Monumental Discoveries Begin By First Examining The Clues

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back all right well I hope you are all excited today because I'm incredibly excited to get going on this next site um like I said in the teaser in last week's episode I do expect this one to be much larger than the first sight we started exploring over the last what three or four weeks now this should turn out to be absolutely incredible so let's go over a few things let's examine the clues all right so what we have right here is a trestle now at one time those braces right there they used to sit a lot higher but the hill has slumped so as the hill slumped The Trestle tipped over on its side but at one time I mean you can look down here you can see the cross ties the track used to extend out and then there was a um a wooden it's called a flume okay basically you're you're narrowing The Ore from a wide point to a narrow Point that's called a flume so this was a wooden Flume and it goes right up there to the top of the orbian The Ore was then dropped in and staged and then the output of that big orb in has uh three shoots um adjustable shoots where you can adjust the flow of the material coming out of those shoots so down here you would have had like one or two operators spending all day long uh bring in the ore and and working those shoots and and uh dumping that ore into trucks and taking it off site now The Trestle extends off this direction to the main portal but before we head over there there's a few things I want to show you so let's get started with that next all right the first thing I want to do I want to give you guys just a real good look at The Trestle here from this angle I know you all saw it with the Drone but uh take a look at this that would have been pretty cool to see back in the day when it was all brand new yeah pretty awesome and uh if you look real close down there where the oar was being dumped into the bin you can see how much wear there is on that big that big uh Timber stretching across there from the front to the back it's like practically wore down to a toothpick from all the ore that they were dropping into that okay so what we have over here I believe is uh what remains of a forge and I'm gonna kind of go over here and point out the evidence to you guys all right so let's see if we can see any charcoal in this at least when I looked at it with the Drone that's kind of what I thought it was I'm seeing yeah I'm seeing a few pieces of charcoal here and there let's look around this direction here oh yeah there's all of our charcoal right down there on the ground see all the black here let me get it from this angle so uh you're not in the shadow there um that's like a doghouse doesn't it so the Bellows would have went in that direction uh to uh bring oxygen into the forge and then over here is probably what the remains of a some kind of a shack for keeping all of the drill steel and things like that in there different tools things of that nature all right guys I'll be right back I just noticed I have a camera issue I've been having this issue all morning let me get this fixed I'll be right back [Music] all right guys back again yeah I think I resolved it there it's all wear and tear is what it is wear and tear okay yeah so that I believe that that's what this was it was some kind of a tool Shack to support the uh the uh all the forage and things going operations going on right here now when I see something like that when I see a forge that tells me that the workings are going to be maybe older because see fast forward into the 1940s they had replaceable tips for all of their drill steel so they just screwed it on and kept on going but prior to that they had to actually manually retool the tips of all that drill steel and that's what this here here is for see that block of wood and those crooked Nails on that end okay I've shown you many of these over the years okay that on top of that you would have had an anvil or an arbor and that's all part of the retooling of the tip of the drill steel process right there that appears what happened here is over time Mother Nature rotted it out that used to be back over there where the forage was and now somehow it ended up over here I'm guessing somebody carried it here because off to my right there's a an old fire pit with melted beer cans somebody was probably using it as a chair all right over here this is a powder Shack and uh pretty easy to figure out that that's what it is because you can see the vent the rooftop vent is right there yep so this was used for uh storing Dynamite okay so they didn't have the powder Shack too far away from the portal that right down there is my uh locator flag and the light Beacon and over here is our portal this is so exciting all right guys all right let me get some lights on the situation here make sure we got them all where we need to beat there we go okay let's do this now being sensed this mine is so close to the main road I would imagine this one has gotten lots of visitors so we're gonna see all kinds of garbage and crazy graffiti but you know that's just kind of kind of how it goes here's the main entrance and uh that's where the main door was the door has been replaced now not seeing any writing or scribblins on it though as I look around okay all right let's look on up in there whoa it goes way up in there yeah down here on the ground there's a few fresh Footprints and I'm pretty sure I know who that is off to my right there's a little Shelf so I don't know what four weeks ago five weeks ago I was up and up here and I met a gentleman on the road he was filling in a wash so that he could get his his vehicle uh higher up into this location he was up here looking for fossils so uh yeah it seems like a it was a nice nice nice guy um I forget your name now but I sure do appreciate you filling that uh wash with those rocks for me yeah him and I got a good laugh out of that I mean here you are you're strolling along out in the middle of nowhere and here's a guy filling uh um fill in a cut full of rocks I said to