Grand Larceny | FULL MOVIE | Ian McShane, Marilu Henner, Omar Sharif | Crime, Thriller

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[Music] for announ the arrival of 16 [Music] from announc the arrival of excuse me um hello I'm Miss scamed wait a [Music] minute [Music] [Music] you [Music] with deep regret I must inform you that your father Charles Frederick Grand passed away last night in his vill at Captain te as you are his only known relative in air your immediate presence is urgently requested I don't suppose you're Flanigan no I guess not are we going to Captain I've never been here before is it far excuse me don't you understand English hey wait a minute wait oh my gosh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we're carrying in scrutability it's had too far don't you think welcome Miss Grand I'm Flanigan oh hello I'm sorry about your father thank you showman take Miss gr's bags upstairs he does understand English he wouldn't talk to me I've never heard him talk to anyone are you sure he can don't know never asked him you mean you're not curious about why a man never says anything well maybe nothing occurs to him in any case it's his business Miss Grand if you want to continue this pointless discussion I suggest we do it inide I think I liked it better with the driver Mr Flanigan what exactly was your relationship to my father exactly couldn't tell you exactly I guess I worked with him with him or for him that's what I can't be exact about did he live alone yep he never remarried huh what didn't he tell you we didn't communicate regularly when did you last hear from him 7 years ago he wrote me a letter I never answered it it's been 18 years since I saw him last oh the answer is no the answer he never remarried well I didn't sleep on the plane so uh um if you could just show me to my room I'd love to get some rest I'm afraid that's not possible your father wants to speak to you my father M gr Please Mr did you say my father wants to talk to you but your telegram said he was dead oh yeah he's dead all right Miss Grant please sit down this was his dying wish [Music] ready hello well I'm afraid I've really done it this time dead as a doornail whatever that means the one great regret of my life is that we didn't know each other better we might have been good friends Freddy from what I've been able to find out about you we seem to have shared a lot of the same qualities I know I would have liked you I already loved you uh Flanigan be a good fellow and get the hell out will you yeah right he's a good man very good man a little Suber for an Irishman but solid and dependable okay Freddy here's the load out I know you're wildly curious about what I did for a living and where all this money came from what I did in a word was steel I didn't rifle Church collections or rob banks I simply remov things from the homes of the very rich you could say that my fingers did the walking that your mother of course didn't approve especially after you were born in fact she put her very shapely foot down so I left I moved here to the South France to greener pastures where things went extremely well right up to the day I was arrested I went straight to jail then about a year after I came out something really bizarre happened I was approached by an insurance company it seemed a client's jewelry had been stolen they knew with done it it was a brother-in-law isn't it always but they couldn't prove it and they wanted to avoid the publicity so would I be good enough to steal it back for them well it turned out that I was good enough and the word somehow must have gotten around because in no time at all I had myself a new career and for the past 18 years I've been stealing things back Fredy things that was stolen in the first place and it was all perfectly legal as you can see from looking around you the wages of virtue are even greater than sin I've made a fortune an absolute fortune and all of it can now be yours notice that I said Can Freddy but before I explain that remark I want you to relax look around the place and have lunch and then I want you to do something for me the one thing that no one can do for himself I want you to to bury me Freddy all right and then we'll talk again so you see it isn't goodbye with M an [Music] no what was your father's favorite Luda it's a local fish you call it B in the states those burning fennel branches give it an extraordinary flavor and of course white asparagus with Hollander Source how did you meet him well your father with a Slammer of course you were in jail too what did you do busted boxes what does that mean open saves how did you get into the interesting line of work I went to school studied hard and graduated with honors come on I was being serious so was I I was trained by the best the Army demolition Squad showed me how to open the safe any safe in the world in 5 minutes I was good in it was only when I got out I realized I wasn't very good at anything else besides I hated to think of all the money the government spent on training me going to waste I managed to make a very fair living thank you until the law caught up with you law of averages actually as sooner or later something's bound to go wrong so there we were in prison two Crooks with nothing in common except we're both doing French time he took charge of my life you know why he made me take those courses they give you now in jail you to rehabilitate you push me into computers said if you can work combinations you can work those he was right it's right about everything once they sprung him and you got this little L together he pulled me in work was never dull the hours were good surroundings Pleasant money sinful what more could a man ask H so the two of you went back to stealing stealing back come on isn't that just just a technicality well the same one that separates murder from self-defense you ever notice what he call this place Villa Love Oh I thought it was Russian I I I figured it was the name of the last owner what's love backwards V how's your French volle to steal to steal back pretty clever his idea who else to steal back legally doing something illegal isn't that dangerous well isn't everything crossing the