My Cyberstalker NEEDS to be stopped - Low Tier God

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july 13 2019 or 674 days ago i made this video and i need you guys to try to try to go find that a fake ass documentary about me i had that [ __ ] removed for complete ridicule slander and everything all of the above but if i can get a if i can get a hold to a couple other people off that channel um that he's uploading videos about we can all submit flags and kill that dude's channel so basically what i gotta do tomorrow is go and file a civil suit on this dude i have his his actual real name and all that type of [ __ ] you cannot publicly put out people's try to put out people's information i'm taking this [ __ ] very serious all right very serious that's all i'm gonna say about it as soon as my [ __ ] pulls up we'll say his name on stream you cannot publicly put out people's try to put out people's information to i'm not going to give up on this i'm taking as many actions as i possibly can as far as that fake documentary tonight we're gonna do a mass flag on that video i was watching a video some punk ass [ __ ] talking about what this punk ass coward june the king did i can't help was being typed in my stream i don't know what's going on everybody docks me what's the difference never in my wildest dreams did i think that he would go as far as to dox someone because he lost a copyright strike that is insanely ridiculous oh my god ltg's taxing me but you basically alluded tried to loot everything now what i'm gonna do is tie him up that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna tie him up i'm gonna bound him staring at him with his beady ass kodak black eyes [Music] trying to cut his [ __ ] off while while june's just looking just in desperate trouble just sweating profusely also this is the year that june the king video will be going too just to let you [ __ ] know [Music] wait wait wait wait stop stop stop hello guys and welcome to day 675 since i upload the low tier god video i'm sorry for that like dramatic opening but you know it's got to be a little bit zesty before i get into the main stuff the first thing you're probably noticing right now is that i'm on facecam and there's two big reasons for this the first reason is this this video is not neutral like whatsoever i'm going to be biased in this video because it has a lot to do with me i'm a main character in the story right and the second reason is i want to strengthen my argument for fair use in this video and what fair use is is essentially when you make a video or something transformative you change the nature of it you know like let's say a reaction video or whatever in a major way and it becomes your own content you know you transform it into something different and that's what i'm trying to do with this video if it does get taken down i'm ready to get it taken back up so that's not going to be a problem so yeah so for the past almost two years now i've been doxxed and harassed by uh i guess youtuber content creator x twitch streamer uh that goes by the name of low tier god the reason i say x twitch streamer is because he's been banned on twitch he's been banned on facebook but i think he's back he's been banned on twitter he's made another account you know he evades bans which is a major thing but he's never been banned on youtube which is what i'm trying to achieve in this video because he's putting a lot of people's lives at risk by releasing personal information which is what doxxing is so after he released my personal information you know my name where i lived i'm in a different place now luckily um my phone number my email address for some reason whatever you know i've changed a lot of information i'm safe now it's cool but this keeps on happening to other people you know after me three other people were doxxed right three other people were doxxed by low to god he's not gonna stop he's made it clear that if you oppose him then he's gonna release your personal information and get you harassed maybe swatted maybe you know send a pizza over whatever way you can intimidate you and bother you and you know i've had enough that that's enough i wanted to end here that is just i'm fed up you know i've been trying to just like get away from the situation but being that my channel has grown significantly over the past two years right i feel it is my responsibility to finally put this whole big mess to an end so now that i've gotten that intro out of the way we can finally get into the main meat of the video the whole story so you know i like to make videos on the controversial figures maybe some non so controversial you know sometimes i like to mix it up and get some like people that i really appreciate you know like jenna marbles i really appreciate her as a content creator um sometimes i cover really controversial figures and something i always try to do as a rule of thumb is whenever i cover someone sure there's a lot of bad things being said about them right but i also want to find all the good aspects that aren't really being shown you know i try to make that a point like within all my videos but with low tier god it was like a really big struggle because it's so hard to find anything good that he's actually done he's he's a terrible person there's no other way to say it low to your god is an absolutely terrible person my god initially back in 2019 i i got a lot of requests to cover this guy and the strange part was he was like a really small channel i mean relatively small he had like 40 000 subscribers at the time i had like around 20 000 but like his name was like you could really find a lot of content on him on youtube which you know was strange to me i was like how is such a relatively small channel spread all across youtube and other sections of the internet so i was thinking like who is this infamous figure and it would be pretty interesting to cover him so it took about 80 hours and two weeks to start and finish the video and this is the result from it um from a movable to delusional low tier god story delon sparrow so yeah that that's my video right here right as you can see uploaded july 13 2019 right here right and within two days right it was taken down it didn't even last long but before i get into all that mess let me tell you what happened at a slower pace so the video like any other of my videos was you know slow to start but then it eventually started gaining more traction and you know low tier god noticed this and he left a pretty warm comment um on the video i'll show it to you guys right now i just gotta find it okay okay here it is so this is the comment that loads tier god that left on my video i think the 15th yeah the 15th the same day it was taken down and this comment reads you're reaching i rise and still rise get the [ __ ] off my dick running ads on my stolen content don't make me flag you [ __ ] boy so yeah he's mad that i'm running ads on the content he stole apparently you know by the structure of that sentence so i thought really nothing much of it i was like okay this is kind of silly i highlighted the comment as you can see there i thought it's pretty like funny and then i was also getting a bunch of comments like this will get flagged by him um you know within a few days other things like that saying he might take the video down which is something i never experienced and i was like yeah yeah sure that's gonna happen you know sure thing guys sure thing yeah and what do you know it like i took a nap right and i was like damn this video is performing really well you know i'm feeling really great about the performance of this video it's doing pretty decently and i think i woke up at like 6 00 p.m at the time and what i awoke to was this bam a video unavailable this video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by this video is defamation of character so as you can tell already it's not supposed to be worded like this it's supposed to be no longer available due to copyright claim by and then the name of the person who took it down so on youtube and other websites you can take content down that you believe is infringing on your copyright via what's known as a dmca otherwise known as the digital millennium copyright act you know this allows you to take videos down that you believe to be infringing on your copyright and that's pretty much about it you know you shouldn't be using this process to take a video down that you believe to be defamation of character which is pretty much when you say something bad about a person that ruins their reputation right yet still we see this lurking on my video you know claimed by this video is definition a character and the reason it is worded this way is because whenever you're filling out the form for you know a copyright takedown you have to put your channel name your name whatever and in the name he just put this video is defamation and character which again you shouldn't be using this process if it's defamation a character you can tell right off the bat that low tier god does not understand what defamation a character is or even the copyright system because i mean like this happened you know what what is this it's ridiculous right uh so what i awoke to besides this was a bunch of messages on my discord like telling me that it was taken down and i was like you know what what's going on right so the first thing i did when i woke up right besides looking at my discord and all the mess that was happening is i researched how to try to get this video back up because you know it is my content it is rightfully mine it's transformative i made it i added my own commentary analysis whatever and what you have to do essentially to get a video back up is send a counter claim and in order to send a counter claim what you have to do is you have to send the opposing party your name your address your phone number and your email right so if they want to see you for copyright infringement they'll send that information to a lawyer and you know things will be processed from there otherwise your video will go up in 14 days so i was like okay cool i'll send this and within 14 days it should be back up you know i've documented that he doxes people in my videos so hopefully like you know i won't get docs as i was too confident at the time obviously considering what happened so at this point in time july 15th by the way is when the video was taken down i'm just kind of waiting to see what happens right because i did send the counter notification here is the takedown email that i got and what youtube does is they pretty much go over your counter notification right they make sure you know where you're doing what kind of things you're getting yourself into i pretty much said that like look this is my video i made it transformative it's fair use you know send it over and they did within the next couple of days but july 15th right nothing because i'm still waiting but then that night he hopped on his live stream and he had something to say about my video so still the night of july 15 2019 as you can see on the stream it is 909 within his time zone and he has some fun things to say about me so let's go ahead and watch this clip i need you guys to try to try to go find that a fake ass documentary about me go look for it what up one hit see if you guys can find it okay really quick he calls my documentary you know video whatever a fake ass documentary he's been doing this for the past two years and he has yet to say well part of it's fake you know whenever we were exchanging emails which i'll get into um i asked him like hey you know if there's anything that needs to be changed or anything that's like actually wrong i'll fix that just tell me like what's fake you know where did i mess up right so you'll continue to see that throughout this video [Music] yeah it was a fake ass documentary but what i want you guys to do is go look for it go to that person's channel and try to find it again you know i asked him like what part of my documentary is fake what information did i get wrong and no answer because i don't think anything really is wrong but there are a few things but i'll get into that later he's so [ __ ] gross dude i'm sorry i had that [ __ ] removed yeah getting in the documentary was false it's not i had that [ __ ] removed he did i contacted youtube talked to a live chat instantly they told me it was against community guidelines and i had that [ __ ] [ __ ] removed does anybody know i can get in contact with uh wings of redemption because i want to talk to him that's sort of the reason why i want to talk to wings of redemption is because i already had a flag submitted to that news channel i've seen the wings of redemption that dude did a wings a video on rings of redemption and had 400k i did so we can get wings of redemption in to put a flag on that man's channel for complete ridicule slander and everything all of the above submitted okay okay okay so it's obvious that low tier god hasn't seen the video i made about him really because he can't really answer basic questions like you'll see that later on um there's no way he knows about anything to do with my wings a redemption video and what's also funny is in the past low tier god has insulted wings of redemption heavily which is another person you know i made a video on so i doubt wings would want to work with him anyways who you know tried to take my channel down so at this point in time within his mind you know he hasn't received my counter notice or anything like that he's pretty much won and he's going overboard trying to take my channel down by getting more copyright strikes applied right so he applied one copyright strike and if you get two more applied then your channel pretty much goes down if no counter notifications are submitted you know he's won and he's still like he's still going after me which is pretty crazy false personal information misleading information then that could be two strikes if i can get in contact with somebody else that that dude did a video on i can definitely um y'all have insta can you send me the link over email yeah just you got facebook but if i can get a if i can get a hold to a couple other people off that channel um that he's uploading videos about we can all submit flags and kill that dude's channel [Music] i don't give a [ __ ] about no ad revenue when a [ __ ] is trying to sit over here and try to spread all this fake ass business about me and have [ __ ] all in my business absolutely not anyways if there's anybody that knows how i can get in touch with wings of redemption that would be excellent okay i'm just gonna say this like the people that i've done videos on they know that i've done videos about them maybe except jake paul because he's so big like he probably doesn't know like half maybe 90 of the videos that are made about him you know um i'm cool with a friend which is the first of these videos that i made i'm pretty chill with ice beside and i haven't spoken to him in like two years but he whenever did speak to him he's pretty chill uh wings doesn't care jenna marbles is off the internet onision like i don't know he took my video down to you but i got that back up he doesn't really care about anyone so onision's fine yeah so no one that i've made a video on has really the same mentality as him he really thinks he can convince these random people to essentially break the rules and attack my channel in order to be taken down unfairly so again you know he's already taken my video down but he still wants to punish me by getting my channel removed for doing nothing that's against the community guidelines you know if i was doing something like doxing then like sure oh but it doesn't end there there's still a lot more so then the following day uh july 16 2019 i received this email and it's from low to god on the email i sent for my counter notification because it finally reached me now so now he has my name my number my address and my email which is supposed to be forwarded to a lawyer because you're supposed to use that information to file a lawsuit right that's what the dmca process pretty much does but instead he decided to take it upon himself to use that information to contact me personally when that's not what you're supposed to do so he titles this email your attempt at a counter claim it's not an attempt it is an actual counter claim at this point you know it's not it's not an attempt it's actually happening and he goes off to say i'm letting you know since it's this important for you to try and release person information as well as an attempt to slander my name and call it fair use when it clearly is not i'll be sure to file a court order against you i don't know why he's telling me this like if you're gonna do it just do it like this does not help your case by like contacting me this is what you're not supposed to do okay you do not have my permission to use me my likeness uh sorry guys uh likeliness or anything about me on your videos and i will be taking legal action like i swear this could be like written by a middle schooler and i i would not be able to tell the difference i will also be contacting others you have done documentaries on in the past to flag those slanderous videos as well as take legal action against you