Unbelievable Street Magic!

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- Wanna see a magic trick? Look at that. - I was at my house. - My boy, David Blaine! - Aye, David Blaine. - This is going to be - More like - levitating. - David Plane. (engine revving) Let's go. - I still don't know how he did this. - This used to blow my mind as a child. - What? - A guy going through a fence? (laughs) - Yeah. Criss Angel also used to blow my mind. How his body gonna fit through it? - How? - Explain that. That's a locked gate. - Huh. - Explain it. You can't. The cardboard was covering it up. Clearly, it was just unhinged at certain parts. But that's the beauty of magic. (soft music) There has to be the wonder. I just like David Blaine. David Blaine levitated. I like Criss Angel. - Team David - Team Criss. Wait, where is he getting those cards? - Whoa! - Whoa! That was cool. Okay, I want to watch that back and slow-mo. - You really can't see. - We're going slow. - Go frame by frame. Ruin the illusion. - And, by slow-mo, I mean, I'm pausing. What? - They just appeared. - Were they in his fingers? Imagine, he just hollowed out his middle finger and that's where they came from. - Hey, look at this. Oh! (shouts) - Chris! Be careful. - Yeah, sorry. Let me just wiggle my hands and make this dude levitate. Oh, this is on Sidemen. I missed this one. He's going to do the all under, over. Yep. Look at that. Wait, are there magnets in the guy? - That is magic. - Yeah, I know it's magic, but he definitely put like magnets on them and the magnets, like, pushed him up. Okay, so we have a six. - [Chris] Hmm-mm - Hopefully, a nine. He's got a card- (shouts) Oh, it was. - Oh, I didn't even notice. Wait, it's moving That's editing. Is it not? - No. Why is he looks so serious? (intense music) Wait! Hold up. - What? Oh! - Oh, it's money. - The guy's like, wait, if I touch this, is it turning back into soda. - I want this to stay money. How do I keep this money? (indistinct chat) Bart Simpson bouncing. Rotating pirate ship. That isn't my receipt. That is embarrassing. Lactates in pharmacy. I'm chasing Martian. That is embarrassing. - Look at it. Show the camera, show whoever you want. It doesn't matter. I'm going to spring these in the air. - Uh-oh! - Just catch one. Any one you want. Okay, that's not it. - That's okay. Check this out. - I love when magicians act like something's going wrong. Shoot! What was the card you picked? - The two of heart. - Let me see that ball. - Come on. Find a card inside. I was watching his hand as he cut it open, and he didn't put that card in there, unless it was in the knife, and the knife injected it. - Oh! That's the only way I could think of it. Like, it was a liquid card, and then when it got into the ball, it's hardened. - Magic by (couldn't understand) - My brake broke. Oh! Wait, What! Are those real? - Yeah. - Oh, I thought that was going to be another one. (chuckles) I was like, oh no. - Oh, my god! It's a long pigeon. (excited) Oh! It is - How many birds does he have? Wait, is that string of bird? Wait. Oh, it's a cage. Wow! - That bird's a magician too. - [Zach] Hey! What are you doing? It's a red light, dude. Oh! Wow! Hey, look before you cross the streets. - Thank you, Zach King. Hey, he's teaching the world, how to be safe. - Not only is he a magician, but he saved thousands of lives. Thank you, Zach. We'll give you that one. Oreo iPhone. How did he suck that out of his phone. Wait. Oh, God! This doesn't look like it's going to be a safe to play. I don't know if I would do this. Look at the dog. - The dog's like, are you returning her? - Lower this one down. - Whoa! - Ow! - Yeah, if it hurts, it's happening, right? - If it hurts, it's happening, right? - Yeah! The only logical answer is she's just really flexible. - Hey, it's this guy again. - Wait a minute. - (gasps) Smoke tornado. Oh, whoa, wait. That's not the card. This guy is so cool. - Where did that smoke come from? - Hey, yo! He got the Bluetooth torch. (laughs) - Wireless - [Chris] Wireless Yeah. He got the Bluetooth torch, bro. How? What do you mean, "how?" Walter, how did he do that? (indistinct) - Oh my, god! Now, this is what I want to see. And it's on fire. Cause, why not? - I know, it's not really necessary. - Who is this? - What are we watching? Why? (indistinct) - Five seconds until what? (shouts) - Oh! - Oh! (couldn't understand) clamped him? You think they would actually let it clamp him? I feel like they were willing. They lit it on fire, bro. Oh, I love this clip. Have you ever seen this one before? This one freaked me out as a kid. - Oh, my god! - Oh, my god! - Just trust me. Just trust me on that. - He's