Extreme 16 Corners in Minecraft For $1,000 - Challenge

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all right so in today's video we got 200 kids put them in an arena and told them pick a corner now based off of what color it lands on would you like to demonstrate bad yes so as you can see there are little lights down there that will light up as you can see the light is going across it's lighting up it should stop yep did you stop it on you I do we then push this there out signifies they are out so they know that and then they can be sad so the last clear life wins $1,000 and we are joined here with 200 players who are all completely frozen before we get into it if you could smash subscribe smash like right now or else sad what's gonna happen come on I want something good today something where everyone's gonna click like and subscribe come on something really good oh god no no if you do no I hate like and subscribe right now your life will be completely pointless meaningless worse than all the other times okay fine just do it please have you done it thank you alright let's start - is your kids deafies Ofcom let's tell them to pick a color and let's do this alright bad are you ready I am are we gonna tell him to pick your color yeah I think we should tell them - you can unfreeze now pick a color oh they're going alright fine I want your prediction so I will give you five hundred dollars right now if you can guess what color it lands on wait seriously seriously why not I think that'll be fun okay let me see you know what you have a 1 in 16 chance purple purple I'm feeling purple alright well let's lock everyone up oh my gosh a lot of people just aren't listening they are not afk News huh dude imagine you have a chance at winning $1,000 then you just go afk like that this is not Simon Says pick a color just in case any of them are holding I think they got the memo I'm gonna start taking them I saw that first member kick second person kick third person kicked yeah oh dude close it up and there we go alright let's see if you're right so here's what's gonna happen bad I want you to count to ten for me cuz I'm not even gonna look where the color is I don't need to learn okay actually count to five by five four three catchy - oh I didn't know you finished zero okay okay okay okay okay okay okay black is out she black or black I don't know ah I think we should barbecue them Oh Skippy I just got a great idea oh that's one way of doing it and if that is definitely one way of going about it oh my gosh okay there we go wait wait what they respond back in here it's at the spawn point okay all right kill them again all right I believe we got everyone now bad for the next color I want to guess and if I get it right you owe me $500 wait wait okay you wait if you get it wrong I get five dollars what I didn't get that deal I will do two dollars oh I'm down with this do it let them out no way you're gonna get it okay big Oh new color five four three two one and time's up alright so my prediction for the color that's going to be out blue Lou so you think blue is gonna be out I do so I want you to hit the button to stop the white on blue no I'm not I'm not I'm not even gonna look alright I'm looking up five four three two one click it you do it no I'm waiting like you know I wasn't I wasn't even looking you know what what oh so close are you kidding Gigi pink all right pink is out all right bad let them out of the cages won't hold your muffins we gotta clear all this lava who cares about the lava if they step on it they're dead let them out let them out what about guys everyone go to brown I'm telling you I'll rig it so it's not brown trust me trust me on this it won't be brown I promise some people don't trust me I promise you everything it won't be brown five four three two one all right close it up all right bad the light is on are you ready I am ready I made a promise that it wasn't gonna be brown and I know it won't be brown all right I'm pushing in three one I told you it wasn't brown wow you almost violated your promise no no no no no yeah yeah yeah I have an idea for the next round actually what doesn't have too much to do with luck what do you mean in testing this is basically I know I know I just thought I'd throw some skill into this skill what do you mean all right so here's what I'm thinking right hmm we were at how long is it taking you to kill a kid oh my god kill them here's what I'm thinking we replace all the wool to ice replace the quartz to air run on PvP for five seconds and see what happens so if they fall they fall that would be devious kepi I think we have to what if they follow then they're el and then they'll be dead yeah exactly okay you know what that sounds interesting let's do it Oh bad Ivan even better idea what okay flip it flip it flip it oh okay there's only three so here's what I want to do right sky one of you will survive so let's go ahead and let everyone else out all right and leave them in here just like so who got out [Music] person there we go god I'm backing we honestly should just for trying to escape so