as well instead of worrying about other people's lives from behind a computer trying to profit off of other notables i suggest you worry about yours action taken okay okay so this is like the really funny part right i think i know why you sent this video so youtube right the dmca process requires you to take action right in order for a video not to go back up because he sees that counter notification he knows it's going to go back up within 14 days so youtube says okay we need proof that you're gonna file like you have like actual papers saying that this is being filed you know through a lawyer or whatever you may be following yourself if you're that amazing of a lawyer right and then you send it to youtube and they're like okay we'll hold off on returning this video within those 14 days you know we'll wait until this is actually settled in court until that time thank you for sending us information that you're actually pursuing legal action so my thought process is right he said action taken he sent this whole thing like to me and then he sent his screenshot to youtube and he was like okay look i contacted the dude i threatened to take his channel down i said action taken all right don't don't allow his video to go back up because i said some funny words right and at this point i'm trying to keep it chill i'm still trying to see what the hell is going on because i've never gone through a process like this you know i'm just trying to like keep quiet and just observe like okay is this actually turning into something legal like so i start contacting other channels and start asking them like have you guys been to like through this like what do i do besides sending a counter claim how where does this end up can he actually pursue legal action in any way so he sends me this email and then about four hours later right he goes on his live stream then talks about me like again and so this is the clip from july 16 2019 9 50 in his time zone so you know let's watch that uh so i kind of just want to talk to you guys the people that's in here like i want to talk to you guys about uh what's been going on with that fake ass documentary video and i had the video removed but um the dude did a counter claim claiming that it was fair use for him to basically try to expose where i went to school try to exp hold up hold up hold up okay expose where he went to school his college right um he did that himself okay check this out one second one second let me get this ready okay here we are um all right so check this video out guys we'll go back to this video but i want to show you something first real quick all right so he still has this video live on his channel he's probably going to take it down when i release this video but it's called band xbox live account accepting challenges and thank yous right release january 29th 2014. what's going on youtube back all right all right let's you know zoom in a little bit all right you know let's zoom in a bit more let me screenshot this let me get this a bit more easier to see all right all right so look look at this look at this business management right and then right there university of antelope valley he's wearing his [ __ ] college shirt in a [ __ ] video and there's several videos like this look here's another one on just youtube wearing the same exact shirt and how this [ __ ] even works except this one doesn't even say business management i don't think he's like graduated yet so this is like another shirt from the same college you know i don't know about you guys but i don't keep shirts from colleges i never attended um beyond that like okay sure he's wearing a shirt from college um when i was doing research on this video right he had an actor's profile up i don't think he has it up anymore but if you searched his name or you know the name he goes by at least not his real name as you can tell right there his this is like a perfect frame to like freeze on to um so his arm right here he has the tattoo that says the lawn sparrow because that is the name he gave himself which is fine cool like we'll address you as that name because that's like you prefer whatever dude i don't care fine um so if you search delon sparrow back in 2019 then you'll get his actor's profile which is open to the public for everyone to see everyone and what it said on there is business management and some other information confirming the validity that he attended that school right so it's like i didn't release this information about where you went to school you did and because you released this information to the public yourself right i'm allowed to put it in my video so let's go back to that live stream that happened on july 16 2019 oh is my actual real name trying to do all a bunch of real name so okay people don't think i said his real name within the video but i did and i'll explain that again so just like he released where he went to college you know there's other videos where he talks about the college he attended you know i just showed you a few examples as for his real name there are several examples of him posting his real name online himself you know i'll show you one okay i i just spent like 30 minutes looking for this and i finally found it okay so this is literally still on his channel the information is luckily not up to date i'm not gonna show you any indication of where where to find it i i don't want you guys to find it but this is just proof that he post his own personal information including his name his name his real government name on youtube on his own channel he doxes himself he releases his own information it's unbelievable but look look this video right here like it's right here it's unbelievable like he didn't censor this package that he received and it has his name it has his old address whatever and it's still there it's still there he's been notified i'm sure of this video that has his real name which it's been mentioned in many other places he had this video called um edgar allen poe the black hat where he reads poetry from edgar allan poe um and at the very end of course in the titles he has his real name like i can go in and say i can legally you know whatever fine go ahead and say what his real name is because he's exposed it so many times like sure this was an accident but during the credit sequence to edgar allan poe the video he uploaded that was intentional so because he intentionally released his information i am legally allowed to say his real name wherever i please right because he exposed that himself he did this to himself he did it he put this out there himself it's just insane like this is what i've had to deal with for the past two years his name is right there his old address that he accuses people of doxing is right there you talks yourself dude this is none other than you doing it to yourself this this whole mess is just you like my god come on yeah okay anyways let's go back to the video okay [ __ ] and break into privacy breaking into private okay okay he releases all this information himself he really does like it's everywhere you know like whatever it's just such a mess [ __ ] that he had no business doing him putting my [ __ ] on the internet and um it's looking like dude um actually thinks that i'm not gonna go ahead and follow a civil suit he didn't by the way he didn't so oh no to me if somebody flagged the video i did like that that i was basically slandering somebody and exposing information or trying to expose information and dig deep into someone's life for no i only reported it on things he said i've only you know my source was him and his videos it's insane like literally like pretty much everything that you see in my video is something he said right like i don't go into personal facebook i don't go into like personal instagrams that are obviously meant for your friends and family anything like that i don't try to release any information that you yourself haven't put out there because that's pretty [ __ ] up and that's not something i think a sane person would do reason uh without any permission i would think that if they flagged it i was just gonna leave it alone it is doxing he released his own personal information his address his name i said his real name once because he put that out there after that i addressed him as delon sparrow because like you know i want to be respectful when i make these videos so you know i want to address him as he wants to be addressed but youtube is ran by bots so they allowed this dude to counter claim but it's fine i'm going to go to court tomorrow i hope somebody sees this too i'm pretty sure people will i'm basically going to go to court tomorrow file a civil suit against this dude exactly it is harassment oh boy no of course the [ __ ] didn't ask me come on now so basically what i got to do tomorrow is go and file a civil suit on this dude i have his his actual real name and all that type of [ __ ] so i guess as if that isn't threatening right i'll go into like why that is important later on because well no you know i'll go into now actually so my real name right my first name is jaime fine cool i put that out there before that's fine people you know that's that's out there in the internet i did that myself that's cool i want people to know my first name because it's it's fine i don't care you know last name is like when people can start identifying you right so he's obviously saying that in three matter because he knows he has something above me he has some leverage that he can release my name and dox me right he has my real name that i have not put out i put on my first name never my last name never my last name no none of that he thinks i'm joking i guess he thinks it's a game i guess he thinks he's gonna get the video back on his channel which is that's what he's trying to do with that fake ass counterclaim let me let me read to you guys what this guy said um there was no reason to remove my video my video falls under fair use policy so he believes what he did was fair use i know it's fair use he said my video falls under fair use policy i've used my own narration and commentary along with mostly my own original content i have also given credit to similar content so he believes that um talking about [ __ ] he has no business speaking on slander ridicule none of that has to do with fair use by the way none of that has to do with fair use he just jumps on different things that have like little to no relation to each other i i don't know why cool trying to expose my actual everything real name address whatever the [ __ ] he's doing right putting up fake documents fake [ __ ] um speculation he doesn't even he never says what any of this fake things are patience i guess he feels like that's fair he says i swear in their penalty or perjury that i have good faith and belief that material was used was removed due to a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled what the [ __ ] is wrong with this [ __ ] i consent to the jurisdiction of the federal district court of the district in which my address is located or if my that's just default [ __ ] at the bottom he didn't write that last little [ __ ] but basically all he said was there was no reason to remove my video my video falls into the fair use policy i've used mom narration and commentary along with mostly my original content i've also given credit to similar content that's basically all he said that's first thing to do when i wake up in the morning is going to the courthouse and filing a civil suit against this guy [Music] that's exactly what's going to happen and anybody that i can get in contact with that he's dropped videos on already i'm basically going to contact them and have them do the same thing you can't get away with trying to slander somebody and do all this radical [ __ ] for no reason this is the reason why people out here killing them themselves and all that type of [ __ ] is because of people like this faceless nobodies that get on here trying to scrutinize and [ __ ] [ __ ] up that's probably what ultimately led to etica's demise i it's really hard to believe i'm dealing with a person like this sometimes i'm telling you this is just all these channels talking [ __ ] about him uh what the [ __ ] is his name keemstar and all that kind of [ __ ] yeah attica was cool with keemstar at the end of it but the the fact of the matter is when you do [ __ ] like that you start making people think irrational when you try to dig in someone's life i wanted everybody to know everything about me i would never i wouldn't i wouldn't call myself what i am there's a reason why i don't go by my government name because it's no one's business it's it's it's disrespect to try to put up somebody's government name when they don't go by that name you cannot publicly put out people's try to put out people's information or give people ideas about [ __ ] you like that you like how he said you cannot publicly put out people's information you can you can and you can't you can put out people's public information if they've already put it out themselves you can however do it in a way that incites harassment right which is what doxxing is that's what i'm saying there's another uh there's actually another documentary out there that's basically just talking about me gaming it has nothing to do with you trying to figure out what college i went to where i'm working where i used to work all types of crazy [ __ ] so that one i didn't give a [ __ ] i seen it was like all right but okay where he used to work right he's done several videos talking about his previous jobs several okay like this is just so mentally exhausting i've had to deal with this for the past two years okay this is just exactly putting up workplaces putting on my putting up my government name let me tell you guys something for all you [ __ ] watching 251 people i'm pretty sure everybody here knows what my real name is but i don't associate myself with my government name like most entertainment hold up hold up let me know let me go back associate themselves with that like myself i'm pretty sure everybody here knows what my real name is i'm pretty sure everybody here knows what my real name is but i'm pretty sure everybody here knows what my real name everyone already knows what's what's the big deal dude like that everyone knows how am i putting out your information if everybody knows like why is that such a bad thing everybody already knows it was not me i didn't dox you doxxing means i'm the one who initially leaked that information i did not you put it out yourself i'm going crazy i'm like going crazy like watching this again god it is but i don't associate myself with my government name like most entertainers do there's no reason for people to be trying to sit over here and make it a thing to be sitting out here calling me what the okay i'm probably gonna like blur this out or like bleep it out but he just said his own [ __ ] name dude he just said his own [ __ ] name on livestream maybe i'll just keep it in but he literally said his own [ __ ] name i swear to god i'm going crazy like looking at this again because like this is bringing back some [ __ ] some like really frustrating stuff so i'm sorry if i'm being like you know too much right now but just it's so frustrating you know like dealing with this nice track on here i want to hear more of that okay so i think that's about it for that video that clip or whatever let's see what's next so uh as you can see on screen this is an old email right of low tier god stream archive which is one of the first channels i believe that really started to archive his streams you know as per the name and if we look down here a little bit he tweeted out his personal information right i went ahead and like colored all that personal information like black so no one can see it anyways he said here's the dude's address who keeps stealing all of my streams tripling my views and spreading my personal information is this real so doxing or releasing this personal information is against community guidelines it's not just against community guidelines it's actually against law you know right here um behind these black lines you have his real name his phone number and his address plays a residence and before i get into the law i want to make it very clear that the copyright process with the information that you get from it needs to go to your lawyer you know this isn't your information to play around with youtube does not send this information to you to harass people that's actually against youtube's terms of service and again it's against the law which you know i'll pull up right here why not let's pull it up uh so you can make this bigger okay so you can get this information pretty much anywhere on the internet internet i got it from uh what seems to be a government website and it's basically about cyber misbehavior right and if you go down here to page five we can look at cyber stalking right cyber stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention harassment contact or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear so let me just highlight this here posting information or spreading rumors about the victim on the internet in a public space or by a word of mouth you know rumors you know i'm not really afraid about