street at Russia is dangerous so eating saturated fat standing up in the bathtub breathing smog being borns dangerous oh sure there were times when things did get a little dodgy but just remember one thing your dad died in bed did he I still don't know what happened he got sick one day was 100% the next he had 3 months to live except with him it took a year was something he had to finish something that meant a great deal to him what was that tell you himself did he suffer a lot no way of telling he's not the kind of man that would let you know oh no thank you I suppose he was in jail with you too huh well sure men no we found him in marsill he'd run a foul of one of those secret Chinese societies they were just about to turn him into Mugu Gan when your father rescued him oh really how he played one hand of Fantan for him 20,000 bucks against Shan that's incredible why'd he do it I don't know he said he liked his smile what smile show men would have died himself before he let anything happen to your old man I guess we all took it pretty hard he was quite a guy taught me everything I know how to eat how to order wine dress gamble Race fast cars how to read maps and faces even had to die he did that as he lived without complaining like a father to me I'm glad he was to somebody come on Miss Grant let's do what he asked I never really could understand what had gone wrong until now I do know he was a thief he paid for that not for what he did to my mother he never paid for that he said he wanted to see me to get to know me and that he made a lot of money and could help me well I wrote him this very angry letter but I never mailed it I couldn't even remember what he looked like until I saw his face on that tape today he was very handsome he knew what you look like he had someone take pictures of you in New York without you knowing he kept one next to his bed along with one of your mother he was always talking about you he went to extraordinary lengths to make sure your future was Secure this is the place it's really lovely here that's what he thought I've never done this before doesn't take any practice no I guess not goodbye [Music] daddy goodbye [Music] [Applause] Daddy Freddy my daughter you have done the deed my Earthly remains have been consigned to the Deep good see I wanted you to see that magnificent view before we spoke again now you have seen it as well as this house and the manner in which I liveed and in which you can live Freddy if you want to and so my darling daughter I'm going to make you a proposition a decent one I promise you I hope you're sitting down Flanigan is she sitting down yep Freddy I want you to pick up where I left off in other words Freddy I I want you to take over the family business what did you understand what I said Freddy uh I want you to do what I've been doing the way I've been doing it I don't ask it lightly most of the people in this world aren't cut out for it they don't have the eye and the hands and the guts for it it takes someone with agility timing and coordination it takes charm and Poise and a lot of nerve he must have been losing his mind at the end no Freddy I'm not crazy I've never been more sane look at yourself you were a super athlete in school you studied French you majored in art and you can think on your feet face it Freddy you've got everything you need to be a great Thief it takes one to know what I don't believe that is I know what you're thinking Freddy know the hell you do you're thinking that even if you wanted to do it you still don't know how right lucky guess right stop worrying Freddy that's where Flanigan comes in and show them in they'll help you just the way they help me and you've also got one enormous advantage that I didn't have I do what me what is he talking about okay Flanigan put me on hold and EXP explain it to her okay Flanigan explain it to me and it better be good he really will be here to help you there in the computer when he learned he was checking out he codified everything he knew about the business about himself about you places names dates where when how and why filed on Cross filed as well then he had me design a program to fit all that dat data into the most complete how-to manual on robbery from pickpocketing to Second Story work ever created he called it dialogue activated data display dad and to key the routine you have to enter a query and if the information's available it's immediately displayed displayed how well he answers you he what well you ask him a question he answers you well that's if he knows the answer he doesn't he tells you that too it's all there hundreds and hundreds of hours on vide Tech all keyed through the computer are you saying we actually talk to each other try oh no no no you've tried first I can't the program is security coded to respond to your voice only push the anti into father before you talk father punch display when you're through yes Freddie father Yes Freddie what should I say insufficient information what he thought you were talking to him oh um right uh father what on Earth gave you the idea that I'd want to do what you do what you did from everything I've been able to learn about you Freddy your life in New York doesn't suit you at all you're bored and you Restless you weren't cut out to punch a Time Clock any more than I was the idea of waking up in the morning and knowing everything you're going to do before you go to bed that night is all right for some people most people but not for me Freddy and not for you if I'm wrong Freddy if I misjudged you just get up and walk away I won't say another word you don't know me how could you a couple of detectives and some snapshots and I look at my resume don't give you a true picture of anyone and least of all me so I'm definitely walking away right now suit yourself you don't want the house and all the money what does he mean key what do you mean if you refuse my entire State the house the Furnishings the bank accounts and the business go to Flanigan if you refuse my entire State wait um how do I stop this thing and the business did you know about that naturally oh so naturally you hope that uh I just walk away and you get everything right naturally but you