Extortion, Trolls, and Boxing - WingsOfRedemption 2023

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in the past year wings of redemption was covered in the New York Times I just put the word article in nyt on the band word list and go about my day he has for the most part given up on his diet spicy chicken famous bowl tonight on Deck he was banned on Twitch twice and was unable to stream on YouTube because of copyright abuse from his Trolls but one of the positives was a victory he won a boxing match that allegedly had hundreds of thousands of live viewers though as a con when he returned home his view counts dipped to never before seen Lowe's I regret ever doing the fight he was hardly streaming uh puhan I don't know if you noticed but I've streamed maybe a total of like 6 hours and 2 weeks he is not making nearly as much money as he used to and now money is tight so he is doing things like sniffing his chair for $10 oh that was worse than I thought it was going to be a decline in Wing's career was always expected but now spit up because he is feeding the trolls less leaving the trolls and their channels in a state of Decline and Desperation far worse than Wings the drought of content has revealed their polluted riverbed in the process creating a show alongside Wings where they are actively cannibalizing each other for scraps as will be shown in the third video covering wings of redemption but first a message from this video sponsor incog incog is something that wings or redemption or really any of us could benefit from the core of incog is it's the simplest way to combat data Brokers and what data Brokers are are companies or other that sell your personal information so whether that means Robo calls spam and scams you probably had experience with at least one of those and incog combat set by contacting these hundreds of data Brokers and asking them to remove your personal information on your behalf it's quite a difficult task if you do it on your own this is just a way better method to do it and they do work fast as you can see here I already made an account and it took about maybe 5 minutes or less and already they're sending out these removal requests and it even shows an activity log to see how many people were tracking your personal information I know personally I've been getting so many Robo calls in the past that I actually put my phone on mute so it wouldn't wake me up that's how bad it was for me but it was particularly bad for my roommate who got his bank account hacked he lost all his money in his bank account he's still struggling get it back because someone got access to his personal information it is not something fun to deal with these data Brokers are persistent in harvesting your personal information so incog keeps on sending out these removal requests as they pop up I think protecting your privacy is extremely important especially now with identity theft On The Rise I don't want to be part of that report and neither sh do you guys so the first 100 people to use the code jtk deal at the link below will get 60% off incog that is inc.com jtk deal sponsor over back to the video recapping up to where the previous video left off in February of 2022 Wings the let's play Channel turn streamer once known for streams full of Rage has more or less calmed down other changes include getting married he also got a weight loss surgery but has been on a steady path and gaining all that way back all wild trolls were finding different ways to spice his life with chaos from swatting he got swatted look at that seriously oh I just got a message saying that's happened sending possibly real death threats but like there's a picture in my yard and it says I was in wings's backyard he goes hey wings I was in your area I thought I'd have a run in your yard also I love your dry your dry crappy grass I'm going to see if the back doors open next time see inside the pimp pad I'm glad your door Dash so you can't catch me false F news with his image attached different events or tragedies many people are unaccounted for residents used social media to search for missing loved ones stealing his PSN account and the biggest or at least what got the most attention up to this point was having a reliable informant tell the world that Wings did something terrible in his past yeah uh pretty much his whole life yeah I live right down the street from him but as the drama escalated it turned out the informant was not reliable and the bombshell information was nothing but a dud very sorry to Jordy and your family I'm I'm very sorry to everyone that's been hurt by these lies this remained true for various other accusations levied at him but not under his real name which is Jordy Jordan rather the fake one trolls developed for him Bernie Gores which if spoken a certain way sounds like burn racial slur trolls creating fake CNN accounts from different regions tweeted out his death in various places which got the attention of the real CNN the actual CNN never tweeted any of this stuff both the quote unquote CNN Afghanistan account and the quote unquote CNN Ukraine account are total phonies that are not affiliated with CNN in any way both have been suspended by Twitter so who's that guy in these photos he is a gaming personality not actually named Birdie and very much alive whose name online trolls like to throw on social media during various International crises these impersonations because of what they're being attached to would take a very strange route but before that that several cameos were produced to prod at Jordy full of references on what is Meed on to be his favorite foods like Wendy's chili or Pepsi also in these are the continued accusations that he may be a predator because of constantly recycled clips of him saying inflammatory comments in the past about the age of consent and other similar topics that he has long disavowed and disagreed with the first of relevance is Chris Hansen known for his 2000 show To Catch a Predator Jordy Jordan H what does that name sound so suspiciously familiar Amar Predator like even Jordy Chris Hansen here of Hansen versus Predators to catch a predator and have a seat with Chris Hansen I'm Jordy I'm going to need you to have a seed right over there look here and listen up Jordy now it's getting personal you're talking about someone's wife here and I'm not going to have it sheay is our actor along with the salt Queen you're caught Jordy it's time to face justice justice from Kevin Nash and Kurt Angle I'll be watching and listening I'll see you soon with new Predator investigations don't be in them Jordy you can watch listen to them this Cameo got back to Jordy and because of Chris Hansen's former show it seemed Jordy assumed this to be genuine even with the knowledge the source was from a cameo meaning he got paid to make it uh Chris Hansen can investigate me all he wants that don't do anything wait what happened the trolls paid Chris Hansen like five Cameo and like they convinced him to do an investigation only because of the the stupid uh Clips oh damn is he actually doing that though who the [ __ ] knows don't really care enh hanon's Cameo also mentioned was Kurt Engel and Kevin Nash it's time to face justice justice from Kevin Nash and Kurt Angle who are connected through the WWE and both have cameos directed towards Wings Kevin nashes was released alongside Chris Hansen's Cameo where he doesn't appear to be in a normal State and while reading the script he adds his own commentary about his life and turmoil if any of the shit's true you're a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] if I wasn't uh busy with my own [ __ ] uh turmoil I probably [ __ ] you know wish you brain cancer or something [ __ ] mean like that but I got my own [ __ ] going I would at the minimum [ __ ] put a pillow over his face and punch him 15 times the final Cameo came from Kurt Engel also released around April 2022 where he mentions Conway South Carolina the place in which Jordy resides hey Jordy Jordan the dictator of Conway how are you it's your Olympic hero Ceno and I want to congratulate you on beating the surgery and I just want to tell you that me Kevin Nash and Chris Hansen are coming and I know you're a 500 lb slob who says you hate Kevin Nash and I know you drive a salvage V6 Mustang and you're lazy and you're also unemployed at 40 years old and you eat Wendy's and you do tax fraud you're an idiot my friend and oh it's true it's damn true Jordy reacted to this one on stream where it seems the novelty was lost hey Jordy Jordan the dictator of Conway how are you it's your Olympic hero cango and I want to congratulate you on beating the surgery thank you tell you that what came after was more of the same Wings on May 2nd was again trending on Reddit for one of the controversial Clips covered in the previous video I did say the age of consent should be 12 you know why I said that because growing up in high school I knew girls that were like 12 13 14 [ __ ] on the regular the post was titled fat neckbeard thoughts on the age of consent posted on r/j just neckbeard things with nearly 5,000 up votes and more than 500 comments it was yet another successful post but nothing that those are jority already didn't know and if these videos are continuously recycled there will