Factorio 1.0 #2 AUTOMATING THE FIRST SMELTING | New Player Experience

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welcome to factorio 1.0 let's start automating my name is nila so this is the second episode of our new let's play and i've been spending a lot of time reading the comment section uh based on the input from yesterday and i really appreciate all the input something that i think is sort of the recurring theme is that i might have been going a bit too fast so i'm going to try to fix that i've taken a number of notes on some specific things and i'm not gonna go through everything because maybe that wasn't sort of clear uh i intend for this series to be primarily focused on people who are actually playing the game and as such when you're playing the game you will have some flair for it yourself you'll be clicking around and finding out different options yourself and once you do that whether you press m to show the map view but also just exploring the game yourself so if you are completely new and have never opened the game and just downloaded i would encourage you to dive in make mistakes and when you get confused stuck or frustrated well that's where this series is going to help you out because i'm going to try to explain what we do why we do how we do it and uh without sort of going too many or into too many other things right or without yeah i'm going to try at least so we're gonna start with uh with one thing that i think is really important is that at the beginning of each episode i want to state what the target and goal of this this episode is so that we get more of an understanding of what it is we want to achieve so you understand why we're doing the various things we're doing so for this specific one we are going to well scale up because that's the name of the game in terms of factorial it's always about scaling up no matter how much you build you the answer will always be you need more and we're just going around here as uh as you will be doing a lot in the early game just picking up iron copper stone brakes we're gonna head down here to grab some more stone bricks and please don't run out of power it's almost running out but not quite and i'm gonna be we are going to make a lot more furnaces so i'm just gonna start making all furnaces so we can get that going let's just check on here we have 374 wooden chests now research we're just going to let research pause for just a moment so let me just also explain why i did this particular thing and what it is green circuits and gears are some of the things that are being used the most in the beginning and well we don't actually have a lot of things that required but things such as inserters when you get that electric miners when we get that that those will like electric miners here gears and circuits so instead of me handcrafting everything if we can just pick some of these up and pick some of these up it's going to be a lot i nicer so let's keep this one going also builds are a bit tedious to craft so here i'm gonna put one two and one so this one will just keep going make more green circuits and it'll just make all of our construction easier so at this point we have a tiny bit of power built i could take a look at the power grid here this is super confusing you can set up on the intervals let's just put it on one minute and it's uh less erratic you can see the power consumers on the side and power producers on the side and basically the satisfaction as long as this bar is full that means you can meet all the demands of the power in the base right now it's fluctuating with like three four five hundred kilowatt and the production here this indicates how much of the total production if things are maxed out if these four are working at full capacity then we'll have 3.8 and that's going to be maxing out accumulated chance is something that comes later when we build accumulators because you kind of build up batteries with power so basically at this point as long as there's a screen it's fine and you can see on any entity over in the right hand side it has electricity and when they're idle they use a lot less but when they're working they use more so now we got everything working here let's just get a few more ammunition we don't really need that much but yeah we'll get it okay so what we want to do today is trying to scale up and the way we want to scale up is building a lot of inserters and this is where we need iron iron gears and electronic circuits so this is why we actually want all the electronic circuits you know i think this might i might want more of these so let's build more of these and i'm going to clean up my inventory up here because we're done building actually the some of the starter things i'm going to put belts underground belts and splitters those are the main ones i'm gonna use and that's just always the way i structure my initial base here now let's start building something and let's see that one is okay we are also gonna get some more electric miners because what we need to do now is we'd like to get away from this part that i have to constantly refuel myself into something where we automate things the base the series is after all called let's automate let's start automating so we definitely need to start automating things there right now what we have to do is pick up manually from our cold burner miners and put them into run all the way back and put them into our iron miners we want to make that automated we do that by making it something that uses power instead using electricity instead of using coal branded miners use coal to work or wood for that matter but we want to start using electricity and then we use the coal to produce the electricity so again here i'm going to go hold down control right click and drag over all of them that means i'm going to take half stack into each so that puts 25 into each one of these that one is done you can see here if you hover over then it will say expected resources one one one and if this is zero then it's not gonna