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[Music] hey guys drewski here and today we return back to escape from tarkov and today's episode is utilizing the akm this is a pretty common rifle but today we're using a pretty uncommon version of that rifle it's the version rifle you get when you mod it up all the way and then also you stack it full of 762 by 39bp ammo what bp means is that you're going to be going right through level 3 armor right through level 4 armor and maybe taking one or two more shots on level five but otherwise going right through it as well so it's a very very powerful round it also has a lot of damage if you miss that armor and you happen to hit them in the legs or arms and that's why this is one of the most powerful setups in the game if you're shooting slowly and methodically on your shots you can really deliver a lot of damage as long as you just manage that recoil it's not a very fast shooty easy aiming gun it's it's a kicker for sure also you guys have been killing it in the subscriber department we're trying to get to two million now that's the new race that we're in and you guys went from like 65 percent not subscribed to about 55 in a matter of maybe two or three weeks so thanks for subbing guys appreciate it let's get into the vid it's actually to the right that is to the right that's on the railroad yeah oh i see him yeah i see him too it's under the terrain there's so many there's three of them right there okay i'm running down run down all the way to the end of the hallway and then to the right there's the door dude there's three scabs there's three let's go we can use this right area here it's got a lot of cover this is going to be great or should we go up into the barn that will be unexpected over here and we'll have a great long shot they probably don't have good scopes and ranged weapons just take it slow through here yeah we get on the edge of these tracks watch out snipers just to the right okay careful here i don't see any bodies where the heck they all go just like that they disappeared they've got to be down here i see a body over to the right okay yeah i don't know if that's oh yeah yeah damn i should've said damn they just went through scav yep that might have been the first one of the rest though huh i know why he was chilling over here oh body here body yeah that's that's what he was he was looting it oh is that it oh no it's a scab what you got he left 545 bt this guy's mad running from coming back that's too dead nating [Applause] donate again over top right yep i hear bush to the right bush close right yep tossing stay back yep i'm gonna check less than half here he's dead nice nice crossing multiple bodies here a lot of bodies what what dude oh holy crap no way your name oh my god there's another one here yeah that's the one i got oh okay these are the ones that i don't even know who they are okay let's repack and chill this is a good spot to chill at and i don't have any uh five or five but i'll just sit over um here here i got bt i got bt come over oh yeah yeah yeah it's 30 rounds but still something uh thanks all right i'll go be back i'm gonna repack here i heard him in that bush dude if he didn't move i would have walked right in thinking that he was probably dead like from another fight because we saw three of them so that was really lucky that we saw three at the train tracks yeah once i heard the running back i was so much happier yeah i was like yeah we'll get a good fight here yep i was thinking because it sounded like they it looked like they were pushing from gas station towards us so i was like i was i was like their spawns can't be back that way why would they fight and then run the other way i think they were just looting those bodies yeah are you guys running back no we're running bearing two seven zero from those power lines we're not running back to where we just came no no yeah we got two contacts behind us coming back that way yeah going back quick village got it uh i'm i'm standing underneath the power lines got it we're coming if you want take shots and then we can spread to your left and right okay uh do you need to reacquire right so they're going back to our village that we're at from from like sniper mountain area they were running down the left side of the road now from us got it back towards village okay the two men one of them i think had a mosin i'm on the right side so one of us in a along the road right now yes i'm wiggling in the freeze okay i think i just saw you so what bearing were they from you i don't know how to pull up my compass you you as in uranus are they edit yet uh i think that they would just we're on the road they're probably in village now okay let's just circle village get all angles let's not enter village at all i don't want to get that would be a mess i want to go back where we were i've got a vector so i would do well if i'm up close i don't know i say we just if you want jamie sit outside in a bush yeah and try to sneak up but i say none of us entered the fences i'm me and dayton are here next to the bridge okay you're with me clutch right uh yes i think sorry yeah yeah okay okay we are on the other side of the town now i'm coming towards you i'm engaging where are they uh he's down on the uh shoot the back left side got it a far part of the