be guaranteed indifference from so much spam however the troll were in luck because only 2 days later on May 4th Jordy was feeling generous enough to give them a new thing to upload to Reddit this time under a post titled streamer calls his wife a five in front of her she is not happy with it uploaded on the subreddit r/s cringe why is why is the standard so high because high value is high value like me personally I'm not high value like I consider myself like a four right because I I'm I'm unhealthy I got a cute face but like I'm like if you go by my body alone I'm a three but like where I'm at in life I got my house paid for I got a pretty good savings account things like that I think that knocks me up to a four so I'm slightly above below average male what would you rate yourself one to 10 you said a three right mhm you you think you're a three absolutely and they're upset that I think you're like a five five and a half yeah you should think I'm a 10 okay yeah divorce strain knock Kelly's cool with it the majority of top comments were littered with J's trademark phrases and other things that only those in the know would be aware of but even those people didn't have access to the Fuller context of the clip other segments of the clip stream reveals jordy's scale is quite strange for context this is a photo of Amber herd and he believes her to be as attractive as his wife Amber herd if she didn't make tons of [ __ ] money she would be like a five or six you know woman what would I rap my wife Kell's easily a five and this is a photo of Beyonce Who is 60% more attractive than those other two according to Jordy like if you put Beyonce at an eight Amber herds easily a five or six in the same stream he makes the attempt of comforting her do she look [Music] amazing mhm she she is so self-conscious my fat face again you could be 125 lbs and you'll still be like oh look how fat I am and it you got to love yourself a little bit more than that that's that's the point I'm trying to get across is like if you don't love yourself you're always going to find flaws this is for the show that these clips and pinhole view of Jordy through the blank controls perspectives are unreliable a dangerous thing when the intent of deception is moved to your audience but even among the fractur troll communities that have established themselves against wings as their audiences would find out dismiss the recruiter tactics to accomplish the goal of removing wings of redemption from YouTube to give an idea behind their intents we look to this stream also in May where Wings despite prior support again rehashes that he will die obese and has given up on losing weight I've failed every type of thing I've had two personal trainers I've had a boot camp weight loss I've tried losing weight myself multiple times I've done Dr Norman here in Myrtle Beach I've had I went to flew to Mexico to have my stomach cut out I've had people to support me that live with me like I've tried everything to lose weight I'm not going to lose weight let's get over that let's move on to the next part of my life still in the same stream he moves to his YouTube analytics to show his monthly earnings from December of 2021 to when he streaming in May of 2022 this is what I made on my year to date December May 4 three February had a really good month in may8 that was Mario Luigi in 27 May 26 last month he reveals that with averaging his monthly earnings he is earning just about the medium for a full-time employee according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics but to many he doesn't work that much or put enough time to earn those paychecks it is this combined with his complaining anger and prior statements that has created such malicious trolls against him where entertainment is no longer put first instead it is misinformation and harassment further spurred by wings's statements and acknowledgement of their efficacy like him saying saying he actually got some of his trolls arrested yeah boy got the United States guys arrested the Tik Tok stuff there's Tik Tok stuff and like there was one that got arrested for like the um [ __ ] swatting these impersonations hit their Peak when on May 24th the day of the evaldi shooting was this tweet gaining traction alongside news of it quote Elementary School teacher Bernie died Sheltering a students from gunfire at Rob Elementary School in yaldi Texas rest in peace unquote this attracted a newly reached audience but CNN and other agencies were not covering this as intended because they were long aware of these impersonations however because Wing's image had been used so much by fake CNN accounts and other tragedies conspiracy theorists were using this as evidence for the existence of Crisis actors and Bolding them to speak out on it it was this deception against this crowd that eventually had them again cover Bernie as a way to clear up the misinformation and further discredit the conspiracy theories that took the bait what happens then is several news Publications were reaching out to Wings to get a statement all of which he declined except for the New York Times this was happening in the background and no one knew a story was being developed instead per usual new clips of wings streams were being cycled online like wings for a period charging to activate his webcam or mic for his streams I think I'm just going to keep the webcam at a $100 donation goal just never have it on [ __ ] it there was also this clip of him stating he pees the bed more as an adult than as a child I never peed the bed I mean I can't say I've never peed the bed in my life I mean I've peed the bed more as an adult than as a kid because you have that [ __ ] dream where like you think you get up and go take a pee and you don't actually get up and go take a pee finally at the end of May there was a clip of him stating he spent $185 at a buffet when paying for two other adults the one we went to was expensive as H was $50 ahead I had to end up paying for me my wife and one of her parents then they got cake so it ended up costing me $185 and I tip 15 making it even 15 as a change to making it even 200 why such a bad tip oh I didn't want to spend $200 on a meal I I didn't enjoy my meal while it looked like things were shifting back to Bringing Focus to the outlandish things Wings says on a stream a conversation was leaked between wings and someone he thought he could trust I got an interview coming out with the New York Times here in a minute oh seriously yeah about what uh the trolling and like the uh all the other stuff the New York Times damn it's kind of crazy did they uh interview you already or like yeah it's already done oh it's I'm waiting on photographer to come out to take pictures for the the paper and stuff and PC photos so can you give me inside scoop of what they uh what they asked you or is that private I went down the whole trolling bit called out wings7 game his full name and stuff damn that video made it through the hands of several trolls and revealed that Jordy was being interviewed by the New York Times and he gave them the real name of wings 007 one of the troll channels that existed for nearly 2 years at this time this video caused an immense amount of chaos first it was uploaded on wings 7's channel on June 1st under wings a Redemption admit to doxing wings7 to New York Times magazine leaked wings now aware of this leak responded to it promptly on stream they're they're they're criticizing me for doxing someone they're trying to say I dox Wings 007 but they got no proof of it though he is infamously known for his inability to form a proper argument there hasn't been a doxing per se he only said that he gave him Double's name and the article has yet to be published there is no evidence besides a claim regarding regardless this brought more attention to 007 who uploaded a new Cameo this time of Sam Hyde calling out wings for a boxing match Richard Richard Spencer I'mma box you up I'm a really punch a Nazi I'm going really be punching Nazis when I'm done with you Richard yeah I got your info I doxed your ass I [ __ ] doxed your ass you make me [ __ ] sick sick [ __ ] as it was later revealed Sam Hyde didn't even know who Wings was as for the article because as Wings revealed it his trolls were reaching out to the journalist who was writing it before it even released Wings was already calling it a hitpiece refusing to work with journalists in the future even after saying it won have as much impact as documentaries made on him here's the thing with the New York Times they only have an average of 340,000 average readers which is a quarter of what like a documentary video on YouTube gets of me I did learn one valuable thing I'm never talking to any kind of [ __ ] news report again they turned they were like so sweet and and like caring and all this other stuff and as soon as they got what they wanted they turned into snakes so it was a hit piece basically is a hit Wings also had the New York Times to his list of bad words that now also include morbius I just put the word article and nyt on the band word list and go about my day I didn't get mors but I probably should yeah all this Mor morbius crap oh is that worth making it a banable word yeah I want to see it hey it's your channel man the New York Times