won't no yet anyway I mean I know that so did he this is infuriating how could the the two of you be so sure of yourselves he's making you a dare your own father and if you're anything at all like him you'll have to take him up on it oh that's what you think you know I could just as easily walk right out of here and get back on a plane and go back to New York in my fascinating job except for one thing what's that I quit my fascinating job why it was too damn boring he was right I don't know well you seem pretty calm about all of this considering all you stand to lose it's because I'm not worried oh sure you'll take your best shot but I don't think it's going to be good enough chances of you cutting this range between slim and none so I can wait oh and you're someone I'm supposed to rely on to help me when I get into trouble huh thanks a lot dad who's going to protect me from him hey you are his kid I promised him and I promised you you'll get all the help you want to need because he wanted it that way and if you do manage to pull this off you'll keep me around because being good enough means being smart enough to want the best so why don't we sit back there and hear the deal you think you're pretty smart don't you insufficient information okay what's the deal here's the deal Freddy take one case only one try it to the best of your ability Flanigan and shman will have help and so will I and if you botch it or even if you pull it off and don't want any more to do with it you're off the hook half of the property goes to you and half to Flanigan and believe me half is still a great deal Freddy so what do you say what case would it be how should I know I'm dead call Lloyd Morrison is the local representative of the Westminster group The insurance company Lloyd's office is In N he's always got something tell him you want an easy one on a trial basis yeah fenan said it could be dangerous what if I get killed what what do we do then I'll buy you l aren't you coming with me hey you know I'd really love to but it's Mur if parking around here you just can't wait for me to fall in my face can [Music] you how do you do Miss gr hello I'm Lloyd Morrison I'm so very sorry about your father I shall miss him very much indeed thank you oh please be seated Miss Grant here let me move some of these well that's one way of getting rid of them yes well as you can see we're fairly busy around here trying to keep things straight I imagine what oh well yes I suppose to the Casual Observer it must look rather disorganized but I assure you I know precisely where everything is pride myself on that as Charles was a wonderful man wonderful full of full of yes I know what you mean oh my goodness no I didn't mean that shiv that's what it was Joy Of Life yes and he's uh he's enjoying his death a bit too Mr Morrison I I came to tell you that uh I've decided to join the firm I'm taking over his business on a trial basis I see uh Miss Grand uh what is wrong with your face you have such a peculiar expression on it it oh well it's just that I don't exactly regard it as Woman's Work if you know what I mean if I were you I wouldn't try that line on your prime minister huh good point well if it was Charles's wish tell me what was your last job I swiped a lipstick from a drugstore when I was 12 you call that experience I didn't get caught it must be in the jeans right look Mr Morrison I realize that I'm starting practically from scratch but sometimes a person doesn't know what he can do until he tries I'm willing to try oh now wait a minute I think I've got just the thing uh I know exactly where it is pride yourself on that and ah there it is the very thing the star of Cumberland the star of Cumberland oh my gosh I know what it is it's it's a giant diamond right or no no no it's it's it's a Priceless Emerald stolen from a crown from the crown from the Tower of London am I right well it has something to do with a crown yes oh I I knew it the Triple Crown it's a horse Morrison said it won two legs of the Triple Crown 3 years ago star of cin think I remember it horse of the year right you got me oh it seems that that it was flown over to Paris last month for the Artic trium F long Shams this was before it was going to be sold to a Syndicate for $21 million you know and then turned out to stud some guys get old the Lu Beneath You Flanigan well maybe not anyway it was loaded onto a van at orley airport but neither the van nor the horse has been seen since and there hasn't even been a ransom demand which according to uh Morrison is very odd very odd indeed oh there were the usual crank calls and false leads but uh but only one of them seemed even remotely genuine there was this filling station attendant at Exon provance which is about 100 miles north of here I know where it is he heard a nighing sound coming from a bakery van but by the time it was reported to the je I mean the the trail had gone completely cold and the police have completely thrown up their hands who owns the horse I knew you'd ask um Mr Henry Leed better of Cumberland Kentucky he's own the horse since he was a cult what does he look like lead better the horse I have a picture right here hey here for a minute who's the two-legged one lead better of course naturally he's very upset and he's here niece too so uh so I figure he's my best lead smart idea thank you considering it's your only [Applause] lead [Applause] yeah Morrison said we could find him here with the horse no lead better what are you this is all some kind of joke to you isn't it you're going to be laughing out of another side of your face there he is we found him the horse no lead better see you later Flanigan but you don't need me no thanks Mr lead better hello I'm fredrica Grand I've been hired by your insurance company to find the star of Cumberland oh you won't find him here I already looked what made you think he'd even be here they don't use resources at a show like this I checked all the tracks now I'm looking anywhere there's horses did you tell me a little about him Miss gr do you know anything about horses I've ridden them I know the front end from the back end it's a damn sight farther most people I spoke to since I come here