here's what's gonna happen we're gonna set this bit to that so people can spectate every in the middle exactly you will all spectate sky now because their color was chosen okay replacing all the wool - ice there we go set all the courts to air alright and now we just love on we turn on PvP out of you three last one alive continues okay one it's benign oh oh oh I'll have it ready to turn off PvP what's this one player why are they getting double team to do that he got no it's against the wall came back oh no oh that's one gone and that's two and roar Nico survives alright they're all in their corners we have some barriers to keep them in and where's the light the light is going the ligh gonna land on I'm gonna push it I'm not gonna look I'm just going to count to three one two three push on sky oh yeah so many people went in here cuz they thought oh I can't land on there twice in a row and it did Cappy I just got a great idea what you know your little oh I love making people do jump sure okay here watch this Oh were you gonna do what I think you're doing yes we put some lava down sure they can't get past and then there we go so if they make that they survive no no not bad this is too easy now okay go sky if you make this you can survive flurry survived nevermind nevermind oh my gosh five four three two one we really look like seven people get to the next round even though they got out are you serious bad no more second chance for this round so pick a lucky color Gaby think about it one of these people is gonna walk away with $1,000 just for picking colors like what oh my goodness Skippy it's still technically April 1st no on the winner look you won $1 for April Fool's and they're believing alright you can go ahead and stop this one don't look just press I'll tell you what it lands on just stop it whenever you want I feel a lot of pressure I'm trying to keep up with it press it okay green and they're gone and we said there was no way of redeeming so span the lava roasty-toasty feel bad look how many people just got out no that's like most of the people I think by my estimation Skippy I think we're under a hundred people so I think we've killed half of the people and I think so I'm telling you all sky is safe this round trust me sky is safe don't believe him why it will be yes guy is safe I promise they're going inning I promise you will feel so bad if it gets them out look how many people were in the sky oh my goodness guys get guy I got you guys don't worry don't worry I'm even gonna build them a heart it won't be hahaha it's a good part all right let's do this alright tell me when to stop it it won't be sky alright I'm clicking three two one not looking at anything and click it was told you just for fun okay get them out we need them out first okay second round bad hit a color you know what what and again you can't cheat I'm not gonna cheat push oh my gosh it landed on orange sorry rip orange and they're gone just like that hey bad get it hahahahaha okay you know it's heavy I think it's gonna be green it's gonna be blue green blue green blue green this can be blue ah let's say that lime is safe I'm gonna click it tell me one countdown oh my gosh you I've been looking all right 3 2 1 go with it like that click that click that see it was red told ya math probability statistics I'm right math is not about feeling Skippy yes it is it's all about emotion hot chick well why haven't I been wrong then oh my goodness it's not you just what haven't I been wrong then because there's a one in grade Joe take what it was I'm right every single time I'm not getting lucky this is skill a matter of skill and emotion save is it rolling yeah it's rolling tell me when I don't see the light oh I see it now all right um I'm gonna look up three two one stop I told you listen to me no big why did you not listen you should have listened to me you know what's kept me what you should tell them to pick a random number maybe one in 15 and the first person who says the number is when we go with and that's how many corners we pick and get rid of okay say a number 1 to 15 my bad one to 8 ok to go to sky sky is safe with my shoes so much no skies good guy you guys are safe I'm zoomed in on the button tell me what's a click it three two one push push it guys sky sky Oh should have listened to me alright I guess we have to go for round two don't we yeah we do alright it's rolling I'll tell you want to click it hey tell me Ryan three two one oh no way see told you guys love you sky no no no no I'm just telling you what I think is gonna happen and I've been right every single time no you have not been right every single time have I not that's why you're 116 and I've been right every single time yes or no yes I have alright bad let them out I say sky is safe your orange is gonna be safe no no orange will be safe second color oh we're picking another ones yeah I think we should please land on sky please land on sky please land on don't encourage that please yeah I want to stop at this time you tell me one I would okay with you kid no no no to go and now I want to wait just