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today we are at a college campus and we are cutting people's headphones and then giving them airpods [Music] did you just cut my headphones yeah i didn't like what you were listening to are you kidding me are you serious okay i'm sorry okay are you kidding me right now hi i'm i'm ben um do you wanna like do you wanna like get like lunch sometime i'm new here i just i want to like meet new people should you want to like go on a date can i get your number i'm so confused okay i gotta go i gotta go okay this is um we're filming a video right there um we're actually um cutting people's headphones and then giving them airpods i'm so sorry oh my so sorry no that's my fault that was kind of me do you want that airpods yeah okay wait um i'm so sorry um we're actually shooting a video where i'm cutting people's headphones and then giving them airpods so if you want literally i was gonna buy airpods like today yeah i feel so bad i mean we're making a video and um so if you want these is that cool oh my god i'm sorry i was like on the phone with my mom thank you i'm uh pretty much just forgetting lexi's birthday so she thinks that we're going to get lunch right now for her birthday and she's going to come in the car and i'm just going to completely not mention it and say that i have other plans you'll see how it goes hello how's it going oh i'm like so tired right now i just i don't feel well why i don't know i like didn't sleep much last night i probably got like two hours of sleep and then this morning i just kind of like had a bad morning so what the heck i'm just like not really like feeling too well but um what do you want to do why are you so dressed up why are you wearing a dress like what like that's random you're just wearing a dress so jeremy actually hit me up um he wants to go to the beach for like a few hours to like play soccer and stuff so i was going to the beach right now with jeremy and then maybe after we can like do something um right now yeah like you hit me up to the beach for like a few hours it should probably only take like four or five hours and then when i'm back like i'll hit you up seriously i mean that's cool right i guess i was literally gonna start crying oh my god okay i didn't think it was gonna make that much of a mess um so i didn't actually forget your birthday obviously oh my god i like literally got in the car and i was like is he seriously gonna leave and go to the beach right now like after i just got in the car guys look at my car now there is confetti everywhere that's what you get for forgetting my birthday the girls are inside right now and they're eating chips and i have this genius prank in mind that involves a remote control car the car is controlled by this remote and the plan is when the girls leave we're gonna take their chips put this rc car inside the chip bag and then cover it back up so they don't even know what's in there and then when they come back we're just gonna this is so evil this is so evil they're gonna think there's like a rat in there oh yeah this is gonna be a good one all right so the chips are hiding the rc car we're gonna put it down like nothing happened nothing happened and then ready for this looks like there's a rat inside that's just moving i feel like normally when we go get sushi it's like totally lime quality really when it comes to like the real stuff [Music] stop what the hell is in there i don't know what it is [Music] okay guys so i'm meeting brent for lunch right now we are actually getting lunch but i'm also pranking him so i have this like chocolate nutella fudge stuff and i'm gonna put it on his chair you know how it goes it's gonna look like he pooped himself and i'm gonna film it all for you guys and show people's reactions so let's do it all right so oh that's so nasty all right so i'm just pretty much gonna put it like all right here now i gotta somehow get this off my fingers erase the evidence and then prank print it's good what's that let's see so chipotle or like um i'm i'm down for chipotle i feel like we could get pizza but yeah let's just get your boy okay all right all right let's go [Music] we just had an entire lunch without brent noticing that he has like a huge poopsie on the back of his pants we're going back to his house right now and i'm sure someone there is going to like obviously say something i hope and then you'll find out and you know probably kill me so we'll see what happens he literally hasn't noticed yet i feel kind of bad now what did you do brad pooped his pants no i'm just kidding i'm getting nice mommy's got a crap on his pants brett literally pooped his pants this dude literally has diarrhea on his shorts hey bro i think you missed the squat huh missed a little something mean you went number two last time um i think you pooped yourself would you put on me i think you picked i think you moved yourself what did you put on me what did i put on what the ew oh my god what what is that bread pooped himself no i did it i did not poop myself then how did that get there i have no idea how to get there why are you filming it is you huh okay so it is the girl's turn to prank the boys oh yeah and basically we are going to call ben and tell him that we got pulled over by the cops give him a certain scenario and basically see if he covers for us you'll you'll get it when you see it yeah you know you'll understand so let's call ben ben yeah hey um i just got pulled over for speeding oh no um but the thing is is i tried to get out of it and i told him that my sister was like pregnant and like fell at home and like she needs me so i was trying to get to her you know you don't have it you don't have a sister i know but okay i really need to do me a favor because he's following me home to like make sure i wasn't lying so can you just figure something out and just like help me out with this please like he's literally gonna come check let's see i don't care ben get a wig out of my cabinet like please just help me with this yeah come on ben we do it for you oh okay okay okay we'll be there like five minutes okay please be hurry okay thank you so much okay bye okay he seems like he's gonna do it right heck yeah i'm excited to see what he does he's literally gonna have to pretend to be a girl and not only that but a pregnant girl sorry let's uh let's see what happens all right so we're here and let's see if ben is a good friend or not i'm excited [Music] you're who is this supposed to be where are the cops you're kidding me you're kidding me there's no talking you know stick on i said do anything that'll help wow you know what um i kind of feel bad now i do too he looks like i was legit just trying to help i'm taking this off i legit got all this out in five minutes for this freaking thing that you asked me on top of the wig i also had a freaking glitter so i told the twins that we're doing a little photo shoot and they need these red shorts and i told them you know i got it i bought them for you little do they know i bought them dissolvable shorts and when they go in water they literally dissolve and they'll be left with no shorts but i have real ones so mine won't dissolve let's do it all right put these on okay um and we'll take the photo okay oh it's nice and warm oh yeah all right you guys ready all right you guys should move to the other side outside the jacuzzi i thought we were taking a matching photo now