because he's not he doesn't have that much credibility you know i mean i'm going to be honest like what you're god isn't someone that most same people believe but it's those you know not same people that you need to be worried about right so he is my cyber stalker because he posted he docks me you know he released my personal information that i never put out there low tier god is a cyber stalker to low tier god stream archive he is a cyber stalker low tier god is a cyber stalker low tier god is a cyber stalker so getting back to the email i know that he has my information and obviously i don't want that released so saying this right saying that i have only released my first name i was doing this for like legal purposes right i was making it clear to him that hey look this is all i released online this is all you can say if you say anything else that's stoxing you know anything else that is sent through the counter notification right i was setting myself up for like a legal case that could possibly happen and this is the proof that i informed him that only my first name was out in the public and then he goes on to say after reading this so he did in fact read it he read that my personal information was not released in any way shape or form online right so he says after reading this the fact that you think anything you did wasn't wrong shows how much of an inc competent bore of a human you are you say because you blurted out certain things or didn't say certain things that your documentary was fair use slandering someone for 28 minutes as well as digging into the personal past without permission is not for use which it actually is fair use even if i did something of that matter it's it's still fair use this is stalking and harassment amongst other things you say i've said all these things myself you link videos from four or so years age to gather unnecessary claims what you did is not a service to me by any means like do you think everything i do has to like bend to your will like what the [ __ ] dude and then he continues saying it is defamation of character slander and puts my safety at at risk i deal with enough slander online daily you do not have the right to make content like this not only about me but anyone that you make these videos about and you're trying to turn a profit off these types of videos all at the expense of someone's else's misfortune as of tomorrow i will be filing a civil suit against you the documents will be uploaded to the pending youtube case claim i refuse to allow you to think it's okay to make content like this at the expense of others well-being safety and psychological battles while you turn a profit and laugh i am taking this very seriously this is harassment and i plan to fight it to its fullest extent good day okay okay okay so on the topic of slander and defamation i'm sorry to derail this once again let me just pull this up okay here it is here it is um yeah so this is the article i found i mean like there's been several court cases like this look according to a new ruling from a new york court a public figure's reputation can be so toxic that it is impossible to defame him you've been an infamous figure i didn't make you this way you know this is what you are so even though i didn't slander him i didn't defame him even if i did like he would have a hard time to like defending that because his reputation is so toxic so and then i go on to say you know still in the same string of emails um again i urge you to give me a timestamp or quote that you have determined to be slander legal battles like these can take around two years and cost up to and over one hundred thousand dollars from either of us right which is true but then again he would just stand to make a lot less because this is way smaller than something done by let's say disney and then he goes on to say how about you just forget about the video altogether i'm prepared to go legal i deal with enough of this stuff daily you kind of already did severe damage that i have to deal with and answer for yet due to this video someone else did a documentary on me but they didn't mention anything the way you did didn't mention some alleged age where i worked again he's mentioned where he's worked where i went to school or anything personal again he said all this through his videos they kept it gaming and rise and fall is just for husbands okay so for like because my videos are you know titled rise and fall that's just like the series the name of the series okay like people i make videos on are still rising dude like that is just purely the name of the series what you did was remind people about topics in the past that have to relive now yet again just did the video altogether everyone has seen it already and damage has been done this is extremely immature and then you know here i go saying like where i found this information and how like pretty much everything that i put into the video was through something he said but yeah let's go on to the last email he sent me in this thread and then he goes on to say the video was a troll in itself you brought up topics from years ago this camp broadly and personal topics i shared on stream years ago alleged molestation my current whereabouts of where i work i might work try to even take jabs at me on my path to becoming an actor the video was done as i stated before as a complete disservice to me of all things i donate people in my business uh the way you try to deliver it i don't want the video on youtube at all in any way shape or form and it's an evasion of my privacy i have to live my life you can't understand how it feels to be in my shoes trolls will never die in my case but there's no need to give them another parade for no reason i do not want or agree to have this video on youtube okay so at this point i contact one of my friends who has been involved in legal battles and what she basically tells me is cut off all contact you don't want to see yourself engaging with the plaintiff you don't want to do any of that right if he's coming at you and if it's one-sided the legal battles can look way better in your case so i already made it clear that my public information is not online and that his const mentions on a stream getting people to try to harass me is something that i don't want and to basically you know stop contact me don't post my information online i made that clear and from there just like okay i'm gonna listen to my friend's advice and not engage in any interaction with him essentially you know because in case this does go legal i want to win this battle so then two days later not being happy with the outcome of our very friendly conversation um he goes on his live stream on july 19th and you know talks about me again and i'm pretty sure somebody's gonna clip this but go ahead and clip it this is what that june the king guy if you're watching or if one of your people are watching you have until literally monday morning to send me another email letting me know that you're going to remove that video or else i'm following that lawsuit i'm giving you until what's today friday you have friday to think about it saturday to think about it sunday to think about it you don't have monday to think about it after that it's over for you i don't care how much i get from the lawsuit the point of the matter is he has no business making a video like that about me period yeah so he wants to pretty much weaponize his fan base or whatever to get this video across to me let me tell you guys something the reason why i didn't really trip off what uh sniper did is because the [ __ ] was unique with this [ __ ] and he was an ex-fan that was salty so like i mean they want to make that video i didn't even take no offense to that [ __ ] um at least he like was somewhat creative of what he did the [ __ ] didn't like i don't i don't [ __ ] know i didn't watch the whole video but i mean i felt sorry for that [ __ ] he's black you know trying to try to oh yeah yeah if i forgot to mention he's pretty racist he doesn't like black people he thinks mexicans are all right and anyone that's white is a biscuit by the way build his channel hey maybe i helped him a little bit i don't know [Music] yeah that's it for that video i mean he's just pretty much repeating things he's already said and thinking that you know that i'll cave in but like this is my integrity at stake you know what i mean like if he wants to do this legally i was like okay i'll maybe crowdfund this or whatever like this is going down is what my mentality was like three days go by and he just sends me pictures of paper pretty much right so initially this stressed me like out because it's like whoa you know like he's doing something serious you know um but pretty much your lawyer like these are the papers you use to file a civil suit i guess um i'm pretty sure normally like your lawyer is supposed to follow these papers for you okay for some like okay so he sent this email to me on the 30th and he said expect to hear from my lover soon this is not a game and i warned you for some [ __ ] reason low tier god can't spell lawyer like there's there's been so many different ways he spelled it but he's never spelled it l-a-w-y-e-r he's he spelled it layer he spelled it lay were but i've never seen him spell it lawyer like i don't know if he's dyslexic which i feel like that if he is but for some [ __ ] reason he just can't spell lawyer i don't know why but you know whatever anyways this video isn't just about low tier god this video is also about memeology tipster full bender and all those people who helped me you know like i really appreciate their [ __ ] help because i was going through like a really not fun and you know um i was just going like through a really shitty and stressful time and like these like bigger content creators were just there to help me memeology uploaded um a video about the situation and pretty much what happened and how literary god was trying to intimidate me right and i got like so much support and you know that should help me like mentally tipster uploaded a video he continued to upload videos whatever he got into like contact with me and it was just like so [ __ ] cool to talk to him and here's someone a public figure like another public figure on my side like that [ __ ] was [ __ ] cool also full bender who's dealt with um full bender tv who's dealt with low to god for a very long time like dude just like going into voice chats uh like you know messaging him to like through discord like that dude's like really cool so yeah anyways before low tier god sent me the email about him contacting his lower um you know my video was finally restored thank god like i got this email and i was like finally like really happy i was like thank god you know i really do wish that this ended here but as we all know it did not and this next video that i'm going to show you guys right here that took place august 1st 2019 um is where he dropped my state you know he what he's doing right now is he's slowly and progressively releasing my personal information in order to try to harass me enough to take the video down so you know let's watch don't question me about stupid ass videos there's no such thing as documentary about me because you got to know me to do a documentary about me and nobody knows me enough the only the only person that has all the information to do a document about me is de la cruz and fanatic and tech and tim outside of that no [ __ ] biscuit from that's a straight up [ __ ] that would get dealt with in person would never be able to find out some fake information about me of speculation so just know that [ __ ] fake information about unspeculate like dude what the [ __ ] is even saying he's been saying the same [ __ ] like for how many days like 16 days at this point like damn man that's a straight up [ __ ] that would get dealt with in person so you probably can't hear because i censored it right but he said my state of residence which is like it's still minor but it's still like okay you know he's getting there um and get dealt with in person i i also have to sense this chat because people are repeating my uh my state of residence which is great you know his boxing is effective i know there's a fake documentary uh shooting false information about me online uh let's all flag that video as a collective hole for harassment and bullying and i know that works because um for a fact when i first put up that momo video my [ __ ] got taken now for bullying did you guys know that and i had to come out with an edited version ma somebody wonder why somebody put a link to that fake ass video now he's sending people to brigade my video that is that's great dude that's great matter of fact let's not even give it no attention it's no big deal i'll take care of it myself okay okay i mean you already doxxed me dude and you already told people to uh go flag my video and mass but okay [Applause] and i think that's um yeah that's it for this clip let me pull up this other video 10 days later um within this time period i thought things were finally over i thought i could like relax and breathe and like just chill out i thought nothing was gonna really happen after a stressful couple of weeks and he goes again and streams this coward ass [ __ ] man if somebody hits you up personally and tells you to remove the video he threatened me in the same line right the same i guess paragraph that he asked me to remove that video and he did that after he already took my video down and threatened to get my channel removed via abuse of the copyright system there's no way i'm going to do something because someone's trying to intimidate me right if i like flop to that that just shows that anyone that wants me to bend to their will would try to harass me in some way and they'll work i'm not doing it you know i gotta have some like mental fortitude here are you still trying to make money off of it come on my dude you think i'm gonna let you get away with it got a little bit of clout now but that's cool like i said i'm taking this [ __ ] very serious all right very serious that's all i'm gonna say about it as soon as my [ __ ] holds up we'll say his name on the stream he wants to see my [ __ ] name on stream after going on like several rants about how he hates people releasing his government name that he released himself right whatever he's trying to release my name that he knows because he said that he read my email isn't available pretty much anywhere online right he's using the copyright system right youtube's copyright system to get my information and harass me and it gets much worse after this but you know we'll stay on this topic oh yeah and of course i'm recording all these streams because i'm anticipating a lawsuit right i'm gathering evidence i have to you know he's spreading something so i'm like okay let me gather all the evidence i can so i can win this so because we can make fake documentaries there's nothing against this law there is actually it's called a cyber stalking there it is there's my name there there yep there's my name um so he didn't say it but he typed it in his chat and on his live stream so you know everyone can see fantastic and he's feeling really good about himself look at him he's feeling great man this is [Applause] can't affordable here one of the dumbest things anybody could say you can't afford to go green in my chat for 4.99 a month that's why you got banned next and there you have people also repeating my name in the chat that's great yeah so that's the end of this clip oh man at the surface he released my name right that's what everyone's seeing but in the background he's actually already released all of my personal information that i put in the counter notification and the reason i know this is because through my email and other ways of contacting me i was getting harassed by his moderators right people who he has given a rank in chat people who he associates with he gave them my information right in order for me to be harassed because you know he can't do it himself he doesn't want to get in trouble but like he already docks me like in public and honestly like at this point i wanted to be done with it i was just i was just like defeated and i was you know ready to finally delete the video i was just i wanted this to be over with you know i was just so mentally exhausted of like this mess you know like waking up like [ __ ] anxious as [ __ ] so on august 14 2019 i get like i'm getting so many discord messages whatever like people like supporting me and stuff and one of these like people it's like his name is psychros and it's like he just seems like a really chill dude and then he tells me like he's a lawyer so i'm like oh [ __ ] that's like dude can you give me like advice of like what's going on or whatever the [ __ ] is happening i'm like what should i do you know like legally and he gave me some pretty good advice and you know like he helped me like de-stress during like a time of much stress right we were just like talking back and forth like we're playing minecraft like just chilling out and like one day like one of these days i just wake up and i'm just like fed up with all this harassment like i'm just fed up with like all of it dude and i just like go up and call him and