him I was like hey you know that's perfect timing all right so uh okay I said you should follow me around more often except you need to stay like a week ahead of me okay or continuing on in through the mine here and we're going through a lot of that limestone that dolomite yep you know what's crazy about this is um see like right now I'm walking on you know flattened level and as as rough as the terrain is outside you guys saw it when I flew the Drone the Tremaine the terrain is tremendously rough if you were to walk up the side of the Hill up there to try to get to those stops that's going to be quite an undertaking but when you're down here on the on the level shooting straight into the mountain we're going to be over there and underneath those stops in no time flat all right what do we got now okay we got a whole bunch of dust on the floor oh that's collapsed that's that's what that is that's collapse dust I recognize that and look here guys yeah our first clue so that stencil it's it's the same as we saw in that other really big mine all right all right which way you want to go right or left all right let's go to the right so um okay we're coming up to our first ore chute and what do we have here oh wow this is oh here's our first Shaft our first Shaft that's completely wow look at this guys can you I hope you can see that but you see how that board right there is being pushed out okay that that surround that shaft is completely filled with material now hold on a second I'm calling it a shaft I don't think it's a no it's a it's indeed an or pass a wooden or pass with a chute here at the bottom is what it is yep yep 250 R1 it says okay well what do we have up in here huh does it keep going it has to yep it has to anything off that direction no they stopped right there how about off to the right here well we got ourselves a door any uh [Music] oh look at our same kinds of hinges as we found on that other on that other one at that other mine I was hoping maybe find like a sign or some writing no Dynamite storage is what that is uh-huh that's as far as it goes okay turn it around here we're gonna look at the back side see if we can't see any scribblins and I'm not seeing any nope all right so okay what's this here another sign 250 Z4 hmm okay now there's some scribblings up there can you guys read that what does that say it's in cursive upside down cursive that's a pretty darn Stout horseshoe I'll tell you what okay back down here on the other side of it I'm gonna turn around real quick because I want to get one last look at this now there's our ladder going up now that's going to be a service ladder I wouldn't think that that one is going to be going for in the stops to be working no that's to service the the shoot yeah all right turn it around well huh I expected this to go in a whole heck of a lot further and deeper under the hill so this one here is kind of start to poking off the wrong direction yeah this is going if you're facing the hill with all the workings this one here is turning left now let's look over here real quick what do we got let's look up here since it's so short we've got like an ore pass no no they came up here they got into you can see the color over there they got into that uh material started testing it and quit all right turn it around yeah all right well let's keep going this way oh and won't hold my crazy camera did it to me again all right guys I'll be right back [Music] all right guys I think I got it that time yeah it might be time for an upgrade I think the little connections are starting to wear down on that okay what do we have here again splits off left and right now the right hand side goes directly over to this other chute double shoot yeah you know for a fact we got a stop above us now yeah and let's look up in there yeah it's all chocked full hey there's some scribblins look at that from the miners let me turn the lights down here so you can see it better can you see if I do that it's just some math is what it is all right turn it back around that one was short and sweet now what's up here anything what were they doing here ah see they're putting in a a raise see that and uh now this eventually would have went straight up poked up out of the mountain and then it would have built an ore Chute right here but they never did I'll bet what happened here is they figured they were too far off to the this side so then they went off to the right here and then uh did it again took another jab at it look up here guys here's a brown bat little brown bat yeah they haven't quite come out of hibernation yet oh this is interesting now we're really twisting and turning off to the left what are we gonna have up here okay let's look we've got another one going off that direction I'll tell you what we'll come back and we'll revisit that let's keep going this way and and another one going off that direction oh yeah we're under the workings for sure here yep okay here's a another service ladder let's see let's poke our noses up here look at that guys you know darn well that one goes into the Stope yeah yeah that's an adventure no like I said a couple weeks ago I'm uh I am staying off the ladders for a while until I get adjusted um as speaking of that I'm I'm feeling so much better now yeah and you can probably tell all right look up here look at that wow oh that's definitely doable how cool is that look at how they shaved off the uh the left and right side of the rungs on that ladder look at that that's that's completely different they did it with a hatchet look at this I'll turn the lights down I haven't seen that before so that that board would meet that board and then I took a hatchet shaved it huh very cool that's really neat all right anything going up this direction and a whole bunch of calcite see I was finding these calcite all this calcite crystals down there in the waste rock pile now I see where it's coming from look at all that that's what that is and we got just a hint a few limonites coming through the Rock in this area too all right turning around here okay guys let's keep that ladder on the