they're in their underwear wait i'm so confused what just happened i may or may not have given you guys dissolving swim trunks dissolving hey at least we're in underwear wait can you see through this blur that works so much better than i imagined dude i freaking hate you i am going to be ignoring her not speaking to her and acting like she really isn't even there hello hi hey yo how's it going brett good what's up nothing much i said hi too all right is it lunch time because i'm very hungry yeah i mean i didn't get you anything okay no i'm all good i'm going to the beach later if you want to come we're like all going to go yeah i'm dumb i'll go there's letters be like me you and like the boys if you're done yeah cool what's going on wait what time what time are you going ben oh like four o'clock at work yeah it works for me i'll tell everyone four o'clock and then we'll just drive down to the beach [Music] then do you want to get food hello ben do i have food i haven't eaten all day hello turn the game off let's go ben come on you're being so annoying i stepped in dog poop with these shoes hello five four three two don't make me do it come on what are you doing all right i'm just gonna go get food then by myself okay text me if you want something or don't and keep ignoring me hey i got you food you didn't text me if you want anything do you want it [Music] want a french fry i'll give you one more oh yo my eyes are watering i was literally about to start crying she put the french fries so far up my nose i have this freaking cheeseburger on my head oh my god there's like salt far up in my nose right now that i was like this close to just giving up my eyes were watering i swear welcome grandpa azelar yeah grandpa you okay oh my god so this is bailey and we are pranking my friends today that this is my grandpa so bailey just went under two hours of makeup to look like this and now we're going to my friend's house to prank them with my grandpa let's do it i have grandpa azelaire here to meet you oh my god are you okay you didn't tell me your grandpa was an acrobat so when you fell i literally thought you died okay so now it's time to prank some people in public with our flipping grandpa let's go everyone in there literally believed it was real that was so funny all right so we're about to film a tick tock with brent we have a plan watch this okay brent um this is my grandpa grandpa you want to stand like right here and then brent i'll have you stand like right there that wasn't my fault you pushed me in the water oh my gosh why would you do that like round paul why would you push it i didn't push him in you really pushed me what the heck you're grabbing us at a backflip holy crap i thought i literally killed your grandpa so right now i'm in brent's room and pretty much what i'm doing is i am covering his entire room with photos of ava um so i have don with me and uh we have a thousand photos of ava to put on his walls on his bed in his bathroom so to show you guys what a thousand photos of ava looks like it looks like this oh my god like the final reveal of brent's room in three two one oh my god holy crap brett is definitely going to flip out when he sees this i didn't think i had it in me honestly so now we wait for brent to come home to get his reaction to his wonderful room all right so brett's home uh don't worry about it just just walk up just hanging out just you can come check for yourself no nothing's wrong all right here we go all i'm saying is you better not have touched any of my stuff okay no we nothing is touched everything's fine okay it's gonna not be bad are you scared yes i'm very scared all right so brent's eyes are closed we're walking him in here we go three two one shut up oh kidding me holy crap there's so much of her no no no no no no take this down no we're leaving it we're leaving it oh my gosh you guys filled my room with ava so we know that eva has a new boyfriend and we thought we'd remind you of ava and brava so we put a thousand pictures of ava in your room so how about this that how does this help at all it's just gonna make you miss more um honestly you know you're gonna leave it right as much as i don't like it i do like it because it is ava's face you know and like so do you want to like leave it up like we can leave it we're going to just leave no no no you guys have to clean this up oh wow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa she has a boyfriend this cannot be healthy we gotta take this down three you may open your eyes one two three [Music] you did not you did not you did not i shaved my head does it look good wait stop stop i swear where's your hair it's in the trash can though that is not real this is not real oh no it's actually not real it's a ball cap you look so weird my brent's about to show up just close your eyes close your eyes my eyes are closed where are you i'm i'm i'm behind you okay on the count of three just open your eyes what is it is it like is it is it like an animal i look like an animal but oh you did something to yourself okay just open your eyes you shaved off your eyebrows close three two one [Music] i'm bald you shaved your head i am completely bald oh my god what do you think you look like megamind the guy with the big freaking head i kind of do oh i don't know if i like i think i like you more with hair yeah so i hate to break it too but this is actually a ball cap and it's not real really yeah so i had a professional makeup artist do my hair i just can't stop looking at it it's just so shiny i look like mr clean you do all right with the blue shirt on i look like mr clay that's so funny oh my gosh oh would you look at that i got ben the reason that i wanted to get ben was because he's working out right now so i assume that when he comes home he's gonna want to shower i mean unless he's gross but um hopefully he does and i'm planning to put some flour in his blow dryer for when he has to dry his hair stop i'm gonna put kind of a wall oh there there goes all the flowers it should be pretty good sorry ben if you're watching this all right and now we wait [Music] ugh [Music] lexi okay you suck first of all i gotta get out of here it's like filled with this filled with i'm filled with flour you see me sorry then bro i'm gonna be speaking only french to my friends for the entire day a lot of you guys might not know this but i'm actually fluent in french and half french myself but yeah i better go around pick up my friends talk to them in a different language that they don't understand and probably confuse the crap out of them uh so yeah bonjour so what's going on why you speaking french yo he literally did not know a single word that i said and he probably hates me now but at least he said yes to a few things that he probably would have never said yes to so let's go hi bonjour come on no siri how do i say no in french in french noah's no no i think i'm over the speaking french thing twice bro i literally just said i'm bringing up with you and she didn't even care i mean she also didn't understand me but this is great she got the perfect face
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 26,908,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, best pranks, best pranks of 2020, craziest pranks, crazy pranks, pranks, best of Ben Azelart, pranking on birthday
Id: LtAQDGOyyz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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