Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought | Warhammer 40k 2nd edition

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chaos Dreadnaught a Dreadnaught of chaos a chunk of a metal model an iconic unit and a monster on the battlefield in this video I am going to be painting one in night Lord's colors discussing the rules and the other usual stuff when I was a teenager this guy was everywhere I'm talking about the night Lord strnot he would feature in white dwarf in codex's in rule books and he even had a gig as the doorman to a working men's club in town chances are if you think of an old metal chaos dreadnut from the '90s you probably think of this guy a night Lord dreadnut armed with a plasma cannon and power Scourge yes I only learned last year that these weapons were called Power scourges before that I called them Mr tickle arms the model in question was according to Lexa Canam released in 1996 on the front of the box was our favorite Power Scourge wielding chap sporting night Lord's colors however the box came with other options including these pinking shears as a close combat weapon or a twinlink auto Cannon as an alternative ranged option this set was later repacked for third Edition in this box again with the same weapon options I find it interesting the night Lords have a more muted paint job here for instance the black on the plasma cannon rather than the original saturated red I presume this was in line with the desire to make 40K more serious and edgy rather than the cartoonish nature of second edition I think you know which of these I prefer there were other options available though a dreadn with a twinlink heavy Bolter and Thunder since these weren't in the box if you wanted to own them you need to purchase them from Games Workshop mail order according to this snippet from the 2004 to 2005 Citadel catalog the only other thing that seems a Miss is the feet which of these claw light protrusions were they a conversion do let me know in the comments If You Can Shed any light on [Applause] this of course these weren't the first dreadnots GW released there's this one from 1989 which also features in the second edition rule book and of course there's the chaos dreadnut from space Crusade or as the lad from the advert said dreadn we don't tend to use the term Kos dread not too much anymore since sixth edition and the release of this model hell rout has been the term increasingly banded around but let's not go there since it's the classic we are here to adore one one photo of the chaos dread note that sticks in my memory is this one from the Third Edition rule book marching into battle across an industrial cityscape flanked by bikes and Terminators 15-year-old me would have loved a chaos Army as gorgeous as that as well as a battlefield such as that one to play on well one of those dreams is in the process of being filled and what better way to bring it closer to realization the painter Mr tickle of my own before I start painting properly I want to thank Mark White for sending this model to me I am in your Deb good sir he even gave me a spare weapon option the plasma cannon which I could have used to replace the twin Auto cannons such a replacement would have resulted in the same load out as the box art however I am happy with the option markers used I like the idea of the booming rhythm of aut cannons as the dreadn surges towards its foes the next consideration was stripping to strip or not to strip to strip surely but you know and here's an unpopular opinion I don't always strip when repainting models sometimes the undercoat and the base coat are thin enough and complimentary and after some deliberation I decided just to paint over what was already there large areas of the model had already been painted metallic and this was something I was going to do anyway so it would be a shame to waste time and effort stripping and repainting just to arrive back at a similar place anyway I needed a painting handle of greater mass than this heft of lead alloy so I adhered it with all the blue Tac to my jar of sand from a beach in North umberland and with that the painting could commence what is a dreadnut to the uninitiated dreadnots appear to be some kind of Gothic Walker a robot perhaps I dare say I have erroneously called them so in days of my youth indeed dreadnots are Walkers walking weapons platforms able to dispense destruction at range and Close Quarters alike but they are as rare as they are deadly ancient technology no longer understood but who Pilots them they are not just drones for sure in the heart of a loyalist dread nort is a Space Marine and not just any Space Marine a warrior wounded Beyond hope of recovery the body broken but the Mind intact to make him ready to serve again the warrior is inomed in a dreadn to continue to serve his chapter such a fate is a great honor for the Imperial Space Marines given a second chance to serve the Emperor of mankind but for chaos Space Marines being consigned to a dreadnut is punishment torture a living dead death trapped in a walking cage where they can no longer see the battle for themselves or feel the kick of a Bolter in their hands better to die and find release in the surging melstrom of the warp than be imprisoned for eternity in an adamantium shell it is for this reason that dreadnots are utterly psychotic caught between fear and fury and with little trace of Sanity remaining between battles the trapped soul is disconnected from the dreadn even the Walker itself is Chained like a beast lest it somehow begin a rampage through the bowels of one of the raiding Starships Onin battle is a foot other dreadnots pilot and weapons loaded ready to unleash its bloodless and Madness in battle as you may know second edition 40K had rules for psychology rules which govern the shifting emotions of your warriors on the battlefield there was more than just their courage at stake and in the case of the Dreadnaught it suffered from the effects of frenzy and stupidity of course these rules couldn't be inforced at the same time thus there was a procedure to follow at the S of each turn if enemy models were within 12 in of the dreadn the war machine becomes frenzied and immune to stupidity for the rest of the turn Frid meant it must charge if possible unless it could pass a leadership test to restrain itself while frenzied close combat attack dice are doubled after combat follow-up moves must be used to either engage an enemy or get closer to one if there are no