20 BEST DOLLAR TREE FOODS (that are shockingly good!)

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hey everyone it's sarah jane with cheek on the cheap welcome to my channel so today i am so excited because we are talking about some of the best food that you can get at the dollar tree yes but before we do begin i did want to mention a few things starting with the fact that i am not a nutritionist i am just a girl with a youtube channel so take that for what it is i do realize that a majority of the food in this video is not going to be that healthy for you and then two i try to judge all of this food based off of taste and just know i'm not a very picky eater i rarely come across any food that i don't like and then three i really tried to focus on true dollar tree food products these are items that you can find in dollar trees across the country so less name brand items but more off-brand dollar tree food products i hope that makes sense and now that i've said all of that let's go ahead and get started all right so i thought it would start with food from the dollar trees frozen food or refrigerated section and just know that not every dollar tree has this section but it's really easy to find out which ones do all you have to do is go to the dollar tree's website and then go to the store locator section type in your zip code and then make sure you click the frozen foods icon and then all of the dollar trees that are close to you that have a frozen food section will show up so that's just a really helpful hint if you want to find out which dollar tree is close to you have a frozen food section but that brings us to the first thing that i want to talk about in this best dollar tree foods list and that's the dollar trees frozen vegetables and also their frozen fruit and you guys this is just as good of quality as what you would get at your local grocery store and i really like to pick up the different bags of frozen fruit and make really tasty really refreshing smoothies so that is definitely a way to go if you are looking for more of a healthy option when it comes to food at the dollar tree next on the list is the dollar trees garlic bread or texas toast this is so good you guys you get six pieces in a box and you just put it in the oven for just a couple of minutes uh just until it's brown and crispy or however you like your garlic bread i kind of like it with a little bit of brown around the edges and i'll typically pick this up in the normal garlic flavor or sometimes you can find different varieties like parmesan cheese and coming in at number three is something that i could eat every single day i'm not even kidding you and it's the dollar trees state fair corn dogs these are so good and if you grew up going to a state fair like i did we went every single year it was just part of my childhood and even as an adult i still like to go back to the state fair and get a corn dog and these truly do taste like corn dogs at the state fair they're so flavorful so tasty and i do have to recommend these and coming in at number four is something that i would consider to be the perfect tailgate food especially if you like jalapeno poppers and it's these cream cheese pepper bites by snaps now snaps just carry a lot of different appetizer or tailgate-ish foods at the dollar tree i picked up the pepper bites because they're made with real cream cheese and real jalapenos and you guys they're so good but you don't get very many per box so depending on the size of your gathering i would consider getting several boxes of these but they're definitely going to be a party pleaser number five is for anyone who loves soft pretzels the dollar tree does carry these soft pretzel bites and they are really good they do come with a pack of salt on the inside so you can prepare them like that however i like to add a little bit of salt to these and a lot of cinnamon and sugar and a little melted butter and oh so good just such a nice treat especially if you like these cinnamon sugar pretzels that you can get at the mall these aren't quite as good as that i'll be honest but they do kind of give you your fix if you are craving one of those pretzels and just so delicious you can get the cinnamon sugar at the dollar tree as well and the butter uh you get all ingredients from the dollar tree to make yourself a really nice dessert and speaking of dessert this next item i feel like will shock quite a few people but the dollar tree's ice cream is good now yes i promise you in the past they carried something that was called a frozen dairy dessert it was not real ice cream it did not taste very good but now they've revamped their line of ice cream and you will notice on the label it will say real ice cream and it is the texture is really nice the flavor is really good so i would recommend trying out some of the dollar tree's new ice cream i tried out these three flavors my favorite was the chocolate fudge swirl but i really like the cookies and cream too because it did have real chunks of like cookie in it so it was very much like something you would get at your local grocery store but for only a dollar and if you like to have a sugar cone with your ice cream i do have to recommend these george and tom's sugar cones you get 12 per box and they do have a nice crunch to them and a good flavor they're also a nice size and they pair really well with the dollar tree's new ice cream so i just had to share that all right so have you guys tried out the new iced coffee at the dollar tree i picked up these three flavors and as i'm recording this video all three flavors are back ordered on the dollar tree's website so people really seem to like these i gave them