Ezekiel ~ 11:18 to 12:28

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wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word we had completed in the last lecture down to the 18th verse and Ezekiel chapter 11 Ezekiel meaning in the Hebrew tongue God strengthens us and that's where your strength does come from strength that stays with you strength that will allow you to accomplish things for our Father when you're in the right frame of mind he had just spoken how that some of the meaning of the people were gonna go astray why because they wouldn't listen to God's Word they wouldn't listen to his commands and especially they wouldn't do them listening and doing is two different things but he said when all this is going down I'm gonna prepare a little sanctuary that's for God's elect that when when they realize that God has a purpose and the destiny for them and they enter into that spiritual little sanctuary of their mind even in spirit allowing the Holy Spirit to mesh then God protects them and gives them that strength and he says you will have that protection and he said I'll soon I'll gather you out of there and then let's pick it up if we made with that word of wisdom from our Father concerning that little sanctuary verse 18 chapter 11 the great book of ezekiel and it reads and they shall come thither and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence in other words god's elect will have no part of that that is unclean knowingly they will do their very best to be pleasing to the Living God to study his word chapter by chapter and verse by verse to partake of the food that God sins which is his word the word of truth verse 19 and I will give them one heart one mind in other words and I will put a new spirit within you that's the holy spirit and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and we'll give them an heart of flesh which means a a heart of a tender heart a heart of tenderness compassion a better translation God's elect is one mark you can always tell when you meet a true God's elect they will have compassion on their fellow man up down and in between they love God's children but yet at the same time with spiritual discernment they separate themselves and they stay near that little sanctuary that God provides you know you can read of that sanctuary even in the New Testament in Romans chapter 11 where God said I have the remnant that will always have the truth and the rest I send the spirit of slumber upon the word is stupor in the Greek and there in a stupor when they have when they have not the eyes to see your ears to hear during a stupor you cannot reach them God placed it there and you can't remove it verse 20 and that they may walk in my statutes and keep my ordinances and do them that's so important underlying that in your mind do them it doesn't do any good to know them if you don't do them you do them and they shall be my people and I will be their God great book of Hosea where it would say no I mean has changed me not my people to my people God says how beautiful it is when your father has his hand upon you when you're in that little sanctuary it's your choice all you have to do is know the truth study his word chapter by chapter verse by verse and understand what's transpiring here the king of Babylon is just over the hill I mean it's Judah and Jerusalem are about to be conquered and the type is this that the king of Babylon me in times is just over the hill and instead of being Nebuchadnezzar as it was at this writing it's Satan himself and is he anxious to deceive and and touch all that are outside that little sanctuary the sanctuary of knowledge of truth of doing God's statutes of doing God's ordinances of doing God's law and knowing the difference thereof you see there's a lot of difference in law statutes and ordinances many of the blood ordinances were were fulfilled when Christ was crucified and shed his blood on the cross after that blood sacrifice is sacrilegious to kind of do the will of God verse 21 but as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations perversions I will recompense their way upon their own heads saith the Lord God I'm gonna give them everything they've got coming to them all at one time this is mine you wouldn't be very careful when you fall outside God's Way in that way is Christ the teachings of Christ your your heart and you're gonna be in a heap more hurt when that day comes father loves his children but how he loves those that serve him and how he does not mind thumping the gourds of those that need it why because he loves them also and they will leave either straighten up or ultimately at the end of the millennium which we'll cover from chapter 40 in this great book to the end they'll be done away with if they don't straighten out they will have every opportunity God is fair just and equitable but you must make the decision verse 22 then did the cherubims knit up for their wings and the wheels beside them their landing gear came up and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above it's our fathers leaving okay bleeding de jure but his spirit will still be here he has literally appeared in person with his very throne and altar itself here on earth to deliver this message to Ezekiel whereby you would never have to doubt there is a God and He loves us and he cares that's why that those in this little sanctuary are so protected today those outside of it wonder in a maze of detestable things and perversions especially in this generation verse 23 and the glory of the Lord went up from the midst of the city he was leaving he picked up and stood upon the mountain which was on the east side of the city will what mountains on the east side of the city and the Mount of Olives the amount the same mount that Christ would give many of his