Exploring the NEW Andretti arcade!

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hey guys we've never been to before [Music] trust me there are a lot of games there's so many games video but don't worry that's a later problem there be more than one bingo here let's get down there to play some games start it off we're gonna play let's bounce chris is gonna go first let's see how well she can do she has 30 seconds to try and make all those red platforms turn blue and she started oh if the balls bounce back to you that's good that's a good thing Chris you have 23 seconds you only have a limited amount of balls in this game that's what makes it difficult it's okay you got one at least you got another one I don't know how many balls you have left keep track only have 10 seconds though yeah so it's kind of like a speed game but not super speedy four seconds three two one oh wow yeah so you were going way too slow your final score was 1885 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop talking I heard that [Music] I did worse that time eight to go so this is an interesting black hole this is a prized version so what chefs do is is you get into the wind hole right here she can pick one of these prizes down there so we're terrible at this game let's say that beforehand you're so bad at this but let's see if Chris can do it so it says oh you get bonus ball to make it into the pot when it's lit oh that's cool all right let's see oh man that was too hard well see this just this is a new arcade the games are like fresh and they're really set precise so now she's gonna have to do a little bit softer I'd see that was that was better Oh light up light up oh okay no I would have got a bonus ball I feel like yeah if it was lit so won't you hit it it stops there okay so she you get bonus ball pusher would you go for if you do win she wants the blue to a t-shirt that's like a weird Kodak for not there's only not that is alright you ready Chris try again I'm gonna try this after her I think I can get it the only way it's ever gone the jackpot on this game out of us mean you all right here comes oops dude those good Oh actually wait [Music] [Music] [Music] hard [Music] next up is hyper shoot alright Chris I think you can do what this because the hoop is very very large back there and it's tilted at an angle so with this game what you're going to do is trying to make as many back-to-back as you can so it's not about like I think you do actually have to go pretty fast to keep the streak out like see she missed that because she hit the rim now she's on the streak of three are now she's I got one so the goal in this is to get as many consecutively as you can what do you say oh yeah the lights do follow the law I didn't even notice that I knew that before but then I forgot oh yeah she gets up to a five in succession and she'll get five points for each one so she had one point two points three points for that one Jeff four point for that one five points okay get five points keepo five points keep going Oh see because you're going there fast enough it doesn't count as a back to back one oh wow you guys 72 I think the high score is 185 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beanbag toss come on Chris all yet the gay is 51,000 so she has to get three of the same color to get the bones all right she's going for the Reds oh wow she hit the plastic to read all right we're ready for beanbags in this one okay so she got the bonus here now she's going for the dream forward reward oh no she work for the red instead oh she worked for the red again so when the beanbags aren't coming out she's hitting tonight there's a acrylic right there she keeps hitting it is that the end of the game oh so she got 13,500 plus the one red streak bonus which will be another 5,000 so I should be 18500 from the universe or something right it's like a galaxy oh I didn't see that one that's my defense I didn't see that so she's going for this blue one right here you going for the head all right she's going for the head grab and sit at the body grab we're gonna find out if that's a good grab oh she does have a big head like Chris oh you're looking way over for the body the Sun don't there may be even children big head in what if that supposed to be Hello Kitty or like Hello Kitty sister or something because why is it blue maybe she said you gotta save her because she said well why is that the one jeez I'm not having the blue that's like what Sonny except you could still ruin it here you could ruin it are you good for just for the head right oh if you just wiggle it yeah just wiggle the car back and forth it know it so I think it's bringing back the other way yeah you know 20 seconds you win I don't know how you have to go for this Chris but you're gonna win at home please this is the weirdest person I know I know some weird people yes that is really awesome [Music] so what I do is first the carton is off the wall down is drunk and you want to make into the Super Bowl urn where to drop it for the one of these super boy [Music] that should be boys balls I just want to see if I can go over the boards boys good we're gonna get bonus ball over and over and over [Music] [Music] to this [Music] Crystal's gonna give it a try maybe she can get us another 500 tickets all right let's see did she learn the timing for me let's see did she oh it actually hit it all right she got 30 yes anything is ever gonna get in there that's 30 on to the system count down to 500 everyone that's an additional 30 on to that I'll take it all right there goes [Music] where's that I didn't see that way oh it's a torch it was at one time third time's a charm you have to learn it took like six times a learning you're gonna learn I know you will go again first time playing I believe like in the wild I refer to the wild as being an arcade and so the prevention because Convention wasn't the wild so in this game you can collect the cards there's like nine of them if you collect all the character cards playing the golden Tiki you know she gets you get five thousand tickets here what the golden ticket by yourself that's Gustave right I believe that screw stop no Augustus sorry Omar said Gustav its Augustus I don't know why I said that don't judge me I don't know why oh yeah when the golden ticket does come out so now she pricks on every time she presses the button lights up reviving the game board back in the back I think you push one more innocent give you a spending