Every Item is GILDED BULLETS - Custom Gungeon Challenge

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to enter the gungeon today we have a unique run every item is gilded bullets gilded bullets damage up roughly point four percent per coin you hold maxes out at 100 damage at 500 coins i do believe this stacks we're going to start off as the marine or the knight in search to become a king speaking of kings what's up dude so 0.4 damage per gilded shell there's not really a good like name for the money here it's shells right the wiki says coins i just that doesn't seem right they're not flat you know oh my god okay so ah what the heck was that about every item is it's been a while since i've done this and that guy just paid out with four hello hi thanks the more the merrier thank you i get to a chest i scrap the chest and i give myself gilded instead i take whatever the chest pays out with that's just kind of a luck thing i mean getting something actually good from those chests is not very likely we're actually getting a lot of money here basically all we're gonna end up with is a bunch of damage upgrades and most likely our starting weapon i have gotten weapons out of chests before by scrapping them i suppose we could have been the robot who could have like you know also gotten the damage ups from the junk but you know whatever i'm not gonna buy anything in the shop that doesn't make any sense i mean i guess at some point in time it might be better to actually buy something from the shop and give myself an extra gilded bullet rather than just have more money i don't know doing more floors uh in my opinion would be better you get a lot of money for fighting the rat i'm not sure you get any money i don't know that money has so not been a priority during any rat fight all right we can get money from scrapping i think or maybe it's by opening you get like a five i don't know there we go that's one secret floor if i have to buy a key you think it's worth it probably our bullets are also gold in color now that's kind of cool this guy usually pays out with a lot right yeah buddy 66 already i'm feeling it at the end of the floor we should actually oh my god that guy came out shooting i had no idea 70 75 already we should do the calculations actually type it into the uh the thing oh that hurts gonna do me dirty like that bro what if we find the dracula guy that would probably be best case scenario hey thanks bud did i give myself a second gilded bullet no what am i doing the king there's only one king and it's me we should have pretty decent damage here at 84. getting tight though oh god oh i really need those health upgrades those are going to be actually really important so it's really good to know i'm not going to get one yep oh fantastic oh wonderful good spot for that to go wow sir your money on you yo squire was containing money i could smell it oh we could have totally done that without taking damage i got pinched in the wall and we didn't get a key oh my oh me three gilded try to find the secret room before we uh spend money on a key just test these two rooms great 25 cents for a key that's probably worth it all right we have 184 damage almost double already that's assuming a lot i mean we don't know if it's exactly working as such if they stack so we'll just have to feel it out do we feel like we're doing uh almost double damage not really money i want some 10 spots i want some five spots per room here give me some nickels if enemies blow themselves up do you get money payouts for them i've never had to really pay attention that hard to money probably a good thing to know oh [ __ ] that was just my bad not a hard trap room i made it too difficult don't give me that locked crest from bs oh i thought that was maybe a vampire i could sell my junk though yeah we're at 100 100 has been reached ah dang it i'm so rusty right now might seem like i'm complaining a lot but if i'm gonna take uh the majority of the damage on boss fights because i shouldn't take any damage in the boss fights more like if i'm gonna take the majority damage on hell um i need to save my health playing good playing perfectly is is so important for this game oh that's a lot of money mama more gilded bullets and my health back okay we're one shot in the little guys i'm feeling the power now poopylon you're in for some trouble mouse fight give me a key boss don't make me buy a key again blah blah let's go how much damage we doing you know this this feels pretty good for the starting weapon i'm not gonna lie this is like sling damage no no stop would you [ __ ] knock that [ __ ] off why am i so bad at this right now what hurts you're not that bad most people struggle and die a lot in this game and you're making them feel really bad by complaining about single points of damage yeah but i need to win tim i don't get paid to lose where's my key oh my god you have to be taking a large a large dumpy lawn on top of my face you know what it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because i'm really awesome and the power was the friends we made along the way if i lose this crest i might