Italian Steak Buffet - All You Can Eat!! 🥩 Meat Italy’s King of Beef - Dario Cecchini!!

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to beef or not to beef that's is the question today we're going to meet Dario Italy's best butcher to eat the greatest Florentine [Music] steak steak bigger than my thigh who the entire cow amazing Mr taster [Music] got to be joking with me it's like T-bone plus ribs all together in one oh that's [Music] [Applause] insane hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark queens and welcome to panzano which is in kianti in Tuscany in Italy and we just drove here it was about an hour drive from the center of Florence this Village is beautiful gorgeous views Vineyards some of the greatest Wine Country in Italy and of course we came here for the ultimate legendary famous it's actually a butcher uh but to meet Dario and La oficina deista for a massive Florentine fena Ste hey guys oh the two guys in the green Mr taster Jeffrey Yes we made it we did it off oh you I can't wait to meet him again pilgrimage destination for Florentine steak Jeffrey you want to share a little history about this place it was a Butchery right or he's a butcherer mean he's a straight up butcher family right yeah in a small butcher shop I mean it's so humbled the doorway you can't believe what's behind it then it exploded and he built off onto the back just all these shared picnic tables and he became a global Legend and uh this is it this is probably the symbol of uh B fantina sou of Florence and I mean there's it's just a small little village small little town so it's amazing to see what he's done and how he's just built an Empire of florentine steak all from a small local butcher neighborhood Village Butchery here we are this is The Butchery here we are it's really an honor to be here hello Dario nice to meet you yes thank you you're welcome Mr taster oh cheers some Kean so good to be here yes thank you very much thank you very much the jolliest man yes Jolly butcher Jolly buter a Tran cat this is my special C wow oh it's huge big big big big big to beef or not to beef that's is the question that is unbelievable that's the size of a a torso torso ized steak to beef or not to beef today is to beef Carm I remember I remember the metro gold May yes Dario look at the size of these today my friend is the meat it's bigger than my thigh a steak bigger than my thigh today we are eating the greatest steak fantina with darco also the fantina oh this one Isco okay okay so Oho this is bco bco okay how many kilos is one one stick Kil two kilos 300 two 2.3 kilos it's not what a man he is just he's an Entertainer he is so passionate he's so H he's the happiest butcher in Italy without a doubt possibly in the world and he just slices the meat the oh man the meat so those the meat it ages for a minimum of 30 days 2.3 kilos per steak that's what we're going to be eating today oh I smell meat [Music] and oh my god wow so Ricardo it's always whole animal yeah yeah all whole animal aged but not dry AED just aged to increase and relax yeah yeah this is why we can use also some part from the shoulder to grill okay because this particular AG we do here Single part is used nothing goes to waste that's the entire philosophy and every part of the animal is used in its best possible way oh man just the entire cow wow so he been AED for today days yeah here's the counter the age counter 33 days 5 hours 50 minutes famous keti bottle uh always in this shape and had this basket since this time they've gone on to make all kinds of fancy versions but this is the original way we were attempting to go to the dining room but Dario called us [Laughter] back so the story is this this painting is my guide says Dario more than 400 years ago in in Italy the only people who were getting painted were uh Saints and uh and noen this was 400 years ago this was this now that we're talking about was the beginning of the 1600s but at a certain point they started also painting Artisan workers this original here is one one of the very first um paintings of of a butcher shop representing a butcher sh with the old butcher and his assistants my work here is a lot about sustainability raising animals well so that they have a happy life with wide open spaces and good and dignified death and and this I feel very deeply is my responsibility uh and that also includes using every part well from nose to tail has always been done our way of giving thanks is to se all of my guests at a big long table where you are going [Music] now where everybody is sharing a wonderful meat meal and nourishing themselves it is uh represents the death of an animal that nourishes our lives and this is my way of [Music] giving and this painting it's like my spiritual guide as I'm standing behind my butcher shop counter it's always in front of me so I don't lose my way bra yes Bravo this is tomw tomw this is fena this is this is oh mark my friend Mark what a man [Laughter] Dario you're amazing you're an amazing that was beautiful I don't think anything more needs to be said