article was released June 7th and goes over how the misinformation got so bad covering different cases of it as well as mentioning Wing's old controversial moments when he was part of the podcast PKA but doesn't drive the narrative against or for him it also doesn't mention 007 or his real name the article simply covers the different motivations for spreading misinformation even PKA expands on the article's generosity I saw that and I thought H you know they didn't do him wrong you know like he said a dumb thing he apologized for it it was a comedy thing move on and 12 years ago by the way but Wings felt like they really did him dirty I didn't see it like that yeah I they they did him uh really kindly I think that if look it seems like he was the source of all their information Talk of the article faded rather quickly but not for wings possibly feeling it as a blow to his character he was eating more and more in his dream to elevate his mood his weight a bigger topic of discussion because he breached the 400 lb threshold and as such he was revealing his former dining habits of eating two Wes chilies a day alongside a protein shake recalling it as a responsible and thought-out diet post surgery here's my here was my average meals for for a while I'd wake up I'd have a a Premier Protein Shake usually chocolate because chocolate's the only one I could stomach for long periods of time and then I would have a Wendy's chili for lunch and a Wendy's chili for dinner and that was my meal for months the reason I I ate Wendy's chili cuz it had a lot of protein in it cuz like the when you when you what they tell you in your weight loss packets is you got a protein protein protein everything you want is protein in relation to the New York Times being on the list of bad words the list of bad words in his chat came up on stream in where he reveals what the ban words are a lot of people think they're banned because I have a lot of words on lockdown like you can't use the word thoughts you can't use the word like look here you can't look like look listen you can't use the word like um rage he can't laugh in most forms a list so massive that he lists the non slur once for nearly a minute straight the number 12 16 45 advice age of article blimp bottom carried carried Diamond Coke consent Diamond disaster EDP ELO fat finger free gravy haha haa LMO of various ways LOL look here look listen morb morbin morbius morbs New York Times the nword NY Times nyt Pepsi pimp pimps pimps in various ways free pre-recorded pre-recorded pre-recorded a bunch of ways rage recorded Rich richer Richie salad Sam shout out in a few ways uh sniff sniffers sniffing soda stream the times thoughts thoughts in a various ways toxic trolls troll trolling trolls trolls unbanning what do you think Wingo wings wings of Wongs yoooo besides this there were a few more notable moments that took place in June like Wings doing a fortnite dance let me see it again let me see it [Music] again Kelly getting into an accident but luckily was unharmed and of course one last news station celebrating Wings to CL at the month of June time to raise the roof raise a glass and have another piece of birthday cake we're also celebrating a lots of love tonight happy fth anniversary to Richard and Kelly Jordan even though was following June the month of the New York Times article July was even more eventful as it would later turn out it was not the peak but an escalation to the madness around Wings to start wings7 did something not typical of the troll Channel harsh critiques and strategies work best in the dark without an identifier whether it's a voice or face attached to them yet on Twitch 007 was reing Wings live streams adding his own commentary on them he was already established as one of wings biggest trolls and because of the freedom of his twitch chat in comparison to Wings was getting a fair amount of viewers and even more donations than Wings was receiving this stream that included other collaborators was known as real talk and wings was not happy with their existence and thus reported them to Twitch I got to do one more report your boys a real talk will probably be real gone he even tweeted at them for support predictably because the restream had a commentary it fell under fair use and no action was taken by twitch at least Wings displeased hopped into the live stream stating that he was reporting the stream insultingly a viewer gifted Wings Redemption a subscription to Real Talk wings now clearly powerless in all this stated that7 will go to jail in the future for his transgressions now wings7 I'll let you know you're going to go to jail at the end of all this hey I'm not going to lie that's a bold claim Wings it's not a bold claim I I know what just going behind the scenes at this point it was clear how deep7 stream was getting under wings skin the community was rewarding this by further donations that got an even bigger rise out of wings that still saw to take the restream down how would they get partnership so fast got partnership the the restream of my channel they're going to fight to keep that restream too cuz I looked back at it and he made something like $400 or $500 yesterday Wings mods were apparently also asking for the restream to be Mass flagged I mean when you go to report the restream I don't know what to put like it just gives me like harassment and [ __ ] like that I need to do copyright like this dude this dude's just straight restreaming me yeah they're streaming My Stream and they made 1.5 thou one $1,500 in donations and I've made 37 I haven't asked anybody to mass report anything they're in kitchen by the way this was another victory for 007 even other troll channels were becoming upnote because of how they were making wings slip up one even had wings accidentally label himself as something he disagreed with why would you name yourself this like really like like why would you name yourself after as a final Act of defeat at least for now about 2 weeks into the restream Saga Wings opted to just ban anyone talking about the restream can we ban people talking about restream any mention of the restream should be banned on S please indifference could have won in the battle against Real Talk as less viewers would be interested in it if Wings didn't give it so much attention except there was continued escalation and not through wingsite and Anon person was going around issuing illegal copyright strikes against various troll channels that clipped Infamous dreamers such as dark side Phil low tier God and wings of redemption Wings 007's own channel was caught in the crossfire and banned for a period because of it Wings on his stream stated he was not behind it and through his words was possibly fearful of the retaliation that could happen even wanting the situation to resolve itself before it escalated I think somebody was going around and issuing a lot of takeown stuff I just don't know why everyone can't just get along I'm I'm glad winsim is not making videos on me right but like I don't wish like the downfall on anybody I just wish like all like the fake strikes and people striking channels would go away as it turned out Wings was right to fear retaliation on July 17th Wings tweeted out that he was being extorted and received an email blaming him for striking the troll channels so this Anonymous person downloaded some of wings redemption's videos uploaded it on their Channel and inform YouTube that Wings was quote unquote stealing their content and YouTube would take down whatever video that was on wings Channel and give him a channel strike YouTube is typically hands-off when it comes to copyright claims and will generally believe the claimant in most cases it also helps most users are sane enough not to abuse A system that could have terrible legal repercussions but there are always those few and so this is true and illegal abuse of the system the anonymous extortionist threatened to Issue 34 strikes it only takes 3 to have Channel banned what's more this person was requesting 500 USD and Bitcoin to remove the strikes giving Wings one week to deliver the money so far it looks like only one strike was applied to Wing's Channel as to who did it the fingers were pointed at someone in Conway will Watchers a Discord full of trolls owned by some of the most prominent troll channels that notably worked in opposition to wings7 as per these Discord screenshots claimed to have doxed them in the past a hatred that is rumored to be Source from a jealousy to how prominent double 7 had become so much was happening mid July between these factions there was Jordy that was receiving the strikes Conway well Watchers that was being blamed for them and just had their Discord and all members that were in there banned for harassment it didn't take long for the server and its Infamous contributors to relocate you have a Discord and it got banned can you fill us in on what led to that what happened my my Discord account uh my server is okay but my account got banned because I was a part of the Conway well Watchers wings of redemption troll Discord I actually just streamed the Northman with those guys those are cool guys like we Workman and had a good old time we had a good old time they are cool guys Wings uses the word blackmail because he doesn't know