Zechariah ~ 1:1 to 1:18

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our new book again today right out of the minor prophet Zechariah now Zechariah meaning in the Hebrew tongue remembered of or by ahave or remembered of Yahweh our Father and it is ironic that this is you might say one of the most prophetic books among the minor prophets concerning your generation so the name really says it all it means at that time that God will remember though he never forgot understand but it means he's going to take action it is an idiom in a sense that means it's time for him to take action against who those that would not study his word those that would not obey Him because they were ignorant of his word those he's a little easier on I suppose but yet very disappointed especially when our father himself would write this letter individually to his children you the rest of who you are and this tells of that time or you might say coming out of Babylon you remember from the last lecture lecture in Haggai that zerubabbel meaning born in Babel but came out you're going to hear more of him in this great book because he's still going to build that building that may membered body and you will learn a great deal about how it's structured how it comes together what it consists of okay Zachariah covers seven approximately a seven-year period so seven being spiritual completeness in kind of the period of the last seven years if you understand in a prophetic sense at various places in it so it isn't it is one of the minor prophets that certain is significant and one that you should strive to understand having said that remembered of ahave chapter one verse one Zechariah and reads in the eight months that be about our November in the second year of dyrus came the word of the Lord unto zechariah remembered of yah the son of better Akaya blessed of yah the son of ido which is i do rather which is the prophet saying meaning lovely or timely verse to the Lord has to been sore displeased with your father's now I that word sword you got to bear down on pretty good that's a little bit mile for how he feels about it he's his displeasure is significant it's even working itself to a point of Wrath alright verse 3 therefore say thou unto them thus saith the Lord of Hosts turn ye unto me or you return unto me saith the Lord of Hosts and I will turn unto you saith the Lord of Hosts you return to me and I'll return to you that's God's deal no this will be taught on a national sense but at the same time it holds on a personal sense as well if you'll return to Him you don't have to even consider it he will return to you he will be with you and when he is with you I would I would have you to think of barrel kaya blessed of yah he will bless you that's his guarantee so think about it well how do I return to him by growing familiar with his word to the point that you could be pleasing to in verse 4 be not as your father's that's good advice unto whom the former prophets have cried saying thus saith the Lord of hosts turn ye now from your evil ways and from your evil doings but they did not hear nor hearken unto me they would listen saith the Lord now there are many ways of not listening there are many people in this generation as it wasn't there's nothing new Under the Sun as it was in the days of Jeremiah and the minor prophets that think in their hearts that they're getting by pretty good spiritually speaking I'm going to just I'm going to make a statement if you're only listening to men and not studying God's Word on your own you're not doing so good because in the first place if you could count on a teacher that would teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse what about you are being fed the real food that sticks to your ribs as far as spiritually speaking and pleasing God you might do pretty good but you can't go to a one verse Charlie and not study on your own to fill in the blanks because every time he skips from a verse here to there you've got to cover everything in between to actually grasp the told thought God doesn't like people that study like Russian Roulette i just opened the bible and there it was how do you know if you just open the bible and pick one verse how do you know who God was talking to you know our Father is very intelligent and you whether you realize it or not or his child and he expects you to be intelligent don't don't do stupid things and that's stupid to just pop the you know anyone that has any understanding at all of literature even our fathers word knows the principles the rule subject object and how to follow the thought you got it you've got to rightly divide the word of God that is to divide it as to whoo it's written - when it was written what it pertains to what the subject is and one verse rarely would ever cut that or even come close anyway I'm just saying some people think in their little minds that they might be pretty well off they go to church all my life I don't know anything about God's Word but I've sure been there on that page that won't cut it if you're biblically illiterate you're biblically illiterate period enough said how do you break that there's maybe there's no shame in it just don't stay that way he said please listen to me didn't say please but he gives you that prerogative that the right to have the prerogative to want to listen to him because you cut your own path friend and because if God wrote this letter to you personally and you have the ability of reading and studying you don't have to depend 100% upon man meaning you're accountable to God okay verse five your fathers where are they they're dead you know physically and the prophets did they live forever uh they died meaning physically they died their souls are not dead they instantly return to the Father they gave it but what it's saying is his word lives forever the prophets and the people don't so we've kind of had forever as far as that's concerned to pick up on the word and this word is going to hold true so and everyone that lives is going to down what does that mean well they die and what then what they return to the Father for one or two things one is to be rewarded or to to be judged judged in