messages from the sermon of the mount the very Mount of Olives in which Christ Himself would have sinned back to the Father the same Mount of Olives as it is written in Zechariah chapter 14 in the New Testament that Christ's feet will touch down and split away to that east gate a way for the true people and were cleanse that place 24 afterwards the spirit took me up and brought me in a vision by the Spirit of God unto Chaldea to them of the captivity so the vision that I had seen went out from me in other words he picked me up from Jerusalem and put me right in Babylon that's what Chaldea is is babbling Iraq of today and and and the old city babbling about 57 miles south of Baghdad today verse 25 and I'm spake unto them of the captivity all the things that the Lord had showed me I didn't hold anything back you know this is something a teacher and a once--in of God will never do once God gives you a truth you must share it or you will never receive anything else God does not give scripture knowledge or wisdom for one's own personal use necessarily but it is to share and those that he gives much he demands much he expects much therefore you can continue giving and giving and giving but you cannot outgive God as far as truth and knowledge is concerned because all wisdom comes from him chapter 12 verse 1 and here we have signs of the captivity God's going to use Ezekiel himself as a sign verse 1 the word of the Lord also came into me saying verse true son of man thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house which have eyes to see and see not they have ears to hear and hear not you they won't listen and you can't show them anything for they are a rebellious house they are lacking the truth of God well we have lots of pastors yet they say you don't even have to understand the book of Revelation because you're going to be gone that's a lie that's a false prophet you don't whine because the word revelation means to uncover or to reveal God of all books wanted you to see and understand that's why he named it the unveiling and you would let some yo-yo ratchet jaw just because he may have a a Divine's called name but not divine with God if he lies tell you such a thing don't you ever let a man come between you and the Word of God for within that word lies the truth that their rebellious and they will approve things right from the pulpits certain ones that is detestable to the Living God well how do you know because of the word they never get around to teaching the Word of God and even when they do they don't have eyes to see your ears to hear verse 3 therefore the thou son of man prepare just prepare these stuff for removing I want you to put your pack you a bag you pack you a suitcase and you've got to put enough in it for a long trip ok and remove by day in their side you pack your bag and you fall out right where they can see you don't wait a night do it in broad daylight and thou shalt remove from that place to another place in their side it may be they will consider though they be a rebellious house in other words they're going into captivity and that be good is there as I told you just over the hill he's going to take them captive they're going the house of Israel the ten northern tribes have been taken captive by the Assyrians two hundred years before this but Nebuchadnezzar will take the house of Judah captive and he's right around the corner and Ezekiel is simply the sign of the departing what's going to happen to these people verse four then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day in their sight as stuff for removing and thou shalt go forth and even in their sight as they that go forth into captivity you are a sign that this whole house is going into Timothy I'm gonna let it happen and God did verse 5 dig down through the wall in their sight and carry out there by now you know what this is this is a prophecy and guess what who does this Zedekiah does king of Judah I mean he's going to do this same thing he's going to dig a hole in the wall and try to escape from Nebuchadnezzar's it's not going to work listen to the prophecy it comes to pass exactly as it's written that's why you want to grow skilled in God's Word because it always comes to pass as it's written verse 6 in their sight shalt thou bear it upon thy shoulders and carry it forth in the Twilight thou shall cover thy face that they'll see not the ground for I have set before a sign into the house of Israel you know why they cover their face so they can't see the ground because Nebuchadnezzar is gonna gouge the very eyes right out of his sons and he he's gonna blind them when he catches them taking them captive and he'll if I remember right he kills the sons but he does take Zedekiah on the babble and there he kills him but this is God's prophecy it always comes to pass as it's written verse 7 and I did so as I was commanded I brought forth my stuff by day as stuff for captivity I packed my bag and I was brought I came out and in the evening I did through the wall with my hand and I brought it forth into Twilight and I bear it upon my shoulder in their sight just the way it was going down verse 8 and in the morning came the word of the Lord unto me say nine son of man hath not the house of Israel the rebellious house said unto thee what doest out what are you up to what is all this what do we pack in your bag for what what are you walking first ten say that unto them thus saith the Lord God this burden concerned that the Prince of Jerusalem and all the house of Israel that are among them you know what this has to do is it's going to happen to Zedekiah and it's going to happen to those that are with him verse 11 say this is what you say say I am your son like as I have done so shall it be done unto them they shall remove and go into captivity you're