Every Item is SCATTERSHOT (Huge Mistake) - Gungeon Custom Challenge

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what is up everybody my name is Hudson welcome back to another custom dungeon run before we begin I'd like to announce that there is another patreon poll for you guys to participate in I'm currently asking you for one game that I will play until completion right now nuclear throne has the lead you guys would like to take part in this poll a link to my patreon is in the description down below so we did the all bullet challenge I gotta say that turned out really well and I am intrigued I want more I've got some ideas you guys that I think are gonna be really crazy like I just I gotta know what it would look like if every single item was scattershot I will literally set my CPU and GPU on fire probably but worth now this means I won't be getting any new kinds of guns so it's gonna have to be off of this gun I think scattershot on any other gun is just gonna be way too powerful but I do think in the end we should probably just give ourselves some other guns just to see what it would be like like what if I got scatter shot like like 30 scatter shots right and then compressed air tank what would that even do or like something that shoots really fast right what if I had 30 scatter shots and the hammer something I do like about this game is that the the more of one certain upgrade that you get it actually does like compound it actually like builds off each other or is I feel like they didn't have to do that because there's no way you can get two items back to back I think we're total hacks but this is gonna be awesome so let's do it the same way that we did it last time every single item room we give ourself a scatter shot instead of taking what's there we'll just junk the chests and then in the boss we won't take the item instead we'll take a scatter shot and I don't really know what to do for shops maybe we should just leave shops alone or maybe we should just like like if I'm able to buy a gun from a shop let's just say that that maybe I can use that gun then right how about that cuz it doesn't make sense for me to take another scatter shot for the shop god every time I don't want to junk a golden-red chest but scattershot you know here goes here goes so I'll say no at the shop like it doesn't make sense that I get to keep the money and get an item I don't know I mean being unfair and unbalanced is kind of already where we're at right so here's the problem with the scattershot idea is that every time you get scattershot I do believe it's a damaged down I believe it's a damaged down you get more bullets but it's harder to hit with all the bullets and every single individual bullet does less damage so it might honestly backfire we might like to have such a high spread that most of our damage is gonna be in the bullets that don't hit therefore we're giving ourself less damaged less survivability more crowd control but the bosses are gonna suck them come on why get the run in there why did you run in there oh I didn't get him I didn't [ __ ] get him I thought if I can get Oh My Jesus are you [ __ ] kidding me on that really they did a full 180 right yeah I don't know no they that should now this already feels like a massive down grade you guys this doesn't feel good at all what have I gotten myself into with [ __ ] boned we just gotta get so close to the enemies that we don't missing any of the bullets solved all right number two if we get junking can we keep them what does it look like oh yeah uh-huh right my computer's already like oh god why why you know I said I shouldn't give myself scattershot per shop we totally should let's make this as crazy as possible yeah yeah okay this is so weak this is so weak it looks like each of the scatters is scattering this is not okay this is the first floor we have one more scatter shot to go on this floor this is not okay this is gonna be the longest [ __ ] fight trigger twins probably better though oh this is not doing any damage at all you know oh it'd be so good right now Remote bullets just even one remote bullet would be amazing I'm not sure that multiple Revolt bullets even make a difference but whatever you know to me I've got a I've got a 180 shooting radius [ __ ] scattering all right yeah this is this is exactly what I feared you guys this blows this is just like a slow piss bug in marathon [ __ ] [Music] yeah simple stuff simple easy straightforward oh man can I get a scattershot pitchfork for the love of Jesus no I can't but I can get more scattershot yeah yeah yeah about 270 about 270 degrees good yep oh good secret room let's free if it doesn't item in there yeah Oh God can I please I'm taking it yeah you can't stop me I need help for the love of God and I wanna know what it looks like here goes I can't kill for [ __ ] though I just pushing him around challenges the biggest mistake of my life and I'm sorry to anyone who's been hurt by this so yeah at some point you guys let me hit full 360 more scatter shots should mean more damage because eventually the bullets will start overlapping when I screamed agreed I think maybe possibly probably not though but if you want to come up I'm not gonna stop you but this is really not a good time if I push them all into one corner there we go there we go this is how you win surprisingly I'm still shooting that guy behind me alright buddy quick snuggles mine I'm honestly not looking forward to more scattershot cool the bullet actually like hits the wall and and pieces of the bullet go into the water sweet what if we just had like one bouncy bullet though is that fair I thought we were gonna dominate I thought we were gonna take this world for everything a guy computer slowing down you guys we're on this like floor 21.5 we're not even in the second floor I can't even break a chest oh oh another golden chest come on we only have seven scatter shots and this is what it is this is what this is what's come of us my computer can't even render the amount of shells that hit the floor like yeah yeah they were there a second ago but like whatever did yeah here we go I'm so ready are you ready [Music] yeah this is good this is yeah uh-huh [Music] that did not go all I wanted it to what if what if I had seven scatter shots six scatter shots for less leg and a bouncy bullets hahaha what now better better yeah yeah still not good enough nope still dying all right we dumped scatter shot one of them better and then give remote bullets better better there we go this feels way better [Music] that's so [ __ ] good [Music] [Music] holy nut bags you guys that was awesome you guys enjoyed this video hit that like button helps me out a lot and thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did once again thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 626,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: unOAGi_aPYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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