but we are on our way to the dining room okay and here we go so we go through please oh the secret door in the back secret door in the back straight up 007 into the back and this is where the restaurant is up the stairs you would never know what exists oh here we are shy oh wow so you walk in on the upstairs is just a one single dining room as as Dario explained his philosophy about sharing meal together sharing the the meat with family hello hello thank you very much thank you very much the grill is in the back and our table is right there right at the center there this is okay hello very nice to meet you very nice to meet you thank you okay here we are oh yeah it's toasty in here with the fire a rare rarely foreen vegetables vegetables vegetables with the meat yeah the salt the salt Sal no he said to add a little salt to the olive oil this is Kean salt oh I can't wait to try a carrot oh eat more carrots okay okay now of course we came here for the meat and the beef but come to think of it I've eaten a total of like two B of vegetables so far in Italy this trip I'm excited to eat vegetables oh the carrot is amazing the carrot so sweet and crispy that olive oil that saltone love the onions our beef tartar the number five beef tartar oh man oh thank you very much okay so before the gigantic stake we are beginning [Laughter] oh yes oh I love this restaurant and the communal table is amazing no it's okay it's okay it's so cool but we're beginning with the steak Tartar and I mean he said uh you can smell the aroma of the Paprika in there you also smell the lemon the lemon peel within there as well oh man this looks like it's going to melt in your mouth the freshest beef the paprika the flavor of the paprika the Citrus in there they just give it a an added acidity oh it's cool it's refreshing I love the coarse chop delicious maybe squeeze on that lemon you immediately taste the freshness the quality of that beef I mean this is the purest form next plate of food and they prepare it like a lasagna layer of beef salt olive oil layer of beef salt olive oil oh man everything is Big here this is a mountain of meat the next Porsche I do know what kulo means in Spanish I guess same in Italian man same like a roast beef just sliced just only cooked on the outside sliced thin and yeah he just like layered it on the plate just kept pouring on olive oil and saling it tast are you ready for the yeah the Caraco carpac yeah what what a dish look at this oh man all right yeah you ready shance W oh the flavor olive oil Bono amazing okay I mean that beef the flavor that comes out with every chew is incredible the smokiness from the fire the quality of the beef and that that salt that olive oil that's it Simplicity and as Dario mentioned there honoring every animal at this table by the way it's prepared the way it's served oh yes absolutely need here AE tter Jeffrey ohe what a pairing yes oh that's the shoulder oh my wow the shoulder see oh number five the shoulder the hands [Applause] W very [Laughter] [Applause] okay [Applause] tter Mark Mr taster yeah we have the shoulder bone number five on the chart on the cow chart on the steak chart this thing is huge wow it's a two person bone yeah you ready wow it's not a T-bone it's a twoone it's an ore you could row a boat with this bone you ready okay [Music] wow oh that one is tender yeah that is really tender and I mean when it's on the bone the meat on the bone is the most flavorful that's delicious oh it's the most sades fying bone bite you'll ever take look at the size of that [Music] it's the size of a drumstick that now we have some the actual meat from that that shoulder blade shoulder blade is delicious kind of has a bloody taste to it but really tasty um man I didn't know it was going to be such a well-rounded meat experience like going from one part to the next and there there's no menu you don't order you get what's fresh what's available for the day but yeah I had no idea it was going to be this full beef immersion experience about beef meat cow meat next course is the beef belly which has been cooked for 12 hours not on the grill in the oven you can just see how Wiggly how how juicy it is oh man that looks Ultra tender the beef belly oh wow oh the beef belly amazing mhm that melts in your mouth the fatty juiciness is insane wow that is so much flavor that beef belly is unbelievable oh man the flavor the ratio of meat to Fat the saltiness the tenderness what is this one the P oh okay because it's something I had never seen outside of right right next to the of the main the main where they have all the pics and and this one is unseasoned no salt show our little St yeah just pure beef and fire it's amazing really juicy too loud for me of course it's something I didn't need to experience I actually really like it with no seasoning at all but I will add a little bit of the salt maybe a little olive oil just to see how it [Music] is oh man it is good with Dario's own salt or salt from keani a bit herbal so it's like a seasoning salt what you have coming up next is the cost Latina it's