ALL YOU CAN EAT Australian Steakhouse Buffet & World's GREATEST "Fish Burger" in Sydney Australia

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[Music] welcome to Sydney [Music] [Applause] [Music] W well that's pretty let's go get lunch [Music] my first office the central business district in the heart of downtown at Coast this takeway this little alley has a bunch of little food restaurants I was told to get this the biggest fish sandwich I've ever seen in my life and it looks and smells wonderful where has existing been my whole life this is at least twice the size well now that McDonald's F fish has shrunk three times the size of a McDonald's fo fish and the fish filet you can see all the air bubbles of the breading on the outside there's a slice of cheese beautiful bun tartar sauce spread on both of the buns and she asked me if I wanted chilies inside yeah I want chilies this could just be the best fish sandwich on this planet it looks like it this is without a doubt in my opinion the best fish sandwich on this planet it's not even a close call it's pure succulent tenderness the fish is a ling which is a type of cod so so flaky and it's just amazing the flaky white meat in contrast with that beautiful Airy outside breading just elevates the sweetness of the fish this thing is absolutely ridiculous every single bite of this is just pure eor from the Airy buns to the delicate fish to that wonderful mesmerizing frunch all works so well get also besides the crunch from the outer shell of the fish you got the nice crunch from the lettuce and also some capers in there to kind of balance out any of the richness in the oil the meat of the fish tastes so clean and is able to absorb the delicious flavor of the chili sauce the chili sauce is great it's strong enough to burn you but not strong enough to cover up the natural sweetness of the fish I mean everything is just so harmonious and such a symphony of flavors and textures this deserves own show down at the Opera House 10 out of 10 absolute must try so happy this was my first bite of food here in Sydney excuse me for I need see in a bit it's a beautiful looking bomi toasty bread inside I see some radish cucumbers carrots this is a bang and bomy inside very suculent tender pork a little sweet very flavorful love the crunch from the vegetables and also pate's delicious this is just a delightful combination only thing I think it's because it's little later in the afternoon but gets a tiny bit stale but there's no deny that this is a delicious delicious sandwich also the chilies they put in here that's going to hurt you a bit overall Savory sweet crunchy and I really like that little added organy mommy flavor from the Pate for around $6 it's a beautiful sandwich I do wish I could have tried this at their original location also the prices for both locations the same this is their second location in a very modernized downtown area but this is an authentic delicious tasting sandwich this is pretty filling too all right this city has a lot of Hills next up let's go grab a burger at baruca last lunch before dinner and dinner is going to be freaking amazing this is a blame it on Canada Burger this is crazy looking Smash burger patty with mayonnaise bacon poutine American cheese and maple aoli it smells like a maple waffle this is very Maple beef patty is delicious tons of maple flavor from the aoli it's a very cheesy burger with both that melted rich American cheese and the squeaky curds the flavor kind of reminds me of a maple McGriddle beef patty is really good I like the mixture of different cheeses it's a very very rich Burger I feel like without the fries this might even be a little too much this might not have been the best idea before dinner but it's a good Maple Burger [Music] wow this is a really interesting looking alley it's like a little miniature Chinatown holy duck but tonight's dinner is going to be here the yeast side growing [Music] bar dinner like I said this is going to be epic it's a free flowing Steakhouse so this is a steak house it's been around for over 5 years and every Wednesday they do something called free flowing steaks and I'm sitting right by the kitchen I'm smelling the steaks being cooked it starts off with souro bread with beef butter and I asked sha and he said the beef butter is also mixed with h Rosemary different spices it's going to be good butter that's going to go with the souro bread then grilled FRS then Scotch filet after that siroy then pork chops then slow cooked beef short ribs that's cooked for around 24 hours finally the last cut beef brisket cooked for 72 hours oh also it's wagu brisket I think that's going to be a tender I think there's also steak fries mac and cheese of course some salad you know just so you can eat more stick and for sauces there's trule Mayo mushroom chimy churi and this whole all you can eat free flowing steak goes for 90 Australian dollars so about 56 us considering if you go to a Steak House in the US one steak will usually cost you around 50 to 60 minimum this is a fantastic deal this feels like an all you can E from rasco Steak House toasted sourdough with runable beef butter some fries Tomatoes salad and some mac and cheese got the cing and the brisket take a look at this sirloin with flaky sh on top you can see the marbling clear as day and the Sher has a beautiful fat cap at the end as well and this is NBS plus three so this is Australian wagu and here is the brisket you can see the fat on top as well just begging to hit your tongue and melt let's try this beef butter ly salt on top oh it's whp butter oh this Butter's amazing [Music] imagine delicious beef fat in the consistency of a cloud that's what