Abandon 1920s era Artifact loaded silver mine

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[Music] the voice does feel the inside wench in it and everything's collapsed now it looked like because they're still cable wrapped around the drum it looked like they something happened that he yanked the hoist off the foundation she had rappelling gear you come down there with us yeah redundancy redundancy for everything all right this is a main shaft but it's pretty rotten so we're gonna go down here go down this open stope and cut back cut back in below this cave in here supposed to be a small to medium sized mine right medium sized nice rainy weather yep might make a good make sure to get the phone out hold on yeah kind of worked at Mojave underground shirt a little bit yeah yeah yeah you know get it on the runway here okay good go ahead when now when I go over and stretched it stressed yeah I am I am I will so we can keep this in the right spot yeah at the moment this actually is not bad at all it's almost like the yellow pine where you can just use footholds I am so glad I switched to this raft versus that stop I'm gonna I'm gonna try it now I'm gonna get to actually load it up and try it all right looking up and out I'm off rope Andrew and so he's on the phone again oh boy so that's the plug right there yeah this guy I don't wanna touch oh yeah it's solid but it moves if someone weights it too much that log you're not gonna move that log right there this one that's yeah no this is the one I put the anchor on yeah over and down yeah I'm not gonna touch any of this stuff oh this is old yeah logs yep yeah the whole thing's credit in with local local trees listen the ladder system is be is more so than when we just got out of but I only can follow for about 30 more feet and I don't know if it continues nicely the problem is you don't know if those microbes have eaten it up you know my crabs man all right Andrews Guinea pigging here on the ladder which looks beautiful but you notice the angle drops yeah literally drops off so it goes vertical here light him up a little bit down there she could nobody's been down there a while your buddy might be the last guy down here is it that tight yeah from front to back yep oh it's a straight shot ladder well straight shot ladders are good if I can come down to where you're at and rig rig a anchor because then we can just climb the ladder so we really believe this is the 100 I think this is only a hundred man it sure seems like we're a lot further down than 100 so we got a piece of a piece of an oar car truck boy this is vintage Wow bad ground this is one of those mines where it's just constantly caving in there's this constantly movement no I know but you just constantly kind of hear you know creaking and groaning and rocks falling in oh yeah look at that wet paint crown jewel oh nice false floor to the max I need to get the real light up oh that ladder looks good oh yeah there's some photo ops in here so I gotta say walking into this is almost video game ish the way this looks and with the the open here and that there is a air-powered hoist and those are very rare as far as seeing them in abandoned mines like this those are very rare so I know it's almost impossible to capture like the vibe of this thing with a camera but this is an air-powered hoist this is rare so yes this is of course yeah we are in a Stoke now we go back here and nurse the store shoots and then it comes to a dead end but that's impressive and back here is part of an orc part of the probably part of an orc are yeah like [Music] that is old-school here's a look at the or underground or bin with a good lighting you can see there's just a stoped that goes to the surface behind it so I'll give us a report how's the meat man way is it plugged what is it yeah we found a cigarette here it's a non filter of course Rialto the non-filter cigarettes my ballot are ia LT OS it's probably Mexican this old and if if we had the cigarette if we had everywhere yes if we had a lighter Jason here would spark it up taste like forget dirt you're you're coughing already and it's not even burning yet nothing cancer this is an old mine there's old stuff in here at Kilroy right here that's World War two stuff yeah I got to get a picture of that alright well I'm on it I guess well we don't know these this - so all the levels are probably not standardized and they might be 150 because I think Congress standardized at hundred-foot levels remaining sometime I don't I'd have to look it up but I think these are 150 foot and we're gonna have to frog or climb this rope up out of here because these ladders are so climbing a 350 foot rope that's gonna be a real calorie burner and you know this this thing is just it's getting cold outside - the air blowing down is really cold so not going up we're gonna be hot but I just sitting here it's cold say anyway I think it's about my call to get on rope here so we'll we'll get the camera back fired up at the bottom alright here we are at the bottom and we got a flat car see it might have had a bucket on it we have a full or car here this looks like probably the Skip car that rode up rode up and down on here be careful this is a false floor the sump is below me or maybe that's an or car that that's I don't know what that is anyway drift continues that way so it's supposed to be a couple miles on this level of drifting beautiful hard rock yanked up the track unfortunately but some gobbing waste rock stacking there that way it looks like it I like continued this looks like this continues to a patchy powder company is this a little lunch room or laboratory wonder what that was I look at that fault flat I don't know where they went there to you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham and now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance some bad ground lots of air blowing down through here almost looks burnt up in there all right no need just video miles of tunnel come back when there's something good yeah oh yeah oh yeah you see this rope coming down here [Applause] yeah you know I guess this activity is kind of dangerous and it's some of the forbidden fruit of society people have been told all their life stay out of these things because they're dangerous but you know what mines don't have a lobby like the automobile industry does and I've seen some pretty dead people in car crashes I think I'd almost rather die in a mine collapse than a car crash one one night on the freeway saw someone in a Mitsubishi Eclipse body parts on the 110 freeway I'll never forget that looks like the vein right there what would you find are they in the package I was gonna say they're probably still good well let me get over there you walked across this what is it it's a newspaper like a local newspaper it's a trying to find the name of something prospector