Massive Bee Hive Removed Alive!

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hey folks y'all doing today I'm in New Orleans and I'm removing a mammoth colony that is uh between uh it's gonna look like a window that looks like windows but it's a recess well it's not really a window technically it's uh a bit of some tightness flu is behind it but it's boarding up kind of looks like a window and go ahead and take the board off your move them we might have a little noise from the lawnmower but uh anyway hope you enjoy the video here we go [Music] [Applause] back all right that's what's on the ground and that's what's up top okay they got it going on Coke's I think a lot come out they've been busy they've been here probably several years my best guess I'd say several years okay time for him to go [Music] I removed about a third of it so far but most of what I removed is just some old honeycomb you know surplus honey that they've that they ain't probably this winter and you know up to this point but uh look at all those bees so let me show you what I removed so far though so this is a 42 gallon contractor bag and you can see a lot of this stuff is just old you know honeycomb see how large the cells are and some of it had a little bit of honey some of it still has a little bit and I did have a little audience earlier and over there they were hanging out and I was giving him some mieta and it's it's reasonably tasty but uh it's not a lot of whole lot of it see watch so I can pick that up and there was a lot of honey I couldn't pick that up with one hand like that anyway they'll be here long first run in the box yeah I don't see how cool this is there but all this my dad was he running Wow I am excited it looks like those louvers are rusted shut toh okay I'm really hoping that the beasts yeah me because I know yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've been really surprised at between is on that in the word but oh well everyone in the happy I'll let them March in and then well I'll let y'all enjoy that's a minute then I'm gonna take a quick break grab me a little water or something and we'll get up there in Atlanta we got everything off the board once I get all off the high bottom we'll put the board back up screw it in place I'm a mean that call concealed it was a kind of historical thing they mentioned so I don't know if I have Michigan I have permission to screw the screws back into the window frame but not the Cauca go figure anyway I may have permission I'm that's all it should talk it or they'd probably get visa in like maybe tomorrow because he is going wild right now folks how many big town we've gotten a bunch of calls in the last 24 hours alright enough of that take a break the most part looks like they're kind of staying down here and as I pull out comb that has bees on this kind of shaking them and I have plenty enough time left to do this removal without a be back but I'm about to get into some heavy numbers so I'm not sure if I'm gonna far up to be back or not I'm gonna proceed like I have been without to be that and without protection I've taken I think three stings they were accidental like grabbed comb sections and he was happy to be between my finger of the comb but for most part he's been pretty cool and so you know being this amount and being completely exposed I got to give them an A+ on attitude [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right folks well who we lost power at some point and it was hard I took a little break and stuff but um I'll be he's out and I'll show you out with the window on the recess whatever where the vent is looks like a second but uh I'm gonna go ahead and combine our B's I did frame up two frames of brood although they want a kind of dark side they were good size and they fit the the deep frames nicely and they always like a little brood of their own you know and the rest of the frames in there drawn comb we're gonna go ahead and pull the bottom and let our these join up at the brood and the bees that are in the bottom and the Queen okay so our queen is in the bottom no need for a queen excluded that's always good usually you can keep em raw a little bit what you are one damn fanny you're Fanning they're running down there happy alright let me go over here Shay out what the recess looks like okay oh all right I mean you got little bits and pieces but um I'll go ahead and I'll clean it up a little bit more go ahead and put the plywood back and I'm a coffin seal around the edges so that other bees can't get it all right oh all right folks I'm done with this job feet got everything out I've got a bunch of bees called our queen cleaned everything up with cloud wood back called conceal it and we're good to go hope you enjoyed this video that little from JP the bee man to the next one bye bye you all right this is the next day I went ahead there was just so many bees there was still some up in the patch box and ship them out I headed a deep love thee so watch what happened some of them I'm gonna try to go over to this this nuke right here most um she wound up where they belong anyway lot of these queens in the bottom let them settle in for a little bit and then gonna be moved in Dallas and another day - alrighty hope you enjoyed it [Music]
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Views: 1,755,467
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Keywords: honey bees, bee hive, Massive Bee Hive Removed Alive (Video), bee removal, bee keeping, bee hive removal, new orleans, louisiana, metairie, bee swarm, live bee removal, honey bee colony, jp the bee man, expert honey bee removal, save the bees, live honey bee removal, bee removal videos, jp the bee man 2018, jp the bee man youtube, how to, honey bee, bee (animal), bee colony, Huge Bee Hive, No Bee Suit, cut outs
Id: CVorLWWfsjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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