the sense of that that is negative meaning you got a short time here on earth and you'd better make good use of it that means you'd better be pleasing your father here if you expect there to be a hereafter six let me rephrase that if you expect to have a part in the hereafter but others definitely hereafter verse six but my words and my statutes which I commanded my servants the prophets did they not take hold of your father's you might say did they not overtake them you bet they did and they returned and said like as the Lord of hosts taught thought to do unto us according to our ways and according to our doings so half he dealt with us and and that that is you set your own course many people God has to chew must chastise them God must correct them God must put holes in their buckets trying to get their attention and they just keep bloodying their head against the wall of life learning over and over the hard way so you set your own path for in and if you return to the Father and try to please him you're not going to be perfect that's the beauty of having grace at this time and that he accounts that as perfect once you repent and say father please help me to understand what it is it would that pleases you he's going to tell you in this book anyway pay attention to his commandments they're the best advice in the world you can receive I'll tell you something if you listen to God's commandments you'll never get in trouble it would be a rare thing that you would verse seven upon the four and twentieth day of the eleventh month and we move on here this would probably be about our February in the eleventh month which is the month to sebat in the second year of Duras came the word of the lord unto zechariah the son of berechiah I am the son of into the Prophet saying now watch this verse they pay attention I saw by night and behold a man riding upon a red horse this would be a sorrel to you old Cowboys okay and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom and behind him were their red horses speckled that's a bay and white now got about the same color we got here in revelation concerning the horses but these do not happen to be the four horsemen mentioned in these are four Scouts Scouts usually went by horseback and they're scouting out the Earth's is what they're doing why would he bring up the fact of myrtle trees and I would have you remember that in Nehemiah chapter eight verse fifteen part of the booth Secotan that was made up at feast of tabernacles myrtle tree was one of the trees that they went there really a brush tree they're only get about ten feet tall but that's enough for horses to hide in and the in a brushy grove and they get about ten foot tall but they're one of the palms and palm tress they help how is it in Nehemiah palm tree the olive the palm the pine and the myrtle tree that made up the material you could use and of course usually the palm leaf was for the roof and so forth for your booth that the celebrated after Passover the coming out of the land but at the important at the the fall fellowship it is written and thought by most students of God's Word yours included this would include it of course I wouldn't be surprised if it was the spring caught off-guard I should say but usually it is thought that he would return at the Feast of Trumpets that is to say the five month period of the locust is even May through September and September would fall at approximately that time that here this Myrtle tree would be mentioned at Christ's return and that's kind of what the book of Zechariah is about coming out of Babylon and Christ's return that's why I think it important that I explained the Myrtle just a little bit the Myrtle had a beautiful beautiful flower and his fragrance would put the rose to shame they were picked and and they dressed up the hut if you would and caused this beautiful fragrance and even many of you today whether you realize it or not those flowers are clipped before totally right dried and then brought forth and that's what's called allspice okay a seasoning so without digression well-well add that so that you understand there's always more said to our father's word if you take the time to meditate upon it because he uses nature itself a great deal they're not up on the hill they're down in the bottom and they grow in bottoms as well verse nine continuing then said I all my lord this is what the Prophet asked oh my lord what are these and the angel that talked with me said said unto me I will show thee what these being in other words explaining God's point in sending these ten and the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said these are they whom the Lord had sent to walk to and fro through the earth they our scouts that our sin ahead to find out if the time is right if the harvest is ready to check out the earth to check your temperature are they listening or are they studying or they biblically illiterate how do we count this thing verse 11 and they answered the angel of the Lord that stood among the myrtle trees and said we have walked to and fro through the earth and behold all the Earth's it is still and is at rest there down there crying peace peace peace they've worked them up a one-world system a new world order that they've all worked them up and they're saying peace and it's still and but they're still fighting a little bit and so forth but just one long till the shaking because there's only one Prince of Peace and that's he that shall come the desire of the nations verse 12 then the angel of the Lord answered and said O Lord of Hosts how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years how long is that well a a score is 20 so three times twenty you'd be sixty plus ten would be 70 years the time length of the captivity so now we know that the prophecy has to do with coming out of Babylon coming out of the captivity and how the scouts sent to see if the people that learned their lesson just as it is in the world today how well have people learned their lessons well it's obvious not very well it is absolute that people no longer know how to discipline their children period when children begin shooting down children somebody's that