1800s horse-powered Hard Rock Underground Gold Mine

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I had my first cigarette when I was 13 when I found out how bad it was I tried to quit but I couldn't they say nicotine isn't vindictive [Applause] how can they say that 13 minutes and 44 seconds I don't know why it says that well we can no longer show the outside because the abandoned mine lands folks are closing these things up at a record rate and is that a rat's nest back there and I mean they're closing them up at a record rate there they're bragging right now that they've closed up thousands of abandoned mines in Utah so there is cold air blowing out so that would suggest is pretty hot outside that's a face dude this thing is old look at look at the natural logs for rail bed oh well that information was not false was it about the incline no I well look it kind of goes vertical right the lighters dude oh it's still there Oh check it out from over here Drake yeah there's swear nails they got old hand for square nails holding this together this is indeed eighteen hundred's yeah this is this is old check out those bolts see those bolts right there holding those that natural log together yeah the Bell signals still there is it the Bell signal parts of the voice didn't hear the hoist was do the hoist went up and over okay well let's finish this level out and then we'll come back to this Oh cut and fill action check out the wood man oh it's Oh check it out Drake dude so so is this what you were seeing yeah so there's the drum so the sheath wheel would have been right there right so this was the hoist room right there's looking back down into the incline hole cut and fill action check out the check out the way they yeah they angled that wood to keep that waste in there yep that don't look that old though maybe hey it's nice color here's another Stoke here's an or shoot oh and here's where the air is blowing and feel it wow dude it is old look at look at the wood with metal yes strapped Wow you want to talk about hard rock man look look at this this thing has been sitting idle for more than a hundred years and there's zero collapse yeah so this must be there's another v-8 oh this was this was high-grade quartz high-grade or gold mine dude check out the native Timbers oh just the smell changed check that out I wonder if that's the quartz vein right there see that here get your light out of there so hold this for a second hold that right there so see this right here is what they're following that would make sense why the ore chutes are going up that way and the inclines going down that way that's beautiful isn't it it's an old 1800s where nail probably hand forged that's deep here at home it's notice the spacing is not even oh [Applause] yeah okay probably don't want to show that the abandoned line mine Lance guys will use this video to lobby the administration for some money to close this place forever and then nobody will get to see it thanks big brother a lot of airflow blowing through that so [Music] this is a good perspective here on the hoist room and then the incline and the sheath wheel would be right up above so there must be substantial workings below us look at there's a grease bucket to use the first first level you can see that and you could see the vein there you see that Drake the slice they were this incline is right on it yeah and this was the ladder in the middle you can see the rails there actually see how those are tilted see how the metal strapping is tilted yeah they were just pulling a bucket up here didn't have wheels on it it was just a greased greasy rails yeah what is it I said what is it it doesn't make a whole lot of oh look at that cut and fill yeah it doesn't make a lot of sense I love the look of this though yeah the the way that hold on I got to get the other light out standby the color temperatures can I go check that out stop waitress repeat that again it looks like there was a second cable that ran alongside you okay and was redirected into this dress and then was redirected through another sheet down into another winds okay here look down yeah right break that look back down yeah more cut and fill Wow look at it all so cut and fill cut and fill so it could be way more substantial than what we see outside because they're leaving the waist inside but okay here's another with another kind of incline winds Wow you know this wood becomes like petrified you know this wood is as strong as when it was put in here and that's just a tree get your light out there Drake okay so what is this like a raise up - oh it is it's it's a cribbed raise well it's cribbed with unprocessed native Timbers no no even better dude look at this there's a freakin wood peg oh I saw a wood dowel holding it together I mean you want to talk about oh look at that nail spoil rock chick that out check those dowels out really what's up there what was that oh okay so this is a point of regress here is your escape way light it up down right there light it up down at the very end and I get it out of there right there oh that's nice keep that right there wow that is twerk Oh squirty licious so this is all staffed Rock spoil Rock waste rock and they just didn't handicap accessible ad a compliant like a Barry door car hand truck right so what they did is they rerouted that direction of that pulley from the main wins over here and then they it went and went down there are those Trent are there tracks on that no actually yes inverted okay continuing down almost at the bottom and look at these rope burns here from turning the corner looks like they actually greased that log is very interesting that's good okay here's