if there's your date March 25 1920 that's uh yes see if you can reach something out of it yeah let me leave it open for all look at there's cartoons subscription one-year subscription $5 tombstone prospector there you go free month street opposite city hall dude you should try you should spend some time and try and flatten that out and get it we'll get a picture of that that cartoon yeah wow there's some of the articles maybe yeah yeah I'll go here and work on it okay so here we've got hostess Twinkies boy is that an old wrapper hold on I get this damn duty cycle light out of there yeah I bet if they were in the package it'd still be good but maybe not be no shut up all right all right go ahead there's a the Silk Stocking Club meets with mrs. Walker the Silk Stocking Club met yesterday afternoon at the home of mr. I'm sorry mrs. WP Walker and the ladies enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon at cards mrs. let Lee emerged from the honors and was rewarded the prize a pair of silk stockings refreshments were served by the hostess and not a dull moment marked the afternoon as the ladies taxed their skill in the contest an attempt was made by mr. Walker to sit in but he was barred by the ladies who feared his experience in handling the fifty-two whatever that means yes 1920 here's tombstone members of the Bisbee lodge of the BPO II have received notice of initiation of a class of eighteen into the second degree on Saturday evening March 27th Tuesday evening April 2nd another class of three candidates will ride to goat these events will be followed by a lunch on April 2nd the district deputy grand exalted ruler will be presented and tombstone brothers are urged to be present like some Masonic Lodge elk Lodge yeah alright alright the titles a little something but it's candidate for state office Phoenix March twenty-fifth nineteen twenty Miss Elsie tools County Superintendent of Schools of Cochise County stands a good chance of being the first woman in Arizona to be elected to a state office if the urging of her friends are heated missus tools is boosted as the most admirable candidate for State Superintendent of Schools schools is spelled SCH eight ALS and certain of her friends here today made bold to predict that she would be a candidate for this office on Republican primary ticket they had Democrats in 1928 Republicans they at least so I'm sure they're Democrats I thought those are like new it's kind of interesting I love walking on false floors here's some carbide look at the slice it's a four-way split choose your poison this is definitely a spot for a 360 photo absolutely before it's JC Penney's oh really yeah show me hold on it's an old oil can a bunch of dynamite box it's gotta be real careful oh nice yeah I saw that Sani ploor yeah Sani Claire where were the jeans out go out to the main way yeah and you're right we're down about 80 feet during your left hand side I'll get them on the way out 350 L winds maybe that's it we're on a 350 level now oh yeah nice old adjustable ranch down there is some hardware to bolt track together I don't know what this all these this skip car or an or car taking our car anyway this mine is very old and ceased in the early 1900s I think pre-war so I I don't even think there's was ever electricity in this this probably started out as candles and then went to carbide did you go down 34d powder mag oh yeah Wow look at this perfectly flat what must be the fault wall not perfectly flat but compared to this side carbide graffiti this is trippy to think that the people that did this are no longer alive that's almost guaranteed it's dusty in here Wow people that wrote these words cease to exist Wow look at this one that must be a hundred and fifty feet long that must be what he was talking about when this fault wall is just a Denver Colorado it's just a graffiti it's his fault wall is just everybody signed their name here yeah this is incredible this is probably the longest continuous fault wall I have seen [Music] or car wheels it just continues what is this some type of skip bucket or bucket homemade Brad got more car wheels laying all over the place here look at that that just goes as far as I can see and lots of graffiti over here those a wins winless is missing Torquay licious ladder there that kind of clerk Oh Smurf you lates as it rotates around the corner there's some really bizarre art in this mine for being this old really bizarre I just I'm still going it's just still cranking along must have it's another beautiful fault wall just keeps going and going and going I've gone probably at least three-quarters of a mile look at this this must be where they put you know somebody really very bizarre this video is gonna get and this looks like in it just runs into a face that's it 3000 feet of safety fuse piece of a show tit end of the line yeah so there's a camera but what it was called there's a says federal law forbids sale of reuse of this bottle so it was probably medicinal there was something that they drank back in the turn of the century that was like opium in a bottle I can't remember the name of it was I took it for headaches and stuff like that you see the old plate over here boxy plate oh yeah lunch out of that yeah nice Wow dude dude well that's an interesting it's all kinds of art here don't shoot me oh yes I will we heard wow that's it it's just the way this fault is angled and it's so flat it creates like a weird kind of audio thing here's the old denim or the old jeans and what does it say yeah pennies Big Mac not JC Penney's just panties anyway we're heading out getting up out here is gonna be suicide and rappelling is easy climbing is hard huh where are you oh so we can connect and go up the manway okay that's gonna save a lot I'm gonna go back and bust out the Tide Pods to celebrate all right so back at the shaft station got or the leaking oil a bunch of drills there and we got the fab versus the Tide Pods new versus old it's kind of a nice display look at that look at that advertising hasn't changed new fab new the only difference is this one says nuevo style got to have that multilingual child guard zipper thing in there I wonder if those 15 cents anyway skip car or car flat car flat car all bottled water drills leaking oil time to get out of here snack Grande bulb go ahead this is going up the quote-unquote man way dust way all right so this is the man way we're almost at the top see that there okay let's look down you can light that up shoots shoots and ladders and it's hard to video this but at least we won't have to white you're clear a lot to redundancy okay last man's almost up done with this video until next time
Channel: Mine Explorers
Views: 29,283
Rating: 4.8275862 out of 5
Id: DhJjsOBMx5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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