then i'm just like i'm [ __ ] like venting how [ __ ] stressed i am and how like how bad i want to delete this video like i said i'm like dude i'm just going to delete it and then like you know he um he really just showed me reason and like you know gave me a reason like not to give up which is like it was great right like this this like lawyer friend of mine like he just helped like so much like mentally and like help me understand the law and all that stuff and you know i want to give back to him so a couple months back he was in a pretty serious car accident and he set up a gofundme so i want to go ahead and plug that you know like dominate whatever amount you're comfortable with i'll go ahead and put like the gofundme oh let me get this bigger i'll go ahead and put the gofundme within the description of my video so yeah this video isn't just about low tier god it's also about the people you know help me along the way too um yeah so anyways it gets it gets much worse from here so tipster he sent me a screenshot of one of the comments he received in his video right it's one of low tier god's moderators putting my personal information in the comments of course tips or you know deleted it but this is something that was just pretty much happening all happening all over the place showing clearly that he gave his moderators my personal information you know to harass me with i believe four days later he went on live stream again to talk about me because he loves doing that so let's watch it from here i was watching a video some punk-ass [ __ ] talking about what this punk-ass coward june the king did talk he's talking about tipster's video about his fair use we're gonna see how much fair use is period if it's fair use take the ads off the video you broke [ __ ] trying to make money off [ __ ] by [ __ ] sitting over here sitting on your [ __ ] ass talking about people who are light years bettering you in life if that's what fair use is i don't know what the [ __ ] fair use is he does he really does and like you see let me go back to that i just want to hear it again but a bunch of these [ __ ] actually believe that what the [ __ ] fair use for fair uses i don't know what the use is i don't know what the [ __ ] fair use is says i don't know what the [ __ ] fair use is is i don't know what the [ __ ] fair use is is i don't know what the [ __ ] i just like hearing that because it's the truth he doesn't know what the [ __ ] fair uses like he's made that so clear but a bunch of these [ __ ] actually believe that that type of [ __ ] is fair use so this is the same day this is just a later part of that video as you can see here this video right if you can i guess you can't really see so let me make this bigger right now you can see that is three hours and 13 minutes long the reason it's so long is because throughout pretty much all this time um he was doxing my personal information through his chat you know he made another account named june the king's info and it was continually throughout the night giving all my personal information right and what i'm talking about is my full name my phone number my email my address just the things that were meant to be seen by lawyers eyes only it's like of course of course the only way he got this information was through the copyright dispute there's just like no other way and this video is so long dealing with in 2019 where people think they can say whatever they want that's where we're dylan okay so play i i can't react to this whole video so i'll i'll just go to the highlights but it gets pretty [ __ ] crazy unwanted exposure of certain personal things i got a video coming for you guys but in order to drop that video i need these two most recent videos to hit 10k that's f do you guys like how he baggage his subscribers for more views isn't that great i mean that that's what any rational youtuber does it's like i'm gonna hold this content from you guys until you guys you bought me enough you know yeah funny how when videos come out ridiculing me they get more views than my actual [ __ ] because this content isn't it's just boring like in my own opinion his videos like sitting through so many hours of research his videos are pretty damn hard to watch is if you're gonna drop a video about me don't use anything about me no pictures no videos no nothing just just use your best knowledge and try to see if people are interested but we know these people um these people that call themselves news broadcasters he's talking about tiffster so pretty much what he's saying here is hey if you want to release a video about me don't use evidence because that makes me look bad that information in that video is false uh my whereabouts are exposed in there um they're not they're they're exposed to your own videos by the way and it's unfair to innocent lives walking around it's unfair for people getting up out of their bed thinking that they're going to go to work go to the gym or go to walmart or go here and go there and then some idiot drops a video or picks on the wrong person and does something and it makes that person go haywire now so i gotta address this he thinks me and my video right the video just discussing pretty much things that he'd like hit that he's done through his uh career on youtube i guess right things he's done through him his experience in the fighting gang community right he thinks all this is causing a big uproar and like harassment right he uh what it really is it's two things you know it's first is the streisand effect and if i recall correctly um barbra streisand someone took a picture of her house and she tried aggressively to get that picture removed and what that did is it got more attention to this picture like of her house because people were like why why is he trying to get like this picture moved so maybe initially like you know several people saw the picture of her house but then after like this big old [ __ ] thing she caused suddenly everyone was like looking at that picture trying to find out like what the [ __ ] is wrong so and her trying to remove this image it got him more popular because he continually continually harassed me i got more attention to the video and the second reason is because he is an infamous figure normal same people don't like him you know i think i don't think that's a controversial statement but they don't like him as a person they don't like his attitude they don't like his opinions that's been known for a very long time so my video accelerated his growth essentially and now anything that happens he blames it on my video right anything bad that happens he blames it on me it just whatever it's [ __ ] june the king's fault that pretty much anything bad that happens to him he blames on my [ __ ] video dude it's like no it's not my video my video was just a reflection of you you you're doing all this you're making this this big [ __ ] [ __ ] for like everyone to see just like stop instead of that person that started the [ __ ] getting [ __ ] over you got a bunch of innocent people i got [ __ ] over you know losing their lives over [ __ ] like this guy you know i got a video dropping everybody every time we stream we're gonna flag that [ __ ] collectively it's not fair use um i'm never gonna let this go because it's bigger than just me at this point i'm gonna take care of it though i'm not gonna let up on this [ __ ] at all yeah yeah yeah pressing charges suing everything every time i come on stream i'm gonna talk about it because i want to let you [ __ ] know that i'm serious oh yeah yeah i am totally the one that is obsessed with him you know i am the one who goes on every single one of my live streams and talk about him that that's me that that is totally me there is no you know what you know what's misleading too is there is no rise and fall there is no fall what kind of fall of ltg i'm more popular than i've ever been let's make okay look look at these comments let me look look at these comments um get him posting ltg's address and personal information isn't doxxing at all though right i never posted low tier god's personal information i didn't post his address the only thing i said was his name once in the video which i since then removed which he has sets like many more times many other places right jesus christ you sure we got 400 people in here if you're in here for me i need everybody in here for me to flag everybody in this [ __ ] that [ __ ] with me we gotta flag this [ __ ] video every day for harassment and bullying enough flags will have that video taken down on top of me uh suing the [ __ ] out of this dude taking any type of type of legal action i'll be able to take i'm talking to lawyers and everything throughout sure as we speak i'm not just talking out of my ass i know this dude thinks she's getting away with it and it's not serious but i'm not letting this go for the sake of innocent human beings sold out i mean you got to remember these people do things for money at the end of the day that that billion that he has collectively with beyonce that's that's his money at the end of the day he's taking care of his i don't know why you [ __ ] was worse than jay-z in the first place oh here it begins um you guys can't really see it because you know i censored it but you know here is in you know in front of 421 people my name my address my email for some [ __ ] reason and my phone number spanned by jew and the king's info this is when it started 9 18 um p.m august 19 2019 on his live stream right like okay it feels just like this one random person ban him cool done but it's not the only reason it got the only reason and the thing is people were talking about he won the copyright war right the way youtube worked there's my there's my info typed in the chat again he didn't ban him no abandonment i guess none of his many many mods that paid to become his mods didn't it not ban this person linking my personal friends when you flag a video and somebody does a uh counter claim then basically you got to go to court within a week to submit papers on this dude so obviously it's a bigger process than a week so they allow the video to go back up after seven days he didn't win anything it's just i didn't do it to corny ass youtube the reason it's done like that is because you're supposed to get the files together then file a dmca you're not supposed to follow dmca then try to get everything together you know like what the same person would do standards oh i wonder what would make somebody like lazarus get triggered enough to show i wonder what happened maybe something happened right i keep telling you guys to stop provoking these people everybody's not me man not everybody can [ __ ] sit here and yeah mods you don't gotta delete [ __ ] i'm not gonna sit over here and uh and feels so yeah mods please don't delete my public doxxing of this guy's information he said he's [ __ ] encouraging it you know he gave this information out to his mod or whatever bot he has like spamming my personal information i mean he's completely complicit in all this hold on let me see if this guy wants to play i know he said he wanted to run a set let me send him a dm on twitter i can't help was being typed in my stream i don't know what's going on um that one account repeatedly giving my information away information that he knows is valid because he got through the counter claim information that he knows is valid because he gave that information out in order for her to be doxxed through his live stream man like the if you're going to doxx me there's like way smarter ways to do this besides this but of course he's using his own platform he docks me because that's the biggest avenue he has heck what else is new nah he didn't say my address but if you look at the i didn't say his address you [ __ ] see that um if you look in the comments a lot of people were doxing my address i saw one person post his personal information and you know what i did you know what i did i [ __ ] deleted it within like minutes that it was posted because this guy wants to make a check he wants to make a check off off my name now my life is in danger and now my information is getting spammed more aggressively i'd say i don't know man once every three seconds in the chat now um addressing the internet three [ __ ] docs and people does cost lives now [ __ ] know where i live and even more people are gonna get curious because this [ __ ] said my [ __ ] in the video this [ __ ] gave 500 000 people my whereabouts and i gotta worry about that [ __ ] i could be uh i could be killed at any moment now because of it okay so because i said his real name on my video that he's repeating multiple times that somehow through his mentality allows him to give away all my personal information in order for me to potentially be killed you see he's explaining the seriousness of doxing and yet he's still doing it which is like it's [ __ ] crazy like so he understands how bad it is yet he is completely involved he's actually doing what he says i'm doing right this is insane round one yeah look this isn't [ __ ] like an hour and 25 minutes until like into his live stream my information is still being continually posted in the chat by one account right and at this point in time right i'm getting like emails or whatever just messages on like my private avenues i'm saying that low tier goddess talks to me along with other messages of people threatening me low tear god knows this and he is perpetuating this and nothing nothing's been [ __ ] done about it right i've tried contacting youtube's live trap that's what i was doing at this time i was contacting youtubers live chat in order to get visibility on this live stream and get it shut down i'll explain what happened with that after we deal with this i can't help was being typed in my stream i don't know what's going on um a hour of it are we not worried about that channel man fighting what i'm not i don't know what's going on in my chat i'm looking at my goddamn screen i'm screaming i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on i can't stop people from doing [ __ ] there's boxing here there's everything i found it okay at this point in time right it is about two hours into my boxing youtube hasn't done a [ __ ] thing right youtube has not done a [ __ ] thing and i'm going to show you my logs i'm going to show you proof that i contacted youtube about this live stream and how useless they [ __ ] were throughout all this um someone that was really useful and it's kind of really unexpected like um keemstar saved me keemstar [ __ ] keemstar saved me through all this let me let me just make this bigger you see at the very bottom bottom left that is dramaalert saying damn what the [ __ ] did i do uh so keemstar got banned right make this smaller again so right now basically the smaller online community is on fire um i think auggie rfc was live streaming too about the whole situation going down there was a lot of [ __ ] just going [ __ ] down talking about this trying to get this [ __ ] like shut down oh these [ __ ] really ban keemstar come on no they ban a keemstar by the way i'm being that guy yeah like he's definitely afraid because now like a really big channel who has easier access to youtube is witnessing this [ __ ] doxing right so he's [ __ ] quaking right now why the [ __ ] would you ban keemstar the [ __ ] and then keemstar asks what happened i guess maybe you're here because like i said earlier um i would consider you the originator of this news that yeah that's why he's here that's what we got not because i was being [ __ ] he's never gotta expect a lot of people to be copycats and you know magically like none of my information is being doxed anymore i don't i don't see it magic stream that they don't like yeah so i believe keemstar left the chat so basically keemstar was just like popping in there to be like hey you know like we're watching it dude and that stopped the doxxing so thank you keemstar for stopping my doxxing so yeah like a lot of people were discussing and talking about this situation in general like technicals uh tipster memeology full bender just like all these other channels are just like it was really good to have some support during such a [ __ ] time that just kept getting worse the situation just kept getting worse and i'll show you how hopeless i feel like throughout all this so let me pull some things up right here so the first image i want to show you is um basically this i tweeted out on august 11th hey at team youtube right i've just been doxed by one of your youtube partners can i get some help here so this wasn't the boxing that i just recently showed it was when he said my well i guess type my name on stream they never responded i mean this tweet got decent traction i guess 300 likes eight quote tweets 70 retweets but you know nothing and not to mention the other people discussing it so let me show you this email again on the 11th whenever he just released my name that i sent to youtube i i filled out a privacy complaint which is basically whenever someone releases personal information whether on purpose or an accident in a video youtube gives you 48 hours to remove it but you know low tier god already did the damage he intended to do right so he released my name on livestream i