1 Thessalonians ~ 1:1 to 2:15

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Thessalonians first Thessalonians will be doing Thessalonians basically the subject is this the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and this particular book written by Paul is probably one of his earliest writings no doubt because it's only it was written about 52 to 53 which would be about 20 years after the resurrection that is to say after Christ rose from the tomb so it's a very early book and naturally at 20 years later people are already looking forward to that second Advent that's to say the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and being one of Paul's first letters he always teaches on three levels the commission that God gave him in in the the great book of Acts when Paul was brought into service as one of God's elect in Acts chapter 9 verse 15 and given three missions a mission to the kings and queens a mission to Israel and a mission to the Gentile so therefore Paul will always teach on three levels therefore there's always meat and understanding for whomsoever will so first Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 1 a word of wisdom from our Father let's go with it Paul and sylvania is that Silas and timotheus or Timothy unto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father in the Lord Jesus Christ grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ what a greeting bringing in all the titles and you can see the Christian love pouring from that introduction that that greeting Paul was had gotten very good news from this group and when he was there previously as it is recorded in the books a book of Acts in chapter 16 and 17 he was treated terribly here not not by the citizenry but by those that claim to be of our brother Judah and did lie and were in fact Kenites of the synagogue of satan' and but yet truth prevailed the Holy Spirit overcame as you will see verse 2 we give thanks to God always for you all making mention of you in our prayers we're so we're just thinking about you and we're so very pleased in the word we receive verse 3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith and labor of love and patience of Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ that's waiting for the true christ in the sight of God and our Father I mean it's very visible and openly obvious to our Heavenly Father that your faith documents your labor that's to say your work and and your work documents your patience that you're not getting over anxious that you're willing to wait on the Lord Jesus Christ and what a compliment verse 4 knowing brethren beloved your election of God and here we go to the third level that is to sake to God's elect and there were certain ones that were elected by God himself to lead in this group and because of the leadership that showed up here on hearing the truth they were vivacious then grab that truth they hung on to it they studied it they went with it they let it grow even in regions far only beyond Thessalonica and and that's that's what as it should be and that's one of the reasons that Paul is very pleased that I mean he was beaten here he was thrown in jail locked up I mean he had adversaries from from the so-called religious community that you wouldn't believe but the holy spirit always prevails and truth always comes through you can't change it you can't block it you can't stop it God's Word is supreme and one of the reasons verse 5 as we continue for our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance as you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake we did it for your cause and you can tell as the record is in Acts chapter 17 they didn't shy off they boldly went forth with that word they didn't hide and it didn't matter that there was opposition there why they had the power of the Holy Spirit with them you know the Holy Spirit when he's ready can just lay people right out of the way and and so it is that our Father reigns supreme and our people are so blessed when they tie into that power when they tie into the very leadership of Almighty God himself through the son and in this case as well as Paul verse 6 and you become followers of us and of the Lord having received the word in much affliction with joy in the Holy Spirit even though there was a great deal of affliction even though you had these Racquet wretched jaws on the sidelines complaining and so these men are turning the world upside down they're teaching falsely they still bore down with the Holy Spirit and taught the election as well as the other levels and brought the flock into the very truth the Word of God God's Word is so powerful it sustains you even through troubles and tribulations they are nothing compared to the beauty and the love of Almighty God for his children when he stretches that wing out and takes the children under that wing and protects them and when you receive his blessings it doesn't matter what a bunch of fruitcakes might say doesn't matter you have the blessings of God and eternal life the power of the Holy Spirit verse 7 so that you were in samples to all that believed in Macedonia nakiya kaya being trouble and and and so it was how precious it was that that they themselves having not heard on hearing the promises on feeling the touch of the Holy Spirit they themselves became an example of the Blessed to the people who yet on beyond then turned in to be believers good news for Paul through the hardships the troubles the beatings the being imprisoned in this area I mean the real truth stuck and the word grew and the church itself was born to fall verse 8 for