John 14:30 to 15:27 ~ (2013) ~ Rebroadcast picking up at John 14:30

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chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is Pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word we're in the 14th chapter of st. John this is the place where father said to through the son in my house are many mansions in heaven there are many mansions and the word is immune all which means a morning rather which means the resting place and to abide and dwell the word plays all through the chapter and it's the same greek word it means to be with us and we will live with you we will abide with you they're not going to leave you they're not going to forsake you I feel one of the reasons Christ has emphasized this to this point he's about to leave them he's about to be delivered up crucified but the whole promise was I'm going to send you a comforter and that comforter is available today called the Holy Spirit and which is nothing but the Spirit of God in the son or God's Spirit that is the Holy Spirit he loves his children he's going to look out for them if they pray by his will and follow him so let's pick it up chapter 14 verse 30 let's finish the chapter were to wisdom from her father and he reads hereafter I will not talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me there's no way are we anywhere near like verse 31 but that the world may know that I love the father and and as the father gave me commandment even so I do arise let us go now many people how why is it that Christ is allowing himself to be crew there is a specific reason it's very important or you're never going to understand why did you have to die so we could have salvation because our Father created every soul there is which is to say even Satan's Satan is a child of God and God must destroy him so in as much as Emmanuelle Christ being God with us then it was Satan in his offspring that brought about the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ I'm going to I'm going to read from chapter 2 the great book of Hebrews verse 14 so that you know why Christ came in the flesh to dial-in the clause and it reads for as much then as the children are partakers of the flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same he didn't ask you to do something he wouldn't do himself that through death listen to me that through the crucifixion that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil in other words the devil brought about the crucifixion of Christ ultimately who do you think it was in the crowd that said crucify him it was the offspring of the serpent himself and certainly now God doesn't have to be abashed at saying you're your go into the lake of fire because he started it God will finish it and the very first prophecy in God's Word will come to pass and to in fulfillment through that and I'm speaking of Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 and 16 where God was talking to the serpent he said I will put enmity between thy seed that's the serpent seed and the woman see that would be Christ you will bruise his heel that he was nailed to the cross but he's gonna bust your head and that's exactly what it comes to and then we'll be rid of it chapter 15 verse 1 order wisdom from our Father I am The True Vine and my father is the husbandman it is a beautiful thing that God uses horticulture and agriculture to get a point across where you can really clearly understand it what are you saying here I'm the vine and my father is the pruner he can walk quack anytime he so chooses verse 2 every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purchased that he prunes it and shapes it up that it may bring forth more fruit he feeds it verse 3 now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you in other words the very word of God if you'll follow it if you'll discipline yourself in it it'll cleanse you you got nothing to worry about you don't you don't need any pruning or purging when you're clean and what does it the word and the Word was with God the Word was God verse 4 and here's this money again abide in me assess you dwell in me find that rest in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you accept no more can you accept you accept you abide in me in other words you use the tree of life Christ is the Tree of Life and if you're not in him you're not gonna make it now he has made this let me ask you a question if you have a vine and you go out and you cut a branch off of it what happens to it just just think a moment what happens to a branch that you cut off it died it Withers it's worthless it's not good for anything you have to stay in the vine to draw the SAP in the nutrients that give you life and with Christ being spiritually speaking the tree of life then it is when you dwell in him and he dwells in you abides then you have the the nutrients and the word which cleanses the word which strengthens the word which gives you the knowledge and the wisdom if you seek it and study it whereby you can withstand about any storm verse 5 I am the vine there's the sacred name I am that I am ye are the branches he's making it real clear he that abideth he that dwells he that is in that resting place in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing there's never a better piece of advice than that you know sometimes a man unfortunately gets a little wisdom and kind of can try to go off on his own and forget where that wisdom came from you can't you cannot there's a no branch that's cut off you can't live you can't produce without being connected into the buying you have to have a part of it to receive the nutrients the wisdom the knowledge but probably most of all the blessings what do you think that when you tie into the vine and you study and learn and that you have to do all that by yourself no he helps you that's why you said you're in me and I'm in you we abide together I will never leave you I will never forsake you so that's where our strength comes from is being a part of that vine and he signed something bringing forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing you got to have him or you will do nothing verse six if a man abide if you're in that resting place if a man abide not in me you're outside of it he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned that's the way you Clin cleanse your vineyard and and he's using this as an example naturally this goes back to the tares as well that there at the