mind anymore see this one boom just now it's cut stock it doesn't visually indicate anything but it doesn't have any expected resources therefore it's done and those can then be moved other places because we we're not quite done yet yeah and want this one and let's get the last one there pick up everything and here we have our power line coming in what else are we missing we don't have this because we don't have any green circuits okay copper let's go grab some more copper oh look at this the bottom one here is right to run out i think i want to make now i don't want to make any more of these this should be enough there lots and lots of iron and what should we do i'm gonna continue to build more of these and you can see here now we are starting to build our handcrafted electronic circuits that's what i'd really like to avoid because it's kind of tedious they're putting more in uh keep feeding this one so it's always working and let's look at science again we want to start making smelting columns that's what we want to do because smelting homes is what really feeds our future base and that's going to be one of those principles in factory where you're always going to need more than you think you're going to need it's kind of it seems silly to say that but it you always need more just more but a few of these things and let's see i think i'll build research start research again turrets would be nice if biters will come in so they not so friendly neighbors on the planet they don't like us polluting when we get to that part i'll explain it but there's no point in explaining it on for now we have a radar this is the part that covers this area and also discovers out here as well now the next thing we want to do is build like the start of our smelting column so i want to show you a pretty cool way of doing this and just get some one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve maybe i don't know i can use ctrl c that's a copy function to just to get an indication of this this is something you can only use when you have blueprints unlocked right now i'm just doing it so we can count how many we have now the ideal case would be if i had a belt out here and i could take from this belt into these oh hold on that's not correct i think i'd rather do this make it slightly more efficient that one and that one so let's try and connect this to our line here so we get our inserters will start working and they are not working so what if on the one side the belt has two sides what if on the one side of the belt we had let's just try and grab it something so we can kind of get a feeling for what it is not really sure that's great hmm and that's turrets finished i don't really well let's go military as well they're pretty cheap so we can we can take a couple of these yeah you know what that's not a good idea not a good idea i want to illustrate something but it doesn't quite it's going to be more tedious to show if so what if i put iron copper in here and iron on this side and i'm going to put them in you can see here they put in on either side of the belt so inserters will always and this is kind kind of an intuitive until you get used to it they will always put on the side that's furthest away on the belt that's just the way it works so you can have two different things one on either side and that's the intention is that on the outside we want iron and on the inside we want coal so that the same inserter can do both of them and then on the other hand we can now get take them out of this location and maybe put them on a belt and that'll make us just a bit more happy there there so you can see they will be put out here so that's a good idea for now and let's see in order for us to do that we need some miners so we can start mining some copper here some iron here iron is currently mined directly into the furnace and from there it's being consumed but we can do better than that we can just put it on a belt and i think i need more belts as well so i'm going to put it here you can see the green area that's the part where the where it's actually mining from so i'm going to put it here and on the other side and then i can drag a belt in between so these will now input on the closed side of the belt not the further side like in turtles but the close side those are some of the things that i never really think about but i kind of have to think about it now that i'm have to explain it to someone who might not have seen this before so what i'm doing now is just making one big happy line of belts okay that's actually not great and i don't have any wood so we need to chop down some wood in order to get some some more wood for the our wooden powerfuls and it means that we just put in some coal here that was military i don't think i want to go further on science right now military gives us one thing that is improvement right now we have a pistol that we used to shoot with and that's not really very um persuasive towards enemies coming in so let's instead build an smg go on the combat tab and build an smg instead submachine gun we can build one of those i'll take this and i'm going to just build all the stone furnaces we can because we need a lot of stone furnaces and all of that there i'm actually going to take this out it annoys me that they're not next to each other i know it's kind of irrelevant things but i like these kind of things right so miners if you want to have a belt like a yellow belt here completely full taking 59 per second then you need 30 miners but i don't actually need that right now don't feel that super important so we can take this belt and we could also take it up there that though here and what if we build it or if it did this so that now here this one goes in on one side and then the other side like this put the colon and you can see we're now getting iron coming in on both sides of the belt and then it'll merge in to only fill up one side of the belt and then we have the coal coming in on the other side and that'll give us lots of smelting here