enemies within 12 in then the dreadn must pass a leadership test or suffer stupidity however it may still fire in the shooting phase if the dreadn is subject to stupidity roll a D6 in the shooting phase on a roll of a 2 to6 it fires all of its weapons at the near model in its firing Arc multiple hits from sustained hits can be spread among targets within 4 in of the first Target as normal however if a one is rolled the dreadnut pumps every shot into the nearest model in its firing Arc Friend or Foe yes even the bonus hits from sustained fire dice talk about a loose cannon so this first stage in painting was touching up the metallics I used gunmetal by valo and applied this mainly to the back of the model to the exposed pistons and pipes and other gelies a black wash afterwards would tone this down if it ended up looking too polished I like to have at least one step in the paint job that's quick and dirty so throwing on a load of metallic before the other colors seemed the right choice the next stage was the blues the main base color of this piece I started by painting a couple of thin layers of Gillum and blue onto the armor panels and when that was dry painted the same panels again put with a mix of Gilman blue and filo flat blue taking care to leave some of the darker blue showing towards the edges then it was time to consider the gold if you've watched me paint gold before you know I like to base coat it flat BR by valo it just works and it means I don't have to paint every layer gold instead leaving some brown showing through which will act as shading and here's how we look so far it was here I decided some panel lining might look the part to that end I took some thin down black paint and painted a thin line wherever every blue panel met one of the rims with valo blue only I painted the center of each blue panel covering slightly less area than the previous pass I wanted the edges of the armor to be the darkest as they retreated into the recesses and the center spots to be the lightest it was time for some lightning with a relatively fine brush I sketched on the areas where the lightning strikes would be I had to imagine what the bolts of lightning would look like and paint an area light blue which would be in the background on the final piece I wanted the bolt to be a white Jagged line and the area around it to be light blue getting progressively darker the further away from the bolt you go so the next Blue was lighter than the first which I used to to fill in the shape I had painted beforehand leaving some of the previous coat showing and this is the tricky part a thin but Jagged line with white paint first I painted the wavy line and then I added short arcs branching off this line where the branches met I painted a little more white paint for emphasis and with the lightning done I used a light blue mix to highlight the sharp edges of the armor honestly I didn't make these highlights stand out as much as I could because I wanted the lightning to be the standout feature here next was the gold nothing fancy here just my usual metallic Dwarven gold painted on all the parts where that brown was before including the [Music] feet and here's what he looks like at this stage time for the Reds the claws of his tick alarm or power Scourge were first painted mist and red this was also applied to some portion of the auto cannons the reference picture I was using also had these structures on the top of the Torso which are Auto launches these were painted red too along with some of these lenses sticking out from the melee arm like many chaos models this has its fair share of pipes some of these I left metallic but others I painted incubi Darkness this is a base color and I'll add something on top of it later when the Reds were dry I added a coat of dark vilon just to brighten them up a bit I avoided the recesses here leaving the mist and red showing returning to the pipes I painted a bit of w Flesh on them as a midtone and later an older green paint scorpion and green so that some of the ridges would stand out I turn my attention to the skulls of which There Are No Lack I start painting them a rusty brown color the paint I use is an ancient paint but still decent it's called Vermin Brown the skulls were painted flat Brown before like the base coat before the gold so I leave this in the eye sockets but paint every other part of each skull this F in brown and when that's dry I use fileo dark sand to paint most of the skull leaving some Vermin Brown showing between the teeth and just below the eyes when that is done I use a little white to highlight the uppermost Parts I chose red and green for the lenses on the red ones I start with dark familion then highlight the bottom rim with some orange followed by a thin line under that of the same orange mixed with a touch of white a DOT of white paint on the upper right quarter and an AR coat gloss varnish is used to make it shine the same principle is applied to the green lenses a liberal wash of reand Flesh shade is applied to all the gold components which sits nicely in the recesses and gives some desirable depth I tend to do washes at the end of a paint session to give them time to dry overnight or while I am running some errands for example when I returned to the model I worked on highlighting the weapons like with the lenses I did a broad highlight with orange and a sharper highlight by mixing my orange with a touch of white as far as it depended on my skill I tried to paint the highlights as sharply as I could especially on the claws on the end of The Tickler after all nothing says coochi coochie C like a sharply highlighted power Scourge the gold areas also needed a highlight so I use my brighter silver paint and tap tap tap each edge with a little on the end of my brush I'll be honest I was a little rough here since any extra silver can be called wear and tear on the dreadnots paint job that is if it is noticeable since the result is a subtle highlight overall while this silver paint is open I use an old brush to stipple and dry brush the other metallic areas to add some variation sure I suppose I could have done this earlier but sometimes good ideas evade me like dignity does in my middleages off camera I also added a few other details the chains about his person for instance the area below his exhausts which I painted Vermin Brown to break up the golds and metallics and of course a night Lord symbol on one of the arms I toyed with placing another decal next to the skull but I think