a taste test and i will say that they didn't taste a lot like coffee to me they tasted a lot more like a chocolate milk especially the mocha it tasted a lot like the yuhu my favorite was the vanilla it tasted the most like coffee to me but if you guys have tried these out let me know what you think about them down in the comment section below and if they can replace your more expensive iced coffee drink it can save you a lot of money if you like these so i feel like for only a dollar these would be worth a try all right so let's talk dollar tree energy drinks they usually always have the brand ribbit it's very popular it's very highly rated and reviewed on the dollar tree's website people love this energy drink and it does taste really really good my only problem with it is how much sugar is in each can you guys almost over 50 grams of sugar in each flavor of these rip it energy drinks and what sugar is going to do is make you spike and crash so you're not going to get a prolonged amount of energy you're going to get a spike of energy and then you're probably going to want to take a nap but i'm not here to lecture you on sugar i'm here to talk about flavor and taste and when it comes to flavor and taste all of these were very very good if you like grape soda this g-force flavor is definitely for you it was so good um but my preference i would say if i had to choose one in the future is the citrus because it is sugar-free and i just don't like to have a lot of sugar in my energy drinks and the next best dollar tree beverage on this list is their shelf stable milk and both the two percent and the whole people love this stuff so much it's very highly rated on the dollar tree's website and for good reason it does taste really good i typically like to keep this in my refrigerator before i use it but you don't have to do that all you have to do is refrigerate it after you open it but it does have a long shelf life you can keep this in your pantry you can take it on vacations you can keep it for emergencies as well but it tastes really good and it definitely is one of the dollar tree's best food products alright so coming in at number 11 is one of my personal favorite dollar tree foods and it's their honey buns by delicious deals and these are so good especially if you pop them into the microwave for five to ten seconds it just makes them warm and soft and just so so good and i love the fact that they come in small sizes so you're not eating like this huge honey bun you're eating a small one it's 180 calories per each honey bun which i think is really good but i try not to have them at my house because they are that good and i just cannot resist them all right so number 12 is another one of my personal favorite food items at the dollar tree and it's their toast em pop-ups and these are just as good if not better than pop tarts yes and that comes from someone who really loves pop-tarts so these could save you a lot of money if you typically buy pop-tarts on a weekly basis buy these instead for a dollar they're just as good if not better and i like the frosted strawberry the most they also have a brown sugar and frosted blueberry and just stick them in your toaster serve them nice and warm they're delicious all right you guys so we've reached number 13 which is my personal all-time favorite food item at the dollar tree i've talked about these so much here on my channel but they are the oven baked fudge mint cookies and you guys these are a complete dupe for the thin mint girl scout cookies they're so good and one of my subscribers told me that they're actually made in the same factory where the girl scout cookies are made so that would make a lot of sense to me because they taste identical they look identical i don't even know if i could like tell the difference between the two and uh it's just such a great find at the dollar tree these are delicious i can't really have them in my house because i tend to eat a whole box in one sitting so they're very hard for me to resist so buy them at your own risk because they are so good but i did have to include them in this list because they are just such a great food item at the dollar tree and another really popular cookie at the dollar tree are these oven baked fudge striped shortbread cookies these have so many five star ratings on the dollar tree's website so yes people love these not only are they delicious they also make for a nice presentation because the cookie is so pretty so if you have a guest coming over or if you have a party or if you just want a nice cookie to eat yourself um you should definitely pick up some of these cookies they're so so pretty but they're also really good too now these puffy crisp cookies say that five times fast are also five star rated on the dollar tree's website so people love these as well and i will say that these are a very high-end looking cookie that most people will probably assume that you got from a bakery but nope you got them from the dollar tree for only a dollar but they do taste really good they look really beautiful as well so they're going to again just like the fudge stripe cookies are going to be great for a party a get-together or just for something to have to enjoy yourself because there's no harm in that and number 16 is another food product that i've talked about a lot here on my channel and it's the monet entertainment crackers they come in both the original and vegetable flavors i do believe there's a wheat flavor as well however i have not seen it or maybe i just haven't looked for it correctly but these are the two flavors that i typically get i really like the vegetable one that's my favorite but these are great for dips