fall and I've got a pretty good idea who I would put the blame to with the exception of certain circumstances there's no discipline whatsoever in this world is ripe if it ever was in in history right for harvest at this time and I feel that it's not that long until we're going to see that harvest I don't know how are you doing this is the coming out 70 years thirteen and the Lord answered the angel that talked with me with good words and comfortable words our Father will always comfort you and have good words for you if you will love him and even attempt to follow him 14 so the angel that commune with me said unto me cry thou saying and that that means shout don't just be mumbo-jumbo about it get it out there cried out saying thus saith the Lord of hosts I am jealous of Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy and our father is a jealous God we learned that in that great song of Moses in Deuteronomy chapter 32 and why would he be jealous of Jerusalem because Mount Zion in Jerusalem is his favorite spot in the whole universe and that's real easy to document it's in the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel that he makes it very clear he made a covenant with that geographical location saying this is where my eternal throne shall be established in the rejuvenated new earth age the new city the one that he builds the one he brings with him verse 15 and I am sore displeased with the heathen let's translate that nation's okay that's what it's talking about the heathen nations that are at ease they don't care for ours but a little displeased and they helped forward the affliction they did they punish my children more than I intended them to they seem to enjoy it and yet he's they are at ease or they're indifferent and God was very displeased with them the nation's the way that people would lose the very meaning of God's word and who they were what they were supposed to do verse 16 therefore thus saith the Lord I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies my house shall be built in it do you want to know where the Lord's house will be built in it saith the Lord of hosts in a lion shall be stretched forth upon Jerusalem I'm gonna lot it out I'm gonna lay it out and of course many of us know the dimensions of the Millennium Temple as they're given in the closing chapters from chapter 40 forward into great Book of Ezekiel and that's exactly how it will be our Father there's he's not going off out in some cloud and boom boom land he's coming here the same as Christ is coming here and nobody's going anywhere it's all going to happen right here so that's why you want to believe this pie in this you want to be very careful of this pie in the sky by-and-by stuff you got it right now if you partake of it if you return to him he will return to you it's unconditional as to win it's now now that's not to say that his true return nationally speaking I feel is very soon but this gives you the where where it's going to take place it would be for this reason that Christ would say in Matthew chapter 24 they asked him what it was going to be like when he came back at the second Advent he said these buildings will not be standing I'm there won't be one stem left standing in other words dimensions change number one and I won't go into that but it's making room for the new millenium temple 7 2 after the after Satan stands there 17 cry yet you continue to say saying saying thus saith the Lord of Hosts my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad in other words there's going to be good times for those that follow me and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem naturally having already chosen and having already made that eternal that wasn't just a few year Covenant he made with Zion it's eternal it's his favorite spot in the universe take all the planets stars and what-have-you in Jerusalem Zion in the dimension in which our Father dwells is his favorite place is there a reason for it of course there is he made it to suit himself he created it rather to suit himself and he doesn't like man hanging with it he's jealous as a matter of fact if you want to better understand the jealousy he fell in love with her and took her to wife he's deep stipulates in the 16th chapter of Ezekiel that she had an unclean birth and wasn't swaddled that means a clean birth why well because she was formed by the Jebusites and the city was Jebus at that time and David conquered it and changed the name to Jerusalem now many people that are biblically illiterate claim what chapter has to do with prayer to stop bleeding it's not even talking about it's talking about a baby being born in unsanitary conditions what some people teach is amazing it really is but be that as it may verse 18 then lifted I up mine eyes and I saw and behold four horns now it's important that we spend a little bit of time on these four horns horns are always symbolic of powers these happen to be for external enemy agencies of God and all the people of the earth meaning naturally that they're controlled by Satan these are the four hidden dynasties that are with us daily and have been from the beginning created by Cain and his children and picked a forwarded by them into all they can brainwash or mindset to come aboard in these controlling agencies do you wish to know what they are well I'm glad because I'm going to tell you the first is political the power of the political horn in other words through politics the New World Order is founded whereby the world is pretty well controlled through political means now that gets interesting and alone you know well if everything was a correct Republic that would be well and fine but it isn't and following the political would come the let's say education and education is used against not only children but if you have the ability to through media and otherwise to educate a people or to brainwash them or to mindset them and it really irritates me that even through advertising in this generation minds and brainwashing has come forth by people trying to change history or the way things actually are by people's being spokesman's for spokespersons for people there are definitely