Extreme Rooftop Parkour Escape!

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today we will be reacting to the most insane parkour jumps ever now chris leave the room bye as you'll see there is ten thousand dollars in cash every single time chris says a certain word while we film this video you lose a hundred dollars what is that word but you could have picked zebras you could have picked any word every time you say this word no one loses a hundred bucks i will be a chatterbox now on to the point of the video extreme parkour jumps whoa these are very cool and exciting and the jumping is really really cool oh you're just trying to make knowledge i'm just yeah i just want nolan to lose money whoa oh that's not safe well i love when people do this and he like slides on the side of the building oh okay when they when they okay that's actually just admitting you like it when people jump off no no i do not love when you jump off a building don't jump off of buildings to make jimmy happy hey how many times have i said the word so far you haven't said the word a single time no way so when it's my mom you make it hard and still don't take the word you let nolan the word is not zebra corn it's not corn butter it's not butter i that's the only thing i think nolan would make it hey you could just normally go down the stairs or you can just get butt burn yo why is it that every escalator i go on has these little rings the safety yeah things to catch your nose why can't i find one like that dude just stop being so lame that would be so much fun hey every escalator that i go down get rid of those little circle things i would love to go down like that hey these are poles those are french fries they're like the crinkle cut french fries i don't like trinkle cuts i like mcdonald's style you know where it goes oh the ceiling got shorter that's not on me all right let's see what he does whoa that's impressive now how does he get back uh swimming wow what the heck that's tall i just why why would you ever do that michael jordan help us out stop it get some help no that's sketch i mean all it takes is one of those to just collapse because somebody didn't build it properly you're putting a lot of trust in people who build buildings they don't think that people are going to be running on them hey slow mo jump parkour but with a bike love bike yo that was a good flip good thing the car cardboard was already there and that cardboard wasn't there who knows what would have happened they would have had to get their hoodies dirty you're saying i could actually one of the things you said earlier was pretty close to what it is corn it's not corn butter it's not butter butter we'll keep going no oh it's a beatles reference i guarantee you 99 percent of people watching this have no idea who the beatles are i feel like they would the best dailies but they've never heard a single song oh yeah but everybody knows like the abbey road thing i guess i'm not everybody all right you got a plan ticket oh gosh you're running late grab that bag get it out of here hey this guy oh he's blocking the whole thing well at least you gotta see his red bull logo yeah what's that say is this sponsored by red bull uh oh tsa oh wait a minute wait so now you're running from security best case scenario you still make your flight you're going to jail no not somebody's luggage they take such gentle care you could have just gone wait that's a real plane wait i don't care about the real plane wait hold on as you see here he could just take an immediate left and be up the stairs watch what he does he wasted so much effort chris he is in a hurry this is all as efficient as possible this is not just to look cool that's fair what were you saying about a real plane or something well that is a real plane there so maybe this is a real airport it is yeah it's a real airport oh they weren't connected yet wow i think that gets you on a no-fly list you know what uh honestly uh let's give him first class and then he sits by this okay dinosaur i love these we walked into a mall with a hundred of these or like got kicked out three times but it was fun we actually did this as well we went to a trampoline park with them but that video never saw the light of day didn't ever see the light of day here's the thing it's hot in those things excruciatingly and when you do it when it's 90 degrees out ball suit ain't no one having fun butt suit wait you just said the word he just said nolan just lost another hundred bucks uh actually according to the counter you've said it three times nolan's lost 300 bucks oh five 500 now analyzing ball soup it's a dinosaur clown girl how am i supposed to think when that's going on all right so what's he going to do oh he's going to ninja run across it he doesn't look comp i don't want to see this that's why he didn't look confident all right assassin's creed english empire is chasing them the english empire is that not it i guess so i mean lame they're just scooting across a bus this is cool this is real parkour parkour parkour played slow-mo parkour played ten times sometimes i misspeak ten thousand times it happens all right everyone type out a comment now that we're all on the same page that chris screwed up we can continue all right yeah these guys i like it i mean oh okay oh that should have started with the l and it was only like one second so was the english chasing them or they chasing the english they chased them into an alley where they no one would see and they just were like oh god doing a flip wait one two three whoa i tried to do one one time and landed on my neck and they thought i was gonna die he is more alpha he is more alpha congratulations you win the more alpha than chris award hey it's not a very hard award to win so he's trying to make it across his house without touching the ground me touch the floor in your house win ten thousand dollars chandler that's a good meme that's a good meme wonder what his wife thinks she's probably the one filming it and she's like yeah babe you got it he's like okay wife i want to do this to the house what do you think also do people refer to their wife as wife i do wife i've arrived is that just me my clothes i don't know if you said the word but i'm gonna take away a hundred dollars just because it's nolan that's fair i could do this i can walk on my hands for minimum like five minutes prove it you have to do it while we watch this next video are you ready for this it's gonna be hard oh my dude i saw this clip on twitter where he just jumped off the bridge it was great hey i'm trying to react if you don't mind you said five minutes right this is kind of hard in this room i don't even know if you guys don't know him anymore oh oh you knocked one of our monitors off it's hard in this room look how red his face is all right shut up chris we're watching a guy run but our monitor fell oh wait wait when you were doing that you said the word what i don't also this guy just fell over and weaseled down but that's what he was supposed to do hold on i gotta get on my box so you said the word again is it box uh shut up this guy's climbing a stairway this is impressive i'm winded just from doing one thing and these guys are like doing everything what yo wait the physics involved in that oh my gosh that's insane oh wait were they about to kiss yeah what would happen if we kissed on the parkour park i don't know you want to go try it out we don't have a parkour park you also have a wife wife oh i can do this not two but i can do one wait slow-mo one oh i can do that easily oh i can't do that that's insane you know what you can do what cost no one 100 bucks okay hold on why am i not remembering what the word is am i stupid you didn't say it though you didn't disagree with me about the stupid thing i have a reason for not disagreeing all right when you're on the playground the teacher says recess is up you're like nope i'm going to keep going did you imagine running from your teacher like this i've always said that but with cops i just want to run away from them one time like if they would let me all right chris we got 30 seconds left quick make no lose money um boy ball bro it's a body part oh but it's not butt or maybe it is butt you got three but two but one butts all right it was but let's go we beat nolan yeah all right come on in nolan so here's the thing at the end i don't know how he did it chris just magically pieced the word together you figured it out i did and so at the end he was spamming the word butt and so you only won 5100 hey still that's a lot of money you talk a lot but that's pretty good hey appreciate it well here you go chris was intent on stealing money he only got about half of it go enjoy it thanks and chris outro doo doo
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 24,804,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: FsnvgkZsCwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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