village play it defensive because we're about to flank it i see you demon you're on the bank moving left yeah we're on the we're on the on the opposite side you can see us probably through the town right in front right in front yeah see him see him he's down got him killed one vapor hunter yeah there's two there's one to the right right he's down got one one down one down demon that's us that's us that's us that's you okay i think from the south yeah yeah these guys are waiting on the rocks who just jumped in the street amy that was me my nade i think that's both dead i'm on the bus right now yeah there's the guy dead at the spindle man where's the other dead body uh 100 they're both confirmed one's dead on the um left side of the road the spindle one's down on the right side of the road in the center for you demon we're coming down from the south rocks that was a textbook distraction in flank though yeah so good job team good job team um got a mosin on this one suppressed i'm coming up to the cliff as well um we should keep heading to abandoned town yeah i agree start running back good sight demon yeah that was awesome i was like why are there two of you running back from where we just came oh it's not us okay bad guys man i'm just eating really quick good boost he's sitting on your head ready jump you want to do a run boost screen actually does that work this round oh hey hey that might be sniper mountain yep yep i've been looking up there while we've been filming it's like a vepr hunter and then a mosin ooh that's more towards saw mill i think yeah that's not on like that's not on like up in this thing i might be able to see it from you guys on the hill there yeah yeah we're up on a cliff there's not much i kind of want to go sniper mountain and see if we can see that fight from the top because it might not be on sniper mountain but it might be just past it oh that's close that is on the lower left side of the mountain right here for sure see jamie i i haven't seen your drew i would suggest drop your bags in a memorable spot and then re-push up bring only what you need like the need for speed who's on the right it's me i just dropped it back moving up the hill watch out that ak-74 was close i would not sprint okay there might be people up here i'm not sure okay that we're gonna be able to see that it's not up here okay i'm at the top now jamu yeah um i'm to your right he's left sprinting meeting us the three of us are sprinting i'm at the top yeah i only have a neotex okay we're all up here yeah i'm taking up the rear okay there's guys on top of the other mountain yep yep there's this killed one super thick guy he was up on the other mountain to our uh are burying two four two four nine careful guys careful on these peaks remember there's an ak right below us seeing a sniper scav way out there he doesn't know oh he's looking up here he's got a mosin watch out he is bearing um two zero eight okay i don't know okay this is us 2008 yep careful guys [Applause] he's got a he's got a mo's and i don't know if it had a scope on it bush that was me going through bush i'm watching the rear okay got it no one was watching back side side yeah thank you um that mosin has moved i'm definitely just suss about peeping this now there definitely is a dead pmc on the other rock though so i'm gonna i'm gonna go down and around look at my green tracer got it careful there is a body down there is he left of a spine rock yeah lots of spine i was even able to see the red of his mosin really easily in the orange yeah um since you have a smg do you want to watch the rear yeah if you guys go over to where i'm at over here you might be able to see it pretty easily yeah up here uh drew can i run to that other peak and see if i can take that guy's gun because i need something other than this uh yeah yeah come with me go run down there are you up the mountain than going to him or no you i hit him [ __ ] that looked like a headshot he's gotta be hurting he's a scout he's a scav so he's not gonna be able to heal he might have a heavy bleeding you might kill him just by hitting him once you're dating he's dead uh depending on what it is dayton i might i might want it as well so i might give you uh that's an opening left left left he's down random random scab we just killed down here i think i might have got that yeah okay we're on the next hill now you can see us eyes let's see what he's got um you want to take his uh take his ak he's got a suppressed ak and an m1a oh that's the last spark plug i need yes you [ __ ] you found spark plug yes i need spark plug though i also need spark plug i've been looking for it so long i have one in my bag oh bro this guy had an ops ks they used to be yeah they did man no recoil so good that sks hmm where can we go we could probably go up in the hills north of that with some kills if we want yeah or sorry corrections south of that do you guys know uh no i'm gonna go bush hole and run across the road there into the left side of bus station can't see anything from here probably if you get it over at rocky ridge we can probably see a lot you guys want to go clear antenna yeah i'm going to sprint to the left oh i'm getting close to gas right now pray that they don't hear us i'm gonna go left i'll go right okay backside of gas backside of gas has no bodies they