tell me about him please Mr lead better well there ain't much to tell all my life I spent looking at horse flesh I rote them exercised them trained them and owned them and a star is just the plain best thing on four Hooves it ever was so uh when I run into him how do I know him for sure you can't miss him he's a rone stands 16 Hands High weighs 985 lb his tail is long and silky so's his man I know anywhere there's a star of course smack dab in the middle of the eyes oh and he's crazy about celery you did say celery right got a hold of some once and after that he couldn't get enough of the stuff celery H um does he answer to his name he does when I call him he knows my voice boys all right thanks Mr lead better you're going to be hearing from me Miss Grand everything I got everything I am is that horse it's not the money of course I could use it but uh it's more than that if anything ever happened to him I I just don't know what I'd do I understand don't worry I'm going to get that horse back for you bye why didn't you look out you fool no I didn't break anything but thanks for asking next time watch where you're going next time what do you mean next time nice guy [Music] oh [Music] no whatever cut your tires could do the same thing to you forget the horse threats shouldn't be taken all that seriously oh really when do they grab your attention when my body's washed ashore insufficient information okay why shouldn't I take the threat seriously people who make threats aren't dangerous it's the people who carry them out great I asked for advice I get a fortune cookie let's PL attitudes please and more help that's what you promise I mean somebody is threatening my [Music] life threats are a sure sign of progress okay that's better what kind of progress someone's warning you off that means you're moving in the right direction but I don't know what direction I'm moving in I I I've only talked to two people so far identify please uh um uh Lloyd Morrison above suspicion and Henry lead better insufficient deoration oh he's the he's the owner of the stolen racehorse insufficient deoration stop sounding like a computer why not you are a computer you only look like a father I need more help I can't help it if you don't ask the right questions it's no good asking me things I didn't know about before I died don't fight me Freddy use me use what I do now all right start over Okay starting over where would I go about finding a racehorse interesting question I'm glad you liked it Rashid s Gaz Rashid s one more time please Rashid sa a very rich Arab likes fast cars fast women and fast horses not necessarily in that order ask Rashid sa can I trust this guy negative if he knew what you were after he tried to get to it first not for the money he got enough of that just for the pleasure of beating you up oh so how how would I go about finding this Rashid saoud a casino in can saoud is at the open limit shemy table every night about 10 what on Earth is shemy shamanda fair is a game like Blackjack only more lethal it sounds like fun Could you teach it to me negative you are not to place yourand the fair and you are especially not to place your men affair with Rashid sa is that clear clear boring but clear but on the other hand you'll never know will you good night Daddy thank [Music] you Gina my dear you deal for luck [Laughter] [Music] spee sound [Music] b b do we know each other mmis not even remotely wasn't Gina going to do something with those cards proceed my dear hit me yeah whatever I've got six what have you got 21 I win are you crazy you had a seven you ruined it you would have won why did you draw I don't know it seemed like a good idea at the time you just lost a great deal of money how much roughly $26,000 oh you're not serious are you I'm afraid I am well you better not be because I don't have it what did you say I said I don't don't say it I'm at pass not us come with me should we take Gina with us do you realize you could have been arrested for what you've done are you arresting me of course you wear that clumsy girl at the horse show is that why you did this tonight to get even with me oh don't be ridiculous oh no no no I didn't even know you were going to be here I just came here to win some money there's a longstanding though inconvenient rule in this establishment about winning money you must bet money actual money as a matter of fact it's against the law if you don't but that doesn't make sense I mean if I actually had money I wouldn't need to win it you're missing the whole point about gambling it's to risk losing money that you need in order to win money that you don't need is that true I'm afraid it is oh well tell me who are you I mean what is your name Freda Grand American I take it yes and you Rashid sa rich I take it yes Cheers Cheers why did you need this money you wouldn't understand take a chance it won't be your first this evening there's this horse horse I knew you wouldn't understand oh yes I will tell me I saw him today at that horse show oh I have never wanted anything in the world like I want this horse I mean he's so beautiful he has he has these sensitive eyes and and and the way his little ears kind of picked up when I talked to him it was love at first sight lucky horse I used to have a couple horses of my own you know and then I had to give them all up when Daddy lost his money he was in the carbon paper business business in fact my great-grandfather invented it but then when those horrible copy machines came into Vogue I mean we just lost everything daddy died of a broken heart I'm so sorry yeah well tell me what are we going to do about that little matter of the $26,000 that you owe me um one more hand double or nothing I have a better idea why don't you come to my villa for lunch tomorrow oh I'm sorry I I really couldn't what if I told you that I was very interested in horses myself and that I have one or two Champions I'd like you to see oh I'm I'm afraid it's completely out of the question what if for Desert I cancelled your gambling Deb what times lunch whenever you get there just tell my name to any Taxi Driver they all know my house okay until tomorrow Frederica tomorrow [Music] um where is it it's