end the end of the millennium if they had the choice but if they still choose to be children of Satan they're going in the fire they're dead branches the branch that has life in it can produce fruit the dead branch can produce nothing but trash so it's there's none it's not a difficult choice to know where you would want to be and and thank God uses this horticultural whereby you can see and understand how many times have you brushed a plant accidentally and broke a branch off of it what happens to it you know it dies so you've got to stay in the vine you have to stay in the word you've got to stay with God verse 7 to continue if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you now naturally a lot of people misunderstand this the the situation is to spread that word just to share it with others many people take this walk and pray for anything I want to and you'll just give it to me that's not what he's talking about he's talking about furthering the ministry your ministry your personal life that you you you have to abide in him and stay in him and if you need something to further your part of the ministry whatever that might be maybe it's just help ask for it per se herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit so shall you be - eiffel's this word disciples our word discipline comes from it you'll be disciplined in the Word of God whereby when it comes to plough and you can proud eat when it's too rough for everybody else maybe it's getting about right for us because you're into the vine you're hooked well in and he supplies you the discipline to make even much fruit even if the world may not like he's all that much verse 9 as the father had loved me so have I loved you continued ye in my love Jimmy you mean to tell you a little secret do you know what this word continue is in the Greek language it's a you know it's the same word as abide is if you abide if you continue to abide you will you are in my love and that means blessings you know without God's blessings I would hate to face this world today because it's getting pretty salty out there but as long as you abide in him you keep a tight grasp on the bind and enjoy what it brings you then you don't have to worry about the world the world you are eternal the world isn't this world age isn't the the Arats that fair terra firma is eternal will always have it but this set time will end verse 10 if you keep my Commandments there's a big old if there listen to it carefully if you keep my Commandments you shall abide in my love even as I have kept my father's Commandments and abide in his love that's pretty simple isn't it and that's only fair that if you try you know nobody's perfect and we not everyone has or I should say most ever all of us you're not going to have a clear total understanding of all the word why because it's pregnant it grows when God intends to release it new information comes forth because the word tells everything it's just that we have to know how to read it what he's saying is if you abide in me as I abiding the father then you will share that love and that understanding it's a beautiful beautiful thing verse 11 these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full you should be joyful one you glorify God when you love him glorify God you're going to draw blessings from him and and when when you remain in that it comes to its full you will have joy I know that there are many tears shed in this earth age but that you need not stay there because you have this joy the joy that this earth age will end and we will move into the eternity and those that do not reckon or align with divine there's a place for them and they're going to find it quite soon after the end of the millennium verse 12 this is my commandment now listen carefully this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you that means in the spirit when you abide in him support each other those that are striving to do God's work encourage them 13 greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends and of course that's that's what Christ would do and you understand what he's calling you here a friend not a servant not a slave he's calling you a friend a child of God that he's a no greater love or that a man can do than to allow himself to be crucified so that he could preach even to the Saints all the way back to the time of Noah first Peter chapter 3 verse 18 and 19 verse 14 ye are my friends he do whatsoever I command you now did he just make a port blank statement you're my friends no that's not what he said but you are my friends if that's a big old word if you do whatsoever I command you how do I know what he commands me by the comforter and the word they make a hole they lead they guide they direct and they bring peace of mind why it's a resting place in a troubled world today if you go into that resting place of knowing that you're his friend and that when you followed his Commandments being a friend he's going to stand by you you know if he laid his life down for you do you think through the comforter he wouldn't help you today that was what the whole purpose was about 4:15 henceforth I called you not servants for the servant North not what his Lord doeth but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my father I have made known unto you through the prophets through the Old Testament the Word of God who do you think that spirit was that moved upon the waters and brought forth all things and who was this that was with God from the beginning other than wisdom was the Christ Himself being the father and he one and the same how precious it is to have his uncle because even when men maybe he gets confused and doesn't quite understand something he just told you I called you friends because somebody that's a servant they don't know what's happening supposed to know out through the word and if you're abiding in the vine he will give you the unction of understanding whereby you can comprehend the scripture that he brings forth because he just said I've taught you all things you know what's going to happen and what's important about that when you know what's going to happen let's just take one example you know the false messiah comes first and you're not going to be deceived how many people do you know churches included that know and teach the false christ comes first even though it is plain enough that a child can see it in the book of Revelation he comes in the sixth Trump the true Christ didn't come