Underground Time Capsule Mine Tombstone Arizona Pt4

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some of these mines are super dusty especially this one so you want to have a dust mask to keep that stuff out one of them a standard one is called main 95 they got a bunch other types so you just want to keep all that crap out of your lungs so before you go into line just make sure to put it on make sure it goes around your chin and seals around your nose there's metal pieces in here you can push them to lock in because you don't want to suck air in through the other side and that keeps all that kind of bad stuff out of your lungs it helps you breathe better underground so hey while we're headed back for a day number two yeah why oh let me get some video here where is he okay all right day number two we're going back for more not that this video isn't totally out of control and just random like this mine but we're going to rappel down some to some lower levels that we saw and see what yeah oh you ruined it I was I was videoing with the back of it and then so anyway okay this is a 1960s civil defense refuge station we're about 350 feet underground and this one's been pillaged a little bit but what these had is they had Geiger counters medical kits sanitary kits water and survival biscuits and the way this worked is these were the water jugs and when you finished when you drank all the water you put this seat on top of it and use it as a commode there's the 1960s toilet paper and I've seen quite a few of these there's quite a few of these in the West these underground Civil Defence survival shelters and unfortunately they've most of them have been pillaged in the contents have ended up at flea markets but so in the sixties this is where the designated chosen few were assigned to come should something have happened so this was all water like I say the medical and sanitary kids have been pillaged out of here which is too bad because they were cool most of them had I think Geiger counters Geiger tubes with as well as scintillation crystal indicators which used a photomultiplier tube in front of a scintillation crystal and when the little radioactive particles hit the scintillation crystal it produces a little speck of light and the photomultiplier tube picks it up and that's where you get the kind of static here's part of one of the medical kits see about 350 feet down and I don't know we're about two hours to get to this or something like that anyway that's a look at a underground civil defense survival shelter forgot the chalk so this is where we left off yesterday the glow stick was here we're going to go down here and explore the mine cars down here the ore carts and they're gonna go up this way right yeah and then what we're gonna do what we're gonna meet back here so have you been up here yet you don't know where this goes okay stick to the right you're gonna just kind of work your way down you're gonna hit a drift and that drift is on that narrow or car it does not move it's wedged to traction arrow you can play around in there take it to the aura car go past that or a car there's gonna be or dump your cars maybe 15 feet from the front of it you're gonna slide down the ore chute and that's like the cone to death it's like a big ringing funnel circumnavigate around a cone of death to the opposite side and you'll see another or shoot and then on the right hand side enough to climb over some stuff there's a ladder take that ladder down that'll put you in the lowest level down there explore those levels is another or car down there eventually you're gonna hit collapse it's cribbed in like over here and then make it makes a big collapse that's as far as you can go no you can go through well unless you climb over there so we'll leave this hanging up okay if one of us gets here first we'll throw it on the ground that means we're out okay and then we're the first ones back then you'll throw it we'll know you're but we're just gonna wait for you deep do you know how to get to the nother chef that he's talking about can you get there if we go first pretty much but are we sure we're talking about the same shower this is not the one on the very lowest level no this is one that's up here that I did that on it's it's off the drift that we did the lift or car video on I know but does he I could probably find it did you bring your iPad again no crap where do you go okay just caved in [Music] [Music] get a couple different lights going here we're nourish one McMaster boiler oh yeah there we go don't forget to take your chemtrails supplements because we're too far underground for that stuff to get down here oh that is Clerk eat we blur Mikayla's om ler yeah yeah yeah I was trying to understand that as like it's jammed in there but I'm not quite sure that's cool so what this is this looks like a [Music] central dumping point for several of these drifts that come out so it's basically a big round circular thing and all the drifts come into it kind of like a star this is very unique I don't think I've ever seen this before yeah if you go past that point you've gone 50 feet too far yeah yeah