Some Times Things Don't Go According to Plan

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apparently we've got a big rock stuck between the duals on this rig [Music] I think I see it right there I brought a sledgehammer a big chain ratchet strap some big pry bars that's for the Digger I think we just moved here and pull okay I've done that a lot of times just not for a while we got the rock removal tool mounted up now because the sledgehammer did not work well that was easy if anyone's interested we have a prehistoric rock for sale but I don't want anything for it just don't talk to me come get it full but we got we got that's good know eventful is good for YouTube but it's not that great for Farmers so the reason we have the Deep Ripper hooked up right now is because we do have some washouts in two different fields down here which we hate and they actually weren't tilled last fall it was just we had so much snow and it melted so quickly that it washed out some of these spots and we have a field that's got really heavy manure on it not from us but from the landlord that's got cattle there and the Ripper is going to work the manure in a lot better and to make it easier to plant because it is thick manure he had the feeders set out there so that's the reason we're running the Ripper just a little bit today otherwise normally we do not run that thing in the spring we've got everything parked down here today we've got the rock picker the planter the field cultivators down over there a mile yes still got a little bit of mud on the windshield when it's go time I don't worry about the windows being dirty or actually ever for that matter because I hate cleaning windows and we got the roller down there so we have just about everything down here right now and we're down to our final 100 20 acres but it's just Dad night a day and with the other running around Rock picking rolling rocking and rolling spraying it's going to be a slow 120 final Acres all right let's go get this rock we just pulled out and then we've got a little 20 acre patch over here that is apparently full of rocks as well [Music] that one was about the size of two basketballs but it was actually quite a bit heavier there's a double thank you [Applause] I might have to move over nope got a few out of there not as many as I was thinking but it's only 20 acres I'm sure we'll we'll roll more out when we do the tillage on it here's the last hundred acres right here this is kind of the final field now but there's a lot of rocks and some fiak manure that we need to dig in there's two pieces to this Farm kind of a South and uh and a North piece which they are connected at one point and the majority of the manure is up on the northeast this is really nice ground on the Southeast the north beach is lighter soiled uh they run cattle on it good amount of manure in there as I have told you but it's kind of two squares side by side so not a bad field just takes a little bit of extra work to dig in the free fertilizer I see our Ripper it's not moving and I was supposed to bring a utility knife down here because there's so much of this plastic twine stuff that gets hung up in the tillage equipment but I forgot to grab a knife I got my Leatherman but that's not much sharper than that twine it's supposed to be cutting it's always a little bit of a mess you can see that plastic stuff just hanging on the shanks there well kind of I got my pocket knife gloves I got some of the brown ones in the in that tractor 61 yeah we're gonna have 100 pounds of this stuff per round I wonder if I'll go to the north side and see what I can do there okay do you think there's less out there yeah because I didn't have this until I did this here right by the Bales okay where you're talking to the twine yeah [Applause] this Field's always tough for that reason I don't know it's always a struggle cattle guys out there how do you deal with that twine for the guys that use that type of twine let's see if this works or if I just get that stuff wrapped up in the Rock picker that didn't go terrible but I'm gonna go finish it off by hand before I do have a mess wrapped up in there at least it's covered in manure so that's nice got a couple over here thank you look at the filth hanging off this thing as well ish there's a ratchet strap that one must have been a must have been a really loose Bailey's holding together there all right got a decent amount of it oil is not full but it's full Enough Five to four there is a utility knife in this 9570 uh it's not a brand new blade but it isn't bad either I I knew he asked me to bring one down I didn't remember what happened to it um I'm kind of thinking right now maybe you should you know you're always in this I hope he's here and then you can start planting all these in the South Side here yeah I could have thought that was probably the plan I've been kind of trying to decide here but I think if you do that and then maybe about 1 30 we can get a gym and we can roll behind you always and then maybe in front of you after that too or whatever this field was dug yesterday I'm just leveling some areas off where we had thicker manure and some rocks that I picked just perfecting everything really I seem to have a rolling basket on the back that's not turning and it's this one here and I'm suspecting that this large chunk of twink of twine twunk of China wound up in the bearings might be part of the issue luckily I have my real do have that utility and I put the toolbox that stuck it took some cutting but I got it I guess I don't need the hammer yet but I do have a sweep missing for whatever reason we've lost a few sweeps this year this one looks