that tastes like little crunch from the flaky salt that is just the ultimate beef butter pretty much tastes like beef flavor concentrate I love fries dunk it a little of a truffle sauce these are fresh so well beautiful light crunch on the outside this just has an explosive trle flavor I'm me try the mac and cheese first before it gets [Music] cold this is basically mac and cheese was really toasty cheese before getting to the meat little pet cleanser from the salad cut into the sherlo beautifully pink try this without the sauce first [Music] I thought it was going to be tender I was expecting it to be tender it still shocked Me by how tender it is suring is pretty lean except when you bite the piece with a fat cap to call it delicious juicy tender thing would really just be an insult this thing has so much juice locked inside incredibly soft no resistance when you Chomp down on it and the part with the fat just adds so much flavor and this piece itself is just filled with smoke you can taste of fire and that smokey flavor is incredibly pronounced I'm going to add some of the mushroom sauce on here the mushroom sauce definitely adds a lot more earthiness creaminess and richness to this already incredible Stak m siry masterful sorry I'm using a new mic so my audio just kicked on next wagu brisket I mean my really surprise 72-hour slow cooked wagu brisk just thing pretty much just melts on your tongue leaving such a delightful thin layer of fat like a gilesy little blanket and so full of awesome beefy flavor I feel like this is going to go really well the chimy Cherry they just P more brisket on my plate and I think these are the fattier briskets layer of fat you can see it glistening with juice and it's just easily comes apart especially the peas with the fat this thing is so rich and tender and they cooked this in the svi too so that in the fact that it's already so marble creates a tenderness that is just out of this world I think I need some chimy cherry with this just to cut down on the richness a bit yeah chimmy Cherry goes perfect with a brisket the Citrus goes really nicely with that rich fatty meat all right let's try this slices of pork what they typically do with a meat is some of it is s some of it is from the oven and it goes on the grill very quickly to seal in all that juice and of course add that Smoky flavor and the pork is absolutely beautiful oh yeah Smokey juicy just like with the other Cuts so tender with a hint of sweetness I think my favorite is the mushroom sauce but really don't need much of anything the Sak with a little bit of salt absolute perfection this is the scotch fillet I think this piece might have been the easiest to cut this of course is also Australian wagu oh wow this is 100% the most flavorful piece and I think is more tender than the sirloin this is my favorite piece so far juicy fatty was such great flavor also Scotch fillet in Australia it's basically what we call ribey in the US that's 100% the best pce for me and the sear is perfect and that little bitterness from the sear tastes so great in the meat add some mushroom sauce to it I haven't tried this yet this is the grill prong nice and sweet my favorite piece 100% the scotch filet just look at this [Music] thing this is pretty much an all you can use steak buffet at a high-end steak restaurant again favorite piece Scotch Fil-A second favorite definitely the Siro but you're not going to have a bad bite of food here from the beef butter to the fries to the sauce to the salad this place will leave your meat craving extremely satisfyed mean don't sleep on any one of the items on the menu I particularly love the beef butter and the fries and this does really feel like trasco barbecue I mean new meat is being offered to you every 2 minutes this is an absolute carnivore Feast for the price of one typical steak I think this is an amazing deal and if you're a meat lover a must try here in Sydney all right deserve time so dessert here is a dish they call Fire and Ice and it's liquid nitrogen merine three different flavors of ice cream I see cheesecake on here I see a crimble leg popcorn there looks like different sauces some brownie kot here I feel like with something this big this SPO really doesn't do it justice but here we go M oh that cremola is so good this is so creamy wow so cremola meran and there's some what looks like vanilla ice cream in the middle chocolate ice cream and strawberry ice cream little bits of brownie the Marine is crunchy and Airy so under the popcorn there's actually whole brownies the chocolate caramel on top goes really well with the marine and of course cheesecake oh that's creamy an altimate dessert plate that's very fitting to follow a meat Feast I just had I mean it started off with a bang with just the best fish sandwich in the world that fish sandwich is like a glorified fle of fish I mean if that thing met the fle of fish in an alley the fle of fish would be giving you his lunch money and his french fries and then then all culminated in this amazing all you can ye steak experience and yeah a fantastic first food day in Sydney and D as always all places I've went to listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching till we get again see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 318,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian steakhouse buffet, all you can eat Sydney, best fish sandwich Sydney, food tour Sydney, steakhouse review, crispy fish sandwich, must-try foods Sydney, foodie adventure, steak buffet Sydney, all you can eat, sydney eats, fish burger, fish sandwich
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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