Extreme BBQ in Hong Kong!! Juiciest Char Siu + Michelin Star ⭐️ Roast Goose!

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today we're eating some of the best roast goose in Hong [Music] Kong as soon as you arrive in Hong Kong and walk down the streets you'll immediately be greeted by barbecue meat shops stacked with a tempting assortment of protein hanging and glistening and calling your name to be eaten Hong Kong is a Canon barbecue meat Paradise oh that's pretty heavy let's see if I have what it takes if you love to eat meat you're going to love Hong Kong's unbelievable roasted meat [Music] culture but with hundreds of shops offering a similar selection where should you go to eat barbecue meat in Hong Kong from fire roasted crispy pork to Goose that's so Juicy you'll have a waterfall in your mouth so juicy we're here in the middle of the afternoon and they've already sold 100 geese but first we're starting with one of the most popular types of barbecue meat let's find out if it's as good as everyone says it is good morning this is going to be my favorite day yes we are in Taiwan at a place called s gu and it is considered honestly the best tasso in Hong Kong and it just came out of the oven awesome it's juicy it's dripping it's look at that glaze you can tell that they specialize in chasu and that's one of the favorite things that people come here to eat it's like a cave the stalagmites and stalagtites and they just ooze and drip with that sauce and you can see the fattiness and the Char it's really a beautiful thing but then they also have roast pork they have chicken they have Ducks going welcome to the roasting room where they're preparing all of barbecue Meats back here they're prepping the meats they have The Roaster the big roaster back there and you can see meat hanging around but they do amazingly they do everything in this tiny little kitchen in the back so we're going to see the process especially of the chasu he's like on rapid fire once he slices up the pork then you go into the marinating process and he puts all that pork into some giant bathtub sized buckets with the signature marinade which we'll never know all the ingredients in there but definitely a lot of salt a lot of sugar there's probably some fermented bean paste there's some maybe some red wine there's some spices maybe Chinese five spice or Star Anis and all that gets a a dry rub coating and what's interesting to me is that it's a dry rub coating on the pork it's not a liquid sauce but as the pork starts to react with that salt and that Sugar that's when the sauce starts to form and so that marinates actually for an hour or longer um uh to be able to coat that pork then they'll they'll strand it all up and they already happen to have uh some strands some skewers ready to go in the oven that was our first glimpse into the oven it literally looks like a spaceship the oven uh but they have the fire at the bottom and it's this cylindrical shape so all that heat rises to the top and yeah it has this rack this rotating rack so he just monitors it through that window little little window here it's such a cool oven and art of roasting Cantonese meat this way is such a skill such an art so it's it's actually I mean this is an unbelievable experience to see behind the scenes of how it's cooked and what goes on the process because typically I would just go to a roast meat shop and I just you know everything is ready and you just order whatever you want they chop it up for you and you enjoy it but to see the cooking to see the the process of what goes into it it just makes it so much more special and so he really takes his time to arrange the racks of chasu range from the thinner pieces to the fattier pieces and how it's going to roast in the oven because he knows the heat levels so well and so I think we're all we're all uh arranged and ready to go he's about to put them into the [Music] oven the space shuttle oven is just fully loaded with chatu in about 30 minutes then they'll dunk it into this sugary syrup mixture which is called the malos uh and that's what we'll see next once he pulls out all the chassio from the oven then he has to clip away some of the burnt edges because of that fat because of that Sugar it kind of burns on the edges so he Clips some of those away and then it gets a dunk into that sugar syrup the malose wow that's the final step then it will just ooze and just start start to just kind of like Cascade down the pieces of pork down the chassio but wow that will make your mouth water it's time to [Music] eat so what did we get Virginia right so we're going to do taso but two ways so we got the local favorite which is the half fatty half lean they call it the the first cut so the first cut into that piece of meat they say that this is the best and then we've got the fatty t right here and that's extra fatty like almost pure fat with a bit of char and then we've got the spare ribs that we saw them like break into and then we've got the chicken they recommended the chicken I love oh thank you oh thank you thank you we got some other oh that's some other staff meal the owner is so friendly oh oh we have some vegetables on the table it's not pure protein but yeah one of the things I love about the chicken is not the chicken itself but but I love the scallion Ginger sauce oh I could eat it all day long but definitely what do you think should we start with the extra fatty chass you or the the medium favorite ooh do you like to save the best for last okay let's do fatty first in okay do the n cuz I love burnt fits oh man and that glaz oh you can already feel it almost sticking to the