until the seventh and there's no gathering back to him until that seventh the father's trump out so he makes these things no one were about we're not deceived and we can witness for him against the evil one the one he paid the price so that in doing so he can destroy death which is to say the devil sitting at the right hand of God until all of his enemies are made his footstool who do you think is gonna he's going to utilize to put them there he's going to use God's election that are delivered up and the Holy Spirit that same comforter speaks through them and brings forth the climax of this very period of time and you have a part in it so I called you friend because you should know I gave you the word verse 16 to continue you have not chosen me I have chosen you now a lot of people may not understand this and that's that's not good you should because as it is written in ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 he said i chose you before the foundations of this earth speaking to his election and ordained you you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name he may give it you know this is just like I said many might not understand that for ordained ordained from before is it's written in Romans chapter 8 he says in Romans chapter 8 verse 26 concerning the Saints which means the set aside ones you don't even know what to pray for he will intercede in your life and and cause things to come to pass in your life to brings you to the truth the very word whereby you do bring forth fruit whereby you do and have the ability to ask anything in the father's name asked it in Christ's name of the Father and certainly father will give it to you if you're sincere and if you want to share that word that truth and many at this time might say well what am I supposed to do read mark thirteen God's election or going to stand against the very false one himself you don't have much higher calling than that as a human being and and what a privilege to stand against Satan and allow the comforter to speak through you as it's written in mark 13 Matthew 24 and Luke 21 to bring about the consummation of this particular period of time it's exciting the time we live in verse 17 these things I commend you that you love one another you support each other verse 18 if the world hates you and it will you know but it hated me before it hated you and a lot of people will pray you know you'll hear them Jesus is so gentle I want to walk in his footsteps you understand they crucified him they beat him they nailed him to a cross and anytime you pray to walk in his footsteps and the world begins to come down on you like a ton of brick then can you handle that naturally you cannot well I just want to be a loving Christian well that's good but the world doesn't love Christians and you're living in a generation that should begin to find it out because Christians are attacked even in our own schools they will further Islamic belief but what you can't even mention the word Christian or Christ's men that's in the United States of America and here what do we have to be proud of be Chris Christ man being a Christian let the world hang we don't care about the world in their ways if they want to go that way more power to them they're there better enjoy it they're living to last long but you stay firm abiding in him and the world's not gonna like you you're not gonna be all that popular that's fine because you are with God that's what's important in nineteen if you were of the world if you were a part of it the world would love his own but because you are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you it hated our Savior and he saves us out of the world well this world is not really our home eternal it will be but there'll be some changes there's these flesh bodies and this time period changes to a far better time and that's that's why it's well important and worth your time to abide in him through him and for him praying for knowledge and understanding and and then maybe if the world criticizes you or it just hurts my feelings don't let it you know if they want to go to hell let him go that's the it's their choice and you you don't have to make any apologies for it but you stay true to our Heavenly Father and receive His blessings the world hated him and the ways of the world let's just save druggies and you you go ahead and name a few others not all you don't paint with to ride a brush because I suppose there are even goodies I could remember in one case where a drug peddler told the druggie you need to listen to this Shepherd chaplain broadcast so ultimately God used the drug peddler because a druggie to listen to teaching and he came clean okay so you know God will use whomever he chooses we don't we don't judge we leave that in our father's hands verse 20 remember the word that I said unto you servant is not greater than his Lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my sayings they will keep yours also once you teach someone the truth nobody Satan nobody can pull somebody away from it it's not for sale sorry Charlie but once one sees the real truth of God's Word there is nothing going to pull them away from it they're going to stay with our father and so it is but at the same time you know I suppose everybody likes to be liked of man but there's just some men you don't care whether you like a biome or not because they are of the world and and all they do is bring trouble it's much better to stay in the furrow plowing deep not looking back 21 but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent me they're lost 22 if I had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin but now they have no cloak for their sin they've got no excuse I came I worked miracles I brought the word I don't care if your auric a night those witnesses have witnessed well enough that you know it's a sin and there's no excuse for it when you turn away from me and go to the devil the ways of the world 23 he that paid it me hate if my father also and and that's true what that's a powerful statement and I know it offends a lot of people and religions even in the world if you hate the Lord Jesus Christ then you hate God also the father and and that leaves you in bad shape because you have no protection you are out there for the devil to Nollan and his evil spirits anytime he so chooses and making making you hallucinate into thoughts and things because you're not founded in the Word of God to know truth from