like the whole clip is damaged and everything I'm guessing hell yeah that's definitely a rock as it broke right there this has to be hammering stuff out and getting done here but been a lot of fiddle farting I guess be the way I put it oh oh boy [Music] I don't think I'm gonna be able to stop this one from spinning the nut and the bolt wore out here so the threads are gone and really I need a torch or at least a big impact maybe I don't think I'm gonna get this maybe if I can wedge it there ah nope try the same method again [Music] I'll try once more if it doesn't work I'm just gonna pull this whole shank off of here and go without it for the last hundred acres [Music] nope I fixed it by completely getting rid of this shank is it right no but it's what I'm gonna do all right before we got one whole shank off now because that one actually broke the casting and I couldn't get the bolts loose to get the casting off so I got enough here for now I'm gonna go get that 20 acres done so I can come back and grab the planter and get that moving but on my way I gotta stop and get lunch it's very important that I fuel up fuel up myself my body correctly I've I have to make sure I maintain myself so I don't get any brain fog well operating heavy machinery that's why I normally choose crappy gas station protein bars and Dr Pepper to fuel me correctly very well July Corinthian almost 30 cents uh civil Flats Friday since last Friday and we have to blame a lot of it on a pretty weak demand and especially uh Thursday's export sales report certainly didn't help matters five before I'm just pulling out of oldies I got that all Doug you want me just to head right for the planter or do you want me to bring the Digger down there first you might as well just take and go back to oldies if you want okay I'll park the Digger then on South County kind of foggy out today or it looks foggy it's actually smoke coming down from Canada with some of the wildfires I don't know exactly where they're at but kind of a bummer otherwise I think we'd have a sunny day but it could be a lot worse the area could be on fire so I hope everybody up north aboard air is doing all right another 20 down now we head to the final 100 acres for the year overall it's gone pretty quickly since we started but I I'm still ready to be done move on to spraying got a new spray trailer to go pick up next week New sprayer coming next week so let's get on to the next thing we need to do it seems like we've ended up with half the stuff or more that we own down here in one field right now final field of 23. I think it's just smoke coming and going all day long yeah I think it is too this field is much flatter and much darker soils and I'm pretty sure I see a rock not the country but the boulder it's a little Breezy out here so hopefully the microphone's all right so here's our really thick area of manure I've got the downforce turned up I got the roll closers cranked up I'm gonna check my depth here we did go ahead and actually roll this before I got here with the planter just to push some of the lumps down and make it as nice as possible so it looks really nice but I need to check and make sure that seed's going in okay because it's particularly challenging through these lumps where the cattle have been and the uh the manure see if I can find any in here there's a lot of moisture there though I don't think going a quarter inch deeper is going to make any difference it's closing the rows up I don't think moving it down a quarter to a half inch is going to matter so I think I'm all right there's plenty of moisture there snack time get yourself some of these dang good and raised right in South Dakota by good people it's a little celebration in honor of the final 30 Acres even though I ate them pretty much over all the other Acres well here it is ready set and done that was relatively anti-climatic as most last rounds are for the final time I will shut everything down oh boy that looks fun digging plastic twine out of the back of the Digger I should maybe go back for an hour and pretend that I'm not finished yet well I made it on seed I never did climb up and look and see what was left in there but I made it you look so you got it tonight kind of well yeah I got two of them either one's real sharp and I can't can't get your hands in there is a problem yeah we'll get the rest of it for now where we got we gotta make two trips down here down here we got five things in this field and two more in the field two miles from here so I suppose all three of us will run home come back yeah we'll make three trips here go get the rest of our stuff yeah yeah I guess it's a little cold out there though I need a sweatshirt I'm gonna run over here to the new shed first the electricians were out here most of the day working on some stuff they got some stuff from here they got some wires Run for the lights they got a whole bunch of outlets at least the box is mounted in I've got the lighting guys Drew and Derek from Northwest lighting are going to be out in just a few days we're going to mount a whole bunch of high Bay lights in here and actually some lights to the back of this door that'll shine either below the door or you know to the side when you're in here so that's going to be nice we're back grab a couple more pieces here here one more trip [Applause] it's a Machinery home Jim's gonna go dad's gonna go you should go too I got pizza waiting at home for me thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 732,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2grnM32orP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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