they're also really great for charcuterie boards and they are just a fantastic cracker for only a dollar in number 17 are these kettle chips by homestyle select specifically the barbecue flavor because those are five star rated on the dollar tree's website but i liked both of these i found that they had a really nice crunch to them a really nice flavor they tasted like higher end kettle chips that would cost like three to four dollars a bag at the grocery store but these are a really good option if you like kettle chips and only want to spend a dollar per bag but i was just really impressed with these and i can see why people like you so much alright so 18 is another one of my personal favorite food items at the dollar tree and it's these tortilla strips these are great for chili for soup to dress up a salad whatever you would like to do with these but they are so pretty so bold the colors are just really nice and they also taste really great as well so if you are fixing dinner for someone if you have a group gathering where you are serving soup or chili or a salad add these and you're really going to impress your guests and again they do taste really good as well all right you guys so i'm going to be real with you and tell you that number 19 needs a little asterisk next to it because i was not a fan of any of these dips but a lot of people really love them so that's why i decided to include them in my top 20 best dollar tree foods list because taste is subjective and just because i didn't like them doesn't mean they're not good so i thought the best way to review these because i wasn't a fan would be to read the reviews on the dollar tree's website so i'm gonna bring my laptop over and let's read some reviews alright so let's start with the french onion dip it has 10 5 star reviews oh my gosh so it kind of has me feeling like maybe i misjudged this um but i will say my tip was not very good i kind of had like a after taste to it and maybe you know i had a bad batch that can happen uh but this person says it's so addicting another person says delicious this person says yummy i got my whole family hooked on it this person says it's the best french onion dip ever another person says it's a chip's best friend so yeah maybe this is worth a try but let's go to the next dip moving on now to the guacamole style dip and people seem to really like this one as well this person says i ate the whole can at one sitting this person says best ever another person says they need to restock this they keep waiting for the product it's amazing and another person gave it four stars and says pretty tasty but the other ones were all five star reviews so again people really are liking this guacamole style dip and i will say out of all of them that one was my favorite but i still would never want to get it again okay so moving on now to the nacho cheese dip and this is where people can't really seem to make up their mind on how they feel about it there's some three star reviews there's a couple of five star reviews and a one star the one star says it tastes like feet smell tastes like it tastes like feet and the jalapeno cheddar dip has the worst reviews out of all the dips one person gave it one star and said killing me i bought this two days ago and now i'm sick and i can't eat and another person says never buying again then we've got a couple of five star reviews love it great dip the best dip you can get for the price another person with another one star review went straight into the trash so i don't know these dips are so confusing i know i did not like any of them but for only a dollar if you are a dip enthusiast maybe you would like to try some of these out and finally number 20 on this list is actually two different products but they're both crust related so i thought i would just put them together starting with this ultra thin pizza crust this is very highly rated on the dollar tree's website it's basically just a thin pizza crust you can make your own pizza using this and they even have like the small versions as well at the dollar tree if you want to do more personal size pizza or maybe that ultra thin pizza crust is your size a personal pan because it would be for me because i probably eat the whole thing and then the second item that i wanted to talk about is the bama graham cracker pie crust now i've used these so many times to make different desserts i really like making an apple pie with this and you're not going to find a better deal on a graham cracker crust than at the dollar tree for only a dollar so this is definitely a really good deal and something that i would recommend picking up if you want to make a quick cheesecake or pie they have everything you need at the dollar tree to do that they even have like cheesecake mixes that are pretty good and i've seen a lot of different tutorials using this crust on youtube so if you just want to do a quick search and see what kind of desserts people have made with this i just have to recommend this graham cracker crust it's just a really good value at the dollar tree all right guys well that's it those are 20 of the best food items that you can get at the dollar tree i hope you all enjoyed this video let me know if you agreed or disagreed with any of my picks and also let me know what your favorite food item is from the dollar tree down in the comment section below i always love hearing from you and as always thank you so much for watching and until my next video i'll see you then
Channel: ChicOnTheCheap
Views: 115,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8rquKY6i1eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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