this makes me breathe heavy too this is very cool so did he say we go up that ladder I don't know about that that didn't seem to go anywhere okay I'm working my way down here he's hanging out up there close his eyes for a little while and take a nap we'll see wait what there's no freaking ladder here boy that goes down a long way holy crap alright maybe maybe this is the direction right here it looks like there is quite a bit of we're coming down that so kind of following this direction wow this mine is extensive chutes and ladders and levels and just everywhere wow I'm on another level what that faces out right there this is just incredible I mean you could work your way down that very yellow in here too okay that's where I came from let's go this way holy where am i yeah I came I came where that tape was oh here's the other or car nice out this way okay this is what they must have been talking about I'm not gonna oh here we go with those pictures again interesting oh yeah I see I see yeah I get it at least two swastikas are going the right direction on this level for them to be evil lots of air blowing towards me I'm walking uphill now [Music] sparklies lots of lots and lots of sparklies okay I'm not going any further singers just look at those tracks this doesn't make a lot of sense they just go into a rock yeah they must have been a place just to back a car up see could get another one to pass okay so this takes us back up and out [Music] now I'm fascinated with this maybe that goes down to the level I was on you could hand down that you still up there Kevin yeah maybe you left get up and out of here yeah yeah it's extensive down there it's a whole nother set of tunnels and they go all over the place all right up and out back up to the meet mechanically separated meat section oh that's kind of cool-looking isn't it okay we're going to take a look at this real quick that's it just two or shoots that's it dude I don't remember this this way okay yeah it was right around the corner here and there it is about what but this is what I was talking about I didn't say we draw we yeah the air is blowing down this what horseshoe horseshoe where's you right here it's gotta be it's a horseshoe or a or shoot okay so this is the silver thread down here then it's literally right here oh I wonder if this gets us on the backside of those collapses that is a long shoot holy you have your your handle asunder in case you need to slide your way up untouched layer a dust not everything it's moon dust around this corner no footprints when there is now because we went a little ways no footprints except for animal tracks animal dream literally the first people up here in Wow look at this thing wouldn't set that down Wow and then in the latches wow it's got handles on it Wow look at that worth the climb holy Wow made outta dynamite boxes look at that yes I did hold on let me get some footage that there's what those are mine I think No petrified Wow check out the slabs hold on man let me get some yeah that is bowls and stuff in it jugnu was a he carried his carried his hands literally as carries canteen on his belt on his belt that was his canteen oh wow look at this I've gone no farther look at this operation Wow yeah I got it hold on polar here satchel Jason upper right hand pocket thank you sir [Music] what is that thing here's a or car truck there's the bottom yeah no there's a fourth there's another truck in box there's air blowing through there too loaded yeah there's airflow blowing through there so that what is it with this place in lard there are buckets of lard all through this month [Music] now there's a nipple on the bottom of this yeah there's large buckets everywhere I'm gonna pause this there's another car and based on their in a small little drift it looks like and you tell us don't touch you sis everything is here all the yes bottles trinkets just like this perhaps what that you know he you make this you make the sack wet and put it in an area where there's airflow and it keeps it cool to the evaporative cooling look at the little thing with the grease in it for the miners to snap all these rocks yeah really hold on here's over here I've been warned that's a mile line that should go in the museum seriously that's legit I mean I'm all about leaving stuff in here but if there's a yeah there's a legitimate museum where lots of people can enjoy seeing this stuff and this is yeah this is authentic stuff this is not like shiny left what is this thing here's another or card this keeps going what are these little tiny drifts here's a shovel head which do you see the fourth Forge we found in here where that down in there behind your cars go back what is this thing see how it's got holes punched in it there wood so it's not a it's not wood this is metal the bottom that part looks like it's wood so it's not for heating or anything I was thinking so this is a homemade or car right here oh it's chained to it yeah there's no little ways and legs up with your light no no you're fine I want you in the picture but your light looks great just like that yeah your light illuminating the dusty it looks