menu that's a way into our scope yeah before we decide to do something like that let's go back up here and explore these other drifts okay so before we head over there um all right now this is a teachable moment for you guys all right what camera in the right direction I'll turn my lights down just a little bit all right so after you guys watched after you guys watch the Drone footage where the Drone is flying up the valley and then you see all those workings at different levels and you see all that waste rock piling off the sides of the Hill let me tell you how this is done so what they do is they start off with one crew of guys and that crew is uh all about driving in the primary haulage at it which is what we just walked into okay so they're working on that they're drilling blasting mucking waste rock drilling blasting mucking waste rock working their way in right then you got another crew that's going to go higher up on the hill to where the vein or the ore body is poking up and exposing itself to the surface that crew is going to start to drill down okay and as they drill down their toss and waste rock while at the same time they're also staging ore in a big pile which will which will eventually end up down here on the working levels and hauled out of the mine now when these guys down here on the main haulage edit level get underneath the ore body okay or the vein then they what they start doing is just like I showed you back over here then they start making what's called a raise and they start blasting upwards which is very dangerous because you always have Rock falling on top of you so while they're going up the guys up on top are going down and when they finally meet okay when they finally meet you have what's called an or pass okay now you can now that you have a clear shot from the top all the way to the bottom you can start dropping your ore right straight down the ore pass and into these or shoots and when they start doing that then they then they they can take that pile of pre-staged ore that they set aside send it down that hole it's on that or pass down here shoots and out the mine okay now what happens after that that's when they start stopping they start stopping left and right from that work from that or pass and more and more org just keeps going down and down and down to shoots as the stop gets wider and wider and wider they fill it full of um uh stalls for bracing the rock some of the Stalls are for um they're called support stalls other stalls are are more intended for like uh think of it um like a scaffolding so they can lay boards on there and uh you know you got scaffolding to to work to work as as you work in the Stop and that's how these mines slowly progress from just base a basic hole in the side of the hill and a hole going down until finally you got what you see right now this big complex all opened up okay [Applause] all right let's keep on going guys here's our first drift off to the left let's go see what this one's all about I bet it just goes right up here to a uh collapse door shoot well I wouldn't call it a collapsed one no the material came down yeah it certainly did it go any farther no stops right up there yeah all right that's as far as that one goes guys all right turn it around so you see how they're doing this you see how they're coming in and they Branch left Branch right Branch left Branch right that's so that you could have multiple Crews working on different parts of the stove all right we haven't been up in this one yet now during that whole process not seeing any scribblins on that one during that whole process you can imagine it is making a lot of dust a lot of dust and that's why air doors are implemented um to manage that dust see they've got forced air coming into the mine and uh they use tarps and air doors to force that dust out uh different different areas of the mine so that the miners aren't breathing that in all day long but even though they did all of that let's look up there I can't quite see it I'm gonna poke the camera up there so you guys can see it but even though that they did all of that went through all that trouble those miners um breathed in a lot of dust and that's why many many miners passed away from emphysema they get still what's called silicosis of the lung you get uh silica down in there and you're deep deep in your lungs and that's what does it that's what creates all kinds of health problems okay let's go back out this direction so let's look here I want to go back out over to the main branch or the main haulage at it before we started branching and let's look over here now off to my right we should have our portal and there it is you can see it off in the distance Okay so um I'm gonna take a break a second I'm going to evaluate this decide what I want to do next and I'll be right back [Music] all right guys well here's what I decided to do you know I know that there's another portal 100 feet higher up on the side of the hill so I thought to myself well I could either go up that ladder or just walk up the side of the Hill go 100 feet higher enter this portal here and chances are it's going to drift over and meet up with wherever that ladder was going it's a little bit safer this way that's what I decided to do so here we are 100 feet higher let me flip the camera around show you where we're at looking down there in the bottom you can see the waste rock pile with the orb in off to your off to the side and uh oh that's just helmet cam no big deal all right let's flip around here show you where I'm at I'm just having all kinds of camera anomalies today welcome to my life right okay here's our portal and uh I'm still not seeing where they're dumping um All That Rock down into those ore shoots so maybe it's uh it's up here now we've got another big waste rock pile up there once we get done exploring this we're gonna head over there and see what that's all about but before we do that let's go in here okay let's see what we've got yeah I thought that that's what I saw okay turn that on turn the lights on okay all right let's see what we have up here oh