What's the deal with Cryx?

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hey everybody Tony here from boosta Hit so today I wanted to talk about CCS there's a lot of information out there about ccs and originally I wanted to talk about all the new necro factorium stuff that's coming out but the reality is there is a been a big shift in the cric's background right a lot of new stuff has developed with new Lich Lords um a whole new hierarchy and kind of what cricks is getting into even before we talk about necr factorium so I thought today's episode would be really good just to kind of go over more of the CCS background where they were how they developed through the um orgoth initial orgoth invasions what the new structure is for the Lich Lords and kind of what some of the recent events mean for CCS um yeah so with that being said let's dig in all right everyone so to talk about CCS you really need to first talk about Tac uh the dragon father KS is also known as the nightmare Empire and before that was created we need to go back probably about six or so s six or 7,000 years ago um to when Trac first roamed the world uh he had been around for very very long time beforehand and probably around 5500 BR before the Rebellion TR got lonely um so he decided to take his Aon which is his hearstone and cut pieces off of it in order to make children he made a handful of children um we can talk more about that in another episode but uh he almost instantly regretted it because as soon as he created all these um other dragons they turned against him and tried to kill him and he really spent the next 3500 years hunting them down they were all went into hiding and as he found one he would pick them off kill them take part of their Hearthstone back so he could fill it into his Aon so he could become whole again and it was right around 1,000 BR where one of his children blighter gas ended up getting a dragon Coalition put together where these other dragons would make a final stand and fight against tck and they fought back and forth spilled blood all Across The Shard Islands across part of the Mainland and eventually created a stalemate and that forced Rock to go and back into hiding uh and what he did was when he went there he went over to The Shard Islands he went to The Shard islands and at the time there was 14 pirate Kings and he had told them pretty simple hey I want you to bow down to me worship me treat me as a god 12 out of the 14 said yes the two that did not say yes uh were killed pretty quickly and then what TR Rock did was he bathed them in his flame that created the first 12 Lich Lords and they were there just to serve him and create his schemes right all tro wanted to do during this time was to get his piece of his Aon back and to become whole and for the most part the Lich Lords did everything they could to follow that process but Lich Lords have their own Ambitions and honestly for the most part traka is fine with this right he lets them go and fight each other try to one up one another because shock's feeling is that constant conflict and competition ensures that the rise of the most capable and cunning subordinates that he could have makes them not be able to be stagnant and you know with ccs even before the orgoth invasions uh CCS had been embedded into the mainland they had infiltrated multiple governments multiple countries and they would Bri for what seemed like useless information but what people didn't realize this information end up being extremely valuable to CCS because they could find out troop movements during peace time and Acquisitions of supplies that could help determine uh How likely a nation was prepared for war or potentially when a war was going to start and this is extremely important to CCS even nowadays because after a war after a battle ccs would take everything from this battlefield right they would take body parts so they could create new thalls um metal and warjack points to create their own War Jacks even the stone and soil is Extreme ex important to ccs and the reason is because as blood anguish suffering all of that bleeds out into the soil it corrupts the soil and creates necrite and this necrotitis used to power War Jacks and The Nightmare Empire as well as uh powering their war cter armor they use it for a bunch of other things as well powering their necro factorium which is their giant workshops where they create thalls and War Jacks so Necro is extremely valuable to them so when you look at CCS you think a lot about how they create their THS and there was a lich Lord called thalina thalina went to the moraic necromancy and was able to decipher it to find out the runes that they utilize to animate the dead and this information was passed on the ccs and this is when you start having these necrotect popping up everywhere before necro factorium were a common thing and they would create their own thalls try to create beasts or warjacks to uh to be able to use now they fiercely protected this information to the point where they would create traps in order to kill people that would come close and that all stopped when Lich Lord damortis came around and built the first necro factorium these were established on the mainland and they were built to centralize th and War Jack Productions as well as standardize the work for the necrot attx so that they could all do the exact same thing later it took almost a century later for the necr factorium to be built on Mainland and that was in order to capitalize on the way the living killed and maintain closer Prime bases for um locations as well as being able to harvest greatest one was underneath the Thornwood and that was destroyed when sigar and kador teamed up together to go and destroy it and then also the rest of them destroy during the infernal Invasion so this kind of brings us to where we've been at the last 10 years right so from 612 when the infernal Wars ended to 622 and there's been a lot of changes within CCS uh Trac was verely injured again he had left at one point to go and try to take another Dragon Stone and he wasn't