what it means but but someone's trying to some money someone's trying to extort some money out of wings oh well that's [ __ ] up I don't like that Jes yeah using the the take down system they claimed it was like uh a Discord Discord said it was like a server meant for harassment interestingly enough these screenshots of real Talk's twitch chat had both factions against Real Talk former members of cway whale watchers were threatening real talk even denoting where they stand by their ban discord's acronym cww there was also hate going their way because some viewed 7 as the face of the trolling community and as the source of the strikes against Wings this was a tangled mess of alliances that continued to demean themselves through crew tactics and self-importance this was not anything new in 2021 there was a league conversation between 007 and a former troll of wings where the pair allegedly joked by using crude strategies against Conway well Watchers n I'm going [ __ ] on him I'm going make him want I [ __ ] hate that kid yeah it's all funny games until they get swatted I'm going to do what I can to take that [ __ ] down like take their server down all that [ __ ] I'm not going for it I don't like the the idea of server Wars are nothing but works for cyber security and all that [ __ ] I'm about to just tell them be like dude just pull the this guy's information for me please I know you can find it I'm actually hitting him up now through these tactics and conversations now brought to light because of Wing's harassment was bringing light to many just how depraved these communities were and how strange they are to devote so much time to criticizing Wings yet you have such a warp View and commit atrocities far worse than Wings was further turning the narrative against them as for wings he was getting more support especially now that he was embarrassing the trolls not just by allowing them to defy each other in the light even those that were stream sniping you realize that doesn't do anything right [ __ ] you shout out Sean ranky you [ __ ] you're a shout out wi s you [ __ ] you suck bro Ros [ __ ] loser you said in you said in chat how long to do this like a month like a month you got a problem just curious I don't give a [ __ ] bro like like he was trying to get me to play um Apex with me and stuff and all this other mess instead of muting them immediately he was laughing at them and targeting their dedication as others were bombs protected wi why do you watch CP I don't why not because one thing is disgusting why not but Wings was still not Happ happy especially with real talk which is why on the 27th of July he tweeted at twitch support you realize you have a channel decisioned around hating on me as a twitch partner Wings did successfully strike down real talk by the end of July but real talk fought the strike and won this combative atmosphere made sure things reached a peak in August and now one particular troll was being blamed for the extortion of wings they were blamed for the strikes against his channel and asking for $500 in Bitcoin someone who Wings calls his number one worst troll a person that is a large part of cww that person's channel is Gulag Kingpin the number one person is Aussie guy Aussie guy/ Gulag Kingpin wings of racism SL wings of memes SL Zen palalo SL a thousand other different names he's an Australian guy that spends the vast majority of this time yelling at people and calling people in word as a result of wings getting a strike he decided to private all his videos to avoid further extortion somebody said I stole their Minecraft gameplay on my Apex gamepl it a it's a fake strike that's why all my videos are privated yeah they extorted me because they they asked me for $500 not to strike any of my other videos even so he received a second strike further measures were taken by Wings instead of streaming on YouTube even though he could and it was his platform of preference he didn't want to an an oniz whoever was striking him so Wings was streaming on Twitch his first stream back on August 1st had at some point 2,000 viewers about six times or so more viewers than he would typically get on YouTube it was on this stream that he revealed he was hit with a second copyright strike so here's the thing I know the chat's spamming and it is what it is but um here's the thing I got struck again on YouTube I'm under the idea that it's the same person did it again I'm thinking it's Gula Kingpin again just by the name of the source of the video used to copyright strike wings for 150 lb gaming it was apparent that this copyright strike was also done illegally and instead of it being one of his former Let's Plays a stream of his was re-uploaded as it was live then used to take it down bya copyright on YouTube once more as much as this was another problem for wings the other issue was gulak Kingpin seemed to operate more in the shadows like most members of the cww it was still difficult to pin this on him as for 007 and his real talk stream this was something Wings could latch on to and attack that's why Wings popped into their live chat and threaten them with strikes against their twitch Channel accusing them of bullying and also threatening legal action Wings did manage to apply two strikes one for each individual reason I've already put a strike on them for bullying and twitch backed me up and they got a day ban and my second strike was a DM was a dmca takedown which got them a weak ban their third one deletes their Channel except they were both overturned and real talk kept on restreaming wings there was much threatening litigation from both real talk and wings none of which led to anything and then a third strike was applied but not on real talk and not on wings of redemptions YouTube channel which already had two it was on wings of redemptions twitch Channel which was more so a week-long ban looking at the replies it seems that Wings said a slur against a teammate the bigger story here was there was not going to be a Wings Redemption stream for a week wings7 celebrated this and made it look like he was responsible for depriving Wings content for everyone even though Wings was banned things still escalated in even more bizarre ways on August 10th 4 days into Wings ban Kelly announced that she was planning a stream of her own on Twitch months later she was banned as well and jordy's already banned twitch Channel or received an indefinite ban both channels were struck for ban Invasion this didn't make much sense until the possibility of mass reports are factored in that create the false narrative that Kell's channel was Wings regardless the same day Wings did end up streaming not on YouTube or twitch but on Twitter for about an hour where he explains his situation honestly I had nothing to do with it like it came down to like Kelly wants wanted new shoes and some other things I was like you know instead of getting a second job why don't you just try to build a streaming Community why don't you stream your walks and she goes you know what that might be a good idea so like she literally made a couple changes she put like Mrs wings and things she changed her name from Fantasia life to Mrs Wings and Things and she like literally made a stream labs and then she tweeted it out that she CU she was excited about the possibility of streaming and then everybody match reported it as like we were ban evading so that's the whole twitch thing I I filed the appeals Wings also discusses his different types of trolls and states that 7's real talk was not responsible for the YouTube strikes extortion but maybe maybe the first s-day ban came about this but like the YouTube has nothing to do with real talk it's a whole different set of trolls cuz like you might not know this but like my troll population is segmented into three groups you have the Casual guys you have the real talk guys and then you have the sience basically people that break the law do illegal stuff do everything in the shadows in thisam it was also revealed that Wings deleted his entire catalog of YouTube videos once private they were now all gone to mitigate further harassment I already had to delete all my videos like I deleted all my videos at this point on YouTube to help mitigate people throwing strikes not all was terrible for wings as he reveals he got a new toy truck from a fan oh I had a I had a fan come and visit me today he brought me a trail boss the big UPS on the back and as much as he stated in the past how much he despises streaming this 4-day break revealed Wings doesn't stream for Pure Financial incentive there's no donating on Twitter I'm just streaming this stream this stream is just to chill out and talk we can't I I get lonely at night as he couldn't receive donations on Twitter the following day instead of streaming on Twitter he was streaming on Facebook after being deprived from streaming for just 5 days it appears Wings found a new sense of gratitude for his job he was more chummy with his audience my goal right now is just to make is the stream as entertaining as humanly possible that's my goal going forward like I'm I'm getting out of all the drama and the in fighting and all that [ __ ] Kelly is amazing even with having about a third of his viewers as he was not on his website of preference he even