the bottom really so wonder if this was the bells to the bottom of the Bell signal nothing right here yeah hold on what's up so they were redirecting it that way oh I know why no because they had the main cable redirected over here but they were using the same Bell so that's a honey you say a hundred feet down about and then just right actually so you know this is ingenuity when you have to oh yeah I see they had a looks like a ramp to dump or something up there yeah yeah yes so they were pulling it well you know I mean the abandoned mine lands guys are already going to issue our closed or decree over this video you know we don't want to do anything that might trigger them in soil there depends just let them be at peace in their cubicles and stop trolling them I guess I'm the one trolling them huh and taxpayer-funded white Chevy vehicles and they drive around no no no they use contractors they sit in they the people that write they're the people that write the reports yeah but they yeah but they for the most part they don't do the labor they just look scary I wouldn't do that nobody can because it scares me what do you call those people that get funding for stuff like when you have a non-profit you have those people that get funding what do you call those people all grant writers grant writers so what these people do is they write damn is that the fault man's your flat that is erasing your history one great at a time denying you of access to your heritage you're rubbing off on me Drake well deal with it so you start it off you know what's so painful about closing something like this I got stage fright boxy you know what's so painful about them coming out here and closing something like this is I mean this has been standing for 150 or 200 years and the people who built this country came out here and they built all of this with native wood native tools and they just used what they had and this is really integral to the history of the United States and our history and our heritage and they're gonna come out here and just put sand over it and make it look like it was never here and that's really that's kind of the equivalent of Isis going out to the Assyrian temples and trashing all of it with bulldozers and bombs to make it look like they were never there it's erasing the mark that we left and how we built this country for what well but there's a lack of appreciation for the frontier cutting immense amount of work that this took because it's underappreciated because now when you're a trust-fund kid or you just get a check from the government for having so many babies you don't appreciate the amount of labor that someone went through to build something like this and the desperation it took and the the tolls and the life lost and all of that - to make something like this happen I mean this is an incredible amount of work labor wise this is to blast this hard rock and lasting someone had to cut down every tree and then somebody somebody had to hand I bet they were hand mucking this they were the shells hand mucking this they were not this was not a diesel this was all done by hand eighteen hundreds all right we're back up at the top we're looking up here yeah there's a lot of fill up there isn't there all right but back here back at the top if this is really as old as it appears to be in the records suggest you know for it to be steamed there would have had to been water there would have had to been some type of furnace and a place to de place the vent a place to vent the heat I know there's some pieces of the puzzle missing they're young and energetic this is the upper most level oh yeah cut and fill oh yeah Wow get your light out of there that is really sensual isn't it you want me to light it up yeah I wonder which one of these we will would probably be a little bit deeper huh yeah they punched they must have found it on the surface and then worked their way down because that went all the way to the surface you can tell this was abandoned much earlier and they worked their way down and they took they took this the materials down with them as they went they removed the material and reused it more cut and fill probably yeah a lot of this was Chinese labour I think yeah oh yeah goes to surface here's our or shoot that the air is blowing down you want to go for an ass ride if I have my gloves I would do it but not although it's probably safer than oh yeah there's that smell this must be the face right here yep there it is so this is the ore chute and this is like a ramp that was in front of it you can see the legs down there at the bottom and then that would have gone in front of there too I don't know what the hand dumping it hand mucking it it's from the 1800s it's a drop of lead oh yeah Ladd can let sealed can soldered can so anyway yeah this is the upper level cut a lot of cut and fill you can actually see the sunlight out there so this this vein of gold probably punched through to the surface that's how they located it and you know very unconventional mind very bare minimum and they obviously reuse the track and supplies on lower levels as they work their way down they didn't stuff was not in abundance so they what was that I do here hold on cut and Phil cut and Phil alert with stannous chloride stannous chloride and wild whoo yeah does I say stannous chloride here hold them together so I can like turn the turn the 7up all of it the other way yeah turn the bubble up a little bit too to the left there we go okay all right
Channel: Mine Explorers
Views: 105,750
Rating: 4.6999998 out of 5
Id: EVNfwFD976c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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