why don't I wait for you over there okay okay what do you guys want I don't have any money I lost it I lost it all at the [Music] casino [Music] [Applause] [Music] f [Music] please don't think I'm ungrateful showman but I really don't appreciate someone following me like that especially when I don't know about it and first thing in the morning I want you to teach me how to do that good evening Miss Grand my that was exciting thanks for your help showman and I have this agreement he doesn't crack safe I don't crack heads so far it's worked out pretty well oh and don't blame him for following me that was my idea oh naturally because you think I'm such an incompetent well you know you didn't really have to bother I mean I could have managed well like with your three Playmates back there I would have thought of something right you could have bled all over them and while they were being sick to their stomachs you could have escaped Miss Grand everyone needs help at one time or another do you mind if I ask you a personal question I certainly do why aren't you married you want to know why I'm not married all right I'll tell you why I'm not married the reason I'm not married is because it's none of your damn business okay I was married what happened he was boring you used that word a lot don't you I mean your job was boring your husband was boring yeah and now you're being boring so butt out maybe you didn't give him a chance maybe you never told him that you needed him Miss Grand like I said everyone needs help sometimes all right Flanigan do you really want to help me all right you could really help me right now by just telling me what I should do next I haven't the fuest idea oh thanks for your help plan hey anytime I am a jean Dil Deputy inspector of the police Judiciary for the Department of the Alp maritim how do you do MMO G I have called you in to discuss an episode that happened last night in front of the casino in can uh yes it seems were been observing uh accosted by three individuals well whoever did the observing certainly didn't do any helping it was the concer of the building across the street she telephone the police I was desolated for the passing of your father desolated thank you we were theop Chums we also had many Affairs in common oh yes oh yes in fact uh we were together when he pulled his last uh how do how do you say that keeper Caper precisely oh he was a genius my a yes we had many Affairs in common is it uh possible M moiselle that you have become involved with his Affairs oh well if you're talking about his business yes it is possible but this is absolutely delightful it means that we will be having Affairs together thank you to our oops [Music] what is am musing well actually in America Affairs mean something else in France also oh yes but surely you don't mean but why not when two people are as attractive as we work together some things are inevitable look inspector oh please and may I call you a friend no I'll call you but you have not yet finished your why oh that's okay you can uh you can pour it back in the bottle I just don't think we're getting off on the right foot that's all I mean look at what we've got here an English insurance agent uh who believes A Woman's Place is in the kitchen a French cop with all the charm of a floor lamp who who looks at me like I'm totally naked and that's nothing compared to that assistant of yours Mr Flanigan I mean he is the real problem how do you expect me to work with someone who doesn't even have a first name I mean the man sits around waiting for me to shoot myself in the foot no one is taking me seriously how am I supposed to cut this thing with that kind of assistance insufficient deoration and you're a big help too see you didn't have to prove anything because you're a man you were a man but how am I supposed to fill your shoes when everyone keeps telling me I'm a 7 and 1/2 B insufficient deformation did you happen to put a pep talk in there you know I could use a little encouragement in case of a lack of confidence I have prepared the spe you have 5 Seconds to turn me off oh okay since I'm still on here it is Freddy you're your father's brains guts charm and ly and you're also your mother's daughter which means you have got brains guts charm and integrity you're a dynamite combination Freddy so no more insecurity please that really is boring end of speech thanks I needed that insufficient information why do you keep saying that whatever the question was I didn't predict it why not when a person's dead Freddy he can't think of everything that's true okay I made contact with Rashid saoud he's very dangerous be careful s can be dangerous you can say that again he bought me champagne he uh he kissed my hand he invited me to lunch at his place oh but to talk about horses he said in any case I accepted be careful s can be dangerous for a computer you're sounding an awful lot like a father but don't worry I had my first karate lesson with shman today if it's full contact the man wants that's what he's going to get [Music] [Applause] [Music] ciao [Music] thank you oh this cheese is Heavenly what's it called R Ro some people find the flavor a little strong oh not me you know I like strong things no I mean I mean this is perfect the entire meal was entirely perfect perfect I've never tasted sea urchins before I've never even seen one I can show you many things you've never seen fed I'm sure you can Mr sa you know in fact I haven't seen this many undressed women since I canceled my subscription to National Geographics are they all friends of yours I Haven the foggiest idea who they are they just came with the house they're friends of the previous owner you mean exactly well they sure are attractive I like to have very attractive things where I can see them would you like a swim oh no I'm I'm afraid I didn't bring a suit oh I happen to have them in all sizes I bet you do I even have some very proper ones which I keep for Americans and Russians some other time Mr sa Rashid please some other time Rashid besides my mother told me I must always wait a full hour after eating and I haven't finished eating what's for dessert excuse me Mr s there is a phone call for you