encouraged real talk to restream him that's fine if real Talk's live CIA does bus tell him to restream me send Miss more people in my way Let's cross Network platform let's make this money on the night of this Facebook stream he was going back and forth with YouTube on Twitter trying to inform them about the false strikes once again this was unsuccessful a support system that is utilized more on a different social media platform rather than their own should already exemplify how unreliable and Confused YouTube support structure is with no options remaining and fearing more strikes Williams claims he cut a deal with Google Kingpin he could stream again but as revealed on August 13th on his first stream back on YouTube he had to shave his facial hair so I talked to Gula Kingpin and he promised he wouldn't strike my account anymore if I went beardless I'm sticking up to my word let's see if he sticks up to his as a further Testament to YouTube's incompetence WS reveals how gulak Kingpin wasn't able to remove the two previous applied copyright strikes you know what the [ __ ] up thing is skeezy TV I asked him to take the strike off tonight and they couldn't do it because the account that they put the strike on with me got banned for giving fraudulent strikes but they kept but the but the strike stayed on my account until the uh the counter notification goes up that's some [ __ ] people were furious at how Wings was treated the most interesting part was their different sources of anger there were many users heavily displeased that gulock only asked Wings to shavee his beard and did not issue further punishment some of these read trolls squandered this one to BH they could have forced him to actually lose weight or improve his life instead of Shaving a beard 62 IQ move you guys never should have let up keep pushing until he's banned everywhere it will save his life the trolls took a massive L on this they could have taken him off the internet or held worst of all to Facebook streaming but they decided to be spineless cowards and gave into having wings as a cash cow he shaved his beard wow you really got him there so pathetically gave into tubby most parties might view wings as a source of entertainment there is no personal involvement just entertainment in his outlandish statements and actions but these users actively seek to be part of wings life and feel they are owed his Improvement they have a personal hatred for wings whether it was from becoming a donating fan and feeling betrayed by his lack of improvement or his past statements or cruelty yet these users will forgo others transgressions as long as it gets back to Wings a dangerous thing to be attacking someone's character without realizing their own flaws this goes far beyond just seeking entertainment and is an obsession that is not looked upon favorably by those not already indoctrinated into these communities even n the controversial owner of kiwi Farms a form that due to its doxing of individuals no longer exist on the clear net amongst other things was speaking out on the treatment of Jordy quote I'm literally doing the opposite I'm calling out people who are pretending they are helping Jordy by doing this [ __ ] either get together in redacted little Discord clubs and [ __ ] with his money and channels or say that you're helping him and are his best friend you can't do both attention he gets from troll channels is worthless when he has no main channels I honestly feel like I'm going insane because I can't believe how dumb people are these days cancel culture is not helping people swatting isn't funny breaking the law to [ __ ] with a lowow isn't okay each of these statements has proven contentious when 2020 plus users in the last month I'm really quite sick of you redacted TBH unquote it appears this perspective was not shared among many of the troll channels who were celebrating Wings shaven beard and forced them to do such a thing null's post brought for a building frustration and though dou 7's real talk was not responsible for it real talk was the only tangible face of wings trolling community and even a community post hardly quelled the unrest as revealed by their twitch chat there was much infighting between how Jordy should be treated and insults calling real talk as pathetic as Wings blaming real talk for a deal they kept stating that they were not responsible for the celebration of getting wings to shave his beard was cut short Not only was Wings getting support for the cruel towards him his twitch channel was also unbanned as twitch reversed their mistake when Banning Kelly's and Wing's Channel as for the trolls and who was doing what there was so much confusion and blame it started from Gula Kingpin allegedly extorting Wings by striking his YouTube channel with false strikes then this was settled with wing shaving his beard instead of having to pay $500 and as it turned out real talk caught to deal themselves with wings do not have real talk struck this is why there is so much confusion people were associating the DL real talk made with wings to be the deal gulak Kingpin made to shave Wings beard and so it was still assumed that real talk was responsible for the extortion when that was still not the case7 is not the one striking me I know exactly who's striking me regardless real talk through August was still getting criticized for both being too hard and soft on wings and then on August 16th two videos were released which made an entirely mad situation even worse on Twitter Wings linked a video titled Wings Redemption cww trolls exposed parentheses gulak Kingpin Source from a channel also made on the 16th named gulak kingpin's Revenge these two videos are the leak conversation between Gula Kingpin and wings according to the description of video 2 the full conversation was an hour long and promised to be uploaded in its entirety but it never was and only about 17 minutes of it exist on this channel at the end of the first part of this interview the person calling themselves gulak kin States what is the entire community's goal and why wings assment is warranted you on the G Kingpin Channel on YouTube y everyone's end goal is few to get a job but you you already told me in this call that even if I got a job you wouldn't allow me to stream inside hustle yeah but that's not a job what's not I didn't tell you what job I would get why don't you just get a job and not stream just by the contents of this call it is clear that this was the call where the deal was struck to shave Wings beard few days before its leak the second part looks to have jumped to a different section of the conversation after the alleged Gula comments about Elon Musk without context it's not really hard to be the next Elon you got you a you got you an Elon Musk ID in your back pocket possibly what if I was making money off stuff like this I mean like it is it is like what are you talking about this what is this just extorting people now you could be I would just make you a criminal but that's a defensive word I wouldn't call myself a criminal and most people would though I'll call myself a very smart person the conversation then veers off into goog revealing how much he hates black people with wings combating the arguments I don't trust Martin though why don't you like Martin Luther King no you don't like him I just don't like black people to be fair what don't you like about him I don't like them I don't like that they're criminals I don't like that they cause trouble I don't like that they Riot over [ __ ] I don't like that they cry together why so like you automatically assume black people are criminals because why because the majority are you realize they're a very small percentage of the population outside outside like Africa right what you what you're construing as like a color situation that this is how black people act is really a class situation people that are poor impoverished do things that poor impoverished people do this back and forth lasts for about 3 minutes before changing to conversation about Wings part job at a steel mill then shifted to talking about a former member being kicked out of the community because they swatted wings so the thing is in all honesty I'll tell you because Sparky did do it Sparky was doing it with someone else Sparky sent the police to your house and yeah Spar he got kicked out the community because of it the alleged gong states that he will upload a final video after this deal so you want me when I shave my beard off do you want me to to uh tell them that you you made me do it go for it that would be funny mhm that that would be a good final video for me to upload with anything involving trolls there always needs to be skepticism about claims especially if they are not coming from their channel the person claimed to be gulak kin could really be anyone talking to Jordy and though the comments are turned off there exist screenshots both celebrating gul's hatred of black people but also skepticism in that Wings could have hired someone to argue with to disre gulg if this was the only video that could be analyzed then maybe they would have waight to their argument but there exists other times Wings enters Conway convicts the new server of the Conway Wheel Watchers when seeking a different troll he is instead