think like a day later he deleted live streams so it's like okay the live stream has been deleted and then um youtube tells me let's see hello we are unable to identify a violation of our privacy guidelines in the content that you reported for more information regarding our policy guidelines like i don't [ __ ] goddamn no please visit and then gives you the guidelines we would encourage you to try to resolve any issues directly with the creator of the content in question some users list ways they can be contacted on their channel for more information blah blah blah than just a bunch of [ __ ] it's horrible i'm pretty sure this is just like an automated response though okay and then this email again uh this was sent august 20th 2019 um so i did two things here i sent a privacy complaint through a form and this is the response that i got hello in order for us to have a proper record of your request and when appropriate to provide accurate notification to the content uploader we must receive your claim in a specific format please blah blah resubmit this like here i'm saying uh my home address my phone my other information my full name was leaked right and here is my complaint you know my address name number and name and everything is being leaked and nothing's being done about it i've tried the support chat and they haven't helped for the love of god remove this person from youtube yeah the support chat didn't help i was on there for a very long time i really want to get the message across and low to your god should be your band for me alone he stalks me slowly on at least three separate occasions right for me alone he should be banned so hopefully now with the release of this video someone on youtube will notice this it's just exhausting it's exhausting for this to happen to you and it's really exhausting to see this happen to other people which we'll get to later in the video so after that stream things mostly died down mostly because i'm pretty sure low tier god knew that keemstar was watching right his team was on him and if like if he tried to release any information like that again then you know they'd be on him and since then he hasn't released my info from what i can tell but he has still talked about me a lot i mean just like three days later he had the goal to upload this video playing the [ __ ] victim after he docks me anyways guys i've been recording this for about seven hours today and i'm pretty [ __ ] exhausted so i'll see you guys again tomorrow so um i got about five hours of sleep and i'm back welcome to day 676. so did you guys like that intro of me getting into the chair putting my headphones on you know drinking water getting the mic ready the truth is um i started recording i hit play i was already sitting down and i stood up then went to sit back down for the shot which is pretty funny because it's pretty obvious when people do that your computer isn't always recording all the time which is exactly what happened here let me get this bigger actually so um man three days later after you know ltg docks me he uploaded a video called addressing the internet three because he's done stupid things like this that you know pissed off the internet three times already there's more after this but you know they don't really have to deal with me so um yeah let's let's watch this oh you gotta love that music youtube we are back unfortunately on these type of events with another video now me my mental stability i would say is superb it's intergalactic why okay i am one of the most hated sought after researched and ridiculed amongst other okay honestly low tier god his video took me like 40 hours to research he is one of my least researched videos and that's why he's one of the shortest videos you know i made sure that information is accurate but there really wasn't much to research he just pretty much said everything about him openly it was pretty easy to get all this information that i put in the video from him one of the most hated most searched people acting like they can't get enough of me yet google me every freaking day now let's talk you know it's called being a public figure things you post online you post on twitter stream whatever that's you're a public figure you're putting yourself online why would you keep streaming if you don't want the [ __ ] attention i don't [ __ ] get it it's crazy if people were treated with some sort of form of respect daily when it's not an abundance of [ __ ] maybe they wouldn't go nuts you guys seen what you did to somebody else i'm not gonna talk about it i see a lot he just did you guys know who he's talking about he talks about this person all the time which is pretty [ __ ] up because he's just using him to make himself look better it's horrible people trying to do it to me you guys are putting my address all over the internet for some reason you're obsessed he did that government name which is not a sister for the simple fact that i'm known as delon you don't know how it feels to do with the backlash that you provided luckily for you guys luckily from you know why a lot of us don't have to deal with the backlash that little terry god is talking about it's because we're not [ __ ] idiots on the internet we don't dox people well the majority of us don't right um we don't go and harass people through email xbox live we don't get banned five times or what was it like three times on xbox live buy three different xboxes in order to keep playing online get banned on facebook get banned on twitch get banned on twitter like three times like that that's not normal it's it's not normal myself i'm a very mental and tuned person i'm the type of person that if i was to smoke weed it would have a reverse effect because my mind is already in another galaxy it's a damn shame that every day i wake up i have to deal with the hate the tyranny from [ __ ] that happened four or five years ago people change alcoholics don't stay alcoholics drug addicts don't stay okay okay i agree people do change right that's something that happens that's great you know like at the end of my own video uh my documentary right i said hey look there's a chance that this dude can like actually become maybe the same person and you know maybe like beloved in the street fighter community if he just like chills out doesn't dox people doesn't harass people anymore cool but as we see it well as you'll see about two years later still he's like still doxxing people it's still happening he hasn't changed like one bit if anything has probably gotten worse the doxing addresses cops showing up to my [ __ ] house you guys figuring out my mom's address all types of weird [ __ ] is it really that [ __ ] serious man is it really that serious or are you just fascinated okay he does have a point there like i don't know how true it is but he's saying people like send pizzas or whatever to his mom's address and you know even his own address and that like that's pretty [ __ ] up you know that's what doxxing does and it sucks it sucks that it happened to him it really does especially like his [ __ ] mom dude like his mom is not involved in any of this imagine raising someone for what however old he is 30 or whatever the [ __ ] um ending up this kind of person and then getting harassed by the people who hate him like just [ __ ] leave this dude alone no like [ __ ] dude don't don't do any of this don't dox don't harass anyone for god's sakes don't be like load your god okay where i used to work where i work now that video has actually caused a lot of people to actually try to show okay wait wait wait wait so he just confirmed the validity of my claims through the video he just said the information in that video was true but then he also said there's false information and he didn't say what the false information was or even corrected in his own video called addressing the internet where you're supposed to do this kind of thing right what is this false information god my workplace address is being severely docked all over the internet gotta watch over my shoulder daily who knows i'm accessible nothing but a human being anything can pop but this dude sits back and thinks it is funny while he collects ad revenue running i never thought it was funny um like i said i stopped responding to low to god because i was anticipating a possible civil suit i also stopped responding because i didn't want to make this a bigger thing i wanted this to die out for my sake and for his sake right because if i you know kept making this a bigger thing telling continually telling the internet that he docks me one sure i might get some support but people might harass him more you know this is something that i really didn't want to [ __ ] do i didn't want to make this damn [ __ ] video but now because it keeps doxxing people i have to because i need to get him banned off of youtube around things are going to get worse for [ __ ] everyone spineless coward and those are the type of people that are behind the internet that are provoking the people that you guys are scared of they're scared of lazarus right how was that created so right there he's talking about one of his mods that likes to uh give death threats you know he's endorsing him basically in this video he's endorsing one of his mods that likes to uh point or i guess brandish a gun in his videos in order to threaten trolls or whatever if you want it like i'm not here to give like these mods attention this is about low tier god and if you want to see more about this i believe tommy sees done a few stories on him um you should probably check out tommy c2 he's a really cool channel like from what i've seen on his streams he seems like a really chill dude so you know check him out too the reason that i can tell that low tier god gets away with a lot of his doxxings right is he streams his dogs in his life you know on his live stream and he just deletes the video right after he deletes his live stream right afterwards because whenever you submit a privacy complaint on youtube essentially what happens is you get 48 hours to remove the offending footage and well low tier god just deletes the streams so youtube can't really look into it because he knows what he's [ __ ] doing when he talks to someone but the truth is after like the second he doxes someone the damage has already been done you know you can't take back a person's information from the internet he's already put the information out there he deletes the video he gets away with it thank god it's over thank god man that was rough to sit through man you guys aren't gonna get a kick out of this why the [ __ ] would i be cool i still got beef with that [ __ ] we gonna handle that [ __ ] though talking about me don't ask me about that [ __ ] again somebody like him would run for me in person and he would run for me because i would catch his pip squeak ass choke him out till he begged me begged me for life do you like these threats that load your god is making about me on youtube on the platform youtube where it is against the rules to [ __ ] do this i mean yo this is pretty tame so far what he said is pretty tame compared to the rest of the video then right on his last inch of breath i would literally say so you still so you still going to research me huh like no with that ltd please no oh oh and i'm just still choking him while he got his laptop while he deletes the video we gonna get that [ __ ] taken down i'm not worried about it [ __ ] like that are cowards so i can't show the rest of this video because it gets pretty gruesome and disgusting and i want to get this video monetized right but i'll link this video in the description so you can see all the [ __ ] up [ __ ] he says so this next clip i'm going to show you guys as you can see was taken on january 17 2020 uh that's like four months right four months after my docs in four months since i'm pretty sure he mentioned me last um on his addressing the internet part three video or whatever i guess maybe like 15 days after me that gruesome threat to and you know he's talking about me again again i'm avoiding all contact and again he's mentioning me on his stream so let's watch this [ __ ] could get in if every last one of us filed a lawsuit or if somebody wanted to pull up to this nigga's crib and actually do this they're writing me again that's cool that's one of the stupidest things you can do and try to make a fake ass career out of it you're sitting on your ass hiding from the internet making these fake ass documentaries making money off [ __ ] trying to i guess show hiding from the internet no i was again what i'm doing is collecting information for a potential lawsuit i'm disengaging right i'm getting away you are the only proponent to this controversy you're this is this is pretty much entirely one-sided at this point you know i'm disengaging i'm not mentioning him whatsoever i'm trying to get away from this mess it's been four months it's been four months and he's still like talking about it people's fake ass demises boogie still getting money i'm still getting money wings are still getting money anybody dropped the documentary on we're all doing better than this [ __ ] period i guarantee you this well actually um you know and uh and yeah so he could try to make little chump change off our gracious [ __ ] goddamn auras wait wait pause pause check this out guys so he doesn't like whenever you use someone else's content to make a video he he doesn't like it right he hates it so sorry to derail this again but i i have to show this this is something that's pretty important so let's go to chrome here and let's search upload your god this channel is right there videos sort by most popular and this right here my friends right here look is his most viewed video this is his second most viewed video which is you know it's purely his no one else's content whatsoever i guess this is pretty much a meme again like other he's using footage from other people and you know i want this video to be the main focus of this argument check it out i'm going to mute this because i don't want to get you know copyright struck but so right now yeah he's just doing a reaction right he's talking about it this is all fair use he's completely allowed to do this because this is what fair use is you know people are allowed to do this it's cool but since he doesn't like it you know this is something i'd like to mention he is partaking and fair use but he really really hates it when other people partake in fairies too i mean this is the most popular video on his channel by far by far these other videos do not pale in comparison and views it's such a hypocrite it's insane anyways back to this i looked down and my dick was gone it was just that's for this clip um so this next clip is quite a while later this was taken or i guess recorded december 3rd uh 2020 so let's say six months ago it's been a while it really has been a while and again he brings me up so let's watch i don't bother none of these gay ass [ __ ] i live my life daily and you got gay [ __ ] on my dick 24 hours a day for no [ __ ] reason but then getting scared when the tables turn you're going to pay me [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god ltg's doxing me but you basically allude tried to loot everything you guys know after that after that video okay so i guess i cut it off too early but you know after that video he's he says he got harassed way more uh i think swatted or whatever um again it's this thrice and effect and i really wanted to stop talking about this and just let this die out because i don't want anyone to be bothered anymore you know and i still don't want to i i don't want to make this [ __ ] video i don't want anyone to be bothered it's horrible this is just a nightmare situation so you know um i tweeted at him because he decided i'm finally making contact after all this time i'm finally making contact again because i'm i'm frustrated you know i'm really frustrated that he bring me up after what 11 months so i'll show you that right now yeah here it is yeah so i tweeted at him after he did that live stream i said dude i forgot about you a year ago and you keep talking about me i can drop a video exposing everything including the emails which you know i just showed you guys like well a little while back you've broken enough rules to get your channel terminated and enough laws to end up in jail stop talking or give me more evidence this tweet didn't get much traction or whatever you know my uh my twitter isn't really like that big because i'm not very interactive in it you know i'm not very a very active twitter user you know i'm just not really motivated to use it at the moment i guess which is fine um i'm also a pretty private person right i like to separate myself from my content i like to have my personal life and my private life youtube is both i guess you know it's fun it's a hobby but it's also work right i like to separate that from my life so yeah i tweeted at him and i thought maybe hopefully that would be the end of it but i do believe there is a reason he was mentioning me again because in my dms and on twitter right um i was talking to this channel that goes by trevor belmont and he was also doxxed by low tier god at this time it was like i think man two months back i'll