online can't it wait I'm afraid not hi Gina it's GL how'd you do last night at the casino I mean I can't complain excuse me please yes your highness oh I understand perfectly your highness I I will make sure that the matter is looked into uh straightway goodbye your highness which your highness is that one of your run-of-the-mill your highnesses or or real biggie biggy I'm afraid the king's brother he hasn't received his three dozen pairs of handmade lobes from London then where were we rasberries with crem fresh Ki Mr s Rashid you promised that I could see your horses after dessert what about instead of dessert you seem to be very interested in horses Federica well I told you that that I was remember right then I'll show them to [Music] you [Music] was anything the matter no no no I I just said something in my eye let me have a look no that's it's fine [Music] now [Music] [Music] because you are such a fancier of horses yourself you will understand my own particular passion to possess the finest stable in the whole world well what do you think of him oh he's beautiful what about this one and this and this and this one as you might notice I'm partial to a certain look yes I can see that when I have finished breeding them I will have achieved an equin Master race the fastest strongest most beautiful horses ever seen have you ever experienced being on one of these animals Frederica the sensation of power and strength between your knse the thrill of feeling of 45 mph wind in your face on a day without even a breeze would you like to know that ecstasy Frederica you can you know all you have to do is come here and live with me isn't it already getting a little crowded around that pool you won't see any of them anymore I'll give them back give them back I could make you extremely happy Frederica you will make me happy too you'll give me back my use isn't that adorable he's jealous oh [Laughter] you weren't even listening to me oh oh I am I I'm next the trouble I really am oh my God next hello oh Gina this is not a convenient time I'm busy when now all right go ahead read it to me but quickly please all right Gina all right I hear you yes yes I'm still with you [Music] Gina oh you should have seen the way he went after that celery lots of horses like celery this horse didn't just like celery he loved celery practically took three fingers off with it now it's the star of Cumberland all right and sa didn't suspect anything why would he and he really had me fool too until I saw that Scarface guy working in the garden oh and then when I saw every single horse he owns looked exactly like the star of Cumberland maybe he just likes horses who look like that or he's trying to hide one horse that looks exactly like that I just don't go for it why would he steal a horse when he could buy it why are you being so negative you still want me to fail don't you it's not what I want that's what I expect it's electric they open it from the house why wake them at this time of night [Music] h stand C [Music] not bad eh Kitty stuff come [Music] on okay I'll hold the flashlight please do this blindfolded weighing mittens well who couldn't kindergarten Stu which store here this one hi star ooh we've come to take you out of here okay go open up the van and uh put down the ramp I'll be right behind you since when are you giving the orders do you mind we can argue about this later Flanigan wait a minute what is it now lead better said that the horse was 16 Hands right and either he's grown or I've shrunk what do you mean I'm taller than 16 Hands and look what do you know it's a horse of a different color oh you're a phony I bet they all are except for one well I hope you brought plenty of celery nope but I brought something even better I have this made just in case star can you hear me star it's Henry I haven't forgotten you star we got him 16 Hands right on the button okay Flanigan go get the van and I'll just find a halter for him I'll be glad when this is over oh stop we found you I'm so happy oh you're clever Rashid but not clever enough Flanigan where [Applause] I I got two more lessons you're clever ferita but not clever enough good morning Federica I hope the night was not spent too uncomfortably what time is it a little after 5 it's always such a lovely thing the dawning of a new day I'm sorry you have to miss it why did you steal that horse why' you suppose I wanted it isn't that why people usually steal things not always why didn't you just buy the horse I mean God knows you can afford it oh God is one of the few who knows ions what does that mean you see as a minor Prince of my country I'm only a nephew of the king's second wife's brother I've have always been largely dependent on his Majesty's generosity as long as the price of oil was high that generosity was ample alas the price is no longer high so certain economies had to be made unfortunately I was one of those economies oh I attempted to maintain myself through my abilities at the casino but luck as we Arabs say is a friend of Plenty and a stranger to need I had to find new remedies and then the answer came to me I must do something imaginative and extravagant to please the king and earn his gratitude and the only thing his nibs never had was a Kentucky Derby winner right I have always admired the way you Americans cut straight to the punchline I intend in the next several minutes to place the animal on board the ship which is even now standing offshore and which will carry my gift horse through the SE Canal directly to the Royal stables and you intend just to keep me here as a prisoner until it arrives oh Frederica how can you be so bright for certain things and so dense about others what do you mean good girl you just got the point Didn't You Are I saw that in your wonderful eyes of course I can't release you Frederica his majesty would appreciate an international incident you know that I'm sure yes but on the other hand I no other hand no no more other hand I'm afraid you should have realize that before you stuck your nose into my business did you really imagine that I would would swallow your ridiculous story oh just happen to be crazy about horses shame on you Federica what are you