greeted with a familiar voice Mr y dick swager put your mic in no he's not putting his mic on this is between why don't he put his mic in why is he so [ __ ] scared shut up [ __ ] shut your mouth you [ __ ] fat I'm about to leave I'm about to leave Mr I put his mic on or I'm going to leave you're [ __ ] Richard you can't hand just recording this community of trolls and their ideologies and the way they carry themselves is interesting to say the least as to Archive a different Channel uploaded segments of the first two videos of the conversation between gulong and wings the description labels the different factions between the comway convicts real talk and independent trolls of note the comments on this video are quite different than those on the original two some read all parties involved what you better off if they found a job let's be real this whole thing has gone Way Beyond trolling I find it quite ironic and weird how trolls go after wings for the racist and other messed up things he said in the past but when trolls themselves hold the same views nobody seems to bad an ey towards them gulak kein is pretty unhinged but at the same time Wings deserves everything that is happening to him so it's hard to feel bad for wings for having to deal with someone like this as for gulak kin on his channel he uploaded segments of the conversation with wings that were never released these were seemingly chopped up to make wings look worse and as stated was his final video and after Wings shaved his beard he was no longer getting illegitimate strikes on his Channel all the evidence points to gulak Kin being responsible for the illegitimate striking of wings that has been going on for over a month yet viewers were still blaming 007's real talk for the harassment few knew what was really going on also on the 16th still the same day the call between gulak kein and wings was leaked Wings himself posted on Reddit specifically on the pka serit the post titled people think I'm a terrible human don't know what a terrible human is in this post he admits to his faults but states that his actions are undeserving of the harassment he receives while the post did get 1.8 th000 up votes a rarity considering Wings posts are often Mass down voted the comments are mixed some pointing out how Wings did not address his continued treatment of his viewers and actual supporters and how he respond more to trolls than those wanting better for him quote you don't appreciate your viewership you don't do it as often now as you used to but you were always quick to get off stream when you hit your donation targets you want people to donate to you without question SL reason you want to hit your targets as soon as possible so when you get slightly agitated you can get off without feeling bad about the amount of money you quote unquote made more recently it's about playing new titles and now finishing them simply because they didn't make you money on the first stream maybe your fans who wanted to watch you play particular games couldn't make it because you stream at random times without ever announcing it maybe you would have gotten donations from people if they had the chance to stop by and watch you play it all comes down to you not caring about your viewership at all all you care about is money up front same thing for stray demanding thousands of dollars for 2 hours of gameplay even if you raised that much you would have streamed it at a random time with no notice and you would have deleted the VOD so whoever donated the money will likely never get to see it unquote to expand on this when donating to any streamer it is expected for them to call out your name and thank you for the donation or subscription this is common in the online space so why donate to him when Wings has shown there to be a cheaper way to get him to call out your name without having to pay at all uh gold R call outs can we banned now ban bbo please ban attendo Master can we ban Otis please he's supposed to been banned last stream it is not surprising that users seek the path of least resistance for some acknowledgement still on the 16th you received another twitch ban from for slurs he claimed he did not say on the 17th he was tweeting at content creators con Carnage and moist critical both creators that may have some knowledge of him but have no apparent relationship with him these went unanswered yet after these chaotic 2 months things normalized wings7 abandoned real talk and continued to upload Clips to his channel but there still remained a lingering feeling about the chaos that went on hello it's nice to meet you wsor Redemption my name is G from Mars and I'm not sure if you know who I am like yeah I don't it's just like this insane thing where in no other case is there a YouTuber where I know troll channels names I know Sean ranklin I know the slob father Wing Tings V8 uh you know7 it's it's Insanity that there's that I know these names of trolls and they're that notable and that you're jumping on calls with them and try to negotiate with terrorists about like if they're going to try to shut down your Channel um well that's out of desperation that that call happened all the wing stuff like it just makes me sad like it just makes me sad for him yeah I don't know him the way you guys do obviously but like when I see a million videos of the downfall of this guy and oh mock him for this and that it's like yeah I I genuinely feel like a lot of sympathy punishment doesn't fit the crime it's like [ __ ] up the amount he is messed with Wing's channel was still on decline because he was being less and less reactive he was not giving the reaction these trolls wanted by the end of 2022 and the start of 2023 there was even greater infighting lumx a popular clip channel that also covers wings was Under Fire from the conwi convicts in January the conwi convicts were celebrating a mass loss in his subscriber base to understand this the troll culture of wings must also be understood and the screenshots of kwe convicts must be examined these reveal that they believe Lumix was working with wings to strike other tr channels were copyright so lmic could grow with less competition like most things related to trolls there is no apparent evidence to back this up they were also again targeting 007 because he copied their clips of Jordy and some edits they made this escalated to the point where one channel winging a member of the Kami convicts Discord uploaded Wings a Redemption payeg secrets exposed featuring Lumix and wings7 a pay pig is slang for someone who will often donate to infamous creators regardless of their own poor treatment this video to cause such a bleeding of subscribers must have some damning information the video starts with a disclaimer that this is not meant to start a troll Civil War the opening and supposedly damning piece of information was this tax Lumix presents at the beginning of his videos asking users not to charge back after donating to Wings Wing Tings believes this to be so damning that he added the additional information AA Post in his video in asterisk he further exposes lum's statement that [ __ ] with people's money isn't right something that Wing Tings and the troll Community seems to disagree with Lumix and7 are then accused of giving Wings money which is a terrible thing in this community then they are accused of stealing other troll videos once more even though those are for the most part recorded segments of wing streams the video ends with actual damning footage at the end against 007 showcasing that time he was talking about doging members of the Conway will Watchers in 2021 somebody just tell him be like dude just pull this guy's information for me please and a time when he allegedly harassed a former editor's family nael can you please stop harassing young kids and teenagers in your Discord server um you know it's illegal to pray on children and you're in a private VC right now with a young teenager I have the screenshots they have admitted to being a young teenager and uh you're praying and sexualizing these young kids we need to see up as s possible um you're a failure at life at the very end are credits given to Wing te's alleged Associates these unique self-imposed standards of these communities that are built around hyperfocusing on a failing streamer is far more captivating that Wings himself Wings even acknowledged the troll Civil War and stated that he had nothing to do with it I'm going put it out there like right now nobody pays me and I ain't got nothing to do with the troll [ __ ] Civil War they're fighting with each other other now yeah like half of them want to deplatform me the other half want to make money off me and they're like having a a civil war against it it gets even more bizarre in how these troll channels view themselves and what is necessary double 7 in response to these allegations went on a live stream hosted by a channel that goes by Kings Le T it is here where this culture of troll channels is brought to light in that in order to gain respect within this community the same age old controversial clips of wings has to be played within their videos also paying Wings in any form is a sin I've always said if lumx does pay wings and it comes out that there's some sort of IND deniable indefinite proof