in case cuz I felt like these great it felt like you were encouraging it's laying on sky ah well at least Green is out we kill for colors this time yeah or color round good luck all yellow will be safe go to young man no don't do yellow though your safety color and my safety color will in fact be orange go to orange you know what it's gonna land on orange no feeling no no orange is the color no no no no your for clothes are gonna be out let's start this all right click stop in 3 2 1 dump Brown Brown is dead by second color alright you tell me one okay I'll tell you when you want 3 2 1 go did it where'd it go orange orange no purple paint yeah goodbye oh that was close - you had a good attempt third color are you ready or not I am ready push the button to go I'll tell you one I'm gonna count down from five is it spinning spinning yes are you ready tell me why four three two one play okay okay that's good be Skippy chef zircon last color okay last one let's get it going orange orange orange orange orange oh oh my god I just saw that oh sorry guys well that proves my point that I've been right again you know what I should get the thousand dollars no it doesn't prove anything it surely should prove something what that you're good at a 1 in 6 ohm line hasn't been a 1 in 16 based off all the times I don't write let them out let them out there pick a color you should do a challenge on this one Skippy fine let's all write on this one what we do is we only let one person survive scabby I'm blocking them in all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on pink pink is safe like you can't just yes I can pigs good they're literally going to me you ready yeah here tell me when now it's white why rip oh wait child right on trend so for this one let's have everybody go to the middle we turn on PvP if you die you die last one alive continues good night let's put some lava just because I can what you fine I'll heal him some more lava alright three two one PvP allow oh here we go all that I said that man is dead alright PvP is off okay Gabby we literally still have like 50 people we've got to speed this up alright 8 colors will be chosen belong my goodness alright scabby now that you actually have a semblance of the odds guy safe guys safe guy save your piggy your wait guys guys guys no comment right now sky safe comment right now guys save alright let's feed run through this ready sigh is gone alright ready you click it I'll tell you when now oh please do the rain sky great right three gone alright my turn tell me one no I wasn't near it you do it do it no fourth tell me when now now oh oh wait please nothing all that hard work for nothing alright tell me what a quick it looked it oh wait it's rolling oh I thought I'd leaked it to stop it now it's off oh my god I got you guys in the sky I got you tell me when now the sky nope I'll call you again 7 no what no we do we have to do 8 we have to wait until we get one that hasn't been wait lens it online yep lime go no I told you is it luck is it lucky it's not it's not get them out of here get them out of here yellow I want to kill yellow first I'm so good here I have an idea let's throw love on each color right uh-huh put them to the mid white throws trust me trust me come on do it why do it on every color on every color alright well now that that's been done what we have to do is add a few blocks to each one various links camping and all they have to do is parkour their way through the blocks and if they fall in the wall but guess what they're gone pick a color don't step in lava oh my gosh Debbie literally let's see if anyone dies from this I laugh so hard they made it all this way just to step in some lava all right close it up this isn't lava oh so we're dying oh this guy might guys whoa oh don't tell me Tommy broke died oh he's so brave two people tied F oh my god actual F dude alright pluck it off pick a color bad ah let's do what color is this oh it's I and rip should we do eight again I think we should do two more two more okay two more colors tell me when now no I didn't call anything you never asked hmmm you know what calling called the last thing you think and they say all right I will so between you and me I think yellow is gonna be safe even though no one chose it oh wait someone did you know what I think yellows gonna die no they're right stop it all right look at that I'm right again Burnett stop right here all right let them out there we go go wait you don't think about so carefully look at all these people way in the back like they went way back here oh so what I'd nearly why look at this guy maybe stay in there or maybe he doesn't want to make that job he might be stuck Oh we help him out ah twenty-one windows you have two options one make the jump to stay in blue for a rest of game oh he wants to stay okay we can't let him leave so I'm gonna TP him right here and we're gonna trap him in here someone name a color right now so what we're gonna do is the Miller is red right out for rest of game wait so we're closing with ozan it off dude one more color let's see what they say sky