yes do not say give me a spin golden ticket I don't think you control this part I think it doesn't by itself oh yeah put your two tickets I think they are maybe it's double one though I don't know so yeah if she can get the daughter ticket ill sit there going ticket for my hearing right there BAM I into their own fries area yes I hope it goes to the Bison area she's she's trying to get these cards right here sauce they are charming I want Charlie to drop all the points to the bucket yellow some chickens so how many points you have to put in before it actually does the spin 20 things like 20 at Missy 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 25 that is a time I wonder how many coins it takes before the train to pay out a ticket I've lured a ticket for two more coins you'll get another spin oh no he said something oh I don't know what he said I can't press the button while it's doing this maybe good personnel oh yeah so you can press it to stop it I don't know maybe you can actually time try time I waited card it is Charlie Szold oh my gosh Willy Wonka fans out there we're going so mad at you yes that is slugs worth he's the bad guy you filming these one trying to steal the recipe Oh Mickey come first all right last one no oh wow since you called it we won't but that's why they're winning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this prize Walker come on Chris let's see if you can get this she wants to go for that plankton so this game is actually just like he mastered but harder I think you did too earlier I'll explain why it's too hard a second one she um this is here yes so what makes this one harder is that it has three buttons you press the one that makes it go over to the right you can't control it back and forth after that this chest press the second button once it goes up and then the third button makes it go in but the habit thing that makes it even harder is if you look on these you can actually see little notches and then so you can only win it in that notch I believe yeah I can actually zoom in on an ox later but right now I just want to see this community it's all about timing oh I'm a looks good that looks pretty good that notches right there to the right you were a Minaj it just went a little bit right let me zoom in on that notch you see my mouse right there guys a little plastic knobs where is the key component it in there it's on all of them so there's one right there to just make it perfectly in there I'm gonna stop talking I'll let you talk if you want but I'm gonna be quiet a long time but you're right there where the notch is you're actually getting it you're actually getting it perfectly lined up to the right you're just not getting it tip it off you'll get it fresh you'll get it to blow again but you're - backward you're right there Chris you're just going a little too early I wonder if the notch is the same on that one as it is down here so if you lined up a rule should you lie on the bun that would okay that makes me a little bit easier oh just a little bit too hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thirty-six [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is gonna wrap it up on snaky tickets so can you go anywhere on this version like just try moving around I'm moving around the joystick yeah you can so you can actually move the joystick go wherever she wants so the other version that we played you can only go back to row games snake remember game Chris I don't think you can eat yourself though don't touch yourself so she if she can be 130 she'll win a thousand tickets here she's trying to focus she's not try listening to me which I would advise the red tickets are normally worth five so oh my gosh don't get yourself I don't think you can I don't think normal you can don't do it I want to feel they let you is the fence electric here I think so right because sometimes you can't touch the fence on different versions you can't touch the fence at something you can't touch the fence there's a 5-1 on the right you just bounce off the fence here so you if you hit the pinch of bounced off of you okay okay just making sure you know oh you actually can't touch yourself so that's good to know she's losing it she's losing it don't hit those spiky balls you you have to be a hundred and thirty to get 2,000 try again so now that we know the rules on this one because I'm always different should I forget your tickets on that one but this time we know all the rules so maybe you can do a lot better I got scared for you so on this one you're actually allowed to hit off the walls so she's getting up the wall is bounced off of them and then she can go around in a circle on herself so yeah cuz some of them if you touch yourself it kills you instantly hit the wall on the outside that's electrified it kills you but here the only thing that will kill you is the electric balls there is it like the mom is the knob joystick is it really over sponsor okay good because sometimes are not very responsive and especially since this place is brand new it's gonna be really responsive there's another five behind you I'm trying to help you a little bit I'm gonna be quiet though and once you get to like 30 because crystal gets very anxious these come escape all right some would be quiet now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's a prize area guys it's not the victory lane redemption in we're not gonna go look over there no because we'll get too excited and want to spend our tickets and we're not gonna spend our tickets cuz we're gonna save them because there are some awesome prizes that wouldn't want to get but they cost a lot chickens but we won't leave here with something you still want miss Hello Kitty awesome Sailor Moon Hello Kitty I said Hello Kitty too many times there it's a sad hello it's gonna be half because it's going home with us they can join the prize room right all right guys we hope you enjoyed this video thanks so much for watching [Applause]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 935,995
Rating: 4.7948866 out of 5
Keywords: andretti park, andretti, andretti indoor karts and games, andretti karts, andretti arcade, andretti orlando, andretti arcade orlando, arcade, arcades, arcade games, arcade orlando, orlando arcade, plush time wins, ptw, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade fun
Id: j3lhq0lZIz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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