touching all over her mouth. (blows air) He pulled her teeth out and then put them back. Put it in his mouth, spit it into her mouth. I'm going to call him. I need to know how he did that. - It's always the videos with the lowest quality that are always the best. - Yeah, he's about to do some crazy stuff. Oh, okay! Or not! - The little kid closed the door on him. I bet he was about to do something crazy. Oh, this is where David Blaine caught a bullet in his mouth. That's so risky. - Yeah. It's crazy. - I just would be so terrified. Like, look how close it gets to hitting his tooth. David also buried himself alive. When I decided I was going to spend 24 hours buried alive, I called him up and I told him, "Hey, you got any advice for me? I'm gonna spend 24 hours buried alive". And he said, "Why so little time?" I was like, oh, all right, I'm going to spend 50 hours, buried alive. It's a bullet straight out of his mouth. - What in his mouth, is that, like, powder? - You think I've caught a bullet with my mouth? - Maybe. - I haven't. David Blaine, teach me. - Uh-oh, there's only one left. How's he going to get it? Oh, he stole that donut. Okay, really. I don't understand that one. - Okay, let's play it back in slow-mo. Slower. - I still don't get it. - Yeah, I don't understand either. - Unless he was in it with the employee. I don't get- I dunno. Maybe- - Walter - Give us answers, Walter! (intense music) It's in his, oh, - What? Wait, where did he- I love how he kept his hand like that so it looked like he was in there and then like, it was like, - He wasn't wearing sleeves. - He wasn't wearing sleeves. Yeah! - Yo, he dancing with a bat. - That has to be edited. - Nah, it's gotta be a string, right? Wearing just a string Yeah, that's like crack at magic. Street performers are so cool. Like even if it is a string, the skill evolved in that, still insane. Just cars driving by. - Wait, it's that quiet guy that hangs out with that other guy. - Oh, wait. - That's really cool. (audience clapping) - That's amazing. - I like that. That's a cool trick. - This is mesmerizing. (bass music) Oh, I want to dance. Also, definitely didn't want to do that because my back hurt and I'm not getting old. - Only a little old. - I have a child. - You need to pay very close attention because your eyes are gonna be trying to play tricks on your mind. And if you do focus well, you actually might be able to pick up on some of these illusions before I reveal them to you. - Oh! - Oh! This is furniture illusions. Oh, wait! Is he going to blend in with the background? The wind, it's like, no bro, let me make this harder on you. - No! - That's so cool. - No! - That's so good. I love that. Yo, honestly, whoever you are, shout out to you, - You did good. Orbeez. That's literally just a giant orbeez. No, it's a, what are those things called? Something ball. It's like a Zen, it's a what? Fushigi ball. - Thank you, Wal. Fushigi these nuts. - Dang it. Bro, bro! He's coming. He's coming. - Oh, my Zach King's doing magic. What the Should we just title this video, the Zach King Video? Wait, what? Oh, he can't get his iPad. Yo, young David Blaine, I wonder how old is he here? This is when he was really, like, really good. I love young David Blaine. He's definitely really good still, but - Yo, he's ripped. - Yeah, he was also very attractive too. - What? - What? - So you turned it around, and they changed shapes? - Wait, those were circles. - I mean this one makes sense. I think it's just because this part, the inside part, it's just cut differently. I understand this one. - She made my brain hurt. - No, this one's makes sense. - I don't have as big a brain as you. So - Yeah, look just one sun shines. - I'll never understand how people have this much upper body strength. Yeah, obviously, he's just super strong, right? You think he has something up his sleeve? No, what could he have up his sleeve? Like a card or something? No, like if they ran like a metal pole and he was hooked up to a harness or something. This is the internet, you can't fake things on the internet. Okay, nevermind, I, What am I, why do I even talk to this guy? Who invited him? These were the last 10 people who subscribed to the channel and I'm going to give him Nintendo. Congratulations, you just won a thousand dollars, you guys watching, aren't already subscribed, hit it right now because you can win a thousand dollars doing nothing. Hey, it's free.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 10,617,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: 7I0Qo9qlVlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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