strong enough so he retreated also there was a lot of Lich Lords that were killed uh deam morus was actually killed by Asus uh and that's how Asus eventually became a lich Lord and then during the Hing hold battle during the infernal War uh it's fixus end up Crossing into the portal to go to Cirrus and it's actually caused the Negra to be promoted to a lich Lord but that's not the ending right as the Negra was promoted uh she became closer with Tac and eventually uh took on a new title so her title is now the dominar of the night nightmare Empire she is really the second in charge and all of the Lich Lords report to her and I want to talk about kind of what the hierarchy is now for current CCS so we have obviously Tac which is the dragon father he runs all of CCS you have the the dominar of The Nightmare Empire and then below her are 12 Lich Lords each of these are charged with an oversight of an industry or field of study I do apologize because I might butcher these um I've not heard too many of these spoken in person by the author so please bear with me on these we have enorus who is the master of KXAN Treasury and the pay master so you make sure everything flows properly we have corio he oversees the archive of skele and serves as a chief librarian so any type of thury work any type of uh necromancy it all goes to him we have decus who recently took over for uh dgra uh they are charged with establishing necro factorium on the mainland and they are going to be one of the new war costers that you can play we have vinitus is the high priest of TAC and leads all supplications of the Dragon father and probably the one who is most upset that drra got this role above him because he makes sure that the soul was constantly floated to rock we have Fel minus uh he is actually decoral and he's the master of necromancy he end up losing his body at the final battle against the C against orgoth in the original Invasion we have thorax who is a spy master of CCS Morton nebra oversees nacra factorium of The Shard Isles also works really closely with dgra and Deus we have scorpus commands the CC's reserves and is the Kingdom's most senior logistician uh tracks and coordinates the movement of an of the army ships Commodities and raw necrite fresh bodies and souls we have tenius who is the master of the stoic Arts specializes in Soul magic and wrath binding he also lost his body in the final battle versus the original orgoth Invasion Terminus who commands The Fleets of cric's Empire and is cric's most senior General thalina who is still alive uh charged with manipulating external Estates kingdoms and nations of Cain to bend them to the will of ccs and finally vinrax vinrax is the great Hunter and of dragon lore and specializes in killing dragons so that's what the new cric structure looks like uh last couple things we're going to talk about is what cric's doing right now at this point cricks was currently weakened State and it was rebuilding right they saw the orgoth coming back and decided to stay away they did a final blow to orgoth in the past they see Oro coming now they really don't want to get involved at this point but the orgoth recognized that CCS dug deeper and knew more about the depths of Soul Mastery uh that the orgoth originally learned and learned much more about the Ascension of the Gods so how people became gods and what orgoth did was they came to CCS asking for the knowledge in return they would offer the athon of lighter gas one of the Great sons of Trac and bler gash used to watch tro to see when he would take flight to leave his Island they were able to give that Hearthstone to them and it not only helped greatly healed trck but also made him more powerful than he had ever been before cuz bgas was one of the biggest aons that they had he is significantly stronger now and now they're looking to go to the mainland again and they're going to help their new allies in orgoth and I think this really opens up a lot to the Future right um last couple Wars we've seen it's really been you know even in the past books it was everyone against everybody else then we had all the iron kingdoms versus the infernals this time we have the orgoth coming and then CCs is teaming up with them and this is is really impactful because during the infernal invasions CCS did a lot to help support the main land and if CCS wasn't with him I think there was a significantly better chance that emran would have fallen to The Infernal Invasion uh with ccs helping the orgoth that is just really bad news and the reason why is because they're Soul tithing there but they're not stealing as many of the souls as the original know orgoth Invasion wanted right there the the oro's goal is to take imun back and to turn them back into saves again that way there' be a constant stream of new bodies as well as souls for both ccs and the orgoth to be able to use now also cricks likes to backstab people so there is going to be a chance in the future where CCS will turn against him dener is an extremely cunning and manipulative individual she has risen through the ranks very aggressively it's probably one of the fastest growing to a lich Lord let alone being the second in charge of all of ccs and she really has tac's ear so the dragon father is going to listen to her I'm really excited to see kind of where the story goes um I hope we see uh a lot happening there is a new uh fluff that is out and I don't have the name of it right now I'm trying to find it and that is going to be more about ccs and what is going on and it is called waking the dead so I haven't read that part yet uh but yeah I really hope you all enjoy this next time we are going to be exploring more on uh the necro factorium um which I hope to get out in the next couple weeks anyways thank you all so much for listening have a good one
Channel: Boost to Hit
Views: 148
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Id: -LBzfx58itI
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Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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