you got to be kidding me this is oh maybe not oh it just goes in makes a hard left I was like what in the heck I can't just go in and stop right there all right here we have Dynamite storage right here and let's look in here it turned off to the right maybe well it does go up that way and then stops so not quite sure what they were doing here you can clearly see the the vein off to the left you can see the color there I can see the blue real good that's that's like Azurite right there yeah now in that particular case now see that band right there that's about eight inches across I think that's green mm-hmm I wonder if that's what they're going after right there okay you guys are probably saying that ain't green okay what do we have here let's take a look around oh okay that just goes up and out and then uh down there and stops so none of these workings are being passed to the main work our main haulage at it below nope all right turning around well that makes sense we didn't go in Far Enough those uh all those shoots and the Rays is much deeper much further underneath the hill so that's what I'm gonna do next guys I am going to work my way right up there I'll see you up there okay guys here we are 100 feet well I wouldn't say a hundred maybe 50 to 80 feet higher now looking down in the bottom over there you can see our ore bin and waist rock pile and then a little bit off to the right here higher up on the hill that's where we just came from now turn it around here I want to show you guys something you see that stacked Rock in the bottom down there and there's more stacked rock over here well I've been looking at this situation because as I continue to look higher and higher I see stacked Rock there and a whole bunch over there and I'm scratching my head as to like you know why well because there's a road over there is why so a road came down from the top that's what all that stacked rock is it came down from the top uh turned made a sharp turn over there and came off it and came this direction so indeed at one time there was a road here but now it's all washed out and completely destroyed and I can see what might be left of a shaft over there all right so here we are at the giant cut this is the big stop that I showed you guys on the Drone footage right here there's our there's our ore going right up the side of the Hill now I'm not gonna be able to get to it from this direction I want to get right over there where we see the wood going down and I think what we have right here guys is the very top of that giant wooden Collard ore chute that I showed you guys down there at the main haulage at it in the main working level all right so I'm gonna kind of scroll my way around over here I'll meet you over there okay there we go let's look around here for a second down here off to my right there's a what's left of a carbide tin and over here is going to be the top part of that or shoot indeed it is look at that yeah yeah we were in that far here it is and it's no wonder remember I pointed out to you guys how full it was I said look at that look at how the boards are bulging I don't get too close to this thing let's look down there yeah it's all collapsed now I'll turn the light on yeah completely collapsed let's look up here now see we've got rail right here and that rail would have came out from underneath there because that's where they were working and it would have went right under that stop now look at that right there look yeah I know I ain't crawling under that uh you see how the whole thing gave way from left to right just fell into the Stop and I can see the rotten boards under there you know it might go a little ways but ah I don't have a death wish I do I'm risky and I live a Death Wish okay neat I'm glad we got to take a closer look at it let's let's turn around here real quick and look down here you know it always looks so much different when you're standing next to it as compared to when you're flying the drone over it when you fly the drone over it it tends to make these uh workings look larger yeah cool okay let's look over here yeah I'm pretty uh happy with my physical performance today guys I really am I mean I was able to climb up that hill toot sweet today it just goes to show you if you if you maintain uh you just you just gotta stay after it and eventually your body will come come back around you know that's how it works for me anyways all right looking back there over there at the Stacked Rock and then is there anything hiding over here yeah this would have been another powder mag see the door it's dynamite storage and now it's uh all collapsed I don't see anything in there a few shelves off to the right that's what that is okay well I'm not gonna go any higher and uh I don't think I want to walk all the way over there just to look down a little tiny shaft because we're not going to be able to explore it anyways so guys I think that's it that's it for this one I you know you you just never know how these mines are gonna Shape Up you know you spot them on Google Earth you do a bunch of drone work and then uh you get out here and you get what we have today but hey we certainly were gifted with a beautiful view look at that out there okay guys I'll be back all right guys my curiosity is getting the best of me you know what they say curiosity killed the cat let me show you where I'm at okay so looking right down here once again top part of that uh horseshoot and here's where it would have went underneath the stove this is where I just said I just told you what I wouldn't do well I at least got a peek in here you know I at least got a look let's turn the lights on all right yeah oh yeah it goes back a little ways yeah I see it collapse so it goes in ah shoot can you guys I hope you can see that well I'm definitely not going underneath this board but it does go in I can see back up in there at least 40 feet to the next collapse but this is I just wanted to show you guys that I'm not bluffing you they would have had a at it right here and this goes underneath the scope they were working and uh turn it around here see