from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia nakiya but also in every place your faith to God word is spread abroad so that we need not to speak anything it was obvious that you took this word publicly and you took it far beyond the borders of Thessalonians and people were blessed in many places with what with the Word of God with the Holy Spirit and with the patience of waiting for the true father the patience of waiting on the Lord Jesus Christ verse 9 for they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we hadn't to you and how we turn to God how rather how ye turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God you were you were you were worshiping idols but when you heard the truth of God's Word then at that time you received it you come to the real proof what is the truth God's Word this letter that he sends to you God is the same yesterday he is today and he shall be forever you can count on him he will never leave you he will never forsake you and you have that power of the Holy Spirit connected into your life when you believe you are nurtured by the very root itself of Christianity that stems way back from Jesse through David through down through the Savior right to Almighty God himself as as that strength and power through the Holy Spirit enables people to brightly seek truth and recognize it when they see it and when they hear it verse 10 and to this being the subject of the book and to wait I repeat wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead not maybe not perhaps he raised from the dead even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come you want to escape the wrath to come or do you want to wait into it in ignorance so you know it is very important that that word wait requires patience and as it is written in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 7 and 8 God is long-suffering that means he's got lots of patience well why does he have a lot of patience because it is his will that all come to repentance they want but he would like it if they did and and so it is that our Father does bring forth that Holy Spirit the unction the will that if you have the free will to accept it then in waiting for the true Christ what does that mean also don't be deceived by anyone that might precede him claiming to be you're going to have many people that claim they have the perfect religion and maybe they never crack open the letter that God sent us documenting the true belief the true faith shun people like that shun them they will lead you astray they will lead you down primrose lane wait with patience for the second Advent which is to say the seventh seal the seventh Trump and the seventh vial Christ will not under any condition return to this earth until that time we will document that in the second book - a letter from Paul to the Thessalonians it is well documented where a child can understand so with patience wait for the second coming it's going to happen and that's what this book is about chapter 2 verse 1 for yourselves brethren no our entrance in unto you that it was not in vain we did not come there empty our word was vivacious our word was truth our word with life our word was documented by the Holy Spirit by the events the miracles and events that transpired while we were there verse 2 but even after that we had suffered before and were shamefully entreated as you know you witnessed it at Philippi we were bold in our God - speaking to you the gospel of God with much contention there was trouble everywhere that did not that did not bother us we were thrown in jail and you observed that power of God that earthquakes came in shackles fell off and we were freed by the power of the Holy Spirit and Almighty God you know when God is with you who can be against you doesn't matter you have the victory and this is what Paul is talking about Filipe I you can read of it in Acts chapter 16 along about verse 22 it was a hard time well I just want to be a sweet Christian and never have any problems hey as long as Satan's in the world you're going to have problems but then you have power over him so putting Scouten no big deal no step for a stepper we don't have to be afraid of anything we don't give up ground we take it boldly they entered in even with that contingent and God gave them the victory verse 3 for X our exaltation was not of deceit nor of uncleanliness nor in guile when we taught we stuck with the straight truth it wasn't just as men pleasers it wasn't sugar-coated sweet stuff that was sickening it was truth in fact and discipline whereby God's blessings would come forth and you would be blessed verse 4 but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but God which try our hearts you know this is something you always want to remember if you're a seed planner or you final being a teacher please God and when you please God it will displease some men but you don't want them anyway anyone that is displeased with the Word of God you don't want them around you until they come around until they see truth you want people that want to hear the truth that want to to Bay in the truth and the love of Almighty God with his blessings coming forth you know anytime you are tempted to break away from the Word of God with discipline and truth that might offend some and you try to please men just to hang on to them you just brought the biggest cancer a spiritual cancer into your work that you could ever want it and you're the one that asks for it you don't need spiritual counsel cancers in your ministry you want to get rid of them you don't need them so never teach to please men but to