receipt that he is paying wings I would be fully on board with the [ __ ] lumx train like [ __ ] him okay but and and that's the thing people I came in the community and I've been firm on that stance and that's towards anybody towards anybody until there's a 100% valid receipt then I can't say for sure you are paying Wings you know yeah that's a hefty allegation what's more possibly to gain the respect of other detractors where cruelty is credit 007 says he hopes Wings career Burns everybody has free will to believe what they want to believe it's all good if you hate me you hate me it's fine it's all good and hopefully hopefully you know Wings wings's streaming career Burns in a [ __ ] fiery house Jesus Christ troll channels of wings Pride themselves in what most content creators would de insane they dedicate their time to watching someone they hate only to hyperedit Wing streams into something even less consumable some do these weekly and nearly all of them are tainted with their intros Wings Tings this in terms of entertainment is the worst offender they will insert Cobble together edits with zero substance to represent their channel the same intro and every video sometimes these will go on for the first 40 seconds of the video and is clear why their channels are failing even in sub 2minute videos these will be the majority of the video I've got child pornog around 12 Myck whatever I hope your family dies an automobile wreck I did say the age of consent should be 12 they do this because other troll channels love these and they will try to outdo each other with these we all thought Wings Tang's video would speak for itself however new information has come to light seems the rabit okay uh first check out breaking bank with new intro thanks for let this is what happens when videos are not made for entertainment but to win over the respect of other Wing tubers as they call themselves somebody you're watching right now one of your favorite Wing tubers right now as strange as it is in how they perceive themselves they do have a key and I for dredging up the most bizarre and unexpected clips of Jordy or his wife it is well known that Kelly is religious and drives a fair distance to attend her church something she is passionate about that's why there is little surprise that there would be footage of her in there at some point a lot of people on Tik Tok recently have been saying how can you spend your life brainwashed honey I ain't brainwashed I'm just crazy for Jesus I'm living for Jesus and if you don't like it there is a block button and maybe you should use it this is all very convincing the church The Voice the subject of social media and mention of the block button that's why the biggest surprise of it all was apparently it wasn't even Kelly just a Doppel Ginger first off she knows about Tik Tok I don't know nothing about no Tik Tok the pull pit way bigger than the pull pit at my church and and this dude here he looks kind of confused he actually I think he looks confused like what happened to her like what the hell's Tik Tok yeah first of all you should be able to tell from The Voice she doesn't have the Souther this instance of imitation was accidental a irregular happening in Wing's life the next one was more typical when on January 25th he tweeted that his PlayStation account was hacked once more but was able to get it back rather swiftly he even found out how it was taken last year so I created three security questions that were all super easy like you know it's like what's your first car what's your mother's maiden name what's your favorite you know video game or something like that they were all super easy and what ended up happening was they social engineered those questions so it was the security questions easy to answer considering how well documented Wings is this realization came to him in a dream CU in my dream I my my subconscious brought back up those security questions I'm like the security questions for the most recent hacking it was because they had access to the PlayStation backup codes they were still logged in and they had my backup codes cuz I never logged them out of the account and I didn't know about the backup codes this marks the third time it was taken this harassment was typical for wings what's different now is it isn't a spectacle there was no conversing with the trolls or having creators console him and thrust him onto Twitter trending things resolved themselves fast and nothing was dramatized as it continued to turn out this is bad for his career where the core of it is bombastic failure the lack of drama was reflecting even more on his metrics and to that he thinks he may have been shadowbanned I and I think YouTube right now has me like shadowbanned or something right now cuz like all of a sudden I start losing subscribers and my streams lose 150 viewers like there's something behind the scenes happening it just didn't happen that way something changed not all was bad because new stations were congratulating him on his future birthdays a happy birthday and Big Ups to Richard for his 40th birthday from The Hooligans and Kelly and Blake is turning wings at this time was where he was in many other times whenever things are not going particularly well whether he is gaining more weight he is more depressed than usual he is unable to stream or something similar he will be more prone to experimentation a desperation born from wanting to keep streaming this time with low numbers and revenue keemstar tweeted about wings Redemption and another Creator in the same boat Boogie 298 boxing and an upcoming match in March Wings was scroll to Twitter and accidentally clicked on his messages Twitter pops up the most recent conversation which was with keemstar keemstar linking to an upcoming match revealing that they would possibly be on the undercard and here keemstar States guys I still don't have the contracts yet they're telling me tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow all week it's been like this but you both have my word that this is very much real we are very much really doing this at pay will be 10K each the top of the conversation reveals that this is a group chat with the one other user being Boogie for a split second when panicking and trying to switch Pages as to not leak further information Wings clicks on a different conversation which is also about the boxing match this was building up more hype for the potential event but not enough to truly believe it would happen Talk of the boxing match was invading his chat Wings was demonstrating his fighting ability and confidence in a victory even with the show he was putting on view counts were still dropping what happens with all the fight from the dude there is no hype from the fight my viewers are lower now than when I wasn't doing the fight but that was only making wings more dedicated he was even trying to lose weight once more this caused some confidence and wings when stepping on scale designed for larger individuals he was stating that he was 418 lb I weigh 418 right now sh I can prove I weigh 418 but the scale gave a different number that was a 7 lb difference he's lying to me 4256 418 this morning an interesting bit of trivia is those scales designed for larger users need audio to properly deliver information to users as these users mass will block the view from the number you would typically see on normal scale this training would not go in vain keemstar on April 17th tweeted a video of him signing a wall the camera then paned Wings sitting on a chair in a streaming room further promotional materials were released one a keemstar taking a Pepsi out of wings fridge but the most important was the signing of the contracts there it is even if Boogie were to back out Wings would still get those $10,000 this was going to happen he was even losing weight as a result of it no doubt the fight continued to be the biggest topic of conversation in his dreams where he was showing off his flexibility and the moves he was practicing in training at the beginning of May the fight was just about 2 weeks away Wings getting more promotion had varing reaction from onlookers no reactions more sour than from his trolls and none creating more noise and more so annoyance than Wing Tings Wing Tings was actively trying to get the event canceled he was tweeting at YouTube the organizers and the arena attached were those exhausted clips of wings say controversial things that had been used Time After Time what happened afterwards was certainly not Wing Ting's intent while Wing Tings hardly represents all the trolls his existence does represent the state of the community around wings as more and more passive users lost interest in Wings mostly the hyperin interested remained in this diminishing pool of wings viewers your typical viewer will watch for pure entertainment and with those people coming back some with the building hype these strange methods and cultures mostly working against wings developed by trolls whose views don't represent the masses in the end worked in favor of wings this normalization in how Wings was being treated to caused Swift backlash on Twitter there was a lengthy chain of wing Tings and a user going back and forth this user was accusing win Tings of being tied to his swatting win Tings