials whoo-hoo-hoo minute orioles are short interactive scenarios to teach some more advanced part ok long word adhere oh my gosh that is an absolute mind Messer hole look at that ok it wants me to play with this stuff alright we finished the tutorial I don't want to make it go away though how do I make it go away do I get this thing oh there goes ok all right finished I learned how to move things around cool did it done skis now it paused the game didn't it yeah okay that's fine oh man those those quick controls are actually super dice I really like because you don't actually do inventory every time so I can just like ctrl click and it'll add copper since that already has copper tin I can control click it'll add iron since already has iron in it and then I think once these are done I think it'll let me let me pick up the items if I'm not mistaken I don't know yeah I don't know anyways okay so we need power to this bad boy I so let's go nikkor uh steam engine I need that I actually need two of these if I'm not mistaken boiler okay so we're making those what I need I need more iron alright so make it we're gonna make - we're gonna make - we're gonna go fancy here make two boilers or two steam engines I'm sorry so we're gonna do one boiler two steam engines and that should be right I think so if I put wait hold on which one is this one I want the boiler okay so if I put this like if I put if I put this here and then I put uh these guys I rotate you like right here oh can I not directly attach it no I can't Oh we'll forget that we're gonna put it like that and like that I rotate the map yeah I don't I don't really I don't really know I don't know let's make some of these so I do this oh I do that can I connect it - no looks like I need something hmm all right so what do I need for this oh I sure what hey that's what I needed so how much does I gonna give us per pumping speed is 12,000 per second what is your deal you need this is the input of water I you know what I don't I don't really know let's get this put in here maybe I want that go there why won't that just attach but hold on a second um can I pick this up yes okay winning offshore pump right there and then I need a tube to go right why I want that go right there not connect system with different fluids what oh you know what water steam I'm a dummy yeah yep that that would be it that would be it uh do we have like a tee fitting for the steam no we don't why why not I made two steam engines and now I can't even connect them okay so we can connect that there right and then what do you need for fuel um it needs coal okay we can do that wait hold on before we do that what do I need for the power pole deals small electric power pole okay so I made one oh I made two actually now how close to these things have to be okay so like right here oh oh it'll tell me oh that's kind of cool I like that all right so we'll put one there I need more though and I need what do I need for that I need would I get would I have to manually chop down what this is ridiculous oh there's like a forest here okay that's that's not so bad all right so we have power can i connect it to this well that will that connect right if I connect it here like that does that mean it's powered now I think so maybe possibly then we throw fuel in here maybe it's maybe it's good now I don't think that's not right it can't be right maybe it is all right so we got copper cable can I connect you to here no oh wait what it won't connect why won't you connect oh is it because is it because the deal is not like within the range is that what it is no it won't connect why won't you connect I don't understand I don't understand you all right let's throw some stuff into here put that in there that generating any kind of power oh hey now Automation logistics military chemical production I want to go with that um it doesn't look like I have an option here how do you work no research in progress oh my gosh what is this optics turrets automation automation available start research it gives us assembly machine yes start the research ok so now what do I do does it require something missing science but I don't have any science packs well how do I make them does it just create stuff over time oh right here oh these are science packs ok so I need those let's grab let's car five let's do that going to here and then once we have all the oh my goodness ok let's wait for these alright so I have five science packs so I put them in there oh we have something going on here people that I don't know what's going on in there he doesn't look great it looks like there's a Tesla coil in there that's kind of neat Oh Automation one science back it's using a lot it's using a lot more than just one oh it says how much weight okay cost is one we need 10 oh there's the percentage right there okay so I need a lot more that's what I'm learning I need a lot more of those things I like what we got going on here I like this stuff but I don't think we are making enough materials fast enough I think we need more of these guys so let's just go ahead and make a bunch of those let's we'll just make all of them let's make absolutely all of them because we'll use them in the future I think maybe not that might have a mistake maybe I should stop these can i crack can I stop those alright what that what a bit of a snake yeah and then let's put one here let's put one there we're gonna just double up actually we might even just triple up everything here that one Oh can't reach oh it's cuz I'm too far away I was like I actually had to place it you know uh and then rotate boom oh my gosh they're all gonna go into one store just gonna be super amazingly fast I like it perfect okay so we have three on there two on there wonderful let's go grab some more stuff let's grab some more cold we got to get the coals going faster yeah we're doing the things we got so much coal coveted it's great it's great now what happens when I run out of like resources here um I feel like there's more cold air or that's more more copper sorry copper I mean we got a whole bunch of aliens over here I'm gonna just I'm gonna get destroyed by those I don't know what day it is but it the I'm gonna get destroyed I think it's time for us to go ahead and make some more science point deals thirty absolutely can I just shift all yes yes we can indeed awesome all right so we're gonna make all those up we're gonna throw him in here we're gonna do some research East stuff it's gonna be a good time so we got ten of these bad boys let's go and put those in there oh yeah all the things are going now how's everything going over here actually how's what's the Cole situation too terrible actually seems like it takes a while to burn stuff off now if I'm not using power does it require anything to be like does it does it still go it probably still does it's probably not smart like that but we are getting loads and loads of stuff now where you have tons of that we have tons of coal coming in tons of copper we are looking good I like it but we got to do you know do more research so let's grab all these and the first thing I wanna do is top off all of those guys so I did I did put the raw ore in my bar I know it's amazing I don't go in my inventory every single time it's amazing and then I need to top off these guys as well grab more of that grab more of that oh my gosh we have so much stuff automation finished Presti what oh um did we did we do it key technology for technology's already researched fantastic okay so if I want to go with what I need for these times a hundred Oh sane it's insane start research on these I guess I guess we're gonna move down this the skill to go solar energy fast inserter oil processing Research Lab speed automation times want okay so wait to do was there stuff that I can bake now can I make more stuff what is this assembly machine this does probably auto makes wait do we have any kind of smelting that wool oh you know what we probably have to use the these guys the inserters right it probably takes from this inserts into one of these guys maybe I have no idea absolutely no idea that might be a thing it might be thing but you know what that's gonna intercept so guys hopefully you enjoyed if you did don't forget live like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more okay I'm just looking around looking around where's all the people I don't know I'm all up I'm suck it by myself it's fantastic but yes thank you guys so much for the support hopefully you guys enjoyed again comments tips tricks anything's like that down below also we will probably be streaming on slash doin game if you guys wanna check it out I'm hoping I don't get addicted another factory game but guess what it looks like we might be in we might be in indeed Oh Deary me but thank you guys for coming out have a fantastic time I'll see you the next one [Music]
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 34,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio gameplay, factorio 0.17 gameplay, factorio lets play, factorio gameplay ep 1, factorio vanilla, how to play, factorio 2020, lets play, factorio ep 1, factorio gameplay part 1, vanilla, city, sci fi, survival, alien, factorio, z1 gaming, factory game
Id: L-glcF3S0ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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