sky is done oh I like sky nope Sky's gone too lazy spokes hey what's guy though fine well leaving oh really no no no close it close it off though yes it does no it does all right let's go pick a color yeah pink pink save close it up closing now perfect called the one color that so many people right now no one in brown so again right say Wednesday now now now now Skippy all right Skippy we now have four of the colors closed you know what that means what does it mean it means they can only pick basically three out of four things shall we let them out yep let's get the ball rolling and let them out 21 Windows is still stuck over there in the blue and that's anyway thousand bucks like this literally that would be the most hope you win of all time you know what blue safe I told you I call it every time watch this me the one time you call it and it gets it won't tell me one No did it did it did it no you read it you're a bad great day you said now your fault it's it's just so many people wait bad do you know what this means twenty-one windows all right choose color Skippy we haven't done a revival round in a while one of you a hundred revival around what number we saying let's do mid 14 we did 28 we did five I think I'm thinking let's do a hundred a hundred yeah literally nobody's gonna think we would say that you know what a hundred it is alright I'd say a lucky number to get revived three two one mute chat Oh didn't anyone say it oh I see one hundred where came star-lord number was a hundred imagine this is the winner no if he wins I swear close it up and silver it's out no one goodies in here so I'm gonna block it off when a five-click dick what are we landing on lime to a five its England yeah no one round three of five we have the color we have purple ow big rips three five fourth round who's gonna get out it's gonna be oh he's done already who him already dude all right good luck all someone's better be out we are switching to the fireworks method or else this would take 16 years bad are you ready yes glad you hit it and you sha and they're gone oh sorry buddy Skippy we can get rid of the lava now fine replace near a hundred lava air oh my goodness that was wait what about the stone there's too much stone all right fine stone - all right we have the final one two three four five six last six pick a color good luck I can't wait to get someone else walk it off block you know yes I do you know what that means right Skippy what you are literally ruining the chances of somebody who was pretty much with it three two one good luck and that will excuse you magenta goodbye three two one green and we have one person who has chosen it all right let's see our winner Skippy our winners well you know our potential winners okay okay last four pick color good lies one of the muffins ago yes $1,000 for picnic colors in Minecraft I know we go second round is black no guy came so far top three thick color bad this is it I can't handle this pressure we've got door I see how and this muffin he wants to pick black but they're Slavic he's in black I'm choosing buck it off I am blocking blocking blocking two three ready two one the color is yellow feel bad yet I dumped love on them by no color let them out pick a color oh we got black and we got pink wait they're really just gonna stay in the same one I think so good luck eh wow they're doing it Skippy love you guys did I take out all the firework you said black and pink I think you should make it totally random all right bad the final two good luck here we go predictions who will win black or pink Oh a lot of people say black hit it bad okay here we go cabbie I'm gonna be responsible for this I don't right-click it you're right no no you're going to whoever losses I'm sorry it's Skippy's fault oh my god ooh Gigi pink GG pig and then this little muffin he wins it's been done one dollar reward let's get a minute call oh you were so close I was really starting to think I was actually gonna do it I'm actually so sad for you dude dude I stayed up till 6 a.m. for this no you did good though you did really good so how did you feel when you saw that black firework explode what was the initial reaction I fell to my floor and punch my desk watch the button no that was bad you saw that bad push there no you didn't go for what I said was no not a single time that's one time you were like go sky it's safe I was in sky I walked eggs hey it worked for you up and Toby yeah yeah sky and I was like ok you did really good I'm happy but also no I get it I I was talking to fire breath and I was just the whole time I just I don't want to pull a fire breath man thank you so much for joining they call blood the reaction to the video thank you yeah no worries and bye that clicking it that click [Music] [Music]
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,741,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, extreme 4 corners, extreme 8 corners, extreme 16 corners, minecraft $1000, minecraft challenge
Id: 3PXFew44S9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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