was refuting this this user was further pressing win Tings and stated that they were going to be in a lot of trouble these responses and dismissive attitude demonstrated well how little experience Wing Tings had with dealing with criticism so despite his best efforts the fight was still on and wings was now in London the weigh-ins happened where it was revealed Wings lost weight 443 now all that was left was this greatly anticipated event the day of the fight was absolutely special never before had wings had this much of an audience even before Wings came out Boogie was stumbling and showing signs of exhaustion so when Wings came out rapping a song that had become a meme recently on his dreams his demeanor was a pure confidence his sights held on bugy overpowered his opponent's dedication a fair predictor to how the fight was going to end and so the two touch gloves and as quickly as it began it ended after not so much of an exchange but a delivering of blows from Wings to Boogie and after round two the Titanic weight class had its first Victor the contest and therefore your winner wings of redemption in the end Wings landed 25 punches to Boogie's singular punch some sources to Wings being younger and more flexible than Boogie even so the dedication to this could not be ignored Wings was celebrated and surrounded by and the first time in a long time true supporters of his dream and him as a person he met other creators that were genuine fans of his it must have been overwhelming to go from a trailer in a rural Town surrounded by nothing but detractors to a major city and be congratulated by big names that Wings possibly didn't even know knew of his existence this was framed as a comeback wings of redemption could live up to his name this was meant to propel him and use this motivation to turn a depressive perspective into one of hope that's why this is much more than just a match because there is a message that is constantly delivered to Wings one that Improvement is possible with dedication no one wants to invest hope in someone that fails constantly but when someone is on the rise from the bottom they become a symbol of this hope if Wings can improve from this desperate spiral then that can be inspiration for some of his viewers this was a reinvestment in a grand failure one that if it failed again would be depressive to people Beyond wings or Kelly all wings had to do is keep going strong and not allow himself to be deterred from the shock of a fast-paced and supportive event in which he was the center of for a period to allowing to slower pace and seclude a life in his trailer to take hold of him once more this was very promising because his first Dream back he started off strong he received possibly thousands of dollars in donations and he was wearing his Special Top Hat he was in a good mood and thanks to his subscribers could not keep up with the pace that they were donating holy [ __ ] optimistically clinical great D thank you for the $20 hey thank you meow holy [ __ ] thank you Bren thank you shingo holy moly it's [ __ ] flying off res dude thank you for the $52 holy [ __ ] oh how'd you guys like to fight holy [ __ ] question back thank you for the 20 done King holy [ __ ] I can't keep up with all of this what's more is Wing Tings the troll that attempted to cancel the fight was being called out by keemstar and other creators it lashing so bad that Wing Tings left the internet without a trace Wings was still winning his fight was being analyzed to show How likely his victory was against Boogie what he did is just put his hand away look the other way hope for mercy and there was no mercy to be found in that ring I know but merits and achievements can only get anyone so far there seems to be continued lack of understanding from Winks whether he lost or won his dreams would bleed viewers if he kept doing the same thing what made him interesting was his raging the insulting comments and reactions that speak to a wider audience but with his passiveness in terms of entertainment and a general disregard for his chat the dislike between both his core viewers and him is very much still there and their Investments go beyond entertainment if he doesn't change anything about how he presents his dreams how he acts what he plays the results will always be the same and certainly they were I think it's fair to say this that the boxing did not help my career that part of my life's behind me rth I'm not going to be in a better mood man I'm depressed I'm a manic depressed is what I am dude it's reason people pick on me if I come back when I'm in a better mood I won't stream the rest of the month like it I was on a big high because I felt like I was succeeding now I feel like I'm failing you come off of you know people caring about you and giving you congratulations to 150 viewers stream see that makes you feel especially when you don't like yourself to begin with uh puhan I don't know if you noticed but I've streamed maybe a total of like 6 hours and 2 weeks Not only was Wings not pushing past the low's came back from an exciting trip he also barely streamed 6 hours and those two weeks back June was far worse he even regretted doing the fight entirely actually I regret ever doing the fight I'm not going to change it's not going to happen cuz I don't want to exercise I like I don't want to Center my channel around exercising I don't I like being [ __ ] fat I like eating I like eating I like sleeping with wings it could be hard to precisely show how well he was doing month to month due to the lack of archival on his side however this stream he was generous enough to talk about the backend metrics of his channel only he had access to like I'm I'm down 33% on views I'm down 5% on watch time 104% on subscribers I've actually lost 81 subscribers in the month of June um and my money is down 43% so in this dream he was very open on sharing his continued failures using metrics and abandoned projects to demonstrate his lack of progress one such project was a complete Dead Space let's play he had recorded and not just recorded it was already cut down and ready for upload it only lacked thumbnails like like I I've pointed out before like I have a complete let's play I did complete let's play right here complete completely done commentated edited the whole nine I just need thumbnails made for it am I putting it out no this abandoned project speaks so much about wings and his complete inability to improve that is tied to a lack of understanding of where he is it is not only that he can't finish a project that has the smallest barriers in terms of needing thumbnails for the uploads it is also that he invested his time in something that is dated to a point that it is guaranteed to fail Let's Plays are a long dead genre that have been replaced they were once popular before games became largely digital easy to access and many of them free for that reason the crater is now at the center of the gameplay videos it is now more important than ever to have a personality for wings to not understand any of this for him to invest 12 hours of his time plus the additional hours of editing it took to create this is astonishing to how ignorant it is as a Creator who has been in his field for over 14 years now and it only got worse his dreams lost even more interest Wings hit a new point of desperation where in the past he would shrug at a $100 donation I just want to point out I've been streaming for 6 hours and other than the dude that donated $300 and some dollars I've made $17 worth of donations now he was sniffing his chair for just $10 the chair has to be a $10 donation not 25es let's let's get it real here oh he did do the chair my bad that was worse than I thought it was going to be even though metric are not publicly available for Wing's Channel his troll Channel metrics are and they are also at an all-time low as much as they want wings to fail it is clear how their Reliance of success affects them this is another video coming to a close with wings again being in a poor State this clip is as recent as September yeah it's just you get complacent you get to the point where like you're just waiting for life to end like I there's so many days in my life I wake up and it's is like I just want the day to end again so I go back to sleep and I'm trying to change that wings of redemption is not a typical Creator he is a lcal a creator that has been granted survival forther failures this label exists to demonstrate a lack of understanding and Improvement just like Psychopaths or Geniuses these are a different type of person maybe even more rare a Local's best known trait is failure even so there is also a lack of understanding from those that seek for his Improvement that what through kindness or harassment others think they can influence what has shown to only revert all right boys I'm done for tonight to stay the same
Channel: Joon The King
Views: 437,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WingsOfRedemption, Wings Of Redemption, Rise and Fall, Documentary, Joon The King, Where is, What happened to, Wings Of Redemption boxing, Boogie2988
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 49sec (4549 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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