gonna you're gonna go into captivity verse 12 and the Prince that is among them shall bear upon his shoulder in the Twilight this is a Takaya and shall go forth they shall dig through the wall to carry out thereby he shall cover his face that he shall see not the ground with his eyes why they're gonna be gouged out verse 13 my net also will I spread upon him he's going to get caught and he shall be taken in my snare and I will bring him to babbling that's confusion to the land of the chaldeans yet shall he not see it though he shall die there again you know why he's not gonna see it they're gonna gouge his eyes out what what is the moral to that you better open your eyes and see the truth if you've got eyes that can see but you see not then it's your fault you should have seen if you if you have back in the beginning it says they have eyes to see but see not in other words he could have chosen to see the truth but he chose quite the contrary to not see the truth oh they're gonna gouge his eyes out he won't have a chance then to see truth and they're gonna killing that's the king of Judah and and we continue next verse please verse 14 and I will scatter toward every wind that's the Ruach spirit all that are about him to help him in all his bands and I will draw out the sword after them in other words that's God himself say I'm gonna see to it 15 and they shall know that I am the Lord that's the point hey have you read the Word of God that's how you know he's God it always comes to pass the way it's written when I shall scatter them among the nations and disperse them in the countries what is the reason for that 16 but I will leave a few minute of them from the sword from the famine and from the pestilence that they may declare all their abominations among the heathen whether they come and they shall know that I am the Lord no naturally you know what wait a minute a they what is wrong with this scripture because they killed all of his sons they killed all of Zedekiah sons the royal priesthood oh no they did not you see if you know your history the daughters of Zedekiah were not murdered as a matter of fact the daughters of Zedekiah were taken by Jeremiah on a journey and he took them to the new land Jeremiah's name would be changed to öland follow but his servant Baruch would not change his name but you find ancient ruins with the writings of ollahm fodhla even to this day means a wise man his name was Jeremiah but then what were those daughters names well one of them was named scope dot have you ever heard of Scott club do you know what those daughters formed up do you not know who the kings and queens are of the ten tribes that went north you see God doesn't lose anything it's only people that lose their own way God has never lost anyone and their little scope there was what a woman and she founded Scotland as the others would would bound and bring forth the rest of the ten tribes and what a fantastic thing No jedikiah's daughters were that remnant of the priesthood that went oh wait just a minute brother you just I mean who ever heard of a woman priestess God's Word does to call prophetess and and I don't know we had judges you've never heard of Deborah what have you been verse 17 moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying 18 son of man eat thy bread with quicking and greet thy water with trembling and with carefulness there's very little food from God when when you come into this generation there's very few that teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse which feeds the sheep of God's pasture thanking and saying to the people of the land thus saith the Lord God of the inhabitants to what the inhabitants of Jerusalem and of the Land of Israel they shall eat their bread with carefulness and drink their water with astonishment that her land may be desolate from all that is therein because of the violence of all them that they're in and and the and sooner or later naturally what is it that dwells there in that is such an abomination well it's the Antichrist himself and that's what this type is preparing you for is the fact that that false one will come not if not maybe not perhaps God's Word declares it the child can read it with understanding in mark chapter 13 verse 20 and the cities that are inhabited shall be laid waste in the land shall be desolate and you shall know that I am the Lord well how would you know it was the Lord because it comes to pass as it's written you might say well how can that city be desolate well listen what does God consider a city that is not desolate it's one that has the Word of God in it it's a city that follows God's ordinance and statues and does them I don't know why how many cities do you know that are desolate today and I mean do you know that follow God's Word to the letter and obey and do His commandments and then tell me how many cities are not desolate today including Jerusalem 21 and the word of the Lord came to me saying 22 son of man what is that proverb that you have in the Land of Israel saying the days are prolonged and every vision fair life you don't have anything to worry about Christ is not returning this is going on forever and ever the end is not more happen Nebuchadnezzar is not coming to take us captive he's just over the hill if you were to listen real close you could hear the trumpet he's coming and I think to you in this generation of the end times the generation of the fig tree you better listen to what's just over the hill the false messiah is coming and you have been taught in god's word how to combat that and so it is well so what is this proverb that you don't have to worry you don't have to read the book of Revelation why you're gonna fly away like a big butterfly and it'll all be well with you there's just one problem that's a lie it's