fiction to know traditions a man from the real Word of God so that's a strong statement he that hated me hate my father also you're out okay 24 if I had not done among them the works which another man did they had not had sinned but now have they both seen and hated both me and my father they're gonna kill me I raised a man from the dead Lazarus I fed multitudes I healed the sick for which of these do they want to take my life because they're of the devil that's why there are of the world the world will hate the ways of the world will hate the Lord Jesus Christ and when they hate him they hate the father also which means they're so far cut away purged clipped away dying bushes so they're hopefully the Millenium might wake some people up will it well we'll find out when we and let's go with the next verse please verse 25 but this cometh to pass that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law they hated me without a cause the psalm 69 for I mean it it's there for the reading and and so it is they same thing they had no reason for which good deed do they hate him for which good deed that he did did they lay a crown of thorns on his forehead 26 but when the comforter is come that's the Holy Spirit whom I will listen to me I will sin unto you from the father where does the Holy Spirit come from the father even the Spirit of Truth that's the Holy Spirit which proceedeth from the father he shall testify of me he'll make it known to you that's the way he is to complete the chapter 27 and ye also shall bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning you know wouldn't we take the fact that they were four ordained from what beginning how long were they with him then forward from the beginning means a lot more to some than others because as it is written in Ephesians chapter one verse 4 I stipulated earlier I chose you before the foundations of this world that means in the first Earth Age you know what is really sad God made it very clear in this word of God that there was an age before this one that's why while they were still in the womb Jacob he loved and Esau he hated because of what they did in the first Earth Age and and this is why he would tell Jeremiah chapter 1 of Jeremiah I knew you before you entered your mother's womb why he was with God and while you were in your mother's womb I ordained you a prophet God uses whomever he chooses from the beginning so many have election doesn't make you any better than anyone else but it does give you duties and blessings from Almighty God all right bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good for important Ricoh throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it don't you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we're not going to judge people father is the judge you have spiritual discernment to know truth from fiction especially if God has called you if he chose you and for a reason he can use you and he knows that and many of you know it as well you've known since you were a child there was more to God's Word than you'd been taught and you've known it all your life but that's the way our Father operates those of you that missing around by a short wave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and urine at the end of the hour we'll give you our mating address always a pleasure you've got a prayer request you don't need the number or an address why God knows what you're thinking you don't even have to say it out loud don't ever let anyone judge you or when you pray or don't pray you can pray anytime you want to and he hears you so let's don't ever let anyone take that away from you that's your line of communication that's talking to him and he to you father around the globe we come West that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay question time Joseph from Florida if we are you today and gone by the time Satan comes how is knowing about the Antichrist going to help us because truth always helps you know you mystery mover also God is putting an army together in heaven right now army he's going to bring with him along with God the election in the end times and what a blessing it is when he called somebody home and they are in because of their knowledge their enlisted in that army ready to serve the Living God Ronnie from Ohio Matthew 28 verses 19 and 20 do you have to go door-to-door to spread God's Word I don't drive and please tell me how to share father's word well you know Ronnie the in this generation you want to read mark chapter 13 where God's elect are delivered up they they don't even premeditate what they'll say the Holy Spirit speaks through them and it's televised to the world against Satan as a matter of fact in Luke 21 it says even the gainsayers will be convinced by what you say so learning truth and being ready for that time appointed is extremely important you keep studying that word you're gonna do just fine okay Charlotte from New Mexico I'm anxious for a question is cremation acceptable to God absolutely you can find that documented in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 that you have a most beautiful spiritual body that never ages and when you when the silver cord parts meaning you die instantly you go back to the Father from whence you came and and what happens to this flesh it goes back to dirt from which it came in other words everything your mother consumed was organic and everything you have consumed is organic meaning it came from the dirt it's going back so it doesn't matter how it gets there you're through with it you've got a perfect body waiting Frances from Missouri I love to watch and learn from your broadcast on TV my issue is that when you enter question sometimes you respond in a way that it seems like you're making fun of they're the one who is asking intelligence in a condescending way we're in the Bible does it state that you should respond in this way there's a lot of people in the world that needs you and your knowledge of the Bible and leading them on the right path not all of us has the same intelligence and understanding like that of a wise and gifted person we those who have a harder time at learning and understanding or offended by your response and will turn you off for an instant well that's you know tough love is a hard thing to understand and discipline a church without discipline is no church at all and if I have to if I have to be firm with someone and I'm they need it it's my responsibility under