plate it's so it's so fatty oh it's like goozy Oozy look at that wobble oh man yes that is just pure fat but the flavor that comes out of it but also like the fat it's not wobbly it's got a little bit of a texture like it Springs it does oh yeah you're right what were you telling me about the shasu here oh so they have different words for it this is called yapin it just means it's just they're going to melt into integrate in your mouth but you were also telling me that this is lifechanging CH oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this was lifechanging when I ate tazy here I'm like oh my God I didn't know it could be like this awesome so next up we're going to try the most popular version it's uh the medium fatty there's some meat on there but definitely there's it's definitely not lean though there's definitely big chunks of fat okay mhm that's the one for me yeah because the the fatty one is a bit heavy a bit chunky fatty this one you've got that texture of the meat plus the flavor of the fat that Char that the fat brings to it also this is a considered a more traditional taste to it so it's not too sweet not too Savory just more traditional so Virginia in the realm of roasted Cantonese barbecue where does you stand I think it's like one of the most popular Meats also cuz it's boneless so it's probably the easiest to eat also at night we do family style so if you're bringing friends home and we need an extra dish people will probably do a z which means just to come here and get a protein usually tasu as an extra dish so would you say that tasu is one of the most popular kind of daily roast Meats I think so in this place you know how many like kilos that they roast 120 kilos 120 kilos yeah of casu per day yeah okay that's just a testament of how popular there how well they do it all right so next up for the ribs next up for the ribs these are cooked in the same marinade same sauce as the chasu but then the rib rib meat and so yeah it's a different cut it's a different different meat and you can see look at the I mean their knife skills are unbelievable the way they prepare it cut it into bze pieces they slice right through the bone with that that Chinese Cleaver I mean we all know the the texture the flavor of ribs I think we like ribs because we like to have meat on the bone and we like to GW it's just a personal preference I think around the world they like ribs for that reason yeah and also because the bone provides flavor um that's why ribs are just so tasty and this place has like the most amount of char right as you mentioned Char on that note I wanted to show you guys something and also Virginia maybe you've already seen this before but I was browsing through the the South China Morning Post about chasu and they came up with this Chu radar a radar chart which almost looks like a spiderweb with judging the five different key attributes of chasu so take a look at this chart it there's Char based fat meat and marinade and so you can have kind of this spiderweb formation judging the chu and one of the great things about chasu is that there's no there's no right or wrong answer some people like more fatty some people like it more lean some people like it sweeter more Char more marinade more Bas but that just kind of gives you like the the radar of things that you're paying attention to I think it looks pretty cool people are super serious about food in Hong Kong it's evident in here oh yeah so all right next up we're going to do the the cheeks yeah oh man oh yeah that looks fatty and juicy and crispy all at the same time oh look at that look at that cross-section those layers oh wow oh that is insane it's so tender that melts in your mouth with the crispiness of the skin and it really is Smoky too there's meat a little bit of fat and then crispy chin that's actually not as fatty as I was expecting it's more meaty than fatty actually the texture is insane and I always love the the poach chicken especially for that sauce again they're expert knife chopping skills just perfectly that you can see that that cross-section and I'm going to load it up with that scallion oil Ginger that's just a vessel for your scall exactly delicious really firm you can actually feel that jelly the chicken jelly underneath the Skin Within the meat I don't usually eat chicken skin and that chicken skin is so like bouncy yeah definitely got a nice texture I love scall and ginger sauce and we also got you with some of the yeah some of the homemade crew meal really good cabbage with some shrimp to make it extra flavorful almost like dry shrimp oh yeah it's dry shrimp yeah quite sweet everything is outstanding but for sure the Highlight here is the chassio and that Medium mix of fatty to meat is the Highlight that is just superb okay thank you thank you very much thank you very much byebye byee byee that was amazing truly some of the best barbecue chasu that you will find in Hong [Music] Kong we jumped in a taxi we're on our way to the next place we still have a a lot of meat to eat Virginia where are we going next it's a rare place that still barbecues with charcoal [Music] nice we made it that was kind of a trek across town uh we're now in Kon at Prince Edward and this is the spot Virginia where are we at next we're at Wing H blong and we're here to try roasted meats and the suckling pig and what were you saying about this place that's special oh yes they're grandfathered as one of the few remaining places to be able to use charcoal okay so that's something that's rare in Hong Kong now yeah like I think there's rules and regulations yes less than five people that have the license it's