might all be inside or in the front area is there anything good in there dude an aka l mag tanner mag something ah no sausage anywhere you found one yeah nice all right sorry where'd you go i'm inside the little cabin oh player just got killed and i killed the second one nice i'm right beside you scav goon i'm about to shoot wait [Music] two dead players at the back of gas now are those uh boss the two dead players back of gas the two at the fence are bosses art goons there's a lot of dead ones yeah back here i mean two dead players i feel like that might be it three uh all the guards i have to tell are dead right here these are all these are all guards no way we were that lucky all of these right here okay pistol fight and ak in dorms right now so mind that oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to sprint you're good i was just shooting anyways all right let's go down let's get those bodies quick i'm gonna go the ones the back doors i'm closing the door there's somebody inside sounds like really neat inside he's still in there oh how did that flash me what the heck he's got a okay i'm coming around the blue fence right now no i'm good i've got everything it's just i need to he blacked three things oh i used all my nades though so was that one of you guys pain coloring or him oh i hit him up a lot hit him a lot he's pushing out pushing out pushing out i'm running back in the field he ran back inside do you ever need demons he's hit he's hit hard i hit him a lot careful he's gonna keep trying that he knows we're looting i'm back in the i'm back in the grass yeah i'm still here at the door we need to get this done quick or we're going to get sandwiched by other people just try to loot those bodies while you can just just be aware he's going to try to get that door like close that door if you can i can watch this door from here demon go ahead and start looting you think he went shortcut yeah he ran away okay we need to loot quick and get out of here then go forward hmm i i think just jamie loot right now close that door in loot and let's get out of here the door's closed i gotta that's you peeking blue fence demon sorry yeah i was on defense okay am i hearing something to our left it might just be my imagination i'm coming up from your rear right if you guys are on the ridge yep we're on the ridge over watching the town now left side left side blue fence just went in the house oh wait no that's a 133 clutch one through three scouts yeah i see it he's in that compound yep wonder why he's not dead whoa impacts the top of the mountain probably yeah i know what that was i would guess i can't see anything up there neither can i was that at us it didn't sound like it was that you and i sounded like it was that mean there's grenades landing over there it might have been a random shot let's not shoot that scav yet let's see what's going on at this town that i think that was just a random why are we sprinting uh wait wait oh okay oh god sorry i thought they were i thought there were four that there were four of us i'm thinking that shot might have been on the other side of the town just went past something and hit near us because sniper rock doesn't have a great view of this spot whatever does have a good view there's nobody on it not that i last saw yeah like i'm checking all of it right now it's empty um you guys stay here i'm gonna move to the left side of the road have a slightly different angle coming out where the scab just ran out of that blue fence building and went north behind it so that grenade was on the right side of the road are you right side nope nope nope one guy right side by the houses right houses okay i hit him twice i'm left side like right parallel with you oh i just got shot at that's the shotgun he was on the right side [ __ ] he just hit me with a shotgun that's slugs in that shotgun has a uh he has a ssh on a drop if he has ssh jumped got it where's that right side fence but i think he went in the house oh there he is he's there on the right corner of the compound close to us close right corner he's running i'm looking for him is it his house now got it in that close house might be two might be two okay yeah close house close house close right house i'm gonna run left side of the road i'll never aim my gun back up at you got it okay there might be two i think i might have saw you lack black helmet okay i'm you lack and tv rig and tri-zip so i'm you lacking tricep yeah yeah it was it definitely wasn't you ah i just got hit yeah that's right side compound somewhere okay i would i would move positions flank around to the right while i flank around to the left or something i heard him shoot he shot from the right building i didn't even hear that shot it was suppressed shot me in the chest one was pretty low low gear the other one was kind of [Music] mid to higher okay they're running no eyes uh they ran back to the north unless that's the scav i think i heard one run down the main road to the north okay nope he's running both west side both west side oh [ __ ] they saw me both are west side um yeah west side moving to the south i might be stuck in a house oh no i'm running out main road towards you guys running back are they two stories tossing a grenade on them right now tossing grenade on them just wait for it got it over there