God to try to help them to dry them out of it I know a lot of times you will hear me tell someone to grab their bootstraps pull themselves up and act like a man you know and many people will say oh boy are you a pen you know usually within two weeks I'll get a letter from them thanking me okay for making them stop think to make something out of themselves so I I'm not going to apologize to you because I would never kind of send to anyone my main teaching is that you have to teach on three levels because there's new people listening all the time tender ears so you teach on a level that they can understand but at the same time you have to teach as Paul would teach and you kind of crack down just a little bit but that's real love that's not hardship or that's not making light of anyone that's correction discipline and growth and maturity and so it is you understand Heather from Michigan okay thank you for bringing us closer to the Father you are welcome there is something I have always wondered about and if anyone knows the answer I am sure it will be you could you please tell me about the Bermuda Triangle why strange things happen there or if it is all just superstition okay Heather you know I want you to make a note of Luke chapter 13 because Christ is teaching the earnings and hate what do you think about the the Galileans that were murdered out there were they more sinners than anyone else and they well you're all about the 18th at the Tower of Siloam fell off they bigger sinners than anyone else no they just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time okay or vice-versa things happen and superstitions can build from that and that is kind of I know there are many things that have brought this to pass we have without judging anyone we have for example training aircraft pilot training in that area or close to that area and when you're training new pilots sometimes they can get lost and I'm speaking of one particular incident the Bermuda Triangle didn't have anything to do with that there was it was just an accident and with many others so it happens that but stuff happens we live in a world that can get things can happen Kathleen from Michigan question for the telly if one is truly one of the elect as you said you know some of them and the only proof you said they might have is talking too much the only problem they have is talking too much so how does one know when the holy spirit chooses to speak through us when taking that before the in Christ you're not to even premeditate about that as it's written in mark 13 what God wants you to know he'll take over at that time so if you're not to premeditate about it that's why I say if anything there I know people that would like to tell Satan exactly where to go and they've got enough starch that they know how to do that we're to let the Holy Spirit the comforter speak through us and you're not to premeditate what you'll say beforehand and he's got your name your address your telephone number and he knows how to pull your chain so you don't have to worry about a thing Becky from Illinois is there any way can is there any way we can determine through the Scriptures the length of time between the Razr of taxes and the bow one coming thank you other than it's a short time well what is a short time it's a short time with God so it can be a considerable period but not all that long it'll happen Martin Melvin Martin rather from Pennsylvania does the scripture indicator suggest when the daily sacrifice will resume in order for it to be ended by the Antichrist in the midst of his five months reign thank you it is a matter he doesn't stop it from being taken let's just say sacrificial love to Almighty God why does he stop it from going to God and the Savior because he wants it for himself he stops that by people thinking he is Christ but shuts it down as far as a grace and glory from the majority going to God Satan needs to take it for himself that's why he is called in Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 he will come in on the wings of desolation because he is the death of late or okay that's an entity not a condition a bill for main please explain 1st chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 about the bloodlines well what what what does it say you know just read it calmly it is getting judah's lineage prior to the 55th verse the 55th verse that tells you who the scribes were for Judith and it makes it very clear that they were from the house of the lake AB which is to say they were Kenites and it is spelled out ke e ni tes and that word in the Ebru take your Strong's and look at the word Kenites it's the sons of Cain the offspring of Cain and they were keeping books for Judah at that time that's why they would in Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 say we claim to be the brother Judah but they lie in all of the synagogue of Satan okay your grace from Alabama after Jesus comes to earth and the people on the right side of the Gulf or with him I am wondering what happens to the people on the wrong side of the Gulf do they come back to earth also so they may be preached to also you know we're not to judge and anyone that didn't have an opportunity to hear the truth the God's fair they're going to be taught through the Millennium so we cannot say that we know who is going to come back and be taught other than to say it will be people that didn't have an opportunity and quite frankly you could have 50 churches in a city and if none of them is teaching the endtime true gospel message then a lot of those people haven't got a prayer they're going to be deceived by the false messiah because they're told he's coming to fly them away and they think he's the Lord Jesus Christ they don't know that the Antichrist comes at the sixth truck claiming to be Jesus and the true Christ doesn't return till the seventh they didn't have a prayer because of false teaching you know again I'm not judging I'm just stating facts and but we have God knows who needs it and who doesn't who deserves that and who doesn't Cynthia from Vermont when when the Holy Spirit talks to us individually can we be certain we understand completely and accurately without without repeated confirmation you know God deals in many strange ways you mean in everyday life pretty soon excuse me you can plan to do something deal that's exactly right and after you do it about three times and fall flat on your face it's about time to say I got it