Exploring the rocklath survival shelter mine

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is the last voice that you would ever hear do not be alone you're gonna get vandalism and people are gonna spread out they're gonna park their cars and walk you know and the higher amount of people you have doing that before trafficking areas to get usually torn apart shut up everything around 4:40 this is an ore cart dump er your car goes in there and it rotates around this over here is a conveyor that would take the gypsum to the outside this is a gypsum line drywall is made out of gypsum look at the I'm not sure how much waste there would have been in this cuz it's why I don't know but I don't think so I think gypsum deposits are more like talc or it's this big bodies not the best selected place really huh it's kind of rusty rusty and Wow now that is an ore chute right there yeah looks like they were filled too are you doing GoPro yeah oh there's a biscuits the cardboard right there right there that's the biscuit that biscuit tins were in those yeah survival ration biscuit that's even got a seam got an address on it for shipping shelter representative Riverside County California three five nine six 10th Street Riverside California shelter representative yep yeah there's a drill you see the old drill holes going into this kind of a boring mind I mean it's featureless and no no interesting or or minerals to look at it's just the sheet rock mine let's take a quick look around this huge cavernous thing the drift is running right through the bottom of it it's just a huge there's a drift on this side two double tracks there's a term for this type of mining and I can't think of what it is right now but anyway you see that it was way up come on focus you can see that actually that goes all the way through do that again yeah it goes all the way through manual focus so these are like raises but they all did end up not too far and it's just raised there's another one there this is race after race after so I wonder if it's just raised after raised after raised which I wonder if that means that all of these pillars are or barring they would have to be all electric yes just like room and pillar but it's and here or shoots see this says out going this way and now so we went from these guess cities would almost be Slusher type raises to these or shoots and this is all one big massive cavern up in here I mean this is come on an old pair of gloves right there maybe not that old in good shape yeah this or shoot after or shoot after or shoot gypsum yo another drift level track is it worth checking out yeah another level all right actually came up through here it's marked with the chain there came up through there this is probably a hundred feet come on all right stay focused massive drifts a lot of dust Wow just same thing it's like a big ladder this is the holiday fun boxing and we know kind of turned sideways yes it's got the basement with wheels for rail and it slipped and it's got a pulley on the opposite end of it and I think it's what it is is they would attach the selectors to it and actually pull the slicers into that ramp oh yeah it's a slasher ring yes okay yeah mobile slush shrimp yeah how modern yeah we've seen those in those plywood ramps and mines where they scrape this stuff up into the war buckets or the yeah I've seen that where they do buckets on flat cars no I haven't gone down there yet this is like something I would leave in a mine warning to avoid danger of suffocation you have duty cycle from the lighting here oh that's a thermal blanket is what that is [Music] so do we think this is it we don't think there's another level above this so what's the purpose of this then I think this was to drag those dragging machinery up this incline here I think so this does this level doesn't punch through to the outside maybe [Music] okay we're assuming that this right here these are Slusher cable scarves so we're gonna go back down this way and see the slasher bucket so I wonder these walls these walls which I guess they're like pillars must all be gypsum I mean they just left that much of it in here here's cable where Marc's it's a soft so soft medium it's probably pretty easy to scar up here's a bunch of Slusher cable and here's the slasher bucket they used to drag the or across the ground it's pretty big isn't it heavy-duty more cable so this is these were the heist is back here and they were lowering the full cars down and these were so it's all missing but this was some type of one wake check clutch system so that they'd pull him up and then they'd latch so they were lowering the full cars down this and then they'd roll them to that roto tube you later that would twee Beau Squinkie late them into the other conveyer twee blurr that would take them out take the ore outside so imagine a an angle piece of metal angled up like this right sitting on that so as the car rolls across it it pushes it down and then it pops up so it can't roll back down then that that thing right there there's probably a wire going up to it and then they could just why oh he found the intermediate drift with the wires that intermediate level though right there doesn't here's another Slusher pretty heavy-duty these were the biscuit tins and they were all burned to destroy them I guess they're all bloated you see how they burned all the biscuits to destroy them and where ya burnt burnt biscuits what a waste if I can't have them no one can have them yeah they're getting tired roasted biscuits you have to use a can opener a multi-tool I don't want you to ruin my multi-tool we'll bring a candle multi-tools can't open her attachment opening a can yes I'll get it in a second I was I was just gonna say I bet they they dumped them all out when they burned all the cookies [Music] making you look like an idiot on video that's okay you ever see that you ever see that that video online of the Millennial trying to open the scan a can of SpaghettiOs in front of his class and he opens them with a real can opener and the old class gives him a standing ovation oh it's a girl that's her I should cut that video in right here okay what okay say that again you actually look pretty good they look appetizing is what you just said is gonna say that after well did you bring the pop-tarts yeah as a chaser eat these I am working a bust amount right now we're all going to try there you go [Applause] they used to taste like and then as soon as the chalk tasted you it's just not good anymore you know what where's another box oh you can leave hey let's film a commercial I'm serious so glad the biscuits part of this balanced breakfast all right sis where was that Bruno Mars where what where the forum oh you you brought that yeah so we're trying these biscuits in there I need an audio