lots of iron the thing is with these furnaces is that if they can't output such as this one soon it can't output there then it'll start building up iron plates on an internal buffer and this will go reach up to 100 so you really don't need to build a lot of boxes here because once you just let them run they'll still up fill up and 100 in each one so you can do whole control and left click all the way down and just pick up whatever is left here and that's a super efficient way of getting more stuff let's build some more miners because we need it i'm going to take yeah this one needs some copper and i'm going to take that one as well that's a lot of electronic circuits we have now and this one is working it's not working looking good now what if we want to build more up here so we can get the call in as well this one is empty that's why this one stops working so i'm going to put it here and here hopefully it didn't and i'm going to build one two three four five four i'm just gonna make four here uh there are some people who like to have to build them further apart the miners because you can see this one is now overlapping so you could technically go like this takes these five tiles and this one take this five times right so they don't overlap and all you do is just take longer to mine out and you want to mine out as fast as possible because you are you want to have the option of mining out as fast as possible this is again just something with symmetry and i want to do that so if you remember these don't only work and therefore also only require power when they're actually doing something so let's drag our powerfuls back to the rest of the line here so if you have 20 and they're idle it doesn't really use more power than if you have 10 and they're idle oh wow that's way too way too far now we do have to be mindful of our power consumption because electric miners do tend to use a lot more power you can see here we are now going up 16 of these it's using 1.4 megawatts and we only have a total of 3.8 and it gets worse than that because we don't even have any correct input we only have like a handcrafted input we also need to get this one in automatically so we we can do this more efficiently and what i want to do is i may want to make more smelters if we double up the smelters it doesn't use anymore but it will okay we need we need more iron let's go grab some iron we have still that and then i feel that it's probably a good idea to be in front of the curve when it comes to power you don't really ever want to run out of power and these have filled up so good time to do this i'm gonna make one two one two three four because remember the ratio was one boiler to two steam engines and the water pipe here can feed this one can produce 12 1200 or 1200 per second this one can consume 60 per second so each one of these pump can feed 20 so we don't have to worry right now about actually running out of this and we're just now doubling our power soon it does not consume more power oops it just now is enabling it and we can look here we now have seven point seven which is double of the three point eight we had before so what are we seeing i'm just gonna move the table just a bit down sorry for that little noise and that's that means that we are a bit safer when it comes to power not super safe yet we are first going to take our copper no our coal sorry we just managed to power up here all our coal miners they're coming out on the belt this belt should be given doing two things it should go both into our new copper iron melting lane and it should go into our steam engines so let's see if we can do that i'm going to just take it i think we'll just take it down here and keep in mind and let's see i want to get it this is just a way for me to give some kind of indication and it's not going to add it can't go through jump over or under technically so what we're seeing and i'm actually going to continue this one down here because this is the most important we don't want to run out of power if you run out of power your base stops working so prioritize prioritize getting coal to your power automate it first and we have that now ah already now i feel a lot more comfortable i am just going to increase our power even more one two three four i'm exclusively doing this so that we don't have to come back to this as often it's not because we need it it's simply because then i don't have to worry about it for a bit longer time maybe a couple of episodes more instead of just having to come back next episode as soon as we build something we have to build more power and this is just yeah this is easier so this is our power let's mark it on the map this is if you look at the map you can't really remember what's what so you can right click and you can give an indicator i wonder if the new train is there can you do that for that no unfortunately not that's too bad but this one will be marked as a steam engine so we can see on the map that it is it's where we produce our power and you can see the belt here is now filling up this one is going to be kind of more of a an extra buffer what i can do is kind of do something like this what this does means it just takes something out here and puts it in a buffer really right now all it does is a whole lot of nothing but when this one fills up it'll just start putting into the box but be unable to put it out and then we'll have a bit more storage into the box it's pretty simple actually it's not a great idea to build it here i'd rather have it somewhere else so let's ignore that for now we have a long belt and that belt in itself serves as a buffer so if something runs out we still have all the work on the all the stuff on the buffer here let's bring this in see if we can use this as well so this one i can bring it up to that location so now i'll have coal coming in on one side and iron coming in on the other side i can also just grab all this look at a beautiful iron we now have that's a lot of iron we got now wouldn't it be cool since