Grand falder and once they renovate they lose the license we're in the roasting room here and they have kind of this huge metal because we're indoors actually they have this huge the the entire Grill is kind of like a chimney and they're just lighting up the charcoal here again as Virginia mentioned they're one of the few roast meat restaurants in Hong Kong remaining that can still use charcoal that has a license to use charcoal so I mean that adds another dimension that's going to add another flavor Dimension to the meat the quality especially of the roast Pig uh they have some whole pigs over on here which are kind of drying out from the Heat and then these are the suckling pigs which they're about to roast run right now so now they're just lighting up that charcoal okay it's going on oh it gets a rub how long will that take to roast about 10 minutes okay okay just spins it until that skin is just you can hear a crackle the crispiness the oily juices coming out but that takes a lot of skill he needs to know how to cook it evenly how to distribute that heat so that no part Burns uh but that it just remains like yeah the entire thing evenly juicy coated crispy so there it is at the end of that prong that's the roast suckling pig the suckling pig is ready now it's time for the big one hold here hold here wait okay wait let's see if I have what it takes oh that's pretty heavy oh that's a workout we're getting ready it's going on oh yeah he's adding some leverage adding some leverage making the stick longer you need more more leverage on that for the bigger Siz Pig they got to increase the charcoal as well make the fire bigger W he's able to flip and rotate that even with that amount of weight oh I try wow I could feel my the muscles in my rib cage flexing oh okay cool who who that takes a lot of ABS you can sit down if you like the chair's right underneath oh okay if you have enough leverage oh oh yeah okay yeah wow you got to be that's a workout oh man so so for the Big Pig he has to do that for 45 minutes to an hour and just keep keep holding it man after 30 seconds I can already feel that in my my rib cage but just you got to be patient you got to also be spring into action he has to keep monitoring it like pay close attention so that fire doesn't burn it I really again as with every other barbecue meat it's an art it's a skill [Music] [Music] oh slices like butter oh there it is okay this place like many of the roast meat places they have a lot of different selection but what people really come here for is the roast pork whether that be suckling pig or the full Pig and that's what we came here to [Music] eat okay so there's the suckling pig he's getting ready to carve it oh man that knife just slies through like butter oh wow we are sitting down after we roast we roasted the entire Pig no we just roasted it for like 30 seconds but the Masters back there man they're so good Virginia show us how show us how it's done everything has a sauce so with a suckling pig you mostly eat it for the crispy skin and so we'll eat it with kind of like a sweet poison sweet sauce okay and then with the roasted meats you use mustard ah so that is a oh that's this Hoon that's what you said okay that's a hoiston but it's more runny okay o the mustard I love cantones mustard usually with the soup they'll use back the bones and suckling pig yeah look at how look at look at that cross-section first of all okay you've got the bubbly crispy skin you've got the layer of fat you've got the meat that CR right it the fatty juiciness it's so fatty yeah it's so rich but it's also creamy and when you bite down just kind of like the oils just kind of squeeze out like this creaminess oh man but then through that layer there's that crunchy bit that is really nice try another piece and dip it do the hoiston sauce so hoiston sauce would be the common sauce to dip in yeah I think it's all about that skin for me when it comes to the St pig look and the meat underneath it's not like melting your mouth tender but it has this tender oozin to it I think the texture yeah and for me I can't explain it but I feel like this makes it less oily it just makes it I prefer it with the sauce yeah gives it like a little a little glaze of sweet saltiness a little sweetness I think to contrast the saltiness of the the pig as well I also like to eat it with rice so oh yeah one thing is you could order it just as a plain meat with it but a lot of people would order it come in here they they give you a plate of rice you get your selection of meat directly on top of that plate of rice then you have a full meal so I I think if you were one person you can get it with rice but if you had two people maybe get the just the protein and then order your carbs on the side because the meat will be whole so you can try all the different like the white the dark you can get a better selection yeah exactly but you got to be eating it with rice cuz that kind of contrasts the richness the saltin of the pig and additionally they have a pig bone soup here too oh that's nice oh yeah I think you taste some of the organs in there as well some like mustard greens or greens in here as well they use back the pork bones don't waste anything oh moving on we're going to try the the Big Pig now again this one is kind of roasted this one's kind they kind of roast the skin a little bit longer probably you can see it's a little more charred uh and again you see that the the meat is just more developed oh that is I think it's SM iier um I think it's meater and less fatty actually than the the Su pin you can definitely taste the charcoal too coming through it's really