not biblical all all that 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 declares is that if you believe Christ rose when he was crucified then you better believe all those that sleep in him have already risen also not not on the last day at the last Trump they're already out of here they're gone if you can read it all that's what the subject is and then at the last Trump that's the seventh one when we all change into spiritual bodies breath of life bodies we air we will join them that's all it's sane and yet people have this proverb hey listen I'm gonna tell you what don't miss the next chapter chapter 13 where God tells you I am against those that teach the rapture doctrine when God makes it that clear well does it say that exactly not it says I'm against those who teach my children to fly to save their souls when Christ is the Saviour can you blame him for being upset when false teachings runs rampant throughout the land desolation abomination and perversion reigns and truth is so precious that little sanctuary of knowledge of truths that God makes available don't go into that proverb of lies that people bring forth that's dangerous next verse verse 23 and it reads tell them therefore thus saith the Lord God I will make this proverb to cease it's going to end and they shall know more and use it as a proverb in Israel but saying to them the days are at hand and the effort of ever the effect of every vision it's all going to be fulfilled the end is coming so that proverb of try to fly away brother surely you wouldn't take some ratchet jaws word for something like that and like I said the next chapter documents that if you want to know what God says do you have eyes to see and can see you have ears to hear that can hear or are they deaf and I'm not speaking of a physical condition I'm speaking of a spiritual affliction one that sees not the truth of God's Word verse 24 to continue for there shall be no more any vain vision or flattering divination within the house of Israel no more false prophets thank God for that no more fake preachers verse 25 for I am the Lord I will speak and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass it always has it shall be no more prolonged for in your days over a bilious house well I say the word and will perform it saith the Lord God you can count on it and when God says it it's gonna happen well what does God said have you ever read the Bible he lets you know exactly what's going down Thessalonians chapter 2 the false Christ doesn't stay in Jerusalem sitting right there claiming to be God long before Christ returns at the second Advent but they have this parable saying we're gonna fly out of here yeah they're lying to you aren't they you know what that will cause you to do because Satan went as it is written in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 check out what the word says don't listen to man this man or any other man what does 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 say Antichrist is going to sit Satan himself the king the the vile person that goes the apostasy the son of perdition is his name that means the son that perishes there's only one and that's Satan has already been sentenced to perish as it is written in Ezekiel 28 verse 19 will perish but he's going to sit there claiming to be God and most of the world's been a after him because his message is I've come to rapture you ROI and if you want to believe the lie God even states if you continue reading on down to the ninth verse I'll seem to you such strong allusion you'll have to believe the lie if that's what you want instead of believing my word God is not happy with those that like to counter him go against him that is to say come in his so-called name and yet God didn't send him verse 26 again the word of the Lord came unto me saying and here we have this morning 27 son of man behold they of the house of Israel say the vision that he see at this for many days to come and he prophesied of the times that are far off we don't have to pay any attention to it it's not gonna pertain to us 20 therefore saying to them thus saith the Lord God there shall none of my words be prolonged anymore but the word which I have spoken shall be done saith the Lord God this is why you don't want to miss the next chapter it is such a very important it's a lifesaver it can save your soul it tells you who you should listen to and who you should not listen to it tells you how to find salvation and how to lose salvation it has to do with both prophets and prophetess that is to say both men and women that teach God's Word it has a message for it for them you don't want to miss it because thus saith the Lord God and whatever your father says believe me that's exactly the way it is so when we look back at this chapter there's a little sanction wearing always God promised that he said it it is so and when you go into that little sanctuary you're protected God gives you knowledge and wisdom he gives you the AIDS and helps that you need to help the children that are bewildered that are lost that mean truth and he helps that gathering together so we're by God's election make that stand against that false king of Babylon but he's not he's not the false King he's the false one and then standing against him God's truth reigns supreme we win and that's what's precious about God's Word don't miss that next lecture all right bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,816
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Book of Ezekiel, Chapel, Ezekiel, Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Bible, Arnold, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Book of, KJV, Pastor, Murray
Id: 7fVNrvO7uFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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