they would have brought it right out here on those rails and dumped it straight down into that into that or shoot yeah all right let's get back over to the safe spot I had to at least look all right guys I'm headed back down to Old Bob I'll see you down there all right guys back to Old Bob safe and sound yep worked my way down the hill uh jumped over to this other wash I want to take a look at this other thing uh no it turned out just to be a prospect and now I'm all the way back down here by old Bob now I did consider turning around going back into the uh main haulage at it and going up those ladders but after hiking 250 feet up the side of that hill this morning um no that's enough for today I I'm doing really good you know after going through what I went through the last couple of weeks I mean I'm just getting after it I hiked that Hill like crazy but you know rubber legs are starting to kick in so I don't want to push it we're still early in the season don't need a health issue don't need to sprain an ankle or something stupid like that so um we pretty much I got to see the majority of this mine so from here we're going to be moving on so what do I have for you oh [Music] wait a minute guy hold the phone you're not done what do you mean I'm not done yeah I know you just got done editing this episode but you missed all of those Clues get out of here what Clues are you talking about oh good grief see this is how you get okay you get in a big rush because you want to get to the next site because you know what might be even better than this one but you passed up a whole bunch of cool things that you could be showing everybody all right smartypants you think I missed some things well tell them about it then all right let me explain so when you got down here on the main haulage at it yeah what were the clues that you found okay you got down here and you found those placards up on the side of the Chute and over there by the uh by the explosives magazine well what did they read well the one said r250 what does that mean well R stands for raise because that was initially a raise and you're on the 250 level the other one over there said Z250 okay I'm not quite I'm not sure what Z means okay maybe that's in reference to the to the explosives uh storage or explosives magazine but that one else also said that you're only on the 250 level so that means that right here okay you got you got the 100 level which hasn't been explored yet and now you're at the 250 level right here oh I see what you're saying so what you're saying is is that from the top down you could have like the 100 okay which is where we found um the top part of that uh wooden that that Collard ore pass and then there was that um there was that collapse portal up there that we peeked into and that's where I said uh yeah I don't have a death wish so what you're saying is is that's probably that's the 100 level right there and then right here this is the 250. exactly see now you're getting it we've got a whole nother level above our heads and even though we're not able to access um the 100 level via a portal because obviously it's collapsed up there we've got another other access points which is this ladder right here as well as the one over there with the or shoot that's labeled number six all right guy cut to the chase I know what you're getting at here what you're saying is you want me to go up these ladders and see if we can get to the 100 level well yeah you can't just walk away from this mine and not go up these ladders let me tell you why because remember the newspaper mine the 18 no the 1918 newspaper mine that you went into well on that one you were to act you were able to access both levels of that mine from the East and both portals were open but this one here accesses the 250 level from the East and potentially the 100 level from the west but that one's collapsed so what you need to do is you need to go up these ladders you can't let you can't just walk away from this mine I don't care how much you want to get onto the next site you you got to go up these ladders well okay I suppose we could do that but you gotta remember you know stops are always the most dangerous absolute dangerous part of the mine oh good grief come on now use your brain you're not going into the stops for crying out loud these are man ways which access the next working level it's not going to be the stop remember the collar the man way that you found at the newspaper mine it's the same deal it's not it's acting as a man way as well as an escape route for the miners to get between levels oh okay I see I see so it would be it wouldn't be until we get to that next area is where we might end up finding the stops okay I see where you're going with this good I'm glad you get it and think about it this way you know that a lot of people have probably explored the main haulage levels of this mine but how many of them how many people do you think had enough kahunas to go up these ladders and explore the next levels I'm sure that there's some you know pretty uh courageous people out there that have probably done it but that helps eliminate you know some of the areas that have been explored in this mine so I think you better get after it I think everybody wants to see what's up these ladders okay I suppose but before we do can we go back to Old Bob and take a break you know maybe have a sandwich or something that would sure be nice all right you go back to Old Bob have yourself a sandwich I'm going up these ladders I'll meet you up at the 100 level [Music] next week on abandoned and forgotten places and the angels did sing [Music] wow [Music] look at this we got some uh graffiti here I don't know if it's from the miners now looking back up at it look look at it from this direction [Music] in that direction I just absolutely must be out of my mind for walking underneath that [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 29,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: uVptSa7gFl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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