nice that Smoky flavor mhm both of them are I mean similar but actually totally different in texture in taste yeah they're very different actually okay for this one we'll go dip into the the mustard [Music] okay that's the combination for me right there m that mustard has a little bit of a bite to it so it kind of doesn't fully go up your nose like Wasabi it's not as strong as Wasabi but it has that kind of that Wasabi is effect but that adds a nice Dimension to the pork they also wanted us to try that chasu so let's try the try the chasu M kind of has a a crispness to it almost good again Smoky has a much smokier flavor yeah sweeter also and always remember to balance with some [Music] vegetables next up on this C barbecue Tour on Hong Kong we're at Central and we are going to a legendary place it's always busy so much action going [Music] on so yat loock famous for their roast Goose which is something that you absolutely have to eat when you come to Hong Kong this place they have one Mitchell and star and actually I had come here I think it's been seven or eight years ago maybe even longer ago uh and tried the roast Goose here and so I'm very excited to be back hello hello hello yes oh the aroma of the goose oh it smells so good hello we're going straight into the kitchen oh hello hey how are you man you good we're here in the middle of the afternoon they've already roasted 100 geese for the day and sold out of them okay so this whole batch is ready how long do they roast for 1 hours and 15 minutes 1 hour and 15 minutes okay okay this depends on the weather sometimes of the goose okay and the size yeah okay they're ready to start roasting but you can already see there's been a lot of uh preparation that's been done you can see that the skin is already kind of tightened uh maybe some of the marinade has already gone into it but it's a really complex recipe and I was reading that there's over 20 steps for the preparation what uh like what are some of the main steps of how it's how it's prepared is every step is very important okay oven is lit close this it's like a space shuttle ready for launching yes well they are very oh yeah oh yeah steam oh it's like a waterfall it's like a waterfall of of juices coming out wow oh so they purposely have it where it's like head down because then the juices can go back into the breast oh there's more fat at the bottom yeah yeah and then that drips down into the body yes that makes sense that's a fresh batch of roast geese and here now they they have a more of a central kitchen where they handle some of the where they they do a lot of the preparation of the goose of the geese where they prepare the skin the marinade where they dunk it where they boil it into or poach it in hot water to get that skin tight uh so that's all done at this Central Kitchen and then this at the restaurant kitchen is where they just this is the roasting room where they just have two Mega ovens again like uh space shuttle sized ovens where they roast the the goose oh man the aroma's coming out of here the spices and seasonings that skin it's so crispy it's so juicy and oily oh oh they squeeze out the juice the oils the goose right out of the oven comes to the rack to be chopped up and his chopping skills Goose chopping skills are unbelievable slices it in half and oh one of the amazing moves is you can see he makes a little slit and he actually drains the juice there's so much fat there's so much oil it's almost like a soup a natural soup within that goose because as it roast it just releases renders out that fat uh and one of the things I was actually reading about their recipe is that they tend to roast their goose longer than most other places that serve goose and that renders out more of the fat and also ensures that the skin is crispier but to chop up that goose he slices it in half uh then he divies it out according to what you ordered you can order it by the half plate you can order it by the quarter plate you can order it on top of noodles or on top of rice it's your choice he just expertly chops that up removes some of the excess fat uh ensuring that you get a clean bone cut portion of skin with whatever you order The Chopping of a goose might be one of the most mouthwatering things you can ever see they have the back cutting kitchen where they slice up the goose especially for dine in but here at the front they also have another kitchen where they boil actually the goose necks and the goose heads for a broth this is where they do the takeaway orders but then they also do noodles which are also something you have to order here and for the noodle broth they have the necks and the head simmering away with spices boiling away for that broth yes yes and she is the in charge of the noodles here so yeah so that broth goes into the noodles that's why you have to order the noodles oh man that smells so good now that's the definition of head broth yes here it is we've made it this is the Pinnacle of all barbecue in Hong Kong you really cannot come to Hong Kong without eating roast Goose we here love dark meat yes are you ready for that reveal of the cross-section oh with the crispy skin separating from the meat the juices are pouring out oh wow all the juicy fish it's like popping it dances on your tongue the skin is like paper thin as well you taste all of that seasoning the star Anish that's juicy heaven in your mouth oh man and then the actual meat is so succulent and Rich yeah it's really tender oh that's so much flavor in a bird let's chase that bite with some of that that broth oh that's really wow again they give a total new meaning to head broth that's