please God therefore God blesses in the people that are drawn to that you can trust they will have compassion and love for their fellow man and not be just a bunch of men pleasers verse five for neither at any time used we flattering words as you know nor a cloak of covetousness God is witness I mean we laid it out there many of you thought it was kind of rough but that's tough love and that's the way tough love goes if that's what the word says that's what it is don't try to mellow it but teach God's work whereby people can be corrected by it and be blessed of God and loved of God that's how peace comes to be is by discipline and by loving father and letting the traditions of men fall by the wayside don't ever use a cloak of covetous that's just of any type around you in teaching God's Word verse six nor of men sought with glory neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ what we didn't we did not ask for praise we didn't want you praising us but praising the word of the Living god we wanted you to be content with the word of God and glory in his word and in his truth but don't glory in us verse 7 but we were gentle among you even as a nurse cherish as their children properly translated as gentle as a mother nursing her baby in other words that's true Christian loves spoken and taken in a spiritual sense it doesn't get any better love than that in understanding and family verse 8 so being affectionate lame desirous of you we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of God only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us that is real Christian love you see Christians are a family and sometimes your Christian family can be closer than your own family your blood family because they understand and it does go to the very soul itself because it is the soul that is the part of you that is eternal in the spiritual body and as a family that holds together that worships together that loves the Lord Jesus Christ that is under his protecting wing they become a blessing to others that flows and it grows it's the mark of Christianity it's the family of God verse 9 for you remember brethren our labour and travail for labouring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you we preached unto you the gospel of God in other words Paul never took a salary he was a tentmaker he said I earned my own can I imagine he was one of the best because they always wanted had no problem finding work wherever he traveled but he said the main thing I wanted you to know I wouldn't end this for money I wasn't in this for offerings I was in it because I love you and I want you to receive the Living Word even though we had to work night and day and don't forget to travail you know a lot of people will they pick up the banner mossad I just want to be a good Christian buddy and I would just want to march along and let the least a little bit of travail or hearsay come along and they run for the bushes like a bunch of cowards I mean just one little opposition and they nailed you're a child of God act like it you have the truth and Satan is going to oppose you get that in your head Christian love is a beautiful wonderful thing but we live in a world that the Prince of Darkness is is present that is to say spiritually speaking he will be de facto before it's over with but be that as it may that's why you want to wait as Paul instructed for the true Christ to return but always remember there's going to be hardships God trusts you to be able to handle most of it and what you can't handle he guarantees you he'll take care of the rest you know something he always does and that always brings about perfection next verse verse 10 your witnesses and God also how holy holy and justly and unblameable we behaved ourselves among you that believed you you know that among you I've you that believed well you might say well what about those that didn't believe hey they didn't take anything off of him but they behaved themselves they still behaved themselves rightly but what is behaving yourself rightly abundant of around a non-believer that doesn't believe and wants to give you trouble you make sure that they realize you have power over them and you fix them so that they won't let it happen again as soon as you possibly can you don't take nothing off nobody Christians are not second-class citizens and and so it is and your witness is that you that believe though we were loving understanding caring and we took care of University Leavitt as you know how we exhorted and confronted and charged every one of you as the father death is children you know spare the rod spoil the child you know there was week right we we cracked the whip a little bit when it was necessary you see this brings forth true love children love a parent that says that's the line don't cross it and explains the reason why you're gonna get hurt if you do and I will punish you to boot okay that's discipline and and that's as it should be a church without discipline is not going to be blessed of God it's got to be there verse twelve that you would walk worthily of God who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory I don't know him you had the call yet as he called you you know by the unction when he plays on the strings of your heart to let you know that he loves you you're his child you're different than anyone else your DNA absolutely you're unique he created you that way but he does want you to love him and he does call he calls in many ways many strange ways he can call many mysterious ways he can call and when you hear that call you know it and you want to step up to the plate when he