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hey guys juice key here and today we're back in some more escape from tarkov and I first wanted to thank you before we get into the gameplay for nine hundred and three thousand I know five thousand subscribers I literally just clicked and checked so I wanted to thank you guys for getting already five thousand over with before we hit 1 million in a little in a little bit of time if you didn't know we are completing directly completing competing directly with fly daily in a race to 1 million and we are behind so we need to win we need to get to 1 million subscribers before fly so that he has to buy me pizza and I don't have to buy him a pizza alright so if you're watching this do me a favor join my Legion and please subscribe so that we can we can just we can get to one mill before he does today in our target video we're gonna be playing in the reserve map and there's a brand new area in reserve that has all these really cool tunnels they connect a lot of the pre-existing buildings in reserve reserve was already a very complicated and awesome map and I feel like the tunnels underneath are like insane they are very very detailed they're very cool for firefights we actually pulled off some flanks in our second raid that we played in the in the tunnels down below so it was pretty cool pretty cool gameplay here and I'll let you guys enjoy it for yourselves anybody in the basement nope okay how many into the basement I'm in the room that you have to do a jump get into in the roof I'm going in the basement to pro vTOLs yeah this place down here is really good for med Lu I got like two CMS's and a serve get out of here last time way honestly just want to play reserve and you'd go to this map cuz like there's there's so much more loot to be had no no no no someone open the door yep we want to try and move because I think I know how to get down to alpha we can go back into the basement move to alpha okay where did that come from is that a basement no idea metal that's below I'm gonna clear the stairs I'm going down the basement oh I think I just told you no I went down into the left I went down left one still straight front one still straight front on the metal stairs metal stairs okay oh you good yeah okay I got your back I'm gonna toss another Nate he's definitely down in that basement goodnight goodnight I'm a check tight left I think I killed a guy here no I heard him bad he was wheezing and coughing oh this is spooky though this is really tight quarters tight close quarters huh well this is spooky make sure I didn't kill anybody else he's are you walking yeah we heard that Nate was like on him metal again metal did I think I got him - I think we I I hit him in the chest right after somebody's dead right there yep yep dead body there cool hang on just hold it we've definitely got a better spot here I'm gonna push yep I heard him run hear it no where where do i right or left down there uh rains a lot there think hang on just down to dead here to dead I gotten one with that nade careful level 33 let's fill this one with the f1 yeah that's clear nice man this combat in this new place is cool I love this yeah but I don't know who got this guy I think you did right yeah you lured him you lured you Lou okay no no it's okay I've got a good bit of stuff on this guy this guy's also got to suppress around as aks to PBS suppressor if anybody wants it ooh and 60 rounds of BT and a backpack full of stuff anybody hurt no oh those guys have p90 in his bag still up right before the metal stairs man I was lucky yeah take this a kiss or the suppressor on it if you want you've got BT and the mag most likely and a magazine his best probably BT take what you want I thought the vest I was wearing was the level 3 until now but these little green 6 B 5 vests are little for I did not know that rank above me like I got wrecked my gun stop shooting mid mid like click by the way I like held my trigger down and I had a tat fire more running that's not you guys no I'm trying to get a spot to lay down oh I'm in the stairs okay okay you're you're up there yep okay are you comfy there sure you want me there too yeah that's not a man wait what that's not at me but if they're in the building should be in here to the left somewhere wait oh no no in here to the right yeah we're back in the big area I sure do meant to my right as we were going down this tunnel yeah hey hey back we're back where we came I'm looking at him right now guys right here watch to the right watch the right down there I don't know where the doors lead no yeah no here's a glass office you guys hear that right yeah I'm going back toward you those two were together nice good kill think we're gonna shot clearing the office have the r700 indoors so loud what gear military Lu back here it's a nice hating it goodnight we good I hurt yeah one I think that guy laid down because he got a tank battery all no so he couldn't move anyways yes 72 I'm not giving this damn tank battery I'll carry it there's one on this guy oh I'm so fat now oh my god I can't move 70 something kills 79 is what I met right now jeez it's 40 kilos alone where's the Ecstatic the blue stems be like okay Queens there then we need to go was it this way oh it's this way it's this way yeah it's this way yes this way take our first right yeah yeah it's just down there the switch I'm doing I'm doing this wait stairs no nobody I shot the body wait no there is running let me running out left yeah there's definitely a person here just keep going to clutch he's on metal okay use be hot no I think that's gone he was going the way we needed to go there clutch let me let me carry it for a little bit I can we can uh Lord of the Rings this thing I threw it down the stairs and it's freaking out really the easiest way to do is just this key to that health resort warehouse safe key it's probably worth like 50 K - therapist clearing all the bouncers [ __ ] straight down come on back did you have the battery [ __ ] I'm stuck into something I gotta move you had the battery yeah I was throwing in picking up why are you going that way oh no that's back to where we were watch out down that hall down that hall whoever just came in the stairs I heard something to the right as well I can't see him he's holding up I'm flanking right I've got the surprise angle he pushes Josh you won't know I'm here guess printing yeah it's me okay I get them to think that I moved I flanked to the right I'm back in towards that Center room now he's using something with 308 that sounds like so him living are you it's me I'm on your right yeah apparently I don't have directional audio right now so he's still down there he's back inside of that room Wow shot me in the arm pom-poms comms I'm sneaking up are there Bush sound effects it's gonna walk her right side can you sew right side far backwards Wow I'm gonna stop peeking that it's the second time arms in boy yeah he's still back there he's still watching it too I'm right beside him right now - you want a shot of me or what holy [ __ ] I'm right behind one of them it's getting down to it got one well so come look at this one first over here I shot this one through this door I was right there shot him in the head his friend was in that door in that room sr-25 oh yeah dude Jam I've got to do a swift kick cover for me Moore's house Joshua isn't the 308 um you are I guess so why use mags yeah I have the same exact rate for me ooh RSS and us are 25 damn leaving a TV rig it's gonna have 31 points out of 76 on how many how many times you think seriously who seven purple really how many times you stream with me I don't like playing games with you I'm gonna take the scope sell it does anybody else need a gas analyzer because he still has one I think I might holy crap I do yeah I'll drop it for you cool goes through my love being useless saying that Aziz haven't killed anybody baby yeah hey you guys took the shots while I plink all right I did wildly okay Josh kept just trying to beat the door for some reason I just held the stairs busy to eat I was trying to keep their focus all right good to go it's so dark in here yeah I took rounds from the guy that wound on the stairs at the tank battery and then I subsequently [ __ ] my pants got in cover and then put a few rounds on them before Josh sold kill easy are you ditching the rest of culture stuff Josh or no depends on if he's here or not there will be raiders his stuff isn't going to try to hug a wall but open this door yeah yeah yeah yeah not the wall the portal Oh doors open across now if you want to hell of an angle the hole hmm door to be open role pair says the guy in the back I'm in the middle actually that's me thank you I am the guy in the back being the woods but I am also the most fat therefore statistically I cannot give up really would volume isn't present [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 650,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8sHCN6Z5ayg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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