biblically not a spokesman for and on and on it goes not that God is is a word that is written to any particular people other than say the people that follow him but people are educated by the system whereby they follow as they will and within that they absolutely are brainwashed as to reality some of the history I believe myself when I see portrayals of it by movies and advertising and so forth it is so distant you wouldn't recognize it but it's not because an historian attempted to repeat the story it is strictly written to brainwash people into making popular things that are against God's Word and I resent it as I suppose that's very obvious now back to that political or governmental many people think that the new world order doesn't exist when I first began teaching speaking of it but now you don't have to worry because it's advertised and the political is so very strong that if somebody sneezes in Asia we have the hidden dynasty of the economy that comes into play to show you that you have a one world economy if somebody who sneezes in Asia the American stock market gets the Asian flu and you that are familiar with the market you know what I'm talking about our our market took a beating because of what happened in Asia and don't ever let anyone tell you they're not connected and many people think while that couldn't be well many people are so poorly educated that they think for example that the Federal Reserve Bank is a part of our government well it's called the Federal Reserve and isn't it convenient that private owners named it that just because some stoop would think it was part of the government we owe our souls to the company store and our government is not the federal reserve banking system it's privately-owned trillions we owe who do we owe well it's very unpopular to go past that point it's even dangerous but nevertheless that's the truth check it out if you if you're not familiar with that and the world is controlled by the economy lowering the living standards in one area where buy and raising in another do you know how many millions we had to donate to the billions to the IMF the International Monetary Fund somebody gets in hot water and we bail them out you you pay for it some politician goes off to another countries that are we should spend about a hundred and sixty million here it won't hurt well it just so happens we're the ones that pay those millions and I against helping underprivileged people no I just want you to see the control that's what's important that that hidden Horn of the world economy would come forth so there you have political the education and the economy and you got one more and it's probably in many cases the most wicked of all it's called religion many people by controlling religion by translating for Christians when Christians have lost the ability to translate for themselves then they don't know what the manuscripts say they have to take someone's word for it does it make you comfortable when you must let your eternal soul rest on the ability of some non-christian to tell you what the manuscript should say in in the Book of Isaiah or in this book of Zachariah so Christians had better have enough teachers that can translate for themselves I spoke just very recently about this nonsensical thing by the higher critics floating around now that Jesus Christ had children talk about a bunch of idiots and you know some people get upset because I use the word idiot well that's what an idiot is it somebody that teaches something that is absolutely idiocy that as a the term to be betrothed to a Christian concerning the Bride of Christ to Christ himself only a Christian can understand that it means the wedding that will happen at the end not that Christ had some wedding when he walked the earth and that's usually the way a non-christian would look at it because if Christ was betrothed it would have to be while he was here wouldn't it no it wasn't it wouldn't because he's returning so those being those for hidden dynasties and you'd better be familiar with them because they by and enlarged and the hidden dynasty of education is one that really rips me and I'm so thankful that our Father has given us a platform that goes around the world that we can make people aware of facts to try to keep their heads screwed on right where they recognize falsification in advertising news reports or in movies a falseness that is tried and is hey they're good they're very good the leading roles filled by what never was in history better think about it I don't notice it anger you a little bit too I love all of God's children but I like history and data to be correct and I'm very suspicious of people that hanky with it and don't like it because it's always for a devious reason to twist truth to a lie always devious I'll say it again it's always devious are of the devil to twist truth to a lie or a falsehood watch the for hidden dynasties well I intended to complete this chapter I didn't do it did I well be that as it may don't miss any of this book of Zachariah it is so pertinent to this generation into this time in history that you need to know every word of it for it is your father asking you to return to his truth and Ricky knows who your hidden enemies are because your enemies do not where signboards saying I be the enemy of God's children do you think Satan is that stupid that's what some people would teach you with the 666 business they say it's a sign out here saying I'm the devil's little child it's in the brain and many Christians have already been wearing it in their brain because they are not familiar with God's Word it's not a generation to go to sleep in hope you enjoyed that your father loves you I hope you love him return to Him once you do that all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,283
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Arnold Murray, Zechariah, Book of, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Arnold, Shepherd's Chapel, Bible, Pastor Murray, Arnold Murray, Book of Zechariah, Pastor, KJV, Chapel, Murray, Holy Bible
Id: 1UNQhhXeFEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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