like any other Jones fine and I'm gonna very slowly walk this you say it's real dusty so where do I go to get to the drift Ford's looking I'm looking for the blacks black spot on the top [Music] right oh yeah there's the black up there so where is it hold on oh yeah there's the anvil stump yeah and I'm sure they moved it to a level that how about down through there did you go down through there this sluice was in one of these halls yeah and there's your bucket Wow pulled it up and down the sluice rushed I've been old reflector something like that Wow look at it look at it it's crumbly yep that's the blacksmith's stump right there yeah it's crazy how some of those tops are so great yeah archaeological pretty much hold on let's go slow if it's dusty wait where's the drift all right here another level Wow the only footprints are your footprints look at that I love my I love my false floor let's move real slow Wow stochastic and there's stopa Bulls inside there there's stuff up in there right there yeah it's like walking in snow oh you stopped you stopped right here because this is where your footprints stop oh it gets hard maybe so that's the bottom right there where it's blowing the plug oh crap whoa what is this stuff Oh holy crap did I just ruin a bunch of those limestone limestone Barbie oh look at the two virgin larva Marshall limestone barbecue okay let me see those drift goals it goes so here's more squalor Cuse no blurs norman dust we needed he was trying to wake up yeah the hairs move this direction yep I am the first footprints I shall I shall demonstrate the mine and it's since the dream I must have I don't from the call or just thinking that others so this this look seems like this seems like backfill yeah I think that is but there is air glowing you want to go for it yeah check what that I'm gonna [Music] there's air flow here too yeah a fault wall so this would take us back to 300 Briard empire the fine baby see yeah exactly right I don't know where we do I see tracks down there I don't look straight down look clear I don't think so either is it time to breathe down there yeah but the it's a bottom right there I think you could go down that rope to protect it that bottom ladder maybe this one no I mean you could probably get away with it but is it worth dying over yes okay I'll hold the camera limestone BBQ keep your head down here limestone barbecue so we can't even get to that one that one's the pigeons are all over it though let me get my limestone barbecue grilling now 100 and when people hang us across that chasm yeah good last fire do we go down here that's where we came from oh that's right yep Wow did you see this and there's pipe going down there to limestone BBQ Andrew someone will be like yeah your videos are pretty good but you sure do say a lot of stupid guess what deal with it here's another homemade or bucket on the the medallist is totally rotten just totally rotten I just I can't get over this cut and fill crap lift it up again just so we can see it yeah hold on to me and I love the handles but let me get over here yeah yeah that's insane like a wheelbarrow do it again lift it up alright so yeah we got to talk about this a little bit so this level was untouched for probably what 20 years and so we we're bringing this up here to show it and we're gonna we're gonna leave this yeah inside inside the wooden or car for sure absolutely I'm gonna say nine point five no one no well no I'll tell you why no not a lot of hand tools no hoists no cages well nine point yeah nine point five a solid nine point five leaning towards a ten right right no no deaf no definitely we're going to upgrade this one I think this yeah for you is it a ten yeah no it is tint it's all based on ten is the best you've seen so far the time would be like bars of silver okay best I've seen so far yeah what out what would what feature would make this a ten underground hoist so those are these are tens for you okay there you go anyway yeah I'm totally agree I mean Venezuela is a real socialism I know that we could do it much better in the state it's an honor for you to personally come here let me know okay next time need to bring a hat okay hold on sir excellent landing Oh Oh No I think he's hurt come look sorry come on up just a slight cut sir we'll get that patched up when we get out of here bye-bye anymore feet sir about ten minutes to go yeah I agree I mean it's probably true that there's literally no country that's really survived on socialism by know that you could make it work in America Venezuela these other countries I've done it they just weren't doing it right I know you can do it your ideas are great all right let's head out I know you guys service there no we just took a break I mean you're doing wonderful no we're not we're not waiting for ten minutes it's it's right here sir come on [Music] I need to get you out of here no sir you can't say things like that I know
Channel: Mine Explorers
Views: 18,316
Rating: 4.6877322 out of 5
Keywords: mine exploring
Id: 4wt6IQL7g_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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