going to do shoot me good Lord no I despise loud noises now I've arranged something less messy you see this wine Celler was originally designed as a vault it has a steel door which is fully 10 in thick it is a well-known scientific fact that air cannot pass through 10 in of Steel I don't think I'm going to like this very much no probably not but just to show you I'm not the barari I'd like you to have this it's a bottle of armanac can you see the date 1810 Napoleon drank it when he was depressed it's the last bottle in existence I bought it at an auction for $25,000 you may have as much as you like I advise you to drink it all see the air will last for only a few hours by that time you may not care in the slightest goodbye for there you go can't get away with this such a tired cliche Frederica save your breath you're going to need all you [Music] have okay Bon par talk to me come on you a genius how would you get out of this huh daddy oh God you should have known I wasn't smart enough I couldn't even finish my first robbery I guess we're going to be having lunch sooner than either of us thought oh poor star he's never going to see Mr lead better again poor Mr Mr lead better is never going to see Star again poor me I'm never going to see anybody again can I have a slug of that or do you only drink alone oh god I've never been so happy to see anybody in my whole life aren't you going to ask me how I opened the door no I don't care how oh go on ask how I open the door oh how did you open it why it's a combination of things old safe cracker joke yeah bad old safe cracker joke where's the shab he's upstairs asleep no no no he's getting with the horse come on Flanigan they're taking the star to a ship in the harbor come on we've got to get him out okay it's right over here let's see they haven't switched them again why would they they think I'm drunk or dead hello star okay now sneak out the back and bring the van around the front you remember what happened the last time we tried that would you just trust me once I know what I'm doing Le I think I do your father will never forgive me so we won't tell him just get the hell out of here come on baby whoa I'll bring out the horse [Music] come on Star never going to have a horse huh wrong again [Music] [Applause] Rashid there's no time loost the [Music] driveway come [Music] on come on baby [Music] f f f f come on [Music] [Music] Star [Music] you can't just vanish Into Thin Air come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is she now we've lost [Music] her come on baby watch your face [Music] come [Music] [Applause] F come on [Music] baby come on all right come on there [Applause] [Music] all hey come on back up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] well where is she she's late relax she be here it was impossible to expect her to do it she'll be here good morning gentlemen morning dear can you not knock like everyone else oh I'm sorry if we frightened you we thought you're going to be too late what and miss all the fun where is she s don't worry she'll be along presently it all went perfectly we lost her exactly as we planned you all know my friend Dr Ali zafa who visiting me from Pakistan as you can see I'm really not such a frightful fellow when he heard about our little scheme he was delighted to join the adventure where's Leed better he said he might be a little lately had important business is at the casino no doubt the poor soul has a sickness I'm afraid yes and now he owes me 10,000 Franks he bet that Freddy would never pull it off but by God she has I must say the girl has come through with flying colors oh wait she has been absolutely marvelous it is true then that her late father designed the whole exercise as a test exactly yes excuse me hello your stable man hello when are you certain all right I'll take care of it I'm afraid we have a problem gentlemen it seems my prize stallion is missing Freddy took the wrong horse you sure really my stable man knows the difference between a $10,000 polo pony and a $5 million stallion somebody switch Freddy of course not then where is she she certainly should have been here by now did lead better say what this important business was easy boy take it easy oh this just isn't my day all right come on open up you can't get away with this Sorry Miss Grand I didn't quite get what you were saying Mr Le oh thank God it's you I look I got him back for you hello Miss gr Gina what are you doing here I I thought you were sa's secretary yes until this morning what is going on oh a great deal I'm afraid I hardly know where to begin you don't even sound the same oh well I wouldn't would I it was all part of the test of course Tess what what Tess your father wanted to find out if you were cut out for this kind of work and he enlisted all of us his friends to help find out so then none of what happened was real I'm afraid great not oh Morris and inspector Dil are what they say they are but the case itself was a sham and I'm neither an owner nor a trainer of horses I'm a banker actually or at least I was it seems there was some money missing gambling is an expensive habit so is Gina unfortunately I can't break myself of either of them oh you must have all had a real laugh at my expense huh so I was never in any danger was I no not until now what do you mean this isn't part of the test Miss Grant this is extremely real and no one's laughing anymore I'm actually kidnapping you and that horse especially the horse the star of Cumberland huh there is no star of Cumberland Miss Grand that is another of your father's inventions that is not the actual horse you thought you stole that is a very valuable horse what are you talking about it's the same horse isn't it oh no who's this then Lord Stanley his grandfather won the English Derby he s's most precious possession when did you make the switch oh I didn't Gina did while you were locked in the wine Celler I knew you wouldn't check there was no reason to so what are you going to do with the horse you're a smart girl you tell me if you're going to use my father's plan you're going to sell it to Mr sa's Uncle the king of Arabia if Mr saoud has an uncle somewhere it' be in Egypt not