i'll talk about it later in the video and essentially a lot of people were contacting me on twitter asking like oh god what do i do and i told him just go to the cops you know if you can if you have the money if you have the time file a lawsuit i'm getting through this you're gonna get through this just like try not to provoke him you know try not to make this whole situation worse and some of the people i was talking to on twitter telling them how to like handle the situation they screenshotted my messages telling them what what to do and how to avoid vote your god essentially and there is also this i guess troll discord dedicated to low tier god and they posted these screenshots of me talking about low tier god and how to and how to handle doxxing essentially so one of the spies from that discord says hey lottery god june the king is talking about you again and then they're instigating and i think that's what said load your god off to talk about me publicly throughout this i have been talking to people like privately about how to how to handle it like this situation how to handle these boxings or whatever but i've tried to keep myself out of the public eye with this situation so now let me show you guys this video right here because they don't have no these [ __ ] these [ __ ] lives so this was recorded on february 19th 2021 three months ago so this is what low tier god has to say like i said it's coming to a halt 2021 youtube you're not to be seeing videos like that up and when i find them they're going to be gone and they can't do fake counter claims to pull them back up so um so i guess i forgot to mention uh something low to your god does is if you look at the bottom right it says cam 30. he won't show his face on camera if he doesn't get thirty dollars in donations i mean there's there's much worse that i've covered in my documentary about the things he does on this live stream this this video is for the new things happening [ __ ] making videos of streaming my [ __ ] off bandycams and phone record please kill yourselves nice telling people to kill themselves that's great hello to your god nice also this is the year that june the king video will be going to just to let your [ __ ] know [Music] this was three months ago by the way three months it's gonna be the last year that fake documentary is up about me that's it all it is is i'm just waiting so probably maybe by april may that video should be going off yeah so this is still ongoing he said april may um and it's may right and i kind of wanted to wait to release this video until like after me to be like hey look nothing happened but i think it'd be better to release it during to be like look this is still going on you know he still has plans up until right now it is may when i'm posting this video youtube anybody re-uploads it it'll be taken down again so all my solidified guys thank you for joining you know he has like pretty good taste of music like the music that he chooses for his live streams is pretty good i dig it but um essentially what people believe his plan is is he wants to uh copyright low to your god that that is what he thinks will not allow anyone to post any of his videos anywhere he just wants to copyright that name and this is like this is insane like like i said on twitter it's like i'm dealing with a poorly written wwe character like he tries to get low tear god copyrighted which is like okay whatever and while doing that again through the process his public information is now again dude available online right you do have like dig d for this kind of stuff um that's i'm not going to even show the picture i'm not going to show anything any you know any way you can find it because i don't want people to find any of this [ __ ] but i just want to like tell you guys he doxes himself all the time the things he does he puts out his public information willingly online so something about these videos too right is whenever he talks about me on stream you know i'm just chilling i'm doing whatever playing ps4 with my friends um i'll get like five messages on discord on twitter like telling me yeah hey yo like low tier got talked to you about like talked about yoga and i'm like dude oh my god it's the worst because now i have to record his stream while it's still live right go back and record it to make sure i have evidence for a potential like lawsuit or for like a future video which that future video is this video it's the worst cuz you know i'll be having a good day and then someone would be like hey look vote your god and be like oh [ __ ] he also messaged me on twitter but before i show you guys that tweet uh after he messaged me he again on a later date hopped on his live stream and said this [ __ ] stole my likeliness and got a million point five off an eagle with 60 [ __ ] thousand subs also eluded alluded to my personal life and a bunch of [ __ ] and trolling got even way worse since then that's your own [ __ ] phone my god [ __ ] think that i'm [ __ ] playing though [ __ ] think they go still be able to upload me and all that kind of [ __ ] watch 2021 is open it is over 2021 at least i hope so all right watch them rage quit it's going to be funny to watch watch [ __ ] [ __ ] profiting off trying to get trying to get fake demise off [ __ ] that's way more important to him in life this [ __ ] v shift twice in the corner and mashing buttons i'm a black listener i already knew what kind of matches don't worry you'll never play me again you're stuck in silver for life doesn't matter if he does it with everybody the fact of the matter is that nigga's whole channel is based off stealing people's [ __ ] trying to get in people's business and trying to profit off the [ __ ] that's [ __ ] if he's talking about just like the documentaries i've actually done way before the documentaries right i've actually um used to be let me let me show you guys something so here's my channel right like okay he thinks he thinks still after two years that i've only done documentaries you know documentaries um as you can see here sure for the past like i guess two years that's been like what i've been interested in interested in as in making content for but in reality right like look i used to make runescape videos you know on a game called runescape and they did pretty damn [ __ ] decently on for this game you know this online mmo that i still play i love runescape right i mean just look 621 000 views even before i started making these documentaries i already expanded my content into different avenues right i showed that i was able to you know experiment with different pharmacies content and find success i mean just look at whatever the [ __ ] this video i'm making right now this isn't really a documentary this is a different style of content and i don't know if you'll be popular but you know one can hope but i'm able to diversify what i like and sometimes find success i'm really really like lucky that i was able to find success in any of this actually but for some reason he only thinks that i've ever only made documentaries which is just it's wild so really quick i do want to make two corrections that i know i got wrong in the low tier god video and first is street fighter 2 came out for the snes and not the nes the second one is um there's this i think it's a professional smash player that goes by anti and in the video i pronounced the name anti so yeah already dm that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] and let him know i said [ __ ] you better lawyer up that video you put up with me is coming down 2021 [ __ ] okay this is like as soon as i saw this clip i was [ __ ] pissed i saw this in like the morning you know um i i had just woken up i was ready for a good day then you know someone said hey low to god i was like [ __ ] you know i i already knew it was not gonna be a good day let me show you guys um so the second i pretty much saw this i went on twitter and i said low tier got part two you know potentially because i warned him in the past like stop bringing me up you know i want this this whole whatever this is to be over with i don't want to ever talk about you see you again this is this is enough so i was frustrated and i posted whatever he dm me because i never responded to him i like i don't want this guy to message me i don't want any interaction because i [ __ ] hate him and that's the truth so he says just so you know i'm coming for you legally because of your fake ass documentary it has caused people to be dialed into my life beyond levels you can never fathom i warned you when the video dropped you were doing too much your video has caused endless harassment on personal levels and i'm coming for you legally just so you know whatever you made off me i'm taking from you and then he goes on to say i will be the one that does not allow you to profit off others at your coward leisure you are a talentless faceless worm nice i i really think his lawyer is uh i mean sorry sorry his layer as you can see right here his layer would be happy to see that so i tweeted this out and then pretty much immediately he dm's me again whenever i tweet this out on february 23rd and he says keep thinking this [ __ ] is a game you know like anything is messaging me like i'm making public now you know i kept those emails private whatever i'm trying to keep the situation like low but it keeps [ __ ] harassing me and then he messaged me again like look like i said layer up [ __ ] ass coward and here i say i'm pretty sure he manages to put lawyer but maybe he's just concerned i'll catch a cold the dude can't spell lawyer i'm not sure if this is actually his discord account but it could be uh and he popped in and saying found the rat's nest which i said get that ass bad because and then i banned him because i think it's funny because he bans people on a stream and he says get that ass banned it's one of his catchphrases which i pretty much just like threw back at him like if you're gonna go into a public avenue like my discord and potentially harass my discord members i'm gonna ban you you know that's that's part of the rules of the discord i'm not gonna have you there but yeah he blocked me on twitter guys this is a screenshot i took and click in case he tries to unblock me but um yeah i've been blocked on twitter right now i am [Music] incognito as you can tell here right so we can actually see his tweet and he says this clown j asterisk asterisk n is tweeting screenshots for moral support out of fear like i said playing with people's lives for a profit and personal life while you sit there talentless and you hide behind a screen proves you're a coward this is not a game and i'm not treating it as one and then i'm having fun at this point you know i'm i'm [ __ ] with him because i'm frustrated after two years let's have some fun and i just say get ratioed i didn't ratio i was pretty close you know i was off by 50 maybe not that close but i thought it was funny i thought it was pretty funny and honestly i can kind of see why people troll him a little bit because i was having a [ __ ] laugh you know i was laughing throughout all this i was like damn this feels good but you know in reality it's pretty [ __ ] up that people like bother him like so much god dang dude because i don't endorse trolling you know there's some like light-hearted stuff that happens but the line gets blurred and people do some [ __ ] up [ __ ] and it's annoying you know i would never want to get trolled uh i don't want other people to get trolled but it's just like how the internet is i'm not gonna change the world by saying hey guys trolling is bad oh yeah let's go back to his stream from it is mine i [ __ ] thinks i'm joking i know he got my dm too you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] i did it yeah your [ __ ] coward [ __ ] making videos about people way more important than your [ __ ] ass why you sit behind a [ __ ] computer like a faceless [ __ ] you bitch-ass faceless yeah [Music] then crying about being doxed when you tried to [ __ ] counterclaim oh you're not gonna be able to counterclaim this [ __ ] right about being doxxed when i gave him my information in order for him to pursue me legally crying about him releasing my [ __ ] information after he's complained so much about people accessing his public infra his information that he made public himself i it's hard to keep talking about this because it's so [ __ ] insane it like it's hard to believe any of this is real it really is like what the [ __ ] i'm gonna take it down just for the [ __ ] of it that's what i'm saying [ __ ] clipping and recording my streams right as i'm streaming to make videos not even making no money off of me y'all [ __ ] not getting no money off this you know like he has a point like if you record low tier got streams and you post them without any transformative content you know like if i were to post this video like right here right on youtube and not include like me or anything just a raw video then he would be 100 in his right to take it down because you're not adding anything to it just kind of like just re-uploading his stream right in that case he does have an argument for copyright so in some areas he does have an actual right to take down videos this is pretty much where we are and this is the part of the video where i get into the other people he's doxxed because at this point you know i've been talking to other people that he's doxed and released personal information on i've been trying to like tell him what to do you like and the situation you know because it's not a fun thing to have happen to you right and i've told him like okay if this [ __ ] keeps getting worse i'm gonna release a video so maybe hopefully he'll get banned and he won't be able to weaponize his fan base in order to harass people he won't be able to release people's information at a wider scale and put them in potential danger and there i guess what low tier god defines as troll channels and while i believe some of the content these people may can be a nuisance making a video you know making fun of how someone plays does not warrant you releasing the personal information not to mention these channels have like a thousand subscribers you know 100 subscribers they're really small channels that don't have access to the creators that i had access to because i had like 20 000 subscribers at the time so it was easier to get in contact with other creators so these guys are even more defenseless than i was whenever i got docs i told them straight up like dude i don't like what you guys are doing i don't like that you guys are trolling i don't endorse any of this [ __ ] i don't endorse your discord server but you know i'll join it so i can get in contact with anyone that low tier gun has docks and maybe we can put some evidence together and hopefully get low tier got banned because i'm telling you it's only a matter of time until he talks to someone again sure he might go to like facebook gaming but he won't have as large as an audience as he does on youtube so yeah welcome to part 2 of the video this pretty much ends the june saga for now which i'll pick up at i guess the end of the video but right now specifically i want to focus on three different people and these people are trevor belmont vault rep and deal with cell so these are the three other people that load your god docks after me so what i did is i got into a discord chat with trevor belmont his brother and pretty much talked to them about this whole situation i asked him if i could record it they gave me the permission um afterwards i talked to i talked to vault rep and again i asked for his permission to record he said yes i can use the information he's given me for this video and i'm going to show you pieces of those interviews as i describe their situation essentially so the first person i'm going to start off with is vault rip i believe he got doxxed late 2020 which i'll show the interview right about now he has my information um actually and he ha i wouldn't say he's talks me publicly but he has dogs me to his discord because people have come to me with my information directly um but yeah once he struck when i first started he struck two of my videos which i encountered with my my information um so he uh has my actual information based on that so something i quickly wanted to say about these claims is it's hard to prove that low tier god essentially docks him on his discord it's hard to prove through these comments without me really getting his personal info right um but the thing is i believe him i really do believe him because he did show me the picture of the claim and i've had the exact same strategy of doxxing done to me you know i've had my own personal information posted in the comments through as moderators you know i've had my personal information shared through his discord so this is why i believe that bald rep is absolutely telling the truth because i mean low tier god has doxed people before it's it's it's no secret i absolutely believe ball rip i i do i really do that's his go-to defense um his way of feeling embolden is oh now that you've counter claimed uh i have access to your information and i'm not sure if he believes that oh yeah you shouldn't have done that because look what i've