up against the wood fence right yes yes yes where i'm pointing is where they were like like they were this direction yeah two people for sure i think they went into the buildings i would assume on the center left buildings now okay i'm on the west side now so they were last seen in the western buildings but they're definitely not on the southwest side so watch those right buildings again and watch far down the road i haven't i've been watching the road i haven't really seen anything move across they might be upstairs in that house did you guys change positions i did i went farther right okay i would definitely i'm watching main road do that because they were they were pushing like i see one bottom floor oh i'm gonna get a shot on him through the window just hit one god damn it he moved because of that i think i hit him in the chest he's mad he's he's in that two-story building yes floor yep he's in that garage right now oh someone just hit a mine out behind you guys yep eyes on he's over on the bridge over by the uh yellow bus well i hit one of them in the chest pretty hard he went he he made a sound when i hit him i got oh no i didn't one of them's hurt they're shooting back at you they're shooting at something is that you suppressed shooting i was surprised that's not me shooting right now though they're shooting they're moving fast damn it i'm running out of ergo so why that's i'm shooting got one one's down nice are they still in the house or no not sure there was a he was fighting something to the northeast of the of the village is that you there there's a player scav with northeast the village also that that vp was like southeast i think did you just cross the road on the north side no no no shoot what you see shoot what you see yeah that was hot though he just went east behind the bus i wouldn't have been able to shoot him anyways yeah whatever you see shoot it don't even question yeah he was a thick boy over by the yellow bus okay yeah i killed his friend i think or whoever was i don't know i can't tell i shot something that was shooting like sks suppress 762 i think i think i had like a pistol out last time i saw him i killed some dude with like a karasa and a bulac or something could that have been the vpo that you heard earlier it was definitely not the thick boy i saw okay it looked like the thick boy had a face mask [Music] movement on me nope nope nope be good clutch can you get to him are you good even call it um he's unarmed oh my god oh that was the guy with the ssh that i saw he's unarmed jesus demon yeah uh yet he had an axe oh i'm dead [ __ ] that's what i was worried about uh bottom right corner of where we uh where we were just at he was must have been watching the body i didn't see him anywhere he's on the ridge uh southeast corner of the village building edge on the east side of the road on the right side of the road i just found my body the guy i found is not the guy i saw i killed a vepr hunter demon are you have you clicked past the end of raid menu i hear wood he's in a building he's in this building right next to me i think east center east east center oh there he is coming he's he's right on the body on the right uh right corner southeast side south corner southeast okay on that nade on the nate on the navy hey i'm near the bridge back in the building back in the building back in the building center building center center right building center center east got it i'm in six by 45. got it okay so m4 he's hurt he's hurt i hit him a bunch freaking 88 okay eight five five does nothing i'm sitting i'm sitting at the end of the road on the left side of the road i'm gonna be prone i if you hear any movement shoot it got it damn i had a shot i i rushed it if he runs out into the middle road trying to flank you or something i will kill him i'm not on the ridge anymore i know i know you're you're off to the river side right yes correct okay that's good so if he takes cover from you or tries to flee from you i should be able to get him just play it slow let's camp this out sounds good he's still in the building i hear woods i'm dead what [ __ ] he shot through the second floor through a window it must be second floor but there were curtains on the second floor window what the heck wait what oh my god should have moved my suspense that's his name uh [Applause] got them both it was two on deafening it was two baby yeah it was two guys that's that's why because i there was no way that guy shot me through i got him both and they ambushed me i don't i actually almost reported the guy that killed me just because i i could have sworn he shot me through a second floor draped window i got them both in the head one of them ambushed me broken over there i don't know one one of them ambushed me and i like he instantly blacked both my legs i turned around to run away and i realized i couldn't i was like [ __ ] so i turned towards him crouched and just sprayed into the blurriness and i hit him in the face yep i have everything is black my head my left arm my right arm my left leg my right leg see luckily i have a cms with five out of five let's go [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 225,385
Rating: 4.9584455 out of 5
Id: 3OJROnk9UuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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