Arabia Mr saoud is a producer of very bad but very successful Motion Pictures so who gets the horse the brother of the defense minister of Libya I met him at the roulette tables in nice seems he wants to develop a Racing Stable there's a ship in the harbor that's sailing this afternoon for Tripoli we'll all be on it I'm going with you on the ship only halfway on the ship a fine mess you've gotten us into this time Lord Stanley there are three possibilities one Freddy's been delayed in which case we'd have heard from a now two she's had an accident in which case John L would have heard exactly which leaves three lead better is behind this which means he's got Freddy and the horse so what do we do well my guess is that he sld the horse for somebody rich but he can't sell it in France he too well known which means he's got to send it out of the country by ship fantastic exactly according to Charles's plans now check the newspapers there's two departures today one is the Kazumi Maru Bound for Yokohama through the SE Canal the other is a Panamanian Freight called the Mariposa which is Bound for Tunis by way of tripol I vote for the Japanese they're buying everything these days no no no no it's definitely the panaman okay we'll split up Rashid you and zafa check out the Kazumi Maru we'll take the panamanians I just hope we get there in time just to make it interesting I'd like to wager 10,000 it's a Japanese [Music] dumb I think we're slowing down have you got any bright ideas you better come up with something [Music] are we in the harbor oh no that means we've only got about a minute before they get to us Oh Daddy what would you do there you are gentlemen glad to see you made it wait a minute what if we no that's no good we already tried that so what it worked before didn't it my le better didn't even see it it's going to work again I know it will okay Stanley you remember how to do it right get out the horse uh give us a hand there one more time now do you remember how it's done now oh [Music] [Applause] no well don't just stand there do something [Music] no not D you'll hit the horse get in the [Music] boat right over right family that's the way baby okay BR the waterfall come on showman you can do better than this faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] faster come on let's go let's [Music] go [Applause] he's knocking out the [Music] ship we did you all right Freddy we're here great I thought maybe Stanley and I would have to walk back thank you ready how about you drink flig again mhm oh I have to admit I have never been so excited I mean that whole experience back in the Boatyard when when I saw those bad guys coming after me and I started smashing at those Timbers under the boat I felt like a rush that I've never felt before you mean you were on [Music] board I knew that whatever it was I'd been doing with my life before it wasn't enough I guess I'm a lot more like my father than I'd ever imagined and I was good too wasn't I come on even you have to admit I can cut it right no but we can Freddy together no I got to be honest with you I mean I don't think I could cut it on well well maybe I could but thing is I don't want to it was terrific working with your father and I think we could have the same sort of relationship business relationship you mean of course what else oh well yeah you're right of course I mean it should be strictly business you know I mean cuz you get involved with someone you work with and then next thing you know you become uninvolved and there goes the business you really were terrific you know I know I mean I I can't think of many people who could have pulled it off better well maybe one but what you did showed courage resourcefulness spontaneity all those qualities he had might he'd have been proud of you Freddy yeah but he didn't trust me oh that's nonsense no it isn't I could have done it for real I did do it I mean why' there have to be that stupid test I felt so damn foolish talk to him I'm too mad count to 10 you can afford to be generous why should I be generous because you're still alive and because the things went down that he couldn't know about things that have made you stronger talk to him I'll see you later [Music] ready hello Daddy yes Freddy I'm reporting in about the horse tell me about the horse did you succeed in stealing it back more than you'll ever know yes or no yes you did it Freddy I knew you would I'm very proud of you a chip of the old block congratulations yeah but as far as as you're concerned it was only a test you know by now it was a test why daddy why didn't you trust me I suppose you think I don't trust you Freddy but suppose you had run into trouble real trouble you're not ready to handle that yet think about it Freddy what if your life really had been in danger what would you have done then wouldn't you like to know but I did it Daddy I really did it I got back that horse you did it Freddy I knew you would I'm proud of you the chip of your this part um forgive me for doing this I know it's unfair but I have to know Daddy I'm afraid to tell you that I failed the test I didn't get get the horse back you tried that's what's important so we made it a test okay and if you had succeeded you'd have been mad at me but I'm your father uh was your father I would never have taken the chance of putting you in real danger without being absolutely sure that you could handle it so you failed it's a very good thing it'll make you not fail next time maybe my beautiful daughter I'm proud you and I love you I always love you I love you too Daddy and I miss you why couldn't we have talked like this when you were alive insufficient evolation [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 5,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, popcornflix full movies, 80s action movies, crime thriller, Marilu Henner, Ian McShane, Louis Jourdan, Phillip Tan, Ritza Brown, Jean-Jacques Scheffer, Omar Sharif, heist movie, full free crime thriller, 80s crime thrillers, marilou henner
Id: 95hHoLwGowo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 30sec (5730 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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