got you know i've got your information like it's not a situation which he got it by his own merits it's you know us trying to follow the law so over here i told basically both rep my strategy i asked him like what do you think about me essentially blowing this information up so youtube can see all these rules that little tree god's broken all these laws he's broken so if you guys can go on twitter you know share this video share my video which i'll be posting on my twitter and you know links right there that would really help to get youtube to finally see what's been going on because as vault rep is about to explain we're pretty much seeing that low tier god is too small of a channel for youtube to really notice him and all the rules he's broken so if we show all these rules that low tier god has broken and how low tier god is still not banned from youtube it's gonna give youtube some pretty bad publicity and they don't really care about people on their platform they really just care about bad publicity so if this gets big enough then youtube will have to take action and finally remove low to god's channel which is something that all of us in this call really wish that would have happened you know because then we wouldn't have gotten doxed yeah and i i believe it stems from marketing and pr because when it comes down to it let me take god's a 60 000 sub channel he doesn't have a play button he's not he's not in the public eye as it were so if he messes up it doesn't hurt google's brand and it doesn't hurt youtube's brand so i think it stems from the fact that he's so small they don't think they have to pay attention which is which is not conducive of a successful brand uh brand relationship with the public because if it caught on if kotaku or jezebel or something picked up the story youtuber low tier god threatens children on stream google's gonna have a [ __ ] storm but yeah he does uh on his stream he tells people to kill themselves he uh potentially children whatever he says pretty some pretty [ __ ] nasty things i personally don't care say whatever it's just that whenever you start putting people in real danger for the things you say that's where like i draw the [ __ ] line to cut it down short essentially bob rep made you know videos about hello to your god hello to your god dmc the videos like he did mine uh blow to god got balt rep's information and posted it through his discord to harass baldwrap it wasn't really done through a live stream or anywhere to public but it was still given to other people in order to harass him so he would stop making content again this is going off my trust in him this is going off my experience it's hard to really get pictures of his discord assuming that they're not doctored because it's one thing to record a stream but it's much easier to doctor uh discord messages but i really trust valve rapping this because i've been through the same thing so i believe him and now we're going to go through trevor belmont's story which i believe his doxxing happened the same month of wall wraps but his was much more public all right here we go hi yeah so pretty much i'll start uh i mean it starts as any any other story right um we're watching youtube one day uh we see the the stomp video and some troll videos and you know we're thinking oh this shit's hilarious right um we see that this guy is on twitch every so often then disappears off of it so you know we're still on troll channels like you know watching them laughing our asses off uh so this guy just keeps lying about things saying oh he's not this this age this and this and that so trevor uh younger brother he decides oh like you know let's why not just expose them yeah i mean i made a video called curb your birthday lies and so pretty much uh he got a donation and basically what happened he's like oh who told you guys it was my birthday like he was trying to like play it off like saying like oh no one knows what my what my birthday is and said i can't believe ltg actually going to time me like that on his birthday first off it wasn't my birthday second off i never disclosed to anybody on stream or anybody in general what day i was actually born so uh i just thought i'm like wait that's kind of weird because he even hit like him himself he even said like oh yeah this day is my birthday and then he got a donation like a birthday donation like a year back you know get like the i think it was one of his mods uh sent him a chunky pledge and and pretty much like it's like oh thank you for the for the birthday money and whatnot and then um i had a i had a video as well um was it the mukbang video he made with uh his his ex-girlfriend elena and pretty much he he stated himself that he's a scorpio as long as as well as you know she's a she's a scorpio and she said like the day she was born in the day that he was born so it's like you gotta remember too where both scorpios on top of everything like her birthday is literally a day before month yeah my birthday the 18th is the 19th you know i i i kind of like put like two and two together i'm like wait like you're lying about your birthday but like we have evidence of you saying it as well as other people saying it as well and the thing was when that happened when that video came out he ended up sending a counter claim to trevor so trevor put uh the address he put uh the phone number the email whatever you know the regular counter can uh process so we're thinking okay worst thing he's gonna do is like you know take us to court try to take down the video but it is fair use we're using the video in fair use it was transformed to show that okay this person is lying and we made it as you know it's just a troll video it's just a funny video so um instead of him doing a counter and instead of him like you know taking this to court legal process anything like that he ends up showing the picture of the address then when you counter claim to it shows your actual address in your name too so this is a dude that claims he lives so this [ __ ] stalking me i could easily just go deliver some mail and [ __ ] put his phone number down and his complete address what's this nigga's name that [ __ ] look like a fake ass name so are you going to counter claim with a fake name no i said says some [ __ ] named some bored mexican or some [ __ ] like that does he live in a mexican ghetto neighborhood i don't know let me see let me check let's max it it's saying dachshund because there's no address this is a picture then it just docks me every day it's funny to you on get this nigga's crib this is what a trolls house looks like this is what a tear sexual's house look like this guy went this far he went and showed a picture of a house which only showed the front part of the house he wasn't showing sides or anything like that but um making tons of like jokes like oh these broke mexicans oh it looks like a like a crack house it looks like they they're doing some shady [ __ ] there so that's when oh trevor has been documenting these streams so he's been taking uh recordings of these streams as evidence because he takes down these videos he takes down these streams and doesn't allow them to be put back up so in a way youtube can't even look them up anymore so while this is going on i send him a message on instagram i'm like hey dude what are you doing you're doxxing my family so like what's wrong with you so uh through numerous and numerous numerous misspellings he continues to message me back saying like oh broke and and this and this and that like you're the you're the one that started this you're doxxing me and i'm like dude i'm like a third party over here i don't know what you're talking about so he thinks that i'm trevor he goes on stream and he's like oh you guys want to see what this guy looks like and he put some pictures of me and this [ __ ] that um i put up his house is for some reason hit me on instagram let's put that uh that [ __ ] back up we got a picture of a house here this ain't considered dachshund this is just i'm looking at property i might want to buy this [ __ ] you know now me personally i would have thought this [ __ ] was a hard worker this is just one of the pigs i mean i don't know what the [ __ ] he was doing this is what a tear sexual well one of them looks like they come in many shapes form ethnicities i go through the youtube process to you know show that he's like doxing me showing pictures of me showing pictures of an alleged house and youtube goes to the time stamp whatever they go through the process they checked it twice apparently they checked it twice and they said oh they found nothing wrong with it so i'm like okay youtube i mean it's clearly a picture of me clearly a picture of a house and nothing i don't know for whatever reason he just decided to bring me up and he was he like showed the picture of the house again and he's like oh that looks like a it looks like a sex trafficking house i should probably um make an anonymous tip to to call ice or something you know just raid the house look at this thing trash in a gutter what is that an attic up there the [ __ ] you keep it up there oh no it would suck if a lot of anonymous caused the ice ended up at that crib [Music] uh so apparently someone like legit went and took a picture of his car and someone just straight up dropped the picture in our discord and we're just kind of like why is this picture here like who's whose car is this like we've been trying to like figure out like how that picture came to be uh so apparently someone like legit went and took a picture of his car and someone just straight up dropped the picture in our discord and we're just kind of like why is this picture here like who's whose car is this like you know he misspelled lawyer against me as well uh l-a-l-a-w e-r lower so that covers the um you know trevor belmont stock scene with some pretty damn [ __ ] solid evidence you know dear god was showing his house on his stream you know i asked trevor to censor all that before he sent it to me because i don't want any of that in my discord but that's pretty [ __ ] up and trevor's channel is definitely not like really big as to where he could get access to like a representative at youtube mine isn't even big enough in order to show this to let's say some youtube employee that can do a [ __ ] thing about it you know what i mean so there is definitely like a [ __ ] hopeless feeling you get whenever this happens all right next up we're going to move on to yo itself but i don't really want to get too deep into this one because um yo what's up it's believed to be a minor and because he's so young we didn't really want to include him in this because he's he's not he's not an adult he still has a lot to live through and i'm pretty sure he wants to be detached from all this going forward so i'm pretty sure at this point he also wants to get away from it like all of us do so um here is vault talking about the sound situation um so yourself situation i know sam had a channel um where he would edit uh nail streams down add funny edits you know uh trans transform the uh the content into something that's actually digestible and initially i believe i had offered hey i see you guys clipping my videos or streams and making videos out of them how would i pay you twenty dollars a video to make videos for me i believe sal had reached out and said hey um can you reinstate my videos i'll take the deal uh just credit me as the editor in your videos and i believe all said after that and that was a direct line of communication by email no uh i'm not doing that you're i say you're a thief you're a scammer i don't deal with negotiate with terrorists whatever some sort of nonsense um and i believe since they at that point had a direct line of communication the animosity group charles young bloke he's uh on social media a lot he had posted his uh home area on one of his instagram page looked up sal had his name looked up his name on instagram found it matched it up on google street view or whatever saw that the address that he put on the first two or three counting claims was that address proceeded to dox him and then as far as we've been informed myself send a letter to his home address to his parents to say hey this young man is making edits of my stuff so essentially you know cell is a potential teenager you know 14 15 16. uh he took a pretty aggressive stance against low tier god and uh he put a bunch of different information on these counter claims because several of his videos got taken down and he knows that um that low tier god likes to doxx people so he put a bunch of different information and then low tier god found his instagram and found you know his street they lived on and essentially um i guess low tier god did dox him but he went a bit softer maybe because he's a kid so he decided to send a letter to his uh parents house he's he decided to send like pretty much a letter to everyone every single individual household within that area in order for it to potentially reach sal's parents which is a bit weird i guess i mean i i've seen other situations where youtubers send letters to other people uh like it's a bit bizarre but you know when he still docks him through his discord and used that information he gained through the copyright system in a matter he should not have used that information for i mean look just like watch these also to that little [ __ ] ass [ __ ] um you know who you are since you claim you live with your parents i got a surprise for you all right i know your neighbor's address your address what your house looks like i'm gonna send you a special surprise and i'm just gonna send your neighbors a special surprise too a little gay-ass [ __ ] that means since you claim to be a minor that means you're gonna have to steal the mail key every day and just hope that your parents don't see what i'm gonna send hope that your neighbors don't get it and bring it across the street i actually wrote something for his parents too let me see if i could find it and we're just going to keep sending it to his house over and over and over again until his parents finally get this letter and this is a warning to you mr gay adolescent just wouldn't say this i said i'd like to inform you that your child mister s michael says his name has been cyber stalking for us on youtube center sending me numerous emails start me on twitter instagram et cetera i go by name of loads here on youtube your son first started cyberstalking me when i began to take down numerous youtube videos get stolen from my live streams to create videos for a youtube channel be creative by stealing my live streams i begin to follow youtube copyright claims to have the videos removed i first asked them not to steal my videos but he continued to file for copyright counter claims stating fair use on stolen livestreams of mine after the videos were taken down they began to stalk me through emails with threats and attempts to attack me personally they began to stalk me via twitter youtube for me is a business it's not a game for kids i generate a salary from youtube now your son is beginning to download my videos claiming there is filing copyright claims one video is he stole it from me i would like you to represent your son in some form of matter to prevent him from stalking a grown man he seems to have an unhealthy picture over the internet i'm a grown man that does not have time to battle kids on the internet all day that i want to steal from me and create false copyright claims on videos videos sorry about that um i'm writing you because your son claims to be a minor uh this is the link to my youtube channel below the other one is the link to your son's shrine channel with me i've also included documents of everything your son has said to me via email twitter accounts he's created to cyberstalk me as well as discord messages claiming the crimes of his copyright striking etcetera i would like to settle this without involving anything legal but if something continues to suffer stalk me i won't have a choice my channel link youtube your son's channel link youtube now if you're watching gaylord um this anchor this isn't going to be the first time it comes to your house the second time the third time the fourth time the fifth time if you keep stalking me on social media or anything like that i'm gonna send it regardless but if you keep stalking i'm gonna make sure it comes from multiple ways i'm gonna even make sure that it's personally delivered along with this huge package and everything like that to your parents find out about what's going on so i'm pretty sure there's a lot of people here that would love to send it to okay so let's go ahead and recap what happened here my information was doxxed right you guys saw all that low cheer godstream archive was docks before me uh trevor was docks there is very strong evidence with trevor's doxing you can see on stream that lord here god showed his house and actually two different streams right he didn't just stop at one he went further and showed his potential address on stream right and uh as for both rep and sal who both received counter claims there were docs through the discord because i feel okay low tier gods understand this a bit better he probably shouldn't dox people in