it was busy enough around this part of the model while Imperial Space Marines had to pay a Tech Marine tax to take support Vehicles chaos forces or a bit more Loosey Goosey and didn't have to take that option dreadnots enjoy a decent array of weapon options and two pages of wall to- wall text are given over to describing them in the Codex rest assured I have digested this information so you don't have to dreadnots were required to take one weapon per arm on their right arm they could take twin link heavy bolters for 20 points twinlink autoc cannons for 35 points a Mark 1 heavy plasma gun for 40 points or a twin last Cannon for 55 points on their left arm they could take a power claw for 15 points a thunder hammer for 20 points or a power Scourge for 20 points they come with a comi weapon built in but they may also take assault launchers with frag grenades for plus five points or a Havoc missile launcher for plus 30 points truly a glorious weapons platform the base price of a dread nort is 135 points before weapons are added which makes my chosen load out 195 points so what about the weapons rules the Mark 1 heavy plasma gun has two power settings each with a different profile but in both cases a sustained fire dice is rolled with each shot using a 1-in blast marker all of which may scatter from the target spot if they miss missing and rolling a hit misfire combination on the scattered ice or rolling a jam during maximum fire will lead to a catastrophic coil burnout which requires a roll on the damage table of the Data Fax base case scenario the arm is partially paralyzed worst case scenario the whole thing explodes regardless of the outcome all models within D3 in take a strength five hit with a minus 2 safe modifier to represent the plasma spitting on them like some kind of nuclear camel provided the dreadn doesn't destroy itself using the max fire mode means it needs to wait a turn before firing again so it can recharge but you do get a bonus of improved strength damage and a deadlier save modifier the twinlink heavy bolters and autoc cannons are not so deadly to itself but they do get a single sustained fire dice roll per turn while the twin L Cannon gets the option for changing the location on a vehicle hit when shooting a Target Havoc missile launchers are missile launchers with frag missile has only nine of them which you must keep a count of one two or three frag missiles may be fired per turn or all of them in one turn if that tickles you fancy a dreadnut suffering from stupidity will fire all of them and you cannot stop it assault launchers fire a salvo of three frag grenades once per game which can cause a nice pretty pattern of explosions like in this diagram here what about the melee weapons the tick alarm or power Scourge reads like a sort of electrical cat of nin tals even though there are only four clawes not nine in game this means they have a strength of six and a minus three save modifier it has plus two attacks its attacks cannot be parried and opponents do not get a plus one combat resolution score and an extra attack dice for being multiple opponents in that turn of close combat there's not much to say about the thunderhammer it's basically just the same as the thunderhammer that Terminators carry the power Claw is a strength eight weapon and has a special tear attack versus other vehicles every two attacks can be converted into a terar attack which gives a plus two modifier on the damage roll table if a Target armor is penetrated now I could have left the dreadn like this since if old photos are anything to go by basing the fell wasn't in Vogue but I felt like basing it so here we are I love a good basing and like I am no stranger to the brush neither am I a stranger to the base chemistry as well for this base I chose quick and dirty slap on some grout slap on some cork slap on some sand seal it with dilute PVA glue I was on such a roll I didn't even wait for the glue to dry when I threw on my first coat of black paint my paint Scheme is one I have done a few times on base coats I use tan Earth on the Sun part and Thunderhawk blue on the cork I dry brush it all over with dark sand then highlight the cork some more with venerian gray and then with an almost white gray finally the rim is painted green and our lad is stuck on there with super glue and a pin for stability and here he is 1 Kos dreadn one night Lord's chaos dreadnut one Mr tickle dreadnut complete with twinlink auto cannons and power Tickler I mean power Scourge if you'd like a good tickling sometime he will oblig you for a competitive hourly rate I am joking of course he's mine all 25.6 G of him or 7.25 o if you bend that way or even about two small bananas feel free to throw in more obscure mass units in the chat that kind of thing definitely roasts my steak if you reckon me and if I do say so myself some pretty sweet lightning patterns painted by my own Fair hand anyway I'm totally thrilled that I finally have one of these in my chaos collection my first second edition chaos vehicle and flexible enough to join my night Lord's Force as a hell brute should that Tickle My Fancy naturally I want to play him in second edition sure he's not black Legion like some of my other units but it does m when you can have a schmus board of chaos Legions in your list and I doubt my opponents will mind anyway plus I have another dread to paint at some point because I'm spoiled like that thanks again to mark for making this possible and for the Instagram buddies who sent me their photos to use and thank you too for watching and if you like what I do please check out my Instagram and with that it's song Time a one a two a one two 2 three all together now Mr tickle Mr tickle always there for you in a pickle he'll lash your foes with his power Scourge when he succumb to a frzy sge Mr tickle Mr tickle charges like a flood and not a trickle with auto cannons he'll Blast away a friend of FO who can say Mr tickle Mr tickle his confusion is honest it isn't fial heavy plasma gun and power claw rag grenades launch from above his Mo oh Mr tickle let's all throw some love at Mr tickle yes he's Mr tickle and let's all give it up for Mr tickle Mr tickle
Channel: Miniscape
Views: 14,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer, space marines, 2nd edition 40k, 40k 2nd edition, chaos, chaos space marines, night lords, dreadnought, helbrute
Id: gm3YB_v_djc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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