just like it's like a hundred actually probably all the goose heads from the entire day so we're at 100 heads all of them are swimming around in that broth just infusing into that broth you see the oily juices coming out of it that broth is so good I think like they say the peak is bitter so they only use like the neck of it yeah maybe theck floating around the neck floating around okay so it might not actually be head broth it's they've given a new meaning to neck broth oh man necks just provide so much flavor and that's and actually you know the necks have a lot of skin as well they're extra fatty than necks uh so I think a lot of that fattiness and that oil has accumulated in the ne and then when they they boil it in the soup that's just released into the broth that broth is incredible actually all the little bits and Bobs they actually have a bag of it so they also throw the bits and Bobs into the soup as well that's why it's so little blobs that they yeah yeah oh man so that's like oh that's why immediately you can start to feel the fattiness on your lips when you drink that soup oh you know it's just condensed Goose flavor tell me about these noodles Virginia they're called Li fun it's kind of like the everything has a pairing and then Goose just has a pairing with these live fun ah okay so it's common to eat together mhm okay they're really slippery too very slippery and actually even though they've been shoting in the broth for last they remain they don't get shogy at all that br broth infuses into the noodles yeah it's really all about the broth the the noodles themselves are very very neutral tasting I think no some people would order the noodles with a goose drumstick directly on top but I think it's better to order it on the side so that the goose doesn't get soggy right you don't ruin the crispiness of that goose back for the goose this time for a different piece I'll go for this oh this is kind of like the part of the rib getting into part of the rib cage I think let's dip it into what is the sauce uh sweet plum sauce okay so it's a little bit more tart and then if it's too oily this will bring it a little bit more acid okay mhm oh that was a fatty fatty bite oh man the juices just squeeze out between your teeth and then that is that sauce is kind of fruity yeah from the plum really a little bit sweet and fruity and it is it's complimenting really well because of a kind of like that when you have a sweet sauce together with a salty meat that kind of a pairing works very well I came to yach loock my first time in 2014 I remember I still vividly remember my first bite just taking that drumstick biting into it and it was just like a a life-changing moment for me when that waterfall of goose juice just erupted in my mouth my first Taste of roast Goose at this famous [Music] restaurant wow that is ridiculous that meat is so juicy and then that skin is crispy but just just absolutely packed with flavor as [Music] well you should do a 10 year anniversary and reenact it it's time look at that let's just take a moment of silence to admire it and appreciate it the juicy insides the [Music] [Music] bone oh wow the goose drumstick it's one of the great bites in Hong Kong right there oh man the texture the skin the flavor the Smokey Char that that's incredible let's go in the the plum sauce wow that's a lot of fat oh man there's a waterfall of goose juice in my mouth okay I'm going to go in for another another topping this time oh the chili o you can see that's also infused with staris um we'll get some of the the chunky the chunky chili oil for the next bite and we'll let the dribble the dribble of it go down into the noodles m m oh the chili oil Oh that's oh that's good oh that's incredible and I'll add a little bit more of this chili oil to the noodles if I'm not mistaken the last time it was 10 years ago when I came here and we ate a whole goose between three of us but that was a a little bit of a goose overdose so I think 10 years later this is the perfect amount especially since we've had three Hong Kong barbecue meat meals this uh well today so I think that was the perfect amount not overdoing it but just getting that just savoring the richness and the deliciousness and also 10 years ago I was capable of eating a whole Goose now 10 years later uh not nearly as capable but but it's still just absolutely incredible y lock Three Brothers three generations amazing thank you very much okay thank you thank you oh that's Goose happiness and this place they just stay busy nonstop non-stop people coming in oh what a place and I'll have all the places that we went to in this barbecue tour in the description box below if you love me meat again you will love the barbecue meat culture in Hong Kong I also want to say a huge thank you to my friend uh Virginia she does Food Tours with humid with a Chance of fishball so go check out her Food Tours her links will be in the description box below and I want to say a huge thank you to you for watching this video remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and remember to watch this entire Series where we're eating some of the best food in Hong Kong see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 802,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hong Kong, food, Hong Kong food, best food Hong Kong, Hong Kong street food, Asian food, Asian street food, Chinese food, Chinese street food, Cantonese street food, Cantonese food, food tour, food videos, food vlog, char siu, roast meat, barbecue, BBQ
Id: kJDehF9Ovig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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