does and and and let him know and walk worthily of God verse thirteen for this cause this reason also thank we God without ceasing because when you received the Word of God which you heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe and it does I don't want you to read over that well it just is that way with ministers and priests and pretty nothing that's not what it said he said you believe the word and the word worketh effectually in you whereby it guides you directs you touches you lead you directs you picks you up supports you don't be caught without it it's beautiful and it is precious to no one to understand that that God it is own whomever they are that that is part of the Christian family and God is still on the throne we have that victory 14 for ye brethren became followers of the Churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the Jews that that is to say the eu-us that's where the Kenites took residence in in Judah Judah that Judea I should say then and and then begin to if you are a resident of Judea you can call yourself a Jew not by race but by geographical residence see Jeremiah 35 goes into detail of how the can I took on and claimed to be residents of Judea and some of them literally were but what this does if you're not careful will with people not being students of God's Word will think this is talking about our brother Judah and you should know better our brother Judah is one of the twelve tribes of the house of Israel but the Kenites are none that none other than the children of Cain and they are vagabonds they have to hang on to some group of people to sustain themselves and so it is that they continue to do that this gives our brother Judah a bad rep many places for Christians that are not well informed in God's Word and you would really be confused in when you read revelation chapter 2:9 in Revelation chapter 3 9 where it would very clearly say I'm only proud Christ would say of the churches that teach those who claim to be our brother Judah but are in fact the synagogue of Satan in other words if you if you being a Christian a servant of God can't recognize an evil one in your very midst then you could understand and if your church does not teach who the Kenites are and and what how they operate then they can be in your midst and you wouldn't even be aware of it that's why Christ taught only attend a church Smyrna and Philadelphia that teach those that claim to be of our brother Judah but in fact identify them as the synagogue of Satan not our brother Judah them now that's a great deal of explanation but that is so ever important that you understand that because the children of Cain are prevalent in this world today and they will be right up to the very end they have a purpose and they serve that purpose well God allows it as a testing bloc you could say in a sense it's kind of like do you have you read the scripture to identify to know to be wiser than or have you not have you been taught to be wiser than the serpent and how you are to become wiser than the serpent or have you not it's that simple if you haven't been taught then you're kind of in a heap of hurt but here it's talking about those that claim to be of our brother Judah but in fact or the synagogue of satan' you know why in verse 15 who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us and they please not God and are contrary to all men and naturally that is a very strong statement but when you read st. John chapter 8 verse 44 you find out that the children of Cain the first murderer their fathers the devil and for every negative there is a positive but you are supposed to be wise enough to understand because you have power over all your enemies but you see my friend if you can't recognize your enemy then what good is it to have power over them you're not going to use it anyway so it's the power of God wasted truth is so very important understanding is so very important it would it would stop a lot of contention in this world if people had that understanding even racial problems there would be none because you would identify the enemy end of story you would handle it for you through power through the Holy Spirit you have the ability to do that they are contrary as Jesus himself taught in Matthew chapter 13 beginning with verse 36 37 38 down through 40 as Jesus would himself would teach in Saint John chapter 8 verse 32 through 44 45 46 and there they are contrary but he has warned you if you read it do you understand it and then in Revelation 2 9 and 3 9 he brings it all to the forefront where there's no deception have you read that then you wouldn't be deceived you know there's no reason many times you would own reading this if you didn't know the truth you would accuse the wrong people think that you don't do that be able to identify your enemy the children of the devil the Kenites they are against our Lord Jesus Christ that makes them against you as well so wisdom is a beautiful thing and when you're wiser than the serpent but as peaceful as a dove to those that believe that understanding comes forth and the Church of Jesus Christ grows alright don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,370
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Holy Bible, Shepherd's, Shepherds, KJV, Chapel, Book of I Thessalonians, Shepherds Chapel, 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Arnold Murray, Bible, Book of 1 Thessalonians, Arnold Murray, Murray, Arnold, Book of, Pastor Murray, Pastor, I Thessalonians
Id: fjM8AuaY2IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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