public and he's doing it in private now and it's crazy it's crazy that this just keeps on happening and i don't know if it's ever connect i don't know if this video is gonna be successful i really don't know what's gonna happen but you know what i'm trying i'm trying to [ __ ] end this i'm trying to end this for pretty much anyone else that could be affected in the future i want to on this because it [ __ ] bothers me rewatching these clips the past few days have been like [ __ ] hell i really didn't want to open this pandora's box but it's a necessary responsibility that's that i have to [ __ ] you know take care of yeah but now we are in the last section of this video as we've seen five doxings and now i'm pretty much gonna do a quick catch-up round of uh what low tier god's been up to for the past two years i guess i noticed this video that low tier got released on etika it seemed pretty real it seemed like okay like maybe this guy has some heart i think this guy like can feel some sympathy uh he's talking about how he talked to etika and l.a and i was like you know maybe this guy isn't so bad and i included him talking about etika in my video and i was like okay look he has some positive traits right he he maybe understands like how bad mental mental anguish can be to drive someone to that terrible point right and um you know i was [ __ ] wrong because because there was a certain situation where a person recorded themselves ending their life on um on live stream right and it went all around the internet and it's pretty graphic low tier god went ahead and watched this on one of his live streams too he didn't like show it on stream but he was there watching it that was a gunshot that he's laughing at you could see him looking at his [ __ ] phone and he's laughing at someone who just entered their life like that like oh [ __ ] like bro i understand like sometimes like you know you see something so [ __ ] up you know you might get a different reaction whatever i find some [ __ ] some pretty [ __ ] up [ __ ] pretty funny too like you know i'm i'm not like super whatever not guilty from everything but the reason because i'm showing this is because how [ __ ] fake this facade is right caring about mental health that he cares about anyone's mental health are you [ __ ] serious dude after like laughing like this right here he [ __ ] loves that dude he loves seeing people die that's that's great oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i had to rewind that [ __ ] like five six times and disbelief that this [ __ ] blew his brains why would you do that check this out this is something that i actually find funny is him trying to explain away why he was laughing at that video so let me um here it is yeah let's go ahead and watch uh this stream of course but these [ __ ] don't show remorse when they keep doxing me 24 7. it's killing for me 24 7. trying to cry into my personal life 24 7. antagonizing me 24 7. stalking me 24 7. stealing from me 24 7. we're just going to keep it at that practice what you preach anyways how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] they trying to do some fake ass petition to get my youtube dog i didn't show a video all i did was listen to you didn't show this video i could have been listening to everything i could have been listening to anything on a planet that could have been a cartoon for all we know i could have been laughing at tom and jerry he watched a guy kill himself on live stream then he says he was probably laughing at uh tom and jerry isn't this just [ __ ] insane like i've been watching this [ __ ] for like the past two years and now i'm sharing it with you guys like this is [ __ ] crazy is it not like my god dear god is a sociopath potentially yeah i was watching tom and jerry i don't even know what the [ __ ] they was talking about so you know that's that i was wrong about you know him having any amount of sympathy yeah so you know sorry about that low to god um i'm really sorry i uh try to paint you as a hopeful person i was wrong please accept my apology all right and now um let's see this so this is like a quick article i just found in like what 10 seconds of searching capcom banned cereal blast loads your god from all events the really important part of this uh this article or whatever yeah so it seems low tier god got banned by capcom from attending their competitions because he lost the game so bad he had to attack someone's uh i guess ideologies and physical attributes you know because he just can't keep his [ __ ] mouth shut like watch watch watch watch this people are saying that i guess he showed like a gore video on stream and received a community guideline strike so like that has happened over like the past week and if you just keep scrolling like you'll find videos of him telling people to kill themselves which is like oh what's this i found a video what's up [ __ ] kill yourself [ __ ] for all the people that's been waiting to say something for me to go live kill yourselves i mean that with a hundred percent not 99.9 anything i'm dead ass telling you to kill yourself you don't deserve to be on earth made more money than you made in three to five months so you can quietly go into a corner take the nearest revolution okay okay we got this this video is 14 minutes uh 18 seconds long of you know him just telling people to kill themselves which is like personally dude i don't care like say whatever you want on the internet like as long as it's not really hard hurting someone because right now he's just addressing a wider audience i guess but i can see how people will be annoyed you know like i i i'm really just pissed at like the [ __ ] doxing and the harassment like the actual targeted shitty does towards people but this i guess can also be against the community guidelines so i can see why people will not be happy about this and this is only like the tip of the iceberg you can find videos like this all over youtube there's so many people like clipping streams catching this [ __ ] up [ __ ] that he says on his live streams yet youtube does nothing about it hey guys so it is day 678 and while i was editing the video i forgot to add a few things and also some new things came up first thing i forgot to add was low tier god it could be possibly abating taxes come february 1st i'm taking off the smash brothers [ __ ] off my website and if you want to play me in smash from this point on starting february 1st the only way you can do it is when you donate the team it must be a friends and family donation labeled as a tip if you don't do that you can't play me in smash no more period you can't label that donation as a friends and family can't play some charter you broke [ __ ] trying to charge me back for ten dollars expand on says ltg makes people put down friends and family when they tip him so he doesn't have to pay taxes dude you realize that's insanely bad that's not correct you're lying to the [ __ ] irs and saying every single person who sends you a tip is president that's not good in the united states there's a certain amount of gifts you can receive from friends and family and there's a threshold of that i don't know what it is it might be like ten thousand dollars or something so you can receive up to ten thousand dollars in gifts from friends and family a year and that's supposed to account for things like christmas presents birthday presents and that's not supposed to be considered taxable income to my knowledge i could be wrong my tax guy does all this oh thank you phil so from this video you can tell that lottery god wants all of his donations to come labeled as friends and family and the reason he's saying he wants it is because he wants to avoid chargebacks and i guess it helps his case to avoid chargebacks if they're coming from all these donations are coming from friends and family so i don't really know how the taxes for donations work but what dsp is essentially saying is ltg basically wants to put these donations out as tips you know potentially right so he doesn't have to pay any taxes on them and that could be potentially illegal i don't know how low tier god is filing his taxes but if he does that then according to dsp that is tax evasion next thing i want to show you guys is this funny picture right over here so you know you can't really tell much from this picture because i censored the whole [ __ ] thing what he's holding up is shipping information from several of his patrons fans or whatever because he's gonna use this information to ship them out merch so he was like look guys check out all these people who bought my merchandise he's really excited he's he's showing off all these people who bought his merchandise it shows their name and their address their state pretty much anything you need to send someone a package so that's doxing he just doxed his supporters but the thing is this is what i believe to be an accidental doxing it is doxxing either way but he accidentally doxed his [ __ ] supporters and here is the video of him talking about it mustache on cue ready to go so last night guys unfortunately unfortunately i accidentally showed addresses on some labels that i was excited to print out for paying customers i would never dox anybody who's a paying customer i would never dox anybody inject yeah yeah you see he slipped up a bit first he said i will never doxx anybody that's a paying customer you know i'm sorry for doxxing you because you paid for my merchandise but then he corrects it by being like oh oh god yeah i'm recording this and says okay i will never tox anyone in general which we know is a [ __ ] lie because we've seen him dock several people already in a rule it was an accident there's people out there trying to make it like i doxed people on purpose listen he does excited i was able to print out labels to make the process faster to get you guys jerseys out which i just shipped by the way tracking numbers going to the website later yeah i believe that this was an accident but there has been many other cases where he has doxxed people intentionally so as you'll see whenever i return to the video i'm talking about what happened i guess within the past few days but before i get back to that i want to show you his reaction to the teaser i uploaded which will probably now be deleted so let's go ahead and watch him watching my video hopefully he addresses all the accusations that are made against him play a victim like a little and i can't wait till it drops this [ __ ] so i can respawn on my account whenever my video goes up i can almost [ __ ] guarantee you he's going to take it down with the dmc again but it's going to go back up ability ain't no way of justifying this [ __ ] and this is what this cock-ass now look at this he's censoring all of his cuss words he really wants to make revenue off my video before we get into this how many of you guys can guess who this clown is just trying to wait two years to do some corny ass yeah to do some corny ass that you started what the [ __ ] you think this is you just clown ass now mind you i was minding my own this yes clown decides to drop he said he was minding his own business after he keeps [ __ ] mentioning me for the past two years on a stream he literally said every day he's gonna try to flag this video and he was minding his own business right some video about me got a views on it with seventy thousand okay so you could put all okay so this video has too many cuts way too many sensors it's really incomprehensible like i saw an unedited reaction and basically he skips over all the evidence you know all this watch looted information and you want to all this type of [ __ ] it's probably going to be everything i've said about them over the couple of years you started it like somebody this somebody that's trying to make a bag off my name and trying to slander me on a crazy level do you think for a second over your document and then it's like your life is so look he skipped over it he went from the beginning and went right to day 607 he went right to 672 and skipped all the evidence wow drop the video look at this it's clown scott leaked all this fake ass information everything right i'm minding my own business this drop this [ __ ] and think i'm just supposed to take it on the chin and relax what has light up [ __ ] on this yeah it's the first time he's talking about my bed frame so if you watched his reaction on live stream for pretty much 30 minutes he insulted my bed frame because it has light and doesn't like my shirt he also said that this is a cheap ass mic and uh which is kind of funny because it's the same mic that joe brogan uses so you know joe brogan you have a [ __ ] cheap ass mic dude um also he insulted my beard when he can't even grow a complete beard i'm you know i'm a little bit shaggy i need to shave i'm not going to watch this whole video again because he doesn't address any of the evidence he just talks about pointless [ __ ] like you know again my shirt my bed frame my mic i i don't know but this is a new development so whenever i first tweeted the teaser out which was may 18th this channel just magically appeared on may 18th and what it says is the official youtube channel of the lon sparrow low tier gods youtube shorts also known as ltg so right now it looks like he's trying to bannovate in case this video does get his main channel banned i'm pretty sure youtube will try to ban all his other channels in case he does get banned i don't know what's gonna happen i'm just hoping he really really does get banned but he's already trying to evade this ban by creating alternate channels oh and by the way low tier god i'm definitely going to monetize this video it's my work it's my video and pretty much because you don't [ __ ] like it i was really thinking man like is it right to monetize this but you know [ __ ] it i will [ __ ] you so that just about covers all the things i've missed uh yeah let's get back into the video and i want to remind you the purpose of this video right now which is pretty much over is to expose all this evidence you know like i after this if low tier god gets banned from youtube thank god it worked maybe it won't work you know i don't wanna be that confident about it but you know i am gonna try i really i'm gonna try i really just wanna step away from all this you know i wanna just go back detaching myself to a certain extent for my content that probably isn't gonna happen but i'm gonna try because like i said i'm a pretty private person i have my own opinions this this and that but i don't really like to include myself in my videos in this video it was necessary but going forward who knows who knows what's going to happen we'll just he we'll just have to see what this video does essentially and again i want to give a shout out to tipster memeology psycros um tommy c keemstar full bender tv ronald uh 2 inch in and technicals and all like so many other people that helped me through this whole like mess i really hope this is coming to a close because this i want this to be the last video i make on this person i i don't want to come back to this i want this to end hopefully on day 680 or whenever i release this video you know what i mean i want this to be done and over with two years has been long enough and you know before i go i just want to say a few things leave the guy alone don't [ __ ] with him don't message him don't go to any of his medias leave him alone the only thing or person whatever i want to be bothered the only thing i want to be bothered is youtube i want this video to blow up and all avenues where youtube can notice it because i want youtube to really consider what low tier god has been doing and the danger of keeping him on this platform also i want to properly thank you guys for getting into this i never really really like showed this in a video i just like tweeted about it see if you can see it better here the lighting's kind of [ __ ] oh look there's my ring light you can see the reflection of it this is like still unreal in me every time i pass this it's like yo it's crazy i never thought like you know i never thought i would own one of these and i'm and i'm glad the day has finally come thank you again guys for like sticking with me through all this mess you know my changes in content all the [ __ ] that's been going on you know like what you guys say really like comforts me and gets me and it's great i'm trying to build a a non truly audience or a supportive one at least and that seems to be working you know i like a lot of my community members it's really just great to have you guys so on that note i think that's finally the end of this video i can finally take a breath um so on the 23rd i'm going on vacation to hopefully just get away from all this i'll try to keep in contact through twitter discord or whatever it's you know see updates on the situation but beyond that i i really need a break i really after going through all this i just i need a break yeah i'll catch you guys later bye
Channel: Joon The King
Views: 1,292,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aARR9d0Idfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 43sec (9163 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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