throw my controller also we didn't check for the secret room and we totally should have secret room you're a bad person i hope that you feel really really bad about your life and on we go untold amounts of power untold amounts of power that's all i'm living for right now are we gonna buy the rat key that i think that would be silly that would kind of reset me i don't know how much money you get for the red fight we were talking about how much you might get earlier and i just think that's this it's just be it should be a no why would i buy a key that takes all my money that sounds incredibly dumb i'm feeling powerful it's working yeah 115 that got 126. no let's just look it up [Music] wiki doesn't know let's not do it you have a lot of money sir was that a three shot baby one more hey i made it king fight's gonna hurt seems like we're one-shotting most things at this point yeah look at that yeah gilded all right finally we have a challenge that scales well fear me get your trap rooms out of my face done oh man this is like too many gun muncher bye the holster sorry bud it's gonna hurt a little bit not an easy fight by any means though done health upgrade oh feels good cigarem go secret room go up up and away secret room next one for you and one for you well you killed yourself one for you one for you [Laughter] oh officially one punch man one shot man one bullet man i forgot to sell my junks oops what happens if we get gold junk that wasn't crazy luck king fight let's do this imagine getting a secret room here with three chests in it whoa what well that was certainly unexpected okay this is scaling really high hey i forgot about this free item too that's two secret room yeah buddy yeah it's another one break this chest before you betrayal just pissed other secret room go yeah i'm a little excited how many do we have one two three in the first floor one two three second floor one two three third floor and this one two per treasure chest two in the boss fight and two in the secret rooms wow which is 15. [Music] okay that doesn't seem right 1400 damage i don't know about that it's too bad there's no mod buddy that uh tells you the damage numbers [Music] regardless uh we're doing well and i think this is gonna be over real soon should have done the ride fight there's already one shotting everybody it's just it's just a walk through the game i said make sure i don't do anything stupid now just for shits and giggles what if i just cheated in the rad key i mean this isn't even a challenge anymore and i want to know what's up i'm feeling pretty confident i don't want to get too confident here [Music] gun game 35 for one extra gilded uh this is the point in time where i think stacking on the gilded bullets is gonna be more worth the money more worth it than the money doesn't even matter how many i hit i'm just gonna go ahead and not try at all [Music] yeah not trying could have gone for a golden chest i should have intentionally missed so we could get a golden junk oh no i'm gonna starve how many looks to take to get to the center of this boss popsicle the game's over what tier is this quality b yeah right you can find this thing in green chest you guys sacred room yeah we're doing the rat fight it's happening oh no lead maidens and so it begins bring it on buddy i killed him before he even walked out before i even got to the platform this is insane i actually have to punch him though wouldn't that be cool if your damage upgrades applied to your fists ow boop how many gilded bullets do we get one two three brico cash can i just have the brick of cash briefcase of cash my bad it would give me 250 it would max out my gilded bullets i can't just make special exceptions because this challenge is a joke you know what i'm not even gonna take the rad items nor am i gonna get myself guilty bullets i'm i'm running we're going shortcut to the last floor we don't need any more power we literally one shot every single thing in the game this challenge maybe would have been better calling it the cursed king or something like that and then giving myself 10 curse off right out the the gate you get a lot more money though when you activate the curse mode so i think that would be a fair challenge get out of here ooh golden junk you dog oh no mini boss map doesn't count i'm taking it oh nice stout bullets if only boss ready seti goey hardest part of the game right here can i do it yeah speed run through hell [Music] finally 424 almost maxed out i love this so much all right all right all right i'll give you a free shot come on let's go what do you got psych and for the finale you missed missed again this is way too powerful i honestly did not expect this i feel like most challenges we struggle finally we got one that was overpowered as hell still cannot believe that this is a b tier item you guys it's so good that concludes today's episode let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 283,458
Rating: 4.9622641 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: sdoKTK5bCIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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