a bon RI and it is uh I think if you ask me if I prefer the B Latino or the cost Latina they're right next to each other on the animal I think I'd have to go with the costata so let me know what you think W then back here by the fire that is a lot an immense amount of heat coming from that fire this is the next course and it's a big big course coming up they're so thick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] panala [Applause] [Music] remember to be not to be than you so wow for you wow for you oh sure okay thank you yes oh thank you thank you very much pot oh excellent okay before we get started on the the next stick though we have to unwrap the potato from the foil then you add in the spiced pig fat yes spiced pig fat I thought it truff bur truffle vinegar salt Rosemary and Sage okay so it's kind of an herbal pig fat herbal pig fat into the potato this goes into the baked potato and then you're supposed to wrap it back up so that it continues to and then let it melt into the potato let it melt into the potato okay now let's let that settle for a little bit in the meantime we'll get started on the next steak the cazo which is similar to the fantina steak the legendary pantina steak here we go it's huge and this is the I think she said it was the cazo which is similar right next to the the legendary the famous Florentine steak possibly even [Music] better I think something about a big belly yes amazing Mr [Music] [Laughter] taster wow and there's still so much meat attached how do I bite this bone [Music] wow oh wow that is amazing the muscle is just completely broken down to the point of it being so tender and juicy fatty Ultra flavorful wow oh oh wow about to be joking with me it's like T-bone plus ribs Al together in one oh that's insane okay this really is the Highlight this is something truly magical in your [Music] mouth oh man on the other side of the bone it tastes totally different okay I'm starting to get the meat sweats oh the digestive meat sweats are hitting me hard right now so on this side of the bone is pretty much pink well very rare pretty much raw I'm just B it's more well cooked I kind of like taking one bite and alternating bites but I love that that juicy rare meat wow that's a unbelievable steak oh I think there's hello Mr danger who look at this oh you have a hole in yours there's a window bone hole a bone hole this is the most meat fun you'll ever have [Music] W oh that's pure butter that melts in your mouth I'm moving into the potato the potato to balance all the beef was really good oh the flavor of the Rosemary and that Lardo very Pizza I think this bone is the Highlight I think you could be eating off this bone for days [Music] it's a NeverEnding bone oh yes dessert [Music] time coffee coffee excellent that's what I need we made it through the beef I'm leaning back time for dessert and for dessert we're having it an olive oil cake with coffee oh man if you ever come here make sure you don't wear a belt wear something stretchable and loose olive oil cake it looks like a really nice texture really really [Music] spongy very spongy oh that is good yeah Airy spongy lemon like a lemon cake but made with olive oil you need to taste that with some coffee the sweet cake with the strong coffee is a perfect combination you want to that oh what a [Laughter] meal yes nicely done nicely done yes [Music] [Laughter] oh oh oh I like the way it feels one moment yes [Music] oh carne [Music] yes oh man amazing amazing gra let's do one all oh thank you thank you this is the greatest gift ever look at this Kean landscape it's breathtaking in the evening with the sunset and man what just an unbelievable meal Dario and Kim they're I mean beyond the steak beyond the meat beyond the meal it's the entire experience and it's the ultimate Hospitality that they give to all of their customers everyone that walks in the door his family and they really uh are incredibly special and that's also what makes it so such an incredible meal and I'll have all the information in the description box below it's been an unbelievable just an incredible time here and totally worth the journey to get here also big thank you to my friend Jeffrey Mr taster for hanging out for coming on this journey to uh la oficina de la bista in kianti in the small town of panzano in kianti in Tuscany in Italy and remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and remember to subscribe you're not going to want to miss all the other food in this ultimate Italian food tour series thanks again for watching
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 795,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Italy, Chianti, beef, Florence beef, Florentine steak, Italian steak, Italian food, best italian food, best Italy steak, best Italy food, food in Italy, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens Italy, Florence steak, Officina della Bistecca, Dario Cecchini, food travel, food videos
Id: 6cKI1zKsenk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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