sample here or the crunch stand by they're not bad but they're really not bad they're really not bad talk about talk about mersa would you eat a cracker please for the camera sure does it even read the words yeah this wrote dirt yep there you go yep not bad huh not bad you know it's horrible is I already have a video doing this Ben Ben there to bunt been there done that just an older biscuit one of those it's melted [Applause] for failure yeah they do leave a little bit of an aftertaste a little bit of an aftertaste [Music] mmm goodness yeah the cameras don't last forever I think we're after anyway these are all this is all water survival biscuits course oli sanitary and medical kits were harvested years ago which is unfortunate yeah the cameras definitely oh here's a cent here's a sanitation pit right here toilet tissue can opener commode liner sanitary napkins hand cleaner polyethylene glove siphon spout tie wire commode seat cups and lids instruction sheet commode chemical so after you use all the water then you turn these into a commode these become the toilets Oh what is this oh lucky Nura barble that actually seemed to help I did like a full heart reboot on the camera yeah it seems like it might have survival biscuits so that's called button board with the holes in it and that they put a half inch of plaster like a rough coat yeah and that was based on lath and plaster you know all the little wood slats that the plaster would hang over the back of that was the thing the plaster would go through the holes and people thought it would stick better because of that so this is produced by the company that owns the mine yes the Kim at the what that's made out of probably came out of here after wood lath and plaster they went to small they went to small pieces of drywall like this and then they would plaster over them instead of using wood laughs so it's very possible that they were shipping these from this site ready to use manufacturing and shipping way home where do you think the water is right there that's it what's behind that platform okay I'm gonna zoom in on that okay keep it lit up okay go ahead [Music] yeah I didn't even have anything no you didn't go out far enough right yeah go ahead go ahead but you're it's not lit up very well no it will look dry to me maybe is it alive yeah yep what is it eating down here wet right this is the lowest level and it is wet down here it's damp I don't have the big light I left the backpack up maybe not this fall here early or loading bins one two three and four this is a big room and I didn't bring the big light so this is a real clear demonstration of the ore body it's not that thing in the middle it's the whole thing but basically it's that's level you can see it runs diagonally like that up through the mountain this is a very large some of the wiring still exists here massive or chute they just back a truck up in there a big haul truck and just fill it up that's one this is two just three it's wet down here and sticky wet gypsum wants to suck your shoes off pretty nasty here's for gypsum yep yeah and we're creating a dust storm in here during that time that we were speaking of during the Cold War years when people all over the country were told had to deal with nuclear war and that by doing that by killing people how you could ostensibly survive that which is not really very survivable it's not quite like an earthquake it's not quite like a tsunami it's not like a hurricane that by making people believe that they really could survive a nuclear attack the criticism wind it actually makes people at some level accept the notion that it's inevitable it could happen and it makes it a more acceptable thing and so I think this is certainly survivable for the entire country we know that the place that's hit would have very severe local damage but we also know that we could save tens of thousands of lives if people knew how to deal with the issue of fallout and that would be getting inside staying inside staying - - staying tuned to radio television now shelters quite a long time ago does your plan include building fallout shelters in Ventura County it does not why no it's why not well it doesn't because it is hoped that the detonation would not targets Ventura County in that we don't have that same kind of population density as major cities in this country do we don't have that intensity of sites were business is conducted nationally internationally and so we're thinking that maybe the biggest concern we will have will be the fallout but also dealing with the rush of people that may come to us from another area that is is and I think that most like you would be in Los Angeles doctors nothing we'll have to leave it there thank you so much again that's been short outing Public Health Officer dr. Robert lemon continue [Music] okay okay total silence please okay go ahead [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] my concern is is if this is a thousand feet deep [Applause] [Applause] over here on my right looks like a gameboy of some sort I'll take a look at it real quick okay that's not loose comms on the radios because huh could you use the ladder to climb up he's on the ladder right now were you calling on the radio I can hear you talking yeah go ahead is it an a-level with track it looks like he's on a full station right there yeah what's going on no ladders no cribbing is it cribbed maybe I'll collapsed in does that look like it all collapsed in there [Music] the end of the line yeah what's up Drake is interested in going down there and kind of looking around what do you think so they got to the hundred level they're on the hundred level right now and yes it's this is an old mine this closed in the 20s and never was worked after that so all of the woods gonna be in pretty bad shape in this thing some of it was probably harvested for other mines too they say everything below the hundred level all the cribbing and the ladder and the the rails all looks like it fell straight down and it's just a shaft from there down so I don't know I'm not interested in going down it's just another cut and Phil mind it's been sad this is a thousand feet deep I don't know if I quite believe that it could be fairly extensive if it's cut and fill but as we've seen with a lot of these they backfilled the upper levels as they work lower and the only level that's clear and open is the last level they worked so who knows what that is I have no Maps or information on this at all [Applause] if any member of the foundation was in the shelter from contamination put them outside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mine Explorers
Views: 26,310
Rating: 4.6557379 out of 5
Id: XCmyQph9LAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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