this one is only inputting or outputting on the right hand side wouldn't be interesting if we could do the same thing over here as well because then i could yeah here that would have to be this and then then i would be able to fill up both sides of the belt that would be pretty neat so in order for us to do that we have several different ways and i'm going to show you one way that i prefer doing it and then you can kind of see the point of it and get this on the inside i'm just gonna build it and i'm gonna explain it so this little trick here will actually allow us to get really efficient so it goes in here and i'm just going to go with pressing f to pick up the bus uh pick up from the belt here it's important there we go all right another super important thing um i think i forgot to mention this at the beginning or maybe i did mention it and in that case i'm just going to mention it again is that right now there is on my youtube channel a video called tips and tricks for new players this will go through a lot of the shortcuts i'm using here so that it'll be much easier for you to understand what's going on what are the shortcuts that i'm using and it's specifically designed to sort of give a more comprehensive introduction to it but what we're seeing now is you can see we're not really getting a lot of coal inbound but it'll be fine it it doesn't need much coldest part by doing this splitter on the outside we have the iron going both sides and the cop the coal here also going both sides but they go on the inside and the outside respectively the way that this one is done is that so that i can do exactly the same pattern over here i can go that one i'm not gonna build the whole thing but there and i could do that one okay now i guess i am building it because we can do this both for iron and for copper and that's a really good idea to do for both iron and copper because this will be our new way of a new way of smelting and it'll just vastly improve because now we have automated the smelting and it now comes out nice and crisp on the belt we're going to need a lot more inserters you can see i only have seven inserters that's not gonna last very long i'm just gonna stop creating this okay and this one could be copper i think that would make a lot of sense to make this into cover there so in order for us to make it into copper we do have six of these that's pretty good i'm just gonna pick these up i'm gonna make this over by the edge here and let's see where do we want to go we want to go into something like this i don't like building it too close so we'll give a bit more room and that's a belt coming in and all we need now is some power to feed into this part so it starts working where do we have the power we can just drag the power from here and hit the power line by the iron there oh we're running out of coal here this one and let's confirm that it's the whole thing is working and that means that when it's working hopefully and you can now see how much iron and copper we actually are getting now we're getting tons of copper now so now it's really a good time to start filling into our boxes so we can have this built one two three one two for us so we don't have to worry about it and i actually think i want to make i want to make it dedicated built here and that one right so one two three four and one of these so we can build more in that location looking good let's look at the copper just to confirm that it is working look we have now built smelting columns copper because we don't need as much copper in the beginning we i don't want to don't need to build the both of it both sides we'll do that eventually but at this point we got a pretty good copper smelting setup going and that's copper and iron smelting setup going and next time we are going to start using this to start producing more of the things we need like inserters and belts so that we can produce some of the things we need in order to build a bigger base and that's kind of the essence of factorio you use your materials to build more infrastructure in order to get more materials in order to build a bigger infrastructure in order to make it even bigger and that's the alternates the balance how much of it do you allocate to increasing the scale of your factory and how much do you allocate to for example science in this case we've not allocated anything to science we've just done a few sciences but we we will continue now that we have some dedicated smelting columns up and running and that's going to be it for now i hope that you will be leaving your comments below in the comment section with things that you find that i i'd like i should go into more detail about less detail about um if you feel that the pacing is better than the first episode i really want to try to hit the right balance i'm not going to go super super basic because i do expect that you are actually owning the game and have it open once in a while in order to see the things we do here and try it yourself and do experiment yourself as well let me know what you'd like to see more of less of different and i hope to see you in the next episode be sure to like the videos if you like it and uh subscribe to the channel if you want more content like this like this let's play and also factorio tutorials coming out on at least a weekly basis probably more right now as factorio 1.0 just released thank you for watching until next time stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 170,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, lets, play, 1.0, patreon, death, world, deathworld, train, megabase, achivement, achievements, unmodded, mod, modded, vanilla, city, block, cityblock, drone, mining, transport, logistics, logistic, construction, tutorial, tutorials, guide, explanation, how, to, challenge, mega, supporter, daily, network, nauvis, spidertron, release, new, player, experience, PL-FACTORIO-S44
Id: h34vikEeh_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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