God you want me to do this a little different way so that way you know that the spirit will lead you and you'll be fine the the verse I just read it's something I'm having trouble with you're writing me had said I am resurrected and at the end of the world I clearly stated Jesus was resurrected at at the end of the world does it mean he's going to come at the seventh trunk okay that's the easiest way the way he teaches it in the book of Revelation and it will clear a lot of things up for you notoya from Georgia can you give me can you give to two different ministries and receive healing the reason why I asked because there have been different ministries that have sent me letters saying if you will send to $88 you will receive your healing sometimes I would send the money but then they would ask for more I don't mind giving but I am on a fixed income and I can't give all the time thank you Pastor Mary for God didn't send out beggars if somebody begs you for eighty eight dollars for a healing they're frauds okay and I'm not judging that's just a fact from God Scripture you're letting them rip you off if you want a healing then be healed doesn't cost anything Christ paid the price on the cross do not let men deceive you and know for a fact God does not send out beggars and so it is so when you get those letters refuse them send them back make it let them spend some money to get their letter back okay you don't need to mess with a fraud Carney from just making points and winning friends here in the end times Carney from Wyoming but if let's see my question is about faith faith can move mountains okay I wholly believe that God is able to move a mountain but if it's not God's will for that mountain to be moved my faith that he can isn't going to move it is it well first of all what what does it mean when that mountain analogy is used mountains are Nations means God can move a nation when he wants to ten people stood up in Germany Berlin on church steps and prayed to God for leadership and to move that nation and the wall come tumbling down because of Christians praying in them that led to a certain thing and so yes you don't confuse analogies with a literal mountain out there if God wanted to even move that he could with earthquakes or whatever but he's not that destructive so there you go faith is a beautiful thing just hang in there and believe okay this would be Frank from California my question is on tithing is a person's tie the lifetime balance meaning do I owe for the years I didn't I as if I went to church or not to injuries no right the church didn't feed you you tithe where you're fed what fed what the Word of God okay so you weren't attending then as a former Marine I do not want to dishonor myself or God you didn't salute Semper Fi this would be Linda from my name is Linda from Florida I want to start by saying thank you for your teaching you are so welcome I enjoy them very much the Bible states that it is a sin to live with someone outside of marriage my husband and I divorced but we decided to stay living together my question is are we now living in sin that we are divorced and living as married I'm concerned about my salvation because the Bible states that we have to obey not only God's law but men's law well you know God places convictions on people if if if he places a conviction on you that you feel you should and you should reunite that or reaffirm even your vows but as far as that's concerned you both were dedicated to each other and you were both married and to each other and so having that way you almost have to follow your own in other words God has a way of placing thoughts and and leadership so if if you have that feeling then maybe you should do something about it otherwise you all enjoy your life you're all right Gan Gan from arizona who are the 24 elders spoken of in Revelation 20 I like to think that they're the twelve patriarchs and the twelve disciples then would come the question well was Cain one of them well that's we're not to judge okay we know that Cain was murdered he didn't just hang himself Acts chapter 1 verse 18 so we let God decide that but I feel that that's who the 24 elders are my opinion Linda from Ohio is that true that God kept the spirits that chose Satan in the first world age to come to earth now in the end times and that is why we have so much evil in the world today it's fair God always does things fair if he's going to release Satan back on the earth who would he most want to know who would follow him what it was all about the ones that followed him in the first Earth Age that started in the generation of the fig tree which was the year of our Lord in 1948 and anyone that had lived through those years has witnessed the decline in morals and our government and many other things so - that would back that end under from California today I was so shocked to hear you saying Noah's Flood was nothing to compare to the 40 days rain flood we will see in the time Satan will be here where is this in the Bible well it I think you are missing mixing the Cata Bowl with the Satan's flood of Lies Revelation chapter 12 you can read of it in that very chapter I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying father's word but most of all God loves you for it makes his day you make his day he's going to make yours we're brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you what you do that that's God he will always bless you most important listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the living hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew how they are Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra right margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're ready to get back into our father's word we're gonna continue this discussion as you see there on wilderness now you'll be lacking if you don't understand what the word wilderness means in the Greek basically it means in a lonesome field place where basically there are not that many people around but in the Hebrew mid bottom is the word and it's primed a bottler which means a pasture or a field who are animals feed and also
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 21,122
Rating: 4.880435 out of 5
Keywords: